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Author Ken Morris |
From the very beginning, Sarah had a plan that God would answer her Jabez-like prayers. And while none of us (Frank, me, and third co-author Jeanne Devon) believe God played any part, amazingly her dream for riches came true; the three of us decided that she’d have been wiser to pray for happiness.
Well documented in Blind Allegiance, Sarah came to relate to yet another Biblical figure, Queen Esther, going so far as to borrow the one-time savior of the Jewish people’s most famous line on several occasions: “If I die, I die.” In our book, we document several emails where the governor (who said repeatedly, “I hate this damn job”) marveled at how God chose her, above all others, for divine purpose. And while Frank was blindly allegiant to a woman he once truly believed was Ronald Reagan in a dress, Sarah was no less blind in her own faith in herself. She became convinced that she had Reagan’s so-called steely spine. She swore publicly that her skin was rhino thick, even to the point of lecturing Hilary Clinton to buck up and adopt Sarah’s ability to take the heat in the political kitchen. Frank and the others who knew the backbone filleted, thin-skinned truth, choked at the words despite continuing to believe in her mission. Not everyone in this world, they rationalized, is self-aware. If this were her only fault, they could live with that.
Unfortunately, this was the least of the character flaws that made her, in Frank’s words, “…not only ill-suited to head a political party or occupy national office, but would lead to a disaster of, well, biblical proportions.”
Sarah was, at best, an Old Testament Christian (an oxymoron since Christianity began with the birth of Christ and the creation of the New Testament). And she was a revisionist at that. An eye for an eye became two eyes for an eye. Eventually she translated that into the belief that any perceived slight deserved nothing less than personal destruction. Even in the case of a man of God, who championed what Sarah claimed was her most cherished principal - the preservation of unborn life - when causing her public embarrassment suffered her wrath. After one of her famous last-minute charity event cancellations (so that she could finish her lacquered biography in time for Christmas sales) even he became a target. She ordered Frank Bailey to do opposition research on this man, searching through sex offender and criminal files, telling Frank, “Find something. He must have something on him that we can use.”
After returning to Alaska from the McCain/Palin defeat, as Blind Allegiance so shockingly documents, Sarah did virtually nothing but attack enemies and work the national media for attention. She pledged to go only on Fox News because they were the only fair and balanced network. Even this week, when Frank Bailey courageously went on Sean Hannity’s show, Fox demonstrated how "fair and balanced" they were when Hannity, in a pique of his own defensiveness, asked Frank, "Okay, what would you ask Sarah if you were me?" Frank said, "Ask her why she broke campaign finance law and illegally coordinated with the Republican Governors Association during the campaign," an event painstakingly documented in our book. Not only did she illegally coordinate we prove, but she blatantly misrepresented that truth in her public statements. What did Sean Hannity do with this little exchange? He edited it out of the interview, and did not tell his viewers they were watching an edited tape he advertised on his website as “Sean battles Frank Bailey over his controversial book about Sarah Palin.” Yeah, Sean Hannity cut it clean out, but left his otherwise nonstop attacks, not allowing Frank to complete his sentences. Is this what journalism has become? Is that what Fox means when they claim to be fair and balanced? For what it is worth, Frank reported to me this morning that he may still be a Fox News conservative, but he is no longer a Sean Hannity conservative. That's progress.
I have long known that Palin's "religious conviction" was only truly felt when she was looking to God for some heavenly support, but at other times used simply to manipulate true believers into supporting her cause. She used her Wasilla congregation to trash opponent John Stein while running for the Mayor of Wasilla, manipulated the religious pro-life proponents to help her shoehorn her way onto the McCain ticket, and often calls on "prayer warriors" to seek divine protection on her behalf from media blow back that results from her ridiculous public statements.
However from everything I have heard about Frank Bailey, he truly IS a very religious person, and it was that shortcut into his heart that Palin used to seduce him into her camp. (Yes, her looks definitely played a part in that seduction as well. But I am not sure that Bailey was aware how much it did until much later on.)
And now poor Bailey is seeing first hand the kind of duplicitous behavior embraced by yet ANOTHER idol of his, Sean Hannity. I have a feeling that due to these media experiences Frank is undergoing quite the "coming to Jesus moment" right before our eyes.
Which brings me to some good news.
I received confirmation yesterday that Frank IS willing to do an interview with me, and I hope to do that interview sometime next week.
Now before you all get your hopes up, let me tell you that I will NOT be asking if Bailey's opinion on babygate has changed. As you all know if he were to suggest that his mind had been changed, and that Sarah did not give birth to Trig, it could very well damage his credibility and negatively impact his book sales.
However there are a number of questions about some of his observations that might give us a few more clues. And there are also some behind the scenes stories that both Frank and I know that will lead to some very interesting new facts being revealed which might make this interview quite juicy indeed.
Anyhow that is currently planned for sometime next week. If plans change, or for some reason Frank decides to bail, I will let you know. But I have to say, after the brutal attack he suffered at the hands of Sean Hannity, he cannot be too worried about what I will do.
After all, I'm a nice guy. Right?
My hope is that Frank reveals more information as time passes and he sees how hard the right is coming after him. What has happened to RAM??? Is she next on the list of authors?
ReplyDeleteMr. G., you ARE a nice guy.Your statement about babygate is only one proof of that. I have no doubt that you will treat him fairly.
ReplyDeleteIt is quite satisfying to watch Mr. Bailey having his eyes opened about Hannity and I hope that trend continues until he can see the truth about Faux.
Well, as of about a week ago, he was strongly in the "Sarah had Trig" camp.
ReplyDeleteThe primary responsibility of a religious person is to use the mental ability bestowed by their creator.
ReplyDelete"I'm religious" and "I just didn't think" are evidence that a person is lying to themselves and their god.
