Friday, May 06, 2011

And then there were only two.

From CNN:

Fox News Channel has terminated the contracts of paid contributors and potential 2012 candidates Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, a spokesman for the network confirmed to CNN.

Contracts for the former House Speaker and former Pennsylvania senator were suspended until May 1st while they considered runs for the White House in 2012.

Santorum, who will appear in Thursday's GOP presidential debate in South Carolina, has since formed a presidential exploratory committee.

A Gingrich spokesman has said Gingrich would be a candidate before next Friday's Georgia's state Republican convention.

Other possible GOP contenders, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, are still employees of Fox News.

I already knew awhile ago that Huckabee was not going to run, and now I think it should be obvious to EVERYBODY that Palin is just stringing her paint chip eating sycophants along so that she can continue to milk them of their hard earned money until they finally smarten up. 

So essentially she can continue to milk them forever.

But hey, if its any consolation, Bristol says thanks for the new face!


  1. Ya know that the dumb bots will continue to send Sarah their unemployment and social security checks. They just keep on saying that Brisdull just lost weight, ya know. Actually, she just birthed a baby and went under the knife, but don't tell anybody cause Brisdull is in denial and so are the dumb people who support these two uneducated monkeys.

  2. The Republicans first presidential primary debate in South Carolina was last night sponsored by the John Birch Society and the Oath Keepers.

  3. Oh, she'll run. She's just milking Fox for every last penny until she declares. And they're just stupid enough to fall for it.Besides, if she declares and gets bumped off Fox, she'll have to actually have to answer questions posed by real reporters instead of the Fox shills.

  4. Anonymous6:15 AM

    She'll never seriously run. All the professionals have left her now.

  5. IMO...Sarah has already told Fox that she's not running. It's more profitable for Fox to keep her secret, they know that once she announces she's not running her viewers will drop to almost zero.

  6. Anonymous6:19 AM

    She thinks she can wait, find out what questions and positions are being debated, schedule a few lame appearances and has such a huge adoring following that she can step into the race at any time and win over enough primary votes with her cheesy self-improvements and canned hyper-screeches. She way underestimates the amount of supporters that she can muster but I don't think the opportunity will present itself where she feels the time is right to announce. She's hoping one will but I can't see it happening.

  7. Virginia Voter6:23 AM

    Just wondering....can Sarah Palin charge for speeches anymore if she decides to run? I don't think so.

    The Fox gig is chump change compared to what she makes on her never ending Tweet, Prey, Loathe Red State Tour of Hypocrisy & Lies. Sarah's used to getting $100k every time she shows up to toss out some word salad on her fundie rubber chicken circuit, now you expect her her to give it away? Nah, not happening.

  8. Silly Sarah only has to make about 4 speeches a year to make more than the president's salary. Oh, she ain't running but she will make everyone think that she is in order to suck up the atmosphere and get her herd of sheep sending her money.

    She'll throw out more talking points sent to her by Rebecca Mansewer who is in love with her idol.

  9. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Question about Bristol "THe ChinPlant" were on my yahoo this a.m. Snarky. But more tellingly, no one bothered to comment

  10. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I don't think she'll run. Why would she want a job that requires work and less pay while she can grift?

  11. Anonymous6:40 AM

    In that photo Huckabee looks like the kind of man who would run for POTUS, Preacher of the United States.

    In that photo sarah looks like Satan.

    A visual Good vs. Evil.

  12. She is going to run. She thinks she doesn't need no stinkin advance team anywhere. GOD is her advance team.

    She is going to be shocked when she loses the first three primaries.

    Then she will run as an indy and my dreams come true.

  13. Gasman7:02 AM

    Gryphen, I'm not so sure that Palin won't run for POTUS. Would it be smart or practical? Hell no, but neither is Palin. I know two things about Sarah Palin: 1. she is vain beyond belief, 2. she is a moronic clod.

    I think her over inflated vanity is gnawing at her. God told her that she WOULD be president. If you can't believe God, then you are you going to trust? She hasn't the brains to comprehend the idiocy of a run, so all she has left is her all consuming narcissism which tells her that she is destined to live in the White House.

