Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This is how a strong leader addresses a distracting conspiracy theory that simply will NOT die. Update!

And here is the birth certificate, courtesy of Andrew Sullivan, for all of you Birthers who simply must see it with your own eyes.

Well that is that!  Next?

Update: Fox News is going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the harsh light of reality.

And yet all Sarah Palin has to do is SAY she gave birth to her son on April 18, 2008, and not ONE mainstream journalist will dare to even express concern that she might not be telling the truth.  So WHO is it that does not get fair treatment from the press?


  1. Anonymous8:04 AM

    President Obama, a great American Leader, and a shining star that inspires us daily. He surely was raised right by his family and he is so compassionate and always takes the high road.

    Let's all contribute to his campaign.

  2. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Were the comments about carnival barkers a reference to Sideshow Don?

  3. Anonymous8:06 AM

    The latest that I've heard from the tin foil hat folks is "SEE, he's not eligible to be the president, he's not a natural born citizen. His father was born in Kenya"

  4. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Uh, no Gryphen, he's still half-black, and that is the real problem for these folks. Sarah also too.

  5. Nikogriego8:08 AM

    Beautiful, although I wanted the birther nonsense to continue so that all the idiots who profess to know that he was born in Kenya, including Trump, Palin, and the legislators from Arizona, would keep on this issue. He could then drop this on them much later in the game.

    They must feel pretty foolish now, although I don't think that feeling foolish is in their makeup. Most likely the charge will be that it is a forgery.

  6. Anonymous8:14 AM

    It will be interesting to see if the truther/racists back off. The reason they are anti-abortion is so they can keep procreating their kind and indoctrinate their offspring. Surely, no one in their right mind would join their ranks of ignorance by choice.

  7. Anonymous8:18 AM

    SO proud of him for calling it as it is. CNN already misquoting/half quoting what I watched/heard with my own eyes and ears.

    As for Her Heinous' tweet? Ignored! "That's the way, uh huh uh huh, I like it, uh huh uh huh."

    She doesn't matter anymore and BOY does she know it by her demeanor/looks. Bitch is looking ROUGH these days.

  8. honeybabe8:21 AM

    does this mean we get to see trig's birth certificate?

  9. Anonymous8:23 AM

    The birthers won't back off. The certificate still says "certificate of live birth" which has been one of their biggest arguments.

    I'm really proud of our President. Hopefully the media will back off and stop giving the birthers so much air time. The die hard birthers are very few in number. The faux birthers only jumped on board to get media attention.

  10. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Gryphen... enough is enough!

    Please find the folks that know about housegate and get them to talk to the FBI.

    It is time to send Sarah to jail ..

  11. I was kind of hoping Obama would rise above all this and not release it, but maybe he did it to prove a point that even after he does this, teh crazies just go and find something else to look at, like Trumpie is doing by saying Obama couldn't have gotten in to college without the help of Affirmative Action, or that (and I got this one from the Daily Kos) Obama was adopted, thus he gave up his US citizenship.

  12. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Sarah, there is a jail cell with your name on it. Payback is going be a bitch.

  13. All Trumpty Dumpty has left to run on are his spurious claims about the President'­s education. He and Buchanan would like to chalk Obama's success up to the workings of Affirmativ­e Action. Even if that were the case, it is a legitimate honorable program that I respect far more than the 'legacy' benefits given to a few of the trust funders who got in without proving their mettle.

    Trump, Hannity, Buchanan and the rest of the unreconstr­ucted bores in the political arena may want to continue relitigati­ng the Civil War but they will eventually discover that the average, respectabl­e and respecful American has moved onward, upward and beyond.

  14. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Thank you, President Obama. I am going to contribute to your re-election campaign today. I appreciate that you take the high road. I'm sorry our country has so many stupid racists in it. It always did, but Sarah Palin and John McCain (and the Kochs and Murdoch and Ailes) gave them permission to express it in public. The "shame" went away. Let's bring back the "shame" for those who flaunt stupidity.

    OH, and by the way, although I have 4 degrees, I do not equate IQ with education. Some of my smart ancestors did not go to college, either. But they were not as dumb as the Palin family, nor the Trump family...

