Saturday, May 28, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell interviews 10th grade student who challenged Michele Bachmann to a debate.

Wow, that is one sharp kid!

I think she could easily take on Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck without even breaking a sweat.

I have said it before, but it bears repeating, with this group of young people soon to take over the reins of responsibility in this country, I am filled with confidence that America's best days are still to come.


  1. Anonymous3:18 AM

    We watched the show, too, and she was very composed. I really liked LOD's advice to get a *real* job before going into politics.

  2. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Michelle Bachmann's "law degree" is a joke. She received it in 1986 from Oral Roberts University - the year the law school was shut down from extremely poor rankings and financial difficulties. All she would have learned about the Constitution would have been heavily skewed through the lens of the Bible. Her tax law degree stands up to scrutiny - but studies toward an LLM would have little or nothing to do with Constitutional law - she's a bean counter, nothing more.

    She'd never make it into or out of any normal law school today.


  3. It's sad that people like Palin and Bachmann speak from ignorance, yet so many take their words as gospel.

    I'm not sure who I blame more, the ignorant and narcissistic politicians like Palin and Bachmann, or their ignorant and selfish followers.

  4. Anonymous5:22 AM

    I hope that since Sarah is gracing the elite NE with her and her family's presence - which includes hometown areas like Cherry Hill, New Jersey - that this gal confronts the Constitutional Bus with teacher Sarah Palin on board.

  5. Anonymous5:48 AM

    If Sarah Palin gets word of this young lady being anywhere near her bus, she'll probably try to have her arrested for stalking. And Michelle Bachmann would probably run like hell if Amy approached her.

    I work with a couple of young women not far beyond college age, as well as my first year college granddaughter, and let me tell you, these kids are paying attention!

  6. Anonymous6:29 AM

    And this kid's only a sophomore!

    I, too, liked LOD's advice to get some real world work experience before going into politics. She clearly has the ability to pursue any career she wants and, if she's so determined to be involved in politics, she could use the law or journalism route that many others use to get there, or perhaps a career teaching history or political science.

    Smart kid with a very bright future and, yes, the country will be in good hands with young people like Amy!

  7. As the mother of a female college junior, I also have a great deal of faith in the next generation. My daughter and her friends are incredibly smart and terrific human beings. They really give me hope as does Amy.

  8. DaleinSanAngelo7:49 AM

    That made me feel a lot better about the future of my grandkids.

  9. I enjoyed the segment with Amy very much and I second Lawrence's sage advice. I look forward to seeing her in the future making a real difference in our world. And then I think about the Palin kids. It has to be the parents. And we know the message that Sarah is passing on to her children: take no responsibility for anything and make as much money as you can off it.

    I also floved Lawrence's continued evisceration of Sarah Palin. He was bang-on about Trump and I think he's bang-on about Palin. She's doing this for the money and to build up her Sarah Pac nest egg for the coming years while she waits for the next opportunity to grift. She wants a job that has the least bit of responsibility and hard work. FOX is a great gig for her, but she has to keep herself in the limelight in order for them to renew her contract. So, she has fired up her RV and hopefully fired up her easily duped base to give her fuel(money) to continue her lavish Lifestyles of the Grift and Famous. WHen will this nightmare end?

  10. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I LOVE AMY. Amy, you have my vote NOW! I wish you'd run against Bachmann as a teenager!

  11. honeybabe11:10 AM

    anon 9:24...if amy ran against bachmann she would win for sure!

  12. A J Billings5:42 PM

    Straight out of a FOX NEWS headline..

    Maybe this is why a lot of people support PAY-lin and Bachmann?
    They can't discern the lies

    The inability to detect sarcasm and obvious lies are tell-tale signs of dementia (in older adults), according to a new medical study.

    In a study of 175 adults, participants with some form of brain disease picked up on sarcastic and deceptive body language and speech in a video of two people talking at much lower rates than their healthy counterparts, said researchers at the University of California, San Francisco

  13. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I missed this show, so thanks for sharing it. As a mother of a 16 y.o, young lady, I'm very active with the school she attends, the teachers and her classmates.
    The parents who are involved and communicate regularly with the teachers are the ones who help these children bloom into productive, well spoken, and focused citizens. I'm so proud of Amy, her parents and teachers for doing such a fine job. She's grounded, confident, and genuinely inquisitive about the world around her. She's still looking for her niche', but I'm sure she'll go far.

    Forget Bachman and Palin. I'd like to see her debate Bristol or Willow on the issue of their choice. That would show the world how much time and effort Sarah put in to raising these young women.

    Lawrence's advice was spot-on. I hope someone follows up on her progress in the future, would be interesting to know what career she chooses and how she applies her education to that field.


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