Monday, May 30, 2011

Klondike Kardashian shakes her money maker for Greta Van Susteren.

Lady the media is not going crazy trying to figure out what you are doing.  The know what you are doing.

Yep that about sums it up!

They are just following you on a relatively slow news day, just like they did Donald Trump, and Newt Gingrich, right before they ended up self destructing.  And when your shelf life expires, they will step over your still twitching carcass and move on to the next political flavor of the month.

Count on it!


  1. This is for WendyWaitress. I hope she comes back.

  2. Anonymous4:07 PM

    She is certifiable. She is so insane. And Greta's also bonkers.

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Obviously, she isn't telling the media where she's going because she's trying to draw attention to herself. The truth, obviously also too, is that if the media were covering the Liberty Bell, the Constitution, etc, the story wouldn't make headlines. The real story is Sarah being a rogue. It's a shame the media bites on this crap every time. Is anyone really fooled? I had hopes that Greta was going to begin to call Sarah on the nonsense lines, but apparently not.

  4. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Dear Greta:

    The MSM has called Sarah Palin a fraud and a charlatan today. You are behind, girlfriend, as usual. Or does your husband not let you read the real press Palin gets? Even the NY Times "went there." Read here:

  5. Anonymous4:10 PM

    OK, so it's about "highlighting the great things about America."

    So - when are you going to say something of substance about that?

    maintstream media want all that "what who when where" stuff - I don't think I owe anyone that.

    Doing things the way it's always been done - as in providing basic details.

    "Not telling them beforehand where every stop is going to be...Wanting them to do the basic work" - so, is she saying she'd rather have paparazzi and stalkers shadowing her?

    so - she is saying that she doesn't want to do what almost every other public figure does, which is provide the media with basic info - where to show up, what the purpose of the appearance is, she wants the media to have to stalk her and find out for themselves and write their own stories.

    Yet OTOH, this is exactly what she condemns the media for doing.

    She wants to speak to the American people without the "filter" of the media - that media who takes a personage's press releases and amplifies them - and yet when the media does this, looking beyond the canned Facebook and Twitter releases, she is unhappy with them.

    She has scolded the media in the past for NOT following the basic "who what where when how" formula, but now she claims that she is deliberately withholding that from them

    The only thing more despicable that she is, is the media themselves, who, like a kicked dog or spurned boyfriend, continue to gravitate to her and hang on her every bit of nonsense.

    I think someone - Jon Stewart? Stephen Colbert - should do EXACTLY as she requests - do their own homework and report without her input on this stupid fucking bus tour, and make it look as stupid, self-serving, and ridiculous as she is.

    Sadly, they won't. They will continue to take her seriously.

  6. wakeUpAmerica4:10 PM

    SARAH, nobody gives a flying fuck what you're doing. If the LSM decides to cover you, so be it. The rest of us are more than sick of you and your mental illness. Sit down STFU and FOR THE SAKE OF THE COUNTRY YOU PROFESS TO LOVE (but from which you wanted to secede) GET SOME MENTAL HELP PLEASE!

  7. Anonymous4:14 PM

    . . .and the more she speaks and reiterates over and over how she loves those "planks of the Republican party" the media will slowly cease its "investigative" work into what she's doin' on that non-publicity seeking bus tour that's not a campaign tour but a how great is america tour. right lady. I mean do people REALLY BELIEVE THIS Sh$*t that comes out of her mouth because I JUST CANNOT FATHOM.

  8. Anonymous4:19 PM

    So which "MSM" is going crazy about giving 2 craps where Sarah is? Just because there were some questions a couple days ago about what this tour is for doesn't mean she is driving them crazy. And now, other than FOX, CNN and probably HuffPo, she's quashed any other potential interest there might have been with her obnoxious insults.

  9. Anonymous4:20 PM

    How come Rahm Emanuel's outrageous tales just make people laugh yet similar tales about Sarah make people dislike her?

    Why is there SUCH a double standard? If she were a male politician, she and Obama would be pals. Bet on it.

  10. Anonymous4:22 PM

    OzMud said...

    If it's not a campaign tour why is there a sign painted on her bus claiming some portion of this 'tour' was paid by SarahPAC?

    What does SarahPAC have to do with her and Todd just tooling around the east coast preaching about the constitution?

    And how dare anyone expect to get an itinerary! Not like the cities where she stops need to prepare for traffic jams or add any extra police or hospitality services or anything...


  11. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I just want you to admit one of your secret goals is to destroy her family. That much is evident by your cattiness and rumor-speading. Well, newsflash: it'll never happen. adversity makes people tough as nails. That too is evident.

  12. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I don't like She who won't be named, but her flavor has lasted a long time. She must be made of formaldehyde and salt, two amazing preservatives...

  13. Anonymous4:32 PM

    May the Ghosts of Gettysburg rise up and haunt you and your family, Sarah Lou Palin, from now until eternity, for what you have done this Memorial Day weekend.

  14. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Anon 4:25. News flash. Palin has destroyed her family all on her own, without the help of anyone. when you tout family values, but forget to pay attention to said family, and they become nothing more than stuck up props, than you got the family you paid for.

    FYI I'm a GOP mom with 3 more kids than Palin. And none are yet calling me grandma from the unmarried sidelines.

  15. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Love the picture on the bus. This woman is mentally ill.

  16. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Who knows where Sarah's quest will take her? She's out there trying to find every white supremacist, klansperson, and small-minded-intolerant-faux-patriot-xtian that exists. She's going to have to flip over a lot of rocks.

  17. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Who is paying for this years Grifter's family summer vacation? The Heath and Palin retards are in DC. This reminds me of the 2008 campaign where the whole 3 generations of retards took advantage of free clothes, travel, room and board on someone else's dime.

    This just shows everybody you can give trailer park people 3 million dollars and they will still grift whatever they can get.

  18. Anonymous4:49 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    How come Rahm Emanuel's outrageous tales just make people laugh yet similar tales about Sarah make people dislike her?

    Why is there SUCH a double standard? If she were a male politician, she and Obama would be pals. Bet on it.

    4:20 PM"

    Oh please--spare us! Sarah Palin is no Rahm Emanuel, no matter what "outrageous tales" you think he has told. Sarah Palin could never be elected to ANYTHING outside Alaska, much less be the mayor of a major city, or President, too many people hate her as a person. I doubt she could be elected Wasilla's mayor again. She is too revolting. This weekend she looked like a skank. It was pathetic attention whoring, nothing Presidential at all.

  19. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Poor Greta, she sure sucks more and more every day. Scientology and Sarah have almost destroyed Greta, she is just a sliver of her former self.

  20. Anonymous4:52 PM

    @4:25 Nobody is trying to destroy Palin"s family. That's an old argument. Palin is doing that herself.

    Acquiring money doesn't make the Palin family above disrespect from others. Making money via hate as Palin has done doesn't command respect.

  21. Anonymous4:52 PM

    hmmm? Just wonderin' -- Just where was Greta during this 'interview'?

    If she was in fact riding along with whatsername®, why could we not see her, and whenever they met the final 'destination for the day'-- how was she supposed to get back to where she started?

    Looks like this entire segment was 'pre-written' and then §P could just go on and on and on with her pre-memorized word salad -- of course with someone sitting there waving their hands in between the two of them -- to make it all look OK, real/authenticate.


  22. Anonymous4:53 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    I just want you to admit one of your secret goals is to destroy her family. That much is evident by your cattiness and rumor-speading. Well, newsflash: it'll never happen. adversity makes people tough as nails. That too is evident.

    4:25 PM"

    Her family is destroying ITSELF, no help from us. Her kids are teen parents, juvenile delinquents, brats, substance abusers, dropouts, and then look at Bristol's god-awful plastic surgery, that is one fucked up girl, inside & out. No one here caused any of that, it was all Sarah's doing. Her kids are a mess. Thank their mommy.

  23. Anonymous4:53 PM

    The media should ask who,what,why, Sarah Pac is paying for this vacation,and do people ask for donations while travelling with their family?

    Sarah is usimg this tour to cover up that she does not know basic American history,so this tourist trip is to have the MSM not ask basic history questions.

  24. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Anon 4:20 fuck your double standard she spews venom everytime she opens her mouth yet nobody is suppose to say anything about the wasilla grifters.

  25. Anonymous4:55 PM

    4:20 pm

    Ram again posting and bringing up the President's name yet again; Rebecca Mansour and Sarah Palin are obscessed with the Obamas and have a love/hate relationship with him. Jealous is thy name, Ram.

  26. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Why is sarahpac paying for the palins summer vacation? Probably the people who donated cant afford to go on a summer vacation.

  27. Anonymous4:58 PM

    But look at how the New York Times stumbles over itself trying to point out what a farce Palin's bus tour is, without able to quite bring itself to say that:

    Ms. Palin announced her bus tour with great fanfare last week and is using it on her Web site to raise money for her political action committee. Despite that, Ms. Palin is acting as though her family is just like any other taking a sight-seeing vacation to see the country.
    Never mind the charter bus plastered with images of the Constitution. Or the fact that her family vacation has a name: the "One Nation Tour." Or that she is documenting her family's movements on a Web site that invites Americans along. Or that she might just run for president.

    No. Ms. Palin, the former governor of Alaska, has made it quite clear that she just wants to be left alone. She doesn't want to accommodate members of the news media (except, perhaps, Fox.) And she is purposely avoiding any of the overtly political things that most politicians do, like meeting with local politicians.

