Monday, May 23, 2011

Fox News executive says that Roger Ailes did NOT call Palin an "idiot," and that he "respects Sarah Palin and thinks she is smart." Oh yeah, that seems MUCH more believable!

"Somebody better fix this, and I mean right flipping now!"
Courtesy of the New York Times:

“I know for a fact that Roger Ailes admires and respects Sarah Palin and thinks she is smart. He also believes many members of the left-wing media are extremely terrified and threatened by her. Despite a massive effort to destroy Sarah Palin, she is still on her feet and making a difference in the political world. As for the ‘Republican close to Ailes’ for which the incorrect Palin quote is attributed, when Roger figures out who that is, I guarantee you he or she will no longer be ‘close to Ailes.’ ”

Okay here is the problem.  I have heard that EXACT quote concerning how Ailes feels about Palin before

Nice try Fox, but anybody who has been watching Sarah Palin these last three years, is certainly NOT going to believe that a man as intelligent (Though evil!) as Roger Ailes would call her "smart."  He might like to use her for ratings and income for his cable news channel, but no way does he have any respect for her.

In other words. EPIC FAIL!


  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Why didn't Roger Ailes come out and say that he thought Quitter Queen was smart.

  2. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Ailes has no clue who the leaker is?


  3. There is no way Ailes respects Palin after she refused to follow his advice repeatedly but especially concerning the "poor me" speech she gave after the Tuscon shootings. Only Sarah Palin would have the gall to move to a state where so many people hate her because of the shooting! She's as delusional as her 'bots.

  4. angela12:37 PM

    Ailes got out exactly what he wanted to say. And he can smile and wave all he wants. After Palin made the bonehead move and did the blood libel video, who really thinks Ailes has any respect for her?

  5. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Sarah is stupid and evil. Roger knows that an that is why he hired her. He pays her well to spew their evil. I say their evil because he is as bad as Sarah.

  6. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Roger says... "I only told 47 people how dumb Sarah is, now I just need to figure which one leaked it"

    Roger..go try to convince Kathleen Parker how smart Sarah is... good luck

  7. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Rush Limbaugh Invents Abortion Straw Man To Rehab Sarah Palin

    “Sarah Palin is attacked as if she were a baby killer. Of course, the fact that she isn’t a baby killer is one of the things that drives them crazy about her.” They wanted her to kill her baby, but she didn’t. She had it, and that makes her an enemy.”

    There are several things wrong with Limbaugh’s statements. First, most of the left outside of Alaska had absolutely no idea who Sarah Palin even was before John McCain made the worst mistake of his life since getting shot down in North Vietnam in 1967.

    ...No one on the left ever wanted Sarah Palin to kill her baby. This is yet another victimization myth that is designed to rally anti-abortion support to Palin. There are a million reasons for all Americans to have acquired a strong distaste for Sarah Palin. Death panels, bad reality television shows where she exposed herself as a hunting fraud, and the blood libel video are only three. Palin has also demonstrated a petty, bitter, vindictive streak that suits someone of her obvious emotional instability very well.

    The left dislikes Sarah Palin because she is fraud. She is a grifter extraordinaire who makes George W. Bush look like a Rhodes Scholar, and Richard Nixon a bastion of ethics.

    Contrary to what Rush Limbaugh may believe, the left loves children just as much as the right. That’s why we keep pushing for all of those social programs for kids that Republicans never stop trying to cut.

    The difference between the left and right is simple. The Republican concern for children stops as soon as the fetus leaves the womb. Once a baby takes its first breath, the right leaves every innocent child out there to fend for themselves. In contrast, the left understands that being born is just the beginning. Life may begin at conception, but society’s role starts at birth.

    **There can be no bigger sign of Sarah Palin’s 2012 revival than the fact that Rush Limbaugh has started carrying water for her again.**

  8. Anonymous12:40 PM

    The revival has begun. Fire up the buses, boys because Sarah Palin’s 2012 self pity tour is about to hit the road, and Rush Limbaugh has booked himself a seat in the front row.

  9. laprofesora12:48 PM

    He thinks she's "smart"? "Smart" is a word you use when you teach your dog a trick, or when your kid learns the alphabet, not with someone who wants to be POTUS. If "smart" is the best thing he can say about her, I say "Fail!"

  10. Anonymous12:49 PM

    When will the New York Times print the picture of Sarah Palin with the square pillow under her shirt? Talk about ratings! Everybody would want a copy of that!!

  11. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Roger should be able to track down that blabbermouth stat. He couldn't have told too many people what he thought of Sarah.

