Friday, April 15, 2011

Julia O'Malley of the ADN addresses Professor Scharlott's research. Update!

I will give Julia props for at least reading the paper, however like most of the media she immediately dismisses its findings. (But how nice is it to see the story in the Anchorage Daily News again?)

She does provide some new, heretofore unreported "information" for us to mull over.

But, of course, there was no silence spiral. The journalists, including me, who covered Palin at the time believed she was pregnant because she was pregnant. Even before the announcement, she seemed to be putting on weight. She wore baggy jackets and scarves. Before the announcement, she acted nervous when photographers tried to take her picture. Later on, her face filled out. Her fingers swelled. She had a noticeable belly. And it wasn't made out of foam.

Palin also ran all the time at the gym in Juneau. People I know saw her on the treadmill sweating in workout clothes. She had a belly. I repeat: she had a real pregnant belly. Are you going to tell me she was wearing a prosthetic abdomen on the treadmill?


"Her fingers swelled."  "People I know saw her on the treadmill sweating in workout clothes. She had a belly. I repeat: she had a real pregnant belly."

I have to say that this is new to me.  I have interviewed, and had casual conversations, with dozens of people who saw Palin during her "pregnancy."  Not ONE of them ever said that she appeared pregnant. (Well to be honest there was one potential source that a friend said they were in contact with who claimed to have seen Palin with her shirt up, and her pregnant belly exposed, between March 2008 and Trig's birth.  But when I asked if I could interview them, they quickly disappeared into a puff of smoke.)

So what do I make of Julia's claims?  I am a fan, and absolutely do not believe she would lie, so I want to take her at her word. So does that mean her friends lied to her?  Seems odd if they did, and if so, why?

I have a few faceless "friends" that have had something to say about this as well.  Here are a few who left some very interesting comments about a "tubal ligation" that Palin complained about after the birth of Piper (Scroll down to read what they had to share.) 

I also have a friend in the Valley who has been in contact with somebody, once very close to the Palins, who says unequivocally that the pregnancy was faked.

Then there is the "major news outlet" who revealed that they have pictures proving beyond a shadow of about that Palin was not pregnant. (And yes I have contacted them and told them that "Now is the time to spring their story!")

Not all of these people are anonymous or faceless.  There is also Shailey Tripp, who is the only person I know who saw Palin in some stage of undress and actually felt her stomach, who says that "there was nothing at all" to indicate that she was with child.

I have a few more sources who are not yet ready to have their stories shared, but all in all the cumulative anecdotal evidence is virtually impossible to ignore.  And THAT is without the added proof of the various photographs which show Palin looking much, much too slim to be as pregnant as she claims, or even pregnant at all.

Speaking of pictures the Mail Online has posted this picture as proof that Palin WAS pregnant:

Is anybody convinced by that?

If not, you are not alone. Joe McGinniss was not exactly bowled over by that evidence either.

So here we are on day three of this new frenzy over babygate, and I have to say I am really enjoying seeing people examining the evidence. Many for the very first time. 

I know that there are still those who will never agree that Palin faked the pregnancy, but I am noticing that there are a whole lot who have seen the light, and even more who are at least expressing interest in the possibility that a whole nation was hoodwinked.

For this tired old Trig Truther, that is music to my ears.

And by the way there are STILL no tweets from the Grizzled Mama herself telling us all how foolish we are for talking about this again. Which is kind of interesting in and of itself.

Don't you agree?

Update: By the way another major mystery, besides why Palin did not seem to gain any weight until the last three weeks of her "pregnancy," is the fact that she seems to have lost all of that sudden weight gain even quicker.

Here is the famous picture taken in the Palin kitchen on Levi's birthday, May 3rd, which is only two weeks after Trig's "birth."

Where is the round face everybody is commenting on?  Or the bulky shoulders shown in the ADN photos? Or the fat fingers?  Or the discomfort in bending over, that my wife dealt with for almost two months? None of that appears evident here.

I will put the photographs I have in my collection against anything the ADN or the Daily Mail have any day of the week.  I have every confidence that if this evidence were put in front of a jury, that Palin would be convicted of faking her pregnancy in a heartbeat!

Update 2: Here is Andrew Sullivan's take on this pathetic article:

She also seems to believe that the job of journalists is to adjudicate not just what's fit to print, but also what's fit to report. Based on what her friends say they saw in a gym.

Actually the job of journalists is to seek factual resolution of legitimate empirical questions. This should be easy. Why has it been so insanely hard?

Now THAT is a very good question.  You know, the kind an actual journalist might ask.


  1. Betsy S5:33 AM

    NB This is not maternity jacket. It is a size 16 women's jacket, with too big shoulders and the sleeves rolled up.

  2. Anonymous5:43 AM

    "The journalists, including me, who covered Palin at the time believed she was pregnant because she was pregnant."

    How is this sentence supposed to put any of this to rest? How is this sentence journalism?

    O'Malley should just say, "I believe Sarah Palin was pregnant because Sarah Palin said so and because some people I know saw her running on a treadmill and she looked pregnant." That is the extent of her evidence.

    Why won't ANY of the journalists who say they want this story to go away do the work to make it go away? It would be easy to prove Trig is Palin's child.

    There is a lot of circumstantial evidence that Palin was not pregnant and no evidence that she was beyond Palin's word. There is ample evidence that Palin's word is not worth much.

  3. Anonymous5:45 AM

    looks like Todd's jacket...

    How come the masseuse didn't notice a large belly while SP was laying on it.

    I don't care how tight your abs are, you can't lay on a baby bump.

  4. ManxMamma5:45 AM

    I was surprised at Julia's column. I, too, like her writing.

  5. The most telling part to me is that on the two Alaskan Airways flight the flight attendants didn't notice Palin was pregnant. FA's are trained to notice that type of thing.

  6. Anonymous5:51 AM

    It's so frustrating! Yes, she looks pregnant in that picture - BUT - days earlier she was flat as a board and later that SAME day did not appear to look pregnant. That is not possible, people! OMG I am going to pull my hair out over this I am so sick of waiting for the truth to come out!!!!

  7. cJumper5:55 AM

    If her daughter had Trig and she adopted him, that's fine (and what I might have done). And if she gave birth to him or found him under a cabbage leaf, that's fine. I don't care. Regardless, she is a vacuous twit with delusions of competence. I'm not going to even touch on the religion thing.

  8. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I do not understand why anyone has in the past or currently believes the half term governor is
    attractive or as they often say "hot". Two words come to my mind, goofy and tacky. Simply compare her to Senator Gillibrand.


  9. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Julie.. please get in touch with Sarah and simply ask her to provide medical records or birth documents that will put an end to this subject...

    Julie.. Sarah can do this in less than 5 minutes, IF SHE IS TRIG'S BIRTH MOTHER.

    Julie.. bet she will give you nothing, because she can't.

  10. Anonymous6:01 AM

    What I see is what Betsy S said: An oversize jacket, with a scarf placed "just so" that it draws your attention where she wants it.

    With O'Malley: How can she not see the hoax - it is right there in the pictures.

    The pictures say it all.

  11. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Whether she was or was not pregnant Palin is practiced at the art of deception and grossly exaggerating personal claims. It is damaging to people around such personalities such as Bristol speculated she is the mother of the child. Lies unravel and cause harm to many people. Better to live truth one need not habitually lie about.

    Palin contradicts her self shifting she disguised her pregnancy, to tight and then later that she got chubby. As someone posted Palin's word is not worth much. I would not believe anything she says. It is a waste of tome to listen to her better spent on credible people.

  12. Anonymous6:07 AM

    As a woman, and this is unbiased observation - and many will be able to relate - I can tell you that in that bottom photo, Sarah Palin's hands are NOT swollen.

    Even the water weight one experiences from the menstrual cycle would make her hands appear to be retaining water.

    Her hands are sinewy and bony here, not a trace of water retention.

    Nice use of the scarf to give an impression of a larger midriff, however.

  13. Anonymous6:12 AM

    PS Also, contrary to what some are claiming, Sarah's face and neck look no different than before or after said pregnancy. Sarah could easily have been wearing some sort of pillow or fake contraption under that pink scarf, just to give the gentle illusion of a pregnancy. Not too much, of course, as she was trying to go from 0 to 100 in a matter of days/weeks.

    No swelling or weight gain - who the hell can claim that? I have a niece, a tiny, tiny thing from China, who just had her second child. Even she gained obvious weight in her face and body. And retained water, like a NORMAL woman would.

  14. Gryph, completely OT, but i just found out that Colbert is torturing Kyl on Twitter.

  15. Malia has the tweets at the bottom of her Colbert post. lol.

  16. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Is it any wonder this despicable excuse for a "woman" thinks she can actually be president, when she feels she has the entire WORLD convinced she gave birth to Trig? If having a fat face is proof, then Bristles is pregnant EVERY year. Her head is like a large full moon.

  17. Anonymous6:16 AM

    If that picture was taken when her water broke in Dallas...what a scam,her belly should have been lower and not as pointy, all a set up.

  18. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Wow, look at that big smile of glee on ol' Quitty's face in that photo. Normal, healthy people are generally uncomfortable when they feel it is necessary to lie, but sociopaths ENJOY deceiving people.

    Dr. Stanton Samenow's book "Before It's Too Late" explains why. Even if the S knows their lie will be found out later, in that moment, when they are telling a deliberate untruth, they are "selling" their own version of reality.

    In their mind, this proves they can create their own world, and that they are "smarter" than the trusting person who believes them.

  19. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Just an observation. Some Palin defenders point to the issue of Palin's face appearing fatter in the spouse's luncheon photo. Maybe it does. If you contrast her face in that photo with the face shown on your front page now, her face and neck are very slender again, as her pregnancy progresses. In other words, one fat face photo doesn't confirm a pregnancy. Also, her fingers don't appear swollen at all in the photo from the Daily Mail.

  20. Anonymous6:19 AM

    @phoebes in santa fe

    Not only that she was pregnant, but in active labor, also, too.

  21. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Taken in short bursts, the comment is truthful.

    "believed she was pregnant" - ok, you believed it. Doesn't make it a fact.

    "she was pregnant" - ok, she was pregant. She was pregnant with Track, Bristol, Willow, and Piper. This is ambiguous. To be more exact, this author should have said "she was pregnant with Trig."

    Did anybody see in her in locker room?

    I put on weight, my fingers swell. Does that mean I'm pregnant?

  22. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Just. when exactly did Palin run all the time in Juneau? Thought she spent most of her time at home in Wasilla and charging the State for per diem.


  23. PalinsHoax6:21 AM

    What is unbelievable about the birth of Trig is that Sarah, who supposedly already had two miscarriages according to Going Rogue, and while in the late stages of a high-risk pregnancy:
    - would get on a plane and fly to Texas
    - give a speech there after her water had broken
    - then fly over 10 hours, on two flights to get back to Alaska
    - bypass hospitals in Texas and Anchorage that are equipped to handle high-risk deliveries
    - then have her husband drive her, without any police or emergency escort, 45 minutes late at night, to a small hospital in Mat-Su Valley that is not equipped to handle the birth of twins, let alone allow the delivery of a high-risk pregnancy within its premises
    - all so that "You can't have a fish picker born in Texas" according to Todd.

