Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One of my visitors has a question.

This picture was sent to my e-mail with the following message:

This is a picture of my nephew. He was born premature at 35 weeks, 6lbs and 14oz. My sister actually lost weight during her pregnancy and gave birth 3lbs lighter than her prepregnancy weight, but she still showed. This was her second child. My nephew stayed in the NICU for weeks before being allowed to come home.

Why did Sarah not mention an NICU stay a all? Why was her child not given steroids to help with lung development?

Below is a picture of the baby identified as Trig Palin, lovingly held by his grandparents Chuck and Sally Heath, only hours after his birth.  He was also supposedly born premature, at only 35 weeks.

Notice any difference?

So as to the question of WHY this person's nephew had to spend so much time in the NICU, with all of those tubes and monitors attached to him, while Trig was paraded around the hospital looking like a completely healthy full term baby is essentially a question with no good answer.

Then you add in the fact that according to the letter written by Sarah Palin's doctor this child was supposed to have jaundice and, according to Sarah Palin herself, a hole in his heart, NOTHING about this makes any sense whatsoever.

But hey, what do I know?  After all  I am just one of those "Trig Truthers."  Who would ever take anything I had to say seriously?  

(Actually you might be VERY surprised.)


  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Lou Sarah, you don't need a good memory if you always tell the truth.

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Tell us who, Gryph! Pretty please! ;)

  3. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Alan Grayson had this to say about Scarah Palin in response to Chris Matthews' comments about her: LOL

    Or, Chris, if your show were as clever as Groucho Marx’s You Bet Your Life, you could have offered these ten additional reasons why Sarah Palin will never be President:

    (1) Palin doesn’t know who is buried in Grant’s Tomb.

    (2) Palin couldn’t tell you when the War of 1812 was fought.

    (3) Palin has no clue about the color of George Washington’s white horse.

    (4) Palin wonders on what day Latinos celebrate the Cinco de Mayo.

    (5) Palin isn’t sure what weighs more, a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers.

    (6) Palin has no idea in what month the October Revolution took place.

    (7) Palin is baffled by the question of who came up with the Monroe Doctrine.

    (8) Palin would very much like to know who fought in the French and Indian War.

    (9) Palin is puzzled as to who wrote “The Autobiography of Malcolm X.”

    (10) Palin is at a loss regarding what were JFK’s initials.

    Well, one thing is for sure. Sarah Palin will never figure out how to get to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

    I’m not saying that Sarah Palin is dumb. But I’m not saying that she’s not.

  4. Calli Pygian3:05 PM

    "Why did Sarah not mention an NICU stay a all? Why was her child not given steroids to help with lung development?"

    Two reasons...
    1) she is ignorant enough not to know it and/or grandiose enough to think her pronouncement was beyond reproach.
    2) he is not her child, and he is older than 35 weeks in that picture. My first child, born at almost 41 weeks, weighed 6#14, and did not have a face that full for some time.

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      There was a pic showing preemieTrigger in red Valentines t shirt. February birth.

  5. I said it before and I'll say it again, this is NOT a new born baby. I have given birth to 3 full time babies, I know what I;m talking about.
    Elaine in Canada

  6. I said it before and I'll say it again, this is NOT a new born baby. I have given birth to 3 full time babies, I know what I'm talking about.
    Elaine in Canada

  7. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Is it possible that Trig did have stereoids to help with lung development too, as his face in the above photo with the Heaths is quite swollen. The e-mailer who sent of picture of nephew also had quite a swollen face, which has been known to be a side effect of steroids.

    Wonder if this is why the later Trig photos look like his face is smaller, after a possible steroid medication is out of his system and the swelling goes down.

  8. Come on, y'all know that when it comes to Sarahs Stories, things always workOut better that they normally would in 'real life'

    Everything falls into place and Always, Sarah is the hero.

  9. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Every time I see the above photo of "Trig" with his "Grandparents", I think of these....

  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't she also go back to work 3 days after the alleged birth with the baby?

  11. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I don't understand why the media is so afraid to go after this story. There is so much evidence that supports she faked the pregnancy with Trig! I understand that she is vindictive and spiteful, and that she loves to play the victim card, but come on...quit being afraid. She's nothing but a bully. She can be taken down!

  12. Wow, cliffhanger from Gryph. The plot thickens, and hopefully will soon explode all over the person who started the stew. Can't wait for the comeuppance she and her media enablers so richly deserve (thinking Justin Elliott at Salon who ridiculously titled his piece as "definitively" putting those silly Trig rumors to bed).

    OT. Did you see this tweet that Ben Smith at Politico sent out today?
    RT @StafferFail RT @SecretService "Had to monitor Fox for a story. Can't. Deal. With. The.Blathering." (deleted)

    Finally, Ala Grayson, LOL.

  13. I am sure Brad Scharlatt would take what you say very seriously, and I know I would ... now who else? Come on; tell us.

  14. angela3:23 PM

    I've always said if you want to hide---do it in plain sight. Premature, jaundiced, DS baby with a hole in his heart? Sure . . . he doesn't need to be in an incubator, get steroids or be protected from the germs that will be visited upon him in two days by being dragged to his fake mother's office.

    The story flogged to the fawning press is a load of shit.
    And if these people weren't cowards they would ask the halfwit, quitter, ex-governor how her child managed to be superior to every other baby in his position.

  15. I take very seriously what you say, and I am sure Sarah does also too but she'd have to call you a liar cause that's just the way she rolls.

    Excellent post, yikes!

  16. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I worked for several years as a NICU nurse and saw several children who were 35 weekers. They had the most unreliable outcomes as some were just fine (and may not have even come to the NICU) and others required more intense interventions than the infant shown in the photo. Part of this is because of 2 week variance in gestational age. It is estimated that one's gestational age could be 2 weeks earlier or later than the assigned age, due to differences in monthly cycles and assessment data (i.e. sonogram measurements and developmental assessments done at birth). Therefore, a "35 weeker" could actually be anywhere from 33-37 weeks, and 37 weeks is considered term.
    It is possible for a 35 weeker to go home from the hospital with no NICU stay and no need for steroids (used sparingly due to multiple effects on the infant). However, when you add the additional factors of Down Syndrome, the "wild ride" and maternal stress, maternal age, the changes of such an infant going home immediately diminish considerably. Even children with Down Syndrome who don't have heart defects often have issues with feeding - this is enough to keep an otherwise healthy child in the NICU (although a level 3 NICU is not necessary for this level of care). Many non-DS infants born at 35 weeks also have difficulty with feeding, and may stay in the NICU for this as well.

  17. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Gryph, it makes me want to poop a porcupine that nobody mentions this, but in Oct 2010 at a speech (which WAS video'd) Sarah said Trig was born at SEVEN & A HALF MONTHS. That's not 35 weeks, but 30 weeks.

    Does anyone here have a baby who was born at 30 weeks? And would share a photo of the baby on his or her first day of life?

    Either scenario is ridiculous and not medically accurate (a baby going home 24 hours after birth whether 30 or 35 weeks- it simply does NOT happen) but the born at 7 1/2 months/went HOME the next day/to work on day 3 is just beyond the pale.

    My godson was born at 30 weeks. He was 3 pounds, 2.5 ounces. He was so tiny you could literally see his veins through his skin. When I think of the devastation, exhaustion, and agony of separation brought on by his 61 days in the neonatal intensive care makes me want to simultaneously vomit and throw something at that crazy wench. How DARE she make a mockery of what so many families have had to go through.

    Sarah, I know you read here and I would just like to take this opportunity to make me SICK.

  18. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Well, of course you're expected to suspend A LOT of belief when you hear Simple Sarah's birth tale.

    Cuz, you know, she could predict the future and know she could take two planes back to Alaska (lucky for her that cervix of 'still' kept the little one firmly in place!) -- and she knew her little special needs baby (born jaundiced and with a hole in his heart) wouldn't need a NICU and could be born in a little backwater hospital not even equipped to handle the birth of twins.

    Yep, you suspend everything you know and have learned about biology and baby birthin' and you too will believe Simple's tale.

    I've seen births depicted on television sitcoms that were more realistic than what she purported to have happened in her quest to 'give birth' to her li'l fishpicker...