    As to why FauxNews has chosen to keep both Palin and Huckkkleberry on board, I am stumped. You've got two hopelessly befuddled asshats who are an embarrassment every time they are on air.

    You've got one that's probably secured a spot with winkin', flirtin',' fancy pageant walkin' and just enough blow jobs to keep Ailes' little Roger interested. And then you've got Sarah Palin.

  14. Anonymous7:04 AM

    The latest at the sea o pee- this PROVES that she is running AND that she is CHOSEN ( by Rupert) to be the next president.

    The reasoning appears to be that those already fired are thrown under the bus because they declared they are running. Since $i$ta PAYME hasn't been FIRED yet; then she is the one. They think it's all part of the master plan. They think next week she'll replace Hannity for more air time; and in a few months she'll QUIT to become president.

  15. Anonymous7:11 AM

    She probably told Fox she's not running so she can keep collecting the money. Then she will jump into the race at the last minute via Facebook so she doesn't have to do any media interviews, etc.---you know since there is no one else conservative enough to step up to the plate. That will probably get her some attention, and enough votes to divide the GOP and guarantee another Obama election. The worst thing that could happen to Palin would be for Obama to lose and a Republican to get elected. Then she won't get any attention for throwing stones from the sidelines.

    Someone described her the other day as a "freelance provacateur looking for work." Perfect, huh?

  16. Anonymous7:13 AM

    She also has way underanalyzed the political process and thinks she can set her own standard. It will soon become apparent that she's not a contender.

  17. I thought at one time that Huck might be a good man but the more he is in the spotlight, the worse he looks as a former pastor. I wonder if he became a pastor just as a job; he seems to have no compassion for others and he has said some pretty nasty things. His wife really made an azz of herself when she had that little car accident, she became really ugly to the State Trooper and showed herself to be lacking in morals and social skills.

    There was also a story about one of the sons and mistreating a dog. They should never get close to the White House.

  18. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Below are the tags on associated with books about $arah Palin:

    Quitter, greedy, sociopath dysfunctional family, fake pregnancy, grifter, gives Christians a bad name, professional victim, fake Christian , mean girl, bad mom, ignorant hatemonger, liar, ignorant, narcissist, unfit for office, Wasilla hillbilly, Jesus wept, pathological demagogue, feckin eedjit, loser, media whore of babble-on, trig is not her son, evil, grafter granny, grizzled has been, neglectful mother, Obama hater. There were 64 tags – among them: Danger to America, princess sparkle burst and quitty pants.

    Forget about the hypocritical, fawning media - I'd say Amazon more reflects the voice of 'get real' Americans.

  19. Anonymous7:21 AM

    If Sarah does run, it will be to milk some more donations from her fans and to get one more hour in the spotlight. She does not have the discipline to stay focused for the length of a campaign. She went rogue after two months with McCain. Thankfully, Sarah always thinks that she knows more than the campaign professionals. Look at her staff.

    Sarah hides behind tweets and ghost written face book posts. She loves reading those Obama bashing speeches for big money. Running for President means competition, and while Sarah talks a good game, she is not a good dealing with competition. That thin skin of hers will not allow criticism and she is easily distracted. In the end, she would rather make money than do hard work.

  20. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I predict that when SarahPAC donations start tapering off, she and Franklin Graham will join their con artist forces to siphon off money from gullible Christians. Don't think for a minute that Palin hasn't considered a televangelism stint; she sees how much money people like the Osteens rake in!

  21. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I just want everyone on here to remember that I predicted last year that she is not seriously running. OK? She has to open a new PAC & quit FOX to do so. When that happens, let's all talk about her "presidential run." I don't care what the NY Times says about a late summer announcement.

  22. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Sarah gets swatted.

    Terrorists, especially of the Jihadi variety, are frequently prepared for and SEEKING death, whether it come in the form of a bullet, explosion, or underpants conflagration on a Detroit-bound flight. But I presume Sarah Palin knows this. So her tweet is both “politicking” and “drama.” It’s theater, in fact.

