Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Palin on Greta tonight.

From Politico:

Asked by host Greta Van Susteren about the news of Couric’s departure, Palin said: “Yea, I think I read that in a newspaper” — elongating her pronunciation of “newspaper” — “one of many newspapers that I read, online.” Her inability to answer Couric’s question in 2008 about what newspapers she reads was widely mocked.

“And yea, I hear that she wants to now engage in more multi-dimensional story-telling,” Palin added, “versus, I guess, just the straight-on reading-into-that-teleprompter-screen story-telling. So more power to her. I wish her well with her multi-dimensional story telling.”

Yes that's right.  Palin actually mocked Katie Couric for using a teleprompter in the same interview where she was waving a hand covered with crib notes.

That woman...is an idiot.


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I love that the text beneath her image now identifies her as "frmr AK gov" instead of simply (and erroneously) "Governor Palin," as Faux has tended to do previously. Another small sign, I think, that she's somewhere around 14.37 of her 15 minutes.

  2. She's so damn immature!! And incapable of
    Letting go of things! She's truly a disturbed woman.
    She looks drugged all the time lately.

  3. Anonymous10:26 PM

    From your lips to God's ears...

  4. Anonymous10:34 PM

    She probably did the crib notes on hand thing to attract some more attention. After all, she isn't getting near as much media play as she has. Bring on the hand and somebody will notice and make a big deal about it and she can get a couple more minutes of playing victim - everyone is picking on her again. She is pathetic!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You know the fact that her sweaty palms appear to have smeared her crib notes might explain the word-salad she engages in...

  7. I just came here to tell you to listen to the interview. Could she have been any nastier and more sarcastic about Katie Couric? Sarah really was bitchy, putting her mental issues on full display.

    And there was so much more. I hope you'll post on the rest tomorrow.

    I believe I heard some self-satisfied mocking of the liberal press. Doncha know Obama Birthers are just curious Americans asking questions and the press is trying to make them sound crazy. Pres. Obama could so easily 'revill' the records to put his birther and college issues to rest. Holy Cheezus! Elliott at Salon and the rest who refuse to hold her accountable should crawl into a hole with an untreatable migraine and an IBS attack. All they have to do is turn her words back on her.

    She who used ghostwriters for her books and her facebook page took credit for RAM's most recent 'Note' while she strongly suggested that Bill Ayres wrote the President's memoirs.

    And bragging about her study of energy in AK and how it's all about supply and demand.

    Dang, she's keeping you busy!


  8. $arah's true vile, inner self really is showing these days. Catty, vindictive, condescending, arrogant, bitchy, juvenile, unChristanlike, blech....I need a shower after watching the video.

  9. A vile, unthinkable, third-grader tantrum! Is there any way to get a clear screenshot to see what's scribbled on her palm this time? $arah's 'performance' looks every bit like the meltdown we've been expecting.

  10. I think of her more as an asshole nowadays.

    Of course, she is still an idiot, but just dialed up a few.

  11. She would not survive one week in the real work world. That woman is an idiot.

  12. Anonymous4:02 AM

    not to mention that she carries a notebook to every speech and reads it. But its not a teleprompter. Of course that might be to high tech for granny quitter.

  13. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Damn, Katie Couric still owns her!

  14. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Many I read online! bs

  15. Ok I just watched. She is a hateful, vile bitch. A disgrace to this country.

  16. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Sarah you are washed-up, tanking, and over.

    Let's see, a year from now... Katie Couric will be hosting another successful news show, and Palin will be... um... sitting home eating Crunchwrap Supremes and watching a DVD of her cancelled show.

  17. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Maybe Katie has decided to no longer be censored. Have you noticed how CBS's Early Show looks more like faux news these days? I get the feeling that Katie will be free to finally be honest about her experience with Sarah Palin, which I have been waiting for, breathlessly, for so long.

  18. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Sarah must still have nightmares about the Couric interview.

    Sarah..after all the books come out, Couric will be the least of your problems.

  19. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I didn't listen to it. The mere fact she's still ragging on Couric for asking a damn question and writing on her hand shows me it's more of the same old BS. She'll never grow up.

