Monday, April 25, 2011

Politico writes about the blogging community that has worked so hard to reveal the truth about Sarah Palin.

From Politico:

This self-styled anti-Palin movement – whose members span the globe and are mostly, but not exclusively, liberals – has been behind some embarrassing revelations about the former Alaska governor, her family and allies. But some of their leading theories have been thoroughly discredited, and earned them widespread criticism.

Yet that only seems to have hardened a commitment to accomplishing what they profess to be their ultimate goal: the absolute and complete exposure of Palin as a fraud unworthy of a role in American civic life. And now, with Palin edging back into the political spotlight in the face of flagging poll numbers, they believe that they are closer than ever to achieving it.

A number of forthcoming books promise to delve deeply into – and, they believe, give mainstream credibility to – some of the more salacious Palin rumors and conspiracy theories that have sprouted in the anti-Palin blogosphere and on supermarket tabloid stands, but have mostly been rejected by the mainstream media.

Vogel gets some of his facts wrong, such as assuming that the questions about Trig's birth have been put to rest, but he does a pretty thorough job of reporting about the impact that the blogs have had on Palin's credibility, and that they have cleared a path for for the upcoming books by Dunn, Bailey, and McGinniss to deliver the coup de grace.

I probably could have come off better in the article, but I certainly have been treated worse by reporters in the past, so no worries.


  1. Ratfish7:09 AM

    From the lies about eloping to save her parent money (truth: she was knocked up) to the Bridge to Nowhere (Palin never told Congress "thanks but no thanks) to being for low taxes (Parnell is trying to reverse her high tax "legacy") Palin spews forth one fabrication after another.

    She is intellectually celibate, also, too.

    You betcha.

  2. Anonymous7:11 AM

    G, thank you for being so brave. If WGE had your thick skin she really would be dangerous! Stay strong!

  3. Anonymous7:15 AM

    "...the absolute and complete exposure of Palin as a fraud unworthy of a role in American civic life."

    A role in civic life? Working part time at Fox?

    If she ain't running, she's a fraud!

  4. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Proud of you and very grateful, G. Melly

  5. Shawn's MOM7:18 AM

    All you people out there who post comments against Palin better watch out....She will file restraining orders against you as well. Seems like that's what she does when someone says something negative about her. Funny, she comments on everyone else who says something bad about her but she won't talk to the Christy's...Wonder why? Maybe she has something to hide.

  6. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Gryph, you and the other bloggers can claim victory is making sure she is exposed. No way to tell how much your reporting was beneficial to the authors of the books coming and if we had not all stayed on top of all this. Miss Wasilla might still have some kind of favorables!

  7. DebinWI7:22 AM

    You know what? This will help, because now it will spark interest in what else we have uncovered about the half-term governor that makes her a fraud. It also shows that it isn't entirely from the left, which is key. I think it was a great article. Perhaps he's a secret IM and/or "gates" fan?? One could only hope. Welcome, Kenneth! Maybe he can also uncover the many gates Walker is creating, since he went to school at UW-Madison.

  8. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I think you came off just fine, Gryphen. I enjoyed the article. I think it will have more people looking into everything Palin.

  9. Virginia Voter7:29 AM

    The best part of this article are the comments...the bots are out in full force, pounding out rebuttals about Obama, the healthcare law, Scott Walker, etc, throwing out everything and the kitchen sink in order to change the subject.

    It's like the same handful of psychos posting over and over again. Face it bots, Sarah's skeletons are busting down the closet door she has so desperately tried to seal shut.

    I eagerly await the arrival of the Palin Fairy Tale trolls to report back on Sarah's loving and supportive family, dinners at Applebees, and other useless information. Please don't disappoint me trolls.

  10. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Gryphen... walk tall and be proud of what you have helped accomplish.

    The end for Sarah is nearing.

    Thank you for all of your efforts and those of other bloggers.

  11. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Well, the eloping thing wasn't really a lie. Neither family had money for a wedding. They just withheld the pg out of shame. Not a bad thing. They were in love and knew what needed to be done. That's not a good argument to make against Sarah. There are plenty others that actually hold water.

  12. Anonymous7:34 AM

    She may do it in ways that angers the left, but one cannot deny Sarah has alone inspired lots of young people to stand up and start questioning how things are run in DC. Someone needs to write a book on that and that alone.

