Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rolling Stone Magazine reveals the truth about Roger Ailes and the Fox News Fear Factory.

Courtesy of Rolling Stones:

Fear, in fact, is precisely what Ailes is selling: His network has relentlessly hyped phantom menaces like the planned “terror mosque” near Ground Zero, inspiring Florida pastor Terry Jones to torch the Koran. Privately, Murdoch is as impressed by Ailes’ business savvy as he is dismissive of his extremist politics. "You know Roger is crazy," Murdoch recently told a colleague, shaking his head in disbelief. "He really believes that stuff."

To watch even a day of Fox News – the anger, the bombast, the virulent paranoid streak, the unending appeals to white resentment, the reporting that’s held to the same standard of evidence as a late-­October attack ad – is to see a refraction of its founder, one of the most skilled and fearsome operatives in the history of the Republican Party. As a political consultant, Ailes repackaged Richard Nixon for television in 1968, papered over Ronald Reagan’s budding Alzheimer’s in 1984, shamelessly stoked racial fears to elect George H.W. Bush in 1988, and waged a secret campaign on behalf of Big Tobacco to derail health care reform in 1993. "He was the premier guy in the business," says former Reagan campaign manager Ed Rollins. "He was our Michelangelo."

In the fable Ailes tells about his own life, he made a clean break with his dirty political past long before 1996, when he joined forces with Murdoch to launch Fox News. "I quit politics," he has claimed, "because I hated it." But an examination of his career reveals that Ailes has used Fox News to pioneer a new form of political campaign – one that enables the GOP to bypass skeptical reporters and wage an around-the-clock, partisan assault on public opinion. The network, at its core, is a giant soundstage created to mimic the look and feel of a news operation, cleverly camouflaging political propaganda as independent journalism.

This is article delves deeply into what makes Ailes tick, and also, perhaps accidentally, reveals where Sarah Palin got her inspiration for circumventing the mainstream media. And manufacturing news about her family to appeal to a wider demographic.

To bypass journalists, Ailes made Nixon the star of his own traveling roadshow – a series of contrived, newslike events that the campaign paid to broadcast in local markets across the country. Nixon would appear on camera in theaters packed with GOP partisans – "an applause machine," Ailes said, "that’s all that they are." Then he would field questions from six voters, hand-­selected by the campaign, who could be counted on to lob softball queries that played to Nixon’s talking points. At the time, Nixon was consciously stoking the anger of white voters aggrieved by the advances of the civil rights movement, and Ailes proved eager to play the race card. To balance an obligatory "Negro" on a panel in Philadelphia, Ailes dreamed of adding a "good, mean Wallacite cab driver. Wouldn’t that be great? Some guy to sit there and say, 'Awright, Mac, what about these niggers?'"

Now do you understand what Palin is up to?  And why THIS is most likely being fed to the media?


  1. Gasman10:20 PM

    Roger Ailes is a suppurating pustule on America's anus. Ailes is a malignant, putrescent, fetid, pus filled sack of shit who has done more to poison the well of public discourse than any other person. We should forgo a headstone on his grave and simply install a urinal. It would be more appropriate.

  2. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Good stuff. Remember "Sambo beat the bitch"? that was my Sept. 2008 intro to this ... cancer. I wonder whatever happened to that person.

  3. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Ailes is an enemy to our Republic.

  4. scarlet/oregon11:08 PM

    Just emailed Rolling Stone article link to NY Times offering it as a learning tool of what a 'real' journalist is capable of writing.

    Told them their daily Palin drivel is boring and repetitive.

  5. Anonymous11:12 PM

    “THE OFT-DEFEATED”—the OTHER Sarah Palin movie coming in June

    SCENE 4: 2008

    LONG SHOT of McCain headquarters in Arizona. Cactuses wilt. Gila monsters curl into fetal positions. Rattlesnakes cry. Slaves escape from the compound. It’s obvious the McCain-Palin ticket has lost.

    CLOSEUP of Sarah, talking to MCCAIN.

    SARAH: “I wanna make my own speech.”

    MCCAIN: “It’s just not customary. I can’t let you do it.”

    SARAH: “Fuck you! It wasn’t customary to pick an ignorant, narcissistic backstabber to run with you in the first place. So don’t give me that ‘customary’ shit!

    MCCAIN: “Listen, bitch: you dragged me down. You put that black Muslim in the White House. But I’m not going to let you steal my last act tonight.”

    SARAH: “Let me tell you something, you wet old fart. If you’d have let me go rogue”—

    INTERRUPTION as we hear “Onward Christian Soldiers” playing as a cell phone ring.