Now, a person that will honestly admit that they used their religion as an excuse for being a spineless weasel, THAT's a person I will listen to.
Please ask Frank Bailey if it is true that he approached RAMansour before signing up with Ken Morris and Jeanne Devon, wanting her help to write a book with positive recollections about the ex-gov.
ReplyDeleteInfo comes from a story on Politico called "Sarah Palin's team pushes back against new book" and the story reads:
"Prior to writing the book with bloggers Ken Morris and Jeanne Devon, Bailey approached now-Palin aide Rebecca Mansour about writing what book. Mansour, then a blogger for the Palin fan site conservatives4Palin, turned him down — though she says at that point, Bailey pitched it as a positive account of the former governor."
Drip, drip, drip...the volume keeps building to sink that bad ship Sarah. Just can't happen fast enough for my taste. She is such a blight on this country.
ReplyDelete"She ordered Frank Bailey to do opposition research on this man, searching through sex offender and criminal files, telling Frank, “Find something. He must have something on him that we can use.”
ReplyDeletePeople forget that she was admonished early on in her term as Governor for using her access to State records to get business email addresses to solicit support on legislation she wanted passed.
She abused her Chief Executive status to obtain email addresses to push her own unsolicited agenda.
But as we learned further along in her Governorship, as opposed to any other elected official - she was allowed to put on different hats and advocate for whatever issue that caught her attention in the day (a la Pebble Mine.)
It doesn't surprise this business owner that she used State resources to extract revenge or muddy up regulatory and legislative processes. Anything she attacks as attacking her is indicative of what she practices herself.
I'd like for one reporter chasing her on the bus to ask her to define "Socialism" and how her record wasn't even more "Marxist" than socialist.
That woman is an idiot and an asshole.
Looking forward to your interview with Frank Bailey. I, for one, so appreciate his courage in writing this book. It can't have been an easy decision and it certainly doesn't paint a very pretty picture of Frank. Encouraging him to stay strong - he has a lot of support!!
ReplyDeleteYour blog exist because of the controversy over babygate but you are not going to ask him the one question that should be asked. The reason because it could hurt his book sales. No wonder the truth will never come out -too many goddam greedy people
ReplyDeleteOnly good will come of your interview with Frank--for both of you. Thanks for doing this. Progress doesn't always happen at the rate we hope for, but it does come when we keep trying.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 8:37, this blog has been in existence since November of 2004, long before I had ever even HEARD of Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteAsking for Frank's opinion about babygate might be interesting to those of us curious to know if his mind has been changed, but it will prove nothing and might hurt him financially.
However asking him what he saw that day at the hospital on April 18, 2008, might be VERY helpful. As well as getting access to some of the pictures that have NOT shown up in his book.
So I will focus on factual information, and NOT personal opinion. You cool with that?
fyi Scott Heyworth (sp) appears to have a different memory of her 06 campaign. I have no doubt Bailey's account isn't 100% exact, as that was years ago. It's perfectly understandable to remember things differently and get some things slightly wrong. Dunn's book has several of these moments himself. They tend to be related to other people.
ReplyDeleteThat's so good of you to intend to let Bailey off the hook on the babygate issue. And you are going to do that because you think it would negatively influence his book sales! So that means you think that the people who will buy his book are those people who won't buy it if he blows Palin's cover on babygate. That's the most interesting thing I've heard from you in a long time!
ReplyDeleteThing is, Bailey knows very well that Palin faked the pregnancy and I just don't see how giving him another chance to lie and deny it would be all that risky for his book.
Gryphen, to your response,
ReplyDeleteI bluntly asked Frank via fb about his opinion of Trig and he was pretty cut and dry that he is her bio child. Obviously no one's going to come and say the opposite even if it is a strong gut feeling. That person will justly receive the wrath of kahn considering its a child being discussed.
Gryphen's blog used to focus on AK issues and 08 campaign stuff, way before Sarah entered public conscience. He was even wholly in her camp until, what, septish 08?
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I truly disagree with GRyphen on was his initial support of John EDwards and his crucification of Hillary. Edwards was a corporate lawyer/skeezbag and Hillary is not AS evil as she is believed to be, though she's just as self serving as Sarah, Obama and her husband.
From my non-expert observation people using religion, to use Gryphen's excellent phrase, for "heavenly support" quickly drop their religion when those fears or desires are resolved. The half term governor, who once whinned she was not able to travel when younger because she did not have a trust fund, is now wealthy beyond her wildest dreams.
ReplyDeleteAs would be expected she is using her wealth not to educate her children or give to worthy causes but in a self serving, nouveau riche manner. Her OBL like compound in AZ is so typical of new money.
Her only use for religion now is to promote her white trash brand.
Great. I am enjoying reading the Bailey book. I'm a "reformed" Christian myself. After spending years in the fundie churches and being in effect brainwashed, I finally opened my eyes and saw the truth about the right wing media that the church so loves to support. I also saw the hypocrisy and judgementalism throughout the church and clearly see it today as I stand back from it. I know this woman thinks God "chose" her. That makes her even more dangerous. I hope and pray the media finally reprots the truth about her. Her character as portrayed in the books is evident. And her character is fraudulent to fool those too blind to see or those that don't want to see.
ReplyDeleteI agree with G about only asking Frank for factual info surrounding babygate. Besides $P has done so much more that is damaging than just babygate. Let's allow the whole picture of who she really is to emerge.
ReplyDeleteBesides if the whole psychopathology of her is exposed it makes babygate easier to understand in context.
I look forward to the interview.