  15. Trump the Chump is now Trump the SIDESHOW CARNIVAL BARKER....­..LOL

    Obama went to EXTRAORDIN­ARY lengths by applying for a special waiver from the state of Hawaii in order to do this.

    He was never ABLE to apply for a waiver before.

    NOW ....will the media give TRUMP the same scrutiny over every document in his life?/

    Will "experts" examine HIS birth certificat­e?

    Will they examine ALL of his marriage licences, certificat­es AND divorce decrees??

    Will they examine ALL of his bankruptcy filings and outcomes??

    That should keep them busy until AFTER the election!!

  16. I am so proud of our President! Although, I am not proud of the fact that Donald Trump and his Birther followers have made our country look like a bunch of stupid assholes and I blame the media for that. They gave this story legs. I hope that people start boycotting the Donald's show. As for Sarah, I bet she it throwing a hissy-fit somewhere
    because no one has noticed her stupid tweet yesterday! lol

  17. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I love how one photo discredits them all. Now I can enjoy watching them scramble to salvage a little pride.

    I noticed how Greta ended her last WGE interview by bringing up Katie Couric, a burr that always rattles sarah. And, yet again, sarah takes the bait, hook, line, and sinker and comes across as a jealous, wounded, frightened of Katie´s shadow teenybopper.

    I truly believe Greta despises sarah.

  18. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Has anyone been able to makeout what Palin had written on her left hand at the 3:51/3:52 mark on the Greta interview? Have to watch it close to catch it. She is a hopped up idiot.

  19. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Contributing to Obama today is an excellent idea.

    I think I shall.


    With money that once went to the RNC.

    I shit you not.

  20. From the new Dispelling the 'birther' myth - .


    Just HOW is it that this little ASSHAT who claims to be an "investigative reporter", got to be THE senior Whitehouse reporter?!

  21. Anonymous8:45 AM

    It actually looks like the State of Hawaii is the one who blinked first. CBS News showed a letter, dated 2008, in which the Obama campaign requested the "long form" but was sent the standard form currently in use. And where does it say "Muslim" again?

    I'm wondering if this isn't some sort of cover for the Boner and his not-quite-so-nutty fellow Republicans. They're really backed into a corner with the Teabaggers. With Obama acting like the Grownup in the Room AGAIN, this gives the House leaders the perfect cover to say "please, we have important work to do."

    I just hope Obama got something for the deal.

  22. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Orly Taitz on the birth certificate:

    "Look, I applaud this release. I think it's a step in the right direction," so-called "birther queen" Orly Taitz told me in one of her many media interviews this morning. "I credit Donald Trump in pushing this issue."

    But she still has her suspicions. Specifically, Taitz thinks that the birth certificate should peg Obama's race as "Negro" and not "African."

    "In those years ... when they wrote race, they were writing 'Negro' not 'African'," Taitz says. "In those days nobody wrote African as a race, it just wasn't one of the options. It sounds like it would be written today, in the age of political correctness, and not in 1961 when they wrote white or Asian or 'Negro'

    The President's statement has shifted these idiots into overdrive. The basic problem for some is that the President is not white. For others is that he is representing the Union, and they still wish the Confederacy had won. Then they wouldn't be having to 'Take back their country'.

    From Public Policy Polling:

    Many still fighting the Civil War...
    The Civil War may have come to a close almost 150 years ago but Republicans in three Southern states still aren't sure its outcome was a good thing. Less than half of GOP voters in Georgia, North Carolina, and Mississippi are glad that the North won the Civil War:

  23. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin see a conspiracy in Obama birth certificate release

    ... Indeed, just minutes after the White House released the form two leading conservatives were questioning the timing of the release, suggesting that yet another conspiracy might be in place. Both Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck argued that Obama did not release his long-form certificate to do away with a “silly” national conversation, but instead to distract from the testimony of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke today.

    According the Beck, Obama has been waiting with his birth certificate all this time just to be able to release it as a distraction from the testimony of Bernanke.

