Saturday, May 07, 2011

Levi Johnston's new book cover revealed!

Okay,'s clearly a book.

I just don't know what to think about this yet. Levi certainly has access to potentially damaging information about the Palins. The only question is, will he actually spill the beans?

But there certainly MIGHT be something worthwhile inside, so if you are interested in ordering it you can do so by clicking here.

(You know upon second thought I think that picture almost perfectly captures Levi's personality. The kid never had a chance!)


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    He's so NOT attractive. I wish him well as I wish most people well. I just wish he'd show desire to grow up .

  2. Anonymous8:27 AM

    That's a terrible picture of him. What a way to squander an opportunity to do a real service for the country, and gain respect for yourself.

    You are so right, Gryphen. This kid will be 40 years old before you know it and kicking himself for missing out on his son's life. Hopefully by that time the Palin's and their ilk will be a mere footnote to history.

  3. Anonymous8:28 AM

    oh my... i am disappointed with this image... not a best seller cover for sure.. who is managing Levi? by the way, where is Mercede?

  4. Anonymous8:30 AM


    5 seconds pass


    oy vey Levi. I am praying for you. Please do some soul searching. Everyone has special talents to offer the world. You need to buckle down and start growing into your adult self. And PLEASE reconsider running for mayor. I take it you haven't even talked to your wouldbe constituents, or you would have discovered they think you're a dumb**$#% at this point in time. Please stop riding the Palin wave. Please get a real life. Praying hard.

  5. Anonymous8:31 AM

    How about young, hot buck in the headlights....I like the title and the cover. And I think it suitable--very different expose than Frank Bailey which would not warrant this type of cover. Hopefully he will spill the truth--and all of it.

  6. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Does he realize there are many accounts of him talking about how much he respects and likes the family? Then OVERNIGHT switched gears. Does he not realize that cover makes him even more of a huge joke? And unattractive? No good can come of this book for his son.

  7. Hilarious. Love the cover.

    No one will care about his book by Dec unless it is THE story, and if it is, perfect timing...just when she thought she was clear for the primaries after the summer emails and books, here comes Levi!

  8. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Tell me that cover is a joke. It must be.

  9. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I for one (or many as it appears) am NOT holding my breath for this. The boy is an immature, walking contradiction. Not that I side with the Palins, but they absolutely called it from the start by saying the Johnstons are all about milking publicity. Mercede's myspace comments prove that. Levi proves that. They are their own worst enemy and they are the reason they have no relationship with their nephew/son/gson. it's that simple. There is no "good guy" in this scenario. Except Tripp.

  10. Balzafiar8:44 AM

    About ten days ago the price (around $25) was higher than it is now ($16.50) so I wasn't willing to risk that the book is just more managed Palin propaganda.

    Now that the price has been lowered I've pre-ordered the book just in case Levi grows a pair and tells something major.

  11. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Levi supposedly say we're going to LOVE his book. I'm sorry but the boy has led the most ordinary life EVER up until 08. And even then, he hasn't done anything fun orworthy except trash his inlaws (which is NOT in his son's best interest - Bristol doesn't lie and trash him publicly. She politely comments on his absurd actions or says no comment)

    But as you've said multiple times, the boy is duller than dirt and Stephen King couldn't write a blockbuster from his life. UNLESS he fathered a baby with Sarah. haha Sorry. I enjoy hilarious notions.

    Sorry, Levi, no faith sir. I bet you $1000 he either "writes" the most boring book of all time or he paraphrases passages from the other books. He didn't even see Sarah that much. No faith, again.

  12. He is a handsome man, that picture clearly makes him look like he is in the crosshairs of Scarah.

  13. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Levi is a fool. He had every right and privilege to get a good family lawyer to gain rights to his son. You know what, everytime I saw he and Tripp together early on, Levi looked like a thuggish punk and Mercede played with him the most. If the passion and drive were there to see Tripp, he would have made it happen. Instead, he played victim and cried to the View ladies and CBS. wah wah Levi. Get a job.

  14. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Appropriate cover for the title, yes it is.

  15. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Levi's situation is not unlike my BFFs husband's. His exwife's mother hates him (to her credit, he's been in jail twice and was addicted). Now, I don't believe for one second Sarah had anything to do with Bristol's decisions either way. But in my friends case, despite the MIL, he actually saw his children for 2 weeks straight every 2 months. They live 2 states away.

    I truly believe Bristol was fed up with the PR stunt the Johnstons pulled. There's evidence she was livid and has never forgiven him. I also happen to know what really happened last summer. We shall see how each side addresses that. Will report back.