ReplyDeleteSlightly OT - I wish you would also interview Ken Morris. The question I have for him is why he felt compelled to write about Joe McGinness' alleged leaking of the draft manuscript twice, at the beginning of the book and again at the end. Does he see any irony in so doing in a book largely about someone who can never let go of a grudge?
OT, but I just read Malia's blog about the mysterious deaths. I am now offically creeped out.
ReplyDeleteO/T - Remember when, in SPA, Piper turned to her mom and said "You're crazy"? From the mouth of babes...
ReplyDeleteMost excellent news!
ReplyDeleteI just read the chapter about Sarah's emotional call to Frank in Aug. '08, telling him the secret that Bristol was pregnant. As if that might not have been enough to draw him in, she confided that she wouldn't run for a second term because of concerns for Trig. Her willingness to use her children as manipulation tools knows no bounds. She has no shame. How does this jive with the official version that Bristol and Levi told her about the pregnancy in May?
If Bristol wasn't pregnant in early '08, I believe it's likely Sarah started the rumor herself as a fallback in case her hoax was uncovered.
I hope you can also ask about Troopergate. Frank's revelation that Sarah and Todd perjured themselves (assuming the lies were under oath) have been ignored by his interviewers and by book reviewers who zeroed in on the illegal campaign ad. If I remember correctly the Personnel Board said their findings were limited because they couldn't get emails. Does Frank think they will ever be held accountable? Has he apologized to Trooper Wooten?
It sickens me that the media has been running around drooling over this incompent, manipulative, lying hag.
I am more than 75% through Frank Bailey's book, Blind Allegiance. The impression of Bailey that I am getting is that if he truly were a "man of God", and a true Christian, he would never have remained a supporter of Sarah Palin for as long as he did; instead at the first signs of her insanity he would have come forward to expose her. Yes, it is good that he has written his book, but I find his "come to Jesus" moment" a bit perplexing. He, on his own, was an immense help in pushing Palin onto the American political scene. If he had spoken up sooner, it may well have helped to cause defeat in her quest for the presidency of the US. I am left with absolutely no respect for Mr. Bailey, but I do thank him for putting into writing what he helped to create.
ReplyDeleteAs for Hannity questioning Bailey's lack of a sense of loyalty to Palin, would he question someone's loyalty to Hilter had they come forward to disclose what Hitler was doing to the Jewish people. I doubt it. Is Palin any different from Hitler, not really!
What would I ask if I could ask Frank Bailey one question?
ReplyDeleteIn light of being a Conservative Christian inside the closed sanctum of the Palin campaign(s)- do you feel the bloggers, Alaska and others, were mostly "fair" in their criticism or attempts to expose the truth out about Sarah Palin: her lack of experience, intellectual depth, or hypocracy of her actions?
Also, how can "we" the liberal left, convince others that Sarah Palin is not mentally, emotionally or intellectually capable to be the President? Sarah Palin has charisma, determination and unquestioning followers, but so did Jim Jones, David Koresh and Charles Manson.
9:19 am, I just finished reading Blind Allegiance, and knowing how Joe McGinnis' unethical distribution of the manuscript could have torpedoed the book's chances of ever getting published, I think the authors are perfectly justified in being furious and calling Joe out on it as often as they want to. They never did anything to him, and he tried to screw them over (and I think the fact that he is writing his own book about Palin speaks for itself -- he didn't want the competition). That puts HIM and not them in the Sarah Palin position.
ReplyDeleteIf Sarah has such deep seated religious convictions why does she and her family never attend churh services? Does she think she is above God? Seems to me that is a moral sin.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to your interview with Mr. Bailey!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking as someone who was abused and exploited by someone who used some of Sarah Palin's tactics, I have more sympathy for Mr. Bailey than some of your other readers.
If it helps, think of Mr. Bailey as being someone who left a cult and is now questioning many things he believed were true. Right now, even entertaining the possibility of babygate could simply be 'a bridge too far' for him.
Give him some space to heal and make amends for his part in this sordid tale. In time, he may be able to take a more candid look at those things that he denied and ignored just to get through each day.
Anon 9:19 - I had a similar, negative reaction to Blind Allegiance's discussion of the 'McGinniss leak' and I haven't gotten to the end yet. I'm sorry to know it's going to come up again. The references serve no positive purpose and are like a shadow hanging over the book and Bailey. I hope BA will have a second printing and give them an opportunity to omit those sections.
ReplyDelete8:29 am. That's interesting if Bailey tried to hook up with RAM to write a positive book. I'm only 1/3 of the way through the book and it seems Bailey is still kind of into Sarah Palin. The book is hardly a scathing expose.
ReplyDelete9:19 am, I agree about the rant about leaking the manuscript. The author has an ax to grind and it wasn't fun reading that part. It seems the big error was not getting nondisclosures signed before passing out copies.
ReplyDeleteIf anything the leaked manuscript was massive free publicity for the book.
Greed-lust for money (prosperity gospel) is normal and widely accepted in "real" American Evangelical circles. Ask Franklin Graham if he deserves a private jet!
ReplyDeleteThe only Christians who share Christ's passion for helping the poor appear to be Catholics- and with their Pope, they're "kinda foreign!"
I received Dunn and Bailey's books today from Amazon, I can hardly wait to jump in reading.
ReplyDeleteJust because Frank's perception is that Palin gave birth to Trig doesn't mean he is lying or playing loose with the facts.
ReplyDeleteRemember, this ruse she conducted was compartmentalized to minimize the number of people who knew her plan. Frank was merely an unwitting participant, a starry-eyed enabler who wouldn't question her words or her personal testimony as a Christian. He trusted her, and it was "Blind Trust" (which he calls Blind Allegience in his book title) and that's that. The fact that he believes she is Trig's birth mother doesn't make him less credible; it makes him more honest about his own naïveté and highlights his own self-admitted blind trust in Palin. It doesn't mean he's stupid nor does it mean he is dishonest regarding his perceptions.