  13. Anonymous7:44 AM

    anon at 7:33
    In Love???? Sarah and Todd? Then why was she pregnant with Curtis Menard's baby if she was so in love?

  14. Anonymous7:45 AM

    @7:33 - if they were so in love, why was she carrying another man's child?

  15. Lynne7:46 AM

    I pre-ordered all three books last night. Got to support the troops!

  16. Ratfish7:50 AM

    Anonymous @ 7:33 said "Well, the eloping thing wasn't really a lie. Neither family had money for a wedding. They just withheld the pg out of shame. Not a bad thing. They were in love and knew what needed to be done. That's not a good argument to make against Sarah. There are plenty others that actually hold water."

    First of all, they could have had a court house wedding, an inexpensive wedding, a potluck, or whatever. Second, Palin's folks- her dad was a teacher- have as much money as most Alaskans- and could have afforded a wedding as much as anyone.

    Shame about being pregnant? Then why did Palin have no problem outing Bristol on the national stage to defuse the Trig rumors, when all she had to do was trot out her doctor and/or provide a birth certificate. The real shame is that she needlessly embarrassed her 17 year old daughter.

    Finally, why tell the story at all?

    The fact is that Palin was knocked up, and then she runs around preaching abstinence for everyone else.

    Typical lies and hypocrisy from the Palin Klan.

  17. Why doesn't Sarah Palin get what she deserves?

  18. Anonymous7:52 AM

    In Wesley Loy's article the Desperate housewives reference may actually help to reinforce babygate instead of refuting it. The main character fakes a pregnancy in order to cover up for an unmarried daughter who gave birth to a son named Benjamin Van deKamp if I remember correctly. Trig's full name is Trig Paxson Van Palin.

  19. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Sarah Palin is an alternative empiricist. Instead of feeling with senses facts that are agreed upon in consensus, she feels the facts of her emotions and desires and memories -- much the way that Ronald Reagan did when he recalled his time fighting the Japanese in World War 2 or the way that W. Bush did when he connected Hanukkah to Osama bin Laden's cold heart. Logic isn't showing the way as much as association, desire, and emotion are.

    Thus, the imagined pioneer life replaces the actual life, probably in her memories as well as her speeches, and she is, in her actual understanding, a terrific victim of everyone she calls names.

    Jonathan Swift, in "Digression on Madness," suggested that a madman might be emperor if he sounded out the string of craziness in his mind and found it resonating with sufficient numbers of strings in the minds of his audience. The Dean never imagined such a madman on the cover of Runner's World.

  20. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Anon @7:34

    Sarah is what is wrong with government. Self-interested, self-advancing, individuals that have no compuction with lying and little concern for serving the greater good. And the support systems that sustain them. What I appreciate about Sarah Palin, is that she helped to expose the trash heap that is our MSM, and not because she says so. The MSM is bigger than Sarah, unfortunately they are not better.

  21. Anonymous7:54 AM

    @7:34 - angers the left? Honey bunch, it's the Right who's coming after her now. Wake up & smell the coffee.

  22. You did well, came off as very credible, and they spelled your name right. What more could one ask?

    OTOH, the article was pathetic overall: It didn't get into any of the hundreds of lies Dunn has catalogued so well, and didn't delve deeper than a mm or so into why so many of us feel she is so unfit to govern her own home, let alone be in charge of the launch codes to a thermonuclear apocalypse.

    Stayed entirely clear of her wacky religious beliefs and those excruciatingly painful months as governor between mid-November 2008 and July 2009, when, combined with her own terrible decision making, we drove her over the edge, and as my 92 yo mom put it in 2009, "Chased her out of Alaska so that she can destroy the Republican Party for the next 20 years."

    A general rule on Palin, Gryph, is that if a big article like this one ends by quoting you, her minions will only remember that and go after you. Shore up those defenses and let me know if you need any help.

  23. Lynne8:07 AM

    You came out of that article looking just fine, Gryphen. I didn't see any potshots at you like were taken at many of the others...mentioned prominently but not negatively. Good going!

  24. Gryphen, I just typed a very long impassioned comment to this post and blogger told me it could not take it - so briefly, it is now as much about the coverup and the deference the MSM has show this meanspirited idiot; please let Politico know they need to do an addendum to the story if this point of view is not represented. We are not just out to get Palin ... we want to know who covered for her.

  25. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I wouldn't categorize The Mudflats as anti-Palin, AKM's had humorous and / or sobering reasoned discourse against the former half-term WGE SOB.

