Saturday, May 07, 2011

To protect Bristol Palin from criticism some of Palin's Flying Monkeys are trying desperately to convince America that they cannot trust their lying eyes.

Ignore that picture up above.

Yes I realize that the differences in Bristol's face are so stark that you would not even realize it was her if somebody had not told you who you were looking at (Hell some people are still not convinced after they have been told!), but according to this totally neutral "journalist" we are all jumping to a ridiculous assumption.

The 20-year-old single mother strutted down the red carpet at the 10th anniversary of the Candies Foundation recently with a face visibly different from just a few years ago. While her face is quite different -- after close inspection of the photos - we do not believe Bristol has had any procedures done. In fact, we believe her dramatic weight loss and a few style changes are responsible for her dramatic new look.

Pay close attention to Bristol's cheeks - the cheekbones seem dramatically "higher" now than before, however a sagging, chubby face hides cheekbones and gives the face a droopy look. Bristol"s newly-thin face allows her cheekbones to actually show. Her eyebrows are groomed entirely different - and eyebrows are known to have the power to dramatically change the appearance of a face - even seeming to alter its shape! Her hair is different, her makeup is more mature.

Folks, Bristol has not had plastic surgery. She's just grown up a bit!

See?  You were all simply fooled by Bristol's "dramatic weight loss' and her newly groomed eyebrows.

Seriously, why must you people always believe that the information transmitted to your brain through your optic nerves is trustworthy?  As you can clearly see from the composite below, this is the same old Bristol that we have all come to know and loathe love.

Besides as you can see from these clearly fair and balanced commentaries from this pathetic rag fine example of journalistic integrity, there is NO reason to suspect that this reporter, Toshiba Reynolds, has an agenda which would compel her to lie about Bristol's plastic surgery in order to curry favor with her mother.



  1. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Would they care to explain why Brisdulls chin covers more of her neck,and why the crooked spot that was always present at the tip of her chin is no longer there?

  2. Yes it has often been said that plucking ones eyebrows can instantly transform ones chin into a snow cone cup. It looks like someone stuck a funnel on the end of her face.

  3. Anonymous3:52 PM

    When I see that chin, what comes to mind is what Bette Midler transforms to at the end of this video from one of her performances in Beaches. I don't have the ability to get a screen grab, but it's her face at the end of the song.

  4. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Here's the video,

  5. She has had ...Mini face lift, because her eyes are pulled like Joan Rivers. up and back, hence the change in eyebrow appearance...a Jay Leno chin... cheek implants....and her bottom lip has been filled...

    Like I said, when she's 40 and broke hangin' out in the Tavern in Wassilla....her face will fall so hard it will be her BIB!!!

  6. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Everyone knows that Hollywood stars change their hair color when they get plastic surgery. Doh. That was a dumb move, since Bristol is unrecognizable now and it sure wasn't her hair. Someone got a lateral brow lift and it pulled a bit too much. And someone got a big old Angelina chin and some Sarah Palin cheek implants - the ones you can see from Russia.

    Coming next to a trailer park near you: "I look better because God loves my mom best and me second. F*ck you haters!" ~~ Bristol Palin, daughter of Christian Grifter Sarah Palin

  7. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Is it just me, or is Sarah being unusually silent regarding the comments about Bristol? Haven't heard much from Willow either. BTW, where are Piper and Willow? Trig?

  8. Anonymous4:00 PM

    So... It's now possible to lose face fat that miraculously results in a growth spurt of your chinny chin chin and yet allows you to keep all that nice pudgy padding in the rest of your body. How unique!

    Bristol needs to quit her spokesperson job at Candies and start speaking to women who are thinking of visiting a plastic surgeon and convince them that all they need to do to get the face they want is to follow the same magic diet that delivered her new face.

  9. Beldar "Rhinoplasty" Conehead4:01 PM

    In summary: they still dont believe our president was born in this country but they emphatically believe the screechy wretch bore baby Tri-G in 2008 and the daughter hasn't had any cosmetic surgery.

  10. Virginia Voter4:02 PM

    I wouldn't trust any "professional" journalist whose first name is synonymous with a well known Japanese electronics brand for her opinion on medical issues way above her pay grade.

    Sorry, Toshiba (?), but numerous board certified plastic surgeons seem to disagree with you. Bristol isn't any thinner than she was in 2009 and early 2010, in fact her arms are bigger, and her belly is protruding, especially at the angle of that picture.

  11. So losing weight makes your chin longer, yeah sure, but no I ain't buying that bullshit. IF that is Bristol, she has gone under the knife for some serious procedures.

    In the other photos from the week-end of her, you could actually tell from the side of face and the angle of chin that a lot had been altered.

    She has had the baby, lost some of the extra weight she gained with this last baby and she has had serious plastic surgery.

    Even the plastic surgeons have commented on other news sites about the extreme differences and said it was NOT weight loss.

    Bristol is lying again because the Bots/fans are going to know she spent hundreds of thousands of dollars she grifted from them for face surgery. She also is trying to peddle a fairy tale book and hopes to con you to buy one.

  12. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Dramatic weight loss my ass. No her ass. When you lose weight, it does not just come off the face. But as we know, brissdull doesn't gain and lose weight like a real person would. It is mysterious and contrary to what should happen under normal circumstances. Explain the arms and the gut, and the thighs. If she was doing THAT much work on a machine, then why does she have more cellulite on her knees than she did before DWTS? I guess I just need to get my eyes checked.

  13. Anonymous4:12 PM

    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

  14. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Confession: I always thought she was rather beautiful before, until she opened her mouth. She had a really fresh, natural look. The kind of face that would sell soap. Now she looks like she is selling strap ons. But then, that fits her personality better, so maybe this is for the best.

    She has about 40-50 grand of plastic surgery just on her face, probably some liposuction as well that she then had placed back in her upper cheeks and lips, so when she is talking now, you are literally watching her butt fat talk, which you have to admit, is kind of fitting since she has such a potty mouth.

