Sunday, April 24, 2011

Reliable Sources discusses the Twitter attack on Wonkette over their unfortunate post about Trig Palin.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin said the Trig post showed “rotten taste,” and brought up the David Letterman joke that prompted outcry (and an angry response from Sarah Palin) a few years ago. She also observes the near-free ride that Andrew Sullivan has gotten on his pursuit of Trig Trutherism. Unfortunately, she failed to connect the dots between the Wonkette boycott, Sullivan’s objection to it, and the fact that he’s next on their list.

Clarence Page talked about the “normally delightful” comeuppance of Wonkette at the hands of their “lack of experience” in not knowing that you don’t go after the kids. Adweek’s Michael Wolff called Wonkette “tone deaf,” and throughout the segment, a chyron that said “Wonkette’s Low Blow: An apology for mocking Trig” appeared.

I am not a fan of Howie Kurtz, or Reliable Sources, but I embed this video because he is one of the only mainstream media sources I know who have addressed this crazy Wonkette/#TrigsCrew brouhaha.

I also wanted to make the point that those of us, like Andrew Sullivan, who are questioning Sarah Palin's official birth story, are not doing so to attack Trig Palin.  In fact I am of the opinion that learning the truth will have virtually no impact on him whatsoever.

The reason to continue this investigation is to reveal why Sarah Palin did what she did, who helped her to do it, and who helped to cover her tracks once she became a national figure.

Finding all of that out might very well destroy Sarah Palin's reputation for all time, but it will not hurt Trig.  That is just another straw man argument to get us to stop asking the questions.

Which we won't.


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I think this is Sarah's last ditch strategy.... to make this about Trig. Her thinking is it will help stop the story. But since the investigation isn't about Trig it really isn't going to help much, if any.

  2. Anonymous3:29 PM

    The Wonkette post was funny and it was about the special needs mom, not the kid! And all the comments were supportive of the poor kid with the retarded mom.

  3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:31 PM

    Anything to deflect, deflect, deflect. As long as the keepers of the $piral of $ilence continue to make the story sound too conspiratorial, or irrational, or "all about Trig," the less the general public will want to deal with it when the scandal finally makes the front pages. Or so they think.

    Hey, Bots. It's never been about Trig as the central issue. It's all about the LIE.

  4. Anonymous3:34 PM

    There are no real investigative reporters any more, just fluff news. They ask stupid easy questions, no real follow up questions. The people who uncover, dig up things are the bloggers on the internet. She must have a lot of dirt on every one who knows the truth.

  5. Anonymous3:55 PM

    The idiots on trigcrew REALLY think it all about Wonkette mocking Trig.
    Its not. First off Trig IS retarded. Wonkette is a site of SATIRE.
    Rush Limpball say Retard,Retard, Retard all the freaking time. Nothing.

    This is Sarah palin who set the flying monkey's out. If it haden't been Wonkette it would of been someone else "mocking Trig". She is using them and they are to stupid to see the Wonkette attack was a attack on Free speech. Now they say "Well moveon did that to Beck" (with the advertisers) Beck does hate speech 24/7 and is not considered "Satire"

    This is not about a attack on Trig. It is a attack on ANYONE who dares to bring up BABYGATE! Next they are going after Sully.

    This is the bully's way and we all know Sarah is the biggest bully of all and she has a few inbreds to carry out her bidding.

    Report Trigscrew to Twitter as a hate list.

  6. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Hi Gryphen,

    I keep looking for clues in what you wrote..."the truth will have virtually no impact on [Trig] whatsoever." Are you under the impression that Trig hasn't even been adopted by the Palins but is borrowed from someone?
    (Because if Trig is being raised by the Palins, and encouraged to call Sarah "Mom", then of course he would be impacted by the truth....)

  7. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Like Sarah Palin, I am the mother of a disabled child.

    Unlike Sarah Palin, I am the biological mother of my child, and I am willing to prove it with DNA testing!

    And unlike Sarah Palin I have actually spent several decades as 24-hour-a-day caregiver for my child. I have really "walked the walk."

    Palin and her supporters are dangerous frauds who need to be exposed if people with disabilities and their families are ever to feel secure in their rights to medical care, education, and basic survival in this country.