  24. Anonymous8:50 AM

    You lost me at "strong"

  25. laprofesora8:51 AM

    Stupid Scarah is so outclassed by the President that it's pathetic. Yet she keeps opening her yap, proving to anyone with a functioning frontal cortex that she is indeed an idiot. The developmentally arrested Scarah keeps hoping that if she keeps whining the BMOC (Big Man on Campus) will pay attention to her, but it never happens.

    Keep yapping, Scarah, the crazy is coming through loud and clear.

  26. Anonymous8:52 AM

    First Look: Julianne Moore As Sarah Palin In Game Change

  27. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Well Trumps kids are ( except the one with Marla Maples) born with a parent not born in the US . Trump has has 2 wives ( one present) that are not born here. I don't want a first lady not american born. Fight fire with fire. How come they can say all these untruths against the president and they are never held accountable or shown what hyprocrites they are!!!

  28. Beldar Conehead8:56 AM

    Nice try, Obama! This birth certificate means nothing. The only document that will satisfy brainiacs like Trump, Oily Teats and other birthers is an official Kenyan birth certificate showing our president's 'true' religion as Muslin...

    Birthers: not even the Truth will divert us from our solemn obsession!

  29. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I just gave $25 to President Obama's re-election campaign. It feels good. My husband is going to do the same.

  30. Gee, maybe the official document originally issued by the State of Hawaii should have been enough, after all?

    Actually, but for the extreme racism on the right, not to mention the shameful pandering of right wing media and politicos to their racist base, this NEVER should have been an issue.

  31. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Great news. Now the ball is in the other court. Play ball, Sarah. Game On!!

  32. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Damn, everyone is taking credit for the release of the long form BC.

    '...So now we renew our request to Sarah Palin: Please release medical records that show the circumstances of Trig's birth, including his parentage..

    Read more:

  33. Anonymous9:00 AM

    So how much is the DNC paying Trump to lead the pack of retarded repubs? Now wouldn't that be hilarious?

  34. I recommend everyone go back and read Andrew Sullivan's long post yesterday about why Trig's parentage matters, even if Palin is not running, and even though Trig certainly isn't.

  35. Anonymous9:00 AM

    It doesn't matter if people still question the president's BC or not. He's not leaving office. End of story.

  36. Olivia9:02 AM

    You know one thing that has always bothered me in this whole saga is that I don't think I have ever heard Sarah Palin say the actual words "I gave birth to Trig" She accuses people of saying he isn't her son, which is not the same thing. She runs all around it and other people defend her and say she gave birth to the boy, but she, herself has never actually made that statement.

  37. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Henry Blodget reminds Sarah Palin and the rest of the media:

    Obama Has Complied With Our Birth Certificate Document Request -- Now It's Sarah Palin's Turn

    The second theory is that vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin staged an elaborate hoax in which she lied to the country and pretended to be the biological mother of her son, Trig.

    And then just to be clear what is requested of the former Governor who quit:

    So now we renew our request to Sarah Palin: Please release medical records that show the circumstances of Trig's birth, including his parentage.

  38. Anonymous9:02 AM

    The Donald got TRUMPED :)

    Prez to baggers CHECK MATE!

  39. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Obama is a great president and does not deserve this kind of treatment. Sarah is a stupid and evil. Sarah spews hate every time she opens her mouth. I will be glad when the ice burg hits. She is all ready loosing it. The drugs are getting to her.

  40. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Actually, Obama Just Pulled A Brilliant Political Move Right Before Your Eyes

    Our initial thinking was in line with everyone else's. Obama made a mistake by taking the birther issue off the table, and giving a big "win" to Donald trump.
    But actually this was the right move.

    Obama would love to go mano a mano with someone like Trump in the general election.

    Think how sick to his stomach Mitt Romney must have been, watching Trump gloat and declare victory, and then get a huge uninterrupted press conference talking about his China and Libya policies.

    Obama didn't end the craziness. He elevated the crazies.


  41. Anonymous9:06 AM

    "White House Releases What It Says Is President Obama's Birth Certificate"

    You have got to be kidding.

