Tuesday, May 03, 2011

The face that now sends a tingle of fear through the spines of Republicans

This is a picture of the intensity on President Obama's face while he and his security team were monitoring the success of JSOC Seal Team 6 as they landed in Bin Laden's compound, and engaged the enemy in a firefight, before ultimately taking the Al Qaeda leader's life thus ending his reign of terror.

That face is the face which will haunt the dreams of the Republican party these next two years.

That is the face which will make those who considered taking President Obama on in 2012, think again. And perhaps even again.

And that is the face which our enemies will picture when they consider their plans to attack this country going forward.

Because THAT is the face of determination which hides behind our President's easy smile, calm demeanor, and self effacing personality.

For anybody who thought this President was a push over, or unfit to command, or lacking the steel spine to stand up against our enemies, I urge you to look at that face again.

Any questions?


  1. Anonymous6:47 AM

    His whole history is written in that face. This is the man I have never doubted.

    I hope he can get a good night's sleep now.

  2. I *heart* our President.

    That is all.

  3. President Obama has proven once again that he is a true leader of this great country. He truly is a great American man who has achieved what others could not and does not need fake photo ops such as mission accomplished banners.

  4. As Joe Biden would say, this is a fucking great accomplishment Mr. President.

  5. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Bags under the eyes. Veins protruding. Mustache shadow. Muscles taut. And Donald Trump, Palin, and the birthers are running around playing distracting middle-school games. Where's the long form? All he does is play golf and basketball? He's overexposed? He's hiding? How did he get into Harvard? Where is his 4th-grade report card? President Obama has been dealing with this AND everything else for nearly a year now. Now do we get it!!

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    That picture says it all. The man is made of steel. I've never doubted him.

  7. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Yeah, I have a question - who the hell is going to waste their money to go up against him?


  8. i always knew that intensity and courage were there. to stand up and be elected the first black president in a country in which far too many hateful people were hostile to him from the get-go took more courage than i can imagine. and to govern with so much grace, calmness, and compassion in the midst of irrational hatred is remarkable. the president has proven over and over that he can roll with the punches, but he has also proven, most of all with this mission (and memorably that gop luncheon during which he handed them their ingenuous asses a couple years back, but i digress) that he can surgically, brilliantly, precisely punch back. i feel a hundred times safer under our potus than i did under bush, and i am proud of pres. barack hussein obama in a way i have never been proud of any other president. i don't always agree with all his decisions, but i know he has a good heart and a more tan sound mind, as well as compassion for all americans, even the dopes who hate him. thank your president obama - we have your back and we appreciate and love you.

  9. Anonymous7:02 AM

    No questions asked!

  10. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I agree with 6:47 am. This is the man I have never doubted also too. - I will be reading: "Singular Woman - The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mother" this week!

  11. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Can you imagine Sarah in that room?

    It would look like a nightmarish nursery with Todd and Bristol and Tripp, Sally and Papa Heath, Journalist Molly, Trig and Piper all by her side while she gleefully exclaims,

    "Look babies, Mommy is going to get revenge! Those flipping haters, we'll show the world that we are exceptional and powerful and progressing a Christian Nation desiring freedom!"

    The therapy these kids should be getting. And her also too.

  12. Anonymous7:04 AM

    That face sends a tingle of pride through the spine of this Republican.

    He will kick ass.

  13. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Good. Fabulous. Wonderful. And that's how I felt BEFORE bin Laden was shot.

  14. Anonymous7:04 AM

    And look at Hillary. How appropriate too. Those two belong where they are.

  15. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Viewing this would give Sarah an orgasm. Live assassination would be porn to her.

  16. Pat in MA7:06 AM

    watching old clips last night of George Bush dithering on bin Laden (first Bush wanted OBL dead or alive and then he decided he was no big deal and he didn't really give him much thought) made me remember yet again why we are so very very fortunate to have Obama as our President.