  12. But is he proud of her?

  13. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Fat chance. The horse is out of the barn Mr. FOX Executive. Someone said it. It's a true reflection of what Ailes thinks and there's nothing you can do to whitewash this. Just check out what Joe McGinniss has to say about this. It isn't hard to read between the lines. She might be a cash cow for him for a bit longer but she is dumb as a stump, uncurious, not well read, butchers the English language, barely traveled until last year...shit,do I have to go on. BS Mr. Executive. BS.

  14. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Here is one of "smart" Sarah's quotes from the '08 Campaign: "Well, let's see. There's - of course- in the great history of America rulings there have been rulings, there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American. And there are - those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know - going through the history of America, there would be others but -"
    -unable to name any Supreme Court decisions other that Roe v Wade
    You are right Roger Ailes! Sarah sure is smart.

  15. Anonymous12:59 PM

    As expected, can't not say something in case the ratings fall before he can dump her. Be more interesting to see if heads roll, pretty sure there are enough Palin haters at FN they'll leak that. And note he really doesn't defend her, more interested in the leaker.

    TaTa Sareee

  16. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I suspect there were many cans thrown. LOL! The new Arizona fridge is dented for sure!

    You know this is just backpeddling. Ailes is merely placating her until he can disengage. I don't believe this denial at all. In his recent blog post, Joe McGinnis alluded to a 2009 conversation with Ailes (his friend of 40+ years) that, apparently, confirmed the anonymous Republican source.

  17. Anonymous1:05 PM

    If he really believes or wants us to believe Sarah Palin is smart, then he is pretty damn dumb himself. I don't think he got where he is by being dumb - certainly not that damn dumb.

    I agree with other posters that he will hire anyone and keep anyone who can attract viewers, raise ratings and bring in income.

    Only after Beck began to lose substantial numbers of sponsors did he start backing away from Beck. Once Palin becomes more of a liability, she will be dismissed as well though I suspect she (or even he) will say "it was time to move on to more important things."

    Both are opportunists. It's just that one is a savvy and sly businessman (and I mean that in a sinister way) and the other is not. I don't have to point which is which, do I? Didn't think so.

  18. Anonymous1:05 PM

    If Ailes truly thinks she is smart, he will come forward himself and say it, not rely upon a minion to mouth the lies.

  19. Anonymous1:08 PM

    It's the same old trick: have someone in your organization deny something or claim something. It's a technique Rove is known for - make it plausible but deniable.

    Later on, when Palin is outed for the fool and huckster she is, Ailes can deny he ever said she was smart and sound as if he meant it. He will say he is not responsible for what someone else said. It's Rovian politics all the way.

  20. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Live Q&A: Tuesday, noon ET

    Palin tell-all author Frank Bailey takes your questions

  21. Nice try dude, she may be stupid we, however, are not.

  22. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I get so sick of the "they're-just-threatened-and-scared-of-Palin excuse. Nothing could be farther from the truth! I'd love to see her run for President! It would assure an Obama win and she'd finally be exposed for the fraud she is! Please Scarah, RUN!!!!

  23. wakeUpAmerica1:16 PM

    Ailes respects Sarah and thinks she's smart? Then why didn't he say that himself? Perhaps it's because he wants the option of deniability later on.

  24. Anonymous1:16 PM

    How is Ailes evil? He's a successful genius who created the model for 2 major (albeit controversial) networks. It's weird. First he supposedly comes out against Matthews defending Sarah, then NYMag, then this? This is why I don't read shit anywhere and only trust firsthand experiences. Maybe you all should too. It would have kept Gryphen and other people out of the doghouse of reported lies and false rumors.

    And why is Joe M the only loyal friend left in the world? You really can't trust anyone. Re-reading Todds emails makes me feel bad for Sarah.

  25. Anonymous1:16 PM

    SQUIRMISH time!!!

  26. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Do you suppose that Lou Sarah is feeling used and abused by Fox News? Seems like a perfect opportunity for Sarah the Victim to rise up and nail herself to the cross again. Her Heinous could demand that Ailes make it up to her by building a bigger studio, this time in Arizona.

    She can see the bank from her perch on her cross.

  27. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Did you see the video of Murdoch and the Palins in DC recently? Yeah I'm so sure these reports are true. I can totally envision a nasty orgy between these people. Add Axelrod for fun.

    People have personal opinions. However, people are also professional and can choose to get along with everyone. Sarah, Rupert, David A, Roger, Barack whomever are congenial, professional people. They are also savvy as fuck. Without their predecessors, They'd be nothing.

