Tuesday, May 03, 2011

President Obama receives standing ovation from BOTH Democratic and Republican leaders for bringing Osama Bin Laden to justice.

Let this serve as an example to certain right wing radio talk show hosts, Fox News commentators, and inconsequential half-term Governors.  THIS is how patriots respond when the leader of their country does the job that he promised to do when he was elected.


  1. Hail to the Chief, President Obama, the best man for the job.

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Sarah Palin Pushes Bin Laden Burial Conspiracy Theory


  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    New SP fail of the Couric question type


    She can't name her most influential journalist even after asking Toad and running right into Greta and Andrea Mitchell!

  4. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Huge poll bump after bin Laden death


  5. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Well, that brought tears to my eyes.

  6. Watching MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell-hosted hour right now. She and the WH reporter, Martin Cady, both observed that the good will and bipartisanship lasted for the length of that dinner. This morning the partisan wars are back, in Congress, as usual.

    She said it's no wonder Congress' approval rating is as low as it is.

  7. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Obama gets far more credit from the public than does George W. Bush for bin Laden’s killing. But the military and the CIA and other intelligence agencies receive much more credit – fully 86% say the U.S. military deserves a “great deal” of credit and 66% say the same about the CIA and other intelligence agencies.

    Roughly a third (35%) say that Obama deserves a great deal of credit for bin Laden’s demise, and a large majority (76%) say he deserves a great deal or “some” credit. By comparison, 51% say that Bush deserves either a great deal (15%) or some credit (36%) for the death of bin Laden.


  8. Olivia9:31 AM

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if the grownups started making an appearance in Congress again?

  9. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Well Played Mr. President. Well Played!!!

  10. Olivia9:35 AM

    Very good post at PoliticusUSA. http://www.politicususa.com/en/sarah-palin-bin-laden

  11. Anonymous9:40 AM

    OT, but enjoyable!!


  12. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Off topic, but have you seen this? http://thepoliticalcarnival.net/2011/05/03/photoh-sarah-palin-cant-even-fill-her-own-shoes/

    Why she would appear in shoes four sizes too big is beyond comprehension. Between that and the mess on her suit, you have to wonder if she's really losing it.

  13. Anonymous9:55 AM

    People need to realize that politicos in DC don't really hate each other. Neither side is more right or more wrong. Neither side is exceptionally moral or completely corrupt. Everyone is human, susceptible to human frailty. Obama receives no more criticism than any other President. People just feel the need to uncorrectly use him as a flag for blatant racism when racism doesn't play into this picture.

  14. Anonymous10:02 AM

    OT but I think you'll like this video of Sarah. She seems so out of her element and it's shades of her Katie Couric interview. She sounds so much more manic and shrill than anyone else asked this question. Plus no one else has creepy Scientologists watching their backs during these exchanges.



    Love our President and the way he keeps trying to bring people together!

  15. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Here was Palin, undeniably doing something positive for her country and she just goes and leaves herself completely (and perhaps rightfully) open to attacks. While Obama should certainly have played second fiddle to our nation’s servicemen and women at an event like this, a mere mention of his name would have kept her from looking petty and kept the attention on the troops she was tributing.

    It’s similar in many ways to what many people were saying about Obama’s birth certificate speech last week. Why would the President’s handlers have him give a big speech about having “serious business” to attend to and then schedule an excursion to visit Oprah Winfrey right after. Obviously, in hind sight, we can see that he really did have serious business this past weekend but, at the time, it looked foolish.

    So, we’ll see what gets more headlines; Palin’s charity work or her Obama snub. And, no matter which direction the media takes it, remember that Palin could have avoided all of it by just saying one little name.


  16. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I would have thought she would have said Katie couric she was the most influential during the campaign, helping palins ticket lose that is! Baaaaaaaad!

  17. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Sorry to be OT, but in other news. It's getting better.

    U.S. Job Creation Hits Post-Recession High in April


  18. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Politicususa have very good posts,

  19. Anonymous10:23 AM

    We have absolutely got to make sure no more Republicans get into the House and Senate in 2012. There is so much this fundamentally decent man wants to accomplish for America, and we must keep the barbarians from stopping him.

  20. Anonymous10:23 AM

    The president roasted Donald Trump in Washington, toured tornado devastation in Alabama, and gave a commencement speech in Miami—while directing the secret mission to kill Osama bin Laden. Lloyd Grove on Obama’s uncanny ability to compartmentalize.

    On Saturday night, he was joking, laughing, and chitchatting at the head table of the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner. Dapper in his tux, he looked like he didn’t have a care in the world. On Sunday morning he slipped away to Andrews Air Force Base for his regular golf foursome.

    When he returned to the West Wing at 2:04 p.m., he and his national-security team put the finishing touches on the secret mission to take out Osama bin Laden. By 3 p.m. the helicopters were in the air. But one would never have suspected, from outward appearances, that Obama was preparing to roll the dice on a risky military operation half a world away that would define—and maybe even destroy—his entire presidency.