    This is not only UNBELIEVABLE, but also extremely fishy, reckless and irresponsible on the part of Mr. & Mrs. Todd Palin.

    Also, don't you think that after all this high adventure you would remember the location of where your baby was born? Yet apparently Mrs. Palin thinks that Trig was born in both the Mat-Su regional hospital and also in the hospital in Anchorage.

    Julia, you need to thoroughly scrutinize ALL the facts and details of Sarah's bizarre pregnancy with Trig, and see if you still come to the same conclusions as in your article.

    Oh, by the way Julia, is it true that Palin had a tubal ligation after Piper's birth?

  24. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Simple journalism for O'Malley. Why doesn't the only person who can put this story to rest, putting it to rest with the simple birth certificate? Ask the question, O'Malley! Put the monkey on the back of the person who can respond very simply and eloquently. Remember that this is a family who has exposed all of us to their tabloid world time and again so a birth certificate should be easy to flaunt.


  25. Anonymous6:25 AM


    Oh joy. Like WI hasn't suffered enough. The Tundra Tart is giving a speech at Madison on Saturday. After being at one of the demonstrations, I expect many will put up quite a fuss when she speaks. Rally the troops to demonstrate!

  26. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Don't know Julia, but not surprised that a female journalist, even a good one, might be swayed by how intrusive, personal and outrageous such criticism appears, falling as it does in the realm of gender-related scandal for a female political leader... which is EXACTLY why Sarah believed she could get away with it, and apparently has. Everyone who could turn a critical eye preferred not to, or was pre-disposed to take her at her word, because of course motherhood is sacred and who but a sociopath would do such a thing?

    True Blue Girl

  27. dancingthroughlife6:27 AM

    You know, the big issue on this whole thing should be her judgement and mental health/stability. Let's look at this from two angles (going over things WE already know, but many do not):

    First, let's assume she faked the pregnancy. What kind of back story does it take for a grown woman in the 21st century to fake a pregnancy- whether to cover for a daughter's unwed teenage pregnancy or the result of a husband's indiscretion (two of the most popular theories as to where Trig actually came from)? The only reasoning for either of those two situations is political ambition. The only other reason I could think of to fake a pregnancy is something illegal, and there have been theories about many such scenarios (one person in a relationship was underage, an incest situation, etc).

    In my opinion, this is the angle that seems most likely, only because there is an abundance of evidence that does not support Mrs. Palin's story of her pregnancy, and photos available show a woman who is not visibly pregnant. (This is more obvious to me currently, as I saw a friend last weekend who is almost 4 months pregnant, and the swell of her belly- small as it may be- is blatantly obvious). She also returned to work 3 days after Trig was 'born.' Ask any woman who has given birth and she will tell you that would be an incredibly difficult thing to do- you're still in a great deal of pain, and for a C-section, it would be pretty much impossible.

    The other angle is that Mrs. Palin WAS pregnant with Trig. I have not heard of any prenatal appointments (other than the ultrasound when the tech supposedly told her about Trig's DS), so it's possible she didn't get the prenatal care she needed. She also flew during her third trimester, something pregnant women are advised not to do (especially in a high-risk pregnancy- she was in her 40's with a history of two miscarriages, and a baby with a DS diagnosis). After her water broke, she gave a speech instead of going to a hospital to get checked, then flew from Texas to home, bypassing hospitals in Seattle and Anchorage to drive to a local hospital that isn't even able to deliver twins.

    Now, to people who are not familiar with the story, which scenario seems more plausible? I would even say I HOPE she faked the pregnancy, because what does that say about her as a person and a mother if Trig IS her biological child?

  28. Anonymous6:29 AM

    By the way, if that photo on the front page was right before her water broke, that baby is sitting awfully high as someone pointed out. If she was about to deliver, the baby weight would be much lower, not so prominently under her rib cage.

  29. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I recall that O'Malley was girlfriend of someone at the time of the birth that I think was extremely close to Palin which gave all the appearances of discrediting her reporting. So for her to report anything now - She's still a lowlife being 'bought'.

    Julia - you may be credible on other reporting - but STFU and quit misleading the people of AK as truthfully - you're full of bullshit on this. I only wish I could check your bank records on this as you were bought and paid for bitch.

  30. Anonymous6:31 AM

    All the pictures with her showing a fake belly also show her in oversize jackets with REALLY large shoulder pads, making her appear much larger than she is. They add a great deal of width and provide protection against scrutiny of her fake belly.

  31. Anonymous6:32 AM

    The Dallas photo merely shows a woman smiling broadly, giving the appearance of a fuller face, and wearing a jacket many sizes too large with the sleeves rolled up and with heavily padded shoulders - all the better to conceal the pregnancy pillow.

    And look at those hands! Not only are the fingers NOT swollen, but she is wearing her rings, not possible for many (if not most) women in the third trimester. I know because I stubbornly insisted and wound up having to get my wedding band cut off!

  32. Anonymous6:39 AM

    In the "pregnant pictures" the face has definitely not filled out nor have the fingers swollen.

  33. Anonymous6:40 AM

    You won't see the Julia O'Malley's of Alaska jumping on this bandwagon because when the story finally does break they are all going to be shown to be the gullible, unprofessional fools that they are. Palin was pregnant because she LOOKED pregnant? Really? Who tries to pull off a hoax without looking the part?

    I wonder how Julia explains the fact that Palin herself has claimed variously that Trig was born at 8 months in Wasilla and at 7 1/2 months in Anchorage? One of those statements is an outright lie, which leads one to suspect that both are.

    Sarah was much plumper before the McCain campaign, when she became almost anorexic. People compare the way she is now to the way she was then and say, "Oh, she was fat in the face ergo she was pregnant. But there are plenty of photos showing a fat-faced Palin before she claimed to be pregnant. O'Malley is a reprehensible idiot.

  34. Anonymous6:42 AM

    How do they explain that she is smaller in this picture than she was in the reporter picture? She could have eaten like a pig to put on a few lbs to look fatter, she has been much heavier than she is now.

  35. Cdngrlinus6:46 AM

    What I have always found most interesting in her pregnancy is how her chest remained the same size. In my family we don't show much till the last two months. My darling sister ( a pilates instructor) has abs I and most women would kill for and even with her minuscule 20 lb gain in her last pregnancy everyone knew she was pregnant just by looking at her. A baby is not that easy to hide with jackets and scarves and why did her chest not increase. I like many others could care less who is the mother of Trig( horrible name for a baby with DS) but I for one hate being lied to. Any pregnant women could tell you those flights would have been very uncomfortable and if she was pregnant as the picture shows the FA's would have noticed.

  36. The full face that spring is the only evidence I have ever seen that leans toward her being pregnant. That face is the reason I always leaned toward the completely irresponsible "Wild Ride." I still think that the media's lack of attention to THAT story was negligent. The Wild Ride has always been enough to show Sarah's true character, without even bringing up the possibility of a pregnancy hoax. If she was pregnant, then she very definitely abused that fetus from early on. Dieting, squishing, excessive travel, and of course the Wild Ride. All signs of somebody who is utterly without care or concern for the fetus and possibly trying to miscarry. I still think that without actual proof of a tubal, or an actual picture of her bare belly, that the pregnancy hoax theory cannot be substantiated. Of course, there is also that missing birth certificate, and to take a page from Sarah's latest blathering, there must be SOMETHING she's hiding on it. The one thing we do all agree on though, regardless of which way we lean on this issue, is that Sarah is a pathological liar who seems incapable of telling the truth about even the most mundane things.

  37. Palin was pregnant with Crunch Wrap Supremes. Even she knew that her empathy belly would be more realistic if she gained a little weight.

    A combination of salt and water will plump those extremities.

    She lost weight when she ran for Veep. Comparing Audrey's photos with current photos shows she was plumper then than now. But she was also plumper than now when she ran for Gov.

    Yes, Palin wore the belly or a square pillow when she exercised. How did Julia know what the belly was made of: did she feel it?

    Aren't most third trimester women, especially age 44 with a history of miscarriages and carrying a high risk baby, advised to walk rather than run?

    While Palin may have made the final decision to announce a pregnancy when McCain won the nomination, the idea would have occurred to her at least a few weeks prior, and even she might have realized that photos showing her not pregnant could be a problem.

    Salon, Slate, ADN, etc. think if they say it is so, it is so. They really, really, really don't want Babygate to be true. Is it just because it makes journalists look bad for missing the story?

  38. Anonymous6:53 AM

    All the denials continue to prove the professor's point.


    P.S. Palin is speaking in Wisconsin for a Tea Party rally. Can't you guys keep her at home?

  39. laprofesora6:53 AM

    As far as people who saw a pregnant belly, well sometimes you think you see what you're supposed to see.

    I don't even think it's necessary to prove or disprove anything. If people listen to the evidence and realize that things don't add enough, that might be enough to raise suspicions about the Paylins. Anyone who hears the Wild Ride story knows that the woman who flew over ten hours while in labor is either crazy or a liar. So your choices are: 1) she lied about being in labor 2) she endangered the life of her unborn child 3) she lied about being pregnant. No matter what the truth is, it's enough to determine that Paylin is unfit for public office. As long as people reach that conclusion, we don't even need to find out the truth (although it would be the icing on the cake.) Thanks, Gryph, for all your hard work and determination!

  40. Anonymous6:54 AM

    The photo here says that either SP has absolutely no fashion sense, or that she was really trying hard to hide whatever was under that jacket.

    First of all, there are a wide variety of maternity clothes that a well-paid governor could choose from. In my life, I've never seen a pregnant woman or any woman wear a long scarf unfashionably like in this photo. It's stuffed down right on stop of her abdomen, with a jacket on top, where the jacket doesn't even seem to be large enough to button up.

    Why stuff a large long scarf right down the middle of one's abdomen which looks absolutely foolish; why not select a nice maternity business suit?

    And that cat-who-swallowed-the-canary look is simply creepy!

  41. JenniferinVA6:56 AM

    What sealed the deal for me was the wonderful gift Chuck Heath gave the media when he told them about her water breaking in Texas. You can't spin that fact and make it a perfectly normal part of a pregnancy. Everyone knows when your water breaks you're supposed to hightail it to your OB-GYN. That's a given and when you start your prenatal visits that fact is drilled into your head.

    Chuck complicated the Palin's plan and inadvertently exposed the hoax. By involving CBJ, Sarah left herself wide open to questions about why a physician would OK a 12-14 airplane trip while leaking amniotic fluid. Can you say massive infection? No doctor would tell their patient any such thing.

  42. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Julia doesn't ever say she saw her belly, she says: "People I know saw her on the treadmill sweating in workout clothes. She had a belly. I repeat: she had a real pregnant belly."

    So people she knows said they saw her. Who are these people? Why didn't she quote them directly, with names that can be verified? Funny how in order to get a letter to the editor printed in a newspaper you have to provide your name and address, but she doesn't provide that in her story for these so-called witnesses.

    She's actually a pretty bad reporter for saying "people she knows saw..." then going on to say "she had a real pregnant belly" without ever having actually saw it. Bad reporter, bad editor to let that get through.