  23. Anonymous7:30 AM

    And way to wrap it up with “That’s the mission.” Though she didn’t shoehorn the words “Islam” or “Muslim” into her clunker of a tweet, she did finish it with a word whose definitions include “a group of people sent by a religious body, esp a Christian church, to a foreign country, to do religious work.”

    I’m glad she was so transparent about what her “mission” is. And let’s also salute her for sneaking the word “pussy” in there. Osama Bin Laden is killed while Barack Obama is President, and Sarah Palin’s immediate response is to explicitly link him with the word “pussy.” Would she have worked the word “cocky” in there if he released the photo?

    To conclude, her tweet is bloodthirsty, purposefully dishonest, willfully ignorant, xenophobic and rude. It’s a fantastic snapshot of who she is.

  24. Those flag pins look really tacky on her clothes, bet she even puts one on her jammies. She is a fake shallow American wearing symbols on her clothes and neck trying to pretend to be a patriotic American.

  25. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I think Sarah's future is as a televangelist, the classic grifter model. That way she can carefully control the camera angles as she ages, and keep the sheeple money rolling in.

    True Blue Girl

  26. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Quit pussy-footing! Shit or get off the pot. Or out of the outhouse. Or just out of sight.

  27. Anonymous7:35 AM

    The ABC's of Sarah Palin- aggravating, bombastic, caterwauling, demonic, egotistical, far-fetched, gnashing, hypocritical, incorrect, jabbering, kooky, loud & laughable, megalomaniac, narcissistic, outlandish, psychotic, quitter, rash, stupid, trying, uncouth, vexing, witchy, xenophobic, yammering and a zealot.

  28. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Most likely, Sarah's past advisors left because SarahPAC doesn't have enough money to pay them for their time. I have a feeling that most of the PAC's $ has ended up in Palin/Heath pockets and they have done well for their efforts. Other support staff/advisors might have been conned into helping "the cause" with little to no financial compensation since it is a labor of love for everyone but Sarah and her chosen ones. But there are only so many $100 donations you can get from a grassroots following, esp. if there is no goal, so the recent loss of two more advisors in all likeness means the well is running dry.

  29. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Agreed, 7:13. I think so, too. But I don't think the McCain campaign's taking-America-by-surprise tactic is going to work a second time.
    And this time, she's a known quantity with history, background and comes accessorized with issues.
    Either way, I doubt that low-to-middle class Americans will finance her at the same level.
    The "worst" happened, Obama is president now, the world didn't come to an end, and life even got a little better for a large number of them, even though they'd never admit it.

  30. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Sarah will only run if she is guaranteed per diem while she lives in Whitehouse

  31. Anonymous7:38 AM

    She won't run. She loves what she's doing right now too much.
    As soon as she would be expected to be serious and knowledgable about things she KNOWS absolutely nobody would ever take her serious again. Bye-bye Fox pay check and sweet speaking deals.
    She would love to be the actual nominee but would HATE the responsibility that comes with.
    Too much hard work - that's why she hated being governor and that's why she quit.
    She loves the 'glamour' of running, hates getting elected and expected to do the hard work.
    She won't run.

  32. imnofred7:46 AM

    I think she will run but she will wait until the last possible minute. Right now, she can't leave Fox News because she needs them to defend her and to mount smear campaigns against all of the authors that are writing books about her.

    My guess is that she will announce after the debates are almost finished so that she can avoid them at all costs. She will then unleash a FaceBook barrage and get massive airtime on Fox.

    Unfortunately, the MSM will cover her speeches on Fox and broadcast her tweets and FaceBook rants even though she will never leave the safety net of Fox News.

    As much as I hate to say this, she will get what she wants in terms of getting her bullshit out in the media without having to defend or explain anything that she says.

  33. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Rev. Huckster also a grifter and equally obsessed with money. Both of them just awful hicks!