  17. It just fills my heart with happiness to see our president like this. His detractors can only dream of being such a man.

  18. Anonymous7:07 AM

    O/T Two more of Palin's staff bite the dust... With them gone her foreign policy seems to be shifting as well.


    The personnel shift carries an ideological charge. Scheunemann, the former executive director of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, is a longtime neoconservative stalwart, as is Goldfarb, a former reporter and protege of Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol. They crafted for Palin a policy platform and voice reflecting an eagerness to use American force. The pair, who helped Palin with press and debate prep in 2008, were also something of Palin's last link to Washington's political establishment.

  19. He did extremely well. He was great here. He has done a terrific job as President, in my--and a lot of people's--eyes.

    Perfect he's not.

    He's not a fantastic negotiator.

    We should have had a shot at the "public option" for health insurance.

    All that said, there is NO ONE I would or will vote for other than this man, come November 2012.

    Thank you, Mr. President.

  20. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Obama got Osama.
    Just heard on NPR Osama had been at the compound 5 (five) years!
    Let's see: President Obama has been in office 2 years, 3 and 1/2 months. Yes, Bush did it. "It" being NOTHING.

    Our President is amazing. Thanks be to the goddesses he is in charge.

    Obama got Osama.

    Palin: NOCD: Not our class, darling.

  21. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I heart him too. I've had my 2012 bumper sticker ready to put on my car for a few weeks now. Yesterday, I proudly put it on. F my rethuglic neighbors!

  22. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Sarah's concept of "proper force" is to abuse her position as Governor to hound the law enforcement division to fire her ex-brother in-law.

  23. teutonic137:17 AM

    These videos are really too funny-

    Check 'em out :)



  24. Yeah, fuck you Sarah Palin.

  25. Anonymous7:19 AM

    He looks appropriately determined, horrified, resolute, and thoughtful about what is happening.

    I want to hug Hilary Clinton in this picture. Heck, I want to hug all of them. It must have been very, very hard to watch as a compassionate, thinking, humane person.

  26. Sunshine1970: ditto.

  27. Anonymous7:29 AM

    It didn't take 10 years to get OBL. It took 2 1/2. You just had to put the right man on the job.


  28. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Politico just announced that Palin's foreign policy advisers dumped her. It seems she is now relying on a blogger for Breitbart's website. Keep it classy, Sarah!!!

  29. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Obama was looking at Trig's birth certificate in that photo..

    and thinking... ow did she pull this off?

  30. Anonymous7:34 AM

    They may have been watching live video feed of Bin Laden being shot.

  31. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Thank you, President Obama. I was proud to volunteer for your last campaign. I've already donated to your re-election campaign and will be boots on the ground and on the phones again in 2012 for you.

  32. Anonymous7:39 AM

    U know palin would have been pounding her fist and screeching, "kill him, kill him". Then she would have insisted that she get to have her picture taken with the body, like her daddy did with all his dead animals.

  33. Anonymous7:39 AM

    In hindsight, watching the WHCD again last night affirmed to me what a supremely qualified and dignified man we have running our country. Puts republicans to shame. They throw the likes of Sarah Palin and Donald Trump into the ring because they know that legitimately they have no one that even comes close to President Obama on every level! No comparison! And if they think it brings Obama down to their level to be in the same arena as those nutjobs, they are sadly mistaken. They will never attain the level of greatness that Obama has achieved within the last week and which is so apparently deficient within the republican party. Time for some soul searching republicans! Never been prouder of our president and country as I am now.

  34. OT

    Per Politico -

    Randy Scheuneman to Palin - "we can't give you the time".

  35. AMEN. Every ramification of his decision-making is evident in his face. ( Compare Clinton's face to Palin's. Reality vs Delusion.)

  36. President Bush was not my choice and honestly, he messed up more than he got things right. He got distracted with Iraq (the shiny object...) and didn't focus on the 1 thing America needed him to do - capture or kill bin Laden.

