Monday, May 02, 2011

Obama has a message for Trump.

H/T to Mr.Scarce


  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

    YES!! Trump and Palin seem to think our President spends his day wondering what THEY say about him. They are insignificant in the scheme of things, he brushes them off like flies. Great job, Mr. President. Palin probably wonders why he didn't call HER, since she is such a crack shot an' all.

  2. Chenagrrl4:12 AM

    Got a Twit from the Brand this ayem. "A Grateful Nation." You can just sense the seething insincerity.

  3. Great job, Mr. President. Our President is a multi-tasker; he was on a mission to get Osama bin laden while slapping the chump Donald. Whether on the golf course or in the White House, President Obama gets the job done and gives credit where credit is due.

    Thank you President Obama and great Americans who try to rise above the hate of some narrow minded people who try to be in the spotlight while making a mockery of our country.

  4. The jerks on Palin's FB page are claiming Obama was out "playing golf" Sunday afternoon....good grief. Morons.

  5. Sharon4:23 AM

    haha..pretty funny Gryphen. You do a great job with this blog and I visit several times per day for your updates. This news must have shattered certain repugs who've put so much attention and importance on the whole bither thing. Well,well, well...palin's little twitter thing already made the comment that this has been in process for a long time- just another way to imply that even though our President got the job done in 2 years - well, he didn't really start the ball rolling, doncha know? And trump now looks even more foolish although I didn't think that was possible. And man did I love how they roasted him at the WH dinner event. The best jab was the crack about owning Ms America pagent and a ready pool of VP candidates. Hear that one sarah? Can't stop snickering over that one.

  6. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Face it, Palin is flat-out un-American. It is one thing to disagree with a sitting President, and it is another to openly dissent against the Office of the President. I think they used to call that treason. I don't think she'll ever be happy until the Evangelical take-over of the country is complete.

  7. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I was readying for bed when I got the news alert from CNN.

    I wondered what the country's reaction would be. How ironic that George W. would use the words that we seek Peace when grabbing his crotch.

    I don't like us celebrating in the streets. It isn't any better than when Middle Easterners danced in theirs after the news of the Twin Towers were struck and collapsed, or anytime Osama released a new videotape.

    I don't blame a lot of people, many of my neighbors died in the WTC towers, but it is uncouth the act like it is the 4th of July. No one wins here, Al Qaeda can act with the phantom arm of Osama, in fact, more will enlist for the useless culture to avenge.

    Thank God The New York Times found Mr. Waizer to quote, "If this means there is one less death in the future, then I'm glad for that," said Mr. Waizer, who was in the elevator riding to work in the north tower when the plane struck the building. He made it down the stairs, but suffered third degree burns. "But I just can't find it in me to be glad one more person is dead, even if it is Osama Bin Laden."

    "You know, the dead are still dead, so in that sense, there is no such thing as closure."

  8. Get ready for Ram and her bitch bride Sarah to go off the cliff this week cause Sarah ain't getting no attention and these two hate promoting stool pigeons just can't seem to know when to sit down and shut up.

  9. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Love this!

  10. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Oh my..................THAT IS GOOD ;)

  11. Virginia Voter4:38 AM

    Bwahhhh, ha, ha, see that Chump, THAT is a real leader for ya.

    While Chump is firing d list celebrities on the tee vee, we have a real president and secretary of state who made this happen at the highest levels.

    Please trolls, go slither under a rock...the face remains that Obama accomplished in two years what Bush couldn't do in eight.

  12. Go President Obama!!!!

    LMAO at Palin right now. How in the hell is she gonna one up this one?

    Oh I know come out as the victim. Lets see who will threaten rape on her or her daughters today?

    President Obama and team have a plan that we have no idea about. But Sarah Palin will NEVER come close to the White House ever unless she steals it!

  13. Anonymous4:47 AM

    I just knew he was hiding in Pakistan, our allied country.

  14. Anonymous4:49 AM

    "That he has been killed by US forces and that we are in possession of the body."

    dumped the body at sea....should have kept it for DNA.

  15. Anonymous4:51 AM

    This is how the GOP contenders saw this. Only 3 had the class to give credit where credit was due. Palin, huckabee and Bachman... avoided giving the president any credit.

    sheesh. My party needs a class injection.

    Mitt Romney:

    This is a great victory for lovers of freedom and justice everywhere. Congratulations to our intelligence community, our military and the president. My thoughts are with the families of Osama bin Laden's many thousands of victims, and the brave servicemen and women who have laid down their lives in pursuit of this murderous terrorist.