  19. Anonymous3:30 PM

    My first child was born 5 weeks early. He was not hooked up to any machines, and could breathe just fine on his own. He did not require any drugs. He stayed in the hospital in an isolette for 4 days. When I took him home, he went everywhere...movies, out to dinner, shopping the first week. I was a pretty laid back first time mother. HOWEVER, he also had an extremely poor suck reflex and couldn't nurse the ifrst 2 weeks and it took me hours to bottle feed him. He needed daily treatments at the hospital for juandice, and had a visiting nurse come to the house for the first week home. He was also a very thin infant - no body fat at all. My little guy looked and acted like a preemie.

  20. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Wasn't there at least one photo of Sarah taken three days after TriG's birth, showing her AND TriG at her office? Who in their right mind would take a 3-day old newborn to their office? That would have been about April 21st or 22nd? Isn't it cold in Alaska in April?

  21. angela3:32 PM

    Oops, I forgot to add---What NICU? The forty something year old GOVERNOR of ALASKA'S high risk baby interestingly enough was supposedly born at a hospital without one.

    Her and Todd just drove on by that hospital.

  22. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I think this is good reinforcement for what you, and many others, have been saying all along. Thanks to the person who sent in the picture. It helps to visualize the information that is available. I'm also glad to revisit the picture of "newborn Trig" because before I have always focused on him but today I noticed that Sarah's parents are not looking down lovingly at their new grandchild. No. Her mom isn't even looking at the camera, seemingly unhappy to be dragged into the deception (I don't blame her) and Sarah's dad has the demeanor of "if Sarah wants me to pretend this is her baby, I will do that." I'm surprised they released that picture, but I really think it's obvious that is not a loving picture, it was a statement, part of the decoy.

  23. Anonymous3:36 PM

    the news has been canceled get used to it. Randi Rhodes is right, we will never get the rel news ever again...

  24. If you are a facebook user, you may want to "like" this page for Frank Bailey's book, "Blind Allegiance."

  25. Add to the fact Gryphen that newborns with Down's Syndrome generally have poor tone and are floppy. A 35 week premature Down's Syndrome infant would likely have difficulty with feedings.

  26. What I ALSO find odd about this photo of Trig are the grandparents. Neither is looking at the baby. Grandpa looks like they're getting away with something and thinks it very funny. Arms crossed; not connecting with baby.
    With pursed lips, Grandma is looking at grandpa with a "Don't start!" look, warning him to shut up and take it seriously. Big things at stake. A hoax to carry through with; it's doing our part to get Sarah to the White House!

  27. Anonymous3:39 PM

    The trouble with preemies is that they don't always look or need NICU. Not sticking up for the grifter even a smidge, just when you shoot you should have the best ammo. My daughter was preemie, 35 weeks and just a touch over five pounds. Despite being a peanut she was well formed and didn't need NICU since we went nuts and demanded she remain with us and she was breathing just fine. No jaundice either. So, we got lucky and maybe that's Saree's explanation. On the other hand, that child being held by the Heath's looks a lot older than just born. And in our case no one was allowed to come near my daughter in the hospital, when she wasn't with us she was in the nursery under constant observation (she made the weight minimum by one ounce for keeping her out of the NICU). So, while the photo's are quite different, my daughter didn't look at all like the one in the NICU - same approximate gestation and weight but different outcome. Saree could clear this up for us by releasing her son's birth certificate. I think she and her mind numbing wolves on the right did so for someone else recently - to borrow a phrase - MAN UP Sara and show us the birth certificate - long form please while you're at it.

  28. Jeanabella3:41 PM

    Gryph, my third child was born premature and had to have meds to open his lungs and his weight was under 4 lbs. I could not have taken him home that day. At 35 weeks, a delivery is dangerous and the baby stays in the hospital for weeks or months, depending on the health and weight.
    There is no way sarah had this baby (in the picture with her parents) that day and he was premature.
    She is lying.

  29. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Gryph, Who is VERY interested? I am so sick of the hints and innuendo about what you know...blah blah blah! Where's the beef? I absolutely hate SP, that is why I check your blog regularly....I keep waiting for your big scoop,but it never comes and to be honest it is getting annoying. You need to step up and blow the lid off these Trig rumors because at this point you just seem like you are full of shit about what you know.
    Sick of the nonsense....gimme some sugar!

  30. Something else that's interesting to note is the length of Trig in the photograph. He's longer than Grandma Heath's forearm... Babies are usually born 21" long or less, so it may seem legit looking at the photo: but newborn babies stay scrunched up in the fetal position for the first week or two after birth. Their legs are always bent inward, so his length should actually appear to be half of what the picture shows.
    There is NO WAY that is a newborn. I hope Palin finally gets outed and the truth gets found out about this BS. Cuz everything she's said about this "pregnancy" from start to finish is so outrageous only she could convince herself that it's true.

  31. Anonymous3:57 PM

    My baby was born with multiple holes in his heart and we were sent home 2 days after he was born. I also have a family member who had their baby at 35 weeks and they were sent home 3 days after the birth. The prematurity and holes in the heart really don't have much to do with how long a baby is in the hospital if they are doing well. I can't speak for the fact that the baby was downs syndrome however.. Being released from the hospital so soon after for something as serious as that seems unlikely.

  32. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Anonymous @3:28 reminds us of Sarah's claim that Trig was born at seven and a half months. Now that's a neat trick, considering that she announced she was 7 months pregnant on March 5, and claims he was born on April 18. Six weeks = half a month. Sarah math.


  33. Anonymous3:58 PM

    My son was born at 35 weeks..8lbs 3oz. (We knew he was going to be over 10lbs if he'd been full term...just like his older sister). He went home less than 24 hours after birth. He did develop jaundice after we came home. I can't imagine taking a newborn, let alone a premie, to work and exposing him to all the germs. Crazy.

  34. That's a valid question.

    My 1st pregnancy in the mid-70s, I initially lost 17 lbs, I could not tolerate food & certain smells. It was awful. Once I got past the first trimester, I was fine. I did gain 17 during this pregnancy, so after I gave birth, I was lighter than when I started.

    My daughter suffered fetal distress & lived only 2 days. I was leaking the amniotic fluid & that is what caused the fetal distress. It is the most painfully heartbreaking time of my life.

    Because of that experience, I KNEW Sarah's wild adventure to return to Alaska to give birth is untrue - along with the fact that she had already multiple births which would make her labor & delivery much shorter than the last deliveries. That's just how it is.

    My guess is that Trig was still in the hospital when those early pictures were taken - which is why they presented an older baby with the deformed ear, and then replaced with the real Trig when he was well enough.

    A premature baby at 35 weeks would certainly be born with under-developed lungs. The last weeks in pregnancy is when they develop.

    My son was born at 37 weeks. His lungs were ok, but he was jaundice. He spent a few extra days under the lights before he was finally discharged from the hospital.

    To take a fragile, premature baby immediately into work with her makes no sense. Another reason not to believe her story.

    I don't buy her story. I KNEW it was untrue when she didn't high-tail it to the nearest Texas hospital the day she started leaking.

    I don't know who the real parents are, it could be Bristol's or maybe Traks, but I don't believe it's Sarahs.

    Sarah, & all those who help to perpetuate this lie - I say shame on you. Shameful, utterly shameful. I suppose they've dugged themselves in so deep, there's no way to come out - but if they are the Christians they claim to be, they would make ammends for this fraud.

  35. Anonymous3:59 PM

    The baby Mrs. Heath is holding is not a newborn infant. One of my grandchildren was born prematurely and spent weeks in NICU. Just as pictured by your guest.

  36. Ellen Karpinski4:05 PM

    Background: I am not a fan of Sarah Palin. I love your blog and check it at least twice a day. However, I also had a 35 week baby who weighed only 5 pounds 4 ounces. He was put in an incubator for a couple of hours and then stayed with me in my room. We both went home the next day. He went to a dance when he was one week old. He still goes to dances but he's 39 now. We both lived in Bethel from 1975 to 1979. Fortunately Sarah Palin was unknown.
    Keep up the good work but allow for the possibility of being wrong on this. (I know, I don't think so either!)

  37. Anonymous4:11 PM

    My nephew had to stay in the hospital for several weeks because he was a premie. I don't remember the name of the device, I could be wrong, I believe the device he stayed in was called an incubator. Sorry if I am wrong about the name, but he did not stay in a regular device like the other babies. We were not allowed to hold him after birth like the Heaths did.

    So I don't understand why supposedly Sarah's child went home in a couple of days.

