Monday, May 23, 2011

I think if Barack Obama wanted to, he could be elected the Prime Minister of Ireland. They freaking love him!

The gentleman who introduces Obama IS actually the Prime Minister, Enda Kenny, and he is quite the spitfire himself. 

Obama easily knocked this out of the ballpark and had this audience in the palm of his hand.

I love seeing how the rest of the world responds to this President. It is so much better than when our country was run by that immature pathetic frat boy.

(If the video will not play you can try clicking here.)


  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Amazing photos of his visit may be found here.

  2. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Our president will get the same welcome in the UK, too.!! My niece lives there, and they LOVE him. She is disgusted with Fox for all the disrespect they show him. Palin's show is being panned by the critics in the UK. One calls her voice "fingernails on a blackboard" and says she acts like a cheerleader.

  3. O/T

    Craig County, Virginia man charged with threatening to kill President Obama, he sent a letter with crosshairs drawn over President Obama's photo.

  4. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I would love to see Saree try her winks, oral sex tongue flicks and a few you betcha's and see how far that gets her wretched ass

  5. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Palin tweets:

    Tumultuous world gotcha' flummoxed? Divert w/tuning 2 unifying, sweet competition; Dancing w/the Stars TEAM BALLAS competes in finals tonite

    She's living in the past. And President Obama doesn't ever give her a single thought.

    poor Sarah. Start grooming Piper for her DWTS stint.

  6. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I was in Ireland in 2003 and upon discovering I was America regardless of the situation, all anybody wanted to talk about was our dumb president. I couldn't defend him and we had some very entertaining nights at the pubs. I loved Ireland- I was there for a cross country horse trek and could have easily stayed forever. Nights at the pubs would be equally entertaining but my head wouldn't be hanging so low these days.

  7. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Meanwhile in Scottsdale, Palin is flummoxed. Her kitchen cabinet (h/t R. Ailes) wrote her a new FB entry on Israel but Sarah appears more interested in the DWTS finale.

  8. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Did the Irish do this for George Bush I or II? hmm

  9. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I love the fact President Obama was a huge hit in Ireland. The Repubs here in the U.S. have constantly said (during these past couple of years) that he not regarded well overseas. They are full of shit as always.

    You go, President Obama. There are many of us in the U.S. that regard you extremely well.

  10. Anonymous3:57 PM

    3:32 - Any chance this guy sounds like Palin w/her crosshairs over Gabby and others? Palin, once again, leading by a horrid example. She needs to be in the slammer along w/this guy that wanted to put his sites on President Obama.

  11. Anonymous4:02 PM

    If this does not bring tears to your eyes you are as heartless as Sarah Palin.

    O' B A M A

  12. Dinty4:06 PM

    One minor hiccup on the trip, one of the limos in the motorcade leaving the Embassy in Dublin bottomed out on the driveway and had to be removed with a tow truck. No word on whether this was the limo POTUS was in:

  13. Anonymous4:09 PM

    He's OUR President and We LOVE him. I'm so proud to be living at a time where a Person of Color/African-American/Black man can be President of The United States of America.

    (side note- G your last sentence seems like you like the frat boy. I read it many times and I seem a bit lost.)

  14. Anonymous4:10 PM

    This shows ya that the insufferable bitch is only good for a small racist crowd that pays for her screeching. While our President is well loved by the country.

    I think I have to visit Ireland.

  15. Anonymous4:11 PM

    O'BAMA. Love it!

  16. Anonymous4:13 PM

    GOD BLESS the Secret Service for all they do.

  17. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Obama was warmly welcomed by 40K Irish
    citizens, better than some of our own
    citizens would have done. Great President, we can't have a better one.

  18. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Do you mean that dumb pathetic frat boy president who can't set foot on foreign soil lest he be arrested for war crimes? Haha. He couldn't get 35 Irish to show up and cheer for him.

  19. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I love how the rest of the world receives Obama as well, Gryphen. They Love him. Sometimes, I feel this country doesn't deserve him.

    For years now, MANY have been and still are, trying to cut him off at the knees, both left & right. Sure I have few disappointments; mainly the wars, but I still believe he is the Best President in my lifetime and I will definitely help with getting him re-elected.

  20. TruthSeeker4:36 PM

    Hey Palin. Did you hear? President Obama pays his own tab - even when he's in a pub in a foreign country.

    Unlike some people who go to coffee shops and walk out without paying for their beverage. (Does this remind you of anyone you know Palin?)

    You know, people who don't pay their own way, due to an elated sense of entitlement, are sometimes called grifters or moochers. Where I come from, we call such people thieves.

  21. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I can only say I am ashamed of the way the President is treated in this country. Its unbelievably disrespectful. I despise the right wing talking heads on Fox and the Limbaughs that talk down to him and about him. They don't have an 1/8 of his brain power. Palin hates him so much. It would have been sweet to see him rip her apart in a debate. Her huge ego doesn't allow her to "lose", but she is a loser alright in every way. If I could, I'd move to the UK because I am ashamed of what Rupert Murdoch and his ilk have been allowed to do in this country. They just cannot stand having a black man as their leader. They are pathetic. One remembers the incredible disrespect of Joe Wilson screaming out "you lie" to the president. He should have been thrown out immediately. What a moronic jerk.

  22. Anonymous4:45 PM

    O'Bama's a world leader.

    (please add a than to your post) It's so much better than ....

  23. Pat in MA4:49 PM

    Awesome, they love him, and it is so great to see an American President so warmly and deservedly welcomed. We need to soak in every minute of this man's presidency, we'll be hard pressed to find anything like it again.