    Mike Huckabee:

    "It is unusual to celebrate a death, but today Americans and decent people the world over cheer the news that madman, murderer and terrorist Osama Bin Laden is dead ... Welcome to hell, bin Laden. Let us all hope that his demise will serve notice to Islamic radicals the world over that the United States will be relentless is tracking down and terminating those who would inflict terror, mayhem and death on any of our citizens."

    Sarah Palin:

    "Thank you, American men and women in uniform. You are America's finest and we are all so proud. Thank you for fighting against terrorism."

    Tim Pawlenty:

    "This is terrific news for freedom and justice. In the hours after the 9/11 attacks, President Bush promised that America would bring Osama bin Laden to justice -- and we did. I want to congratulate America's armed forces and President Obama for a job well done."

    Michelle Bachmann:

    "Tonight's news does not bring back the lives of the thousands of innocent people who were killed that day by Osama bin Laden's horrific plan, and it does not end the threat posed by terrorists, but it is my hope that this is the beginning of the end of Sharia-compliant terrorism."

    Rick Santorum:

    "This is extraordinary news for all freedom loving people of the world, and I commend all those involved for this historic triumph. Americans have waited nearly 10 years for the news of Osama bin Laden's death. And while this is a very significant objective that cannot be minimized, the threat from Jihadism does not die with bin Laden."


    Earlier this evening, President Obama called to inform me that American forces killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of the al Qaeda network that attacked America on September 11, 2001. I congratulated him and the men and women of our military and intelligence communities who devoted their lives to this mission. They have our everlasting gratitude. This momentous achievement marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001. The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done.

  16. Anonymous5:04 AM

    I agree with Mr. Walzer (4:35am) although I am also heartened that Osama bin Laden is gone. President Obama handled this matter, as he has handled all matters before him in the past two + years, with care and dignity and concern that the right thing be done. I don't understand the Republicans. When retaliation comes, and I'm sure it will come, the Republicans will blame it all on President Obama, even as they can hardly speak his name at this moment of national relief.

  17. Anonymous5:06 AM


    Food for thought regarding your concern about the unending US wars here's an article by Chris Hedges who covered the Middle East and won a Pulitzer prize for his work covering Al Quaeda.

  18. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Best facebook status ever. "Osama, I win" Waldo

  19. Anonymous5:08 AM

    If I wrote for Jay Leno:

    "Did you hear? Donald Trump is demanding the president show the long form of Osama bin Laden's death certificate."

    "News reports say Bin Laden was killed by a shot through his left eye. Palin tweeted "Even in the war on terrorism, this guy favors the left."

  20. Anonymous5:09 AM


  21. Anonymous5:13 AM

    The way I'm interpreting this message is that Sarah Palin is not relevant anymore. You do not see a need to throw her name into the message.

    I can buy that.

  22. WakeUpAmerica5:17 AM

    And to the Tundra Turd, "Bite me!"

  23. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Eff GWB. He obviously doesn't remember this: "I don’t know where [Osama bin Laden] is. You know, I just don’t spend that much time on him to be honest with you … And I wouldn’t necessarily say he’s at the center of any command structure. And, again, I don’t know where he is. I — I’ll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him." – George Bush, October 2004

    As for Greta (earlier thread), they're called MILITARY SECRETS, bitch! You don't have the "right" to know. Why don't you get your BFF Her Heinous to define "commonsense solutions." Are those crickets I hear? Thought so!

  24. Anonymous5:33 AM

    I hear palin is in mourning.Osama bin Laden was her hero and she will miss his daily inspiration.Are we ready to ignore this ignorant slut yet? Enough already.

  25. Ugh! I was just over at C4P and I just cannot believe the hateful rhetoric of the commenters. And they call us haters!!! I may disagree with Palin's policies, I may not believe most of what she says, but if she were to do something productive and good for our country, I would at least give her credit for her actions. But those guys over there..... they question the timing of the announcement (done with the sole intention of interrupting Apprentice!!?), they want to know why it took till now when intel was first learned in August (they fail to recognize that the intel had to be confirmed and that the situation had to be safe for our troops before they were sent in), but most infuriatingly, they condemn our President for referring to his role in this mission while praising Palin for not using the "I" word in her statement! (Seriously, why would she? What the f did she do?) And they call US haters? I don't hate! I vehemently disagree, but I DO NOT HATE!