    In 2005, the CIA was given more on the ground intelligence personnel and that is what eventually helped lead to bin Laden's capture. Like President Obama, I'm happy to share the credit. I'm sick to death of the Republicans only acknowledging Bush and begrudgingly mentioning Obama. And as for Palin? Forget her - she's a wannabe has-been and a quitter.

    President Obama finished what President Bush did not - credit goes to both, they were both Commander in Chief and we should give them the respect even if we didn't vote for them.

    Isn't time we all behaved like grown-ups now? 10+ years of this and finally it is over. I'm hoping we use this to our advantage and unite more as a nation.

  37. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Now that all pretense of "serious" neocons have abandoned her, I hope it's clear she is not running--not really. Sarah Palin can't keep staff!

  38. Sarah goes with Breitfart blogger, the queen is dead.

  39. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Calm, cool, and collected! I am proud of my President, Barack Hussien Obama.
    No republican will come close in 2012 !
    Gryphen, weren't the republican debates for the party nomination supposed to start this week or next? They are all too chicken to even run.

    And poor Sarah, that black man that lives at 1600 peen ave is making her look worse all the time , by not acknowledging her and performing his job as Prez.
    Tawd better hurry up and fill Sarah's schedule, because her price is going to drop rapidly soon, heck she can't even fill up a gym.
    Yes Sarah, we found out. You can't even fill up a GYM! Heck I have been at grade school and YMCA events that have filled up a gym---but the quitter queen drew less people than a girl scout troop on the first day of cookie sales.

    OBAMA 2012

  40. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Absolutely, Gryphen. That's Obama, and I never doubted it for a minute.

    He doesn't brag about his resolve, he just gets stuff done.

    For anyone complaining about his not getting the public option for healthcare, truly - I mean this sincerely - wake up.

    That was never a real possibility (right now) given the current DC climate and the split nature of America's political landscape.

    Obama's actually a master negotiator - he doesn't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, as he has shown us time and time again.

    My husband and I just had the opportunity to change to an amazing and affordable health insurance plan (BCBS) that has only been available since President Obama and his administration pushed through their legislation this winter. THIS is real change I can believe in, and it is what was possible at this moment in history.

    The rest is just idealistic, unrealistic, and pointless to lament.

  41. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I *heart* our President.

    That is all.

    6:47 AM

    I second that

  42. Anonymous7:59 AM

    The saddest part of the whole matter is that we have a GREAT President, for the first time in a LONG WHILE...

    ...one who can be in a class with JFK.

    And yet, with minds poisoned by racism and propaganda, a huge portion of Americans are therefore unable to appreciate this fact.

    It only happens now and then, people! Please try to pull the wool off your eyes, and rejoice about it.

  43. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Obama promised to get bin Laden. McCain disagreed. Obama won. And bin Laden's dead.


  44. Anonymous@7.39a raises a good point.

    When you view again his "speech" at the WHCD from Saturday night in light of what he was doing 18 hours later, it's even more amazing. What his thoughts were while speaking to the crowd, knowing that less than a day later he would be watching a mission that might not have worked?

    I am so proud of myself and the millions of other American voters who put this man in the White House three years ago. Let's make sure we get him back next year.

    BUT, we also have to start working to get Congress back. That's of the most supreme importance right now. I donated $250.00 to Obama/2012 through ActBlue, but I won't give more. I'll give to congressional races, particularly those Dems who lost their seats in 2010 and are running to get them back next year.

    Oh, and I ADORE that grin!!

  45. Anonymous8:05 AM

    @ 7:39
    Why is it that the "nutjobs" really have no balls?

    Obama got Osama!

  46. Anonymous8:05 AM

    For Sarah Palin to give credit to George Bush for the mission directed by Barack Obama that resulted in the killing of Osama bin Laden is outrageous! She should never be forgiven by even her most ardent supporters for this lie. She is a plague on this country.