But to Frank, just like the other die-hard Palin supporters, no objective proof is required to prove the fact of Sarah's giving birth to Trig. It's TRUE to them because she has TOLD them it's true. End of story (for them).
Just a bit O/T, but isn't today the deadline for "ALL" the E-mails to be released?
ReplyDeleteAny ideas on this?
I just finished the book. I'm curious why Ken and Jeanne agreed to write the book with Frank. Was it to get more sales from those of us who are not particularly interested in reading a book written by a jilted "lover"? Frank never seems to make the connection between his blind allegiance to his god and his blind allegiance to SP. If god is on your side, everything is justified. I find it interesting that the final straw was Palin's treatment of "a man of God". The book only confirms what I already knew from reading Alaska blogs and the news: SP is an ignorant, vindictive, unstable person.
ReplyDeleteOT but thought it might interest readers: The New York Post has this new blind gossip item:
ReplyDelete"WHICH right-wing politician's spouse bats for the other team? The pol's Bible belting can't keep the other half from the gay bars ."
Is Sarah keeping tabs on Todd as they do their little cross country tour? :) Sounds like she'd better.
ReplyDeleteIf you feel like it, could you ask him about a couple of things that I wanted to learn about that didn't get covered in "Blind Allegiance?"
I was really interested in how all the Yahoo accounts got created. I'm sure Sarah's prior experience with Ruedrich led her to make them. It's clear she wanted to be able to do whatever she wanted on company time with no possibility of her boss (the state of Alaska) catching on. If you could discuss how the staff migrated to Yahoo, I'd be interested.
I was also hoping for some new insight into Emmonak. Considering Sarah's "Christian" beliefs, refusing to help transport food to help seems strange--unless it was merely that Jay Ramras led the food drive and she didn't want to help him.
Another thing I was hoping would be covered was the move back to Wasilla from Juneau, in particular, these "very serious threats" that no one else knew about until Going Rogue.
Those are three things I'd be interested in hearing about, you know, if you can't think of *anything* you'd like to ask him. *winks*
Confirmation Bias is the tendency to see and favor only data which support one's own hypothesis or predilections.
ReplyDeleteIf you never allow doubt to enter your mind regarding a matter in which you believe to be a fact, you cannot objectively examine or analyze data/information which is contrary to your belief. Thus, your perception of what is true will be based solely on what is told to you by those whom you regard as trustworthy, in addition to any data which confirms your firmly-held beliefs.
This happens every day. We simply call it the blind leading the blind.
Frank was on Stephanie Miller this morning and gave a very nice interview. She usually posts portions of her show, so it may be up soon.
ReplyDeleteHe didn't talk about much new, but he did tell them about her vindictiveness and the "lemonade stand." Said the whole thing was a stunt to get back at the neighbor who just wanted a "quieter and safer street."
anon 10:10 really? "The only Christians who share Christ's passion for helping the poor appear to be Catholics" really???
ReplyDeletewow - that has to be another prime example of "blind allegiance"
The catholic church cares ONLY about itself and its wealth - the latest report it did on itself proves they should be closed down forever once and for all (they said the only reason the child abuse happened was because of the 60's; that if the child is over 10 and molested the priest is not a pedophile; and the only reason it happened to boys more often was because that is who they had access to (implying that had they had access to more girls they would have molested the girls more and what - that is some how more ok then???) - disgusting disgusting disgusting
There are true spiritual people in the world - and you can find them in all religions and some who are not religious at all - but at the core the orgnized religions are out for MONEY and POWER and fool the masses into turning over their money and loyalty to them. It is unfortuante that "blind allgiance" keeps folks from seeing the truth - being christ-like, spiritual, or just being kind to others for the sake of being human does not require a relgion.
Anon @ 10:21am
ReplyDeleteThe date for the emails was moved back to June 10th.
This is critical. Can you please ask him about the detailed circumstances of his hospital visit to see Palin shortly after the "birth". Was she in bed? Was she sitting or walking? Was she in a hospital gown? Did she look somewhat tired and disheveled or polished and put together? Was there a chart by her hospital room door with her name on it? etc., etc.
ReplyDeleteFrank Bailey has guts, I've got to say...he was on Stephanie Miller this morning and held his own. They didn't assault him either, but Steph and crew do have a LOT of fun A $P's expense. I suggested they book Geoffry Dunn.
This may be too personal, but I'm curious about his reaction to the "bots" now saying that he essentially had a crush on $P and besides being a disgruntled employee, that's why he wrote the book. I still note, that they are not disputing the facts in the book...
Are there other former colleagues that are "out". For example, is Kris Perry still with $P? I just wonder how long you can witness the behavior and still hang around. Not even denouncing her, just fading away into the "wilderness".
I don't see any point in asking about "babygate". If it ever comes out, will the media pick it up? I'm not holding my breath.
Question for FB:
ReplyDeleteConsidering his current opinion of $P, does he think she was always this way, or that something happened while she was Gov or campaigning for Gov?
"WHICH right-wing politician's spouse bats for the other team? The pol's Bible belting can't keep the other half from the gay bars ."
ReplyDeletelol. Which- as if there is only one?
OT. Does anyone get the impression that the Palin bus tour actually involves Clark Griswold's brother-in-law Eddie and his clan, rather than someone who was actually ran for VP of the U.S? Today, the clever clan 'punked' the media by sneaking out early and leaving their bus behind. Gosh, so sneaky!
ReplyDeleteThe only reason she wants to be President is then she could REALLY stick it to Wooten.