    In my view, this whole uproar about Wonkette's (appalling silly and tasteless) involvement of Trig, is not nearly as offensive as the racist "humor" and tactics being circulated by the Right Wing, and not nearly as damaging to people with disabilities as the Right-Wing agenda (the "Ryan Plan").

    Palin and her ilk are the REAL threat to my child and my country.

    I know other informed parents of children with disabilities feel the same way.

    I hope we can join to boycott any firm that feels it needs to follow the Wonkette advertisers by going after the free speech rights of Andrew Sullivan.

  8. Anonymous4:06 PM

    After seeing what happened in the media this past week, we can see why no journalist has touched the Sarah Palin Birth Whopper. If one does, The Bots swoop in, he/she is instantly discredited from many fronts. They are not backed up by their editor, and no other colleague comes to their defense. They are hung out to dry. I understand their reluctance. Same goes for any citizen in Alaska who knows the truth. No one wants to be publicly pilloried.

  9. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Sarah and her followers are hateful and evil. That is all you can say about them.

  10. Mitch who lives in Kansas4:10 PM

    If they go after Andrew Sullivan, good luck. They don't know whom they are messing with.

  11. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Who was Rush Limp talking about when he repeatedly used the word retard? Not a word from this pack about Rush.

  12. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Be careful. Palin might try to spin the request to see Trig's birth certificate as an assault on Trig. The snake in the grass is a wily schemer.

  13. Anonymous4:23 PM

    lemme get this straight: these MSM yokels who have a lengthy recent history of ignoring ALL news stories and events which do not fit their corp agenda...are now hopping, nay leaping, on
    this story?....this...story?

    wow, somebody doing some fast shucking n jiving before this next round of books publish, and sell. ROF.

    bring. it. on.

  14. Anonymous4:27 PM

    RAM must be getting lots of heat for last week's twitter mania.

    Rebecca A. Mansour
    @RAMansour Los Angeles, CA
    This is a personal Twitter account. RTs do not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement. Opinions are my own. Tweets are not tea leaves.

  15. meena4:31 PM

    LA Times calls Palin a special needs case,0,7272287.column

  16. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Too bad TrigsCrew doesn't care enough about the tyke to ask why is his mom was flying trans-continent after an amniotic fluid leak.

  17. Anonymous4:32 PM

    La times had op Ed on quitter from April 17 see wonkette

  18. Isn't a "crew" a "gang". So when this gang attacks someone digitally, wouldn't that be cyber bullying?

    Now, while it doesn't get much press, I'm pretty sure there are probably some right wing sites out there saying unpleasant things about Obama's daughters. But it doesn't get a lot of press because, yes, the kids are off limits.

    But as you say, this isn't about Trig, it's about Palin and her chronic inability to tell the truth about anything, not even her own son. If he is her biological son.

    If the birthers can continue to deny the legitimacy of Obama's presidency in the face of a birth certificate that has been released and all of the testifying from the Governor of Hawaii on down, then it is absolutely acceptable for the media to continue to question Sarah Palin, given her habit of revising history and simply makin' stuff up regarding all of the questionable decisions regarding her pregnancy.

    I just wish someone who knows finally steps forward. What can Palin do now? She's not Governor and has less and less power with every passing day. The time is now.

  19. "She also observes the near-free ride that Andrew Sullivan has gotten on his pursuit of Trig Trutherism."

    Someday, somehow, the fact that Palin faked her pregnancy will be accepted. And then Sully will be vindicated and all these "journalists" should be forced to answer for their assertions.

    It would be one thing for them to say, "I'm NOT covering that story." It's another thing to say, as so many are, "I AM covering that story and it is not true."


  20. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Trig IS retarded, isn't he? People are acting
    like saying anything about him blasphemous.
    The Repubes have no problem with homophobia,
    racism, and sexism, but don't you dare call a
    sainted prop "retarded" even if he is.

    You know, I stopped saying retard/retarded
    years ago, it seemed juvenile. Then the silly
    Saint Sarah started saying no one could
    use those words except Rush Slimeball, so
    I've started to use them again. I'll shut up
    with the Virgin Mother goes the hell away.