    It is unclear whether she can keep up the pretense of a simple family vacation amid the scrutiny of someone who is thought to be considering a presidential campaign.

    By the end there the paper ends up somewhat credulously reporting that Palin's pretense that the tour is really just a family vacation is still holding up somehow. In what alternate universe? Surely the Times reporter isn't fooled by this pretense. And if the media aren't fooled -- other than Fox perhaps -- then who else is there? That's the ostensible audience for her hijinks.

    No one is fooled, really. But the conventions and protocols of "reporting" requires pretending otherwise. Contrary to a lot of our readers, I don't think the answer is for the media to ignore Palin. Pointing out her ridiculousness doesn't build her up and doesn't give her oxygen without which she would disappear, to anticipate two of the most common arguments for not covering Palin. But the traditional standards of journalism don't allow reporters to tell readers matter of factly what a charlatan and fraud Palin is. That's considered crossing some bright line between reporting and opinionating when in fact what has been drawn is a unconscionable and indefensible line between reporting and the truth.

  28. Anonymous4:58 PM

    4:25 pm

    Sarah Palin is destroying herself and her own family, she doesn't give a damn about her kids and she hates Todd. You haven't a clue about some of the things she has done.

  29. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I wonder if she is trying to deflect attention from Dunn's and Bailey's books about her. Clearly this has been poorly planned.

    I, too , would like to know how she can justify using PAC money for a personal/family "vacation".

  30. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Does anyone in the "media" still remember that WE ARE STILL AT WAR, ON THREE FRONTS?


    Yet not one of the media has criticized that crazy, money grubbing publicity whore for starting her rolling side show on the caskets of five thousand American troops!

    I cannot understand why she was not sent to the end of the motorcycle brigade and/or jeered out altogether!

  31. Anonymous5:02 PM

    $arah was caught by an ABC reporter getting on her bus, and asked her if she "is running." $arah turned around and said no, this is just a family vacation.

    Paid for by $arahPAC.

    Alexsa shows Sea of Pea readers as poorly educated men over 65, with page views long enough for the Viagra to do it's job.

    IM has better educated readers who earn more money, and are primarily women between 35 and 55.

    Sounds about right.

  32. Anonymous5:07 PM

    4:22PM Ozmud - I'm sure the dog whistle has been sounded to the mongrel followers. Not publicly reported so those against her have to time to show up in protest.

    Let the media cover her although I refuse to watch anything concerning her live or internet. She's just making money off stupid people and she WILL eff up majorly eventually. She can't help herself.

    She cannot handle scrutiny, and she DEFINITELY can't handle pressure.

  33. Anonymous5:07 PM

    >>If she were a male politician, she and Obama would be pals. Bet on it.

    Oh that is really laughable! You think that our president would hang out with sarah plain if she was a boy? ROFL! You really must be a comic of sorts, because that inane idea just made me laugh out loud.

    sarah palin, in male or female form, is the antithesis of Barack Obama. And you, sir or madam are DELUSIONAL. Barack Obama wouldn't and doesn't waste a moment of his time on her in thought, word or deed. She aches and screeches and whines and tantrums for his attention, but alas, without success. She is scorned and spurned and she is fuming and fussing all the time for it. She just can't stand that he has no attention on her and she tries more and more desperate measures to gain it. Pathetic, just pathetic. Your thinking and sarah palin's desperation.

  34. Anonymous5:09 PM

    All the media says that Snowdrift will be going to New Hampshire.

    That should be so interesting in that Governor Shumlin signed a bill for 'UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE' on May 26th, 2011!!!!!!!!

    Basically it say piss off Rethuglicans! You aren't wanted in our state!!!!!

  35. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Wrong. Sarah is the twin of Barack. They rose to fame and prominence in the same way. They shed and attact followers the same way. They are empty suits who are controlled by the media.

  36. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Todd is going to have her committed one of these days and he will live off all that money she is grifting.

  37. Anonymous5:19 PM

    4:25PM. Too late! Sarah has already taken care of that. Sarah, and only Sarah, had the power not to destroy her family. She subjected them to scrutiny by touting herself as the family values candidate and also by pimping her family on every magazine cover, in reality shows, selling speeches, etc. Tell me one other politician who has exposed their children to such a degree. When you sell yourself to the media for millions, you will be scrutinized. It is the price of celebrity.

  38. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Theres no way you can get a cross section of readers here or Palin supporters. You may know who certain people are, but making assessments like that is impossible. One of Sarahs strongest supporters is a head honcho at ConEdison. There re several who are in the their 20s who hold 75k govt jobs. Several have successful radio shows. It's not wise to assume.

  39. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Exactly. We are at war. So stop trying to destroy one woman's personal life. Because you will not succeed. Strong foundations do not break.

  40. Anonymous5:21 PM

    CNN has a story on the political ticker @ maybe 100 people waiting and waiting for $arah to show up. I guess the private jet must have gotten delayed somewhere, we all know that twat isn't taking the bus everywhere.

  41. Campaigning on our Constitution and on our Charters of Liberty? I googled Charters of Liberty, since I had never heard of them...there is info about Europe, Pennsylvania in surprise, the term she "meant" was Charters of Freedom.

    And as for campaigning on our Constitution...isn't she a little out of touch with reality, a little behind the times, I mean, I think most people know this was signed a couple hundred years ago...why would anyone need her to "campaign" on it?

  42. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I see Palin's brainless shitheads are still bouncing around all the blogs posting.

    It just tells you how stupid these idiots are.

    Are we out to destroy her and her family. Pretty much!!!!

    P.S.: We will succeed!!! Any your heads will explode as your Cult Queen will be in a puddle of shit in a total mental meltdown like you will be. Deal with it. LOL!!!!

  43. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Keep dreaming up your fictional realities for them. It's makes them laugh non stop. This I know to be certain.

  44. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I want to say a big "ha ha!" to all her lower income donors--the ones who've donated so she can go on a vacation that they won't be going on.

    But, they are too ignorant to understand they've paid for her mansions, private airplane travel, and now this. She is a TV preacher.

    Inside Edition did a story about Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, and some others, who were living high on the hog from their parishioners donations, the parishioners are too dumb to care.

    Jesus WANTS those preachers to drive Rolls Royces, or else they wouldn't have them. You know, never mind what the Bible says about greed, vanity, and arrogance.

  45. Anonymous5:25 PM

    one more greta/palin video is up:

  46. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Why doesn't Trig get to go on vacation with the rest of the family?

  47. Anonymous5:26 PM

    You have no basis to critique any of the Palins as people. You do not know them. Stop assassinating their characters. You know nothing of their motives in life.

    Obviously there is strength among them if each member defends another family member. Thats commendable.

  48. Jkarov5:27 PM

    To Anonymous, RE: we are out to destroy her family.

    The reason we comment here, the reason for blogs like this, and the reason why real journalists call Palin on all her lies and distortions is because OF HER OWN WORDS and actions.

    Ms Palin was, and still is, a profoundly uninformed and ill-suited. candidate for high office.

    The disastrous and laughabley pathetic Couric and Gibson interviews were precise bell-weathers of her ignorance.

    Bill Kristol rightly advised her after the loss in 2008 to go back to Alaska, get the job done as Governor, and study up on issues.

    She did nothing of the kind, and resigned on the flimsiest of grounds, with cum laude ethics violations.

    She is quoted by Frank Bailey in an email saying "I hate this job" while still Governor.

    High political office is no picnic. Perspective, discretion, and the ability to live with compromise is key. Being President is 100 times more stressful than Governor of Alaska.
    Even MS Palin must realize that it's a 24/7 stressful nightmare. Why would she even want such a job?

    Ms Palin is also a fanatic religious ideologue, with few qualities that would commend her to lead a nation so divided on deadly serious matters of policy and economics in a perilous world.

    Mouthing platitudes, being divisive, and bomb throwing at Tea rallies is easy. Presidents have to lead and relate to all Americans to be any good at it,

    Sarah doesn't care about anyone but herself, and "Rill Amuricuns", which is nothing but code for Wasp folks in the south and flyover land.

    We are intent on seeing the truth exposed, and her ultimate withdrawal from all political life.

  49. Anonymous5:31 PM

    The woman is nuts. I can't wait for the verbatim SNL skits of the look at me vacation/historic tour.

    I thought at first she was proposing to educate others on this trip but maybe she thinks she can absorb enough history just standing where history happened and reading the placards. She's so smart she figured out how to save a lot of time she would have had to spend reading and studying American history. She'll certainly be ready for the highest office in the country after this trip.

    Just like a dirty scandal, she does attract a media circus wherever she goes. The media is awestruck with the fascinating and beautiful glow of the flame that is Sarah self destructing. Wonder how long it will take?

    Think we will miss her when she is gone?

  50. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Look at yourselves. ALL of you, bots and all. You're unraveling inside. I refuse to believe there are evil humans on this planet. Yes we all make mistakes but I see good in all. What happened to common decency?

    Everything you accuse Sarah of, you've committed yourself. You say she's mean, spiteful, and immature yet you endlessly attack children based on nothing.

    Please. Gain some life perspective and just be mature and kind. Ever since I hung out with Bristol, I've decided that people can learn from her. She's no nonsense, has a great sense of humor, and kind hearted as they come. She once said she hopes no one has to go through all the meanness that is thrust upon her from "haters". She genuinely meant that. There's few people I've met who weathered more than her. She deserves none of it. Please get to know people before you judge them. Then again, no one is justified in judging.