  15. The now pointy chin is pretty hard to deny. I would be so sad if my 24 year old daughter felt the need to drastically alter her appearance in this way. Wouldn't it be interesting to find out what Bristol's mama thinks of all this? Oh, that's right. Bristol hasn't had plastic surgery. Doh!

  16. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Love the saggy, chubby face hides the cheekbones part. What is this person an expert? Brissdull's face was never saggy. Chubby yes. Saggy, no.

  17. Anonymous4:17 PM

    nope, she definitely has a NEW chin......her "old" chin slanted unevenly, her new one does not.

    It must have bugged her as a teenager. As for other changes, I couldn't say as I don't know much about what's out there as possibilities.

  18. Anonymous4:19 PM

    if nothing else i think she had liposuction under her chin, you can really see something funny going on when you lock at her from the side, like in the video you showed and some of her recent pictures. Personally i don't care what she looks like or how heavy she is, but if she wants to live in the public eye , she better get a thicker skin, because there always will be comments about her looks.

  19. Anonymous4:21 PM

    There is no question she has had a chin inplant. If I were her, I would have stopped with the chin liposuction and not gone the whole hog inplant.

    She looks like a witch. That is the problem with chin inplants. The idea is to give you a heart shaped face, which is considered more attractive and feminine than an round face, but it is hard to get natural results and you run the risk of the witchy looked that Bristol ended up with.

    I believe Bristol can have her chin inplant removed. Here is a link from a plastic surgery website about removal of chin implants.

    I guess once Bristol has it removed, she can go back to denying plastic surgery. If you have one and have it removed, does it count?

  20. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Perhaps the official line from the Flying Monkeys should be "Of COURSE Bristol didn't have plastic surgery. Look at this series of photos...what person would purposely destroy the pretty young face Bristol was born with...and turn it into the Snooki-look-alike face we're seeing today? Nope! It's all the work of God...not the work of a gawd-awful plastic surgeon. The work of Mother Nature...not the work of Mommie Dearest".


  21. womanwithsardinecan4:23 PM

    None of us would have bothered to comment about Bristle if she had stayed out of the celebriwhore limelight, skipped the evening gown photo shoot, said no thanks to DWTS or at least acted like it was a fun adventure instead of "I'll show them as long as I don't actually have to work," had gone to college or at least tried to get a real job, had not publicized every minute of her relationship with baby daddy, etc. She brought this on with her sense of entitlement, her tone-deaf view of the world, her buying into mommy's thin-skinned version of the world, her fake jobs, her pathetic Candies lie. Screw the little bitch. There are SO MANY bright,hard-working, empathetic, curious young people out there who are the kinds of role models we would like our children to see, but instead we see Bristle strutting around acting like she's god's gift to the world. She needs a fucking therapist and a divorce from her family.

  22. Anonymous4:24 PM

    That is the ugliest family in America.

  23. Anonymous4:25 PM

    She may have lost a few.....but I wouldn't call that "dramatic"!!!! There is still a little spare tire around the midsection and those beefy Italian Grandma arms have not changed. One only needs to just watch the current video of her talking to see that sadly and very UNNATURAL stretch/flap of skin that now lies above her natural jawline (still a double chin there)to realize it's an implant. Gimme a break.

  24. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Bristol and weight loss -- Really? Fooled me.

    Check the picks from the White House Correspondence Dinner - That's a gutt hanging there in the white dress and at the Friday night cocktail party in the black skirt/purple top. There are 8 pics on zimbio site.

    The only weight loss was between the ears -- but then, you'd have to have had a brain to loose any weight and we know those don't exist in the Palin tribe.

  25. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Note to self:

    Keep dieting and grow a giant chin. Quit dieting and have no adverse affects on my jawline? I think I'll just keep eating sausage and eggs and pancakes; so I don't grow a giant chin. I was always a big proponent of healthy eating and keeping calories in check, but I certainly do not want to wake up looking like "Madam the Puppet" so I'll keep eating.

  26. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Note to self:

    Keep dieting and grow a giant chin. Quit dieting and have no adverse affects on my jawline? I think I'll just keep eating sausage and eggs and pancakes; so I don't grow a giant chin. I was always a big proponent of healthy eating and keeping calories in check, but I certainly do not want to wake up looking like "Madam the Puppet" so I'll keep eating.

  27. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I agree with Martha at 3:57 regarding the eyes. I mentioned eyes in posting when we first started discussing the face.

    Here eyes have an 'Asian' hint to them now. As I typed that, I started laughing just knowing that would drive Snowdrift Snooki over the edge!!!

  28. Anonymous4:31 PM

    For over two years we've had hard core evidence and investigative reports, (government findings) telling the world that Sarah Palin was guilty of violating ethical rules of the State of Alaska, but she stands there and boldly states that she's been cleared of any wrong doing.

    So the obvious evidence we can see with our own eyes that Bristol inexplicably gained weight during a reality show dance competition and has at the very least had a chin implant is only political?

    We can't win. The Palin's stand alone in an apparently unsinkable ship. It's un-be-flippin-liveable.

  29. Anonymous4:33 PM

    She has definitely had some surgery. She does not look like the same person that was on Dancing With The Stars. The Palin Bots are as crazy as Sarah and her family.

  30. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Anon 3:58

    It wouldn't surprise me to hear the Willow is in hiding -- preggers and hiding.

    I recall in the Palin Policital infomercial, and remember Willow's birthday when she was pissed she didn't get a truck for her 16th. It was when she pushed Piper's face into the cake.

    So, figuring she too could get paid for calfing a kid, wouldn't surprise me to hear that's what she did. When you think about it, Willow, like Bristol, like the booze and partying.

  31. womanwithsardinecan4:35 PM

  32. Anonymous4:38 PM

    saw this on E! and was shocked there were actually people that believed you could get a heart shaped face from weight loss... not possible...her chin is longer now. so sad cuz she was ok before. i feel sad for this world that so many feel they have to go through painful surgery to feel ok with themselves. beauty is on the inside..

  33. meena4:38 PM

    "Teen Mom" stars wish they had been cuddling

    The stars of MTV's "Teen Mom" have filmed a PSA about safe sex and how they wished they had waited. "I wish we would have cuddled" more than one of them says, in a commercial airing on the network for Mother's Day.