  21. Anonymous4:47 PM

    The wonkette post was NOT funny. It was immature and distasteful and (to use your common argument) it they attacked a democrat the same way, you'd be up in arms.

    Wonkette will NEVER be a respected website, hence the name.

  22. Anonymous4:49 PM

    No, real journalism does not exist. If real journalism existed, if people truly cared about facts, Obama, Bush, Clinton, possibly Reagan, Carter, and most presidents would not have been elected.

    Journalism and media have ALWAYS been about money.

  23. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Jennifer Rubin can sit on it (thanks, Fonz). Read this to get an idea of how some journalists feel about covering Sarah Palin:

    I'm SICK of these journalists attacking Andrew Sullivan. Self-loathing aholes.

  24. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Honestly, I sincerely doubt the reveal of this secret will DESTROY her reputation. That's a bit dramatic considering the history of the country and the history of the presidency and government. Bill Clinton still a vain, ego-driven, narcissistic bastard with questionable funding. Sanford, Spitzer, Rove, Cheney are still here. Obama is President. The LAPD and NYPD is quite possibly still functioning as prostitution ring leaders and other such things.

    No one is shocked by anything anymore, or shouldn't be. We've seen it all.

  25. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Letterman's joke wasn't about Willow or even Bristol. It was about notorious NYY playboy Alex rodruigez. Palin's response was classic misdirection, once again trying to make anyone who remotely criticizes her into a child molester. But why would a reporter at the WaPo or any other legitimate news source buy into that?

  26. onething5:08 PM

    I went to Wonkette but can't find the article. Unless it's this:

    Los Angeles Times Calls Sarah Palin ‘Special-Needs Case’

    But that has nothing to do with Trig.

    If that is the case, then journalism has hit a new low. And how dare that woman say that Andrew Sullivan's inquiry is false without saying why?

  27. Anonymous5:10 PM

    @4:47 Of course Wonkette will never be a "respected website". It's satire, not journalism. It's no more "news" than The Onion.

  28. Anonymous5:13 PM

    @4:06 said: "After seeing what happened in the media this past week, we can see why no journalist has touched the Sarah Palin Birth Whopper. If one does, The Bots swoop in, he/she is instantly discredited from many fronts."

    I disagree. There has been no actual debunking. The journalists who have weighed in on this in the past few days have offered nothing concrete to discredit the notion that Sarah Palin faked Trig's pregnancy. Unless journalistic snobbery now serves as "proof", they've got nothing.

    Otherwise, I agree with your comment.

  29. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Actually, I'd argue that if there's any damage to Trig being caused by this discussion, then Ma Palin is as guilty as anybody. She could so easily dispel all of this talk, but somehow she thinks it's better to allow a cloud to hang over her children (Trig and Bristol) than to clear things up once and for all.

    Perhaps she merely thinks she's sticking to her guns or refusing to give in. Whatever her reasoning, it's clear that she somehow thinks her silence is to her advantage. It's a lot like her decision to reveal Bristol's pregnancy just to spare herself.

  30. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Trig is a special needs baby, he does not know what is going on. Sarah is responsible for the clown show, and as usual she tries to pretend the child is being attacked so everyone will ease up and give her a pass again.

    Sarah made up the wild ride/fake pregnancy story and wants no one questioning her poor choices. Hold her feet to the fire, Sarah is a poor excuse for a mother.

  31. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Do you think "Trig" is connected to the April speech she gave in 08? Have you read that post online about it?

    It certainly would make sense and would also explain why POWERFUL people have successfully fought this off for so long. It would also explain the halfassed fake pregnancy on Sarah's part. She doesn't like being a puppet but she likes influence and high up friends.

  32. Trig is being used as a smoke screen again by S.P. This is how the news media operates for their candidates or people they want to promote, they focus us on some controversial subject to get us to look away from the core issues. At the same time the S.P. supporters will have their sympathy for poor little Sarah raised. Sarah sits back and waits for someone to say something she can use for a campaign against someone because that is what bullies do. The interesting thing is other people can say derogatory things about DD children or adults in a serious way (rather than the comedy route) and they do not complain. Apparently certain words and comments are only offensive if people on the left use them, those on the right just like with the courts have a pass on just about everything.