  51. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Anon @ 4:49, you are probably right. Of course she is also just trying to con her deluded supporters into making monetary contributions.

    I couldn't bring myself to watch this vid. I just can't bear it. Sounds like she is saying stupid stuff as usual.

    It's just a riot that she thinks she can do this crazy ass thing that no one can figure out, that no one can follow. She is out of her mind, truly. She is acting like the cat who swallowed the canary, but what she doesn't seem to realize is that her legitimacy (whatever even existed) crumbling in front of the world.

    I give her two days more, tops. Don't know how long this "family vacation" was planned for, though.

    She really thinks she just jerk the press around indefinitely, doesn't she? They are really going to go after her.

    3, 2, 1...

  52. By the way, I have to say I have no idea why the Palin trolls are so worked up today.

    Palin prettied up her family RV, and dressed up like Biker Chick Barbie, all so that people would pay attention to her.

    I have been paying attention to her for two days. Wish granted!

    You're welcome!

  53. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Frank Bailey had a short segment on his book on Inside Edition tonight. He spoke about the 'marriage' -- the lack thereof!!!

  54. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Anon 4:25

    You are cu koooo cu-kooooo!! No one wants to destroy her family. Sarah is the one who brings her family int everything. She uses them as political props. I know you are too snowed/fooled or whatever but think about this.
    Does Mitt Romney have kids ? Well yes but do we know anything about them? No! Same with any other Republican. We have no idea because good parents protect their children. Good parents don't use their children as props or shields. How sad you don't see what an abuser Sarah is. We only know about her kids because of her.
    And as far as Todd goes, he is the one who sought out prostitutes all over Alaska.

    So what were you saying? Because you are wrong. Wake up and see the truth.

  55. Anonymous5:41 PM

    @Gryphen, the trolls know the end is near: her time is up. She's Rapturing herself in the Northeast or Iowa. That's why they're all in a dither.

  56. Anonymous5:42 PM

    If Sarah has not fired RAM, it is more hypocrisy. She doesn't care when a paid staff member publicly talks smack about her daughter? Whoa. Then Pbots can't complain here when anyone else criticizes Bristol, Willow, "the family," et al. Sarah lets her own paid staff say bad things about her kids!!! Some Mama Grizzly....

  57. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I imagine her peeps are starting to have the sinking realization that their hero is a grifter.

    Watching this absurd performance of hers, they are starting to consider the possibility that we have been right about her all along, and it doesn't feel good so they are going to go on the attack.

    This woman is making a mockery of them.

  58. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Anon 4:49 you are right, Sarah did look incredibly skanky at that motorcycle event. Can you imagine someone like that as president?? She looked like a washed up hooker.

  59. Anonymous5:45 PM

    While we can all agree that blogs dont influence much (except koolaid drinkers who need hatred in their heart), how does one physically/emotionally defend a blogger who reports such hateful lies about people he doesnt know? How can you defend that? How can you automatically assume the worst, when there's no proof that's the truth?

  60. A J BIllings5:49 PM

    to the idiot sycophant (anonymous) at 4:25 PM.

    You are dead wrong. No regular commenter here is about "destroying her family", and neither is Gryphen.

    In fact, we'd like to not ever see or hear from any of them again, and hope that some day they just retreat to Wasilla or Zona, and pursue life, liberty and happiness.

    The issue at hand is that Ms Pay-lin is a religious fanatic, who would impose her biblical insanity on the nation via distortion and David Barton lies.
    She's not Queen Esther, though she'd have the rest of us believe she's "chosen" by a sky fairy.

    Pay-lin is also, too, a media whore, who acts like a 13 year old mean girl on speed. She's uninformed and uneducated, and spews idiotic soundbites like blood libel and seeing Russia from her home state as though that could possibly build credibility with anyone.

    America doesn't need a two time quitter with ethics violations prancing her ass around the country and spewing verbal salad for the lily white Tea Party dotards.

    Trust me RAM, or Bristol, or whomever is bored enough to post here sans lit or grammar skills, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG.

    We want Pay-lin to go get mental help in Scottsdale, sit by the pool, and maybe by some miracle realize that she's got no chance in Presidential politics

  61. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Anon 5:26... Huh????? What are you talking about? Your last two sentences made no sense at all.
    And how do you know whether people here know the Palins or not. I happen to be a member of her church that she never goes to. There are others who come here from there, from Jessicas and others who have known them since grade school.

    Do you know them?? Or are you just a member of the cult.

    There sure are a lot of your cult members out working. You all must really be afraid of something! That's obvious

  62. Anonymous5:51 PM

    The Palin Whore Trailer went to Mt. Verton and to Fort McHenry in Maryland.

    She wore her red 'Slut' shoes

    Last post at CNN was 13 minutes ago and no Whore Bus showed up at Gettysburg!!

    The amazing things is there are supposedly about 100 people still waiting who have been there basically all day. DUHHHHHHH!!

  63. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Anon @ 5:33, many of us have actually expressed sympathy for the Palin children. You might not like the sound of that, and Bristol might not appreciate it, but they do deserve it. Perhaps Bristol is too young to understand that her mother has brought this on to their family. Sarah has not behaved in a manner that brings positive attention to them. Some politicians manage that, for the most part. Sarah is not one of them, and much of it has been completely unnecessary.

    The Palin kids did not choose Sarah for their mother. They have no control over the choices she has made, and continues to make.

    Bristol needs to stop listening to criticism of her mother if she finds it painful. It is possible to screen it out, you know. She also needs to stop seeking the limelight herself if she finds comments about her own behavior hurtful. It goes with the territory.

    Being famous is a double edged sword. The sooner Bristol realizes this, the better. One can be famous for only good reasons, however, and then it can be easier. That is not happening so far with the Palins, and given what we know about Mrs. in particular, that is unlikely to ever happen.

    Things are what they are.

  64. I am internet speechless. I just watched that and was frozen in shock at the mental illness on display.

    Catch me if you Can, evil media.

    What is this?
    Goal? Point? MSM should do their work? What hire private detectives and hackers to find out WTF you are doing?

    CRAZY. and no one will say it...

  65. Anonymous5:58 PM

    How is Sarah destroying her family? She didn't ask for people to make stuff up about them. She was not alone in having them onstage with her in 08. I seem to recall Gryphen remarking that Sasha Obama stole the show at the DNC. But when Piper licks Trigs hair, people scream "prop!!"

    You do realize that before this tour began, you all criticized her for the possibility that Trig would be "dragged along". Now you're offended that hes not there, or to your knowledge not there. Which is it? I get confused when stories change like night and day.

  66. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Listen, we are not interested in destroying Sarah Palin's family. If there are problems there, they are Sarah and Todd's responsibility. If the adversity makes them stronger, well more power to them.

    We don't want Sarah Palin to have the remotest connection to the political life of the United States. She is bad for our country.

    As far as we are concerned, the Palins can just head back to AK and be the happiest, most highly-functioning family on the planet. Would that it would be so!!!!!!!! We just don't want to see their mugs on our TV's and in our newspapers anymore.

    Sorry if that conflicts with their vision for themselves, but we don't always get what we want.

    Let her family make it through everything she has brought upon them. Just get them out of our faces and out of our country's business.

    Thank you.

  67. MC 30316:00 PM

    Seriously. It's not even fun to play with the troll cat toys any more, they are *that* laughable.

    Fight for the Palin honor, bots. They count on you doing their dirty work. And give them some of your cash too, whydontcha?

  68. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Anon @ 5:33
    "Ever since I hung out with Bristol, I've decided that people can learn from her. She's no nonsense, has a great sense of humor, and kind hearted as they come."

    Seriously????? Remember this:

    "She then said "Going out there and winning this would mean a lot. It would be like a big middle finger to all the people out there who hate my mom and hate me." "

    Or this one on Facebook:

    ""You just run your mouth just so you can get a reaction. You're a typical s--t talker -- talking s--t because you have nothing else going for you," Bristol wrote. "

    Yeah, 'kind hearted' as all get out!

  69. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Anon 5:19- gee wow a head honcho?? And two govt workers that make 75 k!! Oh my my I'm so NOT impressed and I so don't care. Anyone who thinks Palin is competent to be president is either stupid, blind, brainwashed or misinformed. Bragging about what they do changes nothing. If anything it makes one wonder what type of psychiatric disorder they have that they can't see the truth about such a dysfunctional insane woman.

  70. Oh my God. I love this post. (And by the way, I am a Christian, and I don't think my God would have a problem with the beginning of my comment). Thank you Gryphen, for the translated bus wrap, and for the prediction of her outcome and what the press will do when it happens. Now (with my glass of Chardonnay in hand) I will sleep better tonight!

  71. Anonymous6:04 PM

    " one is justified in judging."

    Every time we go to the voting booth we vote according to how we judge the candidates to do the job they are running for. Of course we are justified in judging.

    "Keep dreaming up your fictional realities for them. It's makes them laugh non stop."

    Which is it, leave them alone or keep at it?? Actually, it doesn't matter. If there is validity to Sarah's deceptions, they will be uncovered eventually. Hopefully soon.

  72. Anonymous6:05 PM

    #5:58 - How is Sarah destroying her family? Her family NEEDS HELP. MAMA NEEDS TO GET THEM HOME AND INTO TREATMENT, OUT OF THE LIMELIGHT. One girl is mutilating her face, after numerous out of wedlock pregnancies. The other was caught "Breaking and Entering" and did $30,000 damage to property. Her husband was caught running a prostitution ring. Her first son just had to have a quickie wedding due to an out of wedlock pregnancy. AND she's got a Special Needs "son" who never sees her. Piper is streaking her hair, wearing $300 sunglasses, and signing autographs to bikers as a 10-year-old. THEY NEED HELP.

