Friday, April 29, 2011

"Dad I have an idea." Uh oh!

Way back in September of last year I wrote about my daughter's arrival, and how it upended my world. In a good way of course. (Well mostly.)

What I did not share with you at the time was that my daughter arrived in Anchorage with a very specific goal in mind.

Inspired by the tax credits approved for studios making films in Alaska, my daughter decided to come up here and open a film studio.  You heard me, OPEN A FILM STUDIO!

Not only that, but she wanted it to be a "green" film studio.  You know, a film studio that would have the least impact on the environment as humanly possible.  One that would be powered by renewable energy and use several energy saving techniques to keep costs low and pollution at a minimum.

And she wanted to do this at only 23 years of age!

Now it took me awhile to decide what my role in all of this would be. 

Do I endorse her ideas wholeheartedly, and prepare to provide emotional support when the harsh sting of reality ripped jagged holes in her dreams?  Do I try to talk her out of wasting her time on such fantasies and suggest more attainable goals?  Or do I ridicule her for shooting for the moon when she has not yet learned to navigate successfully around THIS planet?

Well I was one of those fathers who always told his child she could do ANYTHING. 

You all know how much I hate being a hypocrite, so really what choice did I have?  I supported her of course. In fact I even suggested some ideas, such as scouting locations for the studio in Palmer instead of trying to buy an overpriced lot here in Anchorage.

I also took her to the bank and sat beside her only to witness her crestfallen face when she was turned down for the loan she needed as seed money.

I went along with her to see a musk ox farm that she thought would be perfect, if she could only talk the owner into FIRST letting her turn it into a studio, and THEN start buying it from him in installments when the money started rolling in. (He did not go for it, but you would be surprised how long  it took him to finally say no to my daughter's hopeful face.)

I helped her to buy a new Apple computer so that she could better communicate with potential investors and build websites.

And I tried to be the voice of reason when she over extended herself, and her own personal cheerleader when she became frustrated, or felt the harsh sting of defeat.

But of course you know how all of this was destined to turn out don't you?  I mean she is ONLY twenty three years old.

Yes, but she is also MY daughter.

Let me introduce you to Glenn Studios.

Situated on a 10-acre site, Glenn Studios Campus is comprised of 4 multi-purpose sound stage areas, eight (8) production offices, and assorted ancillary spaces. In addition Glenn Studios will also feature an on-site gym, cafeteria, indoor parking and a certified(subject for approval) Helipad.

Glenn Studios™ location is 40-45 minutes North of Anchorage on the Glenn Hwy next to the state fair grounds. Hence the name "Glenn Studios".

This location works for just about any scale film that comes to Alaska. This structure has a great deal of appeal as a sound stage. Glenn Studios is also the perfect location as a "base camp" for so many production that film in Palmer/Wasilla area.

Yep, that's her studio alright, and right now there are currently thirty five films that have received the "green light" to start filming in Alaska and Glenn Studios is the ONLY studio that is positioned right now to meet their needs.

I know right?

So currently my daughter is the Studio Production Coordinator, which essentially means she runs the place. And if that weren't enough she is also working two other jobs to make ends meet until they get their first big check, which is made somewhat easier by the fact that she is living with me rent free. (But really how could I NOT do my part to invest in the future of Alaska film making, while also supporting my daughter's dreams?)

As if that were not enough excitement for one household, I also have my daughter's girlfriend, and my newly "adopted" daughter, performing in the local stage production of Tommy.

Bent Alaska has a great review, as well as show times and ticket prices. So if you are in Anchorage and looking for an evening of great entertainment, you would be hard pressed to find anything comparable to this stunning performance.

So if you are wondering how it feels to be the least talented, and potentially least successful, person living in my house, I have to say it feels pretty damn good. Pretty damn good indeed!

So take heed my fellow parents, because there is always the chance that when you tell your child they can do ANYTHING, that they will actually take that as a challenge!  And someday grow up to blow your freaking mind!


  1. That's amazing! Congratulations to her, and to you. She sounds like a shrewd and determined young woman. I wish her the best and look forward to more posts about her endeavors.

  2. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Fucking A Gryph.

    This is very great. Best wishes, kudos, congrats and all that shit.