  38. Anonymous4:16 PM

    @Barbara Carlson:

    You addressed the question I had in my head: What did the Heaths know about this? I figured they were a couple of dim bulbs who would believe anything Sarah told them, but you could be right.

  39. After all I am just one of those "Trig Truthers." Who would ever take anything I had to say seriously?


    Not Shannyn fact she says she'll block you, or anyone for that matter, from her Twitter account if you mention this, she has no use for "Trig Truthers"...ooooo......LOL

  40. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Someone on another blog pointed out that the baby in the photo has a "nursing blister" on its upper lip. This is the result of vigorous sucking and doesn't form for a while. I wonder if a DS baby with poor sucking would take even longer to form one.

  41. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Palin always seems to lightly pepper her massive lies with a bit 'o truth, especially when she feels threatened. So, perhaps we can assume he was actually born at 7 1/2 months, in Anchorage, to Bristol, and Levi was told he was the father(hence, the hospital bracelet photo and the not-yet-developed ear/"ruffled" ear.) I think the stated dates of the "Triggy Bear" and "Trig's shower" photos are inaccurate. They appear to be the first photos of the child, with the immediate family members and friends, once he was finally released from the hospital. So, was he actually born in December '07? January 08? All of the people featured in the photos with the child with the underdeveloped, or "ruffled" ear, are close enough, or have been threatened extensively by the Palins, that they would remain silent. Bristol and Levi felt like they had "their" first child commandeered by Sarah, they worked at getting Bristol pregnant again, and she delivered in late January '09. That's how I see it.

  42. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous @3:28 reminds us of Sarah's claim that Trig was born at seven and a half months. Now that's a neat trick, considering that she announced she was 7 months pregnant on March 5, and claims he was born on April 18. Six weeks = half a month. Sarah math.


    3:57 PM

    Somebody should have done the math for ignorant retarded uneducated Sarah Palin... this looks like a gotcha moment and she did it to herself.

  43. Rationalist4:24 PM

    Wow. Concern troll-o-rama. What are the odds of so many readers giving birth to babies of almost exactly the same term Palin claims Trig was born with so many of the same symptoms? Amazing.

    Has anyone here ever referred to Palin as "Saree?"

  44. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Martha said...
    After all I am just one of those "Trig Truthers." Who would ever take anything I had to say seriously?


    Not Shannyn fact she says she'll block you, or anyone for that matter, from her Twitter account if you mention this, she has no use for "Trig Truthers"...ooooo......LOL

    4:20 PM

    What is a Trig Truther?

  45. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Lou Sarah, you don't need a good memory if you always tell the truth.

    3:00 PM

    What is her real name?
    Sarah Gump?
    Grandma Lulu?
    Lou Sarah?
    Sarah Palin?
    Turd Face?

  46. I'm so hoping the mystery author from D.C. might be Matt Taibbi. His take-no-prisoner style would be a great fit with the fearless AK blogging team who've already done an excellent job of researching and documenting the paylin saga.

    Gryphen has us on pins/needles for sure!

  47. Anonymous4:34 PM

    That baby is not Trig. Trig was first seen publicly in the triggybear pics to my knowledge. I think Trig was in NICU and released towards the end of April.

  48. I forgot to add the reason why I mentioned my weight loss in my post above.

    Though I had lost all that weight, my baby bump started showing normally, my belly at the end was a huge beach ball!

    I just don't buy the 'now you don't see it, now you do' baby bump.

  49. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Elaine in Canada, I agree the baby presented as Trig was not a premature newborn weighing under 7 lbs. I gave birth to a 9.2 lb. brute who looked a lot like that when he was born.

  50. Anonymous4:38 PM

    One of the "Triggy Bear" photos:

    Same baby? Not a chance.

  51. Anonymous4:39 PM

    So let's back up again. Palin has said Trig was born at 7 1/2 months, even if she's off by two weeks, not as likely if she was being monitored closely but let's ignore that for now. That means Trig was born somewhere between 23 and 25 weeks. There is NO way that baby being held by the Heath's is 24 weeks. Just not humanly possible. And to take a 24 week baby home and bring it to work three days later? Not possible. So someone's lying here. Real big lie. We need the DNA to tell the story. Where's Grissom when we need him?

  52. Okay. Let's get reasonable.

    1) Not all 35-week preemies have complication that require NICU care or extra hospital time.

    2) God would never give Sarah one of the preemies with complications that had complications that would keep her from showing him off at 3 days old and keep her away from 'governing'.

  53. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Every baby/birth is different, but none I've heard of has ever had this many oddities. That baby with creepy and momma heath is not Ruffle-ear baby - swollen or not. Hey Gryph - I love the teases partly because I know they drive Sarah-Lou-who nuts! I am pretty certain the shits going to hit the fan and I will visit ALL of my favorite blogs when it does. Yours is the first I check in the morning - what the hell, I like your snark.

  54. Anonymous4:42 PM

    If you compare that baby held by Sally and triggybear, triggybear looks like Trig today (in every way). The eyes are right, the mouth is right, the hair is right. That baby looks like he was probably borrowed temporarily due to Trig not being medically cleared. idk why. All I know is, triggybear fits with the natural growth progression we see of Trig.

  55. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I'm looking the picture of the Heaths holding 2 hour old DS preemie Trig and I want to ask the readers here, do you think a reputable hospital would allow a brand new DS preemie baby to be held by that old trailer park looking couple wearing dirty street clothes? I'm especially surprised Sally Heath is holding a DS preemie baby next to that old coot with his shit eating grin? I thought they would at least ask the Heaths to wear a hospital gown draped on them?

  56. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I'm wondering if Sally Heath is 7 months pregnant? Her stomach looks about the same size as Sarah's at 6-7 months preg.

  57. wakeUpAmerica4:50 PM

    Obviously the reader's nephew wasn't an Alaskan like Trig. That explains all of this, don't you think? (trying to pry my tongue out of my cheek)

  58. Anonymous4:50 PM

    How come there is a picture of the Heaths holding newborn Trig and no picture of the birth mother (whoever it may be) holding Trig?

    I think all mothers who just gave birth would have a picture taken of them within an hour of the birth holding their new bundle of joy. Everybody except Sarah.

  59. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Every baby/birth is different, but none I've heard of has ever had this many oddities. That baby with creepy and momma heath is not Ruffle-ear baby - swollen or not. Hey Gryph - I love the teases partly because I know they drive Sarah-Lou-who nuts! I am pretty certain the shits going to hit the fan and I will visit ALL of my favorite blogs when it does. Yours is the first I check in the morning - what the hell, I like your snark.

    4:40 PM

    I look at IM first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

    Keep up the good work Gryphen

  60. Anonymous4:55 PM

    anon@3:16 OMG!!!

  61. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I have been sitting here flicking back and forth between the pictures of the two babies. Is it just me, but do these two babies look the same? I enlarged the picture in the incubator and could read PLM JM on the wrist bracelet on the hand touching the baby. It doesn't say Palin. The arms are very short and stout as are the hands. The neck seems thicker than a 35 week old newborn. Something is suspicious to me. The trunk seems different too. Was a nursery nurse, and something just doesn't say normal body dimensions. That is a new umbilical cut so the baby isn't that old. Such puffy eyes like the one the Heaths are holding. Ruffles was so delicate so can rule out that baby for Trig. This is truly a mysterious coincidence!

  62. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Bristol, take a good look at Grandma Heath's claws and now look at your mom's claws.... heh heh... that's you in a few years and I don't care how many teeth alignments you get, your day is coming.

  63. Anon 4:44 - I don't know if you're seriously asking a question but I'll answer anyway. If a newborn is well enough to stay in the room with his/her mother, the hospital has no say in who holds it. It would be up to the parent/s.

  64. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I'm looking at the picture of the Heaths with Trig, which one is Sally and which one is Chuck?

  65. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Martha@ 4:20p.m. she wants to be able to post at HP.

  66. Anonymous5:03 PM

    The guy in the purple shirt, is he the one who knocked up that lady before they got married?

    He looks like a perv.

  67. Anonymous5:03 PM

    4:44 That's a good point. All the photos of my husband with our newborns show him in some kind of hospital gown. Even healthy 8-10 pound newborns needed some protection for the first day or two.