  34. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I still think there is a good possibility that Sarah will run in some way. She wouldn't mislead Fox News about her intentions would she? Flip flop.

    Many logical arguments exist why she would not run. Is logic the word to use for her decision making process? Can she be easily manipulated by preying on her beliefs and fears? Someone wanting more power and influence by putting her in a position of power might do this.

    The thoughts that she could make more money giving speeches and not running, and that running a candidacy is too much work make sense. They are logical- and thus do not necessarily apply.

    The chance to be the 'chosen' leader of the free world, and to utilize the power of the presidency to both settle old scores and shape the nation and the world as she sees fit- what slightly delusional person could say no to those voices whispering in her ear (or just whispering inside her head).

    If a slightly delusional person thinks they are being persecuted and attacked for their family and beliefs while running for public office, and then blames the critics for the failure to win; could that be a self reinforcing spiral of victimhood and failure? The number of new enemies to blame could be substantial if she actually decides to run.

    She could decide on a whim to announce her candidacy. Just like her hurried resignation of her governorship. I think that she may have planned to make a different speech in Madison Wisconsin in April, but that she was told not to by her handlers. What would have happened there if she had announced she was running for president? She might make a different decision next time.

  35. @ anon are absolutely right. Sarah has and always been about money. She knows she can bilk the evangelicals out of their last dime. Even her sick cult at the Sea of Pee would follow her as a televangelist by sending her all of their hard earned money. She will be the next Tammy Faye.

  36. I've thought all along that she'd wind up being a religious figure like the Osteens and Tammy Faye Baker. Just a matter of time.

  37. I'm thinking Palin will join forces with Franklin Graham and take the evangelical world by storm. I can see them taking their crusade on the road across America, stirring the faithful, charging for appearances and spewing nonsense. To wild applause.

    Sad day for evangelical Christians like me, sad day for America in general but great (pay)day for Sarah!

    I'm wondering why she would run for POTUS when it's so much work, so much scrutiny, much less $$ then people actually expect results if she gets in office! No, Palin is way too lazy. I can see her running for a bit, then quitting under some ridiculous excuse.

    I don't think she will ride it out to the general election, Palin isn't serious about being POTUS. She's serious about making as much money as humanly possible. If she runs, it'll be a set-up for the real gig as evangelist.

  38. Anonymous8:31 AM

    You know it's strange that Tammy Bruce and Rebecca Mansour would do work for Sarah after the way her kids threw off on gays. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

  39. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Both Huck and Sistah Sarah are cut from the same cloth.
    Anybody remember when he was talking about healthcare? He likened insurers having to cover people with pre existing conditions to insurers having to cover a house after it had already burned. What a fine example of a Christian he is! Screw everybody else as long as he has his.
    Google him and his family picture when he was governor of Arkansas. He and his sons are wearing striped shirts. His sons look like whales--- whales in striped shirts. The picture is a real hoot!
    Not sure which one of the sons tortured the dog for sport. He and a buddy hung the dog, threw rocks at it while it struggled, then slit it with a knife. His son was about sixteen when he did it. Huck tried to hush it up.
    His family is as dysfunctional as Palin's.

  40. Anonymous8:46 AM

    There are two things we are currently leaving out of the equation in this "will she or won't she?" speculation.

    1) She isn't the one who makes such decisions. We all know someone is pulling her strings, we just don't know who.

    2) Do you honestly think Barack Obama and his people aren't setting this witch up for a day of reckoning? He got bin Laden, didn't he? Don't think he - or more likely, someone from his team - isn't keeping quiet score of every Palin screech directed his way, and doesn't have any number of investigations within the IRS and other agencies on her obviously fraudulent financial doings.

  41. Anonymous8:58 AM

    barns/yarns, it wasn't just mistreatment. His son helped torture and kill a stray dog as a teen and his daddy covered it up. Instead of making his spawn pay for his "sin" of cruelty, he aided and abetted the brat and hushed it all up.
    He is an evil, lying, hypocrite and none of his family should be in any spot light of any sort (political or religious).