  43. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Great response by Andrew Sullivan:

  44. OK, let's review lesson #5 from Trig Truth Studies:

    A) If you ARE NOT pregnant, it is easy to appear as if you are-- oversized clothing, pillows, empathy belly, etc..

    B) BUT if you ARE 7 months pregnant, it is very difficult to appear as if YOU ARE NOT pregnant-- the belly bump cannot easily be hidden.
    (Remember all those flat belly photos of SP)

    So the photo in the post, of course, proves NOTHING.

    But G-man, it would be good if you could include points A & B in your post. There may be new readers here who haven't been exposed to Trig Truth Studies before.


  45. Anonymous7:02 AM

    In all four of my pregnancies, I leap from a B cup to a DD cup. And Sarah's boobs never change. - Finger and face swelling is not a sign of pregnancy; that happens to everyone at anytime, from eating food.

  46. Randall7:08 AM

    How much would a DNA test cost? Something like $750 or $1000, something like that?

    I mean... if we were all to chip in a little bit and offer to pay for it, would Sarah consider having a DNA test done on young Trig?

    That would end it, once and for all, wouldn't it?

    A simple DNA test? Swab his little cheek, swab Sarah's? Simple as that?

  47. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Of course, she was uncomfortable with anyone taking her picture. She was running a scam and didn't want to be looked at closely.

    Sarah is a known liar, no matter the subject she just lies.

  48. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I have a friend that says he saw Trig born in SeaTac airport lounge..

    He said Sarah was sitting with her legs crossed reading "Hollywood Life" when all of a sudden Trig popped out and dropped to the floor.

    He said Sarah did not even notice the birth and walked out of the lounge with Trig on the floor being towed by his umbilical cord.

    He said amazingly nobody else noticed this .... not even the stewardesses when Sarah boarded her flight.

    Julie is correct... sometimes you just have to believe what your friends tell you to know the truth...

  49. Anonymous7:10 AM

    5:50 AM phoebes in santa fe said...

    "The most telling part to me is that on the two Alaskan Airways flight the flight attendants didn't notice Palin was pregnant. FA's are trained to notice that type of thing."

    Yes, they are Phoebes, yes they are. 20 years as a FA for American Airlines (now retired) qualifies me to give you the following information.

    Before I begin let us assume that the airline was not advised of her condition ahead of time. Stupid? Of course, but hey, look who we're dealing with here.

    For an airline, a woman that pregnant is considered to have a medical condition - and that condition must be reported to the FA's. After all, if she had decided to give birth in flight, who do you think would have delivered the "special needs" baby. Think Mat-Su was unqualified to handle the birth? How about 3 flight attendants? Want to talk about sterile conditions?

    But, I digress.

    So, you're thinking, "she didn't check in at the gate, Todd did" so they didn't see her. Wrong, beached whale had to hand her boarding pass to an agent when she boarded. Think that agent didn't know she was the Gov of Alaska? Wrong again, that information has long been in the Alaska Airlines system and would have been on the passenger info sheet. So, yes, that agent would have taken note of a very pregnant Gov of Alaska - unless, of course, there was nothing special to see.

    Here's my point - just in case it got lost in the snark:

    The FA's would have been advised that (a.) they had a VIP couple on board and (b.) the GOV was VERY pregnant. Unless, of course, she wasn't.

    Like I said, nothing to see.

  50. Anonymous7:12 AM

    So, people saw her on a treadmill and thought she was pregnant but Palin's children didn't notice? I don't believe it.

  51. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Nobody knew she was pregnant but at the last minute wouldn't it have gotten out sooner if people saw her working out with a belly.

  52. If Sarah and Todd legally adopted Trig, they would have a birth certificate with their names on it. It is common to re-issue birth certificates in the case of infant adoption. So I am really curious why we haven't seen a birth certificate.

  53. Anonymous7:18 AM

    The writer sounds hysterical

  54. Anonymous7:19 AM

    This is remarkable. The professor rights an article outling discrepancies in a story, and faulting the media for not asking questions.
    THere are several possible responses that would be reasonable:
    This is why I don't think the story is important. 1. 2. 3.
    This is how I reconcile the seemingly discrepant evidence to make it make sense.
    THis is why I don't think there is a spiral of silence: 1.2.3.

    What many seem to have done is
    1. assert the professor is wrong, without any explanation, logical or otherwise.

    2. assert that she was pregnant, without any reconciliation of discrepant evidence.

    I dont' know if this supports the professor's theory of a spiral of silence, but it sure supports his theory that the media isn't doing it's job with this story.

  55. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Remember too that the other urgent reason for seeking immediate care after the water breaks - yes, infection is a very real risk - is the cushioning benefit of the reduced amniotic fluid, and the possibility of the umbilical cord tightening around the baby's neck and/or becoming constricted as the baby's weight settles downward against the the cord.

    I actually believe that her incredibly poor judgement and irresponsibility is enough to condemn her as unsuitable for public office. A DS baby with known risks at birth, including likely heart problems (which indeed he had) aggravated by high altitude, AND with the added risks of 20 hours of amniotic fluid loss and contamination. Unbelievable. Was she trying to kill off this baby, or render him so damaged at birth that he must be institutionalized, so problem solved?

  56. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I would have loved to be a hole in the wall at that Texas governor's meeting and watched how many times SP had to get up to go the the bathroom? Pregnant women who've leaked, or even not leaked, at close to 8 months, have squished bladders that need voiding very often.

    If these reporters like Julie O. refuse to look at the photo evidence or refuse to believe she faked a pregnancy, then why don't they ask themselves why a woman would avert getting examined in Texas and risk the life of her unborn child?

    TO journalists who think the hoax story is unthinkable. Why then don't they react or opine on the very strange account from SP's lips of her treck across country in her condition. Why don't they see that only a crazy person and a crazy husband would take such a chance knowing they might hurt their unborn child?

  57. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Many people have a hard time admitting that they have been hoodwinked because to do so would probably make them feel like gullible fools. Sad.

  58. They say timing is everything.

    C4P has a very "coincidental" post titled; "Regarding The 'Birther' Issue", instructing the bots that discussions about Obama's birth are forbidden, will be deleted and repeat offenders will be permanently banned without warning.

    According to the author; "Governor Palin made it clear that she believes the President was born in Hawaii and does not question his faith. She believes this issue is a distraction."

    Interesting timing, don't you think?

  59. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Julia's article is generating many level headed comments. Posters are great! Someone needs to post Sarah's pregnancy photo over there, where she is gigantic.

  60. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Sarah Palin To Be Pelted With Cheese Curds In Wisconsin Saturday

  61. Anonymous7:23 AM

    The truth is, despite the fact that she hasn't released her medical records (and she never will), the vast majority of the public and the press are never going to believe she faked her pregnancy unless someone provides solid evidence. If there is available evidence, Dunn has it. If his book has only speculation with no proof, I don't think the truth will ever come to light. We'll find out in May.

  62. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Apparently Julia believes in the tooth fairy as well as the baby fairy. She didn't do herself any favors by this story. She really sounds lame.

  63. Anonymous7:25 AM

    This all started with Bristol Palin's disappearance from school and rumors that she was pregnant. None of the reporters dismissing the possible hoax out of hand seem willing to acknowledge that fact. None of them admit that it seems strangely coincidental that in the wake of those rumors Sarah Palin suddenly announced a seven-month pregnancy.

    I think that's a key reason no one wanted to touch this story and why reporters who tried to actually ask the appropriate questions were intimidated or shamed into giving up. No one wanted to be the one to poke their nose into the private life of a teenager.

    I also think that anyone in on the hoax has kept quiet because they felt they were protecting Bristol (an honorable goal) or because they were/are bound by HIPAA.

    The argument that Bristol couldn't be mother to both babies is based on the assumption that the Palin's were honest about the birth dates. I believe Bristol gave birth to Trig in January or February and he was presented to the world in April. Tripp was not presented to the world until weeks after his announced birth, right? Therefore it's possible his actual birthdate and the announcement were fudged a little bit as well.

  64. Anonymous7:29 AM

    "The journalists, including me, who covered Palin at the time believed she was pregnant because she was pregnant."

    Hey, I'm hangin' down here in the lower 48 but what an ignorant statement for a "respected" journalist.

    Hey, Julia, everyone gets one wrong once in a while. Now do YOUR journalistic duty and delve DEEPER to save your reputation. America will thank you profusely, and I'm sure Gryphen would like to be out of his pajamas, hangin' in the basement, to enjoy some fresh spring air.

    Just sayin'. Thanks, Gryphen.

  65. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Wearing the scarf all the time is "fishy" because scarves are not part of Sarah's usual wardrobe. Why wear scarves and heavy jackets indoors?

  66. imnofred7:33 AM

    I hate to admit this but I don't think that the MSM will go with this story until someone goes on the record with information that contradicts Sarah's story. They won't touch this without solid proof.

    I believe that she is definitely hiding something or she would have released her medical records instead of a letter from her doctor saying that she was in good health when she was the V.P. pick.

    Hopefully, if she runs for President, the MSM will demand actual medical records instead of a letter that looks more like a letter of recommendation than any medical records that I have ever seen.

  67. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I think it looks worse on her if she did
    birth Trig. A lie is just a lie, but going
    into labor early with a special needs baby
    and hopping on an airplane? Bypassing
    hospitals? Looks like she did not care
    what happened to him...Maybe that is
    why she courts speculation that she
    wasn't his birth mother--people focus
    on that rather than saying it looks as
    though she was hoping he'd die.

  68. Anonymous7:34 AM

    This is all too much. In her book Going Rogue she writes about having contractions while doing her speech. The photo on this post shows a smiling governor who doesn't look at all in distress.

    Any woman here who remembers all phases of labor, from beginning to end? Smiling and walking and bending into taxis, into airports, lines, carrying luggage, walking down tunnels into the aircraft, sitting in a small seat, not being able to move much. How is this possible? How can a very pregnant woman choose to board a plane knowing it will take about 10 hours before she gets to her destination and she's leaked amniotic fluid and is having contractions? This is insane. Whichever journalist is too afraid to pick up this story has absolutely no convictions about vetting honest leaders, or at least leaders who care so little for their unbord child.

  69. Anonymous7:34 AM is it the people she worked with EVERY DAY did not notice she was pregnant?

  70. Anonymous7:37 AM

    SHE was running on a treadmill????? at 7 months pregnant???!?!?! For flips sake, no woman 7 months pregnant runs on a treadmill. The do the elliptical, they do yoga, but they sure as hell dont run. All that pounding with all that extra weight? Not comfortable.

  71. emrysa7:39 AM

    julia omalley is not going to admit she was duped.

    after all, what happens when a reporter admits they were duped? bye bye credibility. same for mcallister. if they admit to being fooled (or admit to lazy journalism), anything they do in the future will be met with skepticism, because people will always wonder - well how much weight can I really put on what this reporter says? are they just being duped again?

    I think that the media is still not going to investigate this because it is an indictment against them. but ultimately it's just a good thing that more people are exposed to this info.

    I did get a good laugh about "her fingers swelled." lol really? man if that's not proof of pregnancy I don't know what is.