  68. 3:19 PM

    Thanks, but no thanks, for the link to Politico. (I'm paying homage to the Grifter re Bridge to Nowhere)

    Good Lord, I thought Politico was once a left-leaning blog. But over there anytime someone makes a reference to Crazy Eyes Bachmann or The Grizzled Grifter, the fans of each of those two Baggers instantly drop the gloves and a pissing match about "who is most qualified?" ensues. Reading the comments from the anti-intellectuals from Bachmann's moonbats and SP's flying monkeys, respectively, was fun, in a "watching porn alone at home" kind of way. For ten minutes, it can be interesting (or so I've heard-lol), but beyond that is a complete waste of time.

  69. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I call Sara Saree all the time. My niece is named Sara and I can't bring myself to diss my niece

  70. Ripley5:05 PM

    you pushed the button Gryph. All those Anomymous mothers who have miracle premature babies who went home immediately, or to the store, the movies, to dinner, but took HOURS to feed are showing up in droves. Sign your names. Or better yet, show us a photo of your newborn, premature, 24-36 hour old infant. You all make it sound like a common occurrence. It's not. And especially with a premie DS baby. Why come here and spew this stuff? You KNOW it doesn't have anything relevant to add to the Palin hoax.

  71. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I have been sitting here flicking back and forth between the pictures of the two babies. Is it just me, but do these two babies look the same? I enlarged the picture in the incubator and could read PLM JM on the wrist bracelet on the hand touching the baby. It doesn't say Palin. The arms are very short and stout as are the hands. The neck seems thicker than a 35 week old newborn. Something is suspicious to me. The trunk seems different too. Was a nursery nurse, and something just doesn't say normal body dimensions. That is a new umbilical cut so the baby isn't that old. Such puffy eyes like the one the Heaths are holding. Ruffles was so delicate so can rule out that baby for Trig. This is truly a mysterious coincidence!

  72. Banish maternity leave!5:19 PM

    It's like Sarah was trying to show up all the wimpy mothers who pad around in pajamas for the first two weeks after they give birth! What was she going to do next? Banish maternity leave? She wore a giant S under her fake pregnant padding!

  73. Anonymous5:27 PM

    curiouser said...
    Anon 4:44 - I don't know if you're seriously asking a question but I'll answer anyway. If a newborn is well enough to stay in the room with his/her mother, the hospital has no say in who holds it. It would be up to the parent/s.

    4:59 PM

    However, we are talking about people off the streets wearing contaminated clothes holding a preemie DS baby with heart problems which will most likely go back into the nursery with other preemie babies. So the question is do you think the hospital would let them hold a preemie without protective clothing and possibly spread germs to the other preemie babies? I would hope not.

    Is that really a preemie baby?
    Is that Trig?

  74. Anonymous5:28 PM

    The reason that Sarah never mentioned an NICU unit is because MatSu doesn't have one, and Sarah's original story had her passing up well equipped hospitals in Anchorage to "deliver" (or pick up a baby) at MatSu.

    The baby that the Heaths are holding is not a premature baby. My kid was born 4 weeks early. I agree with 3:30 who writes that babies add fat in the last weeks in utero. My baby is skinny; that baby is chubby. Trig had jaundice; that baby is pink. Google the words "jaundiced baby" and go to Google images to see that baby has a yellow tint to its skin. A pink baby is not jaundiced.

    I always assumed that Trig was born prematurely at MatSu, and his birth was kept a secret for a couple of different reasons. First choice: Sarah's church runs that place and would keep the secret. Second choice: Bristol was originally going to give up the baby for adoption. An unwed teen giving a child up for adoption would have her identity protected. The nurses may have known her as Jane Doe.

    In either case, Trig was born early and transferred to an NICU ward in Anchorage. There may have even been a period of time when they didn't think that he'd survive, what with a hole in his heart, being born premature, having jaundice and having DS. I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that if Trig was born to Bristol, he had another problem, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

    It isn't a shock that Bristol led a pretty wild party life style during the summer of 2007. In one of her My Space exchanges, she wrote that Sarah thought that Bristol was pregnant. Bristol called herself a slut. Audrey published a long post of Alaska teen age My Space conversations, and she commented sadly that alcohol, drugs and sex was such a part of their young lives. She obscured the identities of the underage indulgent kids.

    The reason that I think that Bristol's party life affect Trig is because Gryphen has written before about Trig having difficulties hearing and seeing. We have only seen one picture of him wearing glasses. We also saw a picture of him, as a baby, with some kind of breathing apparatus in his nose (oxygen?) The combination of DS and FAS might account for the fact that some DS kids seem to function at a certain level in society, while Trig already has the disadvantage of poor hearing and poor sight to add to his other problems.

  75. Anonymous5:29 PM

    To anon 3:30, who wrote that she took her 35-week-old preemie to the movies, out to dinner, etc., etc.: You were not a "pretty laid back first time mother", you were reckless and either couldn't comprehend or ignored your doctor's advice.

    But never mind, I don't believe your fairy tale. Nice try.

  76. Anonymous5:33 PM

    What the hell is with Chuckie's body language?


  77. Olivia5:37 PM

    The truth about TriG may be discovered, reported, revealed etc by many people involved in this disgusting smelly ruse but Sarah will never admit to telling a lie. No matter what truth is finally brought forth by whomever, Sarah is so mentally ill that she will never ever admit an untruth even when it is pushed in front of her face and whacked over her head with it. She will commit suicide before the truth ever crosses her lips. Her delusions are so strong that she will always believe that if she says it, it is true.

  78. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Sorry Ripley. I'm a guy and we had a preemie daughter who was right at the cut off for having to stay in NICU. Her mother was on bed rest with PIH from three months until she was delivered. I watched at the hospital and they had to induce labor because mom's blood pressure was so high she couldn't see across the room and they had a monitor on her as well and my daughter. Took three days of induced labor and ten minutes before they were taking her down for a C section my daughter decided to come out and visit. She weighed 5'2oz at birth and lost three oz's in twenty minutes. Her initial Apgar was fine, then declined. So she was headed for the NICU when her mom, a nurse, refused to let her go and after some haggling between her, me and the nursing and physician team we got to keep her. We were out of there in two days. For whatever reason my daughter did better than mom. She'd hung on until she got her to approximately five pounds and when she was born she was fine. I'm not a fan of Saree and quite honestly I'd love to see her outed for the fraud she is - but make the claims with foundation and in a way they can't just be dismissed. The worst thing is to be wrong and I want it right when they get her

  79. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:42 PM

    In the topsy-turvy world of Palinology, up is down, black is white, and a 3-day-old preemie with health problems looks just like a chubby, normally-sized baby with no need for medical attention. And the Bots just nod and go along with it all.

    --Just Another Trig Truther

  80. Anonymous5:45 PM

    3:16- That is a very interesting link. I had never thought about that possibility. Thanks.

    Buzz @ 5:04- Actually Politico is known for being right-leaning but it is supposed to be the go-to place for what's going on inside the Beltway so it's interesting to visit. I think Sarah's been such an a'hole to the media that they've all decided to ignore her, finally. And I'm so glad that the fake pregnancy investigation is as strong as ever. Sarah is hoping that it will go away if she lays low long enough. As long it its still circulating, she won't make any major moves. It's great insurance.

  81. Anonymous5:47 PM

    3:59PM & 4:21PM

    Whichever version of "Sarah gives birth to Trig" story you choose--- 7 1/2 months or 8 months--- neither of them fit the profile of the baby presented as a newborn by Sally and Old Chuck Heath.

    I'd guess that baby is around 9 or 10 lbs, whether it is Trig or not. I recognize my experience is anecdotal, but being married to one of 3 sisters pregnant concurrently, I would've had to have been sleepwalking throughout the experience to have not learned a lot an incredible amount during that time. Still, I'd defer to an "experienced" mom... there's something intuitive about the Mommy instinct that makes Sarah's efforts to deceive so lame and disgusting. The fact that she is not humiliated and actually tries to play the victim is the biggest tell in this poker game.

  82. Anonymous6:00 PM

    My son was a month early, and weighed 7 lb, 5 oz. He spent 3 weeks in NICU on breathing treatments, but size wise, the nurses joked that he looked monstrously large compared to all the tiny little premies. Just another comparison. Never would I have taken my newborn out and about around a lot of people so soon, especially a preemie.

  83. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Well, it sure is ODD that these comments contain so many variations on births and babies but not ONE comment boasts of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak and no physical exam of said leak.