  47. Anonymous8:08 AM

    If I were watching osama being killed, I'd literally be grinning ear to ear. While I do see rejoicing in any death as being wrong, murderers are different. Radical religion is dangerous and gives undue power to power hungry people. The only way to obliterate that is take em out one by one.

  48. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I still can't believe this is a man who sat on church for years listening to " goddamn america" and "white people suck"

    Do associations really matter? Are we being fair in dismissing rev wright and attacking others' religion past associations, even when those ties don't exist anymore?

    Are you all going to attack me for this very fair question?

  49. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I wanna picture with his dead body!!! I'd shove a massive gun in his ass for the pic too.

  50. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Last week, Sarah gave an interview on Fox where she repeated her long standing petty grudge against Katie Couric. Greta asked Sarah to comment on Couric leaving the CBS Evening News, and Sarah went into junior high mean girl mode in making her sarcastic remarks about "Katie telling her stories."

    Obama can't be bothered with petty distractions like holding a grudge of a couple of years. That picture shows someone focused on the mission at hand. Sarah is incapable of leadership. She is nothing more than the attack dog, with her grudges still on display.

  51. Anonymous8:15 AM

    It appears alaskans were on facebook the other evening still denying obamas part in this. I know his ratings suck up there abd teens as well as intelligent adults despise this admin, but to deny the president ANY credit is weird. Bush deserves a little. Obama deserves a little more. The troops and officials deserve the most.

  52. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Dipshit Mark mcKinnon on Bill Maher's show last week, said accomplishments of a candidate are not as important as attributes, the key attribute being leadership.

    Well now what have we here in Barack Obama? A leader. I honestly felt safer and happier going to sleep last night and knowing that Barack will be out pres for 6 more years.

  53. And then I visited Andrew Breitbart's site to see what the other sides is saying about bin Laden's death and I found this

    Read the comments. Whew. These are the people who think that Palin is presidential material. Scares and sickens me to read that crap.

  54. Wasilla's back in the house: Pfffft!

  55. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:10. What proof do you have that President Obama ever heard the two quotes you mentioned? I doubt if you have any evidence, and if not you should not make such statements.


  56. Anonymous8:22 AM

    This sickning comment posted over at C4P is an example of how screwed up their minds are.


    "I'm sure you all have seen the picture of the situation room on Drudge released from the WH.....but I am truly surprised that they allowed this picture to go public.......barry sitting in the corner looking extremely small and hunched over.......small compared to every man and woman in the room.....even Joe Biden......he looks like a child who is totally out of his depth (a realistic photo for once?).......he looks less like a commander-in-chief than one would think possible.....he looks more like petulant child in a time out.....I fear for this country........2012 can't come soon enough."

    No mention of the fact that their President has done what Bush in his sorry 8 years failed to do. Truly despicable people; and they dare to call themselves 'Real Americans'. Give me a F'n break!

  57. Anonymous8:22 AM

    To 8:10 a.m.,

    Believe it.

  58. Anonymous8:23 AM

    @8:10 - I'm not going to attack you but I don't see the relevancy of your question. It seems designed to stir up stuff. As usual: a troll on a thread which is praising current action of our President brings out the racist deflection trolls.

    Oh, and by the way, I gave money to Rev. Wright's church in Chicago in 2008 when he was smeared. I think most people assume I'm a white person, too, by the way.

    Rev. Wright was at the side of LBJ during his surgery--right next to him. Did you watch the Bill Moyers interview? Rev. Wright also served our country--in the military. Don't get started about Rev. Wright.

  59. Anonymous8:25 AM

    OT. Sarah is really raking in the speaking $$$. As usual, not quite the crowd the organizers expected! Do you suppose Sarah donated her time for this gig since it benefits children with special needs? I seriously doubt it!

    All these speeches make me believe she realizes her 15 minutes are almost over and is grabbing whatever limelight she can!!

