Friday, April 15, 2011

Thank God this Teabagger explained he WASN'T a racist, because I kind of thought he was!

(H/T to Tina Dupuy.)

In other "we are totally NOT racist" news, Arizona Senate has just passed House Bill 2177 (Or as it is known in local KKK meetings, the Birther Bill.)

This legislation requires that potential Presidential candidates bring their "long form" birth certificate to Arizona and let the local non-racists examine it. But don't worry if you lost your original form, there is a plan B.

Apparently, requiring presidential candidates to provide a long-form birth certificate before allowing their names on the ballot in Arizona -- despite it already being a federal requirement to run for president -- was a bit too much for a few GOP lawmakers. So they made some amendments: if you can't find your birth certificate, and you have a penis, a document describing your lack of foreskin will suffice.

A circumcision certificate -- a document given to the parents of a male Jewish child after his foreskin is snipped off during a circumcision ceremony -- is not a legal document (see an example of one here) but if you have one, under the amended bill, it's apparently enough to prove you're a U.S. citizen and your name can be permitted on the ballot in Arizona.

But don't bother worrying Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, Tim Pawlenty, and Sarah Palin (?) if you don't have either of those forms, just so long as you are willing to let Arizona officials take a good long look at your penises. Nothing even remotely intrusive about that, is there? (I know what you are thinking, "Sarah Palin doesn't HAVE a penis."  Really?  Haven't you ever wondered why Todd oh so carefully carries Sarah's handbag when she hands it to him? I dare you to look inside!)

BTW icky fact of the day, apparently Kenyans are UNCIRCUMCISED. Just put that on your list of "Things I wish I didn't know,"

(H/T to Americablog.)


  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    This chills me to the bone.

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    There are a LOT of people who choose to not have their sons circumcised, and it has nothing to do with religious reasons. I'd venture to say that this bagger's father & grandfather were never circumcised either. As for Kenyans, many African tribes incorporate circumcision as part of a boy's induction into manhood.

    It's only been since the advent of "modern childbirth" that circumcisions were routinely performed on baby boys. The usual medical reason given is that it's more sanitary although that's not necessarily true. About half my daughters chose to have their sons circumcised, and the other half didn't. Doesn't make any of them less American.

  3. California Dreamin'7:49 AM

    "Well, I guess this huckleberry is a racist."

    Ummm, yep. You are.

    Wow, just wow. Where to start with this piece of garbage. I would love to ask him where he got all his "statistics" about "the blacks". What's sad is this guy truly thinks that he ISN'T a racist. He could seriously use some critical thinking classes.

  4. California Dreamin'7:52 AM

    Oh, and also, too, another group that generally don't circumcise their baby boys is latinos. File that with the other stuff you didn't want to know. :)

  5. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Sarah Palin’s Alaska DVD: Unethical and Unlawful

  6. Anonymous8:05 AM

    He left out "stupid and clueless".

    Nice try, cracker. Nice T-shirt, too.

  7. Anonymous8:05 AM

    So, it goes to show you that racists don't know the true meaning of the word. I guess they're the "lower end of the traditionalists'.

  8. Anonymous8:06 AM

    God I want to leave this state of Arizona. The state legislature is insane. Anyhow did you mention that instead of a long form bc they can show baptismal or circumcision papers?? Does that mean only a Christian or Jew can run for office!!!?
    One positive thing- Russell Pearce, the crazed far right WHITE leader of the AZ senate is in big trouble and I think he will be recalled. I put white in all caps because he is affiliated with white supremacists. I'm sure he hates Jews too. He is the brilliant (choke) idiot behind all these crazy laws being passed. Many in AZ don't agree with these that is one reason there is a big recall campaign. I'm not sure if you wrote about the insane college gun law passed here last week. 80% of Arizona residents were against this yet they still voted on it. Again Russell Pearce. Sarah would probably love him except he is Morman.

