Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin. What do you think?

That is pretty good I have to admit. 

But the problem is I can still see the light of sanity in her eyes.

She will have to work on that.

(H/T the Examiner.)


  1. Anonymous9:27 AM

    The problem is, she looks to nice. Tina Fey had the same issue. They keep wanting to play Sarah as a lovable idiot rather than a nasty, ignorant piece of trash.

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    The flag pin needs to be bigger, and there should be at least 6 braclets on each wrist, plus a HUGE Star of David or a cross around her neck. (I'd prefer a noose, but oh well!)

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Moore looks too classy. She needs to raunch it up more--maybe borrow some of the real Snooki's outfits?

    And it looks like they went with an actress who is doing "New Chin Bristol" instead of "No Chin Bristol."

  4. Anonymous9:37 AM


    Ha ha for $P--but great news for Gabby:

    Gabrielle Giffords Seen Walking To Airplane For Shuttle Launch!5796226/gabrielle-giffords-seen-walking-to-airplane-for-shuttle-launch

    I still think the shooter was doin' it to
    impress sexy milf Palin, and they just
    aren't telling it...

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    It's pretty good. I think they should have hired Evangeline Lilly as Bristol. You know, the canadian actress who played Kate in "Lost". Of course, she's pretty tiny, they would have placed her on a high calorie diet.

  6. FJ Dandy9:41 AM

    Julianna is certainly much too pretty to play Quittypants.

  7. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Her hairs too light for 08. Sarah was actually very pretty during that time. This picture is a bit plain.

  8. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Poor Julianne, having to mar her stellar acting record by having to play an intellectually incurious and emotionally stunted mean-girl whose only accomplishment in life is to throw stones and hide behind her children.

  9. Needs more clip-on hair.

    The body language is good, though.

  10. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Better than the Quitter deserves.

  11. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I trust that Ms Moore will hone on her deranged for the portrayal of the queen of betrayal.

  12. Anonymous9:53 AM

    She doesn't have that square face.

    Her make-up artist is going to have to fill out Julianne's jaw to give her that Palin square face look.


  13. Anonymous9:56 AM

    No cottage cheese thighs!

  14. DebinWI9:59 AM

    She looks too nice and too happy. I want to see her sneer angrily or thrust her chin out in disgust or pout first, then I will know. You rarely see Sour Sarah happy these days.

  15. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Yes, she will have to work on making her eyes more crossed and crazy. Also, the voice:- Moore's voice is normal, so she will need to make it sound all screechy and manic. Perhaps a little fast breathing and heaving of the chest area thrown in for good measure.

  16. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The fun begins: Hey Palibots, tell Sarah its her turn.
    Medical records and birth certificate please. And it would be nice if she could ask her former running mate John McCain to issue one from Panama also too. Thanks

  17. Anonymous10:08 AM

    She doesn't have the "salmon jaw" of Sarah Palin. Also, having seen Julianne Moore in person several times, she is MUCH prettier than Sarah Palin. OMG. No comparison. She is a world class beauty and so natural. Sarah is Surgery City--and younger than Julianne. Why does she look so much worse?

  18. laprofesora10:15 AM

    Yeah, she definitely has to work on "the crazy". Poor Julianne, I hope she won't need therapy to rid herself of Scarah's demons. Maybe an exorcism would be more like it.

    PS How's the month of May workin' out for ya, Scarah? Two books, the emails, the Donald and Bachman stealing your limelight, plus this movie. Maybe you'll skip the canned goods and just bang your head off the fridge.

  19. Anonymous10:18 AM

    She doesn't look vindictive or snobbish.

  20. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Well, one has to worry about Julianne's inner charm will create a sympathetic character that is not really Sarah Palin.

    Even in '08, the hate and desire to do whatever it took to divide the country was there.

    So, we will have to wait and see if Julianne has the supreme acting skills to transform herself from a talented, intelligent and beautiful actress into the troll that is Sarah, all mean-spirited, willfully ignorant and hypocritical.

