Saturday, May 28, 2011

Have you ever wondered WHY Sarah Palin relies so heavily on ghostwriters? Well the answer is in Frank Bailey's book.

In Bailey's book he reveals an attempt that Palin made to write a 675 word op-ed to the Anchorage Daily News entitled "Nonsensical Gas Agreement."

As it turned out "nonsensical" was the key word here.

The ADN editor, Larry Persily, must have thought that Palin had one of her daughters write it for her.

Larry Persily’s reply, after reading her draft, was blunt in its dismissal, despite Sarah’s insistence that she was good at writing in plain English:


Thanks for the op-ed column, but it will need some changes before we can publish it. As I have told all the candidates, we are not going to let anyone (incumbents or challengers) get by with easy political speeches on the page, especially on oil and gas issues.

The public deserves specifics, not just promises. So -- and nothing personal in any of this -- I've added my comments where appropriate to give you an idea of what would need to be added or explained before we could publish the piece...

Picking up with Persily's comments in an emasl exchange on Sarah's fourth point we read:

Sarah wrote: Fourth, the contract doesn’t ensure gas for in-state use.

Persily commented: (How do you propose to ensure in-state gas? Everyone is quick to promise in-state gas, and to attack the draft contract for being deficient in this area, but I'm not going to allow anyone to get by with more of the same promises. If you're going to raise the pledge of in-state gas, you will need to explain how you plan to fulfill that pledge.).

Further down, Sarah then wrote: As Cook Inlet supplies diminish, the concept of importing natural gas while ours goes to Canada is abhorrent.

Persily replied: (through Canada, not to Canada).

Sarah: Fifth, under this contract, if gas prices dropped to certain levels, we’d actually pay oil companies for the privilege of producing our gas while they reaped profits.

Persily: (Please explain. Yes, the state would have to pay the processing costs for its share of the gas, and the cost of removing and disposing of impurities, but we're talking around 50 cents per mcf. Do you expect gas prices to drop that low? And if gas prices were that low, and we lost money, how would the companies "reap profits"?)

Sarah: We assume more cost and risk than the oil companies do, including contributing our land and 7/8 of our gas to make the project happen. All told, our concessions could nearly equal the cost of the entire project, yet we’d only own 20% of it.

Persily: (How is any of this true? We would take 20% of the cost risk under the contract vs. 80% for the companies. How does that translate into the state taking on more cost and risk than the companies? And we didn't "contribute" our land, we leased it to the companies for a substantial upfront payment and royalty terms. And, if the project is $20 billion, what state "concessions" would nearly equal $20 billion?)

Sarah: Seventh, Administrators refuse to disclose details of negotiations with viable alternatives like TransCanada , MidAmerican, and the Alaska Gasline Port Authority.

Persily: (Not entirely true. The state eventually released most of the negotiation documents from its talks with MidAmerican. And there were no negotiations under the Stranded Gas Development Act with the Alaska Gasline Port Authority, just informal talks outside the Stranded Gas Act. This could easily be fixed by changing the allegation to a statement about the state has been less than fully honest about our projects, or something like that.)

Sarah: Eighth, the deal was the Administration was forced to propose sweeping legislation to amend the Stranded Gas Act to retroactively legalize their deal.

Persily: (Not quite "retroactively legalize their deal," since the Legislature has not approved the deal. It would be more accurate to say "to allow the deal to proceed under the law," or "to make the law match the deal.")

Sarah: Ironically, other viable alternatives projects were hypocritically rejected as ‘illegal under the Act.’

Persily: (What alternatives were called "illegal?" I'm not aware of any. The state did determine that the Alaska Gasline Port Authority does not qualify under the Stranded Gas Development Act, but not qualifying for a negotiated fiscal contract is not the same as "illegal.")

Sarah: Like other Alaskans, I crave a profitable gas line agreement. But it must pass Constitutional muster and be derived through a competitive process where all viable proposals are fairly and openly considered. My preferred alternative will first provide gas for energizing Alaska’s homes and businesses, employing Alaskans, and reducing rural energy costs.

Persily: (Again, how do you propose to ensure gas for Alaskans and how do you propose to guarantee Alaska hire? Local-hire requirements are unconstitutional, so if you're going to imply you have a way around that, you need to say how. And, as for ensuring gas for Alaskans, do you propose reserving a portion of the state's royalty gas and selling it to Alaskans at below-market prices? Whatever the answer is, you need to say what you have in mind.)

Sarah did not take rejection well. That her editorial didn’t accurately address the issues, misstated facts, and was devoid of proposals, was unimportant. The blame went to Persily and the Anchorage Daily News. She wrote back:

To: Persily, Larry

See?! Your piddly little 675-word limit forced me to lower my own standards.