  72. Anonymous7:52 AM

    That is some poor reporting. Some people saw her on the treadmill with a belly. Remember SP doesn't like anonymous sources, so why should we accept them in this case. Who are these people that saw her?

    Why can't the people who don;t believe the hoax get it in their heads that a photo of SP looking pregnant doesn't matter. There are ways to appear pregnant. Actresses do it all the time. Do we think every time we see a movie and one of the characters is pregnant that they must be pregnant in real life? No we don't. They need to explain the photos where she doesn't look pregnant.

    A non-pregnant woman can look pregnant with stuffing or some kind of empathy belly or prosthesis. A 7 months pregnant woman cannot look not pregnant and her belly doesn't disappear and reappear like magic.

    Real reporting would rely on more empirical facts than just she looked pregnant. Get us a statement from the doctor, the hospital, an attending nurse, a birth certificate. Ignoring all the other facts is not accurate reporting. Explain the all the discrepancies and actually prove us wrong with facts. Oh that's right, you can't. Didn't another reporter and the editor from the same paper try to prove she was pregnant? But they couldn't and neither does this poor excuse for an article.

  73. Anonymous7:56 AM

    How can Palin be GINORMOUS in the Gusty photo and then much smaller in this pic? Wasn't this pic taken on 4-17-08, the day of the Wild Ride?

  74. FEDUP!!!8:00 AM

    Here is a site that sells fake pregnancy bellies: ... and they cost less than $20, and store quite compactly!

  75. @Elizabeth. If Sarah and Todd adopted Trig, they would appear on the birth certificate as his parents. However, the time and place of the birth would not be changed by the adoption.

    Sarah's refusal to show Trig's birth certificate (even though she says she did) supports the idea that Trig was not born on the morning of April 18 at Mat Su. Many of us believe both are untrue: that he was born a couple of months earlier and somewhere that had facilities for dealing with high risk preemies.

  76. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Why would Sarah try her best to hide her high-risk pregnancy from her family and workmates but have no problem in showing it off to her work-out buddies. What's up with that?

    I don't know why Julia O'Malley naively fails to look at all the evidence of Sarah's faux pregnancy but, whatever the reason, her willingness to accept the fairy tale without question does her absolutely no favor as to her credibility as a journalist.

  77. Anonymous8:04 AM

    P.S. a forgotten part of the hoax is why have there been more than one "Trig" and who many are there and where did they come from. I actually find that more unnerving than a faked pregnancy.

  78. @imnofred. Shailey Tripp went on the record. Palin said she wasn't pregnant, and did not look pregnant, and lay flat on her belly.

  79. Calling Prof. Scharlott! Revise the thesis! The Spiral of Silence explains part of this, but the paper has inspired another journalistic technique: Covering Their Asses.

  80. Anonymous8:12 AM

    My husband adopted my son and his LONG FORM birth certificate looks like he was his father at birth.

  81. @Anonymous 7:10. Please send your story to Journalist O'Malley:

    Anonymous said...
    I have a friend that says he saw Trig born in SeaTac airport lounge..

    He said Sarah was sitting with her legs crossed reading "Hollywood Life" when all of a sudden Trig popped out and dropped to the floor.

    He said Sarah did not even notice the birth and walked out of the lounge with Trig on the floor being towed by his umbilical cord.

    He said amazingly nobody else noticed this .... not even the stewardesses when Sarah boarded her flight.

    Julie is correct... sometimes you just have to believe what your friends tell you to know the truth...

    7:10 AM

  82. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Sarah's face (and the rest of her) were fuller back then before she went on her Red Bull and Starbucks diet.

  83. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Something just doesn't ring true.

  84. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Julie´s argument sounds familiar....

    Wasn´t there an Alaskan Police ¨spokesperson¨ or something who claimed, on the record, to have examined all the Shailey Tripp case evidence and found not a scintilla of evidence of Todd any where, any place, any how?

  85. Anonymous8:29 AM

    The over-sized non-maternity jacket isn't all that odd; I know a lot of working women who went that route whenever possible, including me, because so much of what's on the maternity market is shiny polyester crap. She could have had the sleeves tailored, but remember, this was before Cindy McCain schooled Sarah in the art of wearing expensive designer clothing.

    The whole story is really odd, though, especially when Sarah could make it go away quickly.

  86. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I would like to thank you, Gryphen, for providing this forum in which I am able to tell the world what I really think of my wife.

    (Hi, honey)

  87. Anonymous8:33 AM

    There was an event on May 3rd 2008 where Sarah looked think. There is also the Philly Zoo pics that show a thinker waist and legs. Just sayin. Will back with link.

    I'm only saying that using Sarah's weight as a plus for our side isn't smart, as she did appear thicker during summer 08. Remember the special session pics with her in that houndstooth coat?

    Remember that when one leans over, one looks thinner. Try it yourself.

  88. Anonymous8:34 AM

    She's wearing the empathy belly in that pic at the Texas conference. There are others from that speech, too. She wore the belly for the Gusty interview and pics and then not again until the TX conference. She did not wear it on the wild ride, which is why AK airlines personnel did not notice her "stage of pregnancy". The strap on belly gives the appearance of a 7 to 8 month stage. THAT is why that picture is useless to those who want to claim that Palin WAS pregnant. Do the research, journalists, it's NOT hard!

  89. Anonymous8:34 AM

    7:52 AM


  90. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Let's see, I had my tubes tied a number of years ago and my fingers are swollen. Just like Sarah Palin, I must be pregnant.


  91. Anonymous8:37 AM

    OK, once and for all, not ALL women retain water in pregnancy. Not ALL women gain weight all over. The same woman can retain water in one pregnancy and not in another. There are numerous facts and pictures to prove the pregnancy hoax. Retention of water, fullness of face or lack thereof do nothing to prove it.

  92. Dear Journalist O'Malley,

    Please ask your friend who knows all and then report to us what happened to baby Trig with the ruffled ears. (See IM post, a Tale of Two Babies.)

  93. Anonymous8:42 AM

    To those saying that O'Malley should know that asking Palin for the birth certificate would put the story to rest obviously haven't read O'Malley's column. She thinks it shouldn't be asked for and if it were produced, we'd still disbelieve it. So there ya go.

  94. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I know that Sarah was pregnant because I saw her when she was pregnant. What more can any babygater ask for? And besides, this is an old issue that the people of America are not interested in hearing anymore. Forget it and save yourselves the anxiety and depression it is causing you all.

  95. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Two things really bug me about the column, and I made these points at the ADN:

    1. I know someone who says that she saw Palin in jeans two weeks before she announced the pregnancy and that there was no evidence of her pregnancy. I also know someone who says Bill McAllister told her he had no idea Palin was pregnant until she announced it. So my evidence is exactly as good as Julia's: knowing somebody who says they saw something. That is, it's not good evidence, just a willingness to believe people we know.

    2. So let's agree to rule out second-hand eyewitness reports as evidence, and let's agree that the photos available do not conclusively prove the matter either way but instead raise questions that have yet to be answered satisfactorily.

    Julia's other big piece of evidence is this: "After the birth, we interviewed her doctor who talked about it. Why would the doctor lie for her? That's right. She wouldn't."

    I asked: So, when the ADN staff met with Palin's doctor, did Cathy Baldwin-Johnson definitively say she delivered the baby herself? Did I miss the story where the paper reported they had seen the proof? Because that should have been reported a long, long time ago, if she did.

    And CBJ's exact words should have been included in Julia's column, too.

    Instead, this statement about the doctor is worded very vaguely. That tells me that CBJ did not say anything definitive that she was willing to have on the record. But she may have told the ADN something that makes them believe her.

    If the newspaper saw evidence but promised not to say what they saw, then that is a big deal in journalism circles. Certainly it does nothing to quell the controversy. Not only that, but it denies the public the opportunity to weigh the evidence CBJ offered and decide for themselves whether it's sufficient.

    Also, the caginess of this information denies us the opportunity to know WHY CBJ would want to keep this evidence private.

    In other words, this column actually makes things worse if Julia's intention was to "Make. It. Stop." Instead, it merely makes Professor Scharlott's point about the spiral of silence--which seems to still be spiraling.

  96. Anonymous8:49 AM


    Yes, many fit women run until just before birth, or give aerobics. and it's not unhealthy for the baby. That Olympic marathoner...forgot her name...Paula something? anyway, she ran a marathon at 8 months pregnant I believe. You can'd do this is you weren't already highly fit, but if you can, no problem.

    So forget trying to use this logic. There are plenty of flaws in the story to point out that actually do bolster the case for the faux pregnancy.

  97. Punkinbugg8:51 AM

    Thank you, AA FA! I'm a TA in the DFW area, and hearing about the Wild Ride in SEP 08 certainly caught my attn. Pls explain that most overwt pax buckle the seat belt over their thighs (not their waist), so an extender is not always necessary.

    What is the protocol when a pax presents themselves for boarding in an advanced state of pregancy?

    Do you ask them what month they're in?

    Because according to Julia O'Malley, she was rill rill pregnant, 'cuz people "said so".

  98. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Earlier comment about a 7 month pregnant woman not running on a treadmill is very astute. I'm a runner and I quit running early in my 2nd trimester: too uncomfortable with the big uterus bouncing on top of your bladder. They make a belly strap for it, but I didn't think it was worth money or effort because....drum roll, please...they have ELLIPTICAL MACHINES at the gym. Same workout with no bouncing: highly recommended exercise by OB/GYNs for pregnant women! So yes, one more reason why I call BS on the "friends saw her running on the treadmill" story.

  99. Anonymous9:02 AM

    This is one Trig that lives with his family. He's the same baby/toddler that goes on playdates with Willow, her friend and her friend's baby. He's the one whose picture is posted on various teens facebooks where said teens remark how adorable he is. Trig has not changed.

    That is not to say there was one baby back in the spring 08 but I have doubts about that.

  100. laprofesora9:05 AM

    Did Julia go to the same journalism schools as Paylin? Sheesh, that's some amazing investigative reporting there. Along the lines of: I know the world is flat because people I know told me so. Or, I know OJ didn't kill those people because I know people who said he didn't.

    Actually, did she do any investigating at all?

  101. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Gryphen, these people are freaking out....

    The Anon who says they saw Sarah pregnant, tell us who you are and be more specific about the where/when/etc - hopefully you have pictures?

    Waiting with bated breath!


  102. Anonymous9:12 AM

    You have to remember too -- back then ADN was sleeping with the enemy. The stories, or better yet, lack thereof, sounded like all at ADN were Palin Panty Sniffers.

    No matter what O'Malley says - she's been on the team of outright bullshitters covering for Palin for years.

    O'Malley tanked her street cred years ago - so cut the crap that she's a good reporter.

  103. Enjay in E MT9:16 AM

    Excellent points!!!

    Julia needs to review Palin's history of lies. Not just mis-speaking or fudging the facts - but out and out lies. Look at the evidence - not what SHE said.

    I don't know who gave birth to Trig - but I do know that the different versions she tells is not true. Mat-Su or Anchorage? Born on Apr 18? Flew 10+ hours leaking fluid? By-passed neo-natal hospitals? Just because it was "said" does not make it true!