    Congrats on the shout-out here Gryph.

  26. ManxMamma8:21 AM

    I thought you came across just fine in the article Gryphen. Keep up the good work.

  27. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I think you came off fine, and I'm glad to see the article on Politico, which IMHO leans far to the right. I'm really proud of the hard work that Alaskan bloggers have done, and look forward to the three books soon to be released. And I'll be checking in later to see what the trolls have to say. It's getting harder to find their voices now that Palin's numbers are tanking.

  28. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Good Job Gryphen, No matter how hard it is to scream at the top of your lungs that the Emperor Has No Clothes, the screaming has to continue, and in the end YOU will succeed. BTW YOU are succeeding. Well done.

  29. Gasman8:28 AM

    I think a fair amount of the reticence that the press seems to have regarding the questions surrounding Trig's birth has to do with their complicity along with McCain in not vetting Palin properly. They do not want to admit that they got played by Palin and they are none too eager to expose that they did a piss poor job of finding out who this woman actually was.

    To expose a giant fraud of a faked pregnancy would make them all look like gullible fools that got suckered by all the winkin', flirtin', and fancy pageant walkin', which is exactly what happened. They really don't want to touch this story because it exposes their laziness. THIS is the danger in having a press that behaves as stenographers and not as real journalists; they become lazy and merely pass on what the politicians tell them.

    They all assumed that because she was a sitting governor that she couldn't possibly have any meaningful skeletons in her closet; the adversarial electoral process would surely exposed any troubling secrets. I would have thought the John Edwards affair would have enlightened them all on that subject.

    I am looking forward to the soul searching within the press that will accompany the revelation of the Palin secrets regarding Trig's birth. SOMEBODY is going to break the story. It might be MSM, the Enquirer, or even someone in the blogosphere. However, there are too many inconsistencies in Palin's accounts. It's going to come out.

    If the press had done due diligence when Palin first set foot on the national stage, we wouldn't be in this position today. They, along with McCain are to blame for Palin's continued presence in the national spotlight.

  30. Anonymous8:30 AM

    2008 VP Debate:

    Palin: I'm still on the tax thing because I want to correct you on that again. And I want to let you know what I did as a mayor and as a governor. And I may not answer the questions that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people and let them know my track record also. As mayor, every year I was in office I did reduce taxes. I eliminated personal property taxes and eliminated small business inventory taxes and as governor we suspended our state fuel tax. We did all of those things knowing that that is how our economy would be heated up.

    You never need to 'make stuff up' about Sarah - just go through her own word salads and measure them against her tax, spend and debt legacy as Mayor of Wasilla, and as a half-term Governor. You are toast Sarah. Your history can no longer be controlled by you - you will continue to be vetted as long as you don't sit down and shut the fuck up already. (Even if you do.)

  31. Anonymous8:36 AM

    @7:34, are you a comedian or just severely delusional?

  32. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Phil Munger @ 7:59 a.m.

    "she is so unfit to govern her own home, let alone be in charge of the launch codes to a thermonuclear apocalypse.

    Stayed entirely clear of her wacky religious beliefs and those excruciatingly painful months as governor between mid-November 2008 and July 2009, when, combined with her own terrible decision making, we drove her over the edge, and as my 92 yo mom put it in 2009, "Chased her out of Alaska so that she can destroy the Republican Party for the next 20 years."

    It would have been nice to revisit all her glaring lies and embellishments, but I think the days are coming. It's going to be a hot summer!

    Thanks for what you do too, also there at Progressive Alaska.

  33. Anonymous8:38 AM

    @7:11.. SHAWNS MOM!!

    Don't leave us hanging!! What happened on july 9th, 2009.

    What has she done to your family??

    You should talk to malia litman she has a blog and she's a lawyer

  34. Anonymous8:43 AM

    One only has to fact-check Palin's 'performance' at the 2008 VP Debate to know she is completely out of her depth and unfit to lead.

  35. Anonymous8:46 AM

    President Obama has been more inspirational to more people of all ages than the Cunt SP can ever hope to. Her jealousy against a black man is evident in everything she spews. Her hate and lies are something that need to be brought to the forefront on every issue, it goes to show that she has a poor character.
    The fake christianity...when was the last time she went to a church, while deriding a good christian man that had attended the same church regularily for over 20 yrs. Her poor parenting really reflexs on her inability to lead by example a moral life.
    Go Gryphen, the many lies will of Sarah will be her OWN downfall, too many to keep covered up.
    I see the trolls are busy here today, they must be smelling the truth and it scares them.

