Monday, April 25, 2011

Youth for Palin provides the "creepy ass video of the day."

Seriously how do you get the hairs on the back of your neck to lay back down.

As I was watching this I was trying to remember where I have seen a similar expression on a child's face before, and then suddenly it came to me...

As I have said before, no loving parent would EVER let their child near Sarah Palin.


  1. Anonymous5:36 AM

    THis stinks of something bigger and some coordination - college Republicans bought ad time in Iowa - see Huffpo.

  2. Congrats- a pretty long piece on the work Alaskan bloggers have done-

    Way TO Go Guys !!!!!

    From Politico-

  3. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Somebody please put up a "Pregnant, unwed teenager for Palin" site.

    What family values do these fools think Sarah has?

  4. Anonymous5:45 AM

    As usual, Jessie, you are right on the money! I'm going to take a shower now.

  5. Anonymous5:48 AM

    they also believe in having babies before age 17, because they'll need a ring bearer at their weddings.

    I'm GOP, and even this is creepy.

  6. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Have you seen this?
    I wish someone would do that for every thing she's ever said.

    Stephen King novels seem so much more observant and prophetic to me since she came on the scene.

  7. wakeUpAmerica6:08 AM

    I was thinking of the little girl in Poltergeist.

  8. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Youth for Hitler.


  10. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Ewwww!! Very Creepy!

    Now take a look at inspiring youths in contrast to the creepy youth for Palin.


  11. Here's something else that's creepy. If you to to the FB page and look at the friends list of Youth4Palin, you'll see avatars for a lot of older men. Hmmm. I suppose they're hoping that any parent who would let their kid join that group would be as lax at supervising said child's Internet activities as Sarah Palin is. I could easily see some of these sketchy looking dudes showing up on Dateline's "To Catch A Predator" program.

  12. Anonymous6:18 AM

    It's even scarier if you go to maddylou101's youtube account and see the blood red background on the channel for this video.


  13. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Non-profit & Palin do not go together. She is all about the $$$.

  14. Anonymous6:31 AM

    There are tons of teens and 20 somethings who have become political dynamos. I don't know if they support a Palin presidency but they were certainly inspired by her to take a stand against the ills of govt and morons in DC.

    THAT is a Palin legacy. You cannot deny that. There are millions of conservatives (think the people who voted for Bristol) who are finding their unique voices through radio and national republican orgs.

    These are not "typical DC elite". These are true non-corrupt conservatives who see through DC insiders, who don't drink koolaid. It's very real. I think the country is going to see another civil war before things start to change. Each side is justified in their fight for what they believe. Ideological fight.

    I would shoot the starter pistol if I could. Sometimes violence is the answer when "superiors" won't listen. High up lefties and righties are at fault. America has spoken through the tea party. We want a complete turnover in govt and we want it now. It is unfortunate that the first black president had to be the catalyst for this but better now than in 10 years.

  15. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Palin will do anything for attention, including involving children who are not her own as props. Anyone who still thinks she embodies family values, while thinking the First Lady does not, is certifiable.

  16. Anonymous6:37 AM

    What? is she organizing kids too young to vote so in 2016 she can run?

  17. Anonymous6:41 AM

    You have to have the intellectual and emotional levels of a child in order to support her at all. A stupid and emotionally-unstable child at that.

  18. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I wouldn't hire Sarah for the most menial job in my office or required sweat equity. I certainly wouldn't let her be in charge of any child's well-being. Or let her touch governance again.

    Who do we have to thank for this assertion? Sarah Palin herself, by her own record, actions and words. None of my opinions have been swayed by the 'filter' of Lamestream Media. Sarah Palin has been her own pimp and downfall, most of our saturation point and fatigue set in in the first week of her 2008 campaign if not during the Alaska 2006 Gubernatorial race.

  19. Anonymous6:47 AM

    As usual, what is left of her supporters use children, special needs, troops and the faith-based communities as a shield or prop to protect Queen Esther.

  20. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I'm trying to imagine my ten year old nephew referring to himself as a "youth", but I just end up snickering as it sounds very old fashioned.