  42. Ratfish8:58 AM

    If there is an "open door," Sarah will "plow through" it- even though one doesn't have to plow through an open door.

    "The Lies of Sarah Palin" by Geoffrey Dunn will be out soon- and it will prove what Alaskans learned the hard way- the woman is a pathological liar for whom no lie is too small to tell.

    Maybe Palin can start on the road to redemption by admitting she and Todd "eloped" not to "save her parents money" but because she was pregnant. 3 generations (Palin- her mother Sally Heath, and her daughter Bristol ) of knocked up in the Palin Klan- maybe Candies can hire all three of the hypocrites to preach abstinence to the rest of us even though they acted like bunnies.

    ps Where's Trig these days? Why isn't the mother of this special needs child providing special maternal care?

  43. Anonymous9:05 AM


    Gallup: Sarah Palin is the GOP's preferred foreign policy candidate

  44. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Yes, I think she'll run. She will garner enough money and support to at least make it to the primaries because there is a current of fascism and discontent running through the US that will make it worth her while.

    We may laugh at her, but don't ever underestimate a committed fascist.

  45. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Two possibilities: First, she'll run. But, because it's an obsessive compulsion to try to win against the man who stole her crown. She must have been used to getting her way all her life, and the 2008 defeat was a blow that shook her so hard that she'll dig in her heels until she gets her way. This shows that she's running because of a deep-seated unreasonable emotional sickness. That sick display will be evident for everyone to see.

    Or second, she has no plans to run; and, she's hoping that she can drag this false notion of running until the benefits run dry. This possibility though leaves a trail of questions as to how she'll keep grifting. If she doesn't run, will Fox keep her on as a "political contributor"? I think Fox viewers will get tired of her immature harping.

    Either way, it's going to be an interesting next two years.

  46. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Yes, I think she'll run. She will garner enough money and support to at least make it to the primaries because there is a current of fascism and discontent running through the US that will make it worth her while.

    We may laugh at her, but don't ever underestimate a committed fascist.

  47. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Photo caption: Dumb and Dumber

  48. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Let's see, turn an unearned pedigree into an earned opportunity to prove your worth in the political field by governing the remaining term well, knuckling down and learning American history, World history, conflict resolution, diplomacy and maybe even a course in manners and social protocol, or whore yourself out for the highest buck for the least effort?

    The only thing Sarah Palin works hard at is keeping a busy, self-serving schedule and opening herself up to deserved criticism.

    Sarah's only talent is to be an agitator. You don't need a "title" to throw stones.

  49. imnofred: Yes, I think you nailed it. She needs FOX to defend herself from the books and emails, I mean, where else would she get to spew a rebuttal with no follow-up questions or research by the host?

  50. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Does Sarah look like a woman who can work with a team? Stay loyal to a team? Could she speak diplomatically with foreign leaders? Does she have people skills?(Not talking about audiences and quick one-minute smile/wink/handshake/babyshake skills) Does she have the fortitude to stay with her team, despite disagreements? Can she get along with her advisers?

    As president, could she stay up all hours of the night, making calls, during stressful congressional debates, votes; sitting in a stuffy office signing hundreds of papers all day? Is she a good communicator, would she STUDY and seek advice on issues and take that advice? Would she be a consensus builder?

    Would she, again who hates stuffy offices, be really willing to attend ceremonial functions? And do all this for $400,000 a YEAR?

    Only her servant's heart will tell. I bet my toothbrush she'll pass.

  51. Anonymous9:37 AM

    @ 9:05

    What makes that even more WTF and funny is that she just did a total flip flop on her foreign evidenced by her new adviser.

  52. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Funny how both of them meet the requirements for televangelism.

  53. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Speaking of running, I read in today's paper that The Donald was supposed to drive the pace car at the Indy 500 but he won't now because he says "it will be inappropriate as I will be declaring my intentions to run for President soon" I think that the powers to be at Indy said to him "You're fired" but trying to spin it for his own benefits. The officials said that there would be "too many political ramifications" if they allowed him to drive.