  60. Anonymous8:28 AM

    To 8:10am. Yes, associations really DO matter. As example, Sarah Palin associates with terrorists and murderers! Ever heard of Jeremy Mordock. How about all those domestic terrorists in Alaska that know and love Sarah. Weren't they recently arrested by the FBI for a plot to assassinate Alaska's finest, i.e. judge and state troopers, and their wives and children!!

    Yes, Virginia, associations do matter! Let's make certain we cover all of them!

  61. Dinty8:29 AM

    It gives Chris Matthews a different tingle.

  62. Anonymous8:29 AM

    In 2005, the CIA was given more on the ground intelligence personnel and that is what eventually helped lead to bin Laden's capture.

    I beg to differ with you, V. Rumsfeld canceled that support and grounded the flights right before they took off. We shifted our resources to Iraq and left bin Laden alone to hide out for years in Pakistan.
    Read it an weep:

  63. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Jew for Sarah

    Buddy Korn, the founder of the group Jewish Americans for Sarah Palin, is an ex-Maoist rabbi’s son looking to mobilize disenchanted coreligionists with Tea Party rhetoric


  64. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Yes sir. I admire the man.

    I'm thankful we don't have one of those other political clowns running the show. They can continue doing what they do best - get face time and criticize from afar without a depth of knowledge on any issues. Such worthless people.

  65. Enjay in E MT8:32 AM

    I heard a couple of "pundits" yesterday saying how subdued the Administration behaved. No fist pumps or high 5's like the previous "Cowboy" admin.

    A necessary action - but not celebratory.

  66. Hey 8:10 guess what? Some white people do suck. So do some brown people. Rev. Wright did not shape Obama. Great articles out now about Obama's mom and his upbringing. She was an amazing person and she helped raise an amazing man. His success is driving you people nuts. Spin all you like, he's here for another 5 years. Hahaha.

  67. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Hey 8:10am. Great question that deserves a response. In fact, I couldn't agree with you more. Associations do, indeed, count. Given that, let's make certain that all of Sarah's associations are scrutinized. Her husband's membership in the AIP. Her association with domestic terrorists who want to kill Alaska's public servants (and their families). Her close association and family ties to a convicted murderer. Yes, associations matter a great deal so let's make certain that we cover all of them!!

  68. Anonymous @ 8:10 AM said...
    I still can't believe this is a man who sat on church for years listening to " goddamn america" and "white people suck"
    Do associations really matter? Are we being fair in dismissing rev wright and attacking others' religion past associations, even when those ties don't exist anymore?
    Are you all going to attack me for this very fair question?

    Obama got Osama.

    That is all.

  69. Anonymous8:36 AM

    @8:10 - is it a fair question to ask why Sarah Palin was blessed with the laying of hands by a witch-hunting preacher from Africa?

  70. Anonymous8:39 AM

    A good deal of this country may not even deserve what Barack Obama has done for us, which is even further indication of what a thoroughly decent man he is.

  71. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Sticking to the topic of the thread: I sleep easier at night knowing he's our president. THANK YOU, PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.

  72. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Mo Rage: "Perfect he's not. He's not a fantastic negotiator.We should have had a shot at the "public option" for health insurance."

    Well, he's a good negotiator when it's for things he wants. I don't think he really felt the public option was as critical a mechanism for health reform as many of us did. Time will tell on that one. There are some things about the reform legislation that should accomplish some of what the public option would have, such as insurance companies having to redirect more money on patient claims, and keeping rates at a lower level. If those things actually happen, then he may turn out to be right. We'll see. I was really mad about no public option, either, but at the end of the day, my family insurance costs should be a lot more manageable. Hopefully.

  73. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I *heart* Hillary Clinton too. I bet it is a breath of fresh air for our foreign ambassadors and our military and CIA powers to have a clear-minded, sane, thoughtful, calm president at the helm!!!