    Why are all the racist kooks in this country coming out of the closet. Do ya think a black President inspired them??
    And whuly does Scarah and those like her scream about taking " our" country back? They were screeching this a month after the election. Sarah and all these tea baggers are RACIST! Otherwise they would have been screeching when Bush was in office spending billions.

  9. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Personally, I think the practice of circumcision is barbaric. I would never have put my son through that kind of torture. If he opts to go through the procedure when he's older, that's up to him and it will be HIS choice, not something he was forced to do as a baby.

  10. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Am I the only one who thinks after he says "Barack Hussein Obama" and then goes "mmm, mmm, mmm!" that he sounds like he just had some really tasty fried chickin', watermelon, and purple drink?

    This man and his video would be totally hilarious if it weren't so blatantly racist and disgusting.

  11. Anonymous8:17 AM

    "Blacks and Nigras?" No, that's not racial at all.

  12. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I can't even come up with a comment about how fucking stupid this law is!

  13. imnofred8:19 AM

    This guy is a fucking jackass. He reminds me of when Sarah said that she wasn't going to criticize the President on foreign soil and went on to do it in the same sentence.

    This guy isn't racist, he's just a "rill merican."

  14. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Remember when the college student asked clinton "boxers or brief" ? Now it's "circumcised or not circumcised"?

  15. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Just when I think we have evolved in our thinking, an idiot like this comes along. What is scary, is that lately more and more people are thinking like him. Middle Ages here we come AGAIN.

  16. wakeUpAmerica8:23 AM

    I always thought Todd carried Sarah's purse because it had his cajones in it.

  17. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Many European men are uncircumcised too. Doesn't mean they are not Christian, and hey, many are even white!

  18. Lynne8:27 AM

    I can't even find an appropriate description of how revolting that man is. He gives me the creeps! That was not the way I wanted to start my day, Gryphen, but it is definitely something we all need to be reminded of. Thanks...I think.

  19. Anonymous8:29 AM

    His white sheet was at cleaners?

  20. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Is this for real??

  21. Erica from Dallas8:40 AM

    What does the Racist man want to do with us 2nd generation,half Russian Jew,half Canadian Catholic Left Wing White Obama Supporters?
    Prison camp?
    Since I don't have a penis and lost my long form,yikes maybe I can marry this stupid guy and he will show mercy and let me be his servant.Oh since I won't be able to get an abortion I will have to carry his babies.And since it is all about white men and their white circumcised penises I guess I will loose my right to vote and own property.
    I think this movement is very frightening..

  22. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Okay, that is just scary. Of course that guy's not a racist, he's jut a "realist" with some made-up facts and figures and a serious contempt for the constitution. Start deporting people because of their religion? OMG.

    And BTW, Muslems are circumcised, just like Jews. It's a religious/cleanliness thing. Cleanliness before God is very important to Muslims, it's why they wash before they pray.

  23. Anonymous8:41 AM

    What if you have a penis AND a foreskin?

  24. wakeUpAmerica8:45 AM

    Blacks got reparations? When? somebody should tell them.

  25. Anonymous8:46 AM

    OK, Huckleberry. Good job. You can go back to holding up Sarah Palin's calendar with one hand now.

  26. Anonymous8:49 AM

    This is vile, and just about the most upsetting thing I've seen in a long time.

    On the "factual" part of it, I wonder if Arizona realizes that many states DO NOT provide long form certificates? It's called the Full Faith and Credit clause (there's also equal protection). This bill flies in the face of the Constitution.

  27. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I wonder what he thinks of us white folks, who are U.S. citizens, who choose not to circumcise our sons?

  28. Anonymous8:57 AM

    What a creepy man! My sister lives in AZ and there are many of those types in her community. I can hardly stand to visit her.

  29. Anonymous8:59 AM

    8:06, I feel for you, in the trenches. I left AZ for the Pacific Northwest 3 1/2 years ago, before it got really crazy, and I am thankful.