  36. Anonymous8:47 AM

    DaisyDem says - "We are not just out to get Palin ... we want to know who covered for her."

    Exactly. exactly, exactly!!!

    Maybe the present MSM reporters are too young, or too poorly read to remember all of the criminal excesses of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Jones, Rehnquist, Katherine Harris et al.

    The Koch brothers' father was an instigator of the John Birch Society and now the Koch brothers are raping America. Are they $$$ for $P or is it just Murderoch promoting her with support & $?

    All US citizens need to know the answer.

  37. Anonymous8:51 AM

    @Daisydem 8:18 - yes, so true.

    My feeling is that the McCain campaign knew - early on - about babygate and other unsavory issues. Hence the scrubbing of computers, both personal and those of the state of AK, no?

    At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, I honestly believe that this could be some journalist's Watergate. I wish someone would step up. Maybe Joe or Geoffrey will get it done. I sure hope so!!

  38. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Mostly OT: Gryphen, I have to thank you for clearing up something that's been nagging me. I read the Politico article, which briefly mentioned $'s legs, and I followed that link. Finally, I understood why the Runner's World short pics have always bugged me -- she is wearing nylons! I always thought her legs looked weird, but it never occurred to me she would wear nylons on a photo shoot claiming she was a runner. Why would they even let her? I think this is why RW was so upset that Newsweek used the shorts photo on the cover. I'm guessing she was heavily Spanx'ed out on the photos where she was wearing the capri-length pants. I have to laugh at the production crew trying to figure out whether it was better to Spanx and hide her legs or show them with nylons. What a joke!

  39. Anonymous8:54 AM

    every time i see that pic of $carah reminds me of where brisket learned to make that face. Think; the school teacher on the Homer Spit with "the worst governor ever "sign with brisket verbally attacking the teacher, and with $lut fraud mom $carah looking on approvingly

  40. Anonymous8:57 AM

    IF SP had not ever mentioned the bridge to nowhere and sounded so condescending I probably wouldn't have looked at her too closely. Of course, it wouldn't have taken long to realize she was a dimwit. My search brought me to Mudflats, Audrey's site, and this one. From there, more, more, more.

    These people kept my sanity. The thought that this tweeting twit could be inches from the White House made me ill. Lamestream media completely ignored anything about her and I just couldn't understand it. I am surrounded by republicans at work so you all are the only ones that I could share this with.

    It is so sad that lamestream media completely left her alone however I found some people who are thoughtful, intelligent and funny. Yes, there is some snark but overall I don't think we are crazy. I think the palinbots are.

    Thanks Gryph! Good Job!

  41. This is all quite wonderful. Little by little, chunk by chunk, we're gonna tear that wall of denial DOWN.

    G-man, as I told you after you shared that video clip of the first interview months ago-- your voice will become increasingly important in this process. Thank you-- your work is deeply appreciated.

    Outrageous lies will not be tolerated any longer.

  42. Anonymous9:13 AM

    What ever happened to the additional Spouses Luncheon photos somebody with connections to the MSM supposedly had that showed without a doubt that Sarah Palin was not pregnant with Trig?

    I hope Sarah Palin and her flying monkeys realize that we won't back down until the truth has been revealed.

  43. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Thoroughly discredited, really now and who is the gate keeper that says so?

    Of course, it should say that Sarah's pregnancy was thoroughly fake and she has made an ass of herself and those bots clinging to her naughty red monkey shift shapping hoe shoes.

  44. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Proud of you, Jesse. Thanks for all your hard work.

  45. Anonymous9:38 AM

    7:33 am

    About the preggers Sarah getting hitched to Todd, who said Sarah and Todd were in love? Sarah was doing the nasty with someone else and Todd just made an honest woman out of her by marrying her. That's a tale that Sarah keeps lying about cause Todd really is not the baby daddy that you think he is. No offense to Todd.

  46. Connie9:38 AM

    Keep up the great work Gryphen!

    Hey $arah,

    Did you wear adult diapers while traveling to keep your amniotic fluid from getting your clothes and places you sat all wet? What did you do to keep that from happening? In your long winded wild ride story it sure doesn't sound like Todd had time to go shopping to buy something like that to help you out. Inquiring minds want to know. So many lies, so many holes.