  16. Anonymous8:54 AM

    If the book isn't finished yet, can he change the cover? How does that work?

  17. Seriously? This has got to be a joke. Or is it telling us that the content will be a joke?

  18. Anonymous8:56 AM

    200 pages worthy of asswiping. Thanks L and B.

  19. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Looks like Bristol and her new face is trying to slam Levi here again.

    Bristol the pistol with her new plastic chin face. Did it hurt Brisdull?

  20. Anonymous8:57 AM

    No one cares. This isn't the most tragic situation in custody terms of coming of age terms by FAR. Yes, all life has value, but why do people think others are going to learn a huge lesson from hearing their personal story? I find most biographies excruciatingly boring, unless there's something remarkable about the person.

  21. Anonymous8:58 AM

    yikes - the cover looks like a joke poor Levi - I doubt he will spill the beans on anything really important I wish him well and hope for the best

  22. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I was hoping the cover would be a close up photo of his hospital wrist band.

    Gryphen... post a poll asking if Levi will spill or not spill the beans..

  23. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I had to laugh at whoever wrote "stop riding the Palin wave." All the Palins are riding their own wave, which is going to turn into a tiny ripple soon. Why not Levi while he has the chance? He has years to grow up. At least his face is still his own and not some plastic surgeon's vision of a D starlet.

  24. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Behold, palinbots. This is the guy for whom Bristol let her knickers down. Again and again Bristol let her knickers down for the young man you see on the cover. This is the ¨young buck¨ sarah lured behind her bedroom door, presented on the national stage as ¨family,¨ and had to swallow her pride and invite to Thanksgiving dinner on Oprah. This is the guy who gave sarah the big middle finger while traveling across the lower 48. This is the guy who exposed sarah as a coward on Kathy´s show. And after all that, this is the guy for whom Bristol let her knickers down yet again.


  25. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Well...if you thought Levi's book might be a serious can forget about that if this cover is real. It looks like a MAD Magazine stupid and cartoonish. Levi has had pitiful advisers from the start and they have left him without money and without credibility. He should sue that idiot Tank Jones for his horrible representation.

  26. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I hope that photo is intended as a joke cause the cover looks like a poster for a B movie.

  27. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I will be buying this book. But Levi, the title says it all - did you really have to put a cartoon-looking picture of you on it looking literally like a deer in the headlights?? The cover picture makes your book look like a joke or something very silly. People do judge a book by its cover and the cover says "Don't take me seriously, please DO NOT take me or what I have to say in this book seriously!". Whoever suggested that picture should be fired! I would have hoped you would put something more dignified on the cover.

  28. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I won't pay a dime for this book, will wait for it at Goodwill.

  29. It's a highly amusing image, but I'm afraid no one will take him seriously.

    What happened to your post with the never-before-seen-image of Sarah from March 12th? I saw it early this morning, showed my husband and now he believes Sarah was never ever pregnant, and now I don't see the post any more...?

  30. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Poor Levi has credibility problems. So, the book is going to have to be well-written, and collaborated with a credible writer. All we can do is wait and see if what he says correlates with the not-yet-released e-mails and upcoming books.

    I feel bad when young kids have been plucked from obscurity and become news fodder by the media. I feel worse knowing that the Palins pulled this young man down the road to character ruin. We expect parents to guide their kids to stay away from the tabloid trash, but evidently Levi was influenced by the Palin brand, who veer towards tabloid trash. The Palins could have taken him under their wing and become role models for this young man, but instead used him and kicked him to the curb when they were finished with him.

    This is timeline for Levi: Never knew anything about him then suddenly September 2008 he's introduced to the world as boyfriend and baby father of Bristol; campaigns with McCain/Palin; after the break-up becomes a mini-celebrity, takes his newfound celebrity and accepts lucrative offers, Playgirl, ads, music video; all jobs that pay fairly well, but that don't help him achieve his true interests, talents.

    What happened to Levi is a book in itself. How a selfish ambitious family used people like toys and discarded them when they were no longer useful. Levi's feelings were never considered. The Palin machine exploits anything and everything that will lift them up. I feel bad for Levi. He was taught how to sell himself before he even knew who he was. He was a kid. No proper guidance from caring role models. He needs to be steered back to a private life and pursue a trade or career that he loves.

  31. Anonymous9:21 AM

    hope they change the book art before it goes to print. it truly looks foolish! it's downright embarassing.