    Vicariously so proud.

  3. Awesome! Congrats to your daughter and to you.

  4. California Dreamin'5:54 PM

    That is awesome! I wish her all the best!

  5. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Wow, I'm impressed!
    Good for her and good for you on raising such a determined, ambitious and talented kid.
    Now, can you bottle that formula?

  6. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Very Cool !

  7. Congratulations to all three of you Gryphen, I hope she is very successful, and if she is so will you be.

  8. Anonymous5:59 PM

    That is truely an amazing and inspiration story!!
    You must be so proud.Congrads to your daughter!!!!!!!!111

  9. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Congratulations Jesse! I bet Grandma is proud too....

  10. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Yay for successful daughters!
    Raised by a great dad, right?

  11. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Gryphen, that is so wonderful. You are a great father and your daughter is obviously eons ahead of her time and a great business woman. Cheers to you both!

  12. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I adore Gryphen the Blogger.

    Gryphen the Modern Theologan makes me think.

    Gryphen the Truth Warrior makes me proud to don my tinfoil hat.

    Gryphen the Investigator is an intrepid a journalist as they come.

    But it's Gryphen the Daddy whom I love hearing from most.

  13. Punkinbugg6:11 PM

    As the parent of a freshman theatre major, who lives nowhere near New York, I salute you.

    Best advice a parent can give: "Figure out what you love, then figure out a way to make money doing it. Then you'll never work a day in your life."

    Sounds like your young 'un did the figuring! Break a leg, lil Ms. Gryphen!!

  14. emrysa6:14 PM

    that's an inspiring story gryphen, enjoyed it.

  15. angela6:15 PM

    What an incredible kid you have Gryphen . . .and a talented adopted daughter too.

    You are a good man.

  16. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Thats pretty sweet!

    sidenote: justin Gaston, Miley Cyrus' bf, is playing Levi Johnston is Game Change. Also, Sarah Paulson is playing Nicolle Wallace, which makes me lose slight respect for her. Sarah Paulson is gorgeous and a sweet sweet lady. I worked with her on broadway. But Justin Gaston is hot. Levi looks like jethro.

  17. Anonymous6:16 PM

    You're a good man Gryph and an even better father! Kudos to you and best of luck to your wonderful daughter.

  18. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Congrats to the entrepreneurs. Just make sure to get rent paid in advance. Hollywood is notorious for not paying on time. A few years back I had a tenant whose rent was paid by the big talent agency CMA, it was always late. They were writing a script and if they didn't get pages they liked they took it out on me.

  19. Anonymous6:21 PM


  20. Anonymous6:29 PM

    You sound like a (justifiably) proud Dad. Congratulations to all involved. Great to be so young, know exactly what you want, go out work for it and achieve that goal. Also, to have a parent who supports you 100% with encouragement.

  21. 'Way back in September' was only 7 freakin' months ago. What an amazing accomplishment! I'm so excited for all of you!

  22. Good for your daughter, hope it works out great for her and she has a wonderful life.

  23. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Hey look! it's our first glimpse of Bristol Palin at whcd events

  24. Anonymous6:47 PM


  25. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Wishing her the best of luck.
    Also, what a difference from you know who's daughter.

  26. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Wonderful! But, sad to say, I am concerned about her safety and wellbeing, hoping she is left undisturbed as the flying monkeys fly!

  27. Anonymous6:51 PM

    That's waaaaaay too awesome and cool! Congrats to your daughter, and good on you for not being the "you can't" dad! How many of us heard THAT? My dad was always a huge cynic, and always came off as silently judgmental. Not a good combination. Never stopped me though!

    I wish your daughter the very best, and you *might* be looking at your future old folks home funding, haha.

    Keep us updated on how things go!

  28. You have a cool daughter.

  29. This is awesome & impressive!

    May she have a long-lasting, productive & healthy career.

    Don't sell yourself short, my bet is you could help your daughter with your writing skills & great humor.

    Congratulations to both your daughters & Glen Studios - & you too, for being such a great dad!


  30. OT Gryph, did you see this?

  31. Nan (aka roswellborn)7:01 PM

    That rocks!

