Friday, May 06, 2011

I am not sure that Condolezza Rice has ever watched The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell before.

I have to say that I found that very satisfying on a number of levels.

I literally used to fantasize about seeing a member of the Bush administration drilled by a tough, no nonsense, journalist like O'Donnell.  Absolutely made my day yesterday.


  1. Anonymous4:13 AM

    I liked the way she re wrote history and made it about killing a dictator instead of WMD's

  2. Anonymous4:26 AM

    I have to admit, I was yelling "you fucking whore" at Rice during the ending.

    Unrepentant, lying NeoCon bitch.

  3. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Let's talk about an elitist ... holy cow. I rename thee Condescending Rice.

  4. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Wow, what a bitch when cornered. Sure is fun watching her and Rumsfeld try to rewrite history with their justifications. Can't wait until 20 years from now when we learn more about Haliburton and Dickie Boy's back-room dealings to get at the oil. She sure is not aging well, wonder if it is because she is not getting much sleep from guilt? I think the women is amazing and what a waste of a talent. When she got behind Bush and regurgitated his lies, she lost all credibility with the world, because clearly, she did not believe 90% of what was coming out of her mouth during her term. Body language can really be hard to overcome. Good Job Lawrence.

  5. Anonymous4:52 AM

    I love how she gets mad that he is interrupting her, but then does the exact same thing.


  6. Anonymous4:59 AM

    She was nothing but a Bush sycophant then, way in over her head, and an accomplished liar who mastered the art of double speak and answering a question with a non answer. She rubber stamped everything Bush wanted. Her absurd comments about Iraq going through the "birth pains of democracy" was a shallow and callous assessment of a failed policy. She was told, repeatedly, about the threat al-queda posed to the U.S. President Clinton even warned President Bush about al-queda before he left office.
    She should have represented her country's best interests above everything. Instead, her loyalty to Bush was more important to her than loyalty to the United States.
    Go away, Condi, spread your revisionist shite somewhere else. We have nothing but disdain and contempt for you here.

  7. Condy kept quoting "Intelligence was wrong", but never once gave credence to what Richard Clark was saying at the months before 9/11. Clark was the counter-terrorism czar in the Clinton and Bush Administrations.

    Clark was literally yelling in the summer of 2001 that "my hair is on fire" to get the attention of Condy, CHeney, or anyone who would listen.
    He knew an attack was imminent, and could not get the highest officials in the Bush white house to listen to him

    I think we all know now that rush to war in Iraq was a wrong decision, and the entire country has paid a terrible price for it.

    What Condy said in the interview about it " being the right decision to invade" will be proved wrong in the years following the US withdrawal from IRaq.

    When Sunni and Shia factions resume their war in Iraq and another dictator or Taliban sect takes over the country, she and Bush will again try to obfuscate the issue, and lie some more.

  8. Anonymous5:06 AM

    How can you watch this crap? As she shakes her head "no" she spews bullshit like an active volcano.

    Here's my question: Is this what Obama's doubters want to go back to? Really? You like being lied to so blatantly?

  9. Anonymous5:07 AM

    CondiLiar is simply a war criminal and should be treated accordingly. The teabaggers and wing nuts think she won the interview...WRONG another fail for the Bushies!

  10. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Condolezza Rice is the same self-absorbed, wrong-headed egotist she was during the height of the Bush administration. She brooks no doubt, she tolerates no alternatives, and she is, like George W. Bush, incapable of admitting mistakes.

    If she would only admit that they did indeed use data that was, even at the time, considered suspicious (remember the Iraqi business man who was paid for his supportive info even though he had been proven to have lied before?), and how they shut down the UN weapons inspectors before their task was finished - then, and only then, would I have the patience to listen to her rantings.

    She is, if noting else, self-deluded. She and George W. were a perfect match (she even misspoke one day calling him her "husband") - soul mates as regarding preemptive strikes based on flimsy evidence just so he could win a pissing contest with his own father. Sorry, but that's how it seemed then and still seems now.

  11. Anonymous5:16 AM

    She's pretty arrogant. This is a very intelligent woman who was led down he wrong road by George and Dickie, and now has found a way to justify everything they did. Too bad he didn't ask her about Abu Graib or the poor treatment of soldiers returning with traumatic brain injuries. Not to mention the trillions of dollars wasted. Funny also how 'humanitarian' reasons were NEVER mentioned when Bush invaded. It was never about the Iraqi people; it was about oil and profiteering for Halliburton and Blackwater. Sickening. And these people call themselves Christians on top of that.

  12. Anonymous5:18 AM

    During the Bush administration, few journalists dared to challenge her directly if they could even gain access.