  47. Anonymous9:41 AM

    From the comments on Politico:

    Let's face some uncomfortable facts here, shall we? Our Miss Sarah is the quintessential Republican politician. In that respect she's not all-that-different from Trent Lott. Like Lott (whom I don't like a lot), when faced with the choice of honoring the promise she made to govern the people of her state or abandoning her office to make a truck-load of money, she chose the latter - to hell with the people. There was a quick buck to be made - many millions of them in fact - and she was going to make it come heck or high water! Fascist Barbi wasn't about to let something as trivial as her oath of office get in the way. Her cover story was that she was being persecuted by the Liberal media and her political enemies and that to continue as governor would have been untenable. Clever. And I'm Joan of Arc. Someone hand me a hankie.

    And now she's revving her engines, getting ready to become the forty-fifth president of the United States. Already there are throngs of pundits out there who are saying that she's dreaming; that she'll never get the nomination - but stranger things have happened....

    On second thought, let me correct myself: nothing that strange has EVER happened. Not in all American political history has anything as remotely weird as that ever happened. I don't believe it's even come close to happening. Fascist Barbi becoming the standard bearer for a major political party?

    Tom Degan Apr. 25, 2011 - 7:15 AM EST

  48. Anonymous9:45 AM

    7:34 -

    Sarah inspired young people to question Washington? Someone ought to write a book? Really now, that is such a lame brain stupid comment from a troll bot.

    The only young people she might have inspired are young girls to go out and get pregnant like Bristol, her daughter and make hundreds of thousands to make fake speeches about abstaining from sex while getting it on with Ben, Gino and every Tom, Dick, or Harry.

  49. Anonymous9:45 AM

    G~ I wrote a long post as well that Blogger rejected. I'll try again. When I lost Audrey's blog, I was bereft. Mudflats was too measured, circumspect. I needed a blog with the Sound and Fury to match my own outrage at Palin's lies and political trumpery-- not to mention how angry I am she's hurt the image of mothers and women in politics. I landed here. You were green. Your spelling and grammar befit my image of an AK man. However, over the last three years, you have become a writer. Your voice and canny style are unmistakable. Your political satire, written and visual, is devilishly clever (Palin youth as Children of the Damned! yes!). And your journalistic arguments are succinct and reasoned. Congratulations! And thank you for staying the course.

  50. London Bridges9:46 AM

    When Sarah and Todd were married, she was a month's pregnant, but she hadn't seen Todd for 2 months.

  51. Anonymous9:51 AM

    To 7:34AM

    "Sarah has alone inspired lots of young people to stand up and start questioning how things are run in DC. Someone needs to write a book on that and that alone."

    We all have been told how things are run in DC; like sausage-making. Bits and pieces of scrap and offal are scraped off the wall and hammered together to create law That's an honest assessment by the powers themselves about how democracy works.

    I'd like to know how things are run in Alaska. I have a feeling that the sausage is formed not from by-products but by bodies of human victims.

  52. Anonymous9:55 AM

    G, you did a damn fine job. Keep up the good work keep giving Sarah and her trolls your middle finger.

    We got their number, so Sarah would be wise to sit down and shut the fuck up. She also would be better off to quit arming Rebecca Mansewer and the bots with false praise and crosshairs.

  53. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Thanks G for attempting to take the trash out again.

  54. London Bridges10:11 AM

    I sincerely believed that the reason why Sarah made a hasty resignation as governor was due to the unmentionable: Her 8 year old daughter, Piper, was pregnant.

    Watch her speech and pay attention at the 3:40 mark. I was horrified. and it made sense why Palin quit and why from then on Piper traveled with her.

  55. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:18 AM

    The article is great at calling attention to ALL the "gates," and I especially enjoyed Gryphen's closing remarks! The paid parrots are on the loose in the comment section: "Leave her ALONE!" "You LIBS are just JEALOUS!" "My next door neighbor's ex-husband's first cousin's hairdresser read that Barack Hussein Obama was really born on Mars!!" "Awwck! Awwck!" These foot-stompin' second grade temper tantrums usually indicate extreme nervousness on the backer$' end. I'd recommend a Valium or two or three to the NeoCon Palin engineers, then set the vessel on "auto" and just sit back to brace for the looming icebergs.

  56. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Another horrid photo of Mrs. Palin. God, she certainly can appear ugly and evil side - inside and out!