    Well, hey, at least MTV is being more realistic than the abstinence-only message pushed by teen mom Bristol Palin.

  34. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Also too, the hair looks like hell. I see her tummy protruding, too many babies in just a few years.

    The chin work still looks a little raw like or swollen. She got what she deserved by running her nasty mouth and now she can just pay the price by walking around looking like a freak.

  35. Jeanabella4:41 PM

    Just wanted to say that if she lost as much weight as it would take to loose all the fat around her neck and under her chin and her jowls, she would look a lot thinner everywhere else. Her body is still heavy so their is no way that face is from weight loss.
    Her spokesperson said, "she's not that kind of person". What the heck does that mean? They're putting a negative connotation on plastic surgery and making it like people who do that are not ok. What? So that means Bristol is not OK? Phony face, phony life, phony friends.

  36. Anonymous4:44 PM

    The only difference is the lipo on her chin area. Remember she was seen in mid april in WI looking the same in everyway except with a slimmer chin. Too little time has passed for her to have undergone major surgery/struxtural changes. Look how different makeup changes make her look between preshow whcd events, whcd, and candies events. lipo and only lipo. I'm guessing the lipo was done just after news years day, as she still had a full face in xmas party pics. And at her jan 20 something speech she had a slim chin. Now she may have had lipo multiple times but that's the only difference. Look at her in the brunch video. On GMA. Nothing else changed. Like sarah just had botox/restorative work, not enough time has passed for either to have had structural work.

    Maybe bristols bday prsent to levi can be lipo because he's porkin up there.

  37. Anonymous4:47 PM

    How is she unrecognizable? She's still the pretty girl people love when they meet her.

  38. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:47 PM

    Toshiba? Was someone staring at a copy machine when they came up with that name?

    BTW, nice, cutesy try at debunking Bristol's facial re-construction--but FAIL.

  39. Anonymous4:48 PM

    To change the jawline as much as it is, it is more than a chin implant and lipo. She's had it surgically done.

    Her 'previous' face was a long oval whereas now it starts curving inwards at lip level height. An implant and lipo will not reduce jawbone structure -- only surgery can do that by way of movement of the bottom portion of the jaw bone

  40. Anonymous4:50 PM

    The reason her chin looks bigger is because her face isn't round anymore. Why must we harp on this? Its not like she reads here. Even if she did, no one is going to deter her from amking personal decisions. Bristol lives on her terms and only her terms

  41. When scrolling down the page, just go down a little way thru the 3 photos and just let the chin show up. Looking just at the bottom of the chin in 3 photos tells the story, Bristol got a chin implant.

    Bristol, quit pussyfooting around and just tell the truth about all the babies and all the plastic surgery, eh.

  42. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Anon 4:21. Brissdull is good at that kind of reasoning. Remember, she was going to become a virgin again and refrain from sex until she was married. She even announced it-ha ha hahaaaaaa, hahahhhahah. It is just so very funny, sorry I can't stop laughing.......they just make it sooo easy for us, don't they?

  43. Anonymous4:52 PM

    "She has about 40-50 grand of plastic surgery just on her face"

    No way it cost that much. I'd say not more than $20-25K, at Arizona prices (cheap! or else she snuck into LA), for chin implant and lipo, and the apparent brow lift. Fillers (cheeks, lips) are not in the thousands. Even if she had some under-eye work, we're not talking $40K. Add maybe $2000 for some veneer work she had on what I thought were lovely teeth.

  44. wakeUpAmerica4:52 PM

    How do you lose baby fat in the nose? and how does baby fat change your facial dimensions? Any forensic people out there?

  45. Anonymous4:52 PM

    She obviously has thick skin since she remains in the public eye. she is obviously content in socializing with the people she has recently mingled with. I think dwts lit something in her. Choosing to take that offer was genius for her.

  46. Anonymous5:00 PM

    She's been pretty vocal and unashamed abt her looks in the past (SPA). What's wrong with fixing things? She's not a shy person nor does she appear afraid of anything.

  47. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I don't know much about plastic surgery so I'm asking. How much scarring and bruising would be involved, and how long would it take to heal? And was Miss Palin out of public view that long? When?

  48. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Flying monkeys will also tell you that brisket is not sexually active and that she is good mom becuz she hired a good nanny for Tripp.

  49. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Bristol has(g) a basically square face, Regardless of what her weight, within reason, her God given part Alaskan native face would always be square, till death.

    Bristol hates her heritage, she hates God's given gift, she loathes what she has been, what she is, and what she see of her self in the future, and she being a taker and not a giver.

    If she were a true Christian she would see no need to alter the gift of health and attractiveness and heritage that was given her. If her mother were a Christian she would not set such a standard of self loathing and self mutilation and denial of self and would seek God's love and support.

    What a thoroughly corrupted and rotten to the core family. Sarah Palin's version of "family values" is as appealing as flies on a rotting road kill.

  50. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Why are her bots trying to defend her? It's THEIR money she spent to look like... that. Looks painful. I wonder if she will have it removed after she sees video of herself talking.

  51. You people are so sheltered. It's common knowledge that once you gain weight you can never expect to look the same again. As fat cells shrink, the way muscles attach to the bones changes and everything shifts. Jeez.

    Toshiba Reynolds is a perceptive and talented journalist. You may be interested in some of her other articles:

    "Boy Fends Off Wolves With a Song"

    "Akon Dry Hump Video Online Of 14 Yr Old Girl In Trinidad"

    "Dog Saves Dog from Highway Video, Unbelievable Footage"

    "Denise Richards Inked For Life With Charlie Sheen Tattoo"

    "Vivica A. Fox Sex Tape? Photos, Oral Sex & Police?"

  52. Anonymous5:28 PM

    She still looks fulgy..if she did have surgery, she should see if she can get her money back..

  53. Anonymous5:38 PM

    She had surgery...her supporters can attribute it to weight loss all they want...but, in some of the photos she still has the belly, boobs that no longer ride high as they once did and the top portion of her arms are fatty in appearance.