ReplyDeleteBabygate is for someone else to uncover. Frank has his personal boundaries and we have to respect that. He was crushing on her big time-- if he was a prog going under cover, that would be fair, but he believed in his vision of the ex governor. This has to be painful for him.
ReplyDeleteMarcus Bachmann could also be the subject. His counseling business is about praying away teh gay. Google his image. My NYC/Theatre background, highly-tuned gaydar went RED.
ReplyDeleteI call bullshit on reluctance to discuss babygate with Bailey. Don't feed the spiral of silence, G. Melly
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 10:24 AM
ReplyDeleteMaybe. On the other hand, have you checked out Michelle Bachmann's honey?
What does Frank know about the computer scrubbing that happened to the State, ADN and Johnston computers?
ReplyDeleteI know you don't want to ask about Trig, but he must know about the "clean up" when McCain came knocking.
Say, I suppose they wanted to control her image so they got rid of the recent stuff...lure him in!
10:24, that blind item probably refers to Michele Bachmann's hubby.
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't see why the Blind Allegiance authors shouldn't condemn Joe McGinnis. There's no justification for what he did. After reading about that and then reading on his own blog that he's buddy-buddy with Roger Ailes of all people, my opinion of Joe has nosedived.
Gryphen, ask Bailey if illegal collusion transpired between the McCain campaign and then-gov Sarah's executive and legal personnel over the Troopergate scandal.
ReplyDeleteAsk Bailey if he possessed emails to document such collusion, would the current Alaska Attorney General allow for their release.
Ask Bailey if he or Sarah took any illegal actions that haven't been divulged yet.
Ask Bailey if being pro-life was a requirement to be part of her administration.
Ask if a person's religious views took precedence over his/her work qualifications to perform a specific job in Sarah's administration.
Ask why Sarah didn't allow then-lt-gov Parnell to run Alaska when Sarah was absent during the 2008 campaign.
Ask Bailey if he thinks that Gov. Parnell is currently participating in a Sarah white wash.
You could ask Frank about how often Palin left work to go to the doctor in Jan-Apr of 2008. Pre-natal care or lack thereof is valuable information.
ReplyDeleteFrank was interviewed on the Stephanie Miller talk show this morning....it was interesting. Certainly a book promotion appearnace an from Frank's responses I got the feeling that he still has a strong allegiance to her.
ReplyDeletehere's a video tour of the AZ house before all the renovations were complete. Gee, where will Toad sleep? in the guest room?
Palin-Trump Dinner tonight..2 publicity whores with a lot of hot air...
More OT - have you all seen this?
I think some idiot planned this "event" exactly like this (with extras, perhaps, waiting at the stops?) and when the press finally figures out the REAL game here, it's going to be a major embarrassment for all concerned.
The reporters are going to bust this wide open, for once, because they all look like a bunch of fools trailing her on the highway without a shred of info.
ReplyDeleteGod truly has a sense of humor.
Sarah couldn't possibly have come up with anything stupider than this, for a woman who is afraid of the press. Can you say, "bite her in the ass"?
Poor Piper = part security guard + part bouncer
The roving spouse could well be Marcus Bachmann. If you've ever seen video of him, your gaydar will have gone off. Practically confirming his homosexuality is the fact that he runs a counseling service to "pray away the gay".
ReplyDeletePlease ask Frank B. how he would have reacted if his wife wanted to board a trans-continental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check when she was bearing a high-risk premature DS baby. Throw in the over 40 yrs old, history of miscarriages, 7th pregnancy, avoidance of NICU equipped hospitals.
Just a hypothetical question. No need to even mention Sarah Palin's name.
Hannity's interview with Bailey was despicable.
ReplyDeleteHannity advertised his interview
on his radio show
as him taking apart the man
" who dared write a book critical
of Sarah Palin."
Dared , as in how dare anyone criticize St Sarah.
I watched the verbal beat down ( it wasn't an interview )
and I thought Hannity , while as unprofessional
and lightweight as ever,
was actually going
to physically attack Bailey.
Dr Frankenstein Ailes should be ashamed of himself for not just helping to create
the Palin monster , but, for
allowing jerks like Hannity to verbally
and nearly physically
assault a guest.
I've seen Lawrence O'Donnell interview guests he didn't always agree with.
His conduct has been professional , mature and calm.
If another Palin author goes on Hannity
I hope they will stand up to his
and childish bullying.
Bailey seemed too nice to challenge Hannity's
on air tantrum.
O'Reilly might have given him a better shake.
My thoughts exactly:
ReplyDelete"Actually, this is getting old fast…//UPDATE: Piper hits the wall, Sarah runs straight through it"
10:24 here is a previous blind item from last year on that same rumor. Where there's smoke...
Just as the book title says, Frank had "blind allegiance" to Palin that no objective proof could skew at the time. He believed because he wanted to believe. This is the condundrum in religious belief as well. There is no objective proof that there is big guy floating around in the sky micro managing our lives either, but Frank and all others believe because they believe and facts won't persuade them otherwise. Facts just create cognitive dissonance for those who beliefe in god(s). Facts make them uncomfortable, so they retreat back to believing what they believe because they believe it. What a helluva a way to go through life. I feel sorry for Frank, because I would bet his entire belief system and world view is crumbling with this experience. Hope he can gather some strength from Frank Schaeffer, and ask for some forgiveness from the rest of the world for enabling Palin. Now if he re-evaluate his belief that is ok to demand the destruction of womens lives to save fetal tissue, I'd be even more impressed.
ReplyDeleteSomeone needs to talk about her connections with Seven Mountains Dominionism (much like Santorim, Bachmann, Pence and others). They believe in dismantling the separation of church and state and making the gov't under the control of Christianity.
ReplyDeleteSorry - off topic - but had to re-post this from a posted comment over at Palingates. This short clip is so disturbing - Piper is now the human shield....and where is her father??? Great Toad - you let the crazy witch do this to your child?