  33. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Theres only a cloud over Bristol because a bunch of morons are tying that together with no real evidence. Bristol isn't biologically connected to Trig and there's no evidence for that. The Trig we see today is triggybear. Look at pictures. It's the same baby.

    Republican operatives wont talk because they value their careers. There were VERY SPECIFIC reasons Sarah was selected as a VP choice and ultimately slected as running mate. People's careers are on the line. If anyone goes down, Sarah will be one of the more fortunate ones. She's the puppet.

  34. Anonymous5:49 PM

    4:48, so are you criticizing all the influential people who defended Sarah over Letterman, because a great number of people were outraged, as they should be.

    Comedians should not have license to make jokes like that. Wonkette and SNL should not feel comfortable discussing incest and candidates husbands or candidates kids and being "hideously ugly".

    Real comedy doesn't have to be crude, mean, or outrageous. Yes, all humor has to do with human frailty and error but what's funny is when generalizations are made about a group or something famous. Calling all dems spineless pussies could be funny. Calling all repubs prudish jesus freaks could be entertaining.

  35. Anonymous5:49 PM

    4:55 pm

    Totally stupid comment, ignorance at best.

  36. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Is it possible that Trig IS the biological child of Todd and Sarah - delivered via surrogate? That would explain a lot about random bits of info in my head.

  37. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Retarded is not necessarily a bad word. Mental Retardation is used in legal and medical jargon to describe "a condition diagnosed before age 18 that includes below-average general intellectual function, and a lack of the skills necessary for daily living." Trig Palin is Mentally Retarded. A couple years ago, I had to hold brand new IEP's (Individual Educational Plans) for all my students to make sure they had the LEGAL and Medical term Mentally Retarded written in as the correct diagnosis. We had been using the term "Developmentally Delayed" because it sounded nicer. We were told by higher ups that unless the child was labeled as Mentally Retarded, they would not be eligible for federal benefits.
    I did not read the Wonkette article, so can not comment on it.

  38. Totall off topic but i was looking through the "pregnancy" pictures again.

    I noticed some interesting things about the picture taken on april 13,2008 with the camera crure

    1) Its the only picture with a round belly

    2) Its the only one without a scarf

    3) Is it possible it was taken later than stated?

    Could this have been a staged picture to prove her "pregnancy"?

    I mean the rest of the pictures show her with a square belly. Perhaps McCain and crew noticed this helped to stage a photo op to relase to the public to dispell rumors....

    Its just a thought......

  39. Anonymous6:06 PM

    The thing is though, even if Sarah did fake a pregnancy, which she didn't, it wouldn't destroy her reputation one bit. It would enhance it because nobody really cares about all this conspiracy theory nonsense except a few old lady bloggers.

  40. meena6:06 PM


    Pl. check C4P site. They have Palin/Trig pic posted all over!

  41. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Only one (1) news outlet reported about a dis on Sarah? Weird.
    I don't understand the thinking that the revelation of this hoax will have no ill effects on Sarah Palins reputation.
    Maybe it's just me, but I think that's fucking crazy. Then again, it's difficult for me to think worse of her than I currently do.

  42. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Nobody mentions that all this could have been avoided by Palin showing the birth certificate. There HAS to be a reason why she does not produce it. Why not settle this once and for all?

  43. Anonymous6:15 PM

    @4:49 & 4:54 - same person, same lame Tea Party talking points. No, all presidents are not the same. Grow up.

  44. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Sarah told a lie about being pregnant, then she just kept on lying about the wild ride, fishpicker born in Texas, tight abs, 2 hospitals named as birth place, about not showing until she was 7-8 mos. pregnant every time and other lies.

    She started the big lie about being pregnant and that one lie grew to multiple lies as it so happens when you make up whoppers.

    She continued to make up all kinds of stories/lies to prove that she was indeed pregnant and that Trig was not a child born to one of her kids.

  45. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I think this #TrigsCrew thing is going to hurt Palin. I think they will give up writing anything because it isn't worth the backlash.

    I think Palin was well aware that #TrigsCrew was being set up and that is why she is being quiet.