OK - back to the drawing board. Thanks for the challenge Larry.


This basically marked the beginning and end of Sarah’s extensive writing career.

And THAT my friends is why Palin might be very, very reluctant to dump RAM despite her embarrassing tweets.

And that is only ONE of the amazing, and highly embarrassing revelations to be found in Frank Bailey's book.


  1. Kejia4:14 AM

    I highly doubt Palin wrote those passages. She didn't start using ghostwriters; she just hired better ones.

  2. I finished the book last night. That particular excerpt was one of my favorites. It does explain a lot!

  3. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Thanks for this. I retired from a long newspaper career, and lately I haven't found much to be proud of as journalists stopped pursuing facts and truth while their editors accepted PR spin and false equivalency.

    But Larry Persily by God was doing one hell of a job. Bravo!

  4. Maybe in addition to Trig b certificate, we should be demanding proof of a college degree?

    Her writings, speeches make me think she graduated high school, but that college should be so embarrassed that they allowed palin to graduate with a degree in Journalism.

  5. Lisab25954:40 AM

    I finished Bailey's book yesterday. It was very moving. I guess what really struck me about the book was how it wasn't really a book about how horrid the Palins are (although they certainly come off as self-centered, immature, and manipulative,) but a cautionary tale about how seductive Drama is. Everybody was happy to be at the center of the "crap cluster". It was important and vital to take up the Palin's cross and be anyone and everything to death with it.

    And that's the real danger of Palin. She manages to make Drama normal for those she pulls into her web. They completely forget this isn't how mature adults behave. Her Victim meme is that powerful.

  6. Anonymous4:48 AM

    I'm rather annoyed that ADN argued with her like that in private over the article. They could have done all of Alaska and the US a favor by publishing her guest editorial as is and publishing a counterpoint next to it, stating the actual facts.

  7. Anonymous4:52 AM

    I have trouble understanding how she made it out of Alaska to the national stage...she's inarticulate,gaffe prone,educationally challenged and a fraud

  8. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Sarah should know that there are plenty of people who would work for her and never betray confidence. There are people who have met and are in contact with her family who fully support her. She has nothing to hide.

    It is true that all politicians need ghost writers. Have you heard any speak eloquently off the cuff? ie go to youtube and search bush gaffes, obama moron, gore idiot, huckabee huh

    People need to stop using double standards.

  9. Anonymous4:55 AM

    I dont know if I'd call his book embarrassing for Sarah. Theres really nothing hugely scandalous or shocking. Theres really nothing we haven't heard from other places and about other politicians. Esp after discovering the democrats play fast and loose with the truth over donations and their motives.

  10. Yes Gryphen,
    This is one of the most interesting pieces of info in Baileys book and it's amazing to see how the relationship between sp and the paper was on the level it was. It seemed to me that the paper was helping her to the point of writing it for her. AK is all wrung out and I can see why. Too much Sarah can gag a person.
    Thanks for your blog.

  11. So, your average newspaper editor nows more about fossil fuel than the " Energy Expert" ?

  12. If Sarah would dump the fake allegations and platitudes, she could fit into the word limit. Because there wouldn't be anything left. Excellent example of how that woman works. She needs to get that nonsense out there to the people who don't really examine it. That's exactly how she killed Knowles and Halcro in the debate (debates?). Big-sounding fluffery that doesn't mean anything. She apparently didn't learn yet another thing while getting her "degree in journalism." The stuff about being concise and precise and fitting a lot into few words. In the sciences, the abstract that accompanies a scientific paper is absolutely crucial. We have a term for a good abstract: dense chocolate. Explaining the meat of the paper in almost no words, not by glossing over and fluffmouthing, but by distilling down the essential fact. Sarah couldn't write dense chocolate if her life depended on it. And we all know how she mangles anything pithy that she "reads."

  13. Anonymous5:12 AM

    I'm surprised Larry withheld further editorializing with the way she doodled her lower standard Op-Ed. LOL. What a snippy loser.

  14. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Daily kos has a diary by dweb8231

    "who is behind Sarah palin bus tour"

    It is the same cesspool of people out to make money on anything and everything.

  15. FINALLY my books are being shipped. I'll get Dunn and Bailey by the end of the week.

  16. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Holy crap, Alaska's LSM HAD standards? Where were these cajones during the whole race?

    Sarah's rouged cheeks must have been burning more than 50 cents per mcf. (not that I know what that means, but I'm sure former quitting Oil & Gas Commissioner energy expert Lou Sarah didn't expect Larry to know - and call her on it.)

  17. Anonymous5:21 AM

    This brings an analogy to mind of a student who does not read the assigned book. When the teacher grades him, adds comments the student cries the teacher has it out for him.