    BTW, the best response I've seen to the "taking our country back" mantra was a sign at the Rally to Restore Sanity. It said, "You can't take this country back. Some of us are still using it." I'm tempted to make a bumper sticker.

  30. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I have issues with Arizona deciding they get to decide what constitutes US citizenship.

    The appropriate documentation for US citizenship has been well established for a long time. Most of you are familiar with the I-9 form for employment. It makes it very clear what's required.

    Also, the Arizona law means my sons cannot be President. I have never laid eyes on what they call the "long form" birth certificate. What I received upon request looks exactly like what Obama's certificate looks like.

    I've dealt intimately with birth certificates for years since citizenship verification is a requirement to receive federal aid for college. Arizona doesn't know what they're talking about.

    I expect this to go to the Supreme Court. Federal law trumps state stupidity.

  31. California Dreamin'9:09 AM

    @ 8:16 I was thinking the same thing! lol

    @ 8:14 If your son wants to get circumcised later in life, tell him that it is an extremely long and painful healing process. I was in a relationship with a latino guy who had it done when he was 35. It was excruciating for him. Just FYI.

  32. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Oh you big sweetie! Your type so often work other peoples' dicks into your conversations. There's a few out here who would like to visit your closet.

  33. Montana9:24 AM

    Trump loves “rattling the Birthers cages”, too funny.

    The GOP is like the "Chicken Littles” always saying that the “Sky is Falling”, like the same ones that were the “Chicken Hawks” ("W" Wars), big talk no courage. The United States, favors creativity wherever it can be found. We're apostles of prosperity and defenders of the free exchange of ideas and when more people in more countries are free to rise, to invent, to communicate, to dissent, it's not the doom of United States leadership, its the triumph of the American way.
    Generations have worked hard and sacrificed much for the country to reach this point (individuals and our unions!), and with further hard work and sacrifice (along with our relentless self-doubt) the United States will rise again, we do not tire and we are coming back, no matter what the “Chicken Littles” keep saying about our nation. Never Bet Against the United States!
    Our current President travelled under a USA passport long before he was elected President, but I guess the quacky BIRTHERS, must believe that the USCIS – United States Passport was in on the lie, please, grow up, you are wrong! Remember when some contractors were busted during the “George W. Bush” administration for looking at our current President passport file (how quick you forget).

    The Birthers just HATE and can’t debate!
    Have any of the quacky BIRTHERS presented any credible proof that will standup in court? Answer: No
    Have any of the quacky BIRTHERS won any Court Cases? Answer: No
    They are just mainly backward, uneducated, white people who HATE our half black President.

    The majority of the voting public ask “where the proof”, show some proof BIRTHERS or the voting majority will continue to see you as dumb, stupid or racist, maybe all three. Can you blame them?

    Still, I really hope one of these retreads and blowhards runs for president, not because they have a chance of winning but because I like to see the train wreck that they will cause.

    Faux News Candidates:
    former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin ”The I graduated Early”,
    former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga. “The I Love The Interns”,
    former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee “The Huckster Reverend”,
    former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. “The I Love the Gays”,
    former UN Ambassador John Bolton “The I Love The War ”

    I Finance Myself:
    real estate celebrity developer, Donald Trump, “I took my Casino into Bankruptcy, just imagine where I can Take the US”
    former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney “The Flip-Flopping Fudger”,
    former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush “The I Am Not My “Dumb Ass” Brother”,

    Employed Long Shots:
    Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. “The History, I Don’t Need No Stink’n History”,
    Mississippi Gov./ former tobacco lobbyist, Haley Barbour “The last White Hope”

  34. Anonymous9:29 AM

    What an embarrassment this yahoo is to white Americans.

  35. Gasman9:46 AM

    So, circumcision is the new metric by proxy for American citizenship, eh? Let's set aside the laughably unconstitutional specter of creating a standard which is tailored for but two religions - not surprisingly, the only two endorsed by the Christian right - or that the procedure is exclusively done on MALES. It presents us with the amusing notion of President Obama, in a "Blazing Saddles" moment going all Cleavon Little and saying:

    "Excuse me while I whip this out..."