    Much like that representative on the House floor that "90% of planned parenthood is abortion" is forever part of the congressional record - but later admits "this was not a factual statement"

  104. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Sarah Palin used a Juenau public gym to jog while governor of Alaska? I would love to see evidence of that - Sarah in a public gym as well as Sarah running period.

  105. Anonymous9:20 AM

    A lot of people are commenting about the bulky shoulders. An over the shoulder empathy belly would account for the extra bulk.

    Why doesn't the media think it is looney tunes that a sitting governor hid her pregnancy until the 7th month (from her family too)? This isn't the 1950s. Her job wouldn't have been in jeopardy. There was even a pregnant legislator at the time, so it doesn't make sense. The whole sexist thing about people thinking she couldn't do her job while pregnant is ridiculous. The media really let her get away with that.

    She's also the type that loves attention. I can't imagine that she wouldn't have milked the pregnancy for all it's worth. She would have been calling in sick or working from home so that she could watch wedding shows and eat crunch wrap supremes.

  106. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I have heard this "argument" before: "I saw her in Juneau, doing xyz...therefore she was pregnant"....

    I bet someone with a hand shake that SP was not pregnant with Trig, or pregnant at all. The lady I shook hands with (for a drink), said she saw $P "grocery shopping" while stuffing her face with food and loading up her cart...

    My question is: WHY would SHE be doing her own shopping and putting on this very public display of pregnant behavior if not to create "witnesses" like this woman?
    Because she "Fired" all of the Governors mansion employees, wanting privacy...this no longer served her purpose when she needed witnesses.
    Again, with the "running at the gym in public"...c'mon! Who TF runs in late term, let alone a "high-risk" pregnancy? Sorry reeks to high heaven! Tisk-Tisk...
    I am looking forward to that free top shelf martini...
    ~Female Juneau Resident

  107. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Sorry, o'Malley, but if you are trying to tell me she gained weight in her face you are blind. Her face looks exactly the same in her skinny post "birth" photos as it does in her supposedly hugely pregnant photos. Her hands are skinny in both as well. When you look at her pregnancy photos with Track, she looks like a Pillsbury dough girl. The only way she could be that thin during her fifth was if she were starving herself and that is endangering her fetus (like she did in the wild ride if she were pregnant.) Either way, she is not fit to hold any office nor even be a mother.

  108. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Sarah Palin and her family were living in their home and billing the state.

    Sarah was noticeably absent from Juneau. So much so that a legislator had buttons printed that read "Where's Sarah?"

    She was seen working out all the time in the gym? No, she wasn't. What gym? That's a new story.

    In ALL of her endless heroic stories about running, it's ALWAYS in reference to outdoors, NEVER in a gym. Running outdoors in 30-below zero when Track played hockey in Fairbanks. "Thrashing her guts" on Juneau's hills.

    All kinds of people saw her pregnant in Juneau? Like who? Veteran legislators of credibility and stature were stunned to hear on the news that she was pregnant. They simply didn't see a pregnancy. They are not liars, nor are they attempting to smear Sarah. The people she worked with just didn't see a pregnant Sarah.
    But an Anchorage-based journalist did. Huh.

    She worked out on a treadmill? Um, she works out on an eliptical. She said so herself.

    I'm a Runner: Sarah Palin
    The former Vice Presidential candidate opens up about her running life and explains why she's still on the trail.
    August 2009, Runner's World

    Do you ever run on a treadmill?
    "I do, and I don't like to. I have one in my garage at home, and I do the treadmill when I must. What I need to get is an elliptical. I enjoy it more than the treadmill, and it's easier on my knees."

    Have you kept running through your pregnancies?
    "Um-huh, I do. But like with this last one with Trig, I was pregnant with him in the wintertime, so I didn't run as much. But I still went to the gym and did the elliptical and lifted and did a couple different classes. With each of the kids, I worked out until they were born."

    How long after giving birth before you're running again?
    "It wasn't like the very next week, it would be weeks. With Trig, it was relatively soon because I felt so good throughout the pregnancy and so great recovering, it was just a couple of weeks later and I was running again."

    Bonus, off-topic. As president, Sarah wanted to promote "physical fitness and the benefits of making good decisions healthwise..." and sports programs targeting girls.
    Her 180-degree flip is startling. She really is just stinky jealous of the President's wife, isn't she?

    Is there anything else the world should know about you as a runner?
    "The only other thing I'd like to add is I've been very fortunate to be a recipient of all the efforts people put into Title IX all those years ago where girls got equal opportunity to participate in sports and extracurricular activities because sports growing up were my world. I'm so thankful for Title IX allowing equal access to these opportunities, and I'm a huge proponent of girls being able to realize what they're made of by participating in sports, and whatever I can do there I'm going to be doing."

    If the campaign had turned out differently, you would have been in Washington D.C. much of the time. Was there a part of you that was a little reluctant to leave behind the landscape of Alaska for four or eight years?
    "...So much of my life revolves around the great outdoors that that would be kind of tough. But on the other hand, I think of being in D.C. and in a position to promote physical fitness and the benefits of making good decisions healthwise and being an example to others, and I know that could do some good for our country."

  109. Anonymous9:28 AM

    As a pregnant mother I ran right up until the end of the 8th. month. Sarah was very physically fit with tight abs which she thrashed regularly while running. She did run on the treadmill at the gym because I saw her. Stop worrying about this babygaters, it's only causing you all to lose sleep and not get your housework done. Pay more attention to your husbands because they aren't interested in this. Obey them as God has directed you to and you all will be much happier.

  110. Anonymous9:42 AM

    For Anonymouses 8:49 and 8:59:

    Paula Radcliffe, ran a marathon 9 months after giving birth and had this to say about running through her pregnancy: "I wouldn't actually call it training because I changed the intensity and focus," she said. "It was 35-40 minutes every other day and, in between, I was doing twice-daily sessions on an exercise bike because running was uncomfortable on my bladder."

    From NY Daily News, 2007.
    Like I said, No woman late in pregnancy runs on a treadmill... you switch to the elliptical machine, or low impact floor activities like yoga, or some aerobics classes. I didnt say she stopped exercising, just that RUNNING (as opposed to a fast walk) on a treadmill would have been unlikely.

  111. Anonymous9:43 AM

    While many pregnant women do not run on a treadmill, many do walk. Perhaps old Scarah was walking. If she wore baggy sweats instead of leotards, she might look heavier than she is. She could also have had one of her bellies on (they are cheap enough to buy a few in case one gets grossed out from sweat). When I was almost ready to deliver I still worked out at the gym, which had my hospital and husband on speed dial. I used the stair machines every day and walked on the treadmill.
    I think she either faked it or was insane endangering her child with that supposed wild ride. Either way she's unfit.

  112. Anonymous9:45 AM

    More on running pregnant: From

    "3. After about 28 weeks gestation, most women would be well advised to stop running. With the enormous changes brought about by pregnancy, women are much more likely to have falls and missteps, which can increase the risk of preterm labor or damage to the placenta. In addition running can divert the nutritional supply away from the baby and cause decreased amniotic fluid, placing the pregnancy at risk."

  113. Anonymous9:46 AM

    If S.P. wrote "Letters to the Editor" extolling her own virtues in the past. What would prevent her from "asking" J. O'Malley to write a "nice little piece" reporting that she was indeed with child...??

    If the two of them are friends or if they have a mutual friend this would be a very possible scenerio.....

    Although, certainly not credible reporting!

  114. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Anon @ 9:28, I almost think you are trying to yank our chains, but if you are serious, which gym, who owns it and works there and can we get some names from that era so journalists can get some corroborating testimony that they also saw Sarah regularly?

  115. Anonymous10:01 AM


    I think it might be time to revisit "The Tale of Two Babies" . . . which is another important part of the deception.

    Thanks for the updates!

  116. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Anon 9:24, I think I love you!

  117. Patrick DeBurgh10:03 AM

    Try as i might, it seems beyond me to give pass to the various media voices who ignore the inescapable conclusions inherent in the Trygg Palin saga. The greatest damage would be the erosion of trust between the major news media and their audience in the USA. Falling down on the job so badly as they have covering the fraudulent appearance of the Palin babies is bad news for all of us. Those who have joined in the chorus of denial and obfuscation deserve to change careers as they possess zero journalistic integrity. Barring that we as news consumers must make our demand for unbiased, relevant and timely reporting.

  118. O'Malley is actually supporting the professor's thesis--that there is a spiral of silence surrounding Trig's birth. O'Malley doesn't even address the many discrepancies of Palin's so-called pregnancy, or the preposterous wild ride, as described in Palin's own words.

    Commenters at ADN aren't impressed with O'Malley's "research" either.

    A journalist named Novac who has interviewed Prof. Scharlott has hammered away at one particular point--the fact that Palin has given two different geographical locations for Trig's birth.

    I've been posting on some right-wing blogs about the pregnancy hoax, and the other commenters cannot refute any of the facts--they just call me pathetic, desperate, etc. Some of them told me to come back here and "spew my hate."

    It's wonderful to see this story growing legs in a big way. Your persistence, and that of Malia, Regina, etc., is paying off.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  119. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Punkinbugg 8:51am wrote: Pls explain that most overwt pax buckle the seat belt over their thighs (not their waist), so an extender is not always necessary.

    Wouldn't a flight attendant doing a pre-takeoff check of seatbelts—especially the seatbelt of the Governor of Alaska—notice if the belt was buckled over the passenger's thighs? Given that FAs are supposed to be checking for potentially pregnant passengers, wouldn't this be a red flag? Wouldn't an employee of Alaska Airlines be especially careful about the Governor of Alaska?

  120. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Anon @ 9:57, I saw Sarah running on a treadmill at the Alaska Club Valley gym when she was nearly 8 months pregnant. And she was very obviously pregnant. She looked the same as she looked in the picture with Ms. Gusty which everyone should have seem by now. What more proof do you need?

  121. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Anonymous@ 9:28am

    " Stop worrying about this babygaters, it's only causing you all to lose sleep and not get your housework done. Pay more attention to your husbands because they aren't interested in this. Obey them as God has directed you to and you all will be much happier."

    exactly what century do you live in?

  122. Anonymous10:34 AM


    Why don't you do a little investigating and interview $arah.

    I'd like to know why she hasn't taken, or better yet even just threatened legal action against the many bloggers, radio hosts, etc...etc...who claim Trig isn't hers.

    Remember the Van Flea letter threatening legal action against Shannyn Moore? The hissy fit she threw about Letterman's joke? The ruckus @ the word retard? Her numerous Facebook rants and tweets defending 'this and that' when it comes to her children? etc..etc..

    Ask Sarah why she's been silent about this for so long.

  123. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Julia O'Malley has a degree in
    "Women's Studies and English Literature" from Smith College class of 2000.

    "She took a degree in Women's Studies and English Literature, pursuing her twin passions for women's history and for writing."

    This is an old profile- so this might have already happened.

    "she plans to attend graduate school to study for an MFA in creative nonfiction."

  124. Anonymous10:48 AM

    (Apologies for originally posting this on the wrong topic).

    Punkinbugg @ 8:51 AM wants to know:

    "What is the protocol when a pax presents themselves for boarding in an advanced state of pregancy?"

