Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why do middle class conservatives support politicians who seem to be working only for the very rich? Keith Olbermann has the answer for you.

Courtesy of Fok News:

Absolutely perfect.


  1. angela2:23 AM

    Absolutely on.

  2. Anonymous3:34 AM

    WC had an article a while back talking about the problem with SP is that she is too stupid to know that she is stupid. It was a theory that was studied and developed, etc., don't remember all the academic details as I am getting old, but it applies here in what Keith is saying. It is really sad and the way our country is going and why the repugs want to continue to cut costs in education--keep em dumb.

  3. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Yes, Keith is spot on, as usual. Which is why GE couldn't let him be on their airwaves fro another second. Can't have too many people knowing the truth. PArticularly when those people who watch Keith are not only knowledgeable, but the very people who will pass this around the world. AND we vote!

  4. lol! funny, but so sad. a very liberal and politically informed friend of mine was just telling me that her boyfriend of one year and she agree on the social issues but not the fiscal (i think he is one of those youngish male libertarians who don't think the political philosophy out beyond the desire not to pay taxes). she says that he really believes that if a corporation or a billionaire make a boatload of money, they shouldn't have to pay taxes because they have earned said money - it is our right as part of the american dream (got nauseous, too). he talked about puling yourself up by your own bootstraps, and even said that SHOULD he make a lot of money someday soon, he wouldn't want the gov coming for it either. he's an oil delivery man in rural northern new england. when in the hell is he going to make a billion or form a corporation? but that really stood out in my mind. what a simple world he lives in, one where no one needs any help and everyone can pull themselves up by their bootstraps (that has to be my least favorite saying lately).
    i would say it was simply pathetic if folks who think like him weren't holding up true progress in this country. hell, we're not even concerned about progress anymore, we're just trying to slow down the regression! maddening. thanks for sharing.

  5. Anonymous5:05 AM

    For some reason I never connected the Tea Party with the Alice in Wonderland Tea Party with the Mad Hatter. Please, someone who is gifted with PhotoShop, make us a picture of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party with all our favorite Tea Baggers in it. I think this type of imagery would help us all see the true lunacy inherent in this movement.

  6. anon@5:05am, there have been numerous cartoons of tea partyers as the ones in alice in wonderland - i recall one with specific people like our sarah and glenn beck as mad hat(t)er, but i can't find that one at the moment. here are two others, though.

  7. Anonymous5:34 AM

    heads up.

    Bristol to attend White House Correspondent's Dinner.


  8. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Oh, how I've missed that voice of clarity. Is it late spring yet?

    Thanks KO.


  9. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Great to hear Keith again! I hope his show starts up soon. I miss hearing his take on things.

    It's crazy to hear the conservative sheep blather on about not giving the government THEIR money, yet they happily support the transfer of money to the wealthy. They fail to understand their own doubletalk. I think they are simply regurgitating what Faux news feeds them....they can no longer think for themselves. They have heard lies for so long that they no longer have the ability to see the truth.

  10. Anonymous6:07 AM

    I call this the "SUV Mentality." You buy an SUV because you think there might be a possibility that you'll go off-roading at some point and experience what's presented in the commercials. But, more likely, it will simply take up space on the highway and driveway, while nickle and dime-ing you in gas.

  11. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Keith makes a good point, but I have also seen another mind-set at work.

    This is a very puritan attitude that people are supposed to suffer.

    They imagine an unwed teenage mother collecting welfare for a child is "their money". (Of course, these funds are a TINY fraction of the budget) but they are furious that someone, somewhere might have had sex and THEY have to "foot the bill".

    Oh, and this attitude is often seen in "good christian" people. It makes me wonder if they have any idea who Jesus is.

  12. Anonymous6:39 AM

    You can thank Ronald Reagan for much of this one. His parable about the welfare queen driving around in a cadillac paid for by taxpayers was, in today's parlance, "not intended to be a factual statement." But the Baggers have swallowed that lie hook, line, and sinker, and are convinced that every last dime of their taxes is going into the pocket of some lazy, dark-skinned person. This also explains the racial demographic of the entire Tea Party movement - good luck finding an African-American or Hispanic person holding a Gadsden flag.