  73. Anonymous6:06 PM

    5:20-- strong foundation?? Are you kidding? Anyone who knows Sara Heath knows how messed up she is. She always has been. And she's not strong and either is her marriage. Get a life and stop idolizing

  74. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Anon @ 5:45, I base my opinion of the Palins on Sarah Palin herself. Or in the case of Bristol, based on Bristol Palin herself. These people SEEK OUT our attention through the national media. Do you honestly believe they have behaved well and presented themselves in the best possible light, given that they are constantly in pursuit of feedback from the public, essentially? One doesn't just get to impose oneself upon an audience, and insist there be NO reaction whatsoever. We do not live in a totalitarian state, as far as I know.

    I imagine you are talking now about Willow and Piper and the others, however. If you know the adults involved, why don't you ask them to stop subjecting their children to this incessant publicity?

    If you think we don't have brains enough to decide for ourselves, you are deluding yourself.

    Gryphen is not convincing me of anything, I can come to my own conclusions based on the evidence Sarah and Co is so happy to provide on a relentless, daily basis.

    They need to get over their attention addiction. Go live quietly in AK or AZ. And leave us the hell alone.

    Then you all can stop crying victim on their behalf.

  75. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I live in bizarro world, where tongue-lashing reptilians rule the world. Where emissions replace the sweet smells of spring flowers. Where people, conditioned from childhood, sacrifice themselves on the altar of God, Nation, and Money.

  76. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Gryphen it feels like there is either one or 10 twenty year olds who are friends of Bristols here. Or they are Palinbots. But they have poor grammar and keep repeating the same crap. Why are they so wound up? It is a bit too much

  77. Anonymous6:14 PM

    No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Not so fast, Sarah.

    I just watched it, and I realized what she is up to. (What they are up to, whoever is behind this and whoever is with her.) She is collecting photos and footage of herself at these sites for future campaign materials. That's what this is about.

    Greta knows Sarah is probably making a big mistake not cooperating in the slightest with the "evil" mainstream media, and so she is helping Sarah present this completely bogus rationalization for doing things differently.

    A candidate who has nothing to fear does not fear the press. Dictators fear the press. Sarah Palin fears the press.

    What's that about OTR's? Oh, she'll do "unscripted OTR's"???? Bully for her. What good is that to anyone? She wants points for that of course, she wants to pretend she can interact spontaneously.


  78. Gryphen, re the trolls - you'd be worked up too if you were stuck on that Bus to Nowhere. Your tongue would be nervously flicking out. You'd be posting feverishly, breathing the fog of panic that is suffusing that 300 sf interior. Have you ever taken an RV trip? No matter how luxurious, there is no escape from your fellow passengers, no escape from the growing sense of doom.
    The whole family's baseless sense of entitlement is once again getting a reality check. The pressure! Everything on this "family vacation" must be perfect and wonderful and magical. It's Queen Esther's 4th Grade Remedial Tour -- yet how are her clueless minions ("where is Philadelphia, is that the New Hampshire one?") and Todd Todd Todd going to orchestrate the seamless entertainment, the ontime arrivals, Esther perfectly turned out in heels (properly medicated), that her bots demand?
    Oh that bus is one scary place to be, with all that disfunction and ego and madness behind the shrinkwrap.

  79. Anonymous6:15 PM

    The trolls are freaking out because
    a) Like said above, Sarah's mental illness is on full display and it is rather disturbing.
    b) They are coming to grips with the fact that they are paying for her fucking vacation.

  80. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I despise this fraud of a woman. Lousy mother, lousy wife, lousy mayor, lousy governor, lousy human being. Cross-eyed phony.

  81. Anonymous6:19 PM

    "I have to say I have no idea why the Palin trolls are so worked up today."

    Could it be that your post announcing the upcoming Babygate book on the eve of what was supposed to be Sarah's diversion from recent exposes about her now Sarah is in a bad mood and you've ruined their vacation? Or that it's a slow night holed up on the bus and this is their idea of a family activity?

  82. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Some general observations after watching cnn with John King. I suspect that Roger Ailes has forbidden Palin to announce her stops and schedules. Such activity would clearly force him to suspend her contract just like he did with with the other 2 idiots.

    Palin's fanbots stood outside in sweltering heat and humidity for 8+ hours on the off chance that she would stop where they were waiting and they could see her. On a holiday weekend. How many fools suffered for hours on a hope such as this? How long before the fanbot backlash begins?

    Palin is LOVING the chase the press is doing. She calculated that this would be the case and that it would prove to be a major distraction to revelations in Bailey's book and prevent too much linkage to the Dunn work. Yep, today was all Palin all Palin all Palin. She won. God how I wish the media would just stop playing her game.

  83. imnofred6:20 PM

    It's really funny to hear her talk about her wanting to keep where she is headed private. If that is the case, how are people (even if very few) finding out where she is headed?? Oh Yes, by the MEDIA that she so despises.

  84. Anonymous6:20 PM

    CNN wrote a piece implying that this bus trip is a test run for the family, to see if they could handle it, as that's most like the kind of traveling they would be doing if she runs. (Right, no planes.)

    The piece also claims that Todd is the one who is most eager for her to run.

    What is this bs?

  85. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Why is there SUCH a double standard? If she were a male politician, she and Obama would be pals. Bet on it.

    4:20 PM

    Little hint, if Sarah Palin was a male, Wasilla City Hall would have ended the career. Sarah Palin is profundly stupid, mentally unstable and not fit for public office. She got beyond local politics with her lizard tongue and push-up bra.

  86. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Message to Palin Bot 4:25 p.m.: Sorry, it is not this blog or any of the people on the blog who are intent on destroying Ms. Palin's family. She has contributed quite well to that effort, thank you very much! She is an absolutely dysfunctional mother who is much more interested in her own ambition rather than her children's. I am appalled by her obvious disconnect with Trig. Admit it. She is never home. I personally find this reprehensible. I had a Down's aunt and my grandmother, bless her heart, would be just sick about this.

    As to what she thinks is more important than that very sweet little boy? You tell me.

    She doesn't appear to have any answers to this nation's problems or an ability to actually govern. Why are you so sure she is the answer? I am truly confused by your intent to make excuses for what appears to be truly deplorable behavior for a person who says she believes in the family.

  87. Anonymous6:28 PM

    One of Sarahs strongest supporters is a head honcho at ConEdison. There re several who are in the their 20s who hold 75k govt jobs. Several have successful radio shows. It's not wise to assume.

    5:19 PM
    Several? Like more than 5?


  88. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Someone hurry and find a handwriting analysis expert.

    Palin's signature in the new photo she uploaded is HUGE. See photo on link below:

  89. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Wow! She is off her rocker. She said she won't let the media know what she is doing so they can do their investigative work? OMG! OK media.....get on it. She asked for it!

  90. there's a lot of personal hostility here - name calling and remarks about sexual habits - the use of "retard" as an insult - a great deal of emphasis on personal appearance - etc.

    although supposedly people are concerned that Palin has a bad effect on the country, in her activities now, and much worse if she were President, the personalization of the animosity makes me think there are other reasons for the intense dislike - namely envy of the charismatic, famous, and prosperous Palins

    as Jesus said, take the beam out of your own eye before you criticize the mote in your neighbor's eye

  91. Aunt Ethel's Cat6:32 PM

    I really wish someone would explain how it's legal for SarahPAC to pay for what Palin herself has called "a family vacation".


  92. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Greta says Palin's on vacation, Palin says it's not a campaign bus, but SarahPac is paying for it?

    Ill. Legal.

  93. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Palin says the ethics complaints were going to bankrupt the state. REALLY??? Makin' stuff up again!

  94. Anonymous6:35 PM

    OK, no one screamed "prop!" when Piper licked Trig's hair. We screamed "prop!" when Sarah Palin dragged him out into the cold, adults all around in coats, Trig without even socks on.

    People are disturbed by how much this woman is away from her other children (-Bristol, that is). She is not there for them. She is busy seeking fame and power and money.

    If Trig has been left behind at home, we trust they will fly him in to see his "mother", or she will check in with him herself, or she will keep this little trip short, no?

  95. TNbluedot6:35 PM

    WOW, 5:33! Good one! You've got the making of a great comedy writer. With a little perfecting you could take that on the road. Maybe Snowdrift Snooki could even use some of it on her great family vacation learning tour! (And sarahpac's contributors would pay you has happily as they're footing the bill for her family's summer vacation!) Hahaha!

  96. Anonymous6:35 PM

    You have no basis to critique any of the Palins as people. You do not know them. Stop assassinating their characters. You know nothing of their motives in life.

    5:26 PM
    Sarah Palin has published two books about herself. She was governor of a state and a vice-presidential nominee. I know DAMM plenty about the woman. Sarah Palin in mentally unstable. Whatever her motives may be, her mental state makes her unfit for public office.

    Sarah Palin boasts of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak with a high -risk premature DS unborn child. That is a horrendous risk of the life of the baby. Her character is beneath contempt.