  28. I wonder which member of her 'kitchen cabinet' was on the receiving end of her tirade?

  29. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Why do people freely label the opposite side evil? That's so fucked up and why I don't LABEL myself DEM or REP.

    Karl Rove, Cheney, Bush, Murdoch, Ailes are called fascists who help the rich only

    Axelrod, Emanuel, Clinton, Gore, Obama are called opportunistic radical libs who want to punish people for vast wealth and success.

    Both scenarios are absolutely ridiculous. No one WANTS to help any one group over another. People don't dislike Obama because he's black. There are many non-white republicans who are wellliked.

    People distrust all politicians. Have since the beginning of politics. It should illustrate hope that those above can coexist in a nice manner.


    Democrats are generally hated because in the past they raise taxes and show nothing for it. People distrust repubs in general mainly for personal reasons.

    They need to work together to slowly phase welfare and crap like that. Tremendous alterations to govt ned to take place and it cannot come from just one party's platform

  30. Anonymous1:54 PM

    So Rush says the "Left" wanted Sarah to kill her baby. How could the left have wanted Sarah to kill her baby when no one even knew she was pregnant during the Trig "pregnancy"?? I have yet to ever come across any person progressive or not who thought Sarah should "kill" her baby. What a load of horse shit!

  31. Anonymous2:01 PM

    1:16--And why is Joe M the only loyal friend left in the world? You really can't trust anyone. Re-reading Todds emails makes me feel bad for Sarah.


    Oh, so now they're Todd's emails..not Sarah's. Good luck with that tack.

  32. Anonymous2:04 PM

    One might assume that Ailes and the Fox minions have been inundated by the Insane Clown Posse threatening the very existence of Fox News if they didn't recant.

  33. Off topic but I just got a good look at the pictures of Sarah's new McMansion in Arizona.

    Wow, is that place ever tacky! She paid over a million for that? It reminds me of a Macaroni Grill, or some other restaurant in a mini mall parking lot that would charge $10 for a gussied up taco.

    Perfect for the Palins.

    I wonder what she will name this classy new estate? I'd like to suggest "Hookworm Manor."

  34. Anonymous2:06 PM

    If we think that Ailes didn't have this purposefully leaked, we don't understand the essence of Ratings Ailes. He realizes that Palin will soon be toast and doesn't want to be associated with how fast she falls.

  35. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I have yet to meet a pro choice man or woman who encourages others to kill their baby. What a crock. I am pro-choice and we chose to have our first child when it was clear her mother's health was at extreme risk. It would have been easy to make the choice, instead I've got a beautiful 23 year old daughter. It was hell on earth getting her here but we got her and aren't giving her back. To suggest I would tell people to kill their unborn child is sick

  36. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Anonymous 1:16 says-

    How is Ailes evil? He's a successful genius who created the model for 2 major (albeit controversial) networks.

    Shit; I have NO idea why anyone thinks Roger Ailes is evil!

    That's a thought that's been going around for a while- based on what? Maybe it's another left wing made up lie?
    I'll tune in to Fox later today and find out why Roger Ailes is NOT EVIL! That's scheduled to be discussed right after Muslim Piloted Flying Saucers on Beck, and Billo's expose on the treasonous democRAT Loofah plot.
    At 10PM tonight Fox has " The Real Sarah Palin- A Secret Genius Hiding in Plain Sight"; someone else can watch that.

    Sad thing is if we'd just reelected Bush Cheney one more time, or McCain Palin- then Roger Ailes would have been awarded a Presidential Medal of Freedom!

  37. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Interesting story at Politico about the GOP top three and a discussion about the "others". Palin gets a little pat on the head before they slap her back to earth

  38. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Well, Ailes might be right about one thing, Palin is "smart" enough to have squirmed through babygate so far. Of course, Palin has had major help from her puppeteers. Nonetheless, it's an accomplishment for Palin. She is rarely able to stay on message for long. Babygate is still working for her 3 years later.

    Ailes is gambling with his "smart" claim though. Sarah Palin is mentally unstable (as stated by McCain staffers). Babygate is a spreading stain no longer contained to a few blogs. "Smart" is not going to hack it much longer.

    (The e-mails aren't going to make Palin look smart either. Nixon's tapes didn't do him a service in the legacy arena either.