    Then, as now, she came across as someone who was so cock-sure of her truths, that she would allow no evidence to sway her from the path the Bush-Cheney administration had chosen. Even before 2001, they had written plans to invade Iraq. All they wanted was enough information to gloss over their pre-made plans, to misdirect the public.

    The profits that Halliburton and the oil companies and other corporations in the corrupt military industrial complex were too tempting.

    Saddam was a dictator and a cruel one at that. But what about the dictators elsewhere, equally corrupt, equally cruel, equally a threat to world peace? Burma comes to mind quickly - a place where Halliburton affiliates still prosper. Condi lied then and now she is unwilling to revisit her conclusions.

    Once deluded, always deluded. That is not a mark of an enlightened, thoughtful mind. It is is the mark of a dyed-in-the-wool neo-con who remakes the world to their own premade image of it. History is going to be very unkind to her and Bush-Cheney.

  13. Anonymous5:19 AM

    She really does have quite the superior attitude, always talking down to people.

    She doesn't get it. She can try to rewrite history all she wants, but future historians will have clear evidence that we were lied to about WMD and Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11

  14. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Teflon Rice, probably the most incompetent of Dubya's inner circle- one has to forgive Rumsfeld for treating her with so much contempt.

  15. Anonymous5:22 AM

    4:36 John -

    Body language indeed! O'Donnell NAILED her and she knew it from her mannerisms. I was also yelling at her by the end of the second segment. Lying sack of shit.

  16. Anonymous5:29 AM

    When they got into the discussion about Libya what she said was true about Saddam's crimes against his own people. That we know for a fact. But I wish Lawrence had interrupted her there and pointed out that his crimes had NOTHING to do with 9/11!!!! It makes me CRAZY when I hear people put those two instances together!! I'm a working mother of three from MA and I KNEW that there were no WMD's. It sickens me that after all this time none of these wingers will own up to the TRUTH! Even Hillary bought their BS. Obama didn't!!

  17. Sorry, can't listen to that bitch.

  18. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Condi.. total fucking Bush ass licker.

    Condi.. your lies KILLED THOUSANDS of innocent people and THOUSANDS of US troops.

    Fuck you Condi

  19. Anonymous5:38 AM

    I have to admit, I was yelling "you fucking whore" at Rice during the ending.

    Unrepentant, lying NeoCon bitch.

    I had the same reaction...couldn't finish listening to her.

  20. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I remember when Bush appointed her, wondering why the hell...she had no credentials that would seem to qualify her for such a position.

    I always wondered about the relationship between the two of them.

    She really comes off as a bitch in this interview. You have to wonder why she would ever consent to do it. I think she must have thought, with her superior intelligence, she would be able to babble her lies and he would just quietly accept them as truths. I agree that she must not have researched O'Donnell at all.

    I also agree that history will not treat her well.

  21. Anonymous5:47 AM

    I found it frustrating and unsatisfying. She is an arrogant war criminal but Lawrence is so smugly self-righteous that he doesn't get anywhere.

  22. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I hate her. She should rot in hell. Evil bitch. I hope her life sucks.
    My little inner child wrote this comment lol!!

  23. Condi just sucking up oxygen while kissing Bush's azz and acting like a complete moron. She's as bad as the lame stream media who has no clue even if the clues smacked them in their tiny little brains.

    Condi could have done some good if she hadn't been bushwhacked.

  24. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Alas, this works both ways. In 1965, Lyndon Johnson manipulated the rationale for sending combat troops to Vietnam, exaggerating the threat posed to America by Hanoi, deliberately diminishing any serious intelligence warning of what the consequences would be. Then in 2003, the administration of GW Bush completely miscalculated the likely response of the indigenous people; and ignoring the warnings of the most able member of the Bush national security team, Brent Scowcroft; and badly wanting for personal reasons to take down Saddam Hussein - manipulated the Congress, the media, the public, and itself with disastrous results.

    The GOP´s strongest card of all is national security. September 11 has allowed Republicans to reassert this traditional advantage with a vengeance.

    President Obama took that card away on May 1, 2011.

    I thought Condi, who is everything that sarah isn´t, out parried O´Donnell. Maybe it´s because Iḿ a Republican.

  25. Anonymous6:41 AM

    My nickname for her=Condasleazy Rice

  26. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Correct on all points Anon@6:16 am


  27. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Is there a link to the transcript? Started watching it, then my back started re-freezing/locking up, so I headed to bed after taking yet more muscles relaxants.

    Last thing I remember was Rice starting to look like a rabid dog - apparently before the big smash-up betwixt Lawrence & her.


    PS - OT - no response yet to the HIPAA violation I reported. At least no instant refusal to investigate, so I'm hoping that means there is something to look into.