    SARAH: “Excuse me, I’ve got to take this……Hello? Yes, this is her. Oh, God, good to hear from you. Hey, buddy, you didn’t open that door quite wide enough…..What’s that?……Yeah, yeah, that’s easy for you to say, but I’ve been defeated one more time, pal, and now I have to go back to effing Alaska. What circle of hell is that?!……Yeah, right, but you know what? You sound like the Brooklyn Dodgers, always saying ‘wait till next year.’…….What’s that? You’ve got me a deal on a one-point-seven million dollar house in Scottsdale?……You’ve got me the presidential nomination in 2012?……Okay, okay, but not so fast. What about the 2012 election? I lost to that black bitch Blackburn for Miss Alaska back in the day, and everytime I see Michelle Obama all I can think of is that. So no deal, Bro’, unless this time you’re gonna take me all the way…..What? What’s that?……Sorry, you’re breaking up……


  6. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Yep, this is Sarah the Sociopath manufacturing a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence she purports to condemn. That is reprehensible. Her acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own. They begin and end with Sarah who commits them. America must be stronger than the evil we see displayed week after week by Sarah Palin.

  7. Anonymous12:11 AM


    Never forget that

    They are identical.

  8. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Stop with the racism. Racism is NOT a factor in Sarah's life. Show me the proof she's racist. P-R-O-O-F

    Not liberal, I-hate-all-conservatives-because-theyre-happy bs. I want proof of your insane beliefs.

    People are endlessly attacking Herman Cain because he150 times more adequate than Obama AND he's black. This terrifies liberals. If you'll take notice, ONLY democrats mention race. Others mention proven deception within the Obama administration. To combat, liberals scream, stop hating black people.

    It's sad and the reason democrats MUST NEVER GAIN FULL CONTROL

  9. Anonymous12:20 AM

    You DO realize that it's purely hypocritical to criticize peebots and Sarah for supposedly sabotaging opponents and enemies, yet do the EXACT same thing to any Palin supporter.

    Palingaters have been trashing peebots and digging for dirt on them for years. How is THAT different?

  10. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Why would SARAH feed an obviously false story about being mad at Bristol supposedly dating Kyle?

    Huh?! Obviously not dating, but she did quickly befriend Kyle last year, as well as Brandy, RayJ and several of Marks friends and hockey players. Why do you insist on manipulating these things to fit YOUR agenda?

  11. Anonymous12:44 AM


    Joe McGinniss' “THE OFT-DEFEATED”—the OTHER Sarah Palin movie coming in June" is hilarious!!!

  12. Anonymous2:24 AM

    "Mom, guess who's coming to dinner" ?

    Shouldn't be long until sarah has a couple of "dark-skinned" grandkids running around.

    Will she trot them out on stage too as props ?

  13. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Rolling Stone does it again... A nice companion piece to the current New York Mag article on Ailes. I think what attracts Ailes to Palin, aside from her usefulness as a tool to gin up the crazy, is her relative skill in manipulating and distorting truth to create a personal narrative. I say relative because, unlike Ailes, Palin is less clever and more clumsy: the holes and deficiencies in her narrative are painfully obvious. Hence, she is unable to capture a following outside the core FOX constituency. That's why I can understand why Ailes might both admire Palin, but still think she is an idiot.

    The Bristol "boyfriend" story would have been more believable with Kyle's brother, Chris, in the leading role. I look at Kyle and I think "high school kid." This story is a pathetically obvious attempt to macho him up.

    I look at Bristol and I think, "Hmmm, look who thinks she's Lisa Marie Presley." She and Kyle as a "couple" are all wrong in the same way that she and Mark Ballas were all wrong. Their pairing was comical much of the time and painful to watch the rest of the time.

  14. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Once you begin to tally up all the old guard Tighty Whitey Right Wing Republican power brokers behind Palin who go back to the 90s (including Tim Crawford) you must come to the conclusion that Palin herself (apart from her viciously rendered "star power") has little to do with this.

    There are actually two answers to the article that wondered "what happened to Sarah Palin" - one is that she never was what the media portrayed her as: accomplished, moderate and intelligent. The second is that these goons recognized a great opportunity when they saw one - a good looking malleable, not so well educated puppet who made all her supporters' brains shut down the minute she stepped on the stage. Palin, in doing their bidding and spouting the words they put into her mouth, is just what they have been waiting for, to accomplish what they have not quite been able to pull off completely in the last 30 years.

    Palin worries me less than the power structure (and corrupt individuals with their hidden money) behind her.


  15. Holy Moses.

    But I'm surprised that a man as smart as Aikes is alleged to be is shilling to a declining demographic just like the GOP. My grandfather is a white Republican. 5 of his 7 great grandchildren are white. Like gay marriage, mixed race relationships aren't frightening to those who grew up after 1965, and even less so to those born after Michael Jackson on MTv.

    And if I ever buy a house with the goal of spying on my kid, may the Almighty grant me the brains to buy one closer than an hour away.