  32. Anonymous9:23 AM

    that is the most awkward pose I've ever seen.

  33. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I remember when Levi Johnston was basically stomping all over Sarah. And poor Sarah could do nothing but watch and whine, helpless and hurt. There is only one explanation for Sarah´s obsession with Levi: He must have rejected her advances.

    It makes one believe Sarah pimped Bristol out to Levi to con that apology out of him.

  34. Anonymous9:26 AM

    He best credit a ghost writer, esp if the book turns out to be somewhat literate and cohesive. It's never commendable for people not to credit ghost writers. This is why I don't support most celebs and politicians' books. All of them use ghostwriters. Most of them don't even dictate the book.

  35. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I feel worse knowing that the Palins pulled this young man down the road to character ruin.

    Really??? THEY made him turn himself into a laughing stock? Before his sad PR stunts, people thought of him as the all american boy with too much mojo. He made himself a laughing stock like Sarah has made herself the same.

  36. Anonymous9:29 AM

    The Palins could have taken him under their wing and become role models for this young man


    They absolutely had taken him under their wings, for most of the relationship. Levi once said they were like family and he likes them very much. It's not their fault Bristol came to her senses and realized the relationship was horrible, immature and absent of love.

  37. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I'll buy a copy. Hope he's truthful about the various births and affairs.

    Levi is naturally attractive. I hope he has enough self esteem not to change his looks like Bristol or Sarah.

  38. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Anyone know about the publisher? Are they reputable? This cover sucks! It makes a mockery of Levi and he probably doesn't know it. And it makes the book and Levi look like trash!
    Poor Levi. He still is not making great decisions and that is probably because he is still with Tank and Rex.
    He could have made a mint and possibly had a career and he spoiled that once in s lifetime opportunity.

    He better REALLY spill the beans or this really is the end of him.

    Where has Mercedes been??

    And what about Willow who hasn't been seen in months?
    Anyone know?

  39. angela9:36 AM

    Anon 8:41
    You're joking, right? The Palins used this boy to try to clean up their daughter. Sarah was actually talking about getting them married before the election to try to whore some more votes. What would you call SPA, DWTS, Candies, and ghostwritten books by mother and daughter? I'd call that milking the publicity cow like a MF.

  40. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I'm thinking he is trying to look like a deer in headlights

  41. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Sweet Sam on a stick horse.

    That photo is TERRIBLE.

    Levi has modeled, been called handsome and attractive by Hollywood stars and TONS of us Truthers.

    And THIS is the photo he chooses?

    No f ing way. I smell sabotage. Big time.

  42. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Boy, the concern trolls sure jumped on this one quick!
    I don't care about the "contradictions" with Levi; who doesn't think he was forced to say he lied about Sarah? Even at the time that he was so called recanting, I didn't believe it. I thought everything he originally said about Sarah was true, and that was before it all started slowly leaking out from different sources.

    Now about the cover, sheesh! Levi is capable of being a very handsome young man, stud, young buck, but this does him absolutely no favors.

    I am in the camp that believes Rex Butler is paid off by the Palins. As for Tank, I think he has more in common with Sarah as far as grifting and being in it only for his fat-ass self.

  43. Anonymous9:40 AM

    OMG, you're not kidding! This IS a real book cover.

    I thought it was a Photoshopped joke. I stand corrected.

    Levi's "advisors" are beyond contemptible for letting this terribly unflattering image of him go on the cover of his book. Sadly, the contents of the book will undoubtedly match the cover.

    For a supposed hunter, the only thing Levi seems to be good at is shooting himself in the foot.

  44. Anonymous9:41 AM

    8:49? I bet Levi's book sells just as many copies as Bristol's. No way you bots aren't going to scarf it up for material to attack him with.

  45. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I think that Levi will tell the story of him living at the house. I think that he will go into detail. Remember $arah said that he never lived their( over her dead body) I believe he did. his cover to me dosen't look anymore stupid than $arah and Pistol's short stories. The trolls are very cunning today to try and discredit him. Nice try sarah lou

  46. Anonymous9:43 AM

    The book will have nothing it it that's worthwhile knowing. Don't waste your money and time reading it. You'll hear the same day it's published what's new in it. If anything?

    The kid is not to be pitied. Stupid people will make him rich on this book because it's got Palin's name on the cover.

    And really, who can say he's not a lot better off without Palin's psycho daughter hanging around his neck. This kid's got a future now, even after he's milked the Palin persona for all it's worth.

  47. London Bridges9:43 AM


    You really fed the trolls with this post.