    Supporters of Bristol, stop the continued lying that is ALWAYS so prevalent within the Palin group - sister Sarah, Toad and Bristol are frauds.

  54. FloridaDem5:39 PM

    Are they idiots? What do they mean her fat face was sagging a few years ago? A 19 year old's face does not sag, I don't care how chubby the person is.

    What morons. Why can't she just admit it, is she embarrassed or something?

    It's not just obvious she had plastic surgery, it's unbelievably obvious. In fact, when you first started putting pics up, I thought it was a different girl, not Bristol. So did other posters. We were actually surprised when we saw a few more photos later on and realized,..oh that's her.

    I mean, I wish her good luck with it, hopefully this will turn around her demeanor. When you're miserable you're not nice to other people. She seems happy right now so, for her, maybe it was ok. Scary thing to do though.

  55. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Look at her body, she doesn't look like she's lost weight. Look at that gut.

  56. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Can't wait for Saturday Night Live tonight with Tiny Fey hosting.

    She has to do Palin!!!

  57. Olivia5:47 PM

    Wow, who knew having a baby would change your face so dramatically less than 6 months postpartum? She is still chubby, if she wasn't she wouldn't be wearing the flour sacks she has been seen in lately.

  58. 10catsinMD5:51 PM

    That's okay. They really think we are as stupid as they are and will believe also that the moon is made of cheese.

    What I want to know is Does her son cry when he sees her cause he doesn't know who she is?

  59. FrostyAK5:55 PM

    With what passes for journalism these days, we had best just not read any supposed "journalists". Joan River and Kenny Rogers didn't have any procedures either...

    Loathe is a perfectly fine and fitting word, Gryph.

  60. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I think if Bristol had a nose ring and her hair dyed pink, the flying monkeys would say the ring grew there and her hair naturally turned pink.

  61. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Well, who cares if it's surgery or other bad choices that has made her look like any other fake-ass Hollywood bimbo?

    That hair looks like dynel.

    And if she has lost any weight - which I seriously doubt - her clothing choices are exactly the wrong ones to flatter her shape. By trying to hide her bulging gut, the cut of her dresses accentuate it. Those trendy shoes make her legs look stumpy. That purple satin fabric tucked into the black waistband is like a spotlight shining on a thick waist.

    She looks cheap, like the D-list celeb she is.

  62. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Of course there's gotta be a medically necessary reason for the plastic surgery. We'll find out in a week or two that Bristol had a car accident, or fell down in the gym, fell off the horse during riding lessons. Maybe she had a malignant lesion on her jawbone.
    And of course, they didn't say anything because it's no one's business and we should all respect privacy.
    Right? Sarah?

    She has an Ashley Tisdale face now.

    (Who also had plastic surgery. This must be the new face for the season.) Kind of like Mme. Alexander dolls - they have different heads in different years.

    Awww, Bristol, sweetie, you're too old for Disney. And you're the wrong demographic. And you've already got the type-cast thing happening; Disney just doesn't do the 'sex' thing. And both that theme, and you, are waaaay over-exposed.
    I think you'll have to stay with the promoting teen pregnancy thing. But hey, it is working; teen pregnancies and unintentional pregnancies are up. And popular! Good for you!

  63. Unfortunately in this country most people can't figure out 2+2=4. Even if she had aged which she could not have possibly done in such a short period of time the bone structure in her chin would not be altered. This reminds me of a surgeon in Deming, NM who would talk nurses into gaining 30-40 pounds so they would qualify (insurance)for gastric surgery for weight loss. I of course said to him, "That's the craziest thing I have ever heard." I asked the nurses why they did not just start exercising and change their diets rather than have a risky surgery done, it was clear they had not even tried. I have taken care of people who had very bad complications from that surgery and it is not possible to eat enough to be healhy afterwards and many other problems, such as surgical infections. Bristol was very cute, she just needed to get some exercise (which BTW releases 3 anti-aging hormones) and start eating healthy food and avoid McDonalds and other crap food like the plague. Beauty is just that simple. It takes time to exercise and do nutrition researh, but it works.

  64. Anonymous6:00 PM

    To be fair, I get my brows waxed when I have time and can afford the indulgence. I would make much more time for it if I knew a stylist who could accomplish a face lift by waxing my brows.

  65. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Hi, Bristol (or RAM)! I've noticed that bot comments tend to be spaced 3-7 minutes apart--I think one person makes most of these comments, just waiting a few minutes between each, trying to make it appear that there are multiple people supporting the Palin point of view.

    Bristol, I was really pulling for you. I admired you for the pro-abstinence stance and for standing your ground on "Oprah" when she grilled you about it. Since then, however, nothing you have said or done has convinced me that you are a decent person, have any integrity, or have any goals other than to become Rikki Hollywood. I think you're even more shallow than your mother, without her disturbing charisma. Please go home and be a good mother to your child(ren), and we will stop picking on your new face.

  66. Dramatic weight loss?
    She has a Muffin Top!

  67. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Sure looks like a chin implant and some fat removal on the face, but what do I know?

    Here is what I do know: the 'reporter' has a little mistake, OR needs to do some followup if the 2009 date is correct. The story Gryphen linked says:

    " Bristol Palin, who has been the recipient of much unwanted tabloid attention ever since she became pregnant with Levi Johnston's baby while her mother, former GOP presidential candidate Sarah Palin, was on the campaign trail in 2009."

    The reported birth date for Tripp was December 27, 2008 if that is the Bristol baby this 'reporter' is referring to. As far as becoming pregnant in 2009 as described- by Levi- that's a new one. Maybe this reporter just made a mistake and used 2009 instead of 2008. Mistakes happen, just ask Bristol and Sarah.

  68. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Remember the ridiculous scarf in Haiti? The bruising and swelling was hidden by it.

  69. Anonymous6:13 PM

    It's apparent she did something to her face. Her mom was probably the source of her disappointment with herself. No attention at home and mom always looking youthful and great.

    Listen up flying monkeys. A young neglected teenage girl whose mom is continually in front of the camera and being told she's hot, that she's the State of Alaska "hottest Governor" would be crying in her pillow at night, especially if she didn't live up to what the Hollywood blueprint of what a perfect face is. Her mom pursued that Hollywood blueprint, and men, media reacted to her looks, with comments about her superwoman sexiness.

