Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Apparently Mitch Daniels is NOT the king of his castle.

Courtesy of Politico:

Daniels’ message by voice and in writing was the same – his wife and their four grown daughters had veto power on a campaign, and they had exercised it. If anyone wondered about the depth of Cheri Daniels’s concerns about the prying eyes of the public, those questions were more than answered in a string of stories and columns focused on her and her husband around the time of her May 12 speech at an Indiana Republican Party dinner.

Cheri Daniels was facing scrutiny not just for the couple’s unusual path—they divorced in 1993, remarried in 1997, and in the intervening years she wed another man in California. Rather, the Indiana first lady was on the receiving end of a growing number of cutting critiques questioning her mothering over the fact that their daughters remained with Mitch Daniels during their time apart.

“Now, because of her husband’s prominence in national politics, Cheri Daniels is facing harsh judgments,” wrote “On Parenting” blogger Janice D’Arcy in the Washington Post just last week, adding readers had used the word “abandoned” in the comments section in connection with the split and her kids.

You know the thing that always gets me is how these other potential candidates decide to leave the race with only a relatively small amount of baggage, or financial concerns, to consider. Yet Sarah Palin, who has numerous, devastatingly critical books coming out about her and the lowest approval ratings on the planet, is still acting as if there are no real obstacles to deter her from launching a campaign tomorrow.

I guess being clinically insane is helpful in overcoming feelings of doubt, don'tcha know?


  1. Anonymous2:26 AM

    In Sarah's case, it also helps to not really give a damn if your children or other family members get hurt, embarrassed or worse. Because, you know, you are on a mission from God. I give props to Daniels or any politician who chooses their family's needs over throwing them into the meat grinder of national politics. Look what gets done even to families like the Obamas, who have really no personal baggage, yet get torn apart anyway. Imagine what would be done when there is some actual "story" involved, as there is with the Daniels family. To me, it shows that, at least on a personal level, he's a decent guy.

  2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:29 AM

    That and Queenie's clinically insane, paint chip eating followers who desperately cling to their pseudo-Mommy figure and send their lunch money to her "PAC"...

  3. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Off topic, but check out the Daily Caller. Ms. Mansour might have some explaining to do with "BigBoss".

  4. Anonymous3:41 AM

    OT - please forgive me as I don't do this very often, but I've discovered something that has me all fired up and I need everyone's help to address a certain pin-headed associate pastor who is also a Kansas State Representative.

    Seems the damn fool believes women should be prepared for a rape and possible pregnancy resulting from it on their own - just like he does with his car emergencies. He equates being raped to having a flat tire!

    Please visit either or both of these articles, and then contact the pinhead and let him know if you do not agree with him.



    Mind you, I do not like that one of the articles gave his home address and phone number, but, you know, he doesn't seem to care about what happens to women, so he shouldn't mind getting a few calls or letters.

    Absolutely no violence or violence language please. That would lower us to his level. Just let him know just how big a pinhead he is - that he is a "religious" man makes this so much worse.

    Thanks - ks sunflower

  5. Anonymous3:47 AM


  6. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Tomorrow, huh?

    I've thought about the same things you have written in this post many times. It really makes no sense but if that's what she does, it should be very interesting to see how it plays out. The only chance that she has is if all the others, including the president, have some serious missteps. That will probably happen for a few, and in Sarah's eyes inevitably to the president. Her inability to grasp reality and actually create her own is what gives her the mindset that she can continue to fool the American people. I don't think they'll be fooled again to the extent they were in 2008 although I still can't help cringing at any steps she takes in the direction of the White House.

  7. Anonymous3:59 AM

    This really was too much baggage for Mitch to carry into an election.

    Sad to see TPaw pitch his hat into the race, though. I hope people bring up the pardoning of the pedophile so the wife could open a day care center. Talk about bad judgment.

    Even sadder to say, that both guys still have less baggage than Sarah and yet, you are right, she seems ready to charge in - completely disregarding her poor parenting, her ignorance on issues, her inability to speak coherently, and her fame whore personality.

    At least Huntsman has, I hope shot himself in the foot, by aligning himself with the Paul Ryan budget and Mitt may not be able to gain traction because the evangelicals don't seem to like Mormons or his Mass. healthcare plan. A Jeb Bush run might buckle under the weight of his brother's infamy, and Michele Bachmann is, well just plain crazy - even crazier than or tied with Sarah for the Crazy Lady title.

  8. Rick Hill4:13 AM

    So heartwarming to see the party of values still act like they have some...'course none of that matters if he actually won the nomination. The Republicans never waiver in their faith, or bargain with terrorists, yada yada, unless of course it means winning the election.

    Dem candidate, unmarried teen daughter-"Can't control their family and they raised a whore! Can't be trusted with the nation"

    Rep candidate with same-Well, you know how that story turned out....

  9. Anonymous4:14 AM

    No kidding.

    You couldn't pry the Gubernatorial titles from disgraced assholes like Illinois Governor Rob Blagojavich and South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and breezy and breathless Sarah quit because of a costly ethics complaint she filed against herself. . .