  26. from mamapower at HuffPost:

    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."

    "I am truly not that concerned about him."
    - G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabout­s,
    3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)”

    Let's not let the media or the Republicans forget that Bush said this even before he redirected our military efforts away from OBL and toward an unjustified war in Iraq. Bush did NOT set the capture of OBL in motion.

  27. I,truly, marvel at calm demeanor of our President. He gave the "go-ahead" on Friday and was able to sit at the WHCD on Saturday knowing this could be his biggest success or his biggest failure. It must fry palin el al. that the man they said was soft on terror accomplished this with planning and strategy and no fanfare or bombast. They are so petty that they cannot offer congratulations to our President. President Obama's crack on Trump about making the big decisions seems so much funnier in retrospect. Firing someone over steaks versus finding and killing Osama bin Laden, which is more significant? I am so proud that Barack Obama is our President. Congrats, Mr.President!

  28. Anonymous6:10 AM

    America should be thankful "The Great White Alaskan Hunter Sarah Palin" was not sent to hunt down and shoot Bin Laden or else Bin would still be alive today walking around Wasilla looking to get even with Sarah.

    Bin Laden would of been really pissed off because only one of Sarah's five shots would of just barely grazed him.

    Hey Sarah just like Track you do not get a "Combat Vet medal" either you "cross eyed can't hit a caribou retard"!

  29. Gina @5:37
    You are so right! Just imagine if trump or palin were president (God forbid). The only two words that you would hear from them is IIIIIIIII or MeMeMe.
    Cannot believe that someone at C4P has such colossal ignorance as to suggest that President Obama timed this raid as to pre-empt Celebrity Aprrentice. This statement defies reality.

  30. Anonymous6:13 AM

    The timing and the staging were a thing of beauty. The President knew that Osama had been killed during his jokes at the WHCD. He knew the idiots would bite on his taking his job less than seriously, and they did. The whole time Obama KNEW that their mission was complete. At the same time, he was making certain that aid is being funneled to the tornado victims.

    Also, all those saying that Obama shouldn't have stooped to the level by telling jokes about the Republicans. BULLSHIT. They have treated him with disdain for years, and wallowed in lies for years. A few jokes pointed at the front runner, Trump, was a thing of beauty and the most subtle STFU moment delivered.

    Your finesse is only surpassed by your intelligence, grace, dignity and professionalism, Mr. President! You had me from the start.

  31. Anonymous6:29 AM

    We have a great President. The Republicans are so jealous that he did something in two years that George Bush could not do in seven years.

    Sarah you are so stupid you just need to go away and bury your head in the snow in Alaska never to be seen or heard from again. That is the best thing you can do for America. We have a true leader. PRESIDENT OBAMA!!!!!!

  32. FireHorse666:37 AM

    Gryphen, your blog was my first stop this morning,and I was stunned. As another poster stated, I too, am a frequent visitor who appreciates your work and wit.

    I look forward with great amusement to watching clips of SP with her hair in tangles, and spittle flying from her mouth in her next quasi-insane, word salad rant. You just cannot even make up the trash she belches forth from that ever-flapping pie hole of hers.

    Limber up your fingers my friend, and have at her. I simply cannot wait.

  33. 10CatsinMD6:40 AM

    I cannot find the words to say how delighted I am with this news. Rarely do we celebrate a death like this.
    Obama did what Bush was not even interested in doing as others have shown in detail.

    I wish he had gone heavier at the White House dinner. Those repub idiots deserve it.

    Congratulations to President Obama. He has done a great job!

    BTW, OT Megan McCain looked absolutely horrible at the WH dinner. Terrible dress, worse than Palin or Bristol.

  34. Andy Borowitz on twitter:

    "Palin Speaks: 'We Must Find and Kill Osama bin Laden'"
    2 hours ago!/BorowitzReport

  35. Anonymous7:12 AM

    He's still a dick, but even he had the sense to acknowledge our Commander in Chief.

    DONALD TRUMP: "I want to personally congratulate President Obama and the men and women of the Armed Forces for a job well done. ... I am so proud to see Americans standing shoulder to shoulder, waving the American flag in celebration of this great victory. We should spend the next several days not debating party politics, but in remembrance of those who lost their lives on 9/11 and those currently fighting for our freedom. God Bless America!"

  36. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Coolest photo message on the internet!

    Our President truly rocks and proves his ability to multitask at every turn.

  37. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Obama to Trump--"I own you, bitch".


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