    It is sick and twisted or the opposite of reality to blame the other person for a lack of one's self when the other person bent over to support and assist a successful or optimal outcome for you.

    Gryphen, I believe the main point is Palin could care less about fact, accuracy or substantiating her personal claims. There is consistent irrational thinking, ganrications due to cognitive distortions serving to 'prove' her thoughts are real. Rational people first get facts then thoughts are based on facts.

    If a person (I am one due to profession in arrival field) sucks at writing to have assistance. To consistently spew misinformation and hire people to do the same is sickness.

  18. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I find it amusing that she used "Ironic," "hypocritical" and "illegal" all in one sentence on a topic of which she has no grasp of.

  19. Anonymous5:32 AM

    It reads like her off the cuff answer at a Town Hall meeting as a VP Candidate touted as an expert on Energy in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Sept. 17, 2008 when she dared the audience to play "Stump the Candidate" which more or less left the audience stumped:

    "Oil and coal? Of course, it's a fungible commodity and they don't flag, you know, the molecules, where it's going and where it's not.

    But in the sense of the Congress today, they know that there are very, very hungry domestic markets that need that oil first.

    So, I believe that what Congress is going to do, also, is not to allow the export bans to such a degree that it's Americans that get stuck to holding the bag without the energy source that is produced here, pumped here.

    It's got to flow into our domestic markets first."

  20. Anonymous5:40 AM

    I'm actually quiet impressed with Sarah's restraint in this rebuke - she must have put a few dents in the refrigerator before replying with as much maturity and tongue-biting to the ADN Editor. "Yeah, but couldn't you just print it? All my teachers let me get away with this also too."

    Let's see how she's progressed as a thick-skinned political figure that isn't into drama in nearly four years, shall we?

    "Jonathan, I agree with your superb analysis of Sarah Palin’s interview with Bill O’Reilly — and specifically, her response to what Charles Krauthammer said.

    Krauthammer was actually quite gentle in his critique. If his words cause this kind of bristling, defensive response from her, she is simply unprepared to endure a presidential run, quite apart from her disquieting (and quite striking) inability to engage in a serious discussion about policy.

    Virtually every time Ms. Palin speaks out, she reinforces some of the worst impressions or deepest concerns many of us have about her. If she were to become the voice and representative of the GOP and the modern conservatism movement, both would suffer a massive rejection."

  21. Anonymous5:40 AM

    This excerpt was one of my favorite portions of Blind Allegiance.

    My goodness, it is both sad and funny (as long as you don't consider that this ignorant woman came so close to the Presidency and may yet again scare the bejeesus out of all of us if she runs.

    Thanks for showcasing this excerpt for those who haven't yet read the book.

  22. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Can I say AGAIN how PROUD I am of our INTELLEGENT, SELF-CONTROLLED, BLACK President?

    It must eat her ALIVE that she will never be relevant no matter how hard she tries. Just a circus act to point and laugh at.

  23. Anonymous5:50 AM

    I just had a lightbulb moment about these personalities. Their words are empty promises using and abusing words as tools to manipulate they get what they want like a dangled carrot. My realization is they become angry when questioned, asked for specifics due to malignant entitlement. They react "you are attacking me" for it is threatening to them. In their minds feeling fear as threatening when asked for specifics about them triggers irrational blame and false allegations.

    Frankly, such people ought to feel threatened caught, questioned, when they intentionally lie promising things only to extract something from others. This is a trait of personality disorder. Their defense is the offense projection it is someone else lying, making false promises, going to do the opposite of what they say.

    If Palin were interviewed and asked specifics about advocating special needs, what their family does for Trig she would react angrily and act out she is being attacked.
    (Couric interview and Palin's rage, vendetta since, false allegations Couric intentionally edited so Palin look bad, projections)

  24. Anonymous5:52 AM

    o/t but so funny.
    At market this am I saw in In Touch magazain that Bristle’s new chin is listed as a “Plastic Surgery Mishap” .
    Too bad so sad.

  25. Anonymous5:53 AM

    WOW! Persily should be running for Prez, not SP.

  26. Anonymous5:59 AM

    I used to teach expository English classes at a major university. I did this for nearly ten years until I moved "upwards" to teach undergraduate electives and graduate courses. I promise you, we would have sent Palin to the remedial writing courses and assigned a Writing Center tutor to her for help, based on her skill level. It is shocking to think that a high level female politician in her late 30's/early 40's "wrote" so poorly. I, too, am greatly suspicious of her supposed college degree--a "B.S." no less-- in "communication" or "journalism" (since she can't decide which it is) from the University of Idaho.