  24. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Check google news. Sarahs side responds to Bailes book.
    Guess what she responds?

    Immoral boot licker Tim Crawford said the book belongs in the fiction section. Sarah plays the victim again-- YAWN
    And blames and villlifies again. What a piece of work she Is.

  25. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Sarah... it will never be you giving speech in Ireland.

  26. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Added another: “Unless it’s Palin or Gingrich, we expect a very close race no matter who emerges.”


  27. Anonymous5:20 PM

    The Daily Mail has the photos--and folks were commenting that the crowds weren't THAT BAG! Harumph! Don't believe your eyes!

    I heard a comment on CNN(?) this morning, some guy was bemoaning the recovery, that the economy wasn't improving at the level it should. It should be growing(?) at 4%, but it was just growing at 3 1/2%. Guess it is a good thing the media is all liberal, and junk, right?

  28. Anonymous5:21 PM

    " barns/yarns said...

    Craig County, Virginia man charged with threatening to kill President Obama, he sent a letter with crosshairs drawn over President Obama's photo.

    3:32 PM"

    Too bad they didn't arrest Sarah "psycho bitch" Palin when she did it.

  29. Anonymous5:25 PM

    " Anonymous said...

    I think I have to visit Ireland.

    4:10 PM"

    I'd love to! I've wanted to for awhile, but the hospitality they showed our President & his Mrs really warmed my heart.

  30. Anonymous5:28 PM

    What a class act,makes us proud,so rich in history and yes geography (note to Sarah)and Queen Sarah will have a bird when she sees the President and first lady at Buckingham Palace,a state dinner for them by the Queen.

    Poor Sarah all she gets is the "royal treatment" from Bailey and Dunn.
    The fire in the belly is so strong that she is just DWTS....and a FOX trot too. NOW WHAT AILES THE LADY?

  31. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I believe pretty much the rest of the world loves our President - except the US and Israel...

  32. Ailsa5:58 PM

    I love the pics of the Irish visit. They warm my heart.

    On the demented front, no sane person would draw attention to Mark Ballas and his partner Chelsea Kane. She is a wonderfully talented dancer, hard working, charming and articulate. The contrast with Bristol is stark.

  33. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Living in the rest of the world the ascent of President Obama went through a number of stages

    1. The US will NEVER vote a black man into the presidency

    2. Umm - Sarah Palin has given Mr Obama the best chance ever - John McCain blew it

    3. WOW - things really have changed in the USA

    4. I spoke too soon - the more it changes the more things stay the same.

    Most of the people who don't love President Obama live in the USA

  34. Anonymous6:10 PM

    The Irish are an amazingly warm people and truly love Americans. Still, it is heartwarming to see how they welcomed our President and responded so enthusiastically to what he said. It is wonderful to see how much the reputation of our nation has been improved around the world by President Obama.

    I am so proud to say he is my President!

  35. Anonymous6:48 PM

    What an uplifting sight to behold! Yes, he's human like the rest of us and makes mistakes, but everywhere this man goes, every speech he makes, shows he cares about all people's shared humanity.
    What struck me as most poignant, was his honoring the sacrifice and contributions all immigrants endured in a search for a better life for the next generation. He's trying his best to stimulate our economy on this trip by building bridges, not fences.
    The greatest take-away from his fine examples is his earnest belief in trying to build bridges instead of fences.
    What an amazing commander in cheif he is, warts and all, he still stands head and shoulders above the rest.

  36. Anonymous6:54 PM

    You know Sarah has got to be choking on her bile right now, thrashing around for something poisonous to say about this very clear triumph of international public relations that Obama has achieved. She could never hope to get anything like such a crowd these days.
    M from MD

  37. cuppajoe6:55 PM

    The president's speech was phenomenal. I was thrilled to see his warm reception and his own obvious pleasure as the Irish welcomed him and the first lady. He's quite the charmer when rightwingers aren't going for his throat or trying to stab him in the back.

  38. Anonymous7:22 PM

    One other observation---did you notice how President Obama was stroking his wife's arm, with genuine affection as the PM was speaking? And then how, as they walked through the crowds shaking hands, he would always reorient back to her side? Refreshing to see the natural warmth and affection in their relationship.

  39. Anonymous8:03 PM

    LOVE THIS!!!! -E

  40. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I am Irish and I can tell you for certain that Ireland (and Europe in general) LOVE Obama. As for FOX, Europeans been through the Murdoch media maelstrom and they see right through it. The Irish abhorred Bush 1 and 2, and they laugh when you mention Palin. One of my cousins called her "half as smart as a speed bump."

  41. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I LOVE OUR PRESIDENT there are no other words to describe my feelings towards him and his wife, Michele.

  42. Anonymous9:48 PM

    ILOVE OUR PRESIDENT> What a wonderful speech. He is a wonderful ambassador for our country and I am so proud of him. He and his wife Michele bring grace and dignity to the office of presidency. God bless him

  43. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Lordy... That photo of Mooselini needs to carry a warning sign... I'm going to have nightmares just looking at that hateful sneer.

  44. Randall2:23 PM

    The WHOLE WORLD loves Barack Obama
    ...except American Republican TeaBaggers.

  45. Beldar Stout O'conehead4:04 PM

    I plan to raise a pint o'Guinness in our Irish president's honor at my earliest opportunity!

    (can you imagine President Lulu leaving Buckingham Palace and having the (real) queen discover the silerware is missing?)


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