    You're right, after a lifetime of "you can do anything you set your mind to"... there's no way you can rain on that parade. Besides, the parade might just pass you by!

    It sounds wonderful and terrific and downright spiffy. All the best...


  32. scarlet/oregon7:02 PM

    So nice to have 'tears of happiness' reading your Post tonight.

    There is nothing in the world like finding your passion and having it become a daily job....

    Congratulation to your Pride & Joy and wishing her tons of good energy.

    Look forward to updates from her proud Dad.

  33. Lisabeth7:06 PM

    She soounds like a great kid and a wonderful person!!
    You are very lucky and so is she. A lot of creative young people don't get support from their parents.
    Keep us posted- I bet she will do great

  34. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Gryphen, as one parent to another it is a wonderful feeling when our children succeed and get to fulfill their dreams.
    Be proud Gryphen, be very proud :)

  35. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I'm proud of her/them with you, Gryph!

    Our kids do make us bubble up, there is no doubt.

  36. Anonymous7:21 PM

    So is there a little corner somewhere that dad can sneak in and do some sort of "podcast"?

  37. Anonymous7:27 PM


    I don't know what Bristol has had augmented more ,her chin or her breasts? I mean,her chin looks like it needs a bra,but now her boobs look like her chin.Instead of a boob job she should have had those ham hock upper arms done or at least hired a stylist to tell her not to wear little flutter sleeved tops and to skip the wierd Mercury the messenger God shoes at home.She is starting to look like Octomom!

  38. Anonymous7:35 PM

    LOVE it!

  39. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck7:41 PM

    We shall keep our eye on this young woman and her new business. Very happy for all three of you.

    good luck and break a leg.

  40. Anonymous7:48 PM

    AWESOME!!!! Great news and Good luck!!!

  41. Good news is always welcome. Enjoy.

  42. Anonymous8:02 PM

    You go girl!

  43. It is wonderful that you are there to see her success first hand, and to help. The true joy of being a parent.

  44. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Congratulations to your daughter. She is a wonderful young lady.

  45. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Congratulations and Namaste, Gryph and extended family!
    Sometimes, everything in the universe lines up just right and proves the hard work of parents, the quiet steady hand that guides the next generation gets rewarded for the blood, sweat, tears, worry, and many sleepless nights.
    It's not bragging, it's recognizing an honor your child has bestowed upon you.

  46. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Congratulations to your daughter and to you! You've done a good job as a Dad. She's a lucky girl to have you as a dad and you are lucky to have a daughter like her. 23 years old and on her way...impressive!

  47. Anonymous8:49 PM

    You're a good dad, Gryphen. With a great daughter that you can be very proud of.

  48. Anonymous8:52 PM


  49. woot! doing the happy dance for you and your family!! congratulations from your adoring public!! (also, too, you are no slouch in the creativity pool....)

  50. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Congratulations! I'm very impressed and happy for your family. It's nice to hear good news. Thanks for sharing.

  51. Congrats Gyphen's Daughter!!

    You are a brave young lady, and I wish you all the luck in the world.

    Good on ya!

  52. Congratulations all around! that is awesome.

  53. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Fantastic Griffin! It makes my day to hear such enthusiasm for making a dream come true!

    I am rooting for you both!

  54. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Congratulations from afar! One TINY quibble: "comprised" not "compromised"--an important distinction I know you already know all about. Best wishes for huge success.

  55. ManxMamma10:37 PM

    Gryphen, least talented? Hardly! I think you might qualify for one of the best dads ever! Congrats to your daughter. May all her dreams come true.

  56. WOW! WOW! And WOW again!!!

    A great accomplishment... and I'm not only talking about your daughter. You did good, Gryphen.

  57. Smirnonn1:34 AM

    Congrats to you and your daughters, Gryphen. I can't imagine this happening to a cooler blogger!! The buttons must be popping off your shirt :)

  58. Anonymous2:49 AM

    So there is hope for my 21 year old son who just does not think school is for him............he is cute as hell, and quite charming--need any extras???? Thanks for the hope and congrats on such wonderful news. Break a leg!!!!

  59. Anonymous2:49 AM

    how does this story reflect your mission statement???

    it doesn't.