    I hope Julianne can sink to the depths of ugly because that is what it will take - inner ugliness to truly come off as a believable Sarah.

    If she can do that, she should win an academy award.

  21. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Can hardly wait to see the movie. Julianne Moore is a much prettier woman than is Palin.

  22. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Yeah. She looks too genuine. Too much like an actual human being. WAAAAAY too happy.

  23. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I have never seen her play a character that was as snarky, arrogant, and just plain unabashedly nasty as Palin. I worry as others here, that she will play her "nice" and that is NOT Sarah Palin. It was fine for Tina Fey to do so, as she was mocking her comedically. But in this, the real Palin needs to be portrayed in all its very unpleasant "truthiness."

  24. Anonymous10:33 AM

    As the actress she is, I'm sure Julianne can get in touch with her inner maniacal, paranoid, delusional, narcisstic self. I HOPE so, This is not SNL.

  25. Virginia Voter10:39 AM

    Remember folks, this movie is based on the book Game Change, so it is about the 08 election. Sarah was the lucky recipient of over $150,000 of designer clothes, and professional hair and make up services. As much as I hate this fucking bitch, I have to admit that Sarah looked drop dead gorgeous back then compared to how she looks today. It was money well spent.

    Go back and do some photo comparisons, and you will be shocked. Sideshow Sarah (my new fave nickname for her, thanks Pres. Obama!) has truly fallen from grace, figuratively and literally. Julianne will do a good job, but I don't know if anyone can replicate the crazy eyes.

  26. Moore has an inherent sweetness in her face. Palin looks like a witch.

    We'll have to see if her acting ability can overcome the disparity.

  27. Anonymous10:41 AM

    The Horns and Tail are missing.

  28. Anonymous10:50 AM

    As much as I admire Julianne Moore's talent, I have my doubts that she can bring the nasty. After all, Sarah is probably the most divisive person on earth. Who else could really do Sarah except Sarah?

    But, I'll gladly go to the movie and enjoy it with mounds of buttered popcorn. With all the books and this movie, I think summer is going to be the best one ever!

  29. Anonymous10:56 AM

    9:29 - all those bracelets and flag pins and such came later like the Fat Elvis. Sarah has two phases thus far: campaign Sarah and Older Crazy Sarah.

    In the first she was groomed to have pizazz.

    Now her sizzle just fizzles.

  30. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Too much of a sweet overbite, not enough brutish jaw jut

  31. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Besides working on the crazy, she'd need a major reduction in brain power. (and a baby bump)

  32. Anonymous11:00 AM

    have any of you realized that anytime there's a protest from the left, the protest location gets TRASHED?
    ie WI, Restoring Sanity are two examples

  33. Anonymous11:04 AM

    the style is too tasteful, the eyes too sane, the affect too benign, the expression too nice and normal. Sarah Palin is trashy, belligerent, and all around nasty piece of work

  34. Anonymous11:07 AM

    But can she sneer while looking clueless and mean?

  35. Olivia11:09 AM

    Maybe if they tattooed some lip liner on,and went slightly on the outside of the lips she would look more like Sarah.

  36. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Is it me or does Bristol have Sarah's exact nose? and eyebrows. and eyes, and face shape. and lips. I know she's always been a mamas girl, but geez.

  37. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I'm dying to see this... how can anyone possibly portray $arah accurately and not come off like a campy character from the old 1960's Batman TV show?

    You'd actually have to tone her down just to prevent her from looking like a cartoon character...

  38. OMG - Nicole Sandler (radio host) TAZED and thrown in jail for daring to ask Allen West a question during a townhall.
    Tony H. HANDCUFFED and detained fro daring to ask Joe Miller a question.
    Woman with sign outside a Rand Paul campaign gathering - HEAD-STOMPED down on the curb by Rand's goons.

    This reminds me of when you (Gryph) and Dennis Z. were kicked out of scarah's book signing in Wasilla - on a BANNED LIST - and you were merely standing in line.