  57. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:24 AM

    Alex @ 9:45AM:

    X2. You said it perfectly!

  58. emrysa10:25 AM

    I agree with gasman. the press is not protecting the quitter, they are protecting themselves at this point. they enabled this cocky wacko when they should have shut her down.

  59. Phil Munger: thanks for weighing in here. Gryphen: thanks for staying the fight!

  60. Anonymous10:38 AM

    While reading Vogel's piece in Politico, I was appalled by the way certain words and phrases were bolded - no real rhyme or reason other than using buzz words to capture reader's attention.

    I was also puzzled by his description of you as a "single parent" because your daughter is an adult. We rarely describe parents of adult children as "single parents" unless we are talking about the past.

    I think his use of "single parent" was a subtle way of contrasting you with the "family first, family values" hype of Sarah Palin. You know, you of the failed marriage. She of the united family. BS all the way. There was no reason for Vogel to tag you as a "single parent" unless he wanted to somehow damage your image. Not that I believe single parents are bad - but many of the Palin fans do. He was throwing a scrap of red meat to them. Shame on Vogel.

    Click on his name at the article site, and you will find his bio. I found it interesting that he worked at a Koch brothers-supported organizaion - The Center for Public Integrity. He's also done work for Fox News.

    That pretty much tells me all I need to know about "Ken" (the name he uses "when he's not in ostentatious reporter mode") Vogel.

    If he is the one who chose the term "ostentatious" to describe himself as a reporter, he chose poorly. Ostentatious can be defined as "characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others."

    Vogel does not impress me. His writing is mediocre. His stylistic approach is silly (bolding random words, please). His reporting half-ass --- or I should say bias. He only tells half of the story - the half that flatters Palin and he uses phrases with just the slightest bias in them apparently hoping to influence his audience.

    He thinks he's rather clever, but truly he is simply obvious. There is no way his article reports both sides of this issue objectively. His motive is clear and his "reporting" is more editorial than journalistic reporting.

    Remember, though Politico has a track record of being bias towards the GOP. Why the major networks portray them as the go-to organization for unbiased reporting is beyond me.

  61. Sunday Papers lyrics:

    Predicts the sideshow journalism we have today.

    Investigate? Why would the media do that? They were trained to use video press releases as news under the Bush Administration, remember? The news stations put out their propaganda, hook line and sinker.
    Keep up the good work. On 8/29/08, I found Syrin's writing first, then The Mudflats, then you, but I'm hoping you blow the doors off this fraud. Keep up the good work, Gryphen.

  62. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I made an error in commenting about Vogel. I said the Center for Public Integrity was supported by the Koch Brothers.

    I cannot find the documentation to support that. I must have mistaken it for another, similar sounding organization.

    Here is one list of organizations that the Koch Brothers support, and no where on it is the Center for Public Integrity.

    I apologize for the misstatement. I still believe Vogel is a bias commentator. I refuse to honor him with the term journalist or reporter because his pieces are too heavily bias to be objective.

  63. Anonymous10:57 AM


    Palin isn't filing lawsuits against people. It was something she threatened constantly awhile back, but she doesn't want to end up in Court having to document her side of the story.

    We all know she has lied in Court and under oath (along w/Bristol and Toad). I truly think TODAY if she filed any kind of lawsuit, there would be so much public coverage, disclosure and attendance that it would scare the hell out of her.
    Remember, a Court case works both ways!

  64. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Any unknown newcomer who got so close to a vice presidential race would be scrutinized...and many people didn't like the early stories coming out during Palin's stint as mayor and governor (the Mike Wooten affair being the most immediately troubling ethically)along with her nonsensical verbiage and victim schtick as the campaign progressed when she gutterballed several interviews.
    "Wow" we all said, could she really be this stupid and vindictive?

    Those in the McCain camp confirmed it.

    She blew it, she knows she blew it, and quickly quit as governor to cash in before it was too late to do so.
    Definitely on a downward arc now.

    Happy retirement Sarah.


  65. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Great job Gryphen !!

    Its about time that you started getting more visibility and credit for all your work (and the crap that you've endured from the 'bots).

  66. Anonymous11:18 AM

    >> London Bridges said...
    >> When Sarah and Todd were
    >> married, she was a month's
    >> pregnant, but she hadn't seen
    >> Todd for 2 months.

    One of God's little miracles!

  67. Anonymous11:27 AM

    7:33 A.M. How about the fact that the baby is not even Todd's child. Not a rumor.