    Actually, for some time I have thought that penis envy - or at least insecurity - was behind much of the white male GOP fear of Obama. They are buying into the myth of the "dark long schlong" and behaving accordingly, looking very ashamedly at their own little tiny bits of meat. THAT would explain much of the irrational batshit crazy anti-Obama nonsense.

    However, when you consider Huckkkleberry, PawPaw, Santorum, Trump, Barbour, Gingrich, and Romney, I could easily believe that they ain't packin' much.

    Those batshit crazy Republicans in Arizona might just be loopy enough to drag the state back toward reality. Nobody can think that they've done anything but make AZ a laughingstock and an economic pariah.

    Keep up the good work, assholes.

  36. Enjay in E MT10:07 AM

    Hope his children & grandchildren are proud of him and the fact they sprung from his seed. This should be mandated viewing prior to entering into a serious relationship with one of his family members.

    Full Disclosure!!

  37. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Circumcision is nothing more than genital mutilation of boys for cosmetic (and occasionally) religious reasons. I chose to keep my sons intact. If, when they are ADULTS, they CHOOSE to have a circumcision done, I will not only pay for the procedure but the pain meds as well, though I doubt they'll want to have it done.

  38. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I couldn't even watch all of that..I was going to throw up.
    And to answer his question, yes, you neanderthal, you are racist. And homophobic, and you hate women.

  39. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Oh. yeah. Black people get reparations. We get 1 million billion bajillion kajillion pajillion thingamabobbies every month. I thought everybody knew that.

  40. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Does female circumcision count?

  41. Griff:
    The President is most likely circumcised, since he was born is the USA in 1961- it was quite standard then.
    Also, Kenyans may not circumcise, but Muslims very often do- to their boys.
    It's creepy to even talk about it, much less put it in legislation.
    Those lawmakers in Arizona have GOT to get out of the sun, and I mean now!

  42. He pizzzed me off at the very beginning by using the word "negras." Since I'm over 50, was born and raised in the South, and still live in the South, I know for a fact that choosing that word was a dog-whistle meant for others who believe what he believes about black people. Yeah, right, KKKlown. Keep believing that none of us have made any progress in all the time we've been in this country. It would probably shock the $h!t out of you if you discovered that I was one of your grandkid's teachers who helped him/her pass that graduation test needed to earn that high school diploma! This man is a real azzzz. This man is a pus on America. He not only hates so many others, but most of all, he hates himself. There's no other way to explain the things he said in the video, and it's quite obvious that he thinks others "got" something that he didn't "get." Whatever it is that he thinks that he didn't "get" from the government, I didn't "get" it either. God, I'm glad my parents didn't teach me to hate people like this nut, so I'm just going to remain vigilant, keep focused, and keep moving ahead.

    He really has compassion for his fellow man, doesn't he?/s/

    And, I imagine he calls himself a "c"hristian, too, with his hate mongering azzz.

  43. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I only made it half way through, that's vile.

  44. Anonymous10:32 AM

    That pig makes me ashamed to be an American.Hatred is just oozing out of him.BTW I'm white and 61 yrs. old.

  45. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Most African American, Pres, Obama age have been circumcised at birth in the hospital, not for religious reason. It is a tradition, they circumcise their boys. All my brothers were circumcised at birth accept one. He was a very sick baby and was schedule for open heart surgery, but Thank God my mom took him to a revival and he was healed instantly... He was circumcised as a adult (painful!:).

    Arizona's law will be overturn by the court, because it is unconstitutional and it make the short form worthless... They can not change the value of the short form BC.

  46. Anonymous10:40 AM

    In addition to what the man actually said, the tone with which he said it, and his facial expression when he had to say "blacks" et cetera, I found his T-shirt offensive. That someone that profoundly stupid and racist would wear a T-shirt promoting guns is beyond chilling. It is the stuff nightmares are made of and I really hated the dramatic music as the end where variations of his shirt were shown in rapid-fire fashion to dramatize their importance. Good grief!