  27. Virginia Voter6:01 AM

    Grandma Lulu, you up already this morning spamming the blogs? Yeah, we know all about you and Ivy Frye rigging polls, jamming up the comments, and using false names for editorials

    The jig is up, Sarah, thanks to Frank Bailey we have seem plenty of your and Ivy's eighth grade writing, and have concluded that you are indeed the Fairy Tale troll who monitors IM.

  28. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Ironically, the grifter's 'plain English' is hypocritically abhorrent.

  29. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Anon 4:53 humans are imperfect and shall make a gaffe. Objective observations are that with one exception people willingly correct their gaffes and are tolerant Pf even comedic jokes about them.

    You write with black and white thinking on polar extremes. A gaffe is not 'all' canceling out or deleting everything else a person communicated. Nor is speaking well once due merit of all eloquent.

    Alas black and white thinking, concrete toddler thought processing void of critical thinking.

    I do not have time to explain what a double standard is.

  30. "Bristol, you can do your homework later. This is for our family and family ALWAYS comes first!"

    Thanks everyone, I've been amazed and amused/abused at the entity known has Sarah Palin. Reading from like minded individuals puts a fire in my belly.
    Long Time Lurker from Illinois

  31. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I don't think anyone needs to read Frank Baily's book (as good as it is) to know that Sarah is not a good writer. Reading, writing and rithmatic are not things that Sarah learned in school.

    After all, she is the Queen.

  32. She's just so flippin' stupid!

  33. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Just downloaded Frank's book to my Kindle yesterday. Wow! What a great read.

    Sarah sounds like she has a mental illness and I'm only on the fourth chapter. This book confirms what is obvious to anyone who has watched this woman since she hit the national stage.

    Instead of handling this woman with kid gloves, her inner circle would do her a huge favor if they would encourage her to get help for what is clearly some sort of sickness of the mind.

  34. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Kudos to Persily for calling her out! Only wish more journalists would do the same.

    If, indeed, she really ever did graduate with a degree in communications/journalism (which I highly suspect she did not), she absorbed nothing during her 5++ years in the academic arena and totally wasted the $$ spent on tuition and books. Not only is she unable to write a coherent, tiny expository piece based on thoughtful analysis, she's incapable of clear, thoughtful, informed speech. (Ever notice how she cannot seem to master pronouncing 'long e's' phonetically? rill (real), steel (still), etc.

    Massive and epic fail on her part when it comes to anything related to effective communication. And now this person believes she's going to communicate and teach others pertinent facts re the constitution, et al? How idiotic and laughable....

  35. Anonymous6:45 AM

    AnOn 4:53, my God what is wrong with you.
    Why are your standards so low? I expect more from someone who is the president or governor!
    That writing is at the 9 th grade
    ( at most) level. There is no point in explainiing anything to you because you will never see it. Please don't waste your
    time writing moronic tidbits like this around the internet.
    Thankfully most Americans see Sarah for what she is- an inept FRAUD. There is no double standard. I feel pity for you.

  36. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I ate a jar of jalapenos and have FIRE in my belly..

    Now I am ready to RUN...

  37. Anonymous6:54 AM

    That's an easy answer. She's purty and a rill Amurican. Dontcha know?

  38. Anonymous6:55 AM

    She knew the word count of 675 and tried to make up EIGHT points with it? Then she blamed HIM for the low count "forcing her to lower her standards"? She had that line planned!

    I was starting to get turned off by Frank because he still seems solidly conservative, but I realize he can keep his ideas and still not like what she has done to his party through acting like an idiot. Thank you for sharing this!

  39. Anonymous6:59 AM

    The Palinbots are out in force. Gee I wonder why?
    Obama and Gore are idiots? You are so uneducated yourself you wouldn't be capable of seeing an intelligent person. You can't get a law degree at Harvard and not be able to write. What planet do you live on?
    And the Democrats play with donations, etc? You watch way too much propaganda.
    It's clear that Sarahs supporters are generally low- middle class. A recent poll showed they weren't as educated and didn't make as much as Romney supporters. Education and income aren't everything- but why would they support Repiblicans or the tea party? They are voting for people that give the very rich tax breaks. And they better not be vets or have Medicare because Sarah is in the camp of getting rid of benefits like this.
    The people who need tax cuts, Medixare and Social security are supporting bimbos like Sarah who would get rid of these programs to pay for the tax cuts millionaires like Sarah get?
    Why is this group of people so stupid?? They watch propaganda and they only want white trash like them in power?? That is all I can figure.
    They can't even see from Gryphens post what an idiot Sarah is and if they see it, they don't care? It's scary that Americans are so uneducated and dense!