This "huge bus" tour I think will validate everything that "Blind Allegiance" has revealed. The Memorial Day Weekend set off the "let's see the real Sarah tour". And we're seeing her all in her full glory.
ReplyDeleteThis is not a vacation! She'll say it is, because she'll say black is white, up is down. If she says it enough times, everyone will believe she and Todd saved up for this nice family vacation. I am certain that donors are going to feel betrayed as they see $13,000 bus wrap, expensive gas consumption, hotel bills and meals, tickets to parks, museums for the next two weeks, and wonder if she's used their hard-earned PAC money for it all. And she's planning to do it all over again next month in Iowa.
Ken, Frank and Jeanne will be vindicated. Sarah's true colors are coming to light.
grandmaj, Palin goes on lying and Bailey goes on lying. It's not believable to think that Bailey didn't know about Palin faking her pregnancy. He was in close contact to her all the time during the socalled pregnancy. And so I have to question the loyalty of anyone who would suggest that he didn't know. I question his Christian credentials too and I question whether or not he has really found his God. I think he's found a way to make money off his God or Godliness. And so that makes today a great day for Sarah Palin. Not only won't the MSM ask Bailey and Sarah the pertinent questions about the faked pregnancy, now Gryphen thinks it's unfair or out of bounds. Or something?
ReplyDeleteIn light of this latest development maybe we should just drop the whole issue and accept that Palin is the mother of Trig. I know that I feel like I've been chopped off at the knees now.
The reporters are going to bust this wide open, for once, because they all look like a bunch of fools trailing her on the highway without a shred of info.
ReplyDeleteNot a bad plan!
Play hide and seek to encourage people to go to SarahPac web site where they'll be urged to donate.
I'm going with Bachmann's hubby on the blind item. I don't think Todd is gay. I think, like Sarah, he's an opportunist. In his case that means he'll allow himself to be serviced by anyone who's willing.
ReplyDeleteGoing along with Bailey's assumption that Sarah is indeed Trig's birth mother, I don't think it would be out of line for you to ask him how he would explain the neat trick she did with her inflating & deflating baby bump. How did she go from appearing to be heavily pregnant weeks before giving birth in one photo to apparently not showing at all as witnessed by the airline personnel on the rushed flights back to Alaska to deliver Trig?
ReplyDeleteSo many holes in this Palin produced fairy story and yet those deluded folks who unconditionally believe Sarah's version will never be willing to put their loyalty aside and engage in some logical thinking. Sad...
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletePalin-Trump Dinner tonight..2 publicity whores with a lot of hot air...
11:47 AM
Donald Trump and Sarah Palin at their NY dinner...
DT: I'll be POTUS and you can be my VPOTUS!
SP: No way, I got a bus with my name on it, I'll be POTUS and you can be my VPOTUS!
DT: No way, I got a plane with my name on it, I'll be POTUS and you can be my VPOTUS!
SP: Okay how about this, I'll be POTUS for the first year then I'll quit for the good of America and then you can be POTUS the other 7 years?
If you have a chance, G., please ask Frank how the christian community in Palin's hometown reacted to him writing the book. Do those churchmembers still believe she has a servan't heart? Does she still have the wool pulled over the pastor's eyes?
ReplyDeleteWould her church be forthcoming if the police or FBI questioned them? Or is there really a cone of silence there?
I kmow this is O/T, but for the others here is Michelle Bachmanns husband:
He is a real life clone of Cam from the tee vee show Modern Family
Anon. at 12:37
ReplyDeleteSarah is that you? The convoluted nonsense in the comment sounds like your propaganda.
We're on to your con. But thanks for playing! ;)
Anon 9:19 responding -
ReplyDeleteWhile I appreciate the opinions of the folks who feel compelled to answer my question on Ken Morris's behalf, it seems I didn't make myself clear.
The question carried in it no more than was written - why did he include the complaint about McGinness in the book not why is he angry with McGinness.
Admittedly, I have only published academic papers, but I have never seen anything like this in any paper or book I have ever read or written. My immediate reaction is to find it unprofessional and would be interested in and open to hearing a justification. At the same time, I know I'm not entitled to one and no doubt my curiosity will remain unsatisfied.
Those who haven't experienced evangelical Christianity first-hand or haven't been entangled in a relationship with a narcissist or other type of abuser possibly find Bailey's support of Palin unimaginable. It's enough to say you don't understand without judging him. Please know his story is very believable for someone who's been there.
ReplyDeletePayruh is a now wearin' her weddin' ring.
Hi, Payruh!
ANON at 12:00
ReplyDeleteI agree the "roving" gay spouse is most likely liht in the loafers pary the gay away Marcus Bcahmann.
Buzz said...
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 10:21am
The date for the emails was moved back to June 10th.
10:42 AM
By then Alaska can't charge her for her crimes.
Sarah Palin, Donald Trump To Meet In New York City Tuesday Night
Sarah Palin: Donald how about if you pick me or Bristol as one of your beauty pageant judges? Better yet, how about both of us as judges?
Judge Palin, You heard it here first.
"Not only won't the MSM ask Bailey and Sarah the pertinent questions about the faked pregnancy, now Gryphen thinks it's unfair or out of bounds. Or something?
ReplyDeleteIn light of this latest development maybe we should just drop the whole issue and accept that Palin is the mother of Trig. I know that I feel like I've been chopped off at the knees now.
12:37 PM"
Awwww... and your knees won't fit into your fuck-me red shoes, Sarah!
Anon 12:32 - Are you kidding? Piper learned that from Todd. It's time to revisit the Homer video.
ReplyDeleteIf you look at this video, you will see what kind of mom Sarah Palin really is.