  46. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I don't see how the knowledge of being adopted can be damaging to a child. I have several friends who have adopted their children and all of them have been very open about that with their kids from a young age. What most likely WILL bother Trig as he gets older is the story that's out there now about his birth, the one where Sarah says she didn't want a baby (which is evident in how she interacts with him) and she failed to put his needs first leading up to the birth and immediately after. It would seem that he would do much better knowing why she faked her pregnancy with him than why she has been so reckless with his well-being.

  47. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Unrelated topic, but read this:

    All the comments seem to be written by the same person and they are trying to paint SP as a financial rock star. Stunning.

  48. FrostyAK6:29 PM

    This has never been and IS NOT about TriG. It is about the lying, narcissistic wild Alaskan dingbat who claims to be his birth mother.

    IMO, this media barrage is not coming just from $palin, but also from the national GOP (who did a terrible job of vetting a high level candidate), and the corporations that control her (Koch sound familiar?).

    This whole media circus should give Prof Scharlott an immense pool of information to legitimize his "spiral of silence' theory.

  49. Anonymous6:52 PM

    @4:55 - Please take your birther comments elsewhere.

  50. Anonymous6:56 PM

    When I first started to dislike Mrs. Palin, I was at least comforted by the fact that she might be able to bring disabilities to center stage. You know, speak to various charities about what it's like being the mom of a child with Down Syndrome, how important interventions are in a child's development, etc. That was a big wish, since none of it has come to fruition. She likes to talk the talk, but when it comes down to it, she would take questions about Trig's development as an attack on her. Stupid woman.

    What's most ironic is that these people might actually believe we're attacking a 3 year old! Most of us find Trig to be a cute little guy. We wish nothing but the best for him- whether it be in a family that loves him, ensuring that he gets the therapies needed so he can reach his potential, what have you. We have nothing against the child at all.

  51. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Actually, Anon 4:55's comments is pretty accurate in stating that shady dealings and lying happens everywhere, with every politician. There is not one nationally recognized leader in this country who has pure, selfless intentions. NOT ONE. They all need to be questioned. Their lies need to be called out. Their associations and appointments needs to be scrutinized.

  52. Anonymous7:09 PM

    No one is attacking Trig. He really is the innocent victim in all of this. Sarah is not the victim. Sarah started all of this with the telling of her unbelievable story about having labor pains, leaking fluid and choosing to give a speech instead of heading for the nearest hospital. (She was 44 years old, 8 months pregnant). Then, after delivering her speech, she took two airplane rides, passed up a major hospital with major neonatal facilities to have a baby delivered not by a trained OB but by a general practice doctor who had delivered three babies in the past year. Sarah selected a hospital with no neonatal facilities to deliver a premature, jaundiced baby with a hole in his heart. All of the bad choices were made by Sarah, from giving to speech, flying and endangering herself, passengers and the baby and delivering in a small town hospital.

    Those would be bad choices if the story was true. But the press accepted the story as fact, despite the fact that there isn't a doctor who would advise their pregnant patients to do the same thing. Half of the blame rests with Sarah for the fabricated story. It may have originated with her father, Chuck Heath, and Sarah just took the ball and ran with it instead of saying, "Oh my dad, you know how he's so proud of me...." But she didn't. She built on that story, and she turned it into a best selling book and $100,000.speeches.

    Sarah is a professional victim. She can invent stories to distract the conversation. She didn't want to live in Juneau, so she claimed that Bristol and Willow received rape threats (that were never reported to the police or the school). An author moved next door to spy on Piper in her bedroom. He as going to leer at Sarah wearing her tank top while mowing the law with Trig strapped to her back. No, he was there to soak up local color and background for his book, and to interview people who would tell stories that had nothing to do with Sarah mowing the lawn. Sarah pulls out those victim cards to change the conversation, to pretend that she is being attacked, and a for her, a claim of sexism goes a long way.

    It's also the fault of the media not to question Sarah's outlandish claims when they ARE outlandish claims. She can't remember whether she gave that speech at 11 AM or 1 PM. She said that Todd changed their airplane tickets when they returned on their original reservation. Nobody does any fact checking any more; it costs the papers and TV too much time and money. Sarah is still a media darling who can attract attention, true or false, as long as she boosts ratings.