  28. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Rice may as well have been a Monica Lewinsky. She was so much a rubber stamper of Bush and Cheney, she may as well been 'blowing' them both as throughout her whole time in the administration, she showed she truly had no intelligent thoughts or way of handling any situation on her own, the way Hilary Clinton is able to. Rice may have book smarts, but no street smarts.

    She has not done all that many interviews after the White House, and the few times have clearly shown her, like the others, to be re-writing history. There are other videos of her being very defensive when cornered with FACTS!!

  29. Anonymous7:11 AM

    One reason why Rice was a terrible Secretary of State is because she never lost that college professor lecturing voice. She gave speeches where she wagged her finger and said, "What so-and-so (fill in the name of a Middle East country or leader) has to know is that....It was that "my way or the highway" attitude that was insulting. She lacked any skills that would speak to diplomacy and meeting of the minds. She tried to lecture Lawrence to show how important she thought she still was. She came off looking defensive and brittle. She forgot that the name of his show is "The Last Word," because after the interview is over, Lawrence still gets the Last Word.

  30. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I forgot to mention that Rice was in charge of National Security when that presidential brief warned in August 2001 that OBL was determined to attack the US. Bush was busy clearing brush on his Texas ranch, and his team did nothing about the warning. She was called the worst National Security Chief ever.

  31. Anon 6:16 I mostly agree with you both on Johnson and Bush. I don't know Bush's motives. Lots have been put out: revenge, being "war president", neo-cons taking over the Middle East... Cheney's was oil, I'm pretty sure. Condi Rice, both as National Security Director, and, later Secretary of State completely ignored anyone who tried to warn her about the threat from extremist Islam. There were a number of people screaming their heads off the summer of 2001 trying to get the attention of Condi and Mr. Bush, but they were ignored. It would be interesting to know why. As for the excuse that Saddam Hussein was a dictator who killed his own people, all of us could name at least half a dozen who fit that bill. That is a non-starter. She blame bad intelligence, but that whole administration would only listen to the intelligence they wanted to here.

  32. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I saw part of the interview last night and found her as usual insufferable.
    At the end of it Lawrence brought on Rachel Maddow who gave a great essense calling Condi a liar (I'm paraphrasing).
    I see her as a female Cheney, incapable of admitting any mistake and therefore using any BS to cover her ass. She is a bully who attacks anyone who disagrees with her.

  33. Anonymous7:56 AM

    She bought SHOES on 9/11. Fuck her.

  34. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Anonymous said 5:47 AM

    I found it frustrating and unsatisfying. She is an arrogant war criminal but Lawrence is so smugly self-righteous that he doesn't get anywhere.

    I agree about Lawrence. I really want to like his work without qualification, but his self-righteousness often rubs me the wrong way.

    I also,needless to say, agree with every negative expressed re. Condi.

    I would like to have seen Jon Stewart do this interview.

  35. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Damn...must be nice to live in la la land...seems that when one is there all one's life = no regrets, no responsibilities to your fellow travelers...anything is justifiable as long as you repeat misinformation long enough...

    Do you really believe that she experiences guilt in the solitary, quiet confines of her mind? Another petulant child among so many.

  36. London Bridges8:46 AM

    Once during a speech, Condi referred to W as "her husband."

    She makes lying through her teeth look easy!

    The only hope for America is trying, convicting and imprisoning W, Cheney, Rummy, and Rice. Were this to happen, all the others would clean up their act.

  37. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Is she so stupid that she can't remember who her allies were???!!!

    Canadian troops DID NOT fight in Iraq!!!

    Canada didn't buy the Bush claptrap and never sent troops to Iraq.

    O'Donnell should have known that and called her out on this outright lie.

  38. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I got a kick out of her saying "you go to war with the intelligence you have". She took a page out of RumsFailed's book -- "you go to the war with the army you have".

    After Condoleeeeeeeezza's performance now, there is a similar saying that is glaringly, breathtakingly apparent -- "you go to war with the dumb bunnies you've got in the White House".

  39. Anonymous9:46 AM

    That entire Bush group was something else. So much has come out about their deceit. Some in that group should be in jail from all the reports we've gotten.

    Condolezza sure did get ticked during that interview...Lawrence kept trying that is for sure.

    I noticed she kept shaking her head 'no' when answering questions. Isn't that suppose to indicate lying?

  40. Anonymous9:56 AM

    It sure wasn't very satisfying to me. I wish it was but it wasn't. It played quite well to those who wanted it to play well. Political bias always clouds your thinking I'm afraid.

