Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stephen Colbert loses it during last night's Colbert Report.

Stephen Colbert has one of the best dead pans in comedy, but he simply could not hold it together during this segment on pap smears at Walgreens. 

Personally I can't blame him. Watch this and see if you do any better.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Pap Smears at Walgreens
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive


  1. ManxMamma6:25 AM

    We're living in a lunatic asylum. That was priceless Colbert!

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Senator John Kyl (R-AZ) was off his math on Planned Parenthood abortion services by 87% and it was ‘not intended as a factual statement?’ on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives when arguing to cut Federal funding for this organization?

    Is that how our 'elected' leaders can operate now? They can shout "You Lie" during the State of the Union to the President and can present lies to affect policy?

    And Fox & Friends are health care experts? Nothing presented from their frothing mouths is factual.

    Wake up true Conservatives. In the words of the prize-winning journalist mortal Bill McAllister, [The GOP] "disgraces" your once sound august platform as a fiscal and social conservative pro-market body.

  3. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Sarah's prenatal visits for Trig were performed at Walgreens.

    Delivery was done on aisle 6.

    Trig's birth certificate was handled by Walgreens copy center.

  4. i've seen him smile and giggle a little, but i've never seen stephen lose it like that. i love that man. he is a national treasure, if only for his press corps dinner performance. but his show is wonderful as well - masterful even, hilarious, and full of heart, just like him. (but stephen, pssst: you don't want to tip off the conservatives who think you are one of them and blow your cover to those without the sarcasm-processing gene.)

  5. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I'm more in love with Colbert than ever!

  6. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I'm due for a mammo and a colonoscopy in May. And a Walgreens just opened down the street. How lucky can you get!

  7. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I just pissed myself watching that--it is a bitch getting old, but thanks Stephen, I will change my undies one hundred times a day for your humor.

  8. Anonymous7:37 AM


    That was sooooooooooo funny. Laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. Hubby wanted to know what I was laughing about and he started laughing when I told him what Stephen had said. Thanks for posting this Mr. G.


  9. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Ya'll seen this yet?


  10. angela7:45 AM

    Colbert is a genius.

    I'll bet you Walgreens was swamped by some of FAUX's idiot viewers looking for breast exams and PAP smears.

    Watching Fox and Friends is like watching really drunk twelve year olds trying to have a conversation about astrophysics.

  11. I thought you might enjoy this.

  12. Anonymous7:52 AM

    OMG that was hysterical. I've never seen Colbert break up like that, hahah!

  13. Hold it together, i could not...


  14. Lynne9:08 AM

    Likewise...laughed until I cried. Too funny!

  15. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Bhaha! Stephen Colbert is my hero!

  16. Anonymous9:44 AM

    And the vapid woman in the middle just sat there in the couch and said nothing as the two men discussed where a woman can get pap smears and breast exams? I guess she's just happy to be on the teevee. "You just sit there and look pretty, sweetheart. We'll tell you when it's ok to talk and what to say. Good girl."

  17. Anonymous10:37 AM

    This will make your day: Stephen Colbert losing it (there's practically nothing funnier) on the Daily Show in 2003 ~


    Warning: not for the prudish!

  18. Anonymous12:37 PM

    My cheeks hurt from smiling by the end of that clip.

    Is there no end to how freaking stupid those three Fox people can be?

    Best line was something about looking for the stirrups between the Swifter refills and the cat food, on aisle six.

  19. Anonymous12:55 PM

    We should flood walgreens with calls asking for a pap test,that would really irk them more and get Fox in more trouble.

  20. Anonymous4:39 PM

    And the closing, as it so often is, is brilliant.

    It would be too funny for women around the country to start asking for pap smears at Walgreens.

  21. emrysa8:10 PM

    that was excellent.

    colbert is genius.


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