    If this wasn't so pathetic, so sad, so RIDICULOUS, it would be hilariously funny.

  42. Anonymous9:12 AM

    OT, I wonder how seriously to take this.

  43. Anonymous9:14 AM

    shame on stupid orly taitz...

    I'm proud of Obama. I don't think he should have had to go through the waiver process to prove the truth to MORONS. They are too stupid to accept the long form either. Racism is a bitch. That's all they are is RACISTS that are afeared of the 1/2 black man.

    I want to see TRIG's birth certificate. I want to know WHEN and WHERE he was born, because one thing is for damn sure. He was not produced from SP's loins.

  44. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Every "journalist" who scurried into the Press Room once they knew it was about the Birth Certificate, should be ashamed of themselves. They HAD to have seen it before when it was released. To make THIS garbage their top priority is truly disgusting. So, Trump and Palin should now shut the HELL UP, but they won't, since there is nothing else for them to complain about. What a country!! The country is neck high in debt, in 3 wars, sky high unemployment yet the msm treats THIS as though it is an earth shattering event.

  45. Enjay in E MT9:14 AM

    Never doubted it!

    Ok Sarah - lets see it!
    And Donald -- we expect those financials in 48 hrs!

  46. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I wonder if President Obama did this
    on purpose--you know, letting them make
    fools of themselves? With Trump, I can
    imagine the President snickering, knowing
    he could easily smack him down, make him
    look like an even bigger idiot. Everyone
    is saying he should have shown it sooner,
    but what damage would that do? Why not
    let people damage their reputations? Why
    not split the Republican party?

  47. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Trump now is questioning President Obama's college attendance, grades and graduation and how HE gained attendance at these elite schools.

    Trump heard no one knew him in school too. What a friggin' asshole and racist!

  48. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Prof. Brad Scharlott - Talking on the Peter Collins Show about Sarah Palin's pregnancy hoax

  49. Anonymous9:23 AM

    "honeybabe said...
    does this mean we get to see trig's birth certificate?

    8:21 AM"

    No. Sarah doesn't want the world to know
    for sure that she birthed a retarded kid.
    It is better to let the world think he is

  50. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Never, ever underestimate Barack Obama.

    He is nobody's fool, and he will do things on his own timetable.

    He is master of the game, and keeping his cool no matter what is one of the core facets of his strength.

    Donald Trump is just a horse's ass, and pretty much everyone knows it.

    Sarah, well, screechy girl is just falling apart; "Oh, what a world, what a world"!

    The truth hurts.

  51. Anonymous9:24 AM

    "Well that is that! Next?"

    Unlikely that "that is that".
    The birth certificate issue is a useful tool. Besides, they will pick this one apart and label it phony as well. And, they will move on to other things to harass and distract--his college records, finances, etc. It won't stop. The whole game is to smear him, and the insisting for other "proof" of who he is will continue. In one respect, it's good that he released it (that makes 2 now). The downside is that it will be used to open more flood gates. Trump is out there courtesy of Smear Obama, Inc., and is a distraction as well. Focusing on Trump, (rather than the obtuse harpy and all of her tons of negative baggage) helps the birther/smear cause and keeps it up and running strong.

    As to the baby scam, there probably will never be a birth certificate shown, and considering what a shady bimbo SP is, who'd believe ANYTHING she would come up with ? ? ?

    It is doubtful the birthers will stop their crap.

  52. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Sarah Palin pregnancy hoax: Prof. Bradford Scharlott interview by KSLG, April 15, 2011

  53. Anonymous9:28 AM

    lmao. Is this blog for real or a sat night skit? The onion lives! I am guessing you all (not so) secretly fan·ta·size about Sarah. But thats cool, whatever floats your bubble. And what is your hang up about other peoples religion? A LITTLE intolerant perhaps?? Thanks for the laughs, yours being SO obvious, my problems just got smaller.

    Oh and why did Obama release this birth cert three years after hilary demanded it? Let me paraphrase your obvious journalistic hero Dan Rather: "No question now that [Obama's] rapidly reaching the point where he's got his back to the wall, his shirttails on fire and the bill collector's at the door."

    hahahah peace out

  54. Anonymous9:31 AM

    An insider told the Enquirer: 'When Bristol told Sarah that she is thinking of supporting gay marriage and doesn't believe religion should have anything to do with equal rights for all, Sarah began fuming.