    These people also keep saying they are Christians. That should make real followers of Christ stand up against him. Where the heck are the mainstream Christians when garbage like this is hauled out to represent the faith?

  47. whoa, the hate oozes off that huckleberry, whatever that is. i won't even touch all the ugliness and lies that he spewed with a ten foot poll. it's fitting though that his movement is called teahad as it definitely draws from the jihadist terror playbook. i'm glad i don't know anyone like that, but it is necessary to acknowledge that such dangerous and divisive people exist.
    oh, there is one comment of his that almost made me cry laughing - the one about him not being a racist because he and other manly racists like him fantasize about being married to sarah palin!?!!! rotflmao!!! i can send away for your purse ahead of time, huckleberry, my hateful friend!
    and this az law - wtf?!? my baby sister recently moved to az with a boyfriend, to maricopa of all places(!!!) and the more i hear about the political and cultural climate there right now, the more i am concerned for her and pretty sure she'll be on her way back. no offense to anyone from az - you have a beautiful landscape to call home. but you have now replaced sc in the level of crazy coming out of your state (not your fault, i am sure, if you are a reader of this blog). but it would be very hard for a northeastern liberal to stomach this ridiculousness, as i'm sure it is for many az's as well.
    btw, what's so icky about an uncircumcised penis? most of the world's men are uncircumcised. using it as proof of citizenship - now that's just plain crazy and even a bit icky.

  48. Anonymous10:56 AM

    In an earlier comment, just moments ago, I said how his T-shirt promoting guns disgusted me - what I meant to say was that his T-shirt promoting guns in the context of political disagreements or political comments disgusts me.

    For gawd's sake, put away the guns when talking about politics or religion - particularly religion.

    Both have caused enough violence and bloodshed; to use guns this way merely incites more of the same.

  49. Anonymous10:58 AM

    There are medical reasons for circumcision as well, 10:10.

    You are certainly free not to have circumcision done on your sons, but please research the topic a bit more.

    I applaud your outrage at the AZ law, however.

  50. I think the operation declared Teabagger racists like this man should have undergone isn't a circumcision, which removes only the foreskin, but they should be allowed to vote only after they present the entire penis, removed and preserved in a jar of formaldehyde.

    Then women wouldn't have to worry so much about pregnancy as a consequence of the crime of rape, or losing their choice about abortion services.

    The other choice for men who honor women and children, protect women and children, and live the Golden Rule, would be to register as Democrats and vote unfailingly for positive and responsible social and fiscal programs.

  51. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Why don't they just write the bill the way they want to write it:

    If you are Barrack Obama, you cannot run for president in Arizona.

    This penis examination business is so...Republican. Republicans want government out of their lives but totally in your underwear.

  52. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Anonymous 10:58 wrote: There are medical reasons for circumcision as well, 10:10.

    Definitely—for parents too squeamish to teach their kids how to keep themselves clean.

  53. Marleycat12:12 PM

    This is why the Palins scare me - this guy is who their base is - he is absolutely seething with anger, hate, and violence. I don't fear them personally, but I do fear them politically.

    Look around, these folks are coming out of the woodwork, and, as per AIP's (and many other like hate groups) stated plan, are getting elected through the GOP. These are the people who truly believe only white, fundamentalist Christians have value as human beings.

    Sarah claims to support Jews and Israel - but in truth, has her own plans for them. Right now, anyone subjugating, killing, and repressing Muslims for her and the Far Right are just the cat's meow.

    I am bi-racial Japanese/American - I well remember the racism my mother and we kids endured so many years ago, and how afraid I felt with drunken, screaming, uneducated men like this man outside our apartment at night, threatening us, yelling for us to "go back where you belong", "Japs", "Chinks", "Yellow Slant-eyes" etc., etc., ... this while my Dad was stationed overseas in what was then "Formosa", serving his country!