  16. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Paylin IS Nixon in a dress and far more of the paranoid and delusional to boot!

  17. Anonymous3:47 AM

    I thing the "Sambo beat the bitch" person is still there, just had someone (Ailes?) coach them on how to hide it.

    I agree that this was the only reason Brislut is making this show. I hate that those two young men have prostituted themselves to be used this way.

    I was really enjoying McGinniss's blog and thinking he might be an okay person until he confessed that he considers Roger Ailes one of his oldest friends. I have to wonder now if his whole moving in beside the Palins and writing a book isn't really a massive publicity scam. I am going to go cancel my order for his book as I don't think he is going to reveal anything that damning. All his justifications about what a good guy Ailes is didn't hold any water with me. I am not sure what his motivation was revealing that friendship, but he sure lost me with it. I was told many years ago that you can judge a man by the company he keeps.

  18. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Gasman, thank you! Love it! A urinal, yes, so very appropriate. Thanks for getting my day off to a good start!

    R in NC

  19. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Gasman, you succinctly related my feelings regarding Ailes.

    A urinal, though, is an inspiration. Thanks.

  20. Anonymous4:05 AM

    (Thank god the Loughner picture is no longer the first thing that comes up when I click on your site.)

    Loser + Quitter = Undefeated

    I'm too lazy this morning to look it up, but years ago Fox was sued about not airing a dairy health warning, and they counter sued, saying they were an ENTERTAINMENT channel, and did not want to bum their audience out over a fact-based health concern that would also dry up their milk advertising revenue.

    So much for concern for public health and well-being!

    Of course the airwaves theoretically belong to "the public" but somehow the corporations have imposed their own standards on what is news-worthy or not.

    Good for Rolling Stone. I read their piece on McCain before the 2008 election, and came to the conclusion that BOTH McCain and Granny Lou were frauds with deep anger issues.

  21. Anonymous4:25 AM

    I am confused with your analogy and the article on brissdul. Maybe after reading the comments I will better understand. I would think that scara would NOT want her daughter doing what the article says she is doing; therefore, I don't understand your comment about the article being "fed" to the media. Unless, of course, Ailes is trying to take scara down by coming in the back door. I absolutely LOVED the article about brissdull, hopefully it is true. I wonder if scara knows about "Honor Killings?" Watch out brissdull!!!!!!!.................nevermind brissdull your safe, your mommy is too stupid to know anything about any other culture. My inlaws absolutely LOVE faux news, I think I will be sending the Rolling Stones article to them.

  22. Anonymous4:48 AM

    What Gasman said. And the urinal as a headstone is perfect.

  23. Anonymous4:51 AM

    This is why Fox is fucking scary and must be stopped.

  24. Anonymous5:12 AM

    'Sarah thinks Track's wholesome wedding was the perfect example of the strong family values that she tries to espouse.'

    And that's the basis she thinks people will believe she should be in the WH. A quicky marriage of a kid who plans to have a re-do in 5 to 6 months after Britta calves.

    "...he became addicted to Oxy-Contin and got involved in illegal behaviour'."

    Can we say - cut bus brakelines and set-up of Sherry Johnson!!!

  25. Anonymous5:36 AM

    12:15, stop with the "proven" deception, corruption etc of the Obama admin. That is pure baloney, just like the Kenya nonsense.

    And Palin has been outed as a racist. Google the article about heer native affairs appointee who quit. I believe that's the one that discussed statements made by Palin.

  26. Anonymous5:45 AM

    MicMac, good points. She is just TOO dumb to be doing what she is doing without any help. I still don't understand why they would feed the brissdull story on purpose??? I am getting old and have a hard time of late, putting the obvious together in a comprehensive thought, looking for some help.....anyone.......

  27. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Track didn't cut brake lines. That was another incident in another town. Track deflated tires etc.

    PS- if link is broken, check for spaces. Sometimes Blogger adds spaces where line breaks.

  28. I will spell out what Gryphen is alluding to here. Ever since Obama won POTUS in '08 the conservative nutters who became the teabaggers have been convinced that he won simply because he is black - spend some time in beckistan and freeperville. And, they are convinced that if they put up a conservative candidate who is black in '12 that it will neutralize Obama's appeal and they will win. Right now Herman Cain is gaining momentum amongst the teabaggers. Remember the recent debate on Fox? And the Luntz focus group that followed voted that Cain had won? The primary race is going to come down to Romney (with $ and establishment support) and a teabagging candidate. That's Palin's slot. Do you think that Palin is going to let Herman Cain run away with her shiny crown simply because of the color of his skin? No way, no how. She is going to get some permanent tan in her family, hence Brisdull's new showmance with the Massys. I'm willing to bet that Brisdull will go all the way and pop out a mocha latte prop for Palin to dangle just in time to "sill" the "dill" for the nomination.