  74. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Ok, Ok, Let's not get carried away. I love the president too, but let's not forget he is only human.

    I do admit that comparing him to the field of republican candidates does make him look like superman.

  75. Anonymous8:56 AM

    HT to Obama's mother, Ann Dunham. She raised him for great things, and yes, this man can sit anywhere, do anything, and yet keep his core values solid because of his character. Character is built by the long-term practice of values. It can't be inherited or bought. It doesn't come from a boob job or an endorsement, not from press coverage or political office.

    Read more about Ann Dunham here:


    and here:


  76. Anon 8:08, I think both Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton are totally focused on the mission and the safety of the troops. There was a helicopter crash and a firefight. There was no guarantee this mission would work. The picture we didn't see was when all the troops, and the body landed safely at home base. Then, I suspect you would have seen cheers and grins.

  77. To the troll @ 8:10am....the answer to your question is.....NO!!! Now go away or join in the celebration!

  78. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Thank you, Mr. President! You are doing a terrific job! I voted for you once and I will do so again, there is no doubt.

    God bless you and your Administration.

  79. Anonymous9:20 AM

    7:59 AM said ,"The saddest part of the whole matter is that we have a GREAT President, for the first time in a LONG WHILE...one who can be in a class with JFK. And yet, with minds poisoned by racism and propaganda, a huge portion of Americans are therefore unable to appreciate this fact."

    I think history will laud President Barak Obama as one of our greatest presidents. Recall that presidents like JFK and Lincoln were vilified when they were in office. They are now beloved by Americans.

    Great presidents face terrible adversity with grace, intelligence, caring, and strength of character, just as President Obama is doing every day. History will put the proper perspective on his presidency. At some point, I have no doubt that most Americans will come to venerate his memory and appreciate his struggle and accomplishments. People will know in their hearts that President Obama made America a better country.

    This is my opinion and the primary reason I voted for Obama was because McCain picked Sarah. I was fortunate in my choice. The country is fortunate and we'll understand that in time.

  80. Anne In DC9:22 AM

    In spite of repeatedly being underestimated by his GOP detractors, President Obama has shown himself to be a great president. It's not about perfection, but about who can get the job done. I prefer his calm, deliberative approach to the shoot-from-the-hip-and-ask-no-questions approach of GW, Palin, and just about all of the GOP potential candidates. Obama did what the right wing revisionists only WISH Bush had done, keeping a campaign promise into the bargain.

  81. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Anon @ 8:10 a.m.

    Obama was vetted. This issue was brought up when it was important, when Americans were getting to know him and deciding who should lead the country. Guess what? He passed the smell test with the MAJORITY of Americans.

    Sarah still is being vetted just to be a household name, even that is a threat to our country's integrity. Her associations are just as appalling, she sleeps with the enemy. Keep bringing up old rehashed issues, we'll bring up Sarah's old and new. And Trump has no idea what he is getting in to.

  82. Anonymous9:36 AM

    If you ever wondered what a KKK meeting might be like, just stroll over to C4P and read the comments. Wash thoroughly afterward.

  83. Gryphen

    Clean-up needed on

    8:10 am, 8:12 am

    Palin kids again

  84. 8:15 am alaskans on facebook

    Bristol honey, the baby is crying and Tripp is writing on the walls; go take care of your kids and leave the blogging to intelligent adults.

  85. Thanks to the anon poster who reminded of what Rummy did - but didn't he veto the surgical operation that Obama ended up authorising? My memory is probably wonky but I thought that was what I read on Daily Kos yesterday.

    My point is - Obama accomplished what Bush did not. But this whole let's give more credit to one than the other is unseemly. President Obama himself thanked President Bush and vice versa - we should follow the example and let the carnival barkers like Palin continue to try to divide us. Ignore them! We're better than that, I say.

  86. Anonymous9:55 AM

    8:10 Dumbass, you don't know a damn thing about Rev. Wright and neither does your psychotic leader Sarah Palin.