    Being hot and rich seems to be the only legacy Sarah Palin left her kids.

    It's a sad and troubling situation for this girl to feel so inadequate and not to have had a parental role model to teach her early on about reaching positive goals besides looking beautiful.

    If she was 35, 40, and decided on her own, after kids she wanted to restructure her face knowing the risks and consequences, it wouldn't raise eyebrows (pardon the pun). But, it raises common sense folks' eyebrows to see a 20 year old girl change her overall look (no longer looks like her mother or father) and risk damaging her skin and facing more surgeries in future; if this is her priority before an education or a chosen career path, the young girl needs some positive reinforcement in a big way.

    By the flying monkeys denying it, they enable it.

  70. Anonymous6:21 PM

    In response to one of the articles here, I had originally posted that I thought Bristol had lipo on her lower face.

    I still believe that, but as more pictures emerge, it is very clear that her chin's been worked on.

    Older pictures show that she originally had the same shape chin as Sarah, but Sarah's was not as pronounced. They both had a funky, lopsided shape.

    Bristol could slice a pizza with her new chin.

    And she definitely gots herself some bubble lips now.

  71. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Her lips aren't big enough. She should get more lipo. I hope she keeps it up. she deserves the best. And the most.

  72. emrysa6:23 PM

    lmao - dramatic weight loss? please. she still has a gut. might not be as big as it was before (or maybe she's sporting 5 pairs of spanx) but there's still a gut there.

    wonder how much this person was paid for spinning such obvious bullshit? weight loss doesn't add 2 vertical inches to the chin.

    is this article published in braille? all I can conclude is this article is meant for the blind among us.

  73. Anonymous6:24 PM

    When Greta VS was offered her job at Fox, she had been working at CNN. Greta asked for a 6 week delay, and when she appeared on Fox, her face was different. Greta denied having plastic surgery. Judge for yourself:

    Star Jones had a drastic change in her appearance, and made the same claim for a long time, no surgery:

    So, Bristol can claim that she lost weight in selected parts of her body, but the pictures don't lie. She can get a dozen doctors, including Dr.CBJ who writes an excellent medical letter, to say "no surgery." As Geraldo often says, "What are you going to believe, Bristol or your lying eyes?"

    I can no longer recognize Mary Tyler Moore, Joan Rivers or Kenny Rogers or Meg Ryan. They can claim "no surgery" if it makes them happy. Yes, Bristol, say whatever you want. The pictures speak for themselves. (At least Levi seems to have his original face).

  74. Anonymous6:27 PM

    What is it with the palins and apologist journalism Julia omalley of the adn did the same thing with the triG hoax

  75. Anonymous6:28 PM

    The monkeys can believe all they want, Bristol's window of opportunity is fading fast, just like her mother. This argument is part of her ponzi scheme, any attention is good attention and she'll use it to her advantage to make money.

    I don't give a flip what Bristol chooses to waste her money and time on, I do give a flip when she purposely lies and makes money while doing it.

    She's no role model for any child of mine, and never will be. They know they're "good enough" the way they are, and secure enough in their own skin to set the bar higher.

    I'm realistic to know that my kids will naturally experiment with sex, but they learned their values from me and know how to think for themselves, and avail themselves of all options should "less than idill circumstances" materialize.
    Unprotected sex not only can get you pregnant, it can give you a deadly disease, and it's easily preventable with sex education in the home.
    They know about birth control, the morning after pill, and Planned Parenthood. They also know that no matter what happens, Me and their Father will be there to guide and support them, but it's their bodies and their decision to make, not ours.

    If she had half a brain and was as "indepenent" as these idiots claim, she'd spend her money on education, it lasts longer than plastic surgery and pays off in the end.
    How could Sarah be shocked, when she never passed her values to her kids? It's part of the job description for "mother".

    sorry for the rant, this whole issue gets under my skin.

  76. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Weight loss doesn't make a receding chin jut out the way it does. Do these people think we're as stupid as they are?

  77. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Because to tell the truth would require all of the bots to stomach the reality such as this: peeling away the bottom of the face to chisel the jaw bone and implant a chin to give her more definition, along with a full lipo to the neck, cheek implants to accentuate the height of the cheekbones and a full eye job. They don't want the bots to have this knowledge because it would make them gasp to think that this pretty girl would be so vain as to subject herself to this and it would reflect poorly on the mom as well. Now, you can believe that she lost weight and if you do believe that, then compare her face to that of her when she was really thin? It isn't the same face because she hadn't been carved up then. It is a sad commentary on a shallow, deceptive and terribly dysfunctional family.

  78. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Leave Bristol alone!

  79. emrysa6:46 PM

    bots = hilarious! who do you think is paying? sarahpac? bsmp? pie spy? they all say the same thing. variations on a script.

  80. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Anon 4:50 comes across as if Anon believes posters seek to control Bristol to convince her to do on our terms.

    Anon, you are off base and miss the points.
    Miss Palin can do as she choses. We have a right to object to her lying about it and bilk people of monies manipulating false impressions. Now her outside reflects her internal self false impressions and lies.

    To repeat what I recall was Sarah Jones: does Palin think people are stupid?

    Anon buy many of Bristol's book. She doesn't have a job or education suffering overworked single mom. Send her a check too for her miracle diet that transforms faces. Add extra for some snake oil too.

  81. Anonymous7:01 PM

    @6:40 p.m.

    Sure, honey, as soon as Bitchtol (you?, Willow? )leaves teen girls alone and stops bothering them with her fake abstinence hooey, and fake "teen mom" shit. (Sorry everyone else - had to put that in language BRistol would understand.)

  82. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Bristol has clearly had dramatic changes made to her face. That is her choice, although personally I question the ethics of a plastic surgeon who would agree to do this to a barely adult young lady. I o think the before was far prettier than the after, but I prefer natural to artifical. I also think 99% of our beauty is radiated from within. Real beauty registers in the warmth of our smiles and the light in our eyes.