  53. Anonymous7:14 PM

    OK, the blogger on Wonkette was wrong to say what he did. It was cruel. However (and isn;t there always a 'however' with the Palins?) I don't recall any politician, celebrity, semi-celebrity, CEO or anyone else writing a poem for their child's birthday and then posting it on the web. It;s almost as if she baits people with this crap. Who cares? RAM wrote poem. Put it in his baby book. We are not part of this woman's family. We don't care. We have lives. His days as a prop are over, Sarah. He's no longer the cute sack of barefoot potatoes, which is why we never see him with you any more. Keep it that way, or expect criticism, and yes, rude remarks. I don;t even know when the Obama girls birthdays are, and don't care. This woman needs to grow up.

  54. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Sarah Palin, since the very beginning, has had the ability to make all the attention, gossip, stories and rumors about Trig go away.

    Firstly, there is no reason to parade around your child like a political prop. Palin has done exactly this with Trig. Shameful.

    Secondly, if she is the birth mother of Trig just prove it once and for all and move on. It is incredibly easy to do, so just do it already. Doesn't she love Trig? Why not make all the vile gossip go away right NOW!

    It's such a simple solution even a caveman - or a Palinbot - can understand it.

  55. question everything7:22 PM

    Palin and her gang doth protest too much.

    Shooting messengers is a game played by the guilty.

  56. Anonymous7:25 PM

    OT - Grhyphen, I hope you chime in on this as only you can!

    Irony: Hannity Special On "Liberal Bias" Features Laughably Distorted Quotes

  57. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Yes, the first person who chose to open the dialogue about Trig was Sarah, who put own interests ahead of Trig. The consequences of her actions on describing the reckless birth story to press and in her book is her own fault, no one else.

    Because she is teasing everyone about running, people have a right to ask her to explain her recklessness. They need to trust a leader's good judgment. Unfortunately, Trig's birth is the subject of her reckless actions. Now he, as an unsuspecting implicated unborn baby, has to have his name brought up again and again because of his mother's reckless actions.

    She won't put a stop to it because she wants to play the victim. She should either show a birth certificate or drop out of the race and out of political sight. Go home and care for her children.

  58. Anonymous7:44 PM

    @6:06 ~ How will you all spin it if it turns out that Todd is Trig's daddy and $arah is covering for one of Todd's girlfriends because it was going to come to light that Todd was foolin' around at a VERY inopportune time for $arah.

    $arah might not be very motherly, but she is an opportunivore.

  59. Anonymous7:51 PM

    The issue is whether Sarah Palin's mentally instability is a justifiable area for journalistic investigation. If she is unstable then she is not qualified for public office and she should have limited influence on the political discourse.

    If Sarah Palin faked a birth, she is mentally unstable. If Sarah Palin truly undertook the journey she boastfully recounts then she in mentally unstable.

    Any journalist too lofty to sully themselves with baby bumps could profitably look at the "wild ride" and all it implies about Sarah Palin endangering the life of a child.

    But a journalist that disdains the baby bump problem AND ignores the "wild ride" is morally deficient.

  60. Anonymous8:13 PM

    @7:07- Actually, yours and 4:55's cynicism about politicians as a whole is irrelevant to the point of this thread.

  61. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Not about Trig, never been about Trig, never been about anyone but SP and her lying hoax. SP's hoax. Leave everyone else out of it.

    The professor's spiral of silence is sure getting some strong-arm help. Lots of fodder for research there!

  62. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I'm handicapped, disabled, "other-abled" -- whatever you want to call it.

    All I know is If Palin gets her way, we (the handicapped, disabled, "other-abled") will be SOL.

    Please, people, don't buy the "politically correct" argument Palin is pedaling!

    If she wins, we lose! That's the bottom line.

    And wherever you are on the disability spectrum, live long enough, and you will be disabled too.

    Palin is evil and a threat to us all!

  63. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I've been out of town, came home and tried to find the infamous Wonkette article, only to discover that it has been taken down. This reminds me of being out of the country when the rumors were swirling about Sarah's pregnancy right after she was picked for VP candidate. By the time I heard about it and went looking, all the articles had been scrubbed.

    I can't think of another instance in which this has happened, yet here we have TWO instances that involve Sarah and Trig. How weird is that?