    I think a better name would be something like "Kids 4 Palin", " Teen Conservatives 4 Palin" or "My Parents Gave All My College Money To That Screeching Idiot in Alaaaaska".

  21. Randall6:49 AM

    yer gonna think I'm making this up, but...

    As I pulled up your site I have the History Channel on the TV and they're doing a thing on Nazi Germany...

    I think the children's faces you're thinking of are the Hitler Youth.

    I kid you not.


  22. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Anon @ 6:31 a.m.

    Unique voices? No, they are old, stale, archaic and frightening. Saying Sarah was fresh and new energy only meant you had a conventionally attractive spokesmodel for your platform of oppression.

    You were the nascent majority for as long as American history. You just don't like the way the country is 'progressing' so that minorities and just plain regular people aren't comfortable in 'your' America.

  23. Anonymous6:51 AM

    U.S. American Bullies for Palin!

  24. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Politico takes a stab at 'anti-Paliners...

    Mission for anti-Palin movement: Expose her

    ...Yet that only seems to have hardened a commitment to accomplishing what they profess to be their ultimate goal: the absolute and complete exposure of Palin as a fraud unworthy of a role in American civic life. And now, with Palin edging back into the political spotlight in the face of flagging poll numbers, they believe that they are closer than ever to achieving it. (See: Poll: The incredible shrinking Sarah Palin)

    A number of forthcoming books promise to delve deeply into — and, they believe, give mainstream credibility to — some of the more salacious Palin rumors and conspiracy theories that have sprouted in the anti-Palin blogosphere and on supermarket tabloid stands but have mostly been rejected by the mainstream media.

    “We’re at a tipping point, where her character and her lack of ethics will be revealed on the national stage,” asserted Sherry Whitstine, a 49-year-old grandmother who lives in Palin’s hometown of Wasilla, Alaska, and has infuriated her famous neighbors with blog posts and online comments accusing Palin of being unfaithful in her marriage and corrupt in her political career. (See: Troopergate report: Palin abused authority)

  25. Anonymous7:13 AM

    She lost me at "educate our children because they are our future".

    What? That is the last thing SP values.

    6:31 - OMG, you people scare the hell out of me. You are more scary than the government you seem to hate.

    IF the tea party CARED about EVERYONE'S future they might have received more positive attention from the rest of us. The tea party is about division only. They want their guns and religion. They don't want to pay taxes. They don't want to pay anything towards people who are less fortunate.

    Apparently they don't want to drive on roads, get mail, get an education or have the army/navy/marines. Why not just go back to discrimination? Why should you let anyone who is not white into an establishment you own? Why not kill those nasty gays too while we are at it!

    Oh and don't forget. No abortions - which is the ultimate in hypocrisy because you don't want to pay for the prenatal care nor do you want to contribute a DIME to their health care or basic necessities after they are born. Too bad these children decided to pick these parents. You are right they should have to suffer!

    If you are all so gd unhappy perhaps you should leave this country and start your own.

    A civil war? Sure I would love to lose my husband and sons. Sounds like a great idea - NOT. Of course, I am sure you all could come up with something better - NOT. I would like to see you all come up with ideas because no one has the exact same ideas. You would fall apart in a month.

    You are right though - SP ignited a lot of young people to pay attention to politics. Just keep all the idiots that are front and center in your "movement" and the republican party and you will see how many want to be in your party.

    Good god, I feel like I woke up in the Twilight Zone.

    Be careful what you wish for it usually turns around and bites you in the butt!

  26. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Where was this filmed, at the Haunted House at Walt Disney World?? Yikes.

  27. Anonymous7:26 AM

    6:31 you are an idiot. Sarah only cares about Sarah, nothing else.

    She's a fraud who Quit on her constituents, who worked hard to get her dumbass elected.

  28. Anonymous7:27 AM

    @ Anon 6:31, the "Tea Party" is just the same old Republican base, who got embarrassed to use the Republican name after some election losses. Thus, the "Tea Party" doesn't speak for America, it's just the latest mouthpiece for Republicans.

  29. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Why does she keep getting that smirk on her face while she speaks? Is someone jolting her with electric shocks at what they deem to be opportune moments?