    '[She] told her she better never go public with that thought, fearing it would hurt her political career.'

    That seems to have been the final straw for Bristol, who has already begun to reveal her more liberal stance on her Twitter page, making complimentary references to singer and gay-rights activist Pink.

    According to the insider: 'Bristol told her mother that she's a grown woman who makes her own living and is free to believe what she wants.

    'If Sarah doesn't accept her, she isn't welcome in her home.'

    Read more:

  55. Anonymous9:34 AM

    9:12 am link

    Gryphen, please check out this link. Is this true about Sarah & Bristol feuding?

  56. Anonymous9:37 AM

    8:05: Yes. : ))

  57. It won't be enough; nothing will be enough. God speaking from on high wouldn't be enough.

  58. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Martha said...
    "Trump the Chump is now Trump the SIDESHOW CARNIVAL BARKER....­..LOL"

    best part LOL...that is what i will call him from now on :D

  59. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Well this e-mail says a lot about Trig. The insurance company did not receive trig's b/certificate too.

  60. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Should Palin decide to run, she can look at what Trump is doing to President Obama and be assured the same thing will happen to her. Can you imagine going after her five colleges, grades and diploma? She has so much she has lied about (that we know about already) that she would be torn apart.

  61. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I 100% support President Obama and will vote for him in the next election.

    He has been a very good president in spite of the fact the Repubs have blocked him every step of the way.

  62. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Trump is nothing more than a BULLY.

  63. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Re: your update -- exactly. That is the difference.

  64. Anonymous10:06 AM

    @9:28 - Anyone who pounds out the horrible drivel you did (and incoherently), and who then ends with 'Peace out" deserves our pity, not our scorn. You are just the sort of stupid who once had "shame." That's why we don't "LMAO" at you. We pity you.

  65. Anonymous10:08 AM

    9:28 am comment

    Is that you Bekky Mansewer, shouldn't you be tweeting to save the queen or something like looking in your crystal ball to see where your next job will be shoveling shit?

  66. Pat in MA10:34 AM

    Trump the carnival barker, love it! Wasn't his problem that the standard document issued by the state of Hawaii was a "certificate of live birth" and he claimed that was not the same as a birth certificate? But apparently he's ok with this long form version that is called a .... Certificate of Live Birth.

    Now he's continuing to bark and take credit for making this happen?

    That man is an idiot.

  67. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Note Fox must write it as: "what is says is"... Always trying to keep that last bit of suspicion alive.

  68. AKinPA11:17 AM

    First, let me say that I am not smoking, drinking, or taking any kind of stuff that could impair my thinking. But I just heard that Trump is pushing for the President to release his college transcripts. Is it possible that Trump who was FOR the President before he was AGAINST him, is doing all of this to make sure that Palin is never, ever on any ballot anywhere in the US ever again? As Joe McGinness writes today, "Ball's in your court, Sarah." But, to affirm my sanity, I still think Trump is an annoying, obnoxious carnival barker.

  69. Anonymous11:21 AM

    He's shown us his, Sarah, so let's see Trig's.

  70. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Ahhhhhhh......Dang! The President took the ball away. How are racists going to play now?....New political platform? Anyone? Anyone?

  71. Enjay in E MT11:35 AM

    Coming back from lunch I heard THE Donald saying how proud he was of getting the birth certificate released - done what no one has done before.... but still "wants" to see it (probably get the ink & paper date tested)

    What a BUTT WIPE - just crawl back down the sewer

    Much like Bachmann the other day - seeing the certified birth certificate from Hawaii- saying "that should take care of it" when we knew it wouldn't satisfy any of the T-baggers.

    So why don't they mandate a DNA sample on each & every state birth certificate beginning in 2015? It will be the responsibility of each state to keep those DNA splotches valid for .... 100 years.