    On Monday, as the international community was absorbing the news that the planet’s most-wanted terrorist had just been terminated with extreme prejudice, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney tried to explain Obama’s uncanny, one might say eerie, ability to green-light the most momentous mission of his presidency while touring tornado devastation in Alabama, traveling to Cape Canaveral for an abortive space shuttle launch, delivering a commencement speech at Miami Dade College, skewering Donald Trump at the correspondents' dinner and playing a friendly golf game with aides. “Compartmentalization,” Carney summed up.


  21. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Is Sarah Palin Over?

    “The media have always overestimated her appeal. They’re drunk with interest in covering her. It’s a partnership—they’re in business together.”


  22. California Dreamin'10:46 AM

    I enjoyed his reaction to the standing ovation. No big smile, very humble, serious, and mature.

    Hmmm...let's now imagine for a moment the reaction of 'you-know-who' if she were in that same position. I imagine a big, smug grin, a couple of fist pumps in the air, and lots of basking in the attention. Also, too, she would take 100% credit.

    Sarah, you're so predictable.

  23. OT but PRICELESS!!!

    Here we go again.

    Sarah Palin had a Katie Couric moment over the weekend during the White House Correspondents Dinner festivities.

    At the MSNBC after party, NBC's blog NBCU Direct asked several party attendees the following question: Who do you think is the most influential journalist today?

    But while most of the attendees had no problem coming up with answers (Eliot Spitzer said Brian Williams, as did Andrea Mitchell, while SNL's Bill Hader went for The New Yorker's David Grann), Palin fumbled when asked.

    "Oh my goodness, that's a great question," she said, before turning to her husband Todd and asking for his input.

    When Todd also balked, Palin came back and said, "Um, gosh, that's a great question, I have to think about it, OK? Because there are many."

    As Palin walked away from the camera, she ran into her Fox News pal Greta Van Susteren, and then turned back to the NBC cameras to shout, "Greta Van Susteren is the most influential journalist!"

  24. I am awed by President Obama's ability to keep the same serious look on his face while the room rose to a standing ovation. Not once, did he make this about himself, or allow even a hint of smugness or self-satisfaction to cross his face. He gave the praise and credit to those who carried out the mission. Now, that is the very definition of Presidential.

  25. o/t, but sarah revisits deer in headlights couric moment went asked at msnbc afterparty who is most influetial journalist.... funny!

  26. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Olivia @0931-

    I agree. I don't think it would be too much to ask.


  27. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Sarah Palin Can't Name Most Influential Journalist

    Check this out on Huffington Post. Can't blame Couric this time - for God's sake the woman is a Fox correspondent and was attending a correspondent's dinner.

  28. Obama's poll numbers unchanged according to the Daily Beast.


  29. Some words are worth repeating...they start to affect you in a deeper way, like a drumbeat...


  30. Interesting new development of Palin parting ways with her neocon foreign policy advisers and taking up with Breibart blogger Peter Schweizer. Seems like she's just looking for people who disagree with whatever Obama is doing.

    Surprised? haha What a jerk she is.

  31. @Anonymous 10:23:

    Great summary, but you forgot we almost got Qaddafi as well. Oh well, can't get 'em all. Great weekend nonetheless!

  32. Anonymous11:45 AM

    O/T from Palingates: "Sarah Palin - There's Good Purpose in Trig"

    Sarah may be hoping that she has until next Feb to make an announcement.... the less time she has to answer unprepared questions, the better. You'd think that she would be able to answer a question that has to do with her college degree, journalism. Anyway, she most likely needs to see what the fall-out from the upcoming emails and books is and give time for the dust to settle. And her gig with FOX should be up by then. She really would like to wait until August like last time, but there are those primaries and everything. Anyway, next Feb. is... 9 months away. Just enough time to have someone work on the ultimate political prop. Maybe even throw in a wedding. Everyone loves a wedding. But the window for that is almost shut. Might have to do without any weddings. They cost a lot anyway....

  33. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Oops, she did it again. Partying on the media's dime and someone spoils the fun by asking her about something way off topic.

  34. Enjay in E MT12:04 PM


    Do you have any idea what we've done?

    We dumped Bin Laden's moldering corpse into the ocean where
    it will mix with oil and chemicals from the BP spill and radiation from Fukushima nuclear plant meltdowns we're going to have a radioactive zombie terrorist apocalypse.

    snipped from DU'er Ichingcarpenter

  35. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Anon 9:35, are you serious?? You are either extremely naive or a complete idiot. You certainly dont know your history or much about racism.

  36. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Anon 10:04, Sarahs charity work??? What are you talking about? She was paid, a lot!

  37. Anonymous12:21 PM

    What's astonishing about Palin's (and many of the GOP's) refusal to give any credit to Obama for getting Bin Laden is how grossly out of touch they are with the American people. Over 75% of Americans credit Obama for his role in the Bin Laden capture/kill according to a new WaPO PEW poll.

