Wednesday, April 27, 2011

According to Pat Robertson women are having abortions so that the lesbians don't get all of the good jobs. Go ahead and read that again, it still won't make any damn sense.

Okay how big is the lesbian work force in this country?  And how come they hate babies so much?

"Think about it a little bit ladies and gentlemen."  Well I did Pat, and my conclusion is that it is past time to get your medication adjusted.

Listen Christians, you need to kick this guy out of the club.  Trust me, he is doing you NO favors.

(H/T to Wonkette.)


  1. Anonymous3:38 AM

    I want ALL religious institutions to be taxed.
    There's no reason for churches or synagogues or mosques to have tax-free status. Absolutely none.

  2. Anonymous4:11 AM

    If Pay-lin, Bachmann, Huckabee, or Pawlenty got elected President we could get people like Robertson appointed to the cabinet, and all through the government.

    GW Bush thought it was fine to have Robertson University new grads supervising and firing 25 year veteran US Attorneys. Look up the story of Monica Goodling

    I did some reading on C4P yesterday, and some of them were commenting that they were going to bring out the long knives, and bury the carcasses of the Queen's opponents.
    The christian supremacists believe this is their country, and all the rest of us can just get to the back of the bus. The Christian States of America is their dream.

    Their plan for the rest of "pagans" non believers, and atheists is to be slaves, and they aren't ashamed to say it

    Read up on the charlatan named David Barton, who is writing your kids textbooks, and would be the star advisor to Huckabee or Gingrich. I'm sure Paylin loves him too.

  3. If you dressed that clown in a dirty coat and handed him a sign reading "The End is Near" you could stick him on a street corner with the other unmedicated religious schitzoids and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

  4. Anonymous4:28 AM

    ^ ^
    0 0 (Jaw dropping)
    ( L )

  5. Anonymous4:31 AM

    What a complete idiot!

  6. Anonymous4:41 AM

    You see where Sarah Palin has taken the level of public speaking? Whatever the fuck he said didn't make any sense, is that what he was implying? All the gays I know love babies and have plenty of them, moreso than our traditional family make-up across the country.

    Conservatives just hate women.

  7. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Gryphen, didn't you know that your daughter is taking all the jobs away from all the straight married women and traditional providers of American households?

    Yeesh. Leave something for the rest of us struggling folk. Especially Bristol and Sarah, they are hard ass workers.

  8. Ditto what Morgan said!

  9. Where do they come up with this crap?!!

  10. Anonymous5:00 AM

    That man needs a straight jacket and some tea bags for his hood.

  11. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:17 AM

    No, sorry, "Mr." Robertson. Lesbians and Liberals don't "hate" babies. Informed people know they have a choice in how they lead their own lives, and wizened old warthogs such as yourself should mind their own business. Oh, wait. It IS a busine$$, right? So please confine yourself to barking at your miserable, deranged, uber-Xtian bottom feeders (who WILL end up being the slaves of the Corporate NeoCon Serfdom, should that nightmare ever come to pass).

  12. Anonymous5:25 AM

    How to cause Robertson's brain to explode:

    It's started to make it's way to the media that adoptions by gay couples work out better than many straights!!! The kids are loved, well adjusted and you can pretty much bet on - they'll be Dem's!!!

    Yea - it's the gays that are adopting all those 'forced' to have kids because of the cavemen attitude of the Rethuglicans.

  13. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Sorry, but this is when I call Obama a whimp

    The White House has released a copy of his birth certificate.

    Fuck Obama - let the morons continue to shoot themselves in the foot. If Obama can't stand up to them on this, what is he truthfully good for. No wonder millionaires have tax breaks. No wonder universal healthcare didn't make it. Etc., Etc., Etc.

    Sorry - but he just tanked in the respect category. Why doesn't he just slap on an "R" on his lapel.

    Oh Hillary, please come back.

  14. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Oh! I'm so glad he explained that. I know the answer! Approve gay marriage and end all barriers to adopting for gays. There. Problem solved.

  15. Anonymous5:59 AM

    5:33: I think he was smart to release the birth certificate. It's really a non-issue, and he proved them to be loons for making such a huge fuss over it. I've been expecting him to do this for a while.

  16. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I agree with the comment at 3:38 am. The tax-free status of religions should be eliminated. For the last couple of decades churches have been becoming increasingly political. They even have lobbyists! How can you get more political?

  17. Randall7:03 AM

    Tax the churches.
    Tax the businesses owned by the churches.
    Tax the hell out of the multi-millionaire televangelists:
    Pat Robertson
    Joel Osteen
    Franklin Graham
    Joyce Meyers
    et. al.

  18. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Come on people, you're all missing the OBVIOUS solution this morning. Round up all the Lesbians, artificially inseminate them by force, keep them in jail until they have the babies, and then... voila. They'll be on a "level playing field" with all those married women who can't compete because they have kids. Easy-peasy. I actually shocked Robertson didn't think of this himself!

  19. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Pat Robertson far removed from being a Christian.

  20. Mr. Robertson:
    Are you aware that many Lesbians have children of their own? Some have children the usual way and when they are divorced keep the children. Far from hating babies, some Lesbian couples have a baby with artificial insemination because they want children.
    As usual, you don't have a clue about anything outside your little cult.

  21. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I'm so sick of these fake christians. i agree with comments here about religion becoming a big business. Most of these ministers are nothing but motivational speakers. They have convienced their members that there is nothing wrong with having gobbs of money and if they were real christians they would have nothing to do with politics.From what I see these churchgoes have no problem with getting some kind of check and going out and making as much cash money and not reporting it. They want the 10 commandments to be the center peice of everything- one is tho shalt not lie (they lie continuely) thou shalt not ( they steal everyday from the american people)thou shalt not covet.( they can't stand anyone having social security , decent job, pension, medicare, healthcare,education roads bridges or anything to improve america - only more tax ciuts for the RICH and Corportations) God wouldn't know any of these people. I always though I was just a democrate but now I have learned that I must be a socialest democrate, to even think these things are important..

  22. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Oh...My...God! Pat, Pat, Pat.....lesbians and gay men have babies. They have families. There are gay pro-lifers, pro-choicers, and their religious and political preferences run the gamut.

    Pat, you always jump to condemn people. Haven't you ever heard the saying, "Don't judge lest ye be judged?" Well, I now judge you to be a certifiable idiot.

  23. Gasman9:36 PM

    I think I can explain Pat Roberston's batshit crazy riffs: untreated syphilis. I know it's hard to believe that any creature would actually want to engage in any kind of sexual act with this repulsive troglodyte, but I figure even he could have paid someone to do him.

    His shame at his naughtiness kept him from seeking medical attention and it's been percolating all this time. Maybe as long as 25 years, or more, ago he paid some woman, man, or goat to show him a good time. The extra gift Robertson got from his pleasure buddy was the wee little bacteria treponema pallidum which began boring into Pat's brain. Now, all this time later, he's got a raging case of neurosyphilis general paresis. Neurosyphilis general paresis usually presents with dementia. And it simply gets worse over time. REMIND you of anyone?

    A batshit crazy loon who gets batshittier by the day? Why that sounds just like Pat Robertson. Pretty soon his willy will fall off and he'll just sit around slobbering on himself.

    At least we won't have to listen to his insipid, bigoted, bullshit any longer.

  24. Anonymous9:46 PM

    YEah, 5:59, but he played it sooo well. Waited until they'd stepped waaaay over into obviously crazy tinfoil hat conspiracy just a front to hide the racism. And now there's no denying it.


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