  97. Anonymous6:37 PM

    was that really willow driving the bike that sarah was riding on... thne gal in pigtails with the tat inside her left bicep? I believe politico reported that it was willow. maybe, but if it was, willow's lost a lot of her baby fat. unlike, her older sister. nice tat, too. i wonder if she has a tramp stamp to match w the harley davidson logo just above the crack of her ass. classy bunch, u know.

  98. Anonymous6:39 PM

    @6:05 PM
    very good summary

  99. Anonymous6:39 PM

    "I just want you to admit one of your secret goals is to destroy her family. That much is evident by your cattiness and rumor-speading. Well, newsflash: it'll never happen. adversity makes people tough as nails. That too is evident."

    OK, you got me. I do want to "destroy" her family if that's what it takes to destroy Palin. Adversity my ass. Bitch's never done anything in her life she didn't want to do, including finishing her term a gov.

  100. Anonymous6:39 PM

    No one in their right mind would be putting on this childish game with Sarah's bus tour, except Sarah. It appears she's trying to play a silly game of hide and seek with the press. "Catch me if you can", or she's the road runner and the press are the coyote.

    I get a kick out of the media, CNN, Fox, over-analyzing why she's chosen this escapade. They think it's some great collaborative clever plan to work up her base, not doing things the traditional way, as though she's so smart and has a plan. No, it's that she's playing a game with media because she hates them.

    And it appears she's using her donors money to play this game. Notice her grin. It's like a cat who ate the canary grin. All the speculation, 1) Is this a family vacation? 2) Is this a historic tour to gain popularity? 3) Is this a presidential campaign?

    She's laughing at the press, at bloggers, at everyone. Making them look like fools, like celebrity stalkers. And they're buying it. It's a vendetta against the press AND a way to be in the news 24/7.

  101. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Why doesn't Trig get to go on vacation with the rest of the family?

    5:25 PM

    There are a couple reasons why Trig has a nanny and is not seen with Sarah anymore.

    You see Sarah's use of Trig as a cute DS baby prop is now over. He did his job while he was small. Now that he is older and bigger, the only family he knows is his paid nanny. Sarah has left Trig with his nanny so much, he does not know who Sarah is and Sarah can't afford to have a camera recording Trig hitting Sarah and acting up. The Palins reminds me of the stories of rich people who pay people to watch kids like Trig. DS kids of rich families like Trig just disappear.

  102. Anonymous6:41 PM

    would it not be hilarious if someone with deep pockets had decoy buses with identical bus wrap going all over the country? They would have actress look-a-likes along with fake folksy family members get out and do their best impressions, lampooning not only Palin but highlighting the ridiculousness of the media's chase. I think it would make an incredible short film!

  103. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I agree with 5:16, Instead of two Skull and Bonesmen (Bush, Kerry), We now get two glittering puppets, Narcissistic performers, who pretend to do battle while their corporate sponsors pay off any and all. Sarah, the Constitution is already dead, we are a corporate state, and anyone who complains is a terrorist. Stop with the bullshit, you are bought and paid for, or you would be already taken out. Like JFK,RFK, MLK. You are nothing but a corporate whore, like your pretend nemesis.

  104. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I am internet speechless. I just watched that and was frozen in shock at the mental illness on display.

    Catch me if you Can, evil media.

    What is this?
    Goal? Point? MSM should do their work? What hire private detectives and hackers to find out WTF you are doing?

    CRAZY. and no one will say it...

    5:54 PM
    Thank you, Karen. Great description of the situation. I agree that the scariest part is "no one will say it". The puppeteers are extremely well-funded and the media is either paid off or frightened.

  105. Why are people here uselessly, irrationally defending the Palins to her critics? Gas for the bus, the hotel rooms, clothes, and food for the family vacation is expensive. The Palins need funds to furnish their new house and pay the ridiculous air-conditioning bills for the 8000 sq ft house in the desert. Get thee to conservative sites and help drum up support for SarahPAC.

  106. Erlene6:50 PM

    I almost feel sorry for the 'bots for getting taken in by Palin. It must hurt to see her living it up on their money.

  107. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Why is she trying to bone up on American history, when she was married to a card carrying AIP seccionist for many years, and even signed off on their activities. Who does she think she is fooling?

  108. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Obviously there is strength among them if each member defends another family member. Thats commendable.
    Yeah, when your personal bank account is padded to do so.

    The house of cards is falling....

  109. I agree .. the number of frantic, nervous, defensive trolls has increased tonight, because as that gaudy bus rolls up the East Coast, they see their money disappearing; funding a cushy vacation and history lesson (in theory) for their goddess who cares nothing about them, not even enouch to let them know where she will be or what she is thinking, except to say come and find me if you can. She is mad. She is really crazy and mad. And yes, Greta is too, obviously.

  110. Anonymous6:53 PM

    5:58--"You do realize that before this tour began, you all criticized her for the possibility that Trig would be "dragged along". Now you're offended that hes not there, or to your knowledge not there. Which is it? I get confused when stories change like night and day."

    I say bring him along. It's a family vacation! Just dress him properly and don't show him off to strangers in the middle of the night. What I really wonder is, doesn't Sarah MISS HIM??? I mean, even tho she didn't really birth him, she is his "mother." How cold she not miss him?

  111. Anonymous6:56 PM

    As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state.

    Sarah Palin is every bit as stupid today as when she burbled the above in the 2008 campaign.

    A road trip (with billboard bus) to some historical sites is just not going to be enough to overcome her basic stupidity.

  112. Anonymous7:00 PM

    How come Rahm Emanuel's outrageous tales just make people laugh yet similar tales about Sarah make people dislike her?

    Why don't you cite a supposed "outrageous tale" of Rahm Emanuel, before accusing, my dear little trolly coward.

    And - to answer you what makes Rahm different from Sarah - the answer is - he's intelligent, he's interested in policy, and he's not a fame-whore like Sarah Palin. (you'll note who it was who showed up this weekend in a rented costume at an public event without an invitation.)

  113. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Wrong. Sarah is the twin of Barack. They rose to fame and prominence in the same way. They shed and attact followers the same way. They are empty suits who are controlled by the media.

    Actually, you are wrong. Barack Obama is our president, he is working to make America better, he gave the orders to kill Osama bin Laden, and he is working to better our standing both internationally and nationally. Sarah Palin is busy trying to fatten her bank account.

    There's a big difference.

  114. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I love that the Palins are on their idyllic bus vacation, but they are still checking this site. They are out of the house, but not off their computers/phones.

  115. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Why does Sarah drag her family into her shit? Why does Sarah martyr her family for her cause? I would never thrust my family into anything I believed in. Why in the hell does her family support her insanity. Money, that's why. Poor Piper, Poor Willow, collateral damage.

  116. Anonymous7:08 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    CNN has a story on the political ticker @ maybe 100 people waiting and waiting for $arah to show up.

    5:21 PM"

    lol--100 people. The Jersey Shore goons get more attention than that.

  117. Anonymous7:13 PM

    CNN reporting that Sarah didn't make it to Gettysburg...she is in a hotel somewhere...not on the bus. Isn't that what was predicted.

    I wish a reporter would ask her why there is a donate sign on her bus if this tour is not political.

  118. Hey Gryph,

    Congrats on the uptick in traffic!

    While most of us rill Mericuns are getting settled back in after a great holiday weekend, I see that you were kind enough to provide adult daycare for the low-info Pee-bots that Sarah didn't invite on her tacky SarahPAC RV this weekend.

    It's great for us that you welcome them here despite their obvious lack of both tact and intelligence. This way, we don't have to venture over to their home, that shit hole known as C4P, to see the flying monkey exhibit.


  119. Anonymous7:15 PM

    "How come Rahm Emanuel's outrageous tales just make people laugh yet similar tales about Sarah make people dislike her?

    Why is there SUCH a double standard? If she were a male politician, she and Obama would be pals. Bet on it."

    4:20 PM

    First of all, Rahm Emanuel is not in our faces making an ass of himself, constantly whining, complaining, claiming victimhood, being divisive, and insulting, and annoying a large majority of the electorate, almost 24/7.

    Second, you are wasting your time playing the gender card.

    Third, did you never notice the beatings Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, Rod Blagoyovich, and Donald Trump have gotten from the media?

    Barack Obama already has female "pals" like Valerie Jarret. Why the hell would President Obama want to be "pals" with some deranged bitch ($arah Palin) who's always putting him down?

    Don't bet on it.

  120. what I learned from SarahPac today:

    OMG, like George Washington is so EXACTLY like Sarah it isnt even funny. I mean, like Piper said, he was a commercial fisherman too, who wasnt a real politician but he sacrificed making a ton of money when he heard the same voices in his head to lead the nation.
    Plus he prayed a lot to the "Devine Author" which is either God or Ned, one or the other.

  121. Anonymous7:18 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Why doesn't Trig get to go on vacation with the rest of the family?

    5:25 PM"

    Why would they want to be around him--he is retarded! Duh! They don't need to drag him out because it isn't real campaigning. They'll get him on the road when it counts.

    They are hiding him because they are ashamed of him, until he serves a purpose. Remember at the RNC Sarah had him out on stage & turned him to face outward, like a baby that small could see anything? I know what she was thinking "look at mah retard, y'all, me good lady!"

  122. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Wow--what a great picture.

    "Rallying the Ignorance of America"

    That's what she does best--besides making money and marketing herself and talking trash.

  123. Anonymous7:20 PM

    "I just want you to admit one of your secret goals is to destroy her family. That much is evident by your cattiness and rumor-speading. Well, newsflash: it'll never happen. adversity makes people tough as nails. That too is evident."