ReplyDeleteI thought she is suppose to be a mama grizzly protecting her cubs?
You can't tell that by this video.
What's interesting about SP's religious convictions, to the extent any of us can know what's in someone else's heart and mind, is that the biblical Sarah, wife of Abraham, faked a pregnancy. She was far too old to have a child, but somehow bore Isaac, to secure her lineage's claim to Abraham's legacy. Prior to that, she was barren.
ReplyDeleteDoes SP know this about her biblical namesake? Might she have faked a pregnancy in that tradition. We don't know if that was her motive, but it could have been. In that case, any woman might be Trig's mother, and that mother may not even know that SP claimed that child as hers after giving it up for anonymous adoption.
I'd argue that such a motive is at least as plausible as the notion she wanted to buttress her pro-life credentials. First, I don't think they were in dispute at the time all this happened. Second, she may have had hopes of being a national figure, but she wasn't yet on the national radar at the time Trig first appeared. Third, most of her appeal to any following she had was on the basis of her socially conservative positions. Politicians buttress their weaknesses, not their strengths. She already had her conservative political bona fides without Trig.
If SP does think she's somehow chosen "by God" to be a world leader, she might attempt to affirm that by taking a page from the Bible and following its example.
OT, but check out this video of Piper today in Philly:
Either Piper is now $P's security or she really doesn't like her mom ruining their "Vacation" by stopping to talk to the press.
I think this video should be seen far and wide. $P completely ignores Piper pushing herself into that reporter. I would be horrified if one of my kids did that. She's a bully in training.
Yeah, don't press him about his opinion on Babygate. Just the facts.
ReplyDeleteOther things I'd like to know about:
Anything about construction of her house vis a vis the rec center?
And yet again, we read that Bailey was charged with searching the sex offender files for dirt on a perceived enemy. It's a thread that runs thru everything she does ... McGinnis, letterman, the Juneau school, gryphen etc etc. Just so weird and disturbing ... what is that about?
What happened to all the history she was going to see on the east coast? Now's she's with the joke/entertainment guy, eating dinner in New York? She spent ONE HOUR IN PHILLY? What a bus tour! (NOT)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I find that video with Piper trying to shoulder that reporter away from her mother very sad. She must be such a confused child. She must hear her mother go on and on about all these evil people in the press, and she must truly feel her mother is in danger.
ReplyDeleteOr, she is just resentful she has to share her mother in this way, I dunno.
But it's sad. It's inappropriate behavior on Piper's part, but then again it may be understandable. She thinks she is protecting her mother, perhaps.
What a mess you have made for your children, Sarah. Stop this while you can. Go back home (wherever that is) and be a mom to them. Find something else to do. We don't need you, it's alright with us.
I just finished reading "Blind Allegiance." Although Frank is indeed complicit in Her Heinous' rise and wheelings & dealings, I applaud him for coming clean and am convinced more than EVER that Her Heinous should never be allowed another position of power. Yes, as some have said before, not even that of dog catcher.
ReplyDeleteanonymous @ 12:32 PM
ReplyDeleteThat has to be the most disgusting things I've ever seen Palin do!
To me that looks obvious that Piper was doing exactly what Momma told her too! Disgusting to use your children in such a way!
I often wondered why she carried Trigg with her the way she did, now I'm totally convinced she was using him as a human shield too! After all politicians get shot at a lot (ask Gabby Giffords) what better way to protect yourself then hide your body behind your child?!?
She's gross and her supporters are just as gross for supporting that! Disgusting!
I was extremely turned off by the forward mentioning the leaked manuscript. Frankly I don't believe Joe did this to hurt your sells or anything related to competition. He doesn't seem to be that type of person. He explained some of this recently on his blog when asked.
ReplyDeleteAlso the authors actually owe him. If they don't understand this yet, they never will.
But, it was a very icky thing to read and especially before even starting Chapter 1. They should have taken the high road and let it go.
If Joe was so competitive than why are he and Geoffrey Dunn so friendly. There is room for more than one Palin book. And Joe has a long history as a published author. Do these 3?
Just my opinion....and it seems I am not the only one it turned off.
Anon 1:47
ReplyDeleteI agree. I usually try not to say anything about the children, but Piper's behavior in this video is disgraceful.
OT but not entirely. Noted Jim Tressel, the super piously religious nut now former head coach of Ohio State talks his faith while cheating mercilessly with his football players. Once again the super religious show what hypocrites can be when the get power.
ReplyDeleteWho is Clark Griswold anon 10:52
ReplyDeleteShould we know this?
Anon 11:04 - my aren't we a snob. Do you only have friends who agree with you politically? boring! boring ! don't judge others so harshly - it isn't good for the soul
ReplyDeleteNot so sure it's Michelle's husband. She's been around MN a long time (thanks again Iowa for nothing) and never heard a peep about him that way. On the other hand there have been several rumors about TP and some of his adventures with the masseuse.
Is Todd Palin gay ? A lot of gay men and others seem to think so.
Poor Piper Palin. She always looks unhappy. She hasn't had a normal childhood and that is very sad.
ReplyDeleteWow, just watched this footage: http://tinyurl.com/44swzow
ReplyDeleteSarah's got Piper running interference between Sarah and the press. Does Piper get paid from SarahPAC for being a bouncer for Sarah? Does Piper earn designer purses for pushing people? Interesting summer job.
The person in the Piper body-checking reporter video whose behavior is disgraceful is Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteA caring, loving parent would gently inform the child they have misbehaved, then turn the child to face the person just shoved and say "apologize for your behavior, now".
A parent that ignores something like what Piper did does NOT love the child.
Sarah Palin is mentally unstable. But she is still capable of basic parenting if she just gave a damn.