    The woman is a pathological liar, an enormous disaster, mentally unstable and a raging narcissist.

    Does she really add anything to FOX News as a contributor to keep her on the payroll? Does she pay off somehow to anyone or anything but herself?

  10. Merry4:24 AM

    This is good: NPR has a report this morning on potential Republican candidates, with Tim Pawlenty at the top of the story. Romney is covered. Also mention of candidates who have withdrawn. At the bottom is a list of remaining potentials. Palin is left entirely out of the report.

    It was as though I had forgotten what clean air smells like until this. NPR doesn't consider her even a fringe candidate. Yip.


  11. Anonymous4:27 AM

    When a person believes she can lie things did not happen that did even easily found as truth there are no obstacles in their minds. Malignant entitlement to cast everyone else as liars while lying posturing as superiorly moral can fool many.

    Anything that is an obstacle is to be controlled. Anyone who presents fact will be character assassinated. People will be recruited to be vultures on a targeted cadaver threatened with violence, harassed, persecuted for crimes they did not commit. Manufacturing insane situations is a tactic to dominate and remove humans who won't act out or repeat lies. Palin is incapable of truth even about her kids.

    This am even Pat Buchanan said she does not have her candle power she had a year and a half, two years ago.

    I think Palin is clueless the damage she did doing the reality show, putting her kids on tv, DWTS to promote Bristol as a golden child hardest working, Palin promotion videos then her blood libel video. I believe much of Palin's popularity was manufactured.

  12. indylindy5:04 AM

    I live in Indianapolis and they just stated on the radio that Mitch decided not to run because he didn't like what the long term effects would be on his wife and daughters. He said it would change their lives forever and he didn't want to do that.

    Palin would NEVER have that insight to think of her family before her own blind ambition!!

  13. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Palin just hit a big roadblock...RAM's very critical tweets have been published, and Scarah must be furious.

  14. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Daniels decided not to run because he and his wife don't want the media to dig into her/their sordidness. Clearly, Cheri left Daniels and their four daughters for another man. That's pretty lowdown. She deserves to be scrutinized and torn apart. Why should she be untouched? If Michelle Obama can be excoriated for showing her arms, planting a garden, and having her mother live in the White House, then the wife of a potential presidential candidate should be subject to excoriation for screwing another man, abandoning her children, and running off to California.

  15. Anonymous6:31 AM

    It is mental illness, Gryphen. She has narcissistic personality disorder. Her opinions of herself are grandiose and lacking in reality.

  16. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I'd heard that Mitch Daniels was an intelligent person, and now I think he might be a decent guy as well. How telling that the GOP is attracting nut-jobs and repelling smart, nice people.

    Granny thinks the money she is pulling in outweighs the damage she is doing to her family. Oy. The decades to come will prove how foolish this idea is. Her kids learn every passing day how crazy and mean Granny Palin is.

  17. Anonymous8:13 AM

    T-Paw = 35W.

  18. Anonymous8:18 AM

    to anon@ 6:14. IN addition, while Cheri was off making choices about whether or not she would parent her born children, Mitch was busy pandering to the Reichwing misogynists and signing bills defunding Planned Parenthood and tightening abortion restrictions to 20 weeks.

    IN addition, when he was back in college old Mitch got caught with enough marijuana and LSD to be considered a dealer and have his butt in jail for quite awhile under today's laws. Perhaps it was just job training for his stint at Big Pharma's Eli Lilly?

    He also oversaw the greatest increase in national debt as Dubya's budget director.

    Glad the little twerp is term-limited out of guv now.

  19. Barns/yarns9:03 AM

    Would you believe that dumbass Eric Cantor down here in Virginia is promoting Paul Ryan (the wacko one who wants to cut everything) as a candidate for president.

    Some repubs. are saying Paul Ryan's plan is crazy but Eric wants him to run for prez.; the repubs have no common sense at all and wouldn't see a train getting ready to run over them cause they are so blind. They are living in a state of denial.

  20. Cracklin' Charlie9:14 AM

    I don't believe that $arah has a choice. Whoever is financing her will make her run. They haven't made her into a woman that can pay cash for million+ dollar home, for her to stay out by the pool tanning.

  21. Gasman9:30 AM

    As a native Hoosier, I thought it absolutely hilarious when the GOP started having wet dreams over, wait for it...


    Seriously, this guy is a milquetoast dweeb who claims to be responsible for single handedly creating the world leading financial juggernaut that is Indiana.


    Indiana is NOT in great shape and Daniels record as the original fuck-up Budget Director for W is something that he desperately wants us to forget.

    However, when he says that he values his families privacy I'll not criticize him for that. Once you become a candidate, your life becomes an open book - unless you are Sarah Palin. If Daniels by some miraculous act of God actually made it to the White House, his previous life would be over. He would never again have any privacy.

    Daniels is an incompetent little shit, but I'll give him a pass for putting his family before his career.

  22. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I don't care for the dude in the least so it's just as well he dropped out. He would have never made it through the primaries and I can only imagine what the wasilla witch would have said about him while conveniently ignoring her own home mess. And natch, if anyone came back to her with the inconsistencies and lies she'll play the victim card.


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