    C'mon folks. Surely you can dig up one mother that's done that. Let's hear from the mothers that insanely risked the life of a high-risk fetus. If Sarah Palin can do it, then surely there are tons of mothers ready and willing to say they have done the same.



  84. Anonymous6:02 PM

    That photo of the Heath's with that baby is just downright weird.

    Neither are looking at the baby, or even seem to be acknowledging its existence. Their detachment could not be more apparent.

    A newborn infant, related to family members would have the attention of its "elders," even youngsters checking it out if they were present.

    In the earlier photos of Mercede holding a baby, and $P bending down beside her,in shorts, $P was posing for the camera, paying no mind to a "new" infant which was the reason for the gathering.

    Go figure - real or staged????

  85. Anonymous6:05 PM



    oh, goody

  86. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Didn't happen.

  87. Anonymous6:09 PM

    He was born to someone probably more like February or March of 2008. Anchorage does not have a neonatal cardiac surgeon, so if Trig really had a hole in his heart the closest NICU that he would have been stashed in was in a Seattle hospital, with a neonatal cardiac surgeon. The Trig we see in that photo is a Trig that has spent 3-4 months being cared for somewhere out of Alaska and was brought home for a staged presentation as a bodaciously sized newborn.

  88. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Ripley, I am one of the anon. that said she had a 35 week premature infant that went home 4 days after birth. My baby weighed 5 lbs 8 oz., did not require an incubator or oxygen tubes. He was placed in something called an isolette that kept him warm. He did not have any health problems needing drugs, but did need a week under the bilirubin lights. I took him to the hospital every day for treatment for a week. He also had an extremely poor suck reflex and it DID take hours to feed him. I used to have to flick his feet to keep him alert to feed him. I also had a visiting nurse who came everyday to the house to weigh him and make sure he was ok. My child had the typical signs of a premature infant, no body fat, thin skin, undeveloped nipples, downy body hair, and slept all the time. Yes, I did take him to the movies when he was a week old and out to dinner. I also took him to the grocery store to buy diapers and food the day he was discharged. I also took him camping in Yellowstone when he was 6 weeks old. BTW, he's now 6' 4" and thin as ever, runs marathons and is a very very bright progressive young man. I'm no Troll and have been on IM, Palingates, Bree's, Palin Deceptions, Mudflats, Political gates, for a couple years. I just wanted to point out that not all 35 week babies require the care that the baby in the picture required. I believe in knowing all the facts regardless if they fit into my agenda.

  89. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I had a preterm baby at 25 weeks, who had a hole in his heart and severe jaundice and we went home from the hospital in Wasilla the next day and I took him to the Texas state fair the following week. He won first prize for the biggest preterm baby that year.

  90. Anonymous6:29 PM

    We have been staring at these damn pictures for onto two years now, asking the same questions. But why, oh why, are not these questions being directed at MatSu? Any of us who have had preemies or babies with known disabilities before birth absolutely know that there is NO WAY that MatSu would have taken Sarah in that night - someone would have directed her to Anchorage. To heck with CBJ, MatSu would never, ever have risked taking in the Governor of Alaska, over the age of 40, in premature labor with a known DS child, following a long plane ride, leaking amniotic fluid. Can you imagine the panic at the news that Sarah was coming in, late at night, under such conditions? If it were, you know, for real?? Why have their been no questions directed at MatSu itself? Why no investigation of their facilities, their protocol under such conditions? It's like ADN is asleep. I get the explanation that the Board and the hospital was under the influence of Fundies and SarahBots. But still, if MatSu accepted her under the supposed medical conditions present that night, it smacks of malpractice. Or undue political influence. Is that not a story enough for ADN? Try blowing a little smoke up MatSu's skirts on this topic in earnest and see how they crumble. Put their feet to the fire, ask them hard questions, demand answers. It is in the public's interest, no HIPPA violation there. If they were really pushed, and had to answer some of these hard questions - like, what sorts of physicians were really on duty that night? - MatSu might be forced to admit that after all, no DS baby was born under its roof on April 18, 2008. Because, if they did, under the above conditions, they should close their doors.


  91. NICU Mom and Professional6:33 PM

    @ Anonymous 3:12 who asked

    "Is it possible that Trig did have stereoids to help with lung development too, as his face in the above photo with the Heaths is quite swollen."

    NO, steroids given peri-natally to preemies don't work like that!

    For Trig to have experienced ANY effects from steroids, Sarah would have had to be hospitalized and she herself would have had to receive at least two shots of steroids which Trig would have received in utero (two rounds of the drug betamethasone or dexamethasone over a period of at least two days.)

    To know whether or not Trig even needed these shots, Sarah would need to have been hospitalized for considerably longer than 48 hours to test her amniotic fluid for the L/S ratio that determines lung maturity, followed by administration of the drug over several days.

    As the NICU nurse said, pre-natal/postnatal steroids are used sparingly now because, while they temporarily enhance lung development, they also can cause retardation, cerebral palsy, and/or autism when given to babies whose brains are still developing.

    At 35 weeks, the L/S test would have been done at a hospital with a NICU and OB-GYN and Pediatric specialists standing by.

    IF it turned out that Trig needed steroids AFTER delivery at Mat-Su, that would constitute such an emergency that he would have been transferred to Anchorage, cared for on a ventilator, and he would have been hospitalized in that NICU for a LONG time.

    Steroids are not some quick one-day fix that is done post-natally. (And only long-term -- weeks, not just one day -- of exposure to steroids WILL produce a rounder face, but even when that happens it doesn't look at all like the round face of the baby in the Heath picture.

    That steroids were used at birth on Trig is totally at odds with the alleged birth at Mat-Su Hospital on April 18, 2008, as photographed by the Heaths, and as recounted by Palin.

    Sorry, that theory just doesn't work.

  92. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Gryphen I have long said that there is NO WAY a hospital would take the liability for this birth. As an RN with 12 yrs experience at a large hospital that housed a regional NICU, that this story is BS. Any small hospital would have flown a high risk mom out immediately or if the birth could not be stopped, they would have flown out the preemie immediateyl. As a previous poster stated , yes some 35 weekers are ok, but a DS child with jaundice and a hole in it's heart would have been helo'd out pronto. Sarah's fake birth story is as fake as her veneered teeth.

  93. Anonymous6:50 PM

    For every typical story of a premature or high risk baby, there are the individual (successful, yay!) anomalies. Individual accounts of birth are helpful here, but not ultimately "proof" in the way that these journalists feel would meet the standard. But there are hospital/medical/physician standards that are not "individual" or "anomalies" but real standards, recognized throughout the nation.

    Family Practitioners are not competent to follow or handle high risk births involving known birth defects. Period. A hospital with the facilities and staffing of MatSu would NOT accept (or should not accept) an incoming patient, over the age of 40, with a known PREMATURE DS baby, following a thousand mile plane ride with reported leaking amniotic fluid.

    Just doesn't happen. Just shouldn't happen. Especially with a high profile mother such as the Governor of Alaska. Think on it. Either MatSu was the victim of undue political and/or religious influence, or the birth never happened there. In any case, MatSu has a lot of hard questions to answer that have NEVER been asked, or answered. This is the fault of ADN and the media at large. Lay that one at Dougherty's feet. And all of the other ignoramous Sarah Pregnancy Apologists that are either men, or women who have never given birth.

    (Unlike a lot of the posters on these sites, who are women who have given birth prematurely or to disabled children. Count me among them. We KNOW the truth.)


  94. I assume the commenters who took their preemies home quickly are telling the truth. But their story is not typical.

    Someone somewhere, maybe Audrey, posted about What are the Chances?

    Say every step of Sarah's story had a 5% chance of being true--getting pregnant without trying at 44, DS baby, pregnant without showing, excessive belly gain in the week before giving birth, flying while in labor, special needs preemie with no special hospital treatment, newborn who doesn't look newborn, and on and on.

    The chance for each being true may be 5%, but the chance for all being true is .05 x .05 x .05 x .05 x .05 (or more x.05's) which is a .0003% chance that her string of unusual events are all true.

    That Sarah is one very unusually lucky duck . . . or one very unusually big liar. I believe the latter.

  95. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I gave birth to a 30 week premie who was in the NICU for 3 months. This is typical.

    Also my premie did not look at all chubby after leaving the NICU and never looked like the "Trig" held by the Heaths.

    I've never seen any other 30 week (or 35 week) premie who spent any time at all in a NICU that ever looked like that.