  40. Does anybody else see that Persily, while doing his job and critiquing the op-ed, he seems to go "above and beyond" in helping the oh-so-pretty SP in revising her piece (i.e. "or something like that" - facts are facts, you're not supposed to offer her re-write suggestions to support her point, are you?). I wonder, how willing would Persily have been to offer his "extra" help to a MAN? A man might find Persily's "interference" to be insulting and, possibly, unnecessary...but Palin? Well, "she" just "probably" needs a little "help". She's got "the stuff", that's for sure, but she needs a little help "polishing" her positions. Why don't I step in and help her, just a little?
    Knight in Shining Armor Syndrome:
    Like Todd,
    Like Bailey,
    LIke Hannity,
    Lihe her 'bots...

    And, isn't this the same Persily that killed investigating the BAbygate story? His own reporters were repeatedly rebuffed in attempts to get a simple Birth cert. for Trigg.

    Pathetic, really.

  41. Cricket7:02 AM

    Well, I just bought a copy of Frank's book at Costco and am looking forward to reading it this holiday weekend!

  42. Anonymous7:09 AM

    If I'd ever submitted such a piece of nonsense while I was in grade or high school, my knuckles would have been bleeding from Sr. Mary Grammar's freely and forcefully appplied ruler. But kudos to Scarah for again making her own shortcomings someone else's fault.

  43. FloridaDem7:13 AM

    I agree with Kejia, there's no word salad in there, she didn't write it. Someone knew the editor was not going to rubber stamp it and put it through so they worked on writing an acceptable piece. It was picked apart anyway. Honestly, I was shocked, because what she gets away with NOW is so less readable and substantial than what was submitted back then. I guess because back then, she was held to the standard of a policy-maker and lawmaker, not an entertainer.

    Also, I wouldn't consider Bristol ever being Patty or Ron and totally scratched my head at RAM's comparison. Bristol was just a kid, and went along with 100 percent of what her mother wanted. The only possible veer-off was the brief reunion with Levi, but that can hardly be considered a rebellion when she was simply marrying the father of her child.

    As an aside, I didn't know Shannon was gay or had a life partner. But RAM's nasty gossip about her is downright ugly:

    “It seems her life partner Kelly Walters is hocking the show for any sponsor. I guess Planned Parenthood and Valtrex were unavailable,” Mansour wrote. Valtrex is a drug for treating genital herpes.

    RAM needs to look in the mirror and self-evaluate. Pretty and cruel you can sometimes get by with. Piggish and cruel, you can't.

  44. the one hundred fourty character limit seems to be her personal standard limitation

  45. Ratfish7:37 AM

    Palin may not have written the draft op-ed piece, but she did utter the following nonsensical statement. And such gibberish caused McCain to consider her to be one of the country's leading energy experts!

    “Of course, it’s a fungible commodity and they don’t flag, you know, the molecules, where it’s going and where it’s not. But in the sense of the Congress today, they know that there are very, very hungry domestic markets that need that oil first. So, I believe that what Congress is going to do, also, is not to allow the export bans to such a degree that it’s Americans who get stuck holding the bag without the energy source that is produced here, pumped here. It’s got to flow into our domestic markets first.”

  46. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Sort of backs up what Dunn's book say: She's been a pathological liar all her life.

  47. WalterNeff7:57 AM

    The Gettysburg Address wa a piddling 272 words, so Lincoln had to lower his standards.

  48. Anonymous9:04 AM

    4:53, you might get people who are mentally deficient to buy that nonsense, but not this crowd. The subject of this post is an article that Palin or (more likely) Todd slaved over for hours, if not days--and still got wrong! It was no off-the-cuff endeavor. Good grief! As for off-the-cuff Obama, lol, there is treasure trove on net. Just open your eyes and your mind.

  49. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Truly extraordinary that such a careful disection of Palin's tale of the birth of Trig just was NOT done. It went virtually unquestioned by ADN.

    Now, why does a simple little op-ed rate the solicitude of a kind editor but endangering the life of an unborn child does not?

    Why does this careful editor not prob the genuine story of the wild ride?

    BIG, BIG, BIG money!!!

  50. Anonymous9:11 AM

    In all my years on this earth, I have never heard of a politician at the level of governor, and certainly not at the federal level, who was as ignorant and such a fraud as Sarah Palin. Holy smokes, people like her are usually handled and contained at the city council level. The corruption of the Republican Party in Alaska really was the perfect storm that allowed such an incompetent to slither in.

  51. Anonymous9:15 AM

    7:13 RAM is just upset because she does not have a life partner and is resolved to washing Sarah's underwear.

  52. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Always the fucking victim, eh Palin?

    Sham of a politician -
    Sham of a human being -
    Sham of a woman.