    The ability to laugh at oneself is priceless. Has Sarah ever laughed at herself?

    Does she ever laugh non - sadistically?

  48. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Ok, I burst out laughing when I saw the cover. However, I will buy the book IF he dishes the dirt on the Palins.

  49. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Is it my imagination or did you G have a post with a new Palin faux pregnancy photo up last night. I have a lot of trouble sleeping and I woke up around 2 or 3 PST and there was a photo we all haven't seen before of Sarah a few weeks before the wild ride. Her stomach was FLAT!!
    Did you pull this Gryphen or did I imagine it???

  50. Anonymous9:44 AM

    That is a photo of Levi looking back to see if Sarah was chasing him. He had just jumped out of Sarah´s bedroom window after she tried to corner him.

  51. Anonymous9:44 AM

    The title is actually very misleading. I hate to use the term victim, because Levi is by no means a victim of anything/anyone. BUT - I'll go there for this. He is the victim of a dumped fiance. Not groundbreaking. Not unexpected. He was in a bad relationship where he never had power. He gets dumped. He no longer feels connected to the family who once helped him a great deal. He feels lost. His family sees opportunity for revenge. They seek limelight. They do themselves NO favors. They become laughing stocks in their own right as well as in the shadow of a political family. They were naive and I hope they regret their decisions.

    Now about the title. That title implies Sarah was out to get Levi, when in reality, she's never paid him any mind, other than how he was hurting her daughter and her grandson. Then he started wrongly attacking her and her family. But NEVER did she try to hurt him. He needs to grow up and see the big picture. He needs to reflect on what he and Bristol's relationship actually was. It lasted, what, 1.5 years (high school years - which means there wasnt meat to it and cheating no doubt occurred.)

  52. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I wish Levi well. His biggest crime is that he got involved with the Palin family.

    As for Mayor of Wasilla, why not? They elected Palin, so even Levi would be an improvement.

  53. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Looks like a D list horror movie poster. Definitely not appealing to the crowd it is meant for. He needs to get someone to advise him on how things SHOULD be done.

    I guess it's better than the playgirl shots, but not by much.

  54. Balzafiar9:47 AM

    Well, I took another look at the book and have to agree that the cover reminds one of a cheap novel.

    That said, I can ignore the cover. If the content turns out to be a collection of rehashed el toro poo-poo I'm going to be real disappointed.

  55. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I thought The Onion was playing a trick on us at first. That picture is hilarious! The cross-hairs are a nice touch.

  56. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I can't believe this cover. Just can't.

  57. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Bad cover. However, do the negative comments here by 'bots (Sarah, RAM, Brisdull) indicate that Sarah doesn't control the content and that she's scared to death of what Levi will reveal? I sure hope so.

  58. Anonymous9:56 AM

    He had so much to gain from this episode in his life, but gained (squandered) so little. I really liked the guy. I think he was used, by many. Big time.

  59. Anonymous10:06 AM

    This kid is a shallow little shit.I sincerely doubt there is anything worth reading here.Hey kid you've been out grifted,Get a job.

  60. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Who would ever buy a book with that "Twilight Zone" cover? Ridiculous!!I think this just shows he's not serious about any facts coming out in his book. Disappointing.

  61. Anonymous10:08 AM

    8:41 "Not that I side with the Palins, but they absolutely called it from the start by saying the Johnstons are all about milking publicity."

    Yeah, and the Johnston's don't hold a candle to the professional grifters in the room, the Palins. They all stink.

  62. Anonymous10:12 AM

    That really does capture his personality. hahaha damnit now when I see a damn deer Im gonna think if that face.

  63. Anonymous10:16 AM

    "I just don't know what to think about this yet. Levi certainly has access to potentially damaging information about the Palins. The only question is, will he actually spill the beans?"

    Can Levi spill the beans?
    Thought he could not say anything bad about the Palin`s.

    Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston Strike Custody Deal

    8/13/2010 8:40 PM PDT by TMZ Staf

    Under the agreement filed with the court, the parties agree not to "speak badly about the other parent in front of the child ... or allow anyone else to speak badly about the other parent or members of their family in front of the child."

    And it goes on ... "The parties agree that they shall not allow the child to visit with, or interact with, any family member who publicly ... or in front of the child, criticizes the other parent or the other parent's family."

  64. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Levi is not a fool. Levi is going to make money on this book. Levi is going to reveal some stuff that no one else knows.

    Does anyone really delude themselves into thinking Levi had a chance in hell of having normal parental rights, with this family?

    