    The media played snippets of that sermon to smear President Obama and Rev. Wright. Here is the full text of his sermon and there is a video on Youtube.

    "One of the most controversial statements in this sermon was when he mentioned "chickens coming home to roost." He was actually quoting Edward Peck, former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and deputy director of President Reagan's terrorism task force, who was speaking on FOX News. That's what he told the congregation."

    "He was quoting Peck as saying that America's foreign policy has put the nation in peril:"


  87. I find the C4P comments chuckle worthy. It's hilarious what people WANT to see, isn't it?

    I could say the same about Hillary - with her hand over her mouth, clearly an emotional moment.

    But here's the thing that all SANE people agree with - watching and waiting for a highly dangerous special ops mission to capture the world's most wanted man to unfold is NERVE WRACKING. Anyone who is gleefully sitting there high-fiveing people around them at such a moment would be a MORON.

    Note also how to the idiots at C4P it's ALL ABOUT IMAGE. Not substance - but just how one LOOKS on the outside. No wonder they buy into Palin's false bravado and faux intelligence. Stupid is as stupid does.

    The truth is that this was a crucial operation that required cool hands and steady nerves. It's not a performance, it's high stakes foreign policy with a lot riding on its success. No one should be celebrating or high fiveing, it is a very serious situation. And if the Palinites can't get the difference between rodeo clown and President - that is their loss.

  88. Anonymous10:36 AM

    "8:15 am alaskans on facebook"

    Only when convenient to say so. They are Arizonans now.

    I wonder if there is a "bonus" for ex-advisors who say only pre-aproved comments about working with Sarah.

  89. Anonymous10:38 AM

    GOP: "We're gonna need a bigger candidate."

  90. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Anon @8:10

    Can't get passed your initial reaction?

    I'ld like to know if you listened to the entire sermon. Have you bothered to know and understand someone that may have not been born with the luxury of white skin.
    Do you have any undertsanding of the systemic oppression that goes on in this country, this country where all Americans are equal? Ask a minority of any stripe how that equal thing has been working for them?

    I wonder if you apply the same standards of absolutes to yourself that you are willing to assign to others. For you to even bring that up without further context, pretty much assures me that you don't. Open your mind, and open your heart......you will be a better person for it.

    And I disagree with those that think President Obama is a weak negotiator....100 years to get actionable legislation regarding healthcare, and those on the left are whining because perfection wasn't served. What universe do you live in.....do you have any idea of the power and influence of the vested interests in our for profit health care system. How about the influences of Citizens United. How about the role our MSM plays, providing political theater and stirring controversy seems to be their number one priority. Information? that's just to boring. How about the far to many Americans that are political ostrichs on the sidelines with their heads in the sand. What I would like to see is Americans take a little more pride and a little more active responsibility in the process we call government. We are after all our government. Lets stop complaining and maligning it, and get involved with the process of repairing it, and making it more reflective of the people and the lives it serves.

    We are fortunate for the leadership of this remarkable man.
    Let's respect the office and the man, he's not perfect, but he is far more evolved and gifted than the majority of those he serves.
    And he LOVES America, Americans, and the promise of our ideals.
    Get his back, he is working for every American, even those who choose to hate and attempt to undermind the interests of the majority of Americans. We will rise or fall together, because this is about US(America).

  91. Anonymous10:48 AM

    After two years of listening to a calm, intelligent President Obama speak, I was SHOCKED listening to tapes of Bush speaking about Bin Laden in 2002-3 at a press conference. Bush sounded like an insecure, dull college kid. Did America REALLY elect Bush TWICE???

    Thank you, President Obama for your courage, determination and intelligence. Thank God, we have an intelligent adult in the White House.

  92. Anonymous11:41 AM

    anon at 8:10 why are you dissing a military veteran like Rev Wright? He is a good man and has worked in his community, with his congregation to improve that community.