  53. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I started reading Frank Bailey's book yesterday. I'm up to the part where he's been disenchanted over Palin's RGA collusion.

    A lot of things about this book either don't make sense or have been totally glossed over.

    Frank Bailey was a political neophyte. Few details are given about his other employment history either except that he was a baggage handler who went into airline management (or something like that). VERY vague.

    He describes himself just emailing and then calling Sarah out of the blue, and then before he knows it he's help running her campaign. All of a sudden he's doing everything that needs to be done during a campaign.

    Political campaigns are cut-throat business, you have to know exactly what you're doing. I'm really curious as to how this inexperienced volunteer became so expert so fast (esp. regarding the RGA issue). None of that is explained in the book.

    Also, so far I'm disappointed in the "revelations." Yes, Sarah appears phony, dishonest, calculating, and unpredictable. But if the biggest revelation re her campaign is that she accepted help from the RGA... So what? What political campaign at that level ISN'T shady? That doesn't make it right, no. But it doesn't make Sarah Palin unique.

    Maybe because I know too much now about Sarah Palin and how she operates, the behavior Baily describes doesn't raise my eyebrows at all. Much worse, I don't think it would raise my eyebrows even if I weren't aware of how she operates, because it's how I just expect all politicians to operate.

    Another thing I noticed about this book is that it seems heavily ghost-written. When Frank describes the noise a doorknob makes as he turns it -- five years ago... well, my own eyes roll. There is fiction going on here.

    I'm no bot. I bought this book (Dunne's too -- haven't started that one yet) looking forward to a riproaring account of a warped crazy woman based on her own emails. Maybe I expected too much. But I haven't read anything I consider very sensational yet.

    Petty, vindictive, paranoid, yes. But anybody who has spent any time in a high pressured work environment knows that this is how many people are, and how often the people with the worst of these traits are the ones who rise highest to the top because they are so single-minded.

    And I find it hard to be sympathetic towards Frank Baily even though he has done so much chest-pounding during his PR swing. He bit off way more than he could chew, and now he is capitalizing on it to enrich himself. Sure, he's entitled to do that, but his mea culpas ring hollow.

    Sarah Palin is having the last laugh; Frank might make a few $$ off his book at her expense, but she's still making millions. I sincerely wish it had even the potential to do so, but it's clear that Bailey's book isn't going to bring her down.

    There's only thing that I think would be able to do that, and that is the revelation of who Trig really is. All the lies of Sarah Palin magnified by 100 are nothing compared to that lie. Unless and until that one is exposed, the rest of us are just spinning our wheels.

  54. Anonymous10:23 AM

    ProTip to Mrs.Palin:
    Your editor gives you a 'piddling' word limit, but you feel you need more space?
    Just write what you need to write, limit be damned!
    But! Make sure the piece is so tight and compelling that it can't be edited down.
    (Surely anyone with a degree in journalism knows THAT!)

  55. FloridaDem10:38 AM

    7:13 RAM is just upset because she does not have a life partner and is resolved to washing Sarah's underwear.

    No doubt. And I suppose they just love saying life partner because since they destroyed marriage equality in most states she knows she can't be forced to say "spouse."

  56. FloridaDem10:49 AM

    Ratfish, I think you have that right. I don't think she even wrote the op-ed based on her current writing. I didn't think it was all that bad, anyway. Someone posted that they feel it was written on a 9th grade level. I think newspapers are written on a 5th grade level if I'm not mistaken. It's for the voting public consumption. All politicians are famous for sweeping generalizations, wild claims and inaccuracies. The editor seemed to be trying to nail her down to specifics. In my mind, the point of Gryph's article was to show her response to criticism. Her response was as per usual, defensive, bitter, and petty.

  57. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Her unpaid advisor and mentor Rush Limbaugh declared yesterday
    that Palin was the " most articulate "
    conservative of modern day.

    If that statement alone doesn't make Florida authorities demand a random drug test ,
    nothing will.

  58. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I thought Tammy Bruce was the life partner of Ram, the tram.

  59. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Palin needs to provide Trig's birth certificate, her medical records, tax returns for the past couple of years, college degree and pass a test on the oil and gas industries in Alaska with the results provided all Americans.

    The woman is a friggin' fraud!

    It all goes back to McCain - he pushed her college education and her knowledge of gas and oil. He is the one that should be questioned and put on the spot about her. What an asshole he is!! Can you imagine the talk going on in his house about the Palins being in close proximity to them. I'm sure it never crossed their minds that it could, or would, occur.

    You are welcome to her (as well as her family members), Arizonians! We, in Alaska, would love to see them forever gone from our state.