    This is handled by the ticket or gate agent - which ever one was the first to see the very pregnant passenger (assuming as I did that SP hadn't notified the airline when booking). Airlines may differ in their policies, but you can be assured that the agent would ask about the doctors permission to fly at that state of pregnancy. If you were actually a pregnant woman and NEEDED to fly at late stage you would obtain a doctors written note to make sure that you were not denied boarding - a very real possibility. The airlines need to cover their asses and they have no desire to have to make a very expensive emergency landing if that baby decided to be born in flight - which is what they would have to do. I received a lot of first aid training throughout my carrier but I can guarantee you that I never was taught how to deliver a baby!

    "Do you ask them what month they're in?"

    There is nothing like a VIP passenger - Scarah's) gotta love that designation - to break up the monotony of a long flight, so yes, you would certainly take the opportunity to chat with her if she was willing. However, if you are asking if the FA has any input as to whether or not she should be allowed to board, that decision would already have been made by the agent who would have obtained the information they needed to allow her to fly.

    Regarding seat belts and extensions. When checking seat belts what a FA looks for is that they are in the proper position across the lap and tight enough. This is most important in two instances; children and pregnant women. The seat belt must be placed very low, completely under the belly on a pregnant woman - regardless of how many months along she is. If she was very tiny, she could possibly get the seatbelt buckled without an extension but it would have been very uncomfortable.

    Conclusion: No way in hell would the FA's on that flight - especially the ones in her cabin - not have noticed (or have been previously advised of) her advanced pregnancy.

    Former AA FA

  125. Anonymous10:54 AM

    @ 6:07 anonymous:

    I agree. The couple of pictures that were taken after she announced her pregnancy all look like gorilla shoulders and bulging midriff; but her face, neck, hands, legs show no swelling or weight gain at all. If you compare these to an authentic Sarah Palin in earlier pregnancy, you can clearly see edema everywhere.

    Fool me once... Nah. You never fooled me at all.

  126. Since when is journalism about what a reporter 'believes'?

    Bill McAllister's adds a little twist: "What a thing to request -- prove that this is your baby," McAllister said. "I mean, my god, that's horrifying to think that she would have to do that."

    Horrifying? Seriously? For McAllister, it probably had more to do with not getting the job as Palin's communication's director if he'd asked for documentation of the pregnancy.

    How often has Sarah Palin reminded us all of the 'Trust but Verify' doctrine? Her main complaint about the media is that they report rumors rather than 'take that extra step' to find out the truth. True journalism requires unbiased documentation to back up claims.
    Bottom line is the AK media failed and has been too cowardly to even hold Palin to her own standards.

  127. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Anon @ 9:57, I saw Sarah running on a treadmill at the Alaska Club Valley gym when she was nearly 8 months pregnant. And she was very obviously pregnant. She looked the same as she looked in the picture with Ms. Gusty which everyone should have seem by now. What more proof do you need?

    10:20 AM
    So you saw Sarah with her padded stomach on the treadmill at the Alaska Club Valley Gym. That's your proof?

  128. Anonymous11:03 AM


    Elizabeth said...
    If Sarah and Todd legally adopted Trig, they would have a birth certificate with their names on it. It is common to re-issue birth certificates in the case of infant adoption. So I am really curious why we haven't seen a birth certificate.

    7:16 AM

    Elizabeth: That's because it will have his real birthday which is not 4/18/08. More like late dec 07 early jan 08.

  129. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Which Alaskan reporter said this about the former half governor Palin in November of 2009?

    I'm no hater. In fact, I might even have voted for her. But that was eons ago, before she became somebody else.

    Not a hater. Because by November of 2009 there wasn't any credible person that could critizise Palin without being a hater. That's why Palin quit wasn't it? "Became somebody else"?

    The reporter continues:

    The last time I interviewed her, it was just after she announced she was pregnant with Trig. She had this warm, relaxed, familiar quality. I already thought she was savvy. She had never been extra sophisticated when it came to talking about policy, but in Alaska we never expect that of our politicians. She understood her audience. She got our populism, our libertarian streak. What I liked best: you could never be sure what she was going to do.

    "Extra sophisticated when it came to talking about policy," One wonders if this is a personal observation, or based on the McCain Campaign "haters". Or the debates and media interviews? "Bush Doctrine"?
    "What I liked best:" interesting observation this reporter made.

    The reporter continues:

    She wasn't tight with the Republicans, but she wasn't in line with Democrats, either. Mostly she seemed motivated by common sense. She did her thing with oil taxes and the gas line and ethics legislation. She didn't talk about abortion and the Bible too much.

    There a story just in analyzing that paragraph. How's that gas line been performing lately?

    You can read the rest of the Julia O'Malley story from November 28 2009 at

    There are some other interesting things in this column.
    It really should be read together with what she has written today.

  130. Anonymous11:05 AM

    The swelling of Palin;s face was becasue of salt intake that she increased as she knows that will make her swell and also, too, I think she and Toad may have been fghting and she was crying, alot, those few days and looks swollen. Also up all night, makes you look like that as well.

  131. Anon @ 10:20

    You'll have to do better than that. An anonymous poster saying she saw her at a gym when she was 8 months pregnant? And we should believe you because ...?

    Besides, there are plenty of people who know she had a tubal ligation after Piper ... perhaps they will all come forward en masse some day.

    Try again.

  132. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I flew when I was up to seven months pregnant, and I never needed a seatbelt extender, nor was I ever asked about being pregnant. And if you are asked, you are under no obligation to tell the truth. You could just be fat, you know? So I don't see this as much of an issue one way or the other in proving BabyGate.

    Now: I have been asked to prove that my child was mine, on several occasions - when I registered him for school, when I got him a passport, when I crossed the border into Canada with him but not my husband along. And in all those cases, I produced a Certificate of Live Birth. I was not offended, not at all. Why would I be offended? And that, to me, is the issue here.

  133. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Curiouser at 10:54 you are far too kind. You referenced this ADN article.

    You comment:

    How often has Sarah Palin reminded us all of the 'Trust but Verify' doctrine? Her main complaint about the media is that they report rumors rather than 'take that extra step' to find out the truth. True journalism requires unbiased documentation to back up claims.

    In that same article Bill Mcallister stated:

    "She said it's not true about Bristol," McAllister said.

    At the time, the rumor would have been that Palin's daughter was pregnant.

    How does McAllister know it's not true?

    "The governor's not a liar. That's the main reason. But also this would have to involve some sort of conspiracy with the hospital of Wasilla. They said she gave birth there. Is the doctor, the nurses ... are they all lying?" he said.

    August 31, 2008. Palin's public lies about troopergate are obvious to some within her party and administration. McAllister's statement tells you what he bases his defense on.

    "The governor's not a liar."

    That's what he was paid by the State of Alaska to say that day. Was he representing McCain-Palin 2008, the State of Alaska (by serving the Governor), or Sarah INC which was just going into operation?

    The Alaskan media still buys it, in spite of the evidence that is right there in front of them concerning all the other lies and deceptions. How about that denial that Todd did not belong to the Alaska Independence Party. That one is well documented.

  134. dancingthroughlife11:43 AM

    Something else to mention, as people have been mentioning the claim that people saw Mrs. Palin running with a pregnant belly- if no one could tell she was pregnant, consider this. I read the blog of a young woman who gave birth in the first week of January. She is a tiny thing to start, ran miles and miles and did p90x before she got pregnant, practically no body fat on her (you know, someone who really has tight abs). She only gained about 18 pounds during her pregnancy, but by about 4 1/2 months, it was beyond obvious she was pregnant. Her baby was just over 6 lbs, but her belly was BIG. She did workouts (including spinning) until she was about 7 1/2 months pregnant- most people would not be able to do this, but for someone who is in excellent shape, it's possible. However, that timeline would put Sarah Palin at shortly after her announcement of her pregnancy- when there were several members of her staff that communicated their disbelief to reporter, as they had no idea.. I wish I could post pictures of the young woman I talked about earlier, but for privacy reasons, I won't.

  135. Anonymous11:43 AM

    "I saw Sarah running on a treadmill at the Alaska Club Valley gym when she was nearly 8 months pregnant. And she was very obviously pregnant."

    what a liar...are you a Palin? She didn't look pregnant on April 8th (square pillow day), and she claims she gave birth at 7 when was she 8 months pregnant?

    Not to mention she stated in an interview that she did not run when she was pregnant and she definitely didn't use a treadmill.

  136. Anonymous12:21 PM

    OK, so seeing her on a treadmill automatically is proof? Was there skin exposed? Any old padding under a jacket is absolutely not proof.

    And you say it was just around the time of the Gutsy photos?

    No coincidence there, not at all.

    I bet the minute that padding arrived in the mail Sarah was running all over town with it on!

  137. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Boobs, baby, where are the boobs? Any woman that "far" in a pregnancy would have boobs that would require a larger bra to hold 'em up - where are $P's???


  138. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I guess I'm missing something. How was the picture picture with the scarf supposed to prove she was pregnant? There are plenty of "pregnant" pix. If she was using an empahy belly, how does that pic "prove" that she wasn't? And I don't follow the running logic. Did she continue running after she announced her pregnancy right until she gave birth 6 weeks later? Before she announced did she appear pregnant and people were noticing? And why would you assume that she wouldn't run with an empathy belly?

    I'm glad that you found this article of value because I found it frustrating. How could she have looked at all the evidence and still not had some questions? I don't know where you get all your energy but I find this tiring. The good news is that Sarah seems to have lost a lot of traction. What she's lost on a personal level is something she has to deal with but hopefully, the rest of us won't have to see or hear about her much longer.

  139. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Why, if very pregnant, would she be wearing scarves and jackets INDOORS?

    Pregnant women get HOT. When I wasn't nearly as far along as her, I would go outside in a t-shirt with no jacket when it was 20 degrees out--and love it.

    I would think that the further along she got, the less she would be able to tolerate jackets, etc. And anyway, are Alaskans tough? Don't they not feel the cold? I mean, the pictures we see are all INDOORS.

    Just wondering.

  140. Anonymous12:50 PM

    anon @ 9:57 AM - were there any other clubs she could have worked out at?

  141. Anonymous12:51 PM


    You fogot your sarcasm tag.

  142. Anonymous12:53 PM

    If she is a runner, how come we never see pictures of her running. Never see pictures of her COMPLETING a marathon?

    Why do her legs look the way they do? Those aren't runner legs.

  143. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I know that Todd Palin was pregnant because I saw that he was pregnant. I, and many of the Palin's close friends, saw facebook pictures of him being pregnant (the pictures are gone now).
    I saw Todd Palin on a rowing machine, rowing 30 miles a day, at the gym, while 8 months pregnant.

    Now, you can put this story down as fact because that should be proof enough. Yah.

