Tuesday, April 12, 2011

They can do such amazing things with animatronics these days.

As I was watching this I could not help but think I had seen it someplace before.

And then I remembered.


  1. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Hey, I'm a mitt supporter! REALLY! I'm so happy he announced before the bimbo announced. Go to c4p and see how delusional they are over there. That in itself, is worth the price of admission!

  2. Dear Mitt, It's not that Obama's policies have failed. It's that people who run companies like you, lay people off and ship their jobs overseas. And when you were governor here is MA, you forced low wage state employees to take unpaid furlough days while those making the big bucks didn't have to...But, I will give you credit for sticking to the issues and not stooping to the name-calling and birther BS - of course you've got Palin and Trump to do your dirty work for you, haven't you?

  3. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Was he really born in Mexico? His family
    really gave their US citizenships because
    the hated this country that much?

  4. Anonymous8:35 AM

    NH resident here - he filmed this at UNH Durham campus which the state of NH is 50th in the country in money to support college education. The current state teabagging budget hacks have proposed to slash the university budget by 45% - yes 45% - a lost of at least 200 jobs on the Durham campus, along with other programs. Smit Mitt agrees with the federal budget to slash college funding and grants to help college bound kids. So who is going to afford to go to UNH?? The dumbing down of America continues ...

  5. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Anon 6:30. W. Mitt Romney was not born in Mexico. He was born in the US. His family has ties to the mormon colony's in northern mexico, and Mitt still has cousins that are ranchers there. But he was born here in the US.

  6. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Oh the beauty of recorded history!


  7. Anonymous11:46 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Anon 6:30. W. Mitt Romney was not born in Mexico. He was born in the US. His family has ties to the mormon colony's in northern mexico, and Mitt still has cousins that are ranchers there. But he was born here in the US.

    8:52 AM"

    Has he shown his birth certificate?
    His REAL birth certificate?

  8. Anonymous1:11 PM

    @Anonymous at 11:46am.
    Good rimshot! ;-)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.