  72. Anonymous11:41 AM

    The birth certificate could be a forgery. Obama needs to let it be analyzed by a lab to verify that it is from 1961. If he doesn't then he just gives us another reason to suspect that he's really Kenyan born.

    I don't say that because I'm a racist or anything like that, I say it because he's an African American person and we all know how most African Americans behave don't we! If he was a pure white person it wouldn't matter all that much but under the circumstances....

    well I'm sure you all know how 'they' are........

  73. Anonymous11:50 AM

    And they all made a HUGE deal in slamming John Kerry's wife because she was South American and not American-born ('we can't have a non-American first lady...')....Teresa Heinz. But the floozies that Trump dated and married...and foreigners from COMMUNIST countries, oh no problem at all!

  74. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Producing what is 'supposed' to be his birth certificate now is very suspicious. Now regardless of what Trump has to say, I want to see the birth certificate analzyed to make sure it's not a forgery. Until it is I'm going to suspect Obama was born in Kenya.

  75. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I have to say, I'm almost sad to see the issue be resolved (and it still may not be for the birthers). I liked the idea that birthers have revealed the repugs and their ilk, as know nothing, mouth breathing racists.

    Alas, there are, in fact so many more issues for them to be called out for, but this epitomizes their lack of IQ in general, but specifically, their political IQ. How do you get elected while dragging your knuckles?.....oh wait, 'W' made it in didn't he.

  76. to Anon@8:05, no. It's Side Show Sarah and The Carnival Barker Don.

  77. Anonymous12:46 PM

    President Obama did not take any questions and did not say why the document had not been released earlier.

    Well, let me take a stab... No one would have questioned his birth if he had not been half black. So why should Obama be forced into producing more documentation than would have been required of any full white candidate? It was an insulting, disrespectful, and racist request. Only because the issue kept growing into an actual distraction of presidential duties, did he release the extra data.

    Now, go back under your rocks, racists.

  78. I wish the press would use the journalistic standards for qualifying language when it's appropriate.

    Like: Sarah Palin's ALLEGED pregnancy; Sarah Palin CLAIMS to have $500K in legal bills related to ethics claims; Sarah Palin SAYS her oldest son is a combat veteran; Todd Palin MAY have built his house by himself; Sarah Palin MAY be the reincarnation of Tomas de Torquemada.

  79. Anonymous12:52 PM

    12:08 PM, I want to see your brain scans analzyed to make sure they're not forgeries. Until they are, I'm going to suspect that you are brainless.

  80. The Republicans are getting a lovely reputation internationally:

  81. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I don't understand Trump's victory-? He called the president a liar, asked him for proof he thought didn't exist and the prez came back with the PROOF.

    How is that a victory for Trump?? Sounds like that's a great big FAIL to me.

  82. Anonymous1:28 PM

    On election night 2008 I was so proud to be an American. I have complete trust in and respect for President Obama. But, with the behavior of the Republican Party since the inauguration in 2009 I have begun to feel real shame about this country. Because the Republican Party leadership did nothing to quell the thinly-veiled racist "birther" nonsense in the beginning, Republican leaders show themselves to be racists themselves. How pathetic - in the twenty-first century. Surely they should have evolved by now. I predict that this racist nonsense will go on and on and the press will continue to foment it because that is what the Republican Party wants.

  83. Anonymous1:44 PM

    The press needs to get on Donald Trump, but good. They need to start examining his records as well - tax, school, whatever else.

    Will they do this?

    If they don't, it just shows the MSM in particular loves a sensational figure, but they could care less about substance and depth.

  84. Anonymous1:46 PM

    12:08 pm

    Suspect, yeah you are a suspect for the looney bin for sure.

  85. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Curiouser @12:52pm, I couldn't agree more. The media is guilty of making pseudo-facts of the crap that spews uncontrollably from the Quitter's tattooed lips. Instead, the media should be treating everything she says as possible lies and outrageous exaggerations. Better still, the media should ignore her completely. She's nearly played herself out.

  86. They will just respin the story and say they faked the birth certificat. It has been increasingly more obvious they can't admit when they are wrong. President Obama should say to Palin, that he showed his, now she should show hers.