  39. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin

    The GOP establishment loathes her populist style and her air of perpetual grievance. But Palin is among the best known politicians in the country, with an ability to appeal to her party’s base of religious voters and a knack for articulating the right’s overwhelming anger at President Barack Obama. A national Gallup poll of GOP primary voters released last week found she had the support of 18 percent, just behind frontrunner Mitt Romney’s 20 percent.

    One prominent outside-the-D.C. establishment voice, RedState editor Erick Erickson, told POLITICO Sunday that Palin is “the only game changing candidate” who could still enter the race.

    In an interview with Fox’s Sean Hannity last week, Palin said she was “still seriously considering it.”

    Republicans officials have no idea what she’s planning, although they agree she would have tons to lose by entering a race that would cost her the mystique she has built up. And Romney advisers said her entry would help the former Massachusetts governor dramatically.

    “The shock value would cause elected officials and party officials to rally around Mitt, because she’d scare the daylights out of them,” one official said. “And it would allow him to position himself very much in the middle of Republican, conservative thinking and avoid the fringe, and look more moderate for the general election.”

    Bachmann would have the same effect, the advisers said. Either of them “gives Romney a bogeyman: ‘Stop this crazy woman.’”

    Another top Republican said he relishes the idea of a Palin candidacy: “She’ll be defeated, and we’ll be done with her.”

  40. emrysa2:46 PM

    damn. so tired of people continuing to defend and promote this fraud.

  41. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Her ghost-writer doesn't know how to spell "allies." Her newest facebook post calls them "ally's."

    The stupid - it burns!

  42. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I saw the house that Palin bought. It looks like when it went into foreclosure, all of the good cabinetry was replaced with used cabinetry. I am sure Palin thought it was world class because she paid so much for it. And, just like her alaska Gymnasium home, it has a lack of warmth. It does look like a restaurant doesnt it?!!!!

  43. Anonymous2:58 PM

    The book won’t be out until Tuesday, but Sarah Palin’s team is already pushing back hard against former aide Frank Bailey’s “Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin,” telling POLITICO that the purported tell-all “belongs on the fiction shelves.

  44. laprofesora3:02 PM

    "Palin is among the best known politicians in the country"

    Well Tom DeLay is well known, John Edwards is known, Arnold Schwarzenegger is well known, but do any of them belong in the White House? Why do we equate the presidency with popularity? We're witnessing the American Idol-ization of this country, and it's pathetic.

  45. Anonymous3:08 PM

    1:29 PM:

    Oh, please. Stop pretending to be neutral. You ARE a republican.

    Karl Rove, etc. are facists.

    Democrats, as most Americans think rich people don't pay their fair fucking share. And, they don't. Obviously, you have no problem with opportunistic radical conservatives, like $arah Palin who want to punish people for what they DON'T have. Democratic policies are based on actual economics, while republican policies are based on ideology, and their contempt for the working-class.

    Republicans want to help only rich people.
    Many people, but not all people, DO hate Barack Obama because he's black. Stop pretending all the racists have magically disappeared from the planet, just because Barack Obama was elected. You don't speak for everyone, so stop pretending you do. Who the hell the cares if there are many well-liked non-white republicans? Who cares? The racism still runs deep within the republican party.

    "Well liked" non-white republicans like Herman Cain, are nothing but token minorities, in the republican party. The republicans just use guys like him, so they can say, "See? We're not racist! We got a black guy, too!" Enough with race-card, already.

    $arah Palin is one of those politicians we don't trust. Palin doesn't even try to coexist. She is simply divisive.

    Everyone does not start from nothing. Ask Paris Hilton. Are you saying that we should "punish" unsuccessful people, instead? You cold-hearted republicans lack empathy. Typical.

    The truth is, republicans don't want to pay taxes at all. All they do is whine about taxes. They are really the ones who want a free ride. Rich people whining "Stop punishing meeeee for my success!" does not resonate with most working-class, people, so save it. Paul Ryan called it "class envy."

    What a winning message for republicans. Not.

    Taxes are the lowest they have been in this country for like 50 years. Barack Obama cut taxes. Democrats have had to raise taxes in the past to pay off some damn debt some republican president left behind. The last time we had a democratic president (Bill Clinton), he left with a surplus, only to have that surplus destroyed by yet another republican president (George W. Bush). You should do your homework, before you start shooting your mouth off.

    And, fuck you for saying that people only distrust democratic policies, as if there is nothing wrong with republican policies.

    Republican policies are very unpopular: deregulate, endless war, give to the rich, take away Medicare, and Social Security, blocking umemployment benefits, in exchange for more tax cuts for the rich, etc.