    Too bad, as I would like to see him take off the helmet when he got out of the car.

    I can't remember a time in my lifetime when there were so many downright crazy people involved in politics.

    John McCain unleashed this on our country..and for that he should never be forgiven.

  54. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I don't think she'll run, either. As dumb as she is, she has to realize she is VERY unlikely to win. Running, being nominated and losing would probably not kill her celeb career, but losing Iowa, NH, S Car and Nev right out of the box would kill it dead. And that could happen. WILL happen in NH and NV...

    But then again, what if a Republican gets elected, and it's not her? Who is she gonna bitch about?

  55. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Getting back to Huckabee's wife. Do you know she is sometimes referred to as "Shrek"? I don't know where I heard it, but the nickname is fitting. I find it hilarious.

  56. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Quitty thinks she can saunter in and announce in October 2012 and everyone will be happy and she will WIN! Remember, she's Rogue...she does things HER way. Those clown Palin boot lickers will think that's a possibility.

  57. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I don't think she knows, yet. I'm sure she would love to be able to say she was president and I'm sure she thinks she could do the job. But there are so many as-yet-to-be-seen factors that will determine if she will run. She won't announce anything soon and in the end I don't think she will run, but she really doesn't want to make that official until primary season. In the meantime, she will try to keep her name out there as much as possible without venturing from the safety of prepared long-distance messages, controlled settings or an entourage of familiar escorts. She will refrain from giving up those demands as long as people let her.

  58. Satirists despair: Palin won’t be President

    We all love a bit – well, more than a bit – of Sarah Palin bashing. When we hear of Palin in the UK, it tends to be because she has launched another scathing attack on Barack Obama. And we see a crowd utterly captivated by her word and a terrifying thought crosses our mind: this woman is, somehow, going to be the next President of the United States. Quite how can this be so?

  59. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Gryphen...did you mean "Bristol says thanks for the MASK?"

  60. Anonymous10:45 AM


    Tina Fey hosts Saturday Night Live this weekend (May 7th)

  61. What a pregnant woman looks like....

    Look at the rest. I chose this one because Sarah likes red so much.

    Just so those flight attendants on Alasssska Airlines need a reminder.

  62. Anonymous11:20 AM

    anon. 7:35 - love your ABCs of Palin, but one request, please change W to wacky (Palin is definitely witchy - witches are caring folks, who honor and respect the Earth and all living creations)

  63. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Oh, she's gonna run. She thinks she can be anointed as the candidate. She's gonna stay on Fox as long as she can and take pot shots at the President. She can snipe from the sidelines for a VERY long time.

    She has no idea what it's like to go through the primary. None. She was anointed last time, she thinks it can happen again. She needs to talk to Hilary Clinton and find out how easy that primary season really is. I hope someone, maybe Tim Pawlenty, nails her ass to the wall.

  64. Well, I see they are going to keep on trotting out Bristol just like they did her Mommy. The more people see and hear about Bristol, the less they are going to support her; the same thing happened with Sarah. Too much idiotance (my new word) is not a good thing.

  65. George Lopez offers advice to Sarah Palin over the dead bin Laden photo.


  66. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Wonder if Franklin Graham knows that Sarah is working with two gay women, and that she is paying them. Doesn't he believe in praying away the gay?

  67. Comic Shrink analyzes Sarah Palin

  68. Three More Weeks11:43 AM

    Look, there's a whole industry around Sarah Palin right now, including some folks we liberals love...(not talking about you, Gryphen). There are her supporters (the crazies and the media) and her anti-supporters--many of whom will gain financially if she runs as it makes "criticism" of her commercially viable.

    I think the release of the e-mails & Bailey's book will be a true test about whether or not she "runs." Isn't that all going to happen in about 3 weeks? Time will tell.

  69. Anonymous11:45 AM

    this is random but remember that intouch article bristol did that came out late nov? The pics were taken Nov 13th. the ones where she was wearing that red zipperdress thing and that blue dress.