    Their rage and threats made them seem as if they had the strength to come right through the walls - and soon would, to kill us. I was six years old. This happened in the most liberal state in the Union, too - Vermont. The Bank refused to cash my mother's allottment check until she threatened to find out the legality of refusing to do so, and the grocery store was rude when she had to buy food.

    As a military family we lived in many different places, and other countries - but that place was like being in hell. My Dad was a Vermonter, and when he retired here, I too became a "Vermonter", although I never lived in that town again.

    40 years later,I worked with Social Services and Community Action and actually met a client who recognized my family name, remembered my mother - she told me other things my mother endured that I was not privy to - how the ringleader of these racists would basically spit on my mother every time he saw her outside of the apartment; my mother had no one here to help her except her(this client's) own mother. My mother would go upstairs and cry on her mother's shoulders. I myself have never seen my mother cry, ever. That's how bad it was - I know who these Palin people are, they are dangerous.

    I will never forget even though we were there for only 3 months (my Dad got us out of there!) and I still shudder when I drive through that town.

    Sarh and Todd Palin are AIP, not Republican - that's just their banner. I absolutely hate the purveyors of the Far Right (and the GOP)- in all their forms. They won't quit until much more destruction is done to this country, more people are hurt, more rights are taken away.

  54. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Gryphen what type of certificate is issued in Alaska for a birth certificate - is it the official "long" form AZ is demanding? Is not, Sarah doesn't have a penis eitehr - so I guess she would not be allowed on the ballot there. I still think there is a possibility Sarah was actually born in Canada - her family (on record) admitted to partaking in "free, socialized" medicine across the border in Canda - so who's to say they didn't deliver their children there.

  55. Sofyadeb12:50 PM

    Circumcision varies greatly in the US depending on what part of the country you are born in. In the midwest about 75% of boys are circumcised. In the east, it is 50/50. In the west, only 25% are.

    When my first son was born, we just assumed he would be circumcised - my husband is, and the doctor assumed that we would as well. I didn't even feel like we were given a choice.

    After that experience, I did some research and decided that any future boys would not be, and I have 2 uncircumcised boys.

  56. Anonymous1:22 PM

    He complains about people (Hispanics?) desecrating the US flag...while wearing a t-shirt of a flag covered with gun silhouettes.

    Nope, no contradiction there.

  57. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Mr. Ted Powell:

    My son was circumcised as a part of his hypospadias repair when he was a year old.

    Please take your know it all, judgmental attitude elsewhere. Next you'll be saying every woman has an abortion because she's too lazy to be a mother.

  58. Anonymous2:05 PM

    just like in the michael jackson case, the racists want to humiliate black men by having them strip down to inspect their genitals. absolutely disgusting

  59. Randall2:27 PM

    that guy and everyone who cheered when he spoke - are


    with America.

    Listening to someone as unbalanced as that guy is like listening to Charles Manson. Scary sick in the head.

    If Sarah Palin had a brain in her head she would put as much distance as she could between herself and these twisted bigots. And she would do it as FAST as she could twitter, too.

  60. Anonymous3:16 PM

    FWIW: Many if not most Europeans and Asians are not circumcised either. However, MUSLIMS *ARE*!

  61. Anonymous3:23 PM

    As far as I can remember, the circumcision issue started during WWII, when it was easier to keep clean and not get dirt under the foreskin, if the guys were circumcised. It was a hygienic reason, and possibly quite necessary down in the trenches, when a shower was a luxury that the guys could have maybe once/month or so.

  62. kraftysue6:48 PM

    My sons and I went to Kenya 3 yrs ago for a photographic safari. Our guide said the native Masai tribe circumcise their sons in a ceremony when they are 13-14 yrs old. If they cry, they are not considered warriors. Their mothers try to deaden the penis with cold goats milk to make it hurt less. If they do cry, they must later prove their bravery by cutting their upper arms with a knife. We saw many with scars on their arms.