  13. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Let's not forget "my hard earned money" teabaggers like Joe the Plumber who feel they would have a more comfortable life if they didn't pay ant taxes at all.

  14. emrysa8:12 AM

    that was excellent. and there's a word that describes the 2 groups he is talking about: delusional. so the rest of us have to deal with stupid laws and policies that are driven by delusional people.

  15. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Well, I don't pay any income tax, but it's not because I make too much money, it's because I don't make enough.

  16. For anything to have enough support, it needs to have at least two legs to stand on...the other, which most of you already know, is religion. As the Republicons have adopted their pro-life stance, people vote for them for no other reason...God will sort everything else out...and yes, as 6:36 says, they think all of the $ issues are God's will.

    I have a friend who is Christian, and supports a orphanage in Kenya that takes in abandoned children. She sees these babies and just can't imagine how anyone could give them far as I know she votes Repub bcs of religion. I am also very concerned about Latino votes because many are Catholic.

    I keep reading and reading, hoping to find the words to be able to reach my friend...

    With others, the subject is taboo...I see some articles that tell us we are told to talk to our friends and family about these things, especially when there are elections, but at this point, I don't have the slightest idea about how I would ever start these conversations.

  17. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Anon 5:05 Someone has done pictures of Alice in Wonderland characters of Beck, Palin, et al.

    You will find photoshopped pics on this website. In the search type in Red Queen and then Mad Hatter. It will take you to archived postings.

  18. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:58 AM

    Anon @ 6:07am--

    Thumbs up. I say this to myself every time I see a gleaming new Range Rover/Hummer, etc. in this urban neighborhood. Which is constantly. And which is pretty much like the people I see at the cash register at every convenience store, spending $20 a pop on scratch-off Lotto tickets or the daily Numbers game. Sorry, folks, very, VERY few become uber-rich through the lottery, through a weathly spinster aunt's estate, or even a small business--the odds are just too great in this day and age. Best you can do is lead your life and play with the cards dealt you, while looking out for the welfare of those around you. Sad to say it took me until my mid-40s to realize this.

    (Full disclosure: we have a Jeep, but we use it to haul a trailer every weekend in PA. People in Bklyn can't understand why our car is scratched, dinged and often filthy--hey, we actually USE it!)

  19. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn @9.48p - you don't have to justify why you have a Jeep and what you use it for.
    YOU made a conscious decision to buy a Jeep and I assume they were for sound reasons. I have a mid-size SUV - a Nissan Murano - because I need to sit up high because of back problems and I live in high terrain.

    If someone else wants to buy a Hummer, I might question his sanity, but I assume he has good reasons for doing so. We liberals have to stop being defensive about what we do have as long as we work together to further the common goal of the betterment of human society.

    Which I know from your previous posts, you seem to do. Enjoy your Jeep.

  20. Please add this to email list.

  21. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Though I am into my 6th decade, I had never before read the book 1984. I am reading it now, and find it hard to believe how much of it we are actually living.

    It comes down to people with no critical thinking skills. I know OLD people (in their 80's) who worked all their lives and ended up with little to nothing who are buying into the idiocy of the Republicans.
    If not for them, I would blame the entire thing on current day 'education' (indoctrination). Those oldsters are warhawks too.

    To those with critical thinking skills, none of it makes any real sense. A combination of Alice in Wonderland, 1984, and the Matrix, it seems.

  22. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Lotto Republicans! That's perfect.

    Sheet metal workers fighting to the death for hedge fund managers' tax cuts. Only in America.

  23. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Boy, does this ever cut right to the heart of the partisan problems in America.

    The belief in "the American Way" is even stronger than any held in any Biblical sense. "Love thy neighbor" takes a distant backseat to the hardheaded thought that simply working hard, will bring untold riches--and that "someone" (usually thought of as a dark-skinned person, fat and lazy) is the culprit making it harder for that to come true.

    INSTEAD OF the truly rich fatcats who are using all the new technology and all the political influence money can buy, to limit their little club, to as few in number as possible.

  24. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I have thought this for a long time. Oh, how I miss Keith.


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