    It can take years for premies to regain the weight they miss out on by being born too early-- and then they no longer look -- even remotely -- like newborns.

  96. The photo of the premature baby in a NICU unit is exactly what the Palin baby's first pics should have looked like.

    This photo should be run side by side with the one of the Heaths holding a 2 or 3 week old baby, right below the side by side photos of WGE and Demi Moore.

  97. Anonymous6:57 PM

    And when we compare the plump, snuggly-wrapped infant Trig with the child "presented" on the official birth announcement for the 1/2 term guv . . . it really doesn't take a detective to see that she "used" at least two different children to perpetrate this fraud.

  98. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Diz @ 4:34 PM: Matt Taibbi would be GREAT!! He would kick buttocks.

    Wow, so many concern trolls with the same birth circumstances as sister sarah.
    How convenient.
    I didn't know RAM had any children.
    As I am wont to say when I've had a pint - piss off.

  99. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Still hoping to hear from a (just one would be fine) mother that boarded a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak with a pre-term DS fetus.

    Extra points for being over 40 with two previous miscarriages.

    Don't be shy. Don't let Sarah Palin steal the limelight. YOU can beat her story!

    I know you can do it.

    Come out, come out, where ever you are...


  100. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Oh gosh, I just hate when I tease my hair way up high (after I forget to eat for four days), get some extra Botox, and then tell Hannity that I hate a
    "tight-faced lie":

    --Lou Sarah

  101. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Can't remember where I first read that Sarah had two "miscarriages"..."had lost two babies"...whatever? But thinking about her callous, don't care about the baby's safety in the Wild Ride story and IF that story is true, then Sarah didn't care whether TriG lived or not.

    I'm wondering if her attitude was the same with the two babies that she lost? And if complete disregard for their safety played a part? We'll never know.

  102. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Whenever the "truth about Trig" is finally brought to light ~ it will be very curious to find that the Johnston's are not somehow complicit in the cover-up . . . hence their collective silence. The "Triggybear" images tell a completely different story, and I vividly recall the image of Trig being flashed on the Tyra Banks show during Levi's interview.


    Highly unlikely.

  103. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Joe is dishin' on his blog. His upcoming book has an interview with Gary Wheeler, who was chief of security for Sarah when she was governor and the interview is going to make believers in Babygate happy.

    Wonder why Joe is giving away the store so soon. Maybe the damn is going to burst soon. Can I get out the champagne yet?

  104. Anonymous7:33 PM

    May I amend my previous post to include "Palin Pregnancy Apologists that are either men, (OR MEN WHO WERE SLEEPING WITH IVY FRYE AT THE TIME), or women who have never given birth.

    Thank you very much.


  105. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Interesting discussion. I, for one, appreciate the posts from women with experience birthing premies. I believe that there are definitely variations in outcomes of premature deliveries and that some premies are healthy, though small and may be released quickly and require no NICU intervention. I don't doubt that AT ALL.

    However, I also believe that the most likely scenario is that a premie will require special attention and care. If Sarah was one of the lucky ones whose baby did not need intervention, well good for her, but I just don't buy it - based on the pictures, which tell a much different story than the one coming out of her mouth.

    With regard to the Heath photo, I believe that was taken by someone from the ADN which published it around the time of the announcement. Creepy and Sally are looking at the camera instead of the baby because that's the way they are - attention hounds. And like everyone else, I agree that that baby does not look like a newborn. My daughter was full term, but smallish - 6 lbs. 5 oz. just a little bigger than "Trig" - and she was tiny compared to that guy. The comment about leg presentation is also true, the kind of "froggy legs" in the Triggy Bear picture is the way newborns look for quite a while, and that child is much smaller and more frail. Unlike others, I don't dispute the date on that photo, which apparently coincides with Levi's birthday, the date of which is known to be after 4/18. Also, there is no way, IMHO, that the baby shower was earlier in the year nor that a bunch of women would keep quiet about a baby being born while Sarah kept the rest of the world waiting.

    My 2 cents on some of the theories. Keep up the good work Gryph and Brad and Laura, et al. This has got to break soon.

  106. G- I don't care how babygate finally breaks--- I just want the truth to be broadcast far and wide--

    So wouldn't it be ironic if SP's choice of fake birth at MATSU becomes the weak link?

    We know she chose MATSU because of her influence there. But it is very clear that if her story was true, with all the high risk aspects, MATSU would never have admitted her. We've been told by Alaskan medical professionals that the protocol would be for such a patient to be flown to Anchorage.

    Also, too, let's remember that more recently, SP changed her story and stated that Trig was born in Anchorage-- so which is it???
    It seems to me this is a key angle for some of our Alaskan friends to pursue.

  107. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Note how Mrs. Heath is holding the baby. That is not how you cradle a newborn to support it along the length of its spine. Her arm comes around the top of the baby and grasps him by the top of his foot.

  108. Anonymous7:48 PM

    3:44 - relax. Everything in its time.
    Gryphen hasn't lied to us yet. When he makes a mistake, he admits it.

    There is no rush yet. Better to wait and marshal all the information and evidence than to do a rush job.

    Or perhaps that's what you want - someone to do a half-arse job so Sarah and the media can dismiss it.

    Chill out. Trust. Truth will out, and Sarah will be diminished. We all would like to see her gone from the media and political circus, but better to make sure she can't resurrection her pitiful "career" later. Gryphen isn't playing with us. I suspect he's just so excited it's difficult to keep it totally under wraps - besides, the suspense is probably driving Sarah nuts - okay, correct - nuttier.

  109. Anonymous7:48 PM

    The reason why a very sick trig was paraded around is because palin was determined to continued her reckless behavior which endangered his life again. A post abortion if you will.

    This woman is evil and should never be around children.

  110. First, I hope this boy is thriving now.

    Not all preemies need a NICU. My oldest was born at 35 weeks, 5 lbs 1 oz. After a brief check by the ob, she was able to go directly to the regular nursery and thankfully she was able to come home with me when she was 2 days old.

    She did not have steroids. She had so little fat she looked like ET. Due to jaundice her skin was the color of medium-rare roast beef. She was so small that newborn clothes swam on her, and preemie clothes were baggy.

    That said, she would have been a fishpicker from Texas. once the amnio fluid started I could not have made it to the airport never mind Texas to Alaska. I barely made it to the hospital.

  111. Anonymous8:02 PM

    "Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't she also go back to work 3 days after the alleged birth with the baby?"

    Yeah, Ms Super Pussy.

  112. Anonymous8:05 PM

    OT Gryphen on Politico Sarah has said that Arnold Schwarznegger is disgusting for having affairs and a love child. Does Todd not have a love child and has Sarah not had at least one affair. She is such a hypocrite.

  113. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I think you will like this.....

  114. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Olivia said...

    The truth about TriG may be discovered, reported, revealed etc by many people involved in this disgusting smelly ruse but Sarah will never admit to telling a lie. No matter what truth is finally brought forth by whomever, Sarah is so mentally ill that she will never ever admit an untruth even when it is pushed in front of her face and whacked over her head with it. She will commit suicide before the truth ever crosses her lips. Her delusions are so strong that she will always believe that if she says it, it is true.

    5:37 PM

    LOL.. interesting, the possible Republican presidential candidate may have to be placed on suicide watch.

  115. Ferry Fey8:09 PM

    Phil Walczak took the picture that KTUU used, showing Sally and Chuck Heath holding the baby.

    Looking at other images bearing the Walczak/KTUU credit, they are all appropriately lit. I find myself asking why he chose to shoot this picture by available light, leaving the Heaths' faces partly shadowed in a not terribly attractive way. There's natural light from the window behind them that could have been used to even out the tones, but wasn't.

    I see a poster at the Sarah's Scandals blog asked last August whether anyone had asked Walczak about the shoot (Lori Tipton did the article), but there was no answer. Anybody know? A search doesn't seem to show that anyone spoke with him.

  116. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Oh gosh, I just hate when I tease my hair way up high (after I forget to eat for four days), get some extra Botox, and then tell Hannity that I hate a
    "tight-faced lie":

    --Lou Sarah
    7:14 PM

    Also, too, that Lee Slap-on Blush you were sportin' was downright amazing!

  117. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Shouldn't we blame the doctor's reckless behavior also?