    Rice is a very smart cookie and she did her homework very well. She knew all the questions and was well prepared for them with lots of lies and innuendo about how bad Saddam was blah, blah, blah.

    Lawrence O'Donnell did more damage to the cause than he did good. That's assuming that it matters one bit what the American people think about their slaughter in Iraq on false pretences and a pack of lies.

    All the impact it will have is on the American people if another revenge attack happens on US soil. Condo will have convinced many of them again that the US "didn't" have it coming for what it did to Iraq's people and people on the Arabian peninsula.

    Does everyone here understand that now?

  41. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Sarah, if you're reading this, Condoleeza is prettier than you.

  42. Anonymous10:23 AM

    She's wrong, Canada was never a part of the Iraq colatition.

  43. Anonymous10:43 AM


    Tina Fey hosts Saturday Night Live this weekend (May 7th)

  44. angela10:49 AM

    What a complete and utter bullshit artist that woman is.
    Of course she never answered THE question about whether Hussein was a threat to New Yorkers or this country or was in league with Bin Laden. And of course that would be NO!

    Lying, evasive POS.

  45. I am pleased to see that a couple of you have pointed out--Canada was NOT part of the Iraq war. I was never so proud a Canadian than I was when we didn't take part in this whole mess.

  46. Anonymous11:33 AM

    This is what happens when a smart woman falls for a married drunkard.

    I hope she dies of a yeast infection.


  47. She'll soon find using Trump's patented and more powerful "excuse me, excuse me" to be more effective when she's backed into a corner instead of using a version of the lamer Prejean put down of 'you're being inappropriate'.

    I've heard she's interested in persuing an acting career. In some ways her years with GWB have more than prepared her for profiting from pretense.

  48. As smug and wrong as she is, at least she had the balls to sit down with someone like O'Donnell. You'd never see that from Bush or Cheney or Rumsfeld.

  49. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Well there's not much doubt that from the comments you are wroing about Lawrence's message playing well. If your own audience didn't like it all that much then you're really out to fucking lunch on your politically biased beliefs.

    Smarten the fuck up. I'm not telling this because I hope Rice goes over well, I'm telling you this because Rice unfortunately 'did' go over well. Perhaps your biggest problem is that Americans are basically fucking stupid and want to believe the Iraq war was all peachy keen and good and righteous.

  50. Anonymous3:16 PM

    That was the best interview I've see all week. LO was VERY nice to her and stayed calm even when she kept interrupting him. I think he did us all a favor by letter her just keep spewing her delusional crap so we could all see what this effing bitch is really like. Good going LO and thank you!

  51. Anne In DC3:39 PM

    She is a smooth, adroit liar, but a liar just the same. I can see how persuasive she could be to someone who either doesn't know any better or hears what (s)he wants to hear. In any case, she is an intelligent woman who chose to hitch her wagon to the star of an exceedingly dim-witted president and in doing so undermine her own credibility permanently.

  52. What is infuriating about this interview is that Dr Rice is making an equivalence with the invasion of Iraq, a policy decision that her administration linked to 9/11 and ginned up, to an intervention in Libya, that, maybe not smart, is in no way the call to war, international inflammation and simple American psychic commitment that Iraq was and still is. She is covering her ass, of course, but the display is galling. With pearls.

  53. She seems to have her feet placed firmly in some alternate universe. That explains a lot.

  54. emrysa7:18 PM

    condi complains when he interrupts her but she does the same thing to him. I am glad this woman no longer has anything to do with the decisions made for this country. she FAILED and then was promoted after failing. her opinion means absolutely nothing. america needs to stop giving the time of day to failures.

  55. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Well, she was a lot more likable and believable on 30 ROCK a few weeks ago.

  56. Good God, there's so many things wrong with a) what she said and b) her problems with being interrupted, it almost needs cataloging.

    She goes on and on, toward the end, about how Saddam Hussein was torturing his people when the US didn't give a tinker's damn he was doing that when it was happening. Since he was cooperating with us and giving us his oil, we rolled over. Coincidentally, that was about the same time her old partner in crime, Donald Rumsfeld, was over there having meetings with Saddam and being photographed shaking his hand. What a bloody hypocrite.

    And then she could interrupt Lawrence O but he couldn't her. Same as she ignored and denied his questions and then claimed he couldn't interrupt her.


    Stupid bitch.

    I don't think any of these people--certainly not Dubya' or Rumsfeld or Wolfowitz or Condi will ever take responsibility for the huge debacle that was and is this 2nd Iraq War.

    Finally, Lawrence O could have pointed out that our 13 intelligence agencies reported to Dubya' that Saddam Hussein posed no threat to the US because that is exactly what happened. That was what they reported to us.

    "Coalition" my ass.


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