Sunday, April 24, 2011

Joe McGinniss calls out the media for their cowardice in dealing with Sarah Palin.

From The Rogue Blog:

Daum writes, “Palin has gumption…But that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have gone after her harder on many fronts. I didn’t do it because I didn’t want to come across as a mean-spirited smarty pants.”

She also admits, “Because the Palin machine ingeniously rebrands any criticism…as bilious emanations of the ‘lamestream media’(this being code for liberal elitist, which is code for educated…) it’s all but impossible to challenge her without being discredited…”

I think we should read and re-read the above. One of the hottest Gen-X writers on the radar screen says she pulled her punches at Sarah because she was afraid of being attacked by Palinists. Now that she sees Sarah as down and probably out (“Sarah Palin probably isn’t running for president”) she expresses remorse, because she feels it’s safe to do so.

While we might not applaud her careerism, we should at least give her credit for ‘fessin up, even at this late date. Very few of the many worse offenders have had the courage to do so.

It has been my experience over these last several years that intelligent, often fearless bloggers and journalists have blanched at the very idea of poking the Mama Grizzly for fear of angering her barbaric horde of supporters. So frightened were some of these individuals that they would avoid all contact with me for fear that they could be too easily smeared by Palin-bots who used me as a bludgeon to scare them away from potentially damaging stories that I had covered.

Now that the flying monkeys are down to only a few platoons, we see some journalists discovering their backbones, and yet there are still potential scandals that send them screaming into the night.

My question is how long must we wait for the media to really take Snowdrift Snooki to task for her hateful activities, her many lies, and her potentially criminal activities?

Oh wait, I do believe that question starts receiving an answer on May 10th.


  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    May 10 is the start of a new life for Sarah - One in which actual copies of her very own emails will be everywhere. Will the bots attack the authors, the publishing house, any news station who covers it? Get ready - they're coming...

  2. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Ahhh Geoffreys book! I hope it's available in ebook format too. Also I wish he would start a blog like Joe has. It's good for marketing and screw HP.
    I can't even read Jason Linkins articles now- he's truly a moron for being so dismissive and above doing any real research. I can't believe anything he writes now.
    How old are these guys?? Jason, Justin and the ones from Slate and Village Voice? Do any of them have children and would their wives ever do what Sarah described I.e. The wild ride? Or are they all arrogant and single " young guns?" I'd be very curious about this. They seem so juvenile.

  3. FrostyAK10:41 PM

    Don't you find it interesting that AUTHORS have the "still spine" to stand up to the Wild Alaskan Dingbat, but that what used to be known as REPORTERS in the MSM run and hide?

    Is the 'spiral of silence' opening up? So much material for Prof Scharlott's research! Maybe he should write a book instead of a research paper...

  4. Ya know i hope you don't have to like-buy a copy. Not that i thought you'ed have to....Ah never mind.

  5. “…the ‘lamestream media’(this being code for liberal elitist, which is code for educated…”

    It”s just so hard for me to understand why people think being educated is a bad thing, it is so bizarre, yet I know there are hordes of people who think this way.

  6. Gryphen there are some valuable things which if possesed can't be taken from you. One is intelligence and the ability to look at evidence and come to a conclusion. Another is courage. You have both of these. To press on when everyone else sticks their heads in the sand or you are being attacked takes determination, a lot of work and guts. There are some chicken shit reporters and bloggers on both the right and the left in Ak and elsewhere.

  7. Anonymous1:04 AM

    May 10 is the day Geoffery Dunn's book comes out.

    May 24 is when Frank Bailey's book, with SP's e-mails, comes out.

    Sept 20 is the release date for Joe McGinniss' book.

    Got all three on pre-order.:-)

  8. Virginia Voter3:20 AM

    Hey, Gryphen, congrats on the Politico article! This is very big

    Looks like the flying monkey posse is already swooping in this morning to comment.

  9. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Joe looked like a harmless pleasant guy sitting on the deck of the rental house...

    Looks can be deceiving, Sarah... as you are about to find out.

    Joe and the others are going to expose how big of a fraud you are.

    Hope they dug into housegate.

  10. Anonymous3:55 AM

    I don't really agree with wonkettes article but what about freedom of speech that palin is always blathering about? It only applies to what she deems free speech?

  11. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Also too, we have learned that those flying monkeys that fling batshit are not numbered as many as previously thought.

    The flying monkeys flinging dung are relatively small numbers, they cheat by using multiple sock names and multiple IP addresses so as too appear to be in the thousands. When I commented on several blogs, I found out very quickly that Rebecca Mansewer also used multiple sock puppet names in order to promote the idea that lots of people were making the comments.

    The same tactic was used on dwts to pretend that Bristol the Pistol had squads of fans and that is the reason she lasted longer than she should cause the girl could not dance.

  12. Anonymous4:00 AM

    11:29 pm

    Speak english please.