    1. Said palin could make a speech after her water broke.
    2. Gave palin a phone pelvis exam.
    3. Told palin it was OK to fly 10 hours in pain.
    4. She didn't have a problem with palin traveling hours via car in pain.
    5. Instructed palin to delivery her baby at a hospital without the proper medical equipment needed for a sick baby.
    6. Allowed trig to be around people without the proper sterilized gear hours after being born.
    7. Didn't have trig's life as the main focus.
    8. Endanged trig's life by not having a trained NICU doctor or nurse available.

    CBJ is a quack and I wouldn't let her spay a dog.

  118. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Hey Anon at 6:50 p.m., don't disparage women who have never given birth. I am a childless woman and called BS on Sarah's story the minute I heard it. You don't need a vagina through which a baby has passed just a functioning brain.

  119. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Amen, MicMac!!

  120. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Well I have a huge detailed file from the hospital stating and describing that my baby was born with multiple holes in their heart and that we were released just days later to prove that I'm not making up a story to side with Sarah, that I could scan and post on here. However, I'm not on her side, I'm on the side that she definitely did not give birth to Trig. And if she won't release documents neither will I. I was just simply stating that all of the people saying they would "never release" a baby with holes in their heart from the hospital so soon, are clearly wrong.

  121. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Could it possibly be that palin was going to put bustol's baby up for adoption but had to change their plan when she was picked as vp?

    The "chose life" motto they freely spew around is lame as shit. If she was really anti-choice she wouldn't exclaim she CHOSE life. It wouldn't even be brought up to question.

    btw -- When the rumor first came out it was bustol that was pg. Then they changed it to palin. Then all of a sudden bustol is pg. Also too I read somewhere that it's a case of incest between bustol and track or toad. Anything is possible with these nutbags.

  122. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Re: Chuck and Sally Heath in the photo, I agree with everyone who said their body language and expressions are just off. My parents recently welcomed a new grandchild (not their first), and in every picture, they're either gazing at the baby or beaming at the camera. Whomever isn't holding my new niece is reaching out to touch her face or hold her hand, or has an arm around the one who is holding her.

    There is no way, NO WAY, my dad would stand there with his arms folded the way Chuck Heath is--not even if my mom wasn't holding a new grandbaby in her arms. Add the baby, and the posture would be much more intimate--my dad would have his arm around my mom; they'd be leaning in toward each other, and their faces would be ecstatic.

    And for the record, my dad's a conservative Republican who grew up on a farm, owns guns, and hunts.

  123. Anonymous8:54 PM

    O/T but I just canceled my order of Bailey's book on Amazon. I live in conservative-land, where Dunn's book is grossly underrepresented on bookstore shelves. So I'm going to buy my copy of Bailey's book at the local Borders. I think it's crucial for them to understand there's a market for these books even here, scant miles from Focus on the Family and New Life Church.

  124. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Oh no, she didn't.

    On Sean Hannity’s Fox News show, Palin urged Gingrich, Ryan and the rest of the 2012 conservative contenders to tailor their campaigns to avoid the “lame-stream media.”

    “Candidates need to get their message out through the new social media,” she said. “Don’t even participate in that goofy game that’s been played for too many years with the leftist lame-stream media."

    That's right, if I faked the birth of my baby and was dumb as a doorknob, I would only want to speak through Facebook also, too. No pesky questions about the miraculous birth of my child, the Bush Doctrine or anything else I couldn't answer with talking points.

    And then, there's this gem, on Eric Bolling’s Fox Business Network show “Follow the Money,” Palin spoke out on former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s admission that he had a child with a former staff member of his household.

    “I feel so bad for his children,” she said. “It’s an irresponsible and pretty disgusting thing that he did, in pretty much denying that he had a child for 10 years. That’s how I look at it. It speaks to his character, it’s sad.”

    Words escape me. What's worse, denying you have a child or pretending you had one?

    Does faking a pregnancy speak to your character?

    Does Todd's affairs with hookers speak to his character?

    The woman just can't help herself.

  125. Anons @3:28pm and 4:39pm - there are 4 and a third weeks in a month (52 weeks/12) so 7 and a half months is NOT 30 weeks but 32 and a half weeks, and it's certainly NOT 24 weeks!! And fyi 35 weeks is 8 months.

  126. Anonymous9:15 PM


    Palin talking about getting the message out through the "new social media" speaks volumes about how she operates; much like a teenaged girl would on Facebook and Twitter. No serious person engages the world on Facebook and Twitter, no serious person over the age of 14.

  127. 6:02 PM
    re Sarah "posing" beside Sadie holding "Trig".

    I agree with you. When my son was born, we let the grandmas hold him a little that day. A few days after that, friends would hold him a little, but I think my wife looking at him in every picture, or I would be looking at him and she would be watching me watch the baby. If I looked up and saw her looking at me, or vice versa, often one of us or both would tear up. Those were just tender, joyous times.

    She was always holding his fingers or toes or looking at him in every picture. The baby is supposed to be the center of attention. Someone who didn't know anyone in the room could've walked in and picked out my wife as the mother. I held him quite a that was HER baby boy, and, she didn't want him more than an arm's length away. The grandmas both had big ole smiles in the picks w the baby. I think their body language says a lot. My wife did have one concern for getting 1st photo. She got her sister to help her put on a little makeup and make her hair look semi-normal. I still had the scrubs on with gloves, mask and hair cover.

    Like somebody else said earlier, Sarah sprinkles a little truth in her biggest lies; she also sprinkles in lies when she's telling the truth about something that actually occurred. By the time she gets through bloviating and exaggerating, her story is far, far away from reality.

  128. Anonymous2:06 AM

    8:54, palin is only trying to make her own fear of the media seem less conspicuous. If nobody is talking to them she won't stick out like a dummy.

  129. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Human gestation is 280 days from date of last period - lots of "stories" being bandied about on here about baby's with holes in the heart, gestation less than 35 weeks producing infants that went home and out into the public almost immediately, etc.

    Mathematical miscalculations are likely responsible for some of these "wild stories." Maybe you folks mistook a slight discharge for a period.

    A child with detectable multiple holes in the heart discharged home in 48 hours or so (diagnostic workup validating said anomaly?)among other bazaar entries on this blog describes a really dumb parent or incompetent physician. An intelligent parent would seek a second opinion.

    The entries remind me of all the times I, as a nurse, have observed people, in and out of the hospital setting saying stupid things like, "My Aunt Nelda had the same thing you have and she died very shortly after being diagnosed. She sure had a lot of pain before the end. Do you have a lot of pain and are they giving you shots for it?"

    No, you people saying you had premies and babies were discharged and trotted around everywhere almost immediately need to accept the fact your math may be skewed, as well as your judgement for the safety of the newborn.

    You surely ought to be aware of the recommended cautions due to immaturity of the infant's immune system. Right?

    The lungs, digestive tract, musculature, fingernails etc. have a time frame required to get those organs developed and to maturity so the infant can exist and thrive without support. Shortcuts aren't allowed.

    Everyone is aware of how it takes time to grow a broken fingernail, get your hair longer, heal a cut - Puleese.......stop the nonsensical super baby entries here.

    For those families of us who have spent months with the ups and downs of a premature infant in NICU and then after its survival, years of therapy and support to get the little one to some stages of independence, loathe your fantasy stories about "super babies" defying the trials of early birth.

    Shame on you, belittling the trials of those with truly compromised short gestation babies.

    $P is a very sick woman and shame on the Rethugs for exploiting the idiocy of someone so short changed mentally.

  130. Olivia, I think you are right that Sarah will deflect and defend herself to the bitter end, but I don't think she will ever consider suicide. She's a narcissist. She thinks she deserves to prevail in every. single. encounter. Suicide is giving up. Sarah will never give up

  131. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Anon @ 8:09. Thanks for the link,

    I'm not going to watch but the comments were great and revealed enough to get the "highlights", so to speak.

  132. Anonymous4:03 AM

    OF course there are plenty of women who have never given birth who smelled the stink on Palin's "pregnancy" right away. However, the point made is that none of the media Pregnancy Apologists, to date, have ever given birth themselves. Of all the media pundits and bloggers and journalists with the smirky, roll your eyes attitude that just "know" Palin really was pregnant - are all people who have never carried a child to term, without exception.