  144. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I am sure you are able to see all our e-mails and IP addresses when we comment.
    The person who claims to have seen Our dear sister sarah pregnant in the Gym,can she kindly tell us who she is and if she can ask her friend Sarah to provide us with all the birth records just like President Obama has provided? I mean it is just fair, if the right wing keeps questioning the birth of the president, Sarah also should tell the truth since she was close to be the VP of this country, ans she is still aspiring fro president, not only she is a strong influence to the GOP base, but also Evangerical supporters who feel she is super woman to carry that child.
    1. I am a runner
    2. I a mother of 6
    3. I am christian
    4. I am white

    and I Sarah 's baby story makes me go Huh, leaving me scratching my head. So help us out with
    1. DNA
    2. Birth record
    If I was Sarah, I would close this chapter by providing the two above.It is not that hard if you are a proud mom of 5 to prove your case.
    Thank you

  145. icstraights1:07 PM

    I think I am going to do an experiment. Get one of these things and see if anybody realized I was pregnant!

    That picture of the "pregant scarah" looks like the belly is riding WAY TOO HIGH for late term and the "boobs" look fake (double-bubble) and too wide for her frame...remember people, she is small breasted unless using her gel-padded bras under a white sheer doll shirt...

  146. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Matronly looking with ill fitting clothes with no style while pretending to be pregnant.

    Viola, she goes sexy as soon as the baby is dropped off at the hospital for her to use as a political prop.

    Sarah, faker, liar.

  147. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Wouldn't the observant flight attendants remember a woman in first class who had to use the restroom every half hour? Of course they would. She WAS NOT pregnant.

  148. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Reading thru the comments, I came up with a new math equation re: $P and "pregnancy".

    1) Mentioned the 7 months & running on a treadmill per an "eyewitness" of O'Malley.


    2) someone else posted the interview excerpt where $P had "bad knees".

    Why would someone 7+ months pregnant and having bad knees on top of it be running on a treadmill carrying anywhere from 15-30 additional pounds?

    "Error! Error! Does not compute!"

    Even in the new improved math, it still doesn't add up, now does it?


  149. Anonymous1:41 PM

    *snark alert*

    Also, too (sorry), if this person saw $P on a treadmill, inquiring minds want to know:

    Did $P "have a broad face and a big round belly,

    That shook, when she ran like a bowlful of jelly?"

    Thanks to "A Visit From St. Nicholas, aka 'Twas The Night Before Christmas".


  150. Anonymous1:41 PM

    If Sarah's water broke, her clothes would have been a mess. Mine broke at home, I called the Dr. and they said get to the hospital immediately.

    It was a 35 minute drive to the hospital, I had towels underneath me and everything was soaked. I rode the elevator up to the hospital's delivery rooms and my shoes were full of fluid.

    My husbanc threw away, the clothes, towels and my shoes cause they were a mess.

    Sarah is lying and Julia is making a complete Palinbot fool of herself.

  151. Anonymous1:48 PM

    There sure are a lot of people who swear they know women who ran clear up to the day they delivered. I say horse shit! I'm sure there are some obsessive, weight conscious women who really do that, but they are NOT THE NORM, and would be strongly cautioned by their OBGYN! Women who are pregnant, over 44, who are casual runners do not do that. For all you people using the Olympic marathoner as an example of a women who got back into running soon after she gave birth, SHE is a PROFESSIONAL runner. She routinely runs 9-12 miles per day to train. Any woman who has had 2 miscarriages would not be thrashing her guts and running through her entire pregnancy. How do you Palin supporters explain that? Sarah was not an athlete. She was an occasional jogger. If I knew a woman who was 44, pregnant with a baby with a disability, on her 5th live pregnancy, and had 2 miscarriages in her past, I would really question her mental state if she was "thrashing her guts" and running like Sarah says she was. Traveling thousand of miles while leaking amniotic fluid is nuts, and put Trig at great risk. Either she is a very selfish, self centered women who thinks nothing of her unborn child's well being, or she wasn't pregnant. Which one is it?

  152. London Bridges1:56 PM

    A couple of years ago, the ADN editor tried to put the fake pregnancy issue to rest, but he gave up. Said he couldn't prove or disprove the hoax theory. And, supposedly Sarah was cooperation with him. (As much as she could without getting caught, I guess.)

  153. Anonymous2:03 PM

    1:48, I couldn't agree more.

    Seeing as how doctors advise against running in the late stages of pregnancy, and that Sarah was very high risk (Downs baby, 44, 2 miscarriages), I have a hard time believing she would have been able to run on a treadmill. Exercise, sure, but not running.

  154. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Someone saw Sarah Palin working out in a public gym, 8 months pregnant. Did I get that right?
    Sometimes it's hard to tell on blogs, when people speak from a personal perspective or speculation as if it's a fact.

    "Alaska Club Valley"? Where? Juneau or Wasilla?

    But wait. According to their story, she HAD this baby when she was 7 and a half months pregnant.
    So are we talking about working out at the gym when she was 8 months pregnant with Piper?

    Have you seen her travel schedule from February to June 2008? Non-stop. One trip after another. Back and forth from Juneau to Wasilla.

    Wow. That just adds even more intrigue to that wild ride story!

  155. Anonymous3:03 PM

    As much as I know every pregnancy is different, and people's bodies are different, Sarah's wild Trig pregnancy story does not sound real to a mother like myself.
    I agree with you. My last pregnancy out of 4,water broke, I was in labor for less than 30 minutes. I was expecting twins. My second pregnancy, my water broke, and I think I was in labor for 2 hours, It was not even prem, but full term. Sarah 's pregnancy story does not make sense. If, she truly was pregnant, I can say she put a life of a child and herself at high risk. Once water breaks, the child can drink the water, many times, the baby do not survive unless under doctors attention because they suck that fluid out in case of such occurrance of drinking the mother's fluid.
    Sorry Sarah and your friends covering you up. I wish I can believe your story, but I can't.
    1. If Trig is your child, then you are a terrible mother, may be you did not want that boy to be born alive. In short, it did not work out for you.
    2. He may not be your child, but adopted in a very organized sindycate, since your doctor sound like one who had accessed to babies dropped off by unknown mothers. I am just speculating since you have never shown your medical records since you were introduced to the nation, not even trig's b/certificate.
    We need to see her DNA and Sarah's medical records. Otherwise, I will never believe her story. I know her lawyers may be telling her, that she does not have to show any paper proof. But the same people have demanded others to show proof of their children. At least I am talking with my own experience, that I have been asked to show proof of my children, when ever I travel, or request any government related IDs like passports etc. So Why should Sarah have the immunity to this rule.
    Does it only apply to the current president, and other women not with the name "Palin"?

    By the way I forgot, does Sarah know that John McCain was not born in America? Just curious.
    Asking for medical Documentation of the aspiring Presidential candindates, or those who influence the political ground should prove to voters that, they are not liars. Hence we all need to put this to rest, once Sarah show the DNA test between her and Trig. Thanks

  156. Kimosabe4:28 PM

    One thing I dont thInk we've ever seen here or any of the other blogs is a review of the wild ride by a disinterested obgyn. I for one would like to.

  157. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I find it very interesting that not one single person has come forth to speak publicly to say that they saw Sarah Palin look visibly pregnant.

    O'Malley is a joke as a journalist. Why doesn't she identify her sources? Did they ask to be anonymous? If so, why doesn't her article say that she has sources, but she cannot reveal them because she promised anonymity? And if O'Malley's so-called sources asked to be anonymous (not that I believe that O'Malley has actual sources like a real journalist), you have to question why someone speaking a non-controversial truth -- i.e., Sarah Palin was pregnant -- would be afraid to go on the record with this information.

    As to the Alaska Airlines flight, there have been statements that Palin was in first class. I don't know if that is true, but if so, that makes it even more absurd that the flight attendants wouldn't have noticed she was pregnant. First class on Alaska Airlines is a pretty small section of the plane and the first class passengers, unlike the hoi polloi in the back of the plane, receive a lot of attention from the flight attendants. No way no one would have noticed that the woman was hours away from giving birth.

    Why is it that not a single person is willing to go on the record and confirm Sarah's incredible birth story?

  158. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I was just over at ADN checking out the comments. They're still coming in on this article fast and furious. I wonder if Julia O'Malley realized what a firestorm she'd start. There are waaaaay more arguing that the story at least deserves to be researched.

    There are some regulars/comedians who post on the Sarah stories at ADN. I LOL every time I read them.

  159. Anonymous5:07 PM

    It is really funny that the attacks on O'Malley's article are not on the merits of his argument that the press does not do proper journalistic investigation and fact finding.

    He is not even attacked on the validity of the example he chose to illustrate his premise, Palin's flat belly and wild ride, etc.

    The Press is arguing about O'Malley's facts, even though his facts all came for the shoddy work of the MSM.

    They are proving his point, by being totaling distracted by Palin's water breaking, not the premise that they failed to do proper investigative reporting about when and where of her water breaking.

    Pretty clever, really, he has induced them to prove his point and they don't even realize it.

  160. Anonymous7:04 PM


    I'm glad that you found this article of value because I found it frustrating. How could she have looked at all the evidence and still not had some questions?

    That's the point. She didn't. If you've never seen her work before, it will be difficult for her to appear competent in the future. If you have seen her work before then it's not so much of a surprise. O'Malley had one chance to get out in front of the story. She did not. Now this story might run her over.

    She is not just a spectator to this story. She was involved and on the scene for years. Just like O'Malley and McAllister the rest of the Alaskan media are slowly painting themselves into different corners. If this story does not go away very soon, they will have to take a position, and write whatever they choose to. They will be on the record, just as O'Malley is.

    I don't know where you get all your energy but I find this tiring. The good news is that Sarah seems to have lost a lot of traction.

    There are probably a lot of poeple on the other side feeling worse than tired. If people have done things they shouldn't have, then the upcoming books and email releases might be worrisome.

    The Palin bus is getting ready to leave the station. The days when people were in a hurry to get on board are gone forever. Quite a few have changed their plans and won't be traveling with the Palin circus any more. There may be some passengers already on the bus that want to get off. If they wait too long, they will have to jump off at highway speed.

  161. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I am an RN .
    Palin's Wild Ride is an insulting fantasy tale.
    Or the sad saga of a very irresponsible late stage , high risk pregnant woman.
    Who happened to be very lucky ,
    both for herself and her baby.
    Palin told the Alaska media that her membranes ruptured
    in the Texas hotel room.
    Did housekeeping have a mess of wet sheets to clean up ?
    You would think if a hotel guest who happened to be a visiting state governor had
    left wet and or messy sheets ,
    the housekeeping staff might have gossiped.
    Thinking perhaps that she or Todd had wet the bed.
    If Palin was actually pregnant -it is a medical mystery that Dr Baldwin Johnson did not order Palin to an ER once she was informed
    that a pre term Palin
    had ruptured or leaking amniotic fluid combined with contractions .
    It is equally mysterious why Dr Baldwin Johnson did not warn her patient not to board an airplane until she and her fetus had been medically
    examined and cleared.
    Palin said she had been in constant contact with Baldwin Johnson , so the physician had to have known of her travel plans.
    Dr Baldwin Johnson later said that she did not think , under the circumstances ,
    that it was " unreasonable " that Palin had undertaken the long flights home.
    And not even immediately , but, hours and hours later.
    This goes against standard medical practice-
    especially for such a high risk and high profile patient.
    Has the Alaska State Medical Board has received any inquiries or complaints about
    Dr Baldwin Johnson's unusual advice ?
    I have never understood if Palin was only at 7 and a half months ,
    why Dr Baldwin Johnson did not try and delay labor.
    Either the mother or the fetus was in distress.
    Was Palin in distress ?
    Was she experiencing symptoms of eclampsia exacerbated by the long plane trips ?
    Or infection from the long delay in seeking medical attention after her membranes ruptured ?
    Was Trig experiencing fetal distress brought on by the Wild Ride ?
    And if he was in distress-why not do an emergency C Section ?
    Palin wrote in Going Rogue that Trig had " holes " in his heart upon birth.
    Atrio Ventricular Canal Defect is associated with Down Syndrome infants and
    again raises the serious question why Trig was not delivered in a facility
    that was properly equipped and accredited to care for high risk newborns.
    So many questions are raised and remain unanswered
    by the bizarre conduct of Palin both during labor and postpartum.
    Did Trig's pediatric cardiologist ( we assume he had one...if her story is true ) give Palin permission
    to take a jaundiced ,
    three day old preemie with AVSD or AVCD
    out in public 24 hours after being released
    from the hospital nursery ????
    Was it chilly also that day ?
    How many adults cooing over the new "celebrity " baby had colds ?
    Why make such a public splash ?? was all part of the hoax.
    I also find the different ears on the various Trig's to be highly suspect.
    None of this story makes any medical or logical sense.
    Unless you are a member of the media.