    People don't just simply hate republicans for "personal reasons." Republicans are always the misunderstood "victim," right $arah?

    The majority of Americans like these "welfare" social safety net programs (democrats created) that republicans want to get rid of. Including the conservative idiots at the townhalls, who were screaming at democrats to keep their hands off their Medicare.

    Which is why republicans have gotten their dumb-asses into trouble in a republican district in the NY-26 special election, for wanting to "phase-out" Medicare. If only congress would stop giving welfare to the rich, who don't need it. That's something most Americans agree with.

    Democrats created popular programs such as Medicare, social security, done lots for women's rights, they are making progress in gay rights, they passed the most comprehensive civil rights legislation, etc. I can't think of anything republicans have done for any anyone who isn't male, heterosexual, white, healthy, and wealthy. Can you? Didn't think so.

    There. I shot down all your stupid, transparent, right-wing talking-points.

  46. Anonymous3:10 PM

    @1:20, Sarah is "savvy as fuck"?

    Wow, you have quite the way with words.

    I'm concluding, however, that fuck must not be very savvy.

  47. Anonymous3:19 PM

    anonymous 1:29 PM

    Be serious. We already have a progressive tax system that taxes based on income. The wealthy pay a higher tax rate than those with little to no income. Asking the top 1% to go back to a tax rate of 39% (it is now 36%) that was in place under Bill Clinton is not asking the wealthy to 'pay more.' They already pay more, but that additional 3% could sure help to provide more revenue, which this country needs in this time of high unemployment. After all the unemployed are not contributing anything to the revenue stream. You might want to do more reading and learning on the subject of progressive taxes.

  48. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Palin crew about Frank Bailey's book:

    “belongs on the fiction shelves."

    People were saying the same thing about $arah Palin's ghost-written drivel.

  49. ibwilliamsi3:40 PM

    Ooh, NOW he's stuck with her. Ha ha ha ha ha!

  50. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Ailes absolutely sees through Palin and all her bee ess. He didn't get to be the media power broker that he is being ignorant and obtuse.

    As usual, any bad press (even the truth which she is allergic to) or imagined "attacks" on her, the wagons get circled, big guns come out to defend her. Whenever the truth is told about her, the Palin "camp" and backers come running to the rescue to call the truth lies.

    It is ALWAYS AMUSING to read how "terrified" the left-wing media is of her. I think most of the terror comes from anyone with a brain watching her over the past few years and thinking that if she ever got near the white house, the country would be wrecked. All one has to do is look at her "record" in Alaska, the McCain campaign, the lies and cover ups and all the other louche, unethical crap she has been involved in, not to mention her grand finale, quitting as governor!

    Since the conservatives are rather desperate (or so it appears thus far), they don't want to tick her off since they might need to use her along the way. She gins the base of the mesmerized rubes and undereducated who apotheosize her. Like Limbaugh, they can't afford to anger her because of the votes she could cost them.

    Ailes is playing her. He knows damned well who she is and what she does. Anyone paying half attention knows. WHO could have ANY respect for this lying, hypocritic joke of a woman (except her sheeple)? She IS an idiot!

  51. Anonymous3:53 PM

    She is a fucking idiot. The END!

    It's the re-thugs that are "scared" of her and somewhere their transference get's pushed over to the Progressives(Rush:"The Liberals are just scared and/or jealous of her"! Screw the both of you warped pill heads.

    We aren't scared of her: We are just appalled that the GOP has sunk to a new all time low, and it couldn't happen to a more deserving party.

    OWN HER you Fuckers: She is your Frankenstein! DEAL with it.

    We want her to run. Obama 2012!!!

  52. Anonymous3:58 PM

    @2:05 The inside of the AZ house reminds me of one gigantic bathroom. Everything about it--a big ol bathroom.

  53. Anonymous4:00 PM

    "...when Roger figures out who that is, I guarantee you he or she will no longer be ‘close to Ailes.’"

    But there would be no point in distancing that person unless the quote was accurate. If it was just hearsay then it could be blown off.

    If that person can no longer hear Ailes bad mouth Palin then that person can no longer quote the bad mouthing. Therefore they must be removed out of ear shot.

  54. Serious4:11 PM

    1:29 You ask that another commenter be serious, and then you aren't. The wealthy, that 1% you highlight, pay an effective tax rate of 17%, and that's a fact, Jack. The wealthy know how to hide their income well, that 1% who control this country, and they also know very well how to eliminate taxes through investments in the tax loopholes that litter our tax code. You know, the ones that were put there for them by their paid-for legislators.