  13. Anonymous5:00 AM

    She writes that when attacking Palin “It’s impossible not to feel like we’re punching shamefully below our weight…Palin lacks the intellectual, analytical and rhetorical skills to have a competent discussion about policy or much else…She is, in terms of the political arena, easily outclassed.”

    For me, this sums it up. $cara attacks the media who all the while have been treating her with kid gloves. It is hard, though, to know for sure since she never allows anyone to ask her any questions. At the end of the day a journalist's job is to get to the facts and details, and not play polite society games. I really appreciate Daum's candor and hope she gets some kudos for being honest. Hopefully she will shame some more fools out of the closet.

  14. Anonymous5:23 AM

    I am sorry, I simply cannot call anyone who expresses fear about being labeled one of the "lamestream media" a real journalist.

    Basically the nerdy writers of the world were cowed by the mean girl bully and her posse because they could attack and belittle anyone's work if they found it threatening?


    This person and others like her should be ashamed of themselves, if this is the typical rationale for not having pursued Sarah's many questionable deeds/statements/etc more rigorously.

    Beyond pathetic.

  15. Anonymous5:25 AM

    We all know that most of Palin's attack dogs are paid hacks whose job it is to troll the net and attack,attack.She has built her Mamma Grizzley creds on just that, and most of the lamestream media has been her enablers e.g Huff Post who would censor any critics of her just to get the clicks'so they have no honesty to stand on. We know from Bailey that people like Mary Maitlain and other media types were used often.Yet the media boosted the Tea Party when they knew they were Koch sponsered and Sarah spews her hate,they all knew this was about race but never called them out. At the very beginning I commented on many media sites that if Palin was not white, she would not have gotten away with all that crap. So don't expect the media to change they have already lost their souls. Thank God a large majority of people did not buy into that and saw them for what they were.

  16. The sick cult at the Cee of Pee is bragging about spending their days going to public library computers and changing the home page to Conservatives4Palin. Boy are they desperate.

  17. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Celia @ 12:07 - I too have wondered this, with some real alarm about what it might mean as we have ever-tougher issues to confront in the future. I have recently come to a different understanding: it simply serves the interests of some parts of our society (including the political and economic status quo) for voters in a democracy to be more easily led, the better to either herd them or disenfranchise them. Education gets in the way of these interests, imparting as it does the ability to apply critical thinking and/or recognize propaganda. This is also why I believe that the rise of Fox as a "legitimate" news source is one of the most important trends in recent memory.

    True Blue Girl

  18. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Anonymous @ 3:41 - yup, he did look harmless, didn't he? And just like so many not-very-bright bullies, Sarah mistook his lack of in-kind response to her provocation as a sign of weakness. She's simply not smart enough (or mentally healthy enough) to think strategically, or to recognize when others act strategically. Ha! Sucks to be Sarah in the month of May 2011

  19. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Can't wait for May 10 - "barbaric hoard of supporters" sounds so funny. I also imagine her supporters like a bunch of bees, or hornets. They live in the nest, the beehive, which could be her bumpit.

    When the Queen is insulted, she takes her broom and whacks the beehive and the bees go haywire, stinging and zapping her accusers.

    They really don't help her image at all.

  20. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Gryphen, have you thought of asking Malia if you can co-opt (with credit, natch) her post about Sarah using the same photo for Trig's 3rd "birthday" as she did for his 2nd?

    I think even a few knuckledragging core-bots may stop to think about the fact that even though Palin is practically unemployed, only "works" a few days a month...she could not get a more recent photo of Trig.

    Also too... watching Regina's new Wild Ride video...once again Palin says (several times) that Todd "checked on earlier flights"...we need to use her own words against her.
    Palin's own state travel documents clearly show that round trip flights were booked for Sarah Palin (and Todd "massage my li'l gov'nuh" Palin)...and they were NOT CHANGED at any point in time! I'll never, ever understand how or why the media sees glaring inconsistencies like that and rather than actually doing their JOBS and saying hey, that's a pretty big lie...think I'll dig into this...they seem to just not give a damn.

    And that is truly maddening.

  21. Randall7:34 AM

    Palin and the media feed off of each other like two parasites - leeches on a sucker-fish to bring up a disgusting example. Of course, the sucker would eat the leeches off of itself.

    (tapeworms inside a vampire? No... that wouldn't be right... unless the vampire also eats the tapeworms she excretes. Eeeew.)

    They try to consume as much as they can without killing the host. (Or hostess as the case may be.)

  22. Enjay in E MT8:28 AM

    Sarah/RAM is a manipluative bully with a gang to disrupt anyones life if they fail to "Honor their Queen" Each unflattering fact is grounds for war - against sponsors/
    letters to editors/ push back / threats ....

    Living in a small town - we have a a family of bullies. The entire family is the gang. The police don't mess with them because
    "its not worth it" They get their lawyers, other family members parading in & out of police station complaining, calling, sending anon. tips, etc.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.