  63. Look very carefully America, this is the real TERRORIST that you should be wary of! Muslims don't worry me, but this guy does; the problem is, he has no idea how ignorant he is. His type are scared to the bone at the America of today...the growing hispanic population, the black President, seeing people of color achieve more than he ever could. They feel threatened with these changes and this resulted in the tea party. You can hear and see the panic on their faces and in their speech.

  64. onething8:20 PM

    I can't believe you said it is icky to be uncircumcised. Most of the world is not, and that included Americans until about 100 years ago or less. It is a cruel and barbaric practice, and a parent who has it done without watching is a coward!

  65. Techgnome10:47 PM

    Aw heck, this is just part of the insanity that happens in Phoenix. Have you heard about our new "sonogram" law? The GOP is "protecting" women from their doctors by requiring a sonogram an hour before an abortion. They also have to provide an opportunity for the woman to "hear" the fetus. Another another new law signed by our governor the doctor is committing a class 3 felony if they know the abortion is due to gender or race. The have to get an affidavit from the patient. The list goes on.

    Most of the people in AZ live in the Phoenix metropolitan area, so that's where the political power is. The rest of us are just sort of the tail the dog wags. This is why there has been some half serious talk of Southern AZ seceding from the rest of the state.

  66. Anonymous1:54 AM

    I wounder if the genius's who thought up this bill bothered to take in to account that Muslims also practice circumcision.

  67. A J. BIllings4:02 AM

    WHAT??!!!! This mouth breather worships Paylin?

    He says for millions of American men "Palin is our FANTASTY WIFE?"

    Being a man of reasonable propriety, I'm not going to stoop to calling Snowball Snooki unattractive, or whatever.

    But for you men, I am going to say that imho, true beauty begins and ends in character, intellect, and spirit.

    Paylin is a vindictive and calculating shrew, has a painfully uncurious and limited intellect, and a narcissistic spirit a mile deep.

    Which makes her supposed outward "attractiveness" to 60 year old men a mystery to me.

    There! I made it through this post without calling her a shrieking harpy. Oops!

  68. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Anon 1:58 - hypospadias is a legitimate medical reason for a circumcision to be performed. To make the baby "look like daddy" or so he'll not have people say he's "icky" or whatever (for cosmetic reasons and to avoid bullying) is NOT a good reason to cut off a perfectly healthy part of a little boy's penis.

  69. Anonymous7:51 AM

    "Is it racist to...."


    This has been another episode of "Short Answers to Stupid Questions, Teabagger Edition."

  70. Anonymous8:00 AM

    When Sarah Palin was introduced as the VP pick of McCain, well then the idiots started coming out of their hidey holes.

    Sarah Palin and the teaparty have been the beginning of uneducated idiots trying to write policy for the American people. In their rush to protect the rich and to gain power, the Republicans have turned this country into a laughing stock.

    Paying Sarah Palin to give ignorant no substance screeching speeches has really scraped the shit at the bottom of the sewer.

    History books will reveal the slime that came after Sarah Palin was smeared in our faces 24/7. How anyone who promotes this piece of shit can sleep at night is beyond me. Sarah Palin and her minions deserve nothing less than prison and working on a chain gang.

  71. Anonymous4:56 AM

    I wasn't able to listen to this over the weekend but just did right now. OMG, I agree with the first commenter:

    "This chills me to the bone."

    I can't even believe this dude. It scares me to death that these people carry guns and they wonder why? I wish they would just get together and move somewhere else because I am embarrassed that they belong to the human race. I don't want them anywhere me or my family. I guess only white rich republican men are the only ones smart enough to vote. Apparently no one else is qualified. The stupidity of it all is astounding.

    The comment about SP being their fantasy wife was priceless. No shit, we've been saying that is why they love her. It has nothing to do with education, or knowing a god blessed anything, etc. It all comes down to having fantasies. She is a fantasy.

    The teabaggers "see" what they want to not what is really there.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.