  30. Anonymous7:43 AM

    @6:31 - you must work for Koch Industries. The "Tea Party Revolution" is funded by Koch. How much do they pay you to spew violent rhetoric, you corporate old shill?

  31. Anon 6:31 get some help. I can't imagine shooting a fellow American. What the hell kind of patriot are you? We aren't gangsters; we're adults and adults can debate without it resulting in violence.

  32. Lynne8:10 AM

    A Stephen King novel was my first thought when I saw the photo and background.

  33. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Youth for Palin ? ? ? Where is the swastika ? ? ?

    This is just eerie.

  34. @ Anon 6:31 - How does Sarah embody any of the things you supposedly stand for? Pregnant teenage daughter, neither of her 2 children who have graduated form hs have gone on to college, created and increased deficits of the city and state that she governed. Do you look any deeper than what she SAYS she stands for? Because what she says and what she does are two distinctly different things.

  35. Oh and yes G - I agree wholeheartedly - very creepy.

  36. Ick! I wonder how much this child's parents indoctrinated their child to do this. I do NOT insist my children share my political views. I encourage them to form their own opinions. It creeps me out when parents force their children to share their views, and do not encourage free thinking.

  37. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Wonder if "Youth for Palin" promotes the Palin family values on a college education for the children.


  38. Annonymous 6:31 Many conservatives voted for Bristol on DWTS's but they voted 30 to 60 times or more each, remember that? Even since DWTS's many more "conservatives" have opened their eyes. How much media attention did dear old Sarah get from his lasted fiasco on "E" the story of Sarah? She is washed up.

  39. emrysa8:37 AM

    okay - REALLY? I can't see how in the world anyone involved in the production of this video thinks it's good. the background, the angle they filmed the girl, and the light shining on her face are absolutely horrible. it screams CREEPY! I cannot believe someone thought this was good for recruiting. is this really a front group to make the quitter look bad? I wonder because after watching this it's the only thing that makes sense.

  40. Anonymous8:47 AM

    She also reminds me of

  41. emrysa8:51 AM

    anon @ 6:31 am sez:

    "We want a complete turnover in govt and we want it now."

    lol, good luck with that. if you understood how things really work here, you would know that a complete turnover doesn't mean shit because once they get in there, they are obligated to do the bidding of those who really run things. there is no turnover in that realm.

    just think about it - why do the majority of the people in congress consistently vote against the best interest of the people in their districts? figure it out. then come election time they throw their constituents a few bones and they get reelected. it's all a big game with serious consequences for the average american.

  42. Anonymous8:52 AM

    It's sad that a 14 year old wants to 'bond with fellow conservatives'.

    How about you escape from the dungeon that your parents likely keep you confined to.

    And the production value... it looks like the 'Bates Motel for Tim Burton'!

  43. Anonymous8:52 AM

    6:31 - your post is creepy.

  44. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I find it creepy that a young girl would be talking about "our youth" as if she were not part of it.

    I bet the pedophiles are loving this ad. A little girl playing grown up, supporting their favorite fantasy librarian

    Nothing but nasty in this video, from the lighting, the staging, the little girl talking an adult to the message itself.

    Kids may have opinions, but generally they are not informed, independent opinions. They lack the education, the experience and emotional experience and depth to make decisions. That's why the legal system tries to protect kids. It's why they can't make contracts and even their testimony is often suspect.

    What next, allowing kids to vote? No, no and no.

  45. Anonymous9:25 AM

    It's Rhoda from THE BAD SEED.

  46. Anonymous9:29 AM

    It was well done by the little girl, even though we don't like the message. Don't be lemmings and form opinions based on what others want to hear. It does your credibility no good and it does the blog's crediblity no good either.

  47. Anonymous9:32 AM

    6:31am, please get your friends together and buy your own little island. You can build a wooden fort and post "No girls, gays, liberals, educated people, environmentalists or people of color allowed. Must be fundie "Christians" willing to kill for Jesus."

  48. Haha the Facebook group Youth For Palin has all of 357 members, and 5 admins. One of the members pictured appears to be in his 70's.