  64. nswfm9:53 PM

    Wonkette still has this up:

    Which is what I read when I want to laugh for 30 minutes at a time. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving lying grifting fraud.

  65. I'm still wondering if she is hiding her sister's child.

    The Wonkette post was in very very poor taste and really quite unnecessary.
    It is palin whose judgment and character that we are questioning.

  66. Anonymous10:37 PM

    There are so MANY issues out there that could bring Sarah DOWN.

    All people (IRS and FBI) have to do is investigate various things and the Anchorage Police still should issue that letter saying they lied/misdirected information about Toad and the prostitute.

    We have three books coming out soon that will bring many things to our attention and the folks in the lower 48 will get to see what Sarah and Toad are all about with the release of emails from the State of Alaska as well as the ones being disclosed in Bentley's book. Can hardly wait to read all of this information.

  67. Anonymous11:48 PM

    These so-called trigscrew are really trig screw. They care very little about him. If they did they would discredit the insufferable bitch for all the wrong and harm she did/does to trig.

    Where is their fight for the disable? Where is palin's fight for the disable?

    I say bring it on clowns. Your fight is short lived becaused it based on lies. We are larger and stronger than any stupidass baggers.

    Your insufferable bitch can end all of this if she admitted to the damn truth.

  68. Anonymous11:55 PM

    What would had happened if the trig thing was posted in the comment section instead of it being a thread?

    This is more bs to deflect the shit thats about to hit the fan.

    Please retweet and fb wonkette to bring up their view numbers.

  69. Anonymous12:14 AM

    "Wonkette will NEVER be a respected website, hence the name.

    4:47 PM"
    You, Einstein, believes Wonkette is a reliable source for news, just as you probably believe faux noise is a reliable news source. Both are satire.

    HAHAHAHA Gawd you people.

    palin was so ashamed of retarded trig that she hid her pregnancy. FACT.

    When trig gets older wonkette isn't going to push him over the edge its gonna be his insufferable selfish bitch mother sarah and all the things she has done/not done for the well being and safety of a fetus and after the baby.

    The "trigscrew" is screwing trig. What a joke.

    How much money and time are these clowns donating to help the disable?


    They are lining their overstuffed pockets on this bullshit.

  70. anyone have a link to a now-still-online copy of the full original text of the "unfortunate" wonkette post?

    when i google i just get links to outraged conservative sites and the now wonkette apology page.

    i'd like to read the actual original "tasteless" and "unfortunate" post so i can form my own opinion of the author's intent and the quality of his sarcasm/horrid offensiveness...

    this is the internet: nothing is "erased forever".

    anyone have a link?

  71. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Attacking Wonkette is like attacking "Mad" magazine. Give me a break.
    BTW Wonkette mocks everyone. I thought the right was against "political correctness".

    inside the beltway

  72. Anonymous3:55 AM

    They continue to defend Sarah Palin. They fight for her "honor". She represents the white trash woman showcased during the Scottsboro and To kill a Mockingbird trials. She is the the white damsel in distress represented in The Birth of a Nation.

  73. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Palin's cries of "Stop attacking my children" come from the same playbook as "Why do you hate the troops?" directed at anyone who questioned the invasion of Iraq.

  74. Anonymous4:31 AM

    The spin begins... it's no longer: "Sarah did not fake a pregnancy" but has moved on to the "but even if she did" phase which means that the tide is definitely turning and more and more spin will start to come out of the Bots.

  75. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I work with DS women. if you gave me a photo of each of their parents, I could you who belongs to who. DS people share some of the same physical featurs, but are are still individually very unique.
    Trig Palin favors Levi Johnston. In someway, the Johnston's are deeply involved in this.

  76. Anonymous8:45 AM

    The "everybody is unethical why care" excuse doesn't work at my house and is a pretty lame one for the bots to use for Sarah.

  77. onething5:47 PM

    We all know this, but perhaps we need to put this out there a little more: If Sarah faked a pregnancy and all the ensuing lies that required of a public person, then she is unsound, but if she engaged in the sequence of events known as the wild ride, then she is also unsound. And if journalists want to say they don't believe the fake pregnancy theory, then they need to seriously talk about the wild ride and how bizarre such actions would be.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.