    What bothers me about this Palin, just as it does about her Mother is the hypocrisy they demonstrate, their detachment from truth and honesty, and their permanent relationship with victimhood. Our MSM is largely responsible for their current celebrity status. If Bristol is satisfied with being a D-lister that's her choice. Eventually the MSM will move on. I'm not sure who I find more disgusting, the Palin's or the producers of "reality" theater that is our MSM.

  83. Anonymous7:10 PM

    BOTS =

    B - Bottom
    O - of
    T - the
    S - Shitpile

  84. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Submental libectomy with chin augmentation.

    And that is a fact.

  85. luvmesomepalin7:18 PM

    stoopids 4 Palins!!!

    we luv the Palins cuz they be soooo priteee!!!! and they hav such nice shoos to!!!

    So wat if they be not to brite?? we not brite neether!!

  86. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Hugs to 6:52

  87. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I don't have Bristol's money, so I'll just glue an index card to my chin. A little concealer and I'll be all set to start my new career as an famewhore and spokescritter.

    How do ya start one of those PAC dealies? I sure don't want to spend my own money on ugly wigs, unflattering clothes, tasteless jewelry and hooker shoes!

  88. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Link to a photo spread in The Guardian:

  89. Maybe she won't admit to plastic surgery because she didn't elect to have it done - she had to have it done. And maybe the pBots know this; they have heard rumors we have not heard. Maybe Mommie Dearest lobbed a few of those cans of beans at Bristol: "how dare you tell me to stay away from your house in AZ? It is only because of me and who I am that you got to go on DWTS and you get to speak out for Candies and you get paid all this money to buy your own house." Maybe Bristol was roughed up a bit by her Mommy and she had to have some corrective surgery? This is a as good a story as any, since they never tell the truth about anything; so why not think the worst? There have been reports that Bristol and Sarah do not have the best of relationships. And what kind of mother sends her daughter away to an aunt's for whatever reason, for months? Whether she had mono, was pregnant, or too close to a boyfriend - she got sent away, or did the aunt step in and rescue her? Why did Sarah always keep Piper right next to her, at meetings, at the office? Abusers keep their victims very, very close so they won't talk.

  90. @Anon 6:24. Pretty sure Greta admitted to plastic surgery, at least around her eyes, when she went to Fox. She denied Fox asked her to do it. I remember her becoming known when she covered the OJ trial as a legal analyst.

    Small world Greta story: Joe McCarthy was from her hometown, a friend of her family and a frequent visitor to her house when she was a child. So she "palled around" with Joe McCarthy. Think her father was his campaign manager, then broke with him with he went hunting for Commies and proved to be dishonest.

  91. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Bristol... wear Pippa Middleton's dress.

    Show the bots how much weight you lost.

  92. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Seriously, why are you aggressively discussing this? Bristol isn't going to be swayed against what she wants to do. She is not one who acts dependently on people. It's not like she went heidi montag. She got rid of her extra round face. Where the crime?

  93. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Tina Fey. Saturday Night Live. She's Doing Palin AGAIN!!

  94. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Lying about alterations doesn't hurt people. Technically she didnt have plastic surgery. I don't know enough about lipo to characterize it. Yes you have a right to criticize a person based on anything. Other people have the right to call you a sexist bastard for it.

  95. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Watching SNL with famous 40-year old Tina Fey. She's at six months. She's HUGE! Tinas skinny but she must not have tight abs like Sarah.

  96. Anonymous7:49 PM

    To the multi-headed hydra calling each of it's multiple selfs 'Anon': Fly monkies, back to the bat cave
    for more rigorous training in how to infiltrate the 'enemy' camp & not make total dipsticks out of yourselves. No need to thank me.
    it's my pleasure to set you straight.

    Sharon TN

  97. Anonymous7:49 PM

    There is no denying this child has had plastic surgery. Just sad. Sarah should be ashamed of herself to have raise such an insecure young woman.

  98. Anonymous7:50 PM

    "It's my Olympics, and I plan to make a whole bunch of silvers"

    Sarah Palin on SNL

  99. Anonymous7:51 PM

    I realize I'm old and young people start to look alike, but are you sure you have a picture of Bristol and not that Snooki/Snakey/Sneeky gal?

    *sarcasm intended*

  100. Anonymous8:14 PM

    The rich have to do something to show they are above the masses. Bristol bought a yacht. The new chin is the dock.

  101. Anonymous8:19 PM

    At 17, I went on a diet & lost
    almost 30 lbs (ended up about
    115 lbs), and my face was still
    recognizable. A double chin may
    go away, but you still have the
    non-fat "real" chin you were
    born with, it won't be any longer.
    Bristol, even when you cover up
    her chin, looks like an entirely
    different person. Her face looks
    uncomfortable, like it hurts to
    move, or maybe she can't feel
    anything at all...I really don't
    understand this plastic surgery
    look, and I don't understand
    why people think this look is
    an improvement, young or old.

  102. Anonymous8:22 PM

    They are both superwomen, and their bodies do more amazing things than ours ever can.

    See Brisdull can make her chin grow and face change just by losing weight in her face only... lets see one of us try to pull that off..

    And Scarah, well she has the tightest abs known to man and woman.. ladies shame on us for letting ourselves go at 7 months.. how dare we not be like superwoman Scarah and have a flat stomach until 3 weeks before delivery... we are such weaklings..

    I wonder if Willow and Piper have the same amazing genes?

  103. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Yeah, I love it that her belly is that big at 6 mos. Normal.

    It would be great to get some comparison shots up.

  104. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Hey anon at 5:47
    Thank you so much for providing so much entertainment.
    You fail to see the irony in calling Gryphen a chickenshit multiple times while accusing him of being immature. Or is it simply that you are just stunningly unaware? In any case, thank you for a good laugh.
    P.S. I don't think you're really sorry at all. Something tells me you aren't really sincere ( and that, dear, is an example of sarcasm).

  105. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Did she also get her freckles lasered off? Or is she just wearing an insane amount of foundation?