  60. johnie2xs3:03 AM

    Do I sense a slight note of pride??

    Good Luck to your daughter, and you.

  61. Anonymous3:10 AM

    6:43 pm comment/link

    Gryphen, is this really Bristol? I don't think it looks anything like her except maybe the chubby body.

  62. 6:43 pm

    Bristol Palin???? No resemblance except odd body shape.

    Anyone else?

  63. Brisdull (no idea if that is her) was really mugging for the camera with lots of people. Maybe she is giving out copies of her fake ghostwritten fairytale of a story.

    She really had a new face done, did she hate being a Palin that bad? Very strange!

  64. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Anon @6:02 -
    I couldn't have said it better.

    Gryphen -
    As a child of divorce, I can only add that your daughter is very, very, lucky.

  65. It is wonderful news and I'm so happy for you both!

    Love and light to both of you!

  66. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Very impressive! Congrats!

  67. Virginia Voter3:50 AM

    Gryphen, you are an awesome is very special to have such a cool relationship with your daughter now that she is "all grown up", and it is wonderful to see how you cherish it.

    6:43... Yikes, looks like Bristol is packing on the pounds again. She does not photograph well at all. Her face looks weirdly lopsided.

    Here are more photos of her pallin around with creepy Greta, her husband, and lamestream librul media types:

    Isn't that Sarah's sister?

  68. Your daughter's story reminds me of the quote, 'The journey, not the arrival, matters.'

    Her strength of will and determination are evident as she undertakes this journey. This, along with the love and support that she receives from you, her friends and her lover, will surely increase her odds for success.

    It is a brave choice. This also comes to mind. The Road Not Taken."

  69. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Punkinbugg your advice is absolutely correct! It's heartbreaking to see kids follow their parents' or friends' dreams instead of their own. And I say that as the mom of a successful writer- her childhood dream, pursued in a most unconventional (but perfect for her) way.

    Forget those magazine college "rankings". Go where your heart is!

  70. Anonymous5:27 AM

    There you go. Now that's real frontierswoman spirit and determination. She didn't quit. Maybe your daughter should run for Governor!! Congratulations to you both.

  71. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Congrats to you, proud papa, and your young entrepreneur! Best wishes for much success!

  72. Sharon_too_also6:18 AM

    Another one of your posts that bring tears to my eyes - for all the right reasons.

    You are one great Dad and you and your kids rock.

  73. I was wondering what that strange glow in the night sky was. It is you Gryphen, beaming proud Papa that you are. Tell your daughter I said Congrats.

  74. is for Glenn Studios. It's okay to dream! She is a firecracker on set. We have worked together on projects and she is truly a forward moving spirit. Her experience in the industry and competence behind the scenes on film projects is why I want her large and in charge of film crews. Alaska's film industry will only get better with the thoughtful tools she and other team members created. Meets and exceeds expectations and knows how to come in under budget. With this in mind, Palmer, Alaska will be the film capital of the Northwest with her help. "Girls are smarter than boys are"

  75. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Congratulations and best of luck to her!

  76. How great! Isn't it such a shame that as grownups we tell our children that but then our fears take over when they want to do something we consider impossible?

    I wish her all the best and how utterly exciting!!!!!!

  77. Dude---

    We've all known you're the least successful, least talented person in your household for some time now.....

    (Just messing with you. Keep up the good work).

  78. Shawn's MOM10:35 AM

    The Christy Family in PA is proud of you for raising a wonderful and now soon to be a very successful daughter!!! We wish the best to all of you.

  79. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Congrats to you both.

    The messages that are sent to a child are so huge in shaping their "world view."

  80. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Sincere congratulations to you and your extended family! I will keep my fingers crossed that the state does not renege on the movie credit plan as they did here in Michigan. The new Repub. gov. Cancelled the film credits after many investors put in studio space, prop warehouses and someone started a tech school. Alaska is lucky to have a steadier income stream and you already have a Repub. Government, so she should be safe. Namaste.

  81. out, don't forget SisterSarah hasa studio on the lake...

  82. Anonymous11:44 PM

    HURRAY for your happy home! I am sure you all have lively table talk around there:~)

  83. Hey this was a really fun read. Congrats to all!


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