    Their hate and jealousy of President Obama overshadows their patriotism, common courtesy and civility, not to mention any kernel of political astuteness they may yet harbor. Palin et al just continue to marginalize themselves in the political process. Who can have even a grain of respect for people who are so churlish that they can't give a nod of approval to the leader of our country for finally finding and dispatching America's #1 Most Wanted Criminal????

    Conclusion: Palin and the much of the GOP make President Obama look even more impressive by their petty and churlish behavior. Somehow, I don't think that's the effect they wanted.

  38. 10:04 am Palin's charity work

    Sorry but she charged $100,000 to say a few words. If you are going to make a comment here, then be sure to tell it right. I also am not even going to get into the rest of your little spitter spatter post.

  39. Anonymous12:47 PM

    'Coconut Don' Young's legal defense fund is raising eyebrows.
    TPM Muckraker has this:

    Report: Louisiana Family (Almost) Singlehandedly Bankrolling Alaska Rep's Legal Fund

    In the first three months of this year, scandal-dogged Rep. Don Young (R-AK) raised $92,000 for his legal defense fund. That's not so unusual. But, as Roll Call reports, the fact that $60,000 of that money came from a single Louisiana family is raising a few eyebrows.

    Gary Chouest, the president of a marine transportation company, and his family members control 12 entities that each gave $5,000 donations to Young's fund. Nine of the entities list identical post office box addresses.


    What kind of "marine transportation" does that company do? Offshore oil supply? Special vessels for use in offshore drilling in Alaskan waters? You betcha.

  40. Some things are worth repeating... they begin to move to a new level, like a drumbeat...


  41. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Well, the politicians in Washington might not hate each other (9:55 am) but the Republicans sure don't care for the Americans they're supposed to be representing.

  42. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Obama deserves 100% credit for the riddance of Osama bin Laden. He is the person who made the final decision. If the operation had not been successful, Obama would have accepted full responsibility. Since it was extremely successful, he should receive credit for a job well done.

    Now,can everyone quit paying attention to anything and everything that Sarah Palin says or does? As long as people keep mentioning her, she will stay in the news.

  43. Anonymous1:18 PM

    This attempt to parse the credit for the mission: He's the Commander in Chief. END OF STORY.

    When I was growing up, the military praise did not have to be "sung" all the time. But since President Obama is in the White House, now we're parsing who's in charge and how much they have to do with it?

    Hey, remember 8 years ago when Bush was in a flight suit of a carrier with a banner that said MISSION ACCOMPLISHED? Whose fault was that?

  44. 9:55 am

    Sadly, you are in denial or just plain uneducated. Maybe you should start reading newspapers and find out more about what goes on in this country before you come here with your talking points straight from Breitbart or Beck.

  45. Anonymous2:27 PM

    If the mission to take out bin Laden had gone wrong, all of the blame would be on Obama and none on the military personnel or Bush. Interesting how the success is shared and the failure would have been his alone. Remember the failure of the attempt to rescue hostages by Carter. He had the guts to give the order and it was up to the military to carry it out. Carter got total blame for the failure. But just like anything else in life, that failure helped our military and special operations people to learn how to get it right.

  46. hillbilly celebration of death of osama/or how the rest of the world thinks we are reacting to his death... (please let this man not be from m state!)

  47. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I don't always watch his speeches - I don't want to be too enamored, b/c I really think someone is going to do something nasty to him, but I really love him. Why not try to unite? Did GWB? I don't think so - he was for himself and his pals.

  48. Sarah Palin is a Cunt5:26 PM

    I read that $ister $arah reads this blog.

    If so, I just have this to say to you, Sarah.

    Piss off.

    Just piss the fuck off, shut the fuck up, go away, go far, far away and don't utter another word.

    Please, for all that is good, just go away.

  49. Anonymous6:26 PM

    The Republican agenda since the day President Obama was elected, has been to lay the results of eight years of failed Republican "leadership" squarely on the shoulders of the first African American President. They've done their best to blame the economy, the mortgage mess, wall street greed, freddie and Fannie, and the price of fuel on President Obama, soley because, they claim, "It happened on his watch"
    They're twisting and squirming and re-writing history. Cheyney, bless his heart, takes credit because torturing people is, you know, constitutional, a moral imperative, and it's that torture that gave us the information that led to obliterating Bin Laden.


    President Barack Hussein Obama, the commander in chief, gave the orders and used the legal tools he had to surgically remove Bin Laden, sparing collateral damage.

    Sorry, Republicans and Tea Party Patriots (an oxymoron), you can't have it both ways.

    Barrack Hussein Obama deserves the credit for having the "cajones" to do the right thing. He earned his Nobel Peace Prize despite the racist undertones of what's been thrown his way.

    Name one caucasian President who was asked for proof he was qualified for the job he was duly sworn under oath to do. Then tell me again that racism isn't part of the Republican/Tea Party Agenda.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.