  60. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I'm rather annoyed that ADN argued with her like that in private over the article. They could have done all of Alaska and the US a favor by publishing her guest editorial as is and publishing a counterpoint next to it, stating the actual facts.

    4:48 AM


    ADN should have made Sarah Palin's lack of intelligence blatantly public. They still should.

  61. For those of you who think Sarah couldn't possibly have a degree: its possible, unfortunately. Some people just seems to have slipped through. I worked with one Special Education teacher who was totally hopeless. We kept asking our boss, "Are you sure she has a degree?" He would answer that yes, she had a MA; he has seen the transcripts. This lady was so out of it that when we finally convinced her to resign, rather than be fired, she continued talking about what she was doing next year. We honestly weren't sure she understood that she wasn't coming back next year. So it happens. As for whether Sarah actually DOES have a degree; I sure would like to see a transcript.

  62. Anonymous12:41 PM

    If this woman's expertise is oil, she has no expertise at all. She has a few words scribbled on her palm and no understanding of what they even mean.

    Just imagine how unintelligent one has to be to think Sarah Palin is smart.

  63. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Sarah's Secret Weapon: Testosterone

    Larry Persily was carrying Sarah's water while she was running for governor. As a, supposedly, unbiased ADN editor, why would Persily coach Sarah so specifically on what and how to publicly address oil & gas issues? It was abundantly clear from reading her initial oped to ADN that Sarah was clueless on the subject. So, why not publish her writing and let the Alaskan public know that fact about her? Alaskans would have asked how could she have served on AOGCC without knowing anything? Why did Persily think it was ok to teach Sarah, guide her, and ultimately fool the public about her level of business knowledge?

    Likely Answer: Like lots of other men before him, Persily appears to have succumbed to the feel-good-about-myself, testosterone-boosting, role of being another one of Sarah's knights in shining armor. Shameful. If all these males (compensating for whatever) would not have guided Sarah and actually done her work for her from day one, she would never have been seated on the Wasilla City Council.

    After Sarah successfully fooled many Alaskans and was elected as our governor, she hired Persily to continue carrying her water and conning Alaskans about how savvy she was about oil & gas.

    I did have a high opinion of Persily until I read about his behavior in Bailey's book. To his credit though, Persily eventually saw the light and became another disillusioned former-palinbot, just like Bailey. Now Persily doesn't sing Sarah's praises but instead warns people about her.

  64. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Someone mentioned RAM's telling her buddy that Shannyn Moore was gay, making nasty remarks and telling the person to spread the gossip around everywhere; well Sarah Palin had to be the one telling Ram this story because Sarah is from Alaska and Ram lives in California.

    I like Shannyn Moore and could care less whether she's gay or straight, she is a good decent person. I think Sarah and Ram were trying to threaten her by doing this gossiping and it just shows the nastiness and meaness of Sarah and Ram; neither have a moral compass.

  65. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Couldn't disagree more with Anon 10:11am, especially where he/she states, "I'm no bot." Looks to me that 10:11 is desperately trying to steer people away from reading this great book.

    I highly recommend it. It's a very worthwhile read! Lots of behind the scenes shenanigans. It has so much truth in it and it delves into the mind of a religious palinbot. A must-read for all palinbots to help wean themselves off Sarah's image and to get back into a state of grace.

  66. I guess when you get a bachelor's degree in journalism it doesn't require that you actually learn to write.

  67. Anonymous3:18 PM

    1:29 The Palin people have spewed this stuff about Shannyn Moore before and Shannyn even talked about it on her radio show. She is not gay!

    Palin's group tried to knock Shannyn down a long time ago and it was a sight to behold. Palin threatened to sue Shannyn and Shannyn immediately called a press conference in downtown Anchorage and told Palin 'to bring it on'! Of course, there was never a lawsuit filed! Palin and her legal beagel had nothing to stand on - as usual!

    Shannyn is well thought of here in Alaska and many in the press (outside of Alaska) contact her for commentary with regard to Palin. I'm sure it drives Toad and sister Sarah nuts!

  68. A J. BIllings4:02 PM

    PAY-lin is trying to counteract the negative publicity of these books, and the upcoming Alaska email releases by her pathetic "fundamental" tour of the Eastern US and the next barf inspired movie.

    She's actually very worried that some of these emails will be picked up by the mainstream, and used in campaign slogans against her.

    She is on the record via Frank Bailey as "hating this job" when she was Governor before she quit, and wishing she could get elected so she wouldn't have to go back to Alaska

    Above all, the Queen Grifter hates to lose, ever since that black girl beat her in the beauty contest. And that my friends is exactly what Paylin sees life as... one giant beauty contest to get the most publicity and the most money. She is nothing if not a fame whore

    If she does actually run for President, there is a small possibility she could win the nomination. And then she'd have to debate, study up, and try not to melt down on national TV.

