Saturday, April 02, 2011

Oh, it looks like the Republican debates have already started.

Okay well obviously I am kidding.

For one thing these two babies are SOOO much cuter than any of the current crop of GOP Presidential hopefuls. (Mitt Romney included.) And besides that they are making way too much sense.

Now that you have had your early morning serving of cuteness you can get out there and have a super productive Saturday.


  1. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Not only do they make more sense than any two GOPers, they actually listen to each other, do not interrupt each other, and appear to love one another.

  2. Anonymous5:00 AM

    OMG the cutest slays! What a perfect way to start one's day, a serious discussion about the big things in life.

  3. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Very cute.

    Speaking of Republican debates, these guys can't get out of their own way. They are proposing to run their own debates because they can do them better than the media. They certainly are doing a great job at balancing their own budgets:

    "The debt-racked national party, led by Chairman Reince Priebus, is working feverishly to raise money and is trying to be creative about how to pay back the $21 million they owed as of the end of February." -Politico

    And these debates are going to be fundraisers, too. So that means they will want to encourage names that draw big crowds to run. How will they do that, since a certain one of them doesn't like debates? I would guess a little convincing that the questions will be easy and the format will not allow real debate. That certainly would be unbiased. So it all comes down to money in the end. No wonder they are all messed up. What a great way to enter the presidential election cycle, already in debt. As if the odds aren't already way against them running against Obama. The incentive for underhanded behavior doesn't look good. I can't see them getting that organized, though.

    It looks like FOX is anxious to push candidates to announce since they are having a debate in May.

  4. Jkarov5:25 AM

    hey! They make about as much sense as Terry Jones, the militant xtian xtremist who burns books to incite murder.

    Or Mrs Todd Palin, spraying out nastiness like blood libel, while if she had ONE OUNCE of true leadership or campaign savvy, could have responded to the Gifford shooting and other murders differently.

    Had she actually gone to the memorial in Tucson, and publicly grieved along with the nation, and gently suggested that putting the targets on the map was a mistake, she would have gotten HUGE surge in popularity.

    But no, the valley mean girl has to snap and snark at everyone, and use a term fraught with a history that she CANNOT POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND.

    If you're stuck in SQUIRMISH, and are woefully ignorant of history, philosophy, religion, and civics, you can only rely on RAM and her ilk, and parrot ignorant tripe, and just spray and spew ignorance and hate with your black maw.

    Or what about the brain-dead idiot from Georgia, Bobby Franklin who sponsored a state bill to make it a crime to have a miscarriage without being able to prove you didn't cause it? What denizen of Mordor could possibly come up with anything more repugnant?

    Or what about Ann Coulter, the manniken from hell?
    Famous for saying "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much", after the nation's 9/11 tragedy?

    Or D James Kennedy, a profoundly militant Christian, who was absolutely determined to invade American law and culture with his own brand of legalistic religion. Here's his quote:
    " Our job is to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost. As the vice regents of God, we are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors -- in short, over every aspect and institution of human society."

    Right, Mr Kennedy? What about freedom of speech, press, and worship? Why do you HAVE TO IMPOSE YOUR BELIEFS ON OTHERS?
    Didn't the pilgrims come here to escape that very thing?

    Is it absolutely mandatory that you impose all your own views on your fellow Americans? At what cost to your credibility and our lives? And how exactly does that line up with our existing Constitution?

    Fortunately, there is still some liberty left in America.
    We need to stand up to these fanatics, or we could end up
    in police state of right wing thuggery, similar to Iran

  5. Anonymous5:47 AM

    why does this remind me of obama and hillary? hahahahaha

  6. Anonymous6:42 AM

    why does this remind me of obama and hillary? hahahahaha

    5:47 AM

    Because you're a reactionary a**wipe bot/troll with the usual IQ of @ 80, listening to FAUX NOISE? Or, could it be that you're $carah/Bristol/RAM?

  7. so funny - my husband even watched it and he isn't the biggest fan of cute babies on youtube. what intelligent little boys - i am shocked by how much verbal (dadadada)and nonverbal language is going on there. my impression was that they were discussing the lack of one sock on the baby on the right. and that little guy found it HILARIOUS whilst the boy on the left couldn't get it through to his bro that he really needed to put his sock on (or have mom do it if the motor skills are not there yet.) amazing study in child development, language, the closeness of twins, etc.
    and yes, they are way smarter and more polite than republicans.

  8. sallyngarland, tx9:46 AM

    They definitely have better hair than "The Donald".

  9. Haha. If anyone's interested, I translated this conversation a few days ago over at

    It goes a little something like this:

    2-sock baby is a goody goody control freak disciplinarian planner type who likes things just so. 1-sock baby is rough and tough, independent, curious, adventurous, free spirited and finds it easy to go with the flow in life.

    2-sock baby berates 1-sock baby for losing his sock. 1-sock baby is amused with his brother's choice of grave tone for such a trivial matter. He raises his leg and argues his foot is not hurting from the loss.

    2-sock baby tries to drill some sense into his brother. 1-sock baby remains amused and gestures his brother to back off.

    2-sock baby persists with cogent reasoning in favor of keeping one's toes warm in the nippy month of February. 1-sock baby just doesn't want to hear it and puts his hands up and waves off his brother's words dismissively.

    Exasperated, 2-sock baby imitates the hand movement mockingly. Suddenly, 1-sock baby's brave face falters and he finds himself at a loss for a quick repartee.

    Click on the link for the rest.

  10. Anonymous10:59 AM

    My twin girls used to do the same thing. Except sometimes, they would just look at each other without saying a work and then run off together to do whatever evil deed they had decided upon. And yes, they did the classic one twin unrolling, the other twin stuffing down the toilet thing.

  11. Actually, those boys sounded like $arah answering one of Greta's prescreened questions.

  12. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Ah da da da da da da ah da. Da ah da da da da ha ah da da da!

  13. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Fun to watch them...especially the fact they don't talk upon each young, so cute and so respectful of the other.

    Wouldn't it be fun if we could translate what they are saying? Watching the movement of their arms, legs and feet to include their darling smiles.

    Every part of our body has a wonderful part in 'kind' and entertaining communication.

  14. Anonymous7:32 PM

    They do say that twins can invent their own language. So sometimes they are slow to learn to communicate with others.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.