  106. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Re, Anonymous "I don't know much about plastic surgery so I'm asking. How much scarring and bruising would be involved, and how long would it take to heal? And was Miss Palin out of public view that long? When?"

    I know plenty of people who have had facelifts and were back to work in 2 weeks. Hope that answers your question.

    Also, too, remember those weird lumps that Sarah had when she was recovering from her facelift after she quit being governor? Sarah was back in the public eye pretty quickly after her facelift, but then superwoman was back at work with tight abs within 3 days of birthing her alleged fifth child.

  107. Anonymous9:11 PM

    $arahPAC STILL has not accounted for $800.000 in payable's for the last quarter of last year.

    Perhaps they bought a Brisdull robot to make appearances for her - so she could stay at home with her child.

    Because family values are so important to the Palins.

  108. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Sarah "they're picking on my kids" -- I guess there is a different standard for the Obamas. Hey, I don't remember the Obama girls dancing on Dancing With The Stars and selling their photos to gossip rags like those tiny starlets. I don't seem to remember Chelsea Clinton doing that either, or the Gore girls or the Bush girls for that matter.

    Tell your spawn to get her mug (including her fugly new chin) out of the public eye, go to school like the children of other politicians, get a job like the children of other politicians and we'll leave her alone.

  109. Anonymous9:15 PM

    womanwithsardinecan@4:23 PM, Bristol's whole world would be different if she had taken advantage of the opportunities coming her way in a different style. If she had been grateful and interested. Seizing the day, but not selling herself out. I certainly would have.

    Bottom line - if she had been honest and direct, instead of disingenuous and exaggerative. Pretending to be what she is not. Lying. A lot. If she had approached things with modesty and integrity.

    Even this plastic surgery. Does anyone care if she does this? No, not really! What is the issue, then? Lies, goofiness, obfuscation, phoniness, unChristian arrogance.

  110. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Leave Bristol alone!

    6:40 PM. Fuck you RAM, or Sarah, or Willow, or Turd, or Chuckles

  111. Anonymous9:18 PM

    If she wants to claim weight loss, she should choose a more flowing dress.

  112. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Great article from the Orange County Register of Bristol's plastic surgery.

    Here is what Orange County, California plastic surgeon John Di Saia has to say as quoted by the Orange County Register:

    “Her chin looks longer and more sculpted,” he says. “It has nicely improved her facial balance and improved her look overall. Her nose was probably operated previously.”

    I would agree with him, except about the part of "nicely improved her facial balance."

    She definitely needs to have the chin implant redone. I would agree with the previous poster that her new chin could slice a pizza. It's not balanced. It's too pointy and makes her look like a witch (I guess those dark hair extensions don't help either as far as the witchy look).

  113. Anonymous9:44 PM

    And here is what plastic surgeon Dr. Norman M. Rowe told the New York Daily News -- that Bristol apparently had a nose job and a chin implant.

    “The tip of her nose is smaller and more feminine. This gives it a less bulbous look … The bridge of the nose also appears lower,” Rowe says. “Many times a chin implant and a rhinoplasty are performed together to change the entire appearance of the face.”

    Oh, never mind. We know all these plastic surgeons are lying and you can change the entire appearance of the face, including the nose and chin, by dropping a few pounds.

  114. Anonymous9:50 PM

    you could split wood with that chin.


  115. Anonymous10:21 PM

    And some IDIOT had the audacity in your last post Gryphen to call Levi valley dirtbag trash for having his son's name tattooed on his body.....

    The poor kid probably doesn't recognize his own mother now and favors the Johnston family more than ever in looks. Take that Brisket.....people will always think he doesn't look like you at all from now on. You are unrecognizable. You are a plastic person & just proved it to the world. Think Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing after she got a nose job. You just made the same mistake...BIG TIME!

  116. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Bristol's plastic surgery, both the having of it and the denying of it, is just misdirection to keep people from talking about her latest pregnancy. Eventually she'll admit that she had plastic surgery and people will assume that's why she was out of the public eye. I can't believe there wasn't more press about how she looked in Haiti.

    The politicalgates and Firedoglake information about tonight's interview of Geoffrey Dunn is extremely interesting. Apparently Sarah applied for a police dispatcher job in the 90s and the information she put on her signed-under-the-penalty-of-perjury job application conflicts with what she said later. I assume it's her education that is the issue.

  117. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Tina Fey does Palin on tonight's SNL:

  118. carrieoki10:56 PM

    Bristol, if you read this--You need to save some of your money and fix up your inner self--get some mental health help--some therapy. You need to break the cycle, for yourself, your kid(s), and your relationships.

  119. Anonymous10:56 PM

    So...weight loss makes you look like Snooki?

    Before picture - Not Snooki
    After picture - Snooki

  120. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Glad that Palin's daughter is investing her money wisely. Now that no one will recognize her, she can milk the abstinence scam even longer.

  121. Anonymous11:45 PM

    A good palinbot ignores reality and instead lives in a fantasy world where Sarah is smart and loved by all the people. All of her kids are well behaved and have high self esteem. They would never think of going under the knife to implant leno chins, suck out cheek fat, or botox their lips. Sarah's going to be President to get rid of the yucky colored guy. Sarahland is the happiest place on earth!

  122. Anonymous12:43 AM

    OMG. The other day I made a joke about Bristol getting into "Wildenstein" territory...but I swear on sweet baby Cheeses...looking at that head-on view of Bristol? I totally SEE her morphing into the deranged catwoman. I mean I actually see facial similarities between Bristol and Jocelyn Wildenstein. If you'd told me back when Bristol's enviable facial beauty made her appear fresh and sweet faced...I wouldn't have thought it possible.

    Who MAKES THEMSELVES UGLY on purpose???

  123. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Bristol's new look makes me cringe. She doesn't look normal. Her too pronounced chin and sharp features completely dominate her face. Even her eyes lost their sparkle. In words Mel Gibson might use, Bristol looks like an aging Vegas whore now. I don't know what she could have been thinking to do that.

    It's amusing that the plastic surgeons who've commented on her new features say it's good work. I imagine that's just professional courtesy. If they voiced their real opinions of that disaster, the doctors who actually worked on Bristol could retaliate, I suppose. Cosmetic surgery is a lucrative industry geared to enticing more self-doubters under the knife.