    FASCISTS! "Do you love yer FREEEEEDUMS?" sayeth the wasilla dingbat. These baggers are dangerous demagogues and ANYONE (on either side of the aisle) who cannot see this is BLIND.

  39. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Ms Moore's jaw isn't mannish enough, but I guess Leno is booked up pretty solid.

  40. Anonymous11:46 AM

    It's pretty hard to LOOK stupid when you're not.

    The girl playing Bristol will have the same problem.

  41. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Gryphen, if you remember Edith Prickly (Andree Martin) on SCTV, she was a dead ringer for Her Heinous outside the black SUV grifting bling in Hollywood with Willow. LOL

  42. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Julianne is too feminine looking.

    SP has a man-ish jaw making it easy for drag queens to do a spot-on impression of Her Heinous.

  43. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Alec Baldwin said it best, to her face even, Sarah Palin. . .[is a] Horrible Woman.

  44. slowhand12:33 PM

    Does she look pregnant?

  45. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Guess they can't replicate Sarah's hopelessly ugly ear shape.

    Yeah Sarah, it isn't fair to pick on your ears, it's not something that you could have helped. But if you were a beautiful person on the inside, your ears wouldn't be noticeable.

  46. Can you imagine the level of Julianne Moore obsession in Maricopa about now?
    Here are some of Moore's previous film credits for those who appreciate a little irony:
    "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle"
    "The Fugitive"
    "The End of the Affair"
    "The Kids are All Right"

  47. Anonymous1:32 PM

    A CNN commentor said this whole thing was just like an early death without the rethug death panels.

  48. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Is it true that Rebecca Mansour want to try out for Staplemouth?

  49. naughtymonkey2:18 PM

    Can you say "tardive dyskinesia'? Julianne needs to get the tongue movements and the lip smacking down pat.

  50. Anonymous2:18 PM

    The problem is that Screeches ugliness comes from deep inside. It would be impossible for ANY actress to duplicate the evil.

  51. FireHorse662:37 PM

    She doesn't have the mania down.

    And, frankly, Julianne's much too pretty. SP looks more like a real- life Peg Hill.

  52. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Julianne Moore might have chance at accurately portraying Sarah if Julianne can completely transform how she perceives existence.

    Julianne must ignore reality. Instead, Julianne must turn the world into a basketball game in which she's the star player and not a team player. Everything and everyone, including family and friends, would be pawns to be manipulated in her relentless squirmish to win. She would expect blind allegiance from those around her and would severely punish any dissent. Every perceived slight, no matter how insignificant, would be agonized over forever. The ends would justify the means. Truth and honor would have no meaning to her.

    Moreover, Julianne must be oblivious to what "winning" actually means to her. She must also, without exception, fail to recognize how her own statements and actions doom her quest.

    Julianne needs to research the finer points of narcissism.

  53. Virginia Voter2:45 PM

    Ha, Gawker confirmed that one of Miley Cyrus' ex-boyfriends, underwear model Justin Gaston was cast as Levi. Way too good looking for the part, IMHO, but I think it's funny that they got such a stud...Justin is hella hot.

    Bristol will be pissed...makes no sense, but she will

  54. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Julisnne, you forgot the bumpitt and extra hair on top.

  55. Anonymous4:19 PM

    She's too pretty. But she's a great actress, and I expect she'll be able to convey the ugliness beneath the facade very well.

  56. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Personally, I think Jack Nickelson or Betty Davis would be the only two actors who could manage the frenzied/semicontrolled,/total personality/anal/cold/It....
    Sarah is not simply crazy she is very complicately layered insane.

  57. Anonymous5:11 PM

    In her role as Sarah, Moore should be obsessed with her news coverage. Every time she has a free moment, Sarah should be clicking on multiple blackberries to check out her appearance and articles, even when walking down a hallway. The movie should show that Sarah is a hair diva and how much she lusts after fancy clothes and shoes.

  58. Personally I think Eric Cartman would make a good Sarah.

    Mr. Slave could be Mansour (sp?)

    Julianne doesn't have Sarah's big head or man-chin.

    That's all I got.


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