  70. Palin will be on the Fox Business Network tonight, brace oneself for the shit to be heard.

  71. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Governor Sarah Palin supporters, please keep giving generously to SarahPAC. Sarah desperately needs the money, now more than ever. Spare as much as you can, as often as you can. She's counting on your donations while she and her family contemplate running for US President. There may be an announcement soon so please continue to give. Also, too, please purchase additional copies of Sarah's books while they last. They make great gifts.
    Sarah will eventually come up with some I'm-a-victim excuse for not running and her sycophants will buy it hook, line, and sinker. 'Cause that's what palinbots do - believe just what the Quitter tells 'em.

  72. Anonymous11:48 AM

    She'll run. She is right now.
    She wants the publicity, the marketing, the screaming crowds, the drama, the 5-star treatment with nice hotels, security details and drivers, entourage to make everything work. That's what she wants.
    THAT isn't the question. The question is - does she actually WANT the job.
    No. She doesn't. It would need to be like Alaska's governor. Someone else doing the actual work, Sarah making appearances and showing up for bill signings. And that's just not the role of "president", no matter how many competent staff they hire.
    President is not a Royal Family role. She has to work with Congress, the Cabinet, senior leadership, the Department of Defense, actual real work sessions with foreign governments, Camp David, etc. They're not going to countenance an idiot. You can count on that.
    It doesn't matter WHO backs her. James Dobson ain't gonna look good on a global stage. I don't think the Kingmakers are going to take that chance. But they do want everyone to see their power and cachet while they strategize 2012 and 2016. The Alaska Housewife is a clever iconic distraction. They can get a lot of mileage, publicity and Heartland support.
    Then they put her out to pasture with a lovely parting gift of a couple of million more than she had.
    Milk that cow, Housewife, it's coming to an end.

  73. Anonymous11:57 AM

    $carah is PERFECT for Faux News. With those crossed eyes, she can read the teleprompter with one and keep eye contact with the other one during her "interviews"

  74. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I just did some research for a friend whose son is under the spell of Alex Jones. He has several videos castigating and ranting against the PaYlin, labeling her a neo-con to boot.

    If her uber ultra right-wing schtick doesn't even pass muster with the uber ultra right-winging crowd, she is in bigger trouble than I thought.

  75. Anonymous12:01 PM


    What I heard about Huck's son was that he tortured and killed a dog. That is very, very disturbing to me. I would be interested to know if Mr/Mrs Huckabee sought any help for that young man before the grisly crime happened . They had to know was not quite right.

    I don't think parents are responsible for everything their children do, but surely they knew their son lacked any type of empathy.

  76. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Hmmm - any chance she's staying in to try to get another VP gig. Win or lose, it's gold for her - face it, the VP usually doesn't do too much, but gets face time and $.

    She might be of use to a Prez candidate whose TEAbagger fundernut bona fides need polishing (Romney).

    An don the off chance that the PREz kicks it, she figures she can wing it - it's what she's been doing her whole life, albeit badly.

  77. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Yuk to both of them!!! Christians that aren't!

  78. Anonymous12:37 PM

    @12:13 - Nah. That's what Bachmann's doing - running for VP. Sarah's a 2009 quitter and a 2008 loser. Her current poll numbers are terrible and she's an awful speaker. She brings nothing to the table, in terms of a political ticket. Bachmann can bring the tea party voters (Koch-er racists) PLUS she's actually in office.

    Romney-Bachmann? Maybe.

  79. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Virginia Voter - and others interested in all the work Malia Littman has done on her blog today re: nonprofit organizations paying $P hundreds of 1000's of $ to speak - because of the political nature of $P's speeches all those organizations should lose their nonprofit status. Littman documents it.

    I say that should happen and the churches should all lose their non-profit status as well, because so many of the "preachers" used their pulpit for political endorsements, and the catholics continue to uncover (no pun intended) more pedophile priests - Salinas, CA sentenced one this past week.