  68. imnofred11:59 AM

    Politico seems to always have Sarah's back. They go out of their way to make sure that she stays relevant, just like HP and Newsmax.

  69. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Politico is just as smarmy and complicit as Huffington Post, serving as her media apologists and intentionally blurring the facts as they "cover" the story of others exposing her corruption.

    It's the journalistic equivalent of smearing Vaseline on the camera lens to make a haggard whore look sexy

    True Blue Girl

  70. Anonymous12:17 PM

    What they fail to understand is that exposing the fraud that is Sarah Palin is a real, honest to goodness grass roots movement.

  71. I love and am thankful for Gryphen's "explosive torrents of words" and also, too, his determination, fearlessness, and big heart.

    As for the Politico article in general, I had a hard time getting past the inaccuracies and misleading word use which really pissed me off. Still, I'm glad the blogs and soon-to-be-released books got some press.

    Cheers for Gryphen!

  72. FrostyAK2:12 PM

    Take a trip over to AK Dispatch and tell them what you think.

  73. Punkinbugg2:58 PM

    I just left a "this isn't over till she proves it" kind of comment over there, but now I feel like I need to take a shower. Or three. {{{{ughh}}}} The comments over there are just... GROSS.

  74. I'm glad this is still in the msm, but I get annoyed reading these articles and seeing numerous incorrect "facts." The same ones that have been "reported" all along. Because the msm didn't get it right at the beginning, they continue to report their own incorrect information as though it is actual fact. (the librarian story has never been reported correctly by the msm, for example).
    Nonetheless, I await the upcoming publications by some of the people who actually did delve into details and thoroughly research much of the glossed over background information.

  75. And Gryph, you look just fine in the article. Your passion has helped us get through this slog. Slogging through swamp water for a couple of years is an exhausting task.

  76. This is too good to not share. The Cee of Pee has a plan to stop all of the upcoming books that will destroy Palin. Here's the plan:
    if you are concerned, upset or angry about these coming slanders and want to do something, donate to her legal defense fund.


    If it is sufficient funded, the publishing companies will think twice about publishing since they know that they will be held liable for slander. --with sufficient lawyer muscle, these books can be tied up in the court for quite some time and the life of the publisher and the person writing the slander can be made miserable.

    The best defense is often offense. It is time to give those wacko lefists a cookie of their own dough.


  77. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Lets face it the MSM is simply not going to go into territory that deals with women's water breaking, fake/real physical appearances of pregnancy. They are too conservative and too afraid of criticisms to touch some kinds of "delicate" women's or even men's issues.

    And they are just plain too conservative to seriously attack a conservative.

  78. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Gryph, I thought the Politico article was a lot of horsesh!t, but you really come off well. Don't worry about it. I believe Gasman (8:28 am) has it right about the media trying to cover their butts for their lack of vetting $P in the first place. The bloggers make them look bad and they can't stand it, only further perpetuating the spiral of silence.

    I finally caught up with the thread of what is going on with Wonkette, and I said from the first that they did us no favors. Some were happy just to get the coverage, but in the course of dismissing the Trig Truther claims, they also characterized Trig badly as "retarded" and "barely alive." As I understand it now, the big Twitter stink is more about the latter than the question of Trig's maternity. That has created a big distraction from the real issue. It's bad enough that the flying monkeys try to change the subject to Obama, but even the so-called liberal outlets have made trouble for us. Sigh.

  79. Anonymous7:13 PM

    The Business Insider is now looking into the Britta Hanson/Track Palin parentage theory.

    They are soliciting information. Anyone?

  80. Anonymous6:48 AM

    "exposing the fraud that is Sarah Palin is a real, honest to goodness grass roots movement."

    I agree... it had to be. No one else has taken it on. As others have said, questioning a woman's birth story is territory that many people are uncomfortable with. But, as with anything, the more familiar you get with the discussion, the easier it gets to join it so hopefully the hesitation will ease up.

    I wonder if budget cuts at large news outlets and the ability to spread information via the internet has led to the reliance of the MSM on grass-root movements to do this sort of unpaid legwork to get balls rolling and alleviate their financial investments. Unfortunately, I think it has lead to the lack of good investigative reporting but the good news is that even without the involvement of MSM, it's possible to have these grass-root movements be effective with a lot of effort on the part of the ones driving the story, such as this blog and others like it.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.