    So stop already with the 36% bullshit. They don't pay 36% and they wouldn't be paying 39% either.

    Tax rates are down, not up, and tax revenues are way down as a result. That's why we're running a deficit.
    This is the same kind of bullshit you guys throw out about the country going bankrupt. We have 14.5 trillion in debt and $200 trillion is assets. That does not a bankruptcy make no matter how hard you try to paint it that way.

    So Mr. Be Serious, how about getting your facts straight before you criticize anyone else. You might want to do more reading and learning on the subject of taxes yourself, progressive and otherwise. In the meantime I'll take my 36 years experience on Wall St. over your armchair economist status anyday of the week.

  55. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Maybe Fox news took a cue from Palin so they can speak both ways. Leaked the truth that she's an embarrassing idiot and then try and take it back to cover up so she can't blame them. Maybe they are trying out different tactics (like the Greta interview) in the hopes she'll up and quit. If all else fails they can offer her twice as much $$ for a daily 2 hr. show to say anything she wants - - in Siberia. LOL

  56. Remember Roger Ailes' leak earlier this year about Gleen Back's status at Fox?

    There were some lame denials put out there, but Ailes wasn't quoted taking a strong stand behind Beck either. Soon thereafter Beck made his announcement to leave Fox. Ailes will probably keep Sarah on a leash somewhat since she’s under contract through Dec-2012.

    Sarah's cult clearly has no clue about the fact that Sarah surely already knows that she is on the chopping block, too, but she’s not going to tell them while they’re still sending her checks. She will keep depositing those $83K/mo. paychecks until she finally realizes that no one at Fox is really into her anymore. Even Hannity has moved along; he's more into Crazy Eyes Bachmann since she's more likely to run than the Quitter.

    Ailes is a Party man(GOP)first and foremost. While he was definitely in the Tea Party's corner while they were hurting the Dems primarily, I believe that Ailes will have Fox's messaging moving toward the center as the 2012 election nears. But the collateral damage caused by having Fox cheer-leading the Baggers in the mid-terms has resulted in pushing the GOP farther to the right than most Independents will support.

    The C4Pers would do better for themselves by just buying a couple of lotto tickets and praying to their Queen that they win the PowerBall rather than giving their last dollar to SarahPAC. She's already hit her jackpot by sucking up all that cash from the low-info voters that she's deceived. I'm betting that eventually, most of them will be too embarrassed to admit that they ever supported SP, just as you won’t find many folks these days bragging about having voted for W in 2004.

  57. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Exactly as the first commenter points out. He could simply put out a statement praising her and her intelligence and saying how the quote was simple made up.

    Wonder why he does not want to go on record saying she is smart and oh so valuable to faux and the repubs??

  58. Beldar "Rapture" Conehead6:36 PM

    Lulu is the Harold Camping of American politics... without the credibility and firm grasp on reality.

  59. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Paid leaker.

  60. Anonymous7:38 PM

    The "Republican source close to Ailes" was probably Bill Shine, the guy who is now madly claiming that Ailes never said what he said. You can read the desperation in his statement. If Ailes really didn't say Sarah was stupid, why wasn't he the one to issue the statement? Hmmmm?

  61. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Are you smarter than a fifth grader? Not $p, and the boss man knows it.

  62. Anonymous8:18 PM

    The only one who's scared of Palin is Palin herself. She's useful to both the right and left, The right because they adore and worship her, the left because she's entertaining, shallow, bitter, and she can't help but guarantee a second term for President Obama no matter if she runs or not. She's fractured the GOP and doesn't have what it takes to win a battle of wits with any candidate, and doesn't know anything about the issues. Pretty can only get one so far, and Pretty left Palin three years ago.

    Who cares what Roger thinks about Palin's intellect or lack thereof on any given day? This non-story just makes it easier to cut her loose when her services are no longer needed.

  63. Anne In DC9:05 AM

    This "denial" is not helpful to Ailes, because it's a case of trying to fasten the gate after the horse bolted. In any event, Ailes and the rest of the far right have done considerable damage, of which Palin is only a part. The GOP has a win-at-any-cost mentality, which has driven them to embrace madmen & madwomen, throwing moderate Republicans to the curb. Ailes is a leader of the propogandist FOX Noise that has facilitated all the ugliness, while giving dimwits like Palin and others an undeserved status. Now, he can't put the genie back in the bottle. He and his ilk deserve any blowback they get, because they decided to lie down with dogs and now they have awakened with fleas.


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