    Honestly, at least Madonna changed it up every once and while, but then Madonna isn't as stupid or narcissistic as Palin.

  20. Does she really think this act of hers is going to play nationally? That Americans are impressed with her gravitas after these childish rants?

    I am stunned that someone people think should be president, acts like someone on Jersey Shore.

  21. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Eyes look strange indeed.

  22. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Sarah can't do anything right. She must have no concern for what's left of her dignity. Her comments were obnoxious and crass.

    She must still think those hand notes are cute and keep her in touch with us "poor people". Like we don't even have indoor plumbing, yet.

    I wonder if Greta was using a teleprompter... Sarah is like a pitbull in a china shop, unaware of the wreckage in her wake as she carelessly fires shots at her perceived enemies.

  23. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Was silly Sarah in Wascilly in front of the dead lake or in front of the pool in Arizona?

  24. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Loaded to the gills, strange indeed!

  25. Such juvenile behavior - she doesn't seem to have matured past her teenage years. Thank God we have an adult in the White House.

  26. Anonymous5:00 AM

    The former AK governor's glasses were reflecting a teleprompter. Before Greta even got the question out about Katie Couric, Palin's whole face lit up - pure joy in making nasty, jealous remarks.


  27. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Doesn't she know that Katie Couric will still have a media career long after everyone forgets about Sarah Whats-her-face.

  28. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Greta and Sarah, dumb and dumber. Greta used to be okay before she had all that facial surgery and went on fox. Now Greta is just a parrot with talking points and seems enamored of Sarah. Is Greta after Sarah or Todd?

  29. Anonymous5:26 AM


    kinda splains the word salad stuff mebbe

  30. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Can't wait until Sarah Palin is hawking Ulus on the QVC Shopping Network? It is getting close.

  31. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Some one needs to inform Sarah that her continued very public dislike of Katie Couric makes her look like a middle schooler. Sarah, Katie still owns you lol.

  32. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Fascial contortions? Lol She needs to get over herself!

  33. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Damn, three years later, and she still can't get over that interview. Which, I will never understand why she believes was a set up. How much easier can it be to talk about what you read? I mean, maybe a slightly easier question would be "what's your favorite color."

  34. Anonymous6:48 AM

    If Sarah is this vindictive and bitchy towards the media now, imagine how she would be if she were in the WH. Only Fuck News would be invited to press conferences, and all press releases through Facebook and Twitter.

  35. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Sarah just showed her IQ and hate by putting the crosshairs on Couric. Sarah might think that was cute but it just reinforced the facts again and again that Sarah Palin is mentally unstable and not fit to even walk the streets without an escort.

    Couric has no dog in this fight but Sarah once again pulled out the bullying tactics of beating the dog while it was chained to a fence. Sarah Palin and her ilk need to be taken off the streets, she is no better than a gangbanger.

  36. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Somewhere, the devil is smiling cause Sarah is doing his work again.

  37. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Another blown chance to demonstrate personal growth - instead Sarah reveals the emotional maturity of a jr. high mean-girl.

    Katie Couric didn't sink your VP aspirations Sarah, you did it all by yourself.

  38. Poor lil $carah, still smokin' from the burn that Katie heaped upon her thin-skinned backside nearly three years ago.

    Interesting that she chose to put a negative spin on someone wanting to engage in more multi-dimensional story-telling when that is exactly what she opted to do in her own career path.

    In a parallel universe Katie could probably get herself elected Gov of AK sooner than Mrs P could ever find herself capable of sitting in a network news chair, reading a dang teleprompter and garnering the love and support that has followed Couric throughout her long career.

    What Mrs P can do, however, is make whine from sour grapes better than anyone since Nixon.

  39. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Hey..Katie at least finished her 5 year contract. She didn't quit half way through.

  40. lwtjb9:45 AM

    SHE has all the answers if only stupid, lazy, fraudulent, whatever, Obama would just listen to her?

    Is she crazy? Don't answer that. Not necessary.

  41. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Sarah has a problem letting things go. I can envision the inscription on her granite grave stone, "Read this, Katie Couric!" with a beautifully chiseled middle finger salute beneath it.


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