  87. Anonymous2:10 PM

    The Right is comparing the Birthers to the Trig Truthers. Well, the Right got to see Obama's birth certificate. Let's pressure the egomaniac Trump who claims to have made it happen pressure Sarah now!

    Campaign to get it happen everyone.

  88. Anonymous2:17 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Producing what is 'supposed' to be his birth certificate now is very suspicious. Now regardless of what Trump has to say, I want to see the birth certificate analzyed to make sure it's not a forgery. Until it is I'm going to suspect Obama was born in Kenya.

    12:08 PM"

    Keep fucking that chicken, Sarah. God
    know Todd won't let you fuck him.

  89. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I want to slap Palin and Trump silly! Oh, wait! They are already silly idiots!

  90. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but my takeaway from Obama's message is: SHIT IS FUCKED UP. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING CONSTRUCTIVE TO OFFER, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY AND LET THE ADULTS TAKE OVER.

    I mean, seriously. Climate change is leveling countries, flooding American towns, and drying up the food supply. A bunch of crazy psychopaths are gambling on anything and everything on Wall Street, and companies are now issuing furtive Dead Peasant life insurance policies on underpaid and overworked surfs. We're getting left in the dust by China and India, we're in three wars, and the most visible leader in the opposition party is calling for an economic plan based on a potato flour donut shop and cutting off senior access to healthcare while we're at it. Talking heads are screaming that an American president isn't American.

    Obama, I'm sorry. Your country needs you, but I'm not sure they deserve you.

  91. DetroitSam3:07 PM

    Anonymous @ 11:41 AM

    Are you truly this stupid? The long form birth certificate can be analyzed from here to dooms day and will not prove that it is the original from 1961.

    Original birth certificates are not released in any state. This is a printed copy of the original.

    God, I really feel sorry for people like you who are so intellectually lacking that you would make such a stupid statement.

    Are you so hard up that you would waste your time trolling for the few pennies ypu are paid to troll? Find another way to make a living.

    So sad.

  92. Anne In DC4:58 PM

    Right now, I am watching Lawrence O'Donnell's heated exchange with the wackjob known as Orly Taitz. Like a lot of other birthers, she absolutely refuses to address the fact that this birth certificate is valid. She kept insisting on some documents she claimed support her birther nonsense. O'Donnell was trying to get her to acknowledge that she had been wrong and to apologize. It didn't take him long to get tired of this fool and insist that she be taken off. He correctly called her crazy. There were a couple of other kooks on Hardball, one of whom was Judson Phillips of the Tea Party while the other was a politician from Arizona who was one of the sponsors of the vetoed bill there. It seemed to be painful for them to have to admit the truth, especially since Phillips had uttered a statement to the effect that it MIGHT be a fake. Of course, blowhard Trump with a perpetual case of bad hair days tried to take credit for this revelation, not realizing what a fool he made of himself.

    I like the way the president handled this, and he is such a positive contrast to McCain, a man 25 years his senior and known to be hotheaded and impulsive. He is right about the need for us to move on and solve our many problems in this country.

  93. indy_girl6:06 PM

    We got rid of Glenn Beck--now it's Donald's turn.
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  94. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Thought this was funny:

    Donald Trump is the first man in history to try and take credit for someone else proving he's a liar.

  95. Gasman7:32 PM

    Mark my words, the birther assholes will not accept this. This was NEVER about paperwork. This is about the color of the president's skin. Why would a fucking racist cousin humping lowlife care about which form was presented?

    Now it will be some other bullshit excuse to question Obama's validity. It won't make a fucking bit of sense, but when have their objections EVER made any sense? These cretinous yahoos have more toes than teeth. They could give a fat rat's ass about which form you present.

    Fuck them all and their sisters they rode in on.

  96. 10catsinMD7:35 PM

    Signatures were probably in fountain pen. You did not use too many ball pens in those days. I still have mine, fountain pen that is.

    I went to school with seminarians from Belgian Congo, Africa. Their heritage was African. So much for the disputes coming out about the b.c. The idiots will never be satisfied.


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