  133. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Anon 8:06 gave us this:

    I think that it has some very good points that I hadn't thought about the presidential run, esp since the Republican field is looking sooo weak. But, in all honestly, who can name the losers in presidential runs? Mostly History buffs. She does not have the talent to use a losing bid to launch anything and frankly, she really doesn't have an established profession to fall back on. I think Moore gives her too much credit. Granted, she's made a ton of money through lucky breaks and the willingness to participate and compete. I think she thrives on attention and being busy. But she's beyond her level of sustainability and I don't think running for office would pay off big dividends for her.

  134. Anonymous4:09 AM

    8:05 and 8:54 said:

    "Sarah has said that Arnold Schwarznegger is disgusting for having affairs and a love child."

    "“I feel so bad for his children,” she said. “It’s an irresponsible and pretty disgusting thing that he did, in pretty much denying that he had a child for 10 years. That’s how I look at it. It speaks to his character, it’s sad.”

    "Does Todd not have a love child and has Sarah not had at least one affair. She is such a hypocrite."

    I believe those words are aimed at Todd, not the audience.

  135. Anonymous4:47 AM

    “Arnold Schwarznegger is disgusting for having affairs and a love child.”

    Hmmm, Sarah, isn't his personal life supposed to be private and his own business?? Nope. Sounds like she's trying to convince us that this would never happen in the wholesome, loving, healthy and happy family that is the Palins. They only have common, minor imperfections and issues, like the rest of us.

    “I feel so bad for his children,” she said.

    So the issue of bringing up parenting concerns isn't off-limits? I'm confused.

    “.... It speaks to his character...."

    Yes, doesn't it though?

    I think Sarah is ready for your interview, G. After all, she has said if there are any questions, just ask. But of course, it has to be on twitter.

  136. Anonymous5:12 AM


    This post evoked many explanations of the various situations for pre-term infants. How about a post to encourage readers to tell about their experiences with air plane flights after an amniotic fluid leak with a pre-term infant?

    I am sure there are thousands (hundreds, tens, er, one) of interesting variations. It would be informative to hear the range of experiences so we can compare with Sarah Palin's wild ride.

  137. Anonymous5:18 AM


    I can see not having the mother holding the baby--maybe drugged up and looking haggard.

    However, where is baby & daddy photo?

    Where is the "we're going home from the hospital" photo with mom, daddy, and baby?

  138. Anonymous5:23 AM

    I have sent an email to Dougherty, asking him why the ADN never investigated the irregularity of MatSu admitting Palin to a facility not competent to handle a high risk delivery.


  139. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Aside from the birth issue, I wanted to comment on the health of the mother. I had two children 8 years apart. My first pregnancy was when I was 25/26 at the birth. With my second pregnancy I was 33/34 at the birth. I remember how much more cautious my nurse practitioner was with my second pregnancy because I was near the age of 35 (albiet, different doctors/NP in different states). It was completely different and a lot scarier from when I was a first-time mom, although both were healthy pregnancies. I can't imagine how it would have been had I waited another 10 years to have my second daughter or a third child. I don't imagine I would be flying all over the country in my last 8 weeks of pregancy, and remember SP had another trip planned after Trig was introduced when she would have been less than 4 weeks out from her imaginary due date.
    OT, but please humor me. A few thoughts on the amniocentesis: Why would a woman who is an evangelical christian and pro-life get an amniocentesis (oh, and that little matter of it being done at 12 weeks, rather than the medically sound 16 weeks is another sticky wicket)? It is not as if the mother would consider an abortion if she is so strongly pro-life. (Realizing of course that SP claims she actually did consider it.)
    My NP offered it as an option during the pregnancy of my second child due to my age and I opted not to do it because I didn't want to take the risk (although minute, I know.) It's all just increasingly odd.
    The real infuriating thing to me, though, is how the bots criticize those who question the Wild Ride and origin of the child called Trig as only asking these questions because they would have wanted her to abort the baby. I am Strongly Pro-choice, but I don't know that I would even consider an abortion due to DS. It would have to be something really very severe for me to do so, especially at 16 weeks while you are in a stable situation (married with a family as opposed to single, young, unemployed, with a person you don't see a future with).
    I think the dialogue she has created in this country is disgusting: Death Panels, Limp and Impotent, Blood Libel, Liberal lame-stream media, Pallin around with Terrorists, Abortion mongers.

  140. Anonymous6:06 AM

    I despise Sarah Palin and do not believe Trig is her son. However, I gave birth to a baby at 36 weeks, who was 5 lbs. 14 ounces, and another baby at 36 weeks who was 6 pounds, 2 ounces. Neither baby needed any special treatment and looked and acted like a normal babiy right away. The baby in the picture obviously had other problems, as the weight was perfectly normal.

  141. Anonymous6:14 AM

    the photo in the hallway that granpa' Chuckles conveniently doesn't remember......

    proof that he is a pathological liar and SP learned her behavior from him.

  142. Anonymous6:17 AM

    in Oct 2010 at a speech (which WAS video'd) Sarah said Trig was born at SEVEN & A HALF MONTHS. That's not 35 weeks, but 30 weeks.


    I've mentioned this before also. She made the infant even younger and her story became even more bizarre than the lie before it.

  143. Anonymous6:23 AM

    could the baby with the grandparents actually be Tripp?

  144. Anonymous6:40 AM

    "Sarah has said that Arnold Schwarznegger is disgusting for having affairs and a love child."

    "“I feel so bad for his children,” she said. “It’s an irresponsible and pretty disgusting thing that he did, in pretty much denying that he had a child for 10 years. That’s how I look at it. It speaks to his character, it’s sad.”


    he never denied the child. He has paid child support since the child was conceived.

    Has Todd EVER paid $$ for his illegit child/children?

  145. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Okay, I'm going there. Gryphen, I know you as a man probably don't wanna think about these things, but all mothers can agree: birth is MESSY. I even ended up with an unplanned c-section, and you know what, my va-jay-jay (to use the clinical term) was still messy. Bloody, bloody, bloody. They give women super duper maxi pads and special undies.

    I'm told that women who give birth naturally also have certain pain in the nether regions that make walking/sitting normally a delicate situation for the first few days as well.

    Every mother here: would YOU be willing/able to put on panty hose and a skirt and go to work 3 days after birth, knowing you would be photographed?

    I think but am not sure she wore pantyhose when she went back to work. Putting pantyhose on while bleeding like a stuck pig, wearing ginormaous pad (they don't want you to use tampons for infection reasons), and bending over to get them on??

    If she didn't wear pantyhose, it's even more of a risk--- think unintended, inconvient, highly embarrasing bleeding coming through your skirt, onto the floor, or both. ALL women, even amazonian Sar-uhs will bleed for at least a few weeks after birth-- and I mean BLEED.

    To me, the idea she slapped on a skirted suit and went to work on day 3 is the reason I first thought something was up. NO ONE does that. They just don't.


  146. "Of all the media pundits and bloggers and journalists with the smirky, roll your eyes attitude that just "know" Palin really was pregnant - are all people who have never carried a child to term, without exception." --MicMac

    Good point. Would make a great info-graphic.

  147. Anonymous10:33 AM

    @2:15 am.

    Thanks for the insult calling me an incompetent parent and saying I had a bad physician. However, my baby was seen by two in hospital obgyns and a cardiologist specializing in newborn heart defects from the seattle childrens hospital that all agreed there was no harm in bringing my baby home because he was eating and gaining weight very well and showed no signs of heart distress or trouble breathing.

    People like you make it really hard for the truth ever to come out when you waste your time attacking people who are just trying to tell their stories so people can weed out the lies and come up with logical theories for insane stories like Sarah Palin has given us.

  148. Anonymous1:47 PM

    The reason is that Sarah never gave birth to the baby known as Trig, not on the day she said she did, not at mat-su, not at Anchorage. Who's Trig's mom? Don't know, don't care.
    I can't revisit my first baby's birth in detail because it's too painful. Anyone who's had a full term stillbirth and told "It was meant to be, God's Will, you're young and you can try again" knows how I feel.
    Sarah, a "Christian", hides her pregnancy, gets amnio late, goes on a wild ride, after leaking amniotic fluid, prays that nothing happens to this baby, writes a birth announcement that mentions her own heartbreak more than Trig, and signs it "your heavenly father".
    She had a miracle baby, at the most opportune time of her life, and attributes it to God's will.

    I've struggled to give her the benefit of the doubt, but it's clear she's a pathological liar with no conscience.

    As "Joe Isuzu" used to say, "Yeah, that's the ticket!"


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