    4:25 PM

    I want you to admit you're $arah Palin.

    $arah Palin has already admitted she wants to destroy Barack Obama. We don't want to "destroy" her fucking family. We just want all the grifters to go away, so we can finally have some fucking peace!

  124. Anonymous7:20 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Keep dreaming up your fictional realities for them. It's makes them laugh non stop. This I know to be certain.

    5:21 PM"

    Yeah, I'm sure. If it didn't bother them, they wouldn't read it. Same with you. I don't go to R sites and try to convert people, why do you come here?

  125. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Come-hither Granny Palin is the high school prick teaser that wants all the boys panting after her. That's why she says, "I'm not telling you where I'm going" as she flicks her tongue across her lips and wears high heels on a motorcycle. There's no better feeling to Granny than have all the media chasing her. It makes her feel like a rock star.

  126. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Anon 5:19:

    If a bunch of strangers on the internet could "destroy her personal life", I would submit that there was not a "strong foundation".

    In any case, it looks like Sarah Palin is doing a fine job of that without anyone else's help.

  127. Anonymous7:24 PM

    " Daisydem said...
    I agree .. the number of frantic, nervous, defensive trolls has increased tonight, because as that gaudy bus rolls up the East Coast, they see their money disappearing; funding a cushy vacation and history lesson (in theory) for their goddess who cares nothing about them, not even enouch to let them know where she will be or what she is thinking, except to say come and find me if you can. She is mad. She is really crazy and mad. And yes, Greta is too, obviously.

    6:53 PM"

    They are feeling all panicky for some reason, poor dears. It is almost as though they are realizing she is making an even bigger spectacle of herself, and fools of them.

  128. Anonymous7:25 PM

    She really is nuts to think that all but the insane believe that bit of drivel. She's going to make the media hunt her down. This is not about her but showing the country how great we are. How can Greta sit there and listen to that BS?


  129. Anonymous7:25 PM

    4:25: Nice try, troll. G doesn't *need* to destroy her family; from most accounts, she's done a damn good job of that herself. Have you seen Bristol's face lately? You can't blame that on G.

    And if you read his posts about her kids, it's clear he doesn't *want* to destroy her family, either--as a father himself, he is sad about the many ways in which this narcissist is destroying her children.

  130. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Sarah needs money. This trip is about getting more donations so she can keep living off of other people dimes.

  131. Anonymous7:28 PM

    " Anonymous said...

    Sarah Palin has published two books about herself. She was governor of a state and a vice-presidential nominee. I know DAMM plenty about the woman. Sarah Palin in mentally unstable. Whatever her motives may be, her mental state makes her unfit for public office.

    Sarah Palin boasts of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak with a high -risk premature DS unborn child. That is a horrendous risk of the life of the baby. Her character is beneath contempt.

    6:35 PM"

    True dat.


  132. Anonymous7:28 PM

    No matter our political affiliation, we are all getting taken. Sarah is a paid diversion. She is nothing but a shiny object. Sarah is not the problem or the solution. She is the diversion. The Powers That Be could give two shits who is President. As long as the phlebians fight amongst themselves, diversion is created. While you people are fighting each other over left and right your country is being financially lootted.

  133. Anonymous7:33 PM

    A while back there was a column with Greta saying that Sarah couldn't give interviews with other stations because of her contract with Faux. But didn't she give interviews with someone. ?CNN at the Rolling Thunder event?

  134. Anonymous7:36 PM

    namely envy of the charismatic, famous, and prosperous Palins

    That's a parody, right? chuckle

  135. Anonymous7:37 PM

    where's Trig? anybody see him riding on a harley on the palin's family vacation?

    oh no! do you reckon one of obama's death panels got him and killed him like sarah said they would do if the heath care act was passed? if that's the case, then...poor sarah, i can't believe she hasn't reported it to the news. nobody in the lamestream media ever gives her the opportunity to speak out. that's just the way they ignored her video she put oyut the morning before obama was going to address the folks mourning the massacre in Tucson.

    Poor sarah, she never gets all the attention she deserves.

  136. Anonymous7:42 PM

    mistah charley, ph.d. 6:31

    "namely envy of the charismatic, famous, and prosperous Palins"



    Seems someone found a ph.d. certificate in a Cracker Jacks box.

    Envy of the WasillaBilly Trailer Trash family -- don't think so.

    P.S. Jesus told her to 'Flock Off like the birds do.

  137. Cracklin' Charlie7:42 PM

    norwegian blue @ 6:14,
    Great description of life inside the bus! I don't even want to imagine what that would be like.

  138. Anonymous7:43 PM

    "Wrong. Sarah is the twin of Barack. They rose to fame and prominence in the same way. They shed and attact followers the same way. They are empty suits who are controlled by the media."

    5:16 PM

    WRONG! At least Barack Obama isn't afraid to talk to the media, and can speak in complete sentences, and carry on an intelligent conversation. Oh, yeah, and President Obama is not a quitter.

  139. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Palin lectures residents of the Northeast about the Constitution? Is she also stopping at Lincoln Center to conduct the philharmonic?

    As for her tour of Gettysburg-- most who go don't arrive there like a traveling rock star and entourage. Very disrespectful of the place and the dead.

  140. Anonymous7:45 PM

    "Theres no way you can get a cross section of readers here or Palin supporters. You may know who certain people are, but making assessments like that is impossible. One of Sarahs strongest supporters is a head honcho at ConEdison. There re several who are in the their 20s who hold 75k govt jobs. Several have successful radio shows. It's not wise to assume."

    5:19 PM

    Um, whatever.

  141. Anonymous7:47 PM

    "Exactly. We are at war. So stop trying to destroy one woman's personal life. Because you will not succeed. Strong foundations do not break."

    5:20 PM

    $arah Palin is destroying her own life. Fuck off.

  142. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Re: "How come Rahm Emanuel's outrageous tales just make people laugh yet similar tales about Sarah make people dislike her?"

    I wasn't aware that Rahm had padded his stomach and pretended to be pregnant. Now that would be some story - man bites dog!

  143. Anonymous7:50 PM

    "Keep dreaming up your fictional realities for them. It's makes them laugh non stop. This I know to be certain."

    5:21 PM

    We'll keep laughing at $arah Palin's own fictional reality that everyone loves her, and that she will some day be president.

  144. Anonymous7:54 PM

    RAM sealed her fate when she dared tell the truth about this dysfunctional family called the Palins. She admitted that Bristol is just another floozy who doesn't know how to be around a man and keep her britches zipped up at the same time. No, RAM, there's not one of THOSE in EVERY family, thank God.

  145. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Expect her to resurface the 'death panels' when she gets to New Hampshire.

    The Governor of New Hampshire signed a bill last week for "UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE"!!


    Good on the Governor and Sen. Bernie Sanders!!

  146. Anonymous7:58 PM

    "You have no basis to critique any of the Palins as people. You do not know them. Stop assassinating their characters. You know nothing of their motives in life.

    Obviously there is strength among them if each member defends another family member. Thats commendable."

    5:26 PM

    Like, will you shut the fuck up, already? Who are you? $arah Palin has no basis to critique President Obama as a person. She does not know HIM, yet she is always assasinating HIS character. She knows nothing about HIS motives in life. Yet, Palin wants other people to shut up? I don't think so! Fucking hypocrite!

    $arah Palin is a mean, whiny, greedy, selfish, divisive, bitch! That is not a character assasination, that is the truth!

    There are more of us, than the Palins!

  147. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Re Anonymous at 5:33 writing about Bristol: "There's few people I've met who weathered more than her."

    Whatever could the poster be talking about. That she's an unwed teen mom. As I understand it, that's pretty common in the Mat-Su Valley and in other places where they don't teach birth control and/or children aren't encouraged to set goals, postpone pleasure and go on to higher education. So nothing special about that and, in fact, Bristol has found a way to get rich off her role as America's most famous teenage mom.

    So, the only thing I can think of about how much Bristol has suffered and what she has been through is that she had to hide her first pregnancy and have her child taken away from her. So, thanks Anonymous, for confirming all the rumors.

  148. Anonymous8:04 PM

    @5:33 PM,

    Didn't you just judge us? I think YOUR'RE unraveling. We don't have to meet the fucking Palins to know exactly what they are about. You are not fooling anyone. Shut up, bot!

  149. Anonymous8:04 PM

    To go to the National Archives, and to Mt. Verton and to Fort McHenry in Maryland -- All in one day including travelling.

    How can you not call this a Wasillabilly Circus!!!!

    No one in their right mind (which we know Snowdrift Snooki is not) can see these three venues in one day and truthfully learn anything.

    That's why it's so easy to call this trip a Political Campaign and should be reported to the FEC regarding the filings for all the expenses of the transportation, lodging, meals, staff, etc.


  150. Anonymous8:06 PM

    It's sad to read the comments from those poor girls who claim to have hung out with Bristol, and now they are compelled to tell how wise and well-adjusted and in-charge of her life that Bristol is now.

    It's sad because everyone just what kind of horrible parenting is rampant throughout SarahNation. These poor people don't even recognize what is so obvious to those who are active, hands-on parents--- that Sarah is not the epitome of what a "good mom" is, but instead she's the kind of self-absorbed, narcissistic person who is all about herself while neglecting her most important role... by the way, where is Trig while Sarah is "hogging the spotlight", wearing her leather jackets and "fuck me, I used to be important" high-heel shoes? Wake up, bots, you have to be able to admit you made a serious error in judgement at some point in your lives. Continuing to support the all-too-obvious lies that the Palins are promoting is going to keep the poor bots right at the poverty line all their lives. Sad.