    We can only hope that the Klondie Kardashian idiot doesn't make it to the nomination, or the Presidency itself. In some ways, America actually almost deserves a "leader" like Paylin, as our culture has devolved to actually value idiocy, lack of knowledge, and exalts trivial pastimes.

    A cheerleader in skin tight micro-shorts, carrying a flag and anti-abortion poster, and singing "G*d hates fags" is the best we can do now, I guess.

  69. Anonymous4:33 PM

    @10:11 - I get really annoyed reading comments such as yours because they are so cynical and thoughtless (and I do give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not a bot, setting out to purposely misdirect).

    No, not all politicians, not even most, are petty, vindictive, narcissistic, unstable, cruel or any of the extreme labels that are applicable to one Sarah Palin. She is shocking because her behavior rises to such pathological extremes.

    Are politicians driven, purposeful, demanding...YES!! But, please, let's not pretend it is more than that.

  70. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Bullshit, 2:28. By all means, everybody, buy Frank Bailey's book. It's your money!

    If it clues in anybody who didn't already know what a POS Sarah Palin is, then it's a win.

    But I'm allowed to have my own opinion, so stop trying to shut me up by accusing me of being something I am NOT.

    I believe I have a right to state that I have not been impressed with the book so far, and my reasons are just as legit as the reasons of someone who IS impressed with the book. I wouldn't accuse YOU or anyone else of being Frank Bailey, Jeanne Devon or the other author and trying to drum up sales, by posting praise of it.

    My opinion of the book is based on my being a realist, NOT a bot.


  71. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Good book. My opinion.

  72. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Well, to be fair, much of that gas WILL be going TO Canada to aide in the extraction of oil from the Alberta Tar Sands.

    Even Larry Persily won't concede this, as he wouldn't on KFQD when he was a guest recently.

    The truth is that Alaska North Slope Gas is part of the mix for the Alberta Tar Sands, the dirty little secret that the oilies don't want you to know about.

  73. Anonymous6:28 PM

    John McCain should forever be tarnished with his promotion of Palin as an energy expert. He should be forever tarnished with putting her forward as a potential VP.

    McCAIN: "Energy. She knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States of America. …. And we all know that energy is a critical and vital national security issue."
    Much more on this video -

  74. Anonymous6:56 PM

    This isn't a "gaffe", it's a newspaper's right to correct editorial comments by officials or not to. Had this been published as submitted, Sarah would have been seen in a bad light. This guy was doing her a HUGE favor, and she blames it on having to lower her standards because of a word limit.

    Love when the bots get out their pitchforks and torches. It shows the post they are commenting on is either over their head, or the truth.
    Sarah seems to write on less than a high school level, she must have struggled with the basics and that's why she has such a dismissive attitude toward educators.
    Remember the eyeroll incident, and trying to demean a great blogger as just a "kindergaten teacher"?
    None of her communications are consistant in persona, they don't reflect nor resemble her style of speech and how she processes ideas.

  75. Frozen Vogler3:28 AM

    And all any of you can do is argue about rearranging the deck chairs while the ship is sinking.

    That gas is going to be used to extract oil from mud, in Alberta, Canada.....NOT the United States.

    It's Big Oil's dirty little secret, using Alaska NS gas to extract oil from mud. It's a nasty, dirty process that needs more awareness, your readers should be aware of this.

  76. FloridaDem6:22 AM

    1:29 The Palin people have spewed this stuff about Shannyn Moore before and Shannyn even talked about it on her radio show. She is not gay!

    Thanks for clearing that up. It makes no difference to me, I'm gay, but I'm sure Shannon would like there to be no confusion on that. From RAM's quote, which I posted, it sounded like that was what she was suggesting. And yes, I do remember they went after Shannon hard a while back.

    And not to excuse SP by any means, but someone wondered if she was behind of lot of the RAM stuff, and I doubt it. Look at RAM, I mean just visually look at her. And listen to her style of tweets. This is a person who needs the power trip, the stroking, even the sideways gossip. She probably lives a lot in her head, meaning fantasy, as well as delusions of grandeur. It's not surprising that a person like that would be attracted to Palin like a moth to a flame.

  77. FloridaDem6:29 AM

    In regards to oil, it doesn't matter where they drill. It's all in private hands and all the oil goes on the FREE MARKET. As a nation, the US actually exports oil, as well as imports it. It doesn't matter how much land you open up, they'll just sit on it until they're ready to drill and the price is right.

  78. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Wow! Palin will be chewed up and spit out in any Presidential debates that she would have to participate in. What a dumb ass!!


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