  29. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Wow, the troll activity is high on this thread. Memorial Day Weekend IM Troll Bowl.

  30. Anonymous6:31 AM

    2:41 MicMac. i agree with you. The same was done with George W. Bush and look at the result. He was a Karl Rove creation; he should have had a label printed on his forehead. This is why some great, truly investigative reporting is needed NOW to unravel Sarah Palin before she gets too far.

  31. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Palin is NOT Nixon in a dress. Nixon wouldn't cut it in today's Republican party. He would be considered a RINO.

  32. Anonymous6:43 AM

    The Brisket story can be very complex. For one thing, if Saree doesn't flip out it then she comes off as being supportive of diversity and without supporting it - hence the comment about loving the Track marriage - "that's the type of marriage we should be encouraging". And it might help the dude get some cred if there are questions about his orientation, not the first time in Hollywood a woman has stood in as a beard for a dude.

    The more I read and process the more I think Ailes is behind the whole saree adventure. They dispense good with bad, ergo the comment about her not being smart - defensible and note saree said nothing about it or any of these other items. I suspect when saree does respond it's from someone who reveals something that's not in the script. That would make a lot more sense to me. I'm guessing saree knows what's coming - Bailey might just be another part of the play. Dunn got ignored by the MSM but Bailey got gigs all over TV. So which book is more believable? Maybe McGinnis is waiting to finish his book until he gets his marching orders from Ailes. What final parts of his book will exonerate saree of some other loose ends? Looking at these events the last week and the silence from saree I'm guessing she has dodged the bullets once again, the announcement about the movie of her life should have been the clue that they can proceed with her election campaign. When the MSM ignored most everything that came out Ailes knew it was time to move. Note how she has not been suspended by Fox even though it's clear to anyone who thinks that she's running. He cleaned house at Fox or got others to walk away from the campaign but somehow she seems immune to the same remedy he took with them. In my mind, Ailes is the driving force behind saree and he won't ask her to leave Fox anytime soon.

  33. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Bree's "Brisdull will go all the way and pop out a mocha latte prop for Palin to dangle just in time to "sill" the "dill" for the nomination.". If this is Palin's plan, it is absolutely disgusting, and exactly like her.

  34. Anonymous7:22 AM

    It always makes me laugh when white folks assume that we in the black community will vote for someone just because they are black. Yes, there are some in the black community, but not that many. When Al Sharpton & Jessie Jackson were running for President, blacks didn't come out in droves to vote for them. When Hilliary was running, she had more black supporters than Obama, until Bill Clinton made that statement about SC. It turned us off. Actually, I supported Hilliary during the Primaries, because I knew more about her than I did Obama. I was turned off after the SC statement and the Rev Wright Fiasco.

    As far as Herman Cain and Psycho from Wasilla competing for the black vote, it's comical. We can spot BS a mile a way. Cain for one is what we consider an Uncle Tom, like Clarence Thomas and he's not that bright. As far as Pyscho trying to gain the black vote, ha ha ha ha, she burned that bridge when she created the Klan rallies during the election and she continues to spew hatred towards Obama. We will never forgive her, plus she's stupid.

  35. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Bree's "Brisdull will go all the way and pop out a mocha latte prop for Palin to dangle just in time to "sill" the "dill" for the nomination.". If this is Palin's plan, it is absolutely disgusting, and exactly like her.

  36. Anonymous7:30 AM

    @Bree Palin: That was the GOP strategy in Illinois when Obama ran for Senate in 2004. Alan Keyes did such a great job that Obama won with 80% of the vote.

  37. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Thank you, Bree.

    My contempt for my FORMER party, (Republican)after the Bush years went to an even lower place after the insultingly obvious choices of Palin and Micheal Steele to be the Republican "Hillary Clinton" and "Obama".

    Just any woman, just any black guy...

  38. Anonymous8:43 AM

    The Sarah vs. Joe under the auspices of Fox news. Joe is certainly beating the "fear drum" that is the hallmark of Fox. What better way to gauge public opinion than to encourage readers of his blog to "help" with his last chapter. Joe, you need to do some damage control. Some of us aren't buying what you're selling.

  39. Thanks, Bree, that makes sense. If Palin were to lose the "teabagger nomination" to Cain, I hate to think what would happen. She is livid enough about Mr. Obama "beating" her.

  40. This is a must-read ! article in Rolling Stone. If you don't want to buy the issue, the interview should be available on their website. Long after the likes of Paylin, McDonnell, Trump are gone, his propaganda empire will live on, doing their utmost to reshape America into his narrow view of how he wants things run. After reading this you might even find yourself feeling better about Murdoch than Ailes. He is arguably the most dangerous man in America.


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