    Bristol is teaching young girls interesting lessons - just not the lessons intended by Bristol.

  124. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Remember the post a few months ago when there was a possible Bristol stand-in during a speech Sarah was giving? Was that Bristol post-surgery or no?

  125. melissa2:00 AM

    Well, Dr. Youn from Celebrity Cosmetic Surgery blog (a plastic surgeon who's appeared on Fox News, etc) writes that he believes Bristol definitely has had some work done. He writes in his blog that in his opinion as a plastic surgeon Bristol had a chin augmentation and botex on the brow. I personally believe she's transformed her face through a combination of weight loss and plastic surgery. As a person who's lost a large amount of weight I can attest that it has changed my facial appearance, but not by much! My features became much more 'sharp' and my neck/chin area more defined. However my chin didn't grow and my forehead didn't freeze in place!

  126. Anonymous3:04 AM

    you can actually see where the fat was sucked out of her cheeks - there is a line that shows where the fat still exists.

    as far as slimming down? not hardly, she still has the muffin top from the latest kid and her caboose is swinging free, but the cellulite is overwhelming. She's in sad shape for a 19 year old.

    Willow is due this summer - we should see her again this fall. Wonder if she'll have a new face too?

  127. Anonymous3:27 AM

    It seems to me Briss went for the Kim Kardashian special on her chin and cheekbones redo. Pull up a pic of Kim with her hair down in similar style and compare. All Bristol needs now are some nice butt implants and a personality.

    A Nonny Muss

  128. i made another composite (even more interesting than the first imho):

    the entire top row is just bristol,

    the bottom row is bristol, snooki, kourtney & then kim kardashian!

    i'm a bit shocked. if the top left bristol (seen almost exactly 2 years ago at the may 2009 candies "National Teen Pregnancy Awareness Day" event in NYC) transformed into the top right bristol (in white at the 2011 WHC dinner) without plastic surgery I'LL be a flying monkey's uncle!!!

  129. Anonymous5:21 AM

    People are so retarded. Where is all the dramatic weight loss? She is still pretty damn chunky...and that is just fine. Nothing wrong with that. But these assholles have to stop telling us what we see with uot own eyes is false. Fuck them and that. Her receding chuckles chin is now a point chin. Why didn't she have that pointy chin in earlier pictures of her growing up when she was thin?
    Fuckin retards.

  130. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Maybe she just wanted to look more like (of all people?!) Kathy Griffin...


  131. Anonymous7:00 AM

    luna 1580, that composite is awesome! too bad bristol traded her fresh-faced, girl-next-door look to become a carbon copy of these reality "stars" who, like bristol, rode their own bad choices (golden shower video, anyone?) to fame.

    as someone else said, kim k at least has a personality. much as i want to despise her, there's something really likable about her in the interviews i've seen. bristol? not at all.

  132. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Just measure the increased distance between the bottom of her lower lip and the tip of her chin. Weight loss does NOT cause the chin to move lower on the face from the bottom of the lower lip. She had something stuck in there to make her face heart shaped, in line with a Kardashian type of facial shape, as well as either natural weight loss or augmented weight loss due to liposuction or both. To me her body shape has not changed that much nor are her arms thinner than they were during DWTS.

  133. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Her neck mole is gone--did she
    have it removed, or is it an
    entirely different girl?

  134. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Those cheek implants have made her nasal-labial fold lines really deep now. She's had cheek implants, chin implant, lip injections and I thinks some botox on forehead and around her eyes...watched an interview and her eyes don't crinkle at all when she smiles now.

    Very sad for such a young women with a nice face to do this to herself.

  135. Patrick DeBurgh9:08 AM

    Doesn't it appear as though the surgeon cut all the "Todd" out of Bristol's appearance ? She's just a Sarah "mini-me" now, a true Sarah clone.

  136. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Why not call them the lying christians...Palin keeps saying they are blessed because of Trig...yet she and bristol spend thousands to change what god gaved them...and these christians build a world on materialism and then try to pretend they are all in it for spirtual gain..just like samaritan purse and the the other so call christian organizations that promote her...lying is so easy for them.

  137. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Have you noticed that Bristol is like Sarah. If anybody is going to deny or say anything about Sarah, Sarah has somebody else say it for her so that she won't get caugh in a lie. Sarah can always say she never said it.

    So now nobody has heard Bristol deny that she did not have facial implants or reconstructive surgery. Bristol has someone else saying it - denying it because when proof comes out Bristol can say she never lied. She never commented on it.

    How come when anybody is interviewing Bristol, they never ask her about her chin?

    How come when anybody is interviewing Sarah, they never ask her about her combat veteran son Track or ask her about Todd and Shailey Tripp?

    Speaking of Shailey Tripp, I wonder if she received a ton of money from somebody we know? Shailey has been awfully quiet.

  138. Anonymous9:27 AM

    The Palins still think they are fooling people...

    What the heck happened to Bristol Palin's face?

    The 20-year-old daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin debuted a shocking new look at the Candie's Foundation benefit gala in New York on Tuesday.

    While her body shape appears pretty much the same, and no one has confirmed that she's had plastic surgery, her face looks way different. Check it out:

  139. Anonymous9:30 AM

    It's all over the internet.. yet still the see if pee won't admit

    Brian Glatt of New Jersey — whose PR minions sent a news release to me, apparently People magazine and undoubtedly many other celebrity reporters — says weight loss may explain some of the facial changes. But as noted in the release, he also thinks she “seems to have had some liposuction of her neck area under her chin which has produced a much more defined jawline and lower facial area. She may have also had a chin implant to better define this area. Her lower lip appears much more full and it is likely she had injections of Juvederm into her lower lip.”

  140. Anonymous11:24 AM

    She looks like Jay Leno. Utterly vapid and creepy.

  141. meena5:29 PM

    So let me get this straight--it's okay for Bristol Palin to have surgery to correct God's "mistakes" above the waist, but not below.

  142. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Es simplemente incomparable topic



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