  49. London Bridges9:58 AM

    This 12 year old looks preggo! Or is she wearing scarves and a fake belly which keeps protruding out and in while she speaks!

  50. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Organize4Palin (CA) also has their first Internet ad. Can't tell me Palin isn't behind this with. Standing4Palin was strongly behind the #TrigsCrew promotion which they say isn't endorsed by Palin but you know it is. Those are C4pee'ers who sat that. I wonder if Palin gives her personal money for those through herself or funnels it some other way through others. I bet RAM has a direct line to them.

  51. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Anon @ 6:31 just doesn't understand that the tea party is motivated by racism. It's nothing more, nothing less, but it can be successful with that as it's motivating factor. That along with a real need for better government. If they would work on stopping the corrupt lobbying within the US government they could be successful even though the racism is going to continue to exist in the background. Fortunately for those who oppose the tea baggers, the baggers don't recognize the real problems.

    The tea party won't die out as long as Obama is there to hate. It's likely to grow even stronger. For that reason the best thing that could happen for your country is to see Obama defeated. It's just too soon for a black man as president. The American people are not mature enough yet to separate the highly intelligent president from the blacks they know and hate.

    When Obama goes the motivation for the tea party will disintegrate with his departure. It's who they are. Too bad isn't it but that's the truth.

  52. Anonymous10:21 AM

    6:31 am

    You really need to get some help, you sound exactly like Sarah's lover Bekkky Mansewer.

  53. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Anonymous 6:31

    "America has spoken through the tea party."

    Read this loud and clear- I am an American and the Tea Party does NOT speak for me. I do not want the Tea Party to speak for me. I'll bet plenty of other folks agree.

  54. Anonymous11:29 AM

    @7:13 am

    YAY!!!! You said beautifully exactly what I wanted to, but I just didn't have the energy to pound my head against another wall.

    Good on ya! Your comments have restored my faith in humanity after reading that bullshit 6:31 was spouting. Civil war. What a fuckhead.

  55. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Goebbels would be oh so proud.

  56. Anonymous12:47 PM

    @10:18 - Wrong. The "teabaggers" movement is paid for by Koch Industries, the same folks who funded the John Birch Society....It has NOTHING to do with Pres. Obama; these racist, idiotic, anti-Americans have always been granted asylum in our country.

    It will not go away after 2016, when Pres. Obama becomes a private citizen again. The Koch Brothers have been funding it for years. They will continue to do so. The Teabaggers are totally "Pro-Corporation," and the Koch Brothers fund corporate shills.

  57. Anonymous4:11 PM

    "This group was created to help our young people get involved in the political process by encouraging and supporting Sarah Palin's potential run for president. This group is specifically for supporting Sarah Palin for president. Any links and postings not conforming to this view will be deleted."

    They appear to be mostly NOT "youths". FaceBook has a minimum age to be a member, that precludes people the age of the young lady in the video. The admins of the group are all older. Many are from the Religious Far Right as can be seen by checking some of their FB sites. Only 395 members when I looked. Not going to elect anyone with that membership, eh !

    Hey anon @6:31,...You can vote for a Dancer on DWTS,...but not be old enough to vote in an Election. Get yer head out of the clouds,....Alaska (or Arizona)can keep her,...she's too stupid to get elected to anything.

  58. Anonymous7:44 PM

    HA! So true! Can't these people get ANYTHING right? They f*** up at every turn. Scary..

  59. MadCityKaren8:08 PM

    Man, that was just creepy ... shudder

    What's the deal with conservatives/teabaggers involving (brainwashing) their kids to become "political spokespeople"?

  60. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Holy crap, Stepford Kids!

    Seems to me I remember the R's going bat-shit when a group of African American youngsters wrote and performed a song about the President. What were some of the things they said? Oh yeah, now I remember..."indoctrination," "Hitler youth," "propaganda".

  61. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:24 AM

    I just saw this little masterpiece now. And the Bagger buzzheads used to gripe and whine about how Pres. Obama was "indoctrinating" our youth by promoting education!

    IMO, a better choice for the lead in this mess would be the twin girls from "The Shining." Whaddaya think?


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