  151. Anonymous8:08 PM

    "While we can all agree that blogs dont influence much (except koolaid drinkers who need hatred in their heart), how does one physically/emotionally defend a blogger who reports such hateful lies about people he doesnt know? How can you defend that? How can you automatically assume the worst, when there's no proof that's the truth?"

    5:45 PM

    Could you ask hateful, lying, $arah the same question? Pretty please?

  152. Anonymous8:11 PM

    The devoid of fact trolls aren't even a challenge. They're too easy to chew up and spit out. It's not even a challenge anymore!!

  153. Chenagrrl8:14 PM

    So there's Sarah on video, apparently in a bus with a background moving behind her. So maybe she's on a bus, maybe she's not.

    Question about the bus. Has it passed inspection in the new federal crackdown on maintenance?

    A question for Greta, how many phone calls did you reallllly get? Did you answer the phone yourself? Did you keep count? How many calls?

    Of course bookers for the marginal news/reality programs are probably fishing, as they must, for Palin -- or some other trainwreck. But they are not mainstream.

    Also, it's getting to be time for midsummer madness -- the Montauk monster, alligators in the Arkansas River. Snakes in the sewer.

    And Sarah about your huffing and puffing about making the media work for info on you. Get over it. No one is coming to heel. Got news for you lady. There are wars going on and there is barely money to cover those. What makes you think a major news outlet, other than your scripted newsifying employer Fox, would bump along backroad America looking for SArah?

    Put another way: Why should a news enterprise spend precious dollars to get the same can o' crap when it can't tell your itinerary?

    Have a nice tour. It is beautiful this time of year. Write if you get serious about running. Otherwise, move along.

  154. Anonymous8:16 PM


    Check c4P they have UL another sneak video of greta/palin so called interview

  155. Anonymous8:19 PM

    "How is Sarah destroying her family? She didn't ask for people to make stuff up about them. She was not alone in having them onstage with her in 08. I seem to recall Gryphen remarking that Sasha Obama stole the show at the DNC. But when Piper licks Trigs hair, people scream "prop!!"

    You do realize that before this tour began, you all criticized her for the possibility that Trig would be "dragged along". Now you're offended that hes not there, or to your knowledge not there. Which is it? I get confused when stories change like night and day."

    5:58 PM

    $arah Palin is destroying her family, because she is the one who decided to run for vice-president when she was way in over her head. She had too much baggage, proved to be a light-weight, who can't handle scrutiny, or tough questions, and had no business running, in the first place.

    Unlike the Palin children who never seem to be in school, you barely see the the Obama children. They do not grace magazine covers, and the few times they have, they were with their parents, not by themselves. They ceratinly don't appear on "reality" t.v. either.

    And, yes Trig Palin is/was a prop, whatever. $arah Palin made him apart of the campaign. Sarah Palin made her whole family apart of her campaign, which was stupid.

    Barack Obama did not make his children apart of his campaign. Palin is even more revolting, because she's never done shit for people people with specail needs.

  156. Anonymous8:25 PM


    Piper is not happy acc. to this report: and do check the pic piper is pissed.

    "The youngest Palin daughter looked none to happy to be delayed by the press corps, and repeatedly tugged at her mother’s arm during the questions. At one point, she said, “Mom, let’s go.”

  157. Anonymous8:31 PM

    "... stop assassinating the Palin family's characters..."

    Nobody is assassinating any of those foolish characters.

    In fact, these characters just keep procreating like a bunch of damn rabbits, those Palins.

  158. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Well, according to lamestream media who were nice enough to wait on her, the entourage is in a hotel on the outskirts of Gettysberg, she went for "a run" (in a long-sleeved cotton shirt and "sandals" ??), she and Piper are off to get some socks.
    She blessed them with her usual oratory and bullet points.

    Could we not do this anymore?
    Do we all understand that this is what she wants? Purposeful FREE campaign advertising and airtime.
    As painful as it may be, could we deny her her media time and just walk away?
    Let her announce the presidential campaign. Good, great, so what?
    She IS campaigning, we already all know it, the media knows it.
    Can we go home now?

  159. Anonymous8:33 PM


    Keith Olbermann tried once again to catch Palin on a syntactical failure, correcting her use of “foundation” to “founding.” It is perfectly fair to assume that by “foundation,” Palin meant the foundation of moral and political principles on which conventionally American thought is based, and not necessarily the actual establishment of a nation.!/KeithOlbermann/status/75288615223169024

  160. Anonymous8:35 PM

    The only reason the media is following her is because she pretends her destinations are some kind of a secret.It's just one of her cute strategies to gain attention. Otherwise, they probably would've
    covered it somewhat, but there'd be no frezy whipped up about it. And that clown trolley she's riding in is so huge & gaudy you could follow it on a bike.

    Sharon TN

  161. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Anon @ 6:29, I thought the same thing! Her handwriting and signature freaked me out. What are all those severe downward lines? The huge signature says it all.

    Mistah Charley phD or whatever your name is, get real. We do not do what you describe, and no we are not jealous of Sarah Palin. Wouldn't want to be her in a million years.

    People are really worried here, Gryphen. I think they know this tour thing isn't selling well.

  162. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Please. Gryphen.

    Cut off these comments, man. It's late and I've gotta get some sleep. Unlike the Peebots who live with their aunt/uncles after their parents cut them off, some of us hafta work tomorrow.

    And I won't sleep very well at this rate... my side hurts so bad from laughing at your C4P visitors! What a bunch of Einsteins. Haha.

  163. @Anon 6:05 PM

    "After numerous out-of-wedlock pregnancies"

    I'm sure you are talking about Bristol and I take issue with that. I've been studying Sarah for over two years. I can only find evidence of Bristol pregnant and giving birth once. That was to Trig on April 17/18, 2008.

    Read the e-mail from the SOA, Benefits Div., dated May 21, 2008. It was to "Gov. Sarah Palin" asking for her newborn's birth certificate. They needed it within 60 days of the baby's birth or they wouldn't pay anymore claims. Someone in the Palin family gave birth and thanks to Dr. CBJ, all the paperwork was in Sarah's name and that also allowed her to get her state insurance to pay for Trig's birth.

    No one knew Bristol was pregnant during the summer of 2008. Watch the Michael Carey video where he is talking to the BBC. He is a reporter for the ADN and he is telling us no one in the news room knew she was pregnant during the summer. They had all heard the rumors she was pregnant starting in Dec., 2007, and on. Not until the RNC announced it during the campaign, to stop the rumors, had they heard it.

    Where did Tripp come from? I have no idea. However, I think his mother has been his nanny since day one. He is probably under contract and used for photo-ops under strict supervision by his mother. If either Levi or Bristol had any parentage towards this child, they'd be pimping him on every magazine cover they could.

    Please, someone, prove me wrong.


  164. Anonymous8:39 PM

    @Mistah Charley, ph.d

    "the personalization of the animosity makes me think there are other reasons for the intense dislike - namely envy of the charismatic, famous, and prosperous Palins"

    "Charismatic?" The Palins are rotten. Most people don't like them. Are we supposed to call them nice people? Because they're not. We are fed up, and annoyed with Palins constant presence, and poisoning of our discourse.

    $arah Palin sure enough makes enough personal attacks against the President. I guess she's jealous because he's the president, and she never will be.

    I don't know about charismatic, but Michael Jackson was far more famous, and far more prosperous than the Palins, (he earned it) and I love Michael Jackson. So you get a FAIL!

    You just think Palin's "hawt!"

  165. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Anon 4:20pm, Is Rahm Emanuel in a big
    circus bus being all coy about where the heck he's going? What are you on about? Yeah, Barack would hang out with the likes of Sarah that's why he married a lady with poise & brains like Michele. Not unless he craved the company of a dingbat.

    Sharon TN

  166. Anonymous8:48 PM

    We have a large motor home and while it isn’t as large as Scarah’s bus, it is pretty big. There is a huge difference in how many people can “ride” in a motor home/bus and how many can “live” there. So there is Scarah, Todd, the 2 Heaths, Willow, Piper and Bristol at a minimum. There is also at least one photographer. That’s 8 people.

    Maybe Trig and Trip are on the bus but probably not now although I suspect they will be flown in for some appearances. When they are there, there will have to be someone to take care of them. There is probably someone else to drive and maybe someone to cook although they could order crunch wraps.

    We all know $arah has to have her own bedroom. Presumably Todd has his bedroom unless he bunks with Chuck. That doesn’t leave much room for everyone else.

    This is planned better than we think or maybe just dumb luck. They hijacked the Rolling Thunder event to insure a large crowd for their launch with no advance work. Does anyone really believe they came in the entrance for the organizers and press, rather than the regular entrance for participants by mistake????? I think not.

    If there is no advance notice of where they are going, they never have to explain why no crowds for their events. If there is no notice of where they are going, it makes it much easier for some folks to fly between stops or come and go. I in no way believe $arah will stay on the bus for more than 24 hours at a time with that number of people.

    I am from Maine and our Tea Party governor who was elected only because it was t three party race, has taken to having “listening” meetings with little public advance notice although his followers seem to have lots of notice, Having not advance schedule gives $arah the same ability to only let her followers know where she is going to be, helping stage a welcoming reception. Of course that might get old quick if many folks are left standing like they did tonight,

    And where are they going to pull in for the night unnoticed. Wal-Mart parking lot? A local campground? Most can’t take anything that large. They have to be staying in preplanned “safe” areas that will make it much easier for folks, particularly $arah to come and go, flying between stops.