  93. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Anonymous at 8:54: "Ok, Ok, Let's not get carried away. I love the president too, but let's not forget he is only human."

    I know, and frankly I've complained a lot that he wasn't progressive enough (and I still have some worries there). But I am so impressed...actually awed...by this, I am just overcome. It really is an amazing thing, in part because it's been so long since America did anything amazing.

  94. That's what the full weight of the Presidency looks like.

    A raw look we never usually see.

  95. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Can you just see Sarah Palin in that room,waiting for the action to start?

    She would be saying"Who's up for Eskimo Bingo?"

  96. Wow~ Gryph..that face gives me chills..it also. too gives me peace knowing he is doing the right thing ..to bad sooo sad $creech...you'll never get this kind of respect...

  97. Anonymous1:43 PM

    What GrainneKathleen said and 10 times more!!!

  98. lwtjb2:54 PM

    "After two years of listening to a calm, intelligent President Obama speak, I was SHOCKED listening to tapes of Bush speaking about Bin Laden in 2002-3 at a press conference. Bush sounded like an insecure, dull college kid. Did America REALLY elect Bush TWICE??? "

    Some of us don't believe he was elected ONCE.

  99. Anonymous3:12 PM

    8:10, There is no need to attack you. What you need is to be educated. To begin with, your premise is completely false. NOBODY sat on church for years listening to " goddamn america" and "white people suck" Don't cherry pick out a few sermons over DECADES, taken completely out of context, about an underlying subject of which you appear to know precious little. As I suspect you aren't interested in facts, otherwise you would have educated yourself before rushing breathlessly over here to make such an irrelevant comment, I believe class is over.

    PS- President Obama succeeded in a mission that will uplift the soul of this country, certainly more than any Republican "hero" in recent history, so why don't you grow up and show some respect.

  100. DetroitSam3:28 PM

    Victoria Paige @7:42 AM

    "President Obama finished what President Bush did not - credit goes to both, they were both Commander in Chief and we should give them the respect even if we didn't vote for them".

    Reality check. Name one republican right-wing kabob who has give President Obama crdit for anything?

    Name one right-wing teabagger who has give President Obama crdit for anything?

    Name one righ-wing moronic talk show host, radio or tv, who have give President Obama crdit for anything?

  101. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Sometimes words aren't enough. Perusing that photo of President Obama and that of his team says it all.
    I'd like to express my gratitude in some profoundly eloquent way, but there are no words, and "Thank You, Commander in Chief" will just have to suffice.

    I'm not a proponent of war, no matter how evil a person is, I don't need photos as proof when OUR President says something is true, I believe him.

    Bush, not so much. And witnessing the corpses of Saddam's Son and the execution of Saddam gave me no sense of relief nor joy, but I needed proof that Bush wasn't lieing again. A sad commentary on our former President and Commander in Chief.

  102. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Bush's waterboarding = bad
    Obama's waterboarding = good

  103. I don't know a lot about fashion, but it almost looks to my untrained eye like he's still in the tuxedo from the White House Correspondents Dinner -- just having ditched the bow tie. I could be entirely off base there, but it had to be just a few hours later.

    Anyway, your post states it all very well. THERE is the guy I voted for, a guy who would make hard decisions. He just needs to carry that tenacity into domestic policy -- and, since we got bin Laden without torture, to cast off the failures of Bush strategy for good.

  104. Any questions? Plenty. Apparently, that photo was staged. It has now been admitted that there was no live feed of the raid.


  105. Beldar "Proud Navy Seal reject" Conehead9:11 AM

    well said, Gryphen. We have a true leader in the White House. (Now lead us out of that quagmire in the Middle East, Mr. President)

    I would submit, also, too, that the rogues gallery of GOP doofi clumsily lining up to throw their duncecaps into the ring for 2012 also sends a tingle of fear through the spines of Republicans for completely different reasons.


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