Thursday, May 12, 2011

Jon Stewart brilliantly destroys the Sarah Palin and Fox News attempt to create controversy out of who the First Lady invites to the White House to read poetry.

Part One.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Tone Def Poetry Jam
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

Part Two.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Tone Def Poetry Jam - Lyrics Controversy
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

There was a an "interview" with Sarah Palin on Fox News about this subject, but it was the same old crap:

"The President is bad."

"Who is he pallin' around with now?"

"Why is he so intent on destroying this country?"

You know the schtick. So I decided that life is too short, and she is too much of a bitch, so I left it out.

You are welcome.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    A screencap from that Palin interview is worth posting just to show how haggard she is looking. Her age is really starting to show. Her botox must be wearing off.

  2. Jon Stewart is a genius in these clips.

  3. It is flat none of her business who the First Lady invites to the White House. The President and First Lady have shown nothing but class.

  4. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I saw the fox interview on another site- never go there myself. I really think that palin and the interviewer had not listened to anything Common has written or read about any of the sites he is associated with. He is a college educated award-winning musician and involved in many causes for the betterment of kids, families and animal.
    But he's black, and a rapper. And that is all they needed to know.

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen, for leaving it out. Her Warhol Fifteen has expired. Thank God.

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I wasn't going to take the time to listen to both these clips - by my, am I glad I did. They are so worth it.

  7. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Good Job. Fox News And Sarah Palin and their followers are a bunch of crazy people. I watch Fox before the election and they did not seem all that bad, but during and after the election they got so racist I refuse to watch them. They just make stuff up anymore. They have gotten worse (if possible) since Sarah Palin has spewed her hate so much.

  8. Jon and the Daily Show folks make me proud. Awesome! Loved the comment about SPF and broccoli, too!

  9. I hope what she and her kind have done is to make our generation realize our country did NOT accomplish what we thought was accomplished in 60s/70s and we need energy going to get the messages out about what didn't change and how to deal with it. We are finally seeing huge efforts (Obama, Wisconsin...), hopefully we will continue to see more energy directed to what's truly needed, so there is work and clean food, water & air and real equality for the next generation.

    Here is one really nicely done example on the REALITY of women's need for PRIVATE health care...:

    Who are the women who obtain abortions in the United States? (Yes, they include Catholics & white women...)

  10. "Y'all blow!" That does sum it up pretty well, Jon!

  11. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Now, dont take this the wrong way, but
    I love you Gryphen ! (thanks)

  12. Anonymous10:55 AM

    We are in tough times: Fox is attempting to foment another race war in America. Good thing their base audience is old and is dying at a rapidly increasing rate. Polls show that younger America is much more race tolerant and doesn't watch Fox or listen to Skreechy's Skreeds.

  13. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I'm with Stewart, this just isn't fun anymore. This is madness, absolute madness the hypocrisy and righteousness they believe they have the corner on over other regular, normal Americans.

  14. Montana11:45 AM

    Sarah Palin was so successful as a governor, she graduated early (the Bitter Quitter), she real is a “Dan Quayle” in heels. She clearly loves “dishing it out” but real can’t take it because she loves playing the victim card. Poor thing she fail as a VP candidate (her lie that her daughter was engaged was such a farce), her stand-up comic fiasco on the Jay Leno Show, please, her TV show canceled after declining rating, I guess running for Prez is the only thing she can look forward to, but since she is a coward she will only throw small minded rocks, poor thing. Since we already had an idiot “W” that caused our current economic debacle, America knows not to trust in fools who think they are brilliant. One of the reason for “W” failure was his drinking, Palin just has bad genes.

  15. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Palin's fake indignation:
    Remember when she said it was okay for Laura what's her name to say the "n" word over and over on the air? WTF, Sarah?

    Oh--and by the way---you sure were classy when you used that terminology at the Christian School in CO.

    Again---check out people's Web comments on this story. The highest rated ones are almost universally dogging on Caribou Barbie.

    She's toast. It won't be too much longer, and people will stop paying the Palins money for their grifting.

  16. Montana12:01 PM

    Sarah Palin was so successful as a governor, she graduated early “Bitter Quitter”, she real is a “Dan Quayle” in heels. She clearly loves “dishing it out” but real can’t take it because she loves playing the victim card. Poor thing she fail as a VP candidate (her lie that her daughter was engaged was such a farce), her stand-up comic fiasco on the Jay Leno Show, please, her TV show canceled after declining rating, I guess running for Prez is the only thing she can look forward to, but since she is a coward she will only throw small minded rocks, poor thing. Since we already had an idiot “W” that caused our current economic debacle, America knows not to trust in fools who think they are brilliant. One of the reason for “W” failure was his drinking, Palin just has bad genes.

  17. Anonymous12:06 PM

    You are absolutely right about life being too short and Sarah being the same ol', same ol'. No one is interested. If she starts going up in the polls it would be worth the effort, but otherwise, there are fun and worthwhile things to spend time on. I feel the same about Bristol. I had hopes that she might be different than her mom but that's proving not to be the case. Any scandals that come to light would be worth a few headlines, though.

  18. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I saw this last night and I especially loved the part at the end where Jon said something to the effect of 'It's just getting too easy ... you almost feel sorry for the people at Fox.'

    Honestly I do feel a little sorry for the people who believe the falsehoods and hypocrisy that comes out of that 'news' network. It's got to be a living hell being so close-minded, bigoted, and unable to think for yourself 24/7.

  19. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Thank you Mr. Stewart . . . and thanks Gryph for refusing to carry her venom.

    Tick tock sarah.


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