    I, as a taxpayer, am sick of subsidizing all these sickies - remember Tammy Faye - & Bushie's direct line pervert masquerading as the WH line to God? Enough!!

  80. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I still think she won't run, but I'm hoping that she's stupid enough to try. I think her cowardice will get the best of her. She really is a sniveling coward. She's like a Barney Fife, all bluster and no action, or the kind of action that backfires. I agree with those who think that she'll go on the evangelical circuit, but if Babygate busts open, that could sink her there. Perhaps that's why she hates Gryphen so, and is so obsessed with this web site.

  81. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Romney-Bachmann? Maybe.

    Bachmann's getting/looking too old to give the 'baggers wet dreams. $carah can probably still pull it off, at least this year.

  82. Anonymous2:11 PM

    The more Tammy Bruce and pal Rebecca Mansour tweet, do facebook posts and Tammy spewing her gutter talk on radio and Fox in support of Palin and dissing the President, the more they do this then the lower Sarah's poll numbers will go.

    There isn't anything much worse than three hate filled women running their mouth, showing their low IQ and making complete azzes of themselves. This partnership is doomed to fail because of their nastiness and bitterness.

  83. Anonymous2:29 PM

    @1:57 - Palin left "wet dream" territory over 2 years and 2 surgeries ago, IMO. She looks like "cat woman" now. And I don't mean Catwoman from Batman.

  84. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Love that photo of Palin: She has the tanorexic, Suze Orman leering lemur look.


  85. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Huckleberry and Sarah would make a good couple, both have big egos and both appear to be fake christians with their hands out grifting.

    Yes, these two ought to team up and get married.

  86. Anonymous3:06 PM

    @2;29 - I didn't say that she looked good in MY opinion. Remember, this is 'baggers were talking here. They and "the missus" are both @ 100 # overweight, they're probably sharing some teeth between the two of them. To folks like that,

    a double wide is a step up
    and Palin = Monroe.

    Bacchmann, is a full ten years older than Palin and it doesn't look like she's gone under the knife (yet). Face spackle bought by the 50 gallon drum can't disguise the wrinkles anymore.

    ANd Bachmann has always been more the harridan. She's never played the flirttease the way Palin has.

  87. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Palin aint running for nothing except trying to stay one step ahead of the law.

    The whole fucking retarded Palin clan is trying to stay one step ahead of the law.

  88. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Sarah on the Exploit Jesus circuit? I doubt she knows her Bible that well.

  89. @ 3:06... exactly why the teabags say stupid ass things like "liberal women only hate Sarah Failin' because she is 'beautiful..." umm....hello...beautiful? Maybe a decade or so ago, and she's not certainly not ugly. If you can just take a look at my picture displayed here, you can see, not to be vain or anything, but jealousy has nothing to do with the hatred.

  90. moose pucky5:08 PM

    Unless the IRS or the Feds catch on to her, SP will be in our faces for a long time. She will be a "perpetual candidate," ala Newt Gringrich. Her PAC, also known as her personal slush fund, will live on and on.
    Bots will send their money, assuring each other that she will be POTUS in 2016 (after she is humiliated and QUITS) the race in 2012.

  91. Anonymous6:22 PM

    9:05, was that Gallup poll done before Palin flip flopped on her foreign policy position? Of so, she'll be back to last place on the next poll.

  92. Anonymous7:01 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    She thinks she can wait, find out what questions and positions are being debated, schedule a few lame appearances and has such a huge adoring following that she can step into the race at any time and win over enough primary votes with her cheesy self-improvements and canned hyper-screeches. She way underestimates the amount of supporters that she can muster but I don't think the opportunity will present itself where she feels the time is right to announce. She's hoping one will but I can't see it happening.

    6:19 AM"

    Yep she thinks she can waltz in and steal the repug primary. No interviews because normal questions would seem as a gotcha question to these ignorant, uneducated clowns.

    She is the epitome of insufferable bitch.

  93. Anonymous7:06 AM

    What sarah will do is say she will run in 2016 so she can continue the sopping.


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