  162. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Thanks for information RN at 7:49.

    I have a few questions.
    When would a diagnosis like this one you described AVCD be made? What type of procedure would be used? Would screening for this type of defect normally be done because of a diagnosis of DS?

    Palin wrote in Going Rogue that Trig had " holes " in his heart upon birth.
    Atrio Ventricular Canal Defect is associated with Down Syndrome infants and
    again raises the serious question why Trig was not delivered in a facility
    that was properly equipped and accredited to care for high risk newborns.

    What do these two cardiac acronyms mean as far as the effects on the newborn?
    Is there a typical treatment or procedure for newborns with this defect? Would it matter whether or not the infant was premature but still of normal weight?
    What is AVSD? You said what AVCD was.

    Thanks for taking the time.

  163. I posted the following comment at ADN, it lasted about 60 seconds before they deleted it. Shocker, eh?

    Ms. O’Malley, your POS article desperately defending Palin is so full of holes, it is hard to know where to begin:

    1. You claim that Prof. Scharlott used “some widely-circulated Photoshopped pictures”. ALL of the pictures were sourced and verified. The ONLY change to any of the photos was to lighten the contrast.

    Elan Frank interviews Sarah Palin-April 2008 part 2
    At :55 to 1:10 is a screen grab of Sarah Palin with a FLAT scarf taken 4-8-08.
    Also seen again at 1:51.
    Compare this screengrab of April 8 from Elan Frank video & April 13 Gusty pic, FIVE DAYS APART!!

    Here is the best timeline showing the numerous contradictions that Sarah made in her own words:
    The Perfidity of Sarah Palin: Chapter 2. The Wild Ride in her own words

    At about 8:05 of this video are the sources from which the photos were obtained.
    ALL of the work of gathering the evidence of Sarah Palin’s faked pregnancy has been accomplished by citizen journalists who were appalled that Sarah Palin, an unbalanced pathological liar, was potentially a heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States and journalists like you, the so-called Fourth Estate, did NOTHING to investigate, even when this evidence is in front of your face. Lazy, worthless ditto-ists like you, who call themselves journalists, whose profession is no longer a reporter, but a repeater.

    2. “One of my favorite passages is about a picture where Palin appears pregnant. Scharlott presents the original image, and then one with changes to the light balance. She still looks pregnant in the second picture. But he writes "Palin appears to be wearing some sort of pad strapped around her midsection; her lower belly, where a fetus would normally reside, seems flat" This is total fantasy.”
    You are deliberately obfuscating the description of the March 26, 2008 picture of Palin at the museum wearing the grey jacket and pants where her lower belly section is flat, and you seem to then switch the reader’s mind to the Gusty photo where she is wearing a dress with a great big belly.

    3. “The journalists, including me, who covered Palin at the time believed she was pregnant because she was pregnant.”
    “People I know saw her on the treadmill sweating in workout clothes. She had a belly. I repeat: she had a real pregnant belly. Are you going to tell me she was wearing a prosthetic abdomen on the treadmill?”
    These two statements of yours are worthy of an award for the worst example of journalism ever! This is the culmination of your proof that she was pregnant?? LMFAO!

    4. “After the birth, we interviewed her doctor who talked about it. Why would the doctor lie for her? That's right. She wouldn't.”
    The following are the only seemingly direct quotes of Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson:
    “Palin did not ask for a medical OK to fly, the doctor said” - from ADN article
    Baldwin said AFTERWARDS, “I don’t think it was unreasonable for her to continue to fly back”...”this was going to be Palin’s last flight anyway....” “things were already settling down when she talked to me, “ Baldwin Johnson said.

    Since Palin WAS NOT PREGNANT, she didn’t need a medical ok to fly; there is nothing unreasonable about a non-pregnant woman flying back; and “things” settling down is not a definitive statement that describes labor and leaking amniotic fluid.

    Ms. O’Malley, I suggest you enroll in a real journalism course, in Kentucky.

  164. FloridaDem3:28 AM

    This person O'Malley is a reporter? From her photo she looks like she should be in the Wasilla sewing club.

    I have never fully embraced the Trig conspiracy theory, and I must wait for the day of outing, of proof,...but any fool can see that Palin's story is bunk and she's lying, we just don't know what about. I also think that while there is no proof, there is substantial circumstantial evidence to suggest that it's possible she was not pregnant.

    Why O'Malley can't keep to the facts, why she continues the gossip, and offers up opinion and nothing else, is beyond me.

    O'Malley complains about photos, yet offers up photos herself as proof of debunking? She's gonna show me a photo of a fuller-faced Sarah and say oh she's pregnant here? Really? Here's a link to Sarah in Israel recently:

    Sarah is certainly fuller here. Does that mean she's pregnant again? According to O'Malley, that's the criteria!

    O'Malley claims that the rumors of the fake pregnancy "haunted" her and other reporters. Really? Well apparently it didn't haunt her enough to put her "friends" on the record who saw Sarah sweating at the gym with nothing over her belly except a t-shirt.

    No, her friends are not on the record. You know who is, though? Shailey Tripp. This person saw Sarah around the time of those pregnant-looking photos, or shortly before, and managed to massage her half-naked on a table with no evidence of pregnancy whatsoever. This is not worthy of a mention in her report? No musing on why Sarah would declare she wasn't pregnant at the session? For a reporter, she's not very curious.

    Truth is, there is a mountain of scattered circumstantial evidence suggesting Palin is lying, yet this reporter ignores everything except what she wants to focus on, her friends and her own assumptions seeing Sarah in a stuffed jacket.

  165. FloridaDem3:30 AM

    Also, where is this interview of Sarah's doctor who supposedly says she delivered Trig, as O'Malley suggests, and why doesn't she link to it in her article?

  166. FloridaDem3:50 AM

    This comment is pretty good:

    "He may not be your child, but adopted in a very organized sindycate [sic], since your doctor sound like one who had accessed to babies dropped off by unknown mothers. I am just speculating since you have never shown your medical records since you were introduced to the nation, not even trig's b/certificate."

    This certainly has merit. O'Malley asks what motive does the doctor have to lie. Well, certainly the motive for ANYONE to lie, is if you're in something deep yourself, you'll cover for somebody if the exposing of that person's life will uncover your own shady behavior. As speculated above, Balwin could have been involved with obtaining babies, that's certainly not out of the realm of possibility. And another thing, I agree on the point about the medical records. Why wasn't she required to provide them during her V.P. run? How did she get a pass on that? McCain, Obama and Biden provided theirs. Where's Sarah's and what is she hiding?

  167. FloridaDem4:16 AM

    Sorry if I'm picking through this slowly, there's a lot of comments, and links to read from the comments. But I too was scratching my head about the Baldwin supposed interview:

    "I asked: So, when the ADN staff met with Palin's doctor, did Cathy Baldwin-Johnson definitively say she delivered the baby herself? Did I miss the story where the paper reported they had seen the proof? Because that should have been reported a long, long time ago, if she did. And CBJ's exact words should have been included in Julia's column, too."

    I said the same thing, where is the link in O'Malley story to this doctor interview? And as the poster above observes, all through the story there's no exact words from anybody. Shouldn't a reporter include that? Or is she just another sympathetic, unsophisticated fan of Sarah Palin (who admitted in a previous column she liked her and almost voted for her)?

  168. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Where was this picture 2 years ago when everyone was scouring the Internet for evidence one way or the other? Where was Julia O'Malley's testimony two years ago?

  169. Some observations:

    1. Flight attendants have to visually check each passenger to make sure their seat belts are secure, and they didn't notice a 7 mos pregnant belly?

    2. CBJ brought her attorney with her to the interview.

    3. The baby in the above pic with Mercede, is visually NOT the same baby that was presented at the Mat-Su hospital hallway - unless he was suffering from Failure-to-thrive syndrome.

    4.Mat-Su hospital has no record of Trigg being born on April 18 2008.

  170. Anonymous6:32 AM

    2 points I would like to mention

    1. In this photo, she's wearing the same pillow as in the Frank video. It's not a maternity prosthetic nor an "empathy" suit. It's an oval pillow with those soft little bead things's meant to conform to your neck when you lay down. They are light, amorphous, shapeless blobs until you shape them how you want. She carried this pillow to Texas and back and still has it.

    2. Why has NO ONE (even my new hero The Good Professor) ever made issue of the fact that Sarah and Todd did NOT RESCHEDULE their flight home on the "wild ride"...they took the original booked flights which were never changed. They never intended to go to the fancy dinner as Sarah couldn't find any suitable formalwear which allowed for her pillow-baby. (seriously) IF she had been able to pull off looking pregnant, she would have been there, thrilled as always to be the center of attention belle of the ball.

    Finally, Sarah Palin might have the brains of a drunken gerbil, but she's got the balls of a 'roided up bull hippopotamus: I heard her say in a sizable group after Piper's birth "the kitchen is CLOSED" in reference to being asked about the possibility of more children.

    She obviously believes herself to be untouchable to the extreme.

    Her ability to name different birth cities, lengths of gestation, etc without being called out for it is just reinforcing her belief in that untouchability.

    Oh happy day, when Sarah Palin gets "touched" by the media!

  171. Burke7:07 AM

    I've been busy and just now have gotten to catch up on Scharlott's paper and the resulting media crush.

    I am woefully, cosmically disappointed in Julia O'Malley. The tone of her "article" conveys that she knows the truth (or at least, she knows the LIE- Trig Palin was not born to Sarah Palin on 4-18-08) but she attempts shallow, ill mannered bullying to try and make us doubt ourselves and the truth.

    Julia, I know you must be reading here. The time to apologize and ask forgiveness of your once devoted readers is fading quickly. I personally will be canceling my longtime subscription should an apology not be issued this week.

    I place equal fault on Pat Daugherty for signing off on this farce of an "article". Shame on both of you for your ongoing complicity in this charade of lies.


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