    I suspect that neither Sarah nor Greta was on the bus to nowhere today for that interview.

  167. Anonymous8:55 PM

    It makes me sick to hear reporters address her as Governor. She stopped for a moment to speak to some near Gettysburg, I guess? She made sure to throw in the ole "time tested truths" line! I defy her to stop using that one. Anyway, she acted as if she didn't want to trouble anyone, like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, all while Piper looked miserable.

    This is just so weird. And she said the trip was simply to highlight what's good about America, blah blah blah.

    I hope a more competent reporter gets to her the next time and puts her through her paces.

  168. Anonymous8:57 PM

    "Wrong. Sarah is the twin of Barack. They rose to fame and prominence in the same way. They shed and attact followers the same way. They are empty suits who are controlled by the media.

    5:16 PM"

    HAHAHA, you idiot. Since when does a 5 college ho maybe degree equal a Harvard degree? You sound like dogface ram.

    White trash does sophistication, elegance, intelligence, integrity, decency, kindness.

    GTFOH clown

  169. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Come to think of it President Obama doesn't even acknowledge the grifter during the Corresponding Dinners eventho that pile of desperation is overflowing in the laughingstock department.


  170. Anonymous9:11 PM

    "White trash *doesn't equal* sophistication, elegance, intelligence, integrity, decency, kindness.

  171. IF you are reading this, Sarah, and I think you are, nobody I know, and I mean NOBODY thinks you are intelligent enough to be POTUS, and MANY people I know think that you are one mentally deluded person, that you lie about everything, and that you should just take the money you've accumulated-- the widow's mites across this country-- and go retire in some small foreign country, preferable an island w/no WIFI or cell service or electricity. Todd can stay home and raise the kids.


    Leave the country alone; you've done enough damage.

  172. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Anon 8:25

    Thanks for the link



    You should take a look at the link. I'm not sure, but it appears they've had pics or a brochure or booklet printed up for cult panty sniffers to have her autograph. I don't recognize it.

  173. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Instead of all this ranting and raving lets start a" Stop the Palin train" Rush Limp did that with Hillary. Let's get together and show Puss Face what we really think. The way to bring her down is to let her know she's not liked. Sounds cruel but that will put her over the edge. And another thing she strutts out and and acts like a TRAMP no other words for it. The MSM follows this trash. I have no respect for our country anymore. NONE!!!!


    Check out how Sarah's voice goes off the 'high-pitch' meter when someone asks her how she'll explain leaving her term 17 months early. 'Dog whistle' takes on a whole new meaning; not just the things she says, but now, how she says them.

  175. Okay, I wrote too early about Sarah's extremely high-pitched response to "How do you explain leaving your term 17 months early?"

    I went back to the video to resume playing her response to see her face go very red as well as she answers.

    She is VERY uncomfortable answering the question!

  176. Anonymous9:58 PM

    What responsible parent or a fake candidate would ask her daughter to interrupt a fake Q&A with a few of her delusional supporters?

    Looks like there were a whole 7 people in Gettyberg. Keep attracting that many people and the world is your oyster.

    What a moran.

  177. Anonymous10:04 PM

    IS she serious? "this is not publicity seekin tour". lololol

    Then why did she paint a big ole bus with her name on it and the famous "donate to Sarahpac" sign.

    There are better ways to go incognito, and that doesn't mean blacking out McCain's name with a sharpie on your sun hat.

  178. Anonymous10:13 PM

    """""Obviously there is strength among them if each member defends another family member."""""

    Just like gang members who gun down rival gang members for diss'n their bro's.


  179. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Bristol had Tripp. I don't have any special information on that, just what I saw on the web, tv, etc. There was footage of Bristol at the checkout in a Walmart with her mom that fall, and the girl was very pregnant. For reals. There are baby pictures of Levi that are the spitting image of Tripp, also. Maybe you haven't seen those. That kid is theirs.

    Don't know if they fibbed about his exact birthdate, that wouldn't surprise me.

    I don't know if Bristol had Trig, or had other pregnancies. I say Trig can be anyone's child at this point. Bristol's, Todd's, Track's, but certainly a Palin relative, as he looks far too much like one of them to have no biological connection.

    All anecdotal, based on observation. As good evidence as any, I suppose.

  180. Anonymous10:17 PM

    The email address for CREW--Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

  181. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Gryphen, you should ask Bailey if these troll messages sound like the phony messages and letters to the editor that he or $arah or staff wrote while campaigning or as governor. That's what many of them sound like to me.

  182. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Why isn't Trig along? Hmmm...both parents unemployed and they leave their youngest for weeks on end, poor little guy should have been adopted by a family that would have loved him. I would have taken him without a second thought.

  183. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Well...that was....pukeworthy.

  184. Easy to figure out her itinerary.
    All you have to do is look for republican groups holding rallies or gatherings and palin will be there.

  185. Anonymous11:44 PM

    To 9:58pm: Or as former spokeswoman, Meg Stapleton, would say, "The world is literally your oyster."

  186. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Wonkette has a good writeup of Quitter's Rolling Thunder photo op:

    "Sarah Palin Honors Vets With Photo Of Herself On A Motorcycle"

  187. These are Todd's folks that are with them isn't it? Poor fuckers.

  188. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Sarah, we know exactly what you're doing. You're trying to prolong your con game of suckering people into believing you're the role you play. And you're getting desperate because your house of cards is collapsing. You think a few contrived photo ops and a revisionist propaganda film will put you on a solid foundation?'t gonna work, Lou Sarah honey. As much as you pray for it, we can't just forget what we've learned about you. We're SO on to you, you impostor in a red suit. You're contemptible and a damn quitter and nothing can change that. It's who you are.

    Prepare to be defeated....yet loser.

  189. Anonymous4:07 AM

    4:20, first, Rahm isn't an ignorant fraud. When you actually "know stuff," people do give you latitude. Second, NOBODY behaves like such an ASS as Sarah Palin.

  190. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Re: Rahm Emmanuel.

    Take a closer look at the power brokers Palin surrounds herself with. Tim Crawford and his secretive New Models money is as crooked as they come.

    If Sarah ever makes it into the White House, New Models - and the anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-union, Fundamentalist Christians that have been working their way into power since the 90s - will be down in the basement, printing money and pulling the puppet strings.



  191. Anonymous4:19 AM

    5:33, then stop judging.

  192. Anonymous4:20 AM

    The Palins aren't supporting each other; they're merely making a unified cash grab.

  193. Anonymous4:50 AM

    So Sarah bitched at RAM via angry text message that you could easily tell all her comments painting the Palins as one big happeh fambly were from the same person, and it was obviously RAM trying to sound like one of Sarah's uneducated faithful.

    So NOW in a last ditch attempt to mollify BigBoss and keep her BigPaycheck RAM is on a mad commenting spree. Only THIS time...RAM is posting in her own "voice".

    Becky Lou, your comments are still standing out like turds in punchbowls...or shall I say, like Palins in institutes of higher learning?

    4:20, 4:25, 5:20b etc etc're disgustingly, pathetically obvious.

  194. Anonymous5:30 AM

    5:59, let me make it easy for you to understand. When Palin is on a political junket, leave Trig at home. When Palin (and the whole family, no less, even grandparents!) go on VACATION, take Trig with. Got it?

  195. Anonymous5:57 AM

    there's an old saying that rings true for Palin et al.

    "You can always recognize the hookers... They have two phones."

  196. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Anon 10:15
    Tripp is definitely Bristol's. He has the same forehead/nose as she does *did* before she butchered her face.

  197. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Someone else posted this from the NY Times, but take another look: check out poor Piper's expression in the second image. She looks absolutely miserable. Poor thing.

  198. Anonymous8:35 AM

    This bus trip is a complete set-up to run a potential campaign in what she coins an "unconventional and untraditional" campaign where she can tweet, Facebook, do Greta interviews, suck her SarahPAC $$$ to pay for family road trips, and most importantly, keep collecting $$$$$ from her followers. On some level this is a brilliant strategy, i.e I am a rogue and play the game differently.

    In any event, her campaign will require Sarah to expend minimal effort while bilking her followers. She will string them along as long as she can, i.e. bus trip to Iowa to feign serious intentions.

    To me, Sarah got together with a few strategists and said, "How can I keep the dollars rolling in without doing the hard lifting?" Eureka! Family bus tour of Rill Merkan stops. Facebook and SarahPac photos and video are now abundant to add to her websites and Facebook pages. She can simply pay consultants to make movies, ads, write her promos, etc. All she has to do is slip into her naughty monkey pumps and walk the pageant walk.

  199. Anonymous9:03 AM

    7;48, uh, 7:06 was being sarcastic! I know we are over run with creepy trolls, but let's slow down and read the whole comment first.

  200. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Pissed Princess Piper congratualtions on acing your lessons! That Palin brand of homeschooling sure is effective. At only ten, you've mastered your mother's lessons in how to pout, how to glare, how to stare daggers, how to act spoiled,how to make someone cringe with only a look, think only of yourself, be rude, be dramatic, be a diva, expect attention, fawning and publicity. Are you reading above a 2nd grade level yet? Never mind, that probably doesn't matter so much when you're growing up Palin.



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.