One of the many disturbing things about Piper and the reporter is how close Piper remains to him. I can't imagine feeling comfortable invading the personal space of a strange man that way, let alone staying that close to him for so long.
ReplyDeleteIn spite of the disappointment of other posters, I understand the impulse not to question Bailey about Babygate. If anything, it may cause him to dig in his heels further, when the truth is he may not have been paying that much attention (to the pregnancy).
ReplyDeleteOne of the question I had in reading the book is, where did he spend most of his time working - in Anchorage or in Juneau or both? It was never very clear where he was. If in Juneau, did he leave his family behind in Anch? Not being judgmental, just wanting to be clear about the sacrifices he made for delusional Sarah (and his own delusions). I hope Frank can find peace within himself now and continue to speak out about the dangers of $P.
What does Piper have to do to get Sarah's attention????
ReplyDeleteReligion does odd things to people as in Frank's case. Sarah isn't a religious person in her heart - she has been commanded to use religion as to promote her image to 'base' people.
ReplyDeleteSarah's image has been carefully controlled by people the public has never heard of. Happens all the time with music, sports and political 'stars'. You'd be surprised if you knew what truly goes on behind the scenes. Sarah is no exception - she has handlers - she does not dare step out of line - she does not act on her own.
All you posters think that Sarah is indeed, a rogue personality. Nothing could be further than the truth. Here's a subject to G never touches - MK Ultra.
Are you up to the challenge of Sarah being an MK Ultra candidate, G? Or is your bread and gravy dependent on the theory that Sarah is a crazy bitch who simply is acting on her own?
Can someone save Piper's cock-blocking video before it magically vanishes?
ReplyDeleteIt IS on Fox, after all.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAnd yet again, we read that Bailey was charged with searching the sex offender files for dirt on a perceived enemy. It's a thread that runs thru everything she does ... McGinnis, letterman, the Juneau school, gryphen etc etc. Just so weird and disturbing ... what is that about?
1:54 PM"
I've always heard that what you accuse other of doing is what you yourself do. Meaning people who steal are worried about other people stealing from them. Spouses who cheat are very jealous of their mates. She questions the President's patriotism, while she is married to a secessionist.
Questions his faith, when she & her family are anything but pious, etc etc...Who knows with her? Maybe she is just a horribly vicious person & likes to hit below the belt. Someone should ask her about this, and why she tries to verbally castrate men. She uses men, but she hates men.
Anon 3:13
ReplyDeleteYes, you're right. And those who said it's sad are right too.
If only there was something in these children's lives to enrich them, something to hang onto, to form some basis upon which they might work their way back to normalcy later in life - art, reading, sports, hell even stamp collecting! If anyone actually does that anymore. Anything to create a little alternative universe they might escape to from time to time. But I see no sign of this.
Please ask him to post ALL of the emails on the net. It may be that many eyes will catch something "The Three" missed.
ReplyDelete@3:27 - Palin is too stupid to be MK Ultra. Her IQ is 80.
ReplyDelete@10:24 AM
ReplyDeleteThere have been many stories about Todd's alternate lifestyle, apparently true.
Nothing odd about it. Many public figures have similar arrangements.
It gives Sarah an excuse to throw things at him and emasculate him when she gets the chance.
Anon 3:27 your theory has merit. It ties in with the theory of her being a victim of sexual abuse. It also explains her overly-sexual behaviors. It also neatly fits with some of her wardrobe choices. I suppose a quick google of MK ULTRA clothing might lead some down a rabbit hole that they wished they'd never entered.
ReplyDeleteWell, what do you expect from a woman whose "spiritual advisor" was part of the group that worshipped the golden bull at Wall Street in the first weeks of the meltdown?
ReplyDeleteClassic "name it and claim it"/"blab it and grab it" dominionist thinking.
So what's this about Sarah not going to church? Imitating her idol Reagan?
I'd be curious to know if they planned to get a puppy around the time of Trig's due date.
ReplyDeleteHow would a busy family like that, with constant travel and a special needs child on the way, have handled a puppy? I think it's code. You don't have to tell Frank about the puppy reference in the email, in connection to Babygate.
After reading his book and watching what interviews he did, I think he is still in love with her and always will be.
ReplyDeleteMaybe sara wears her wedding ring after she gets some. the question is who might she be getting it from? Did she wear it for donald? Very curious indeed
ReplyDeleteGryphen, I look forward to your interview, and for the record, you are a nice guy, and in my opinion, would make an excellent investigative journalist.
ReplyDeleteI just finished Bailey's book, I don't know what it's like to be a fundamental Christian, neither do I have any interest whatsoever in ever trying to, I see a man who's a human being trying desperately to find meaning in his past actions, and remains conflicted while revisiting a dark time in his life while trying to right, the best he can, what it ultimately cost him and his family. I can relate with him on that level, and bringing up Babygate in an interview would damage his credibility at this moment in time.
While important to get Babygate to break open, you have to use some tact and patients. I don't think Bailey's reached the point in his spiritual journey where it would feel right to expose what he knows, Patience, Persistance, and timing are the tools to use.
anon @ 11:54, that CBS link is downright scary. I didn't read all the comments, but 90% of those on the first page were PRO-Palin. All different names, too. Whether these are real people or paid bots… either way, it creeps me out!!!
ReplyDeleteanon@ 12:32 Toad is probably proud of Piper's being a bully.
ReplyDeleteThat's how the whole family "rolls"… remember the video of Hawk, and the WGE sign incident?
ReplyDeleteWhen you do your interview please inquire about Trig. Has he been seen recently?
Perhaps I'm paranoid, but how hard would it be to do the kid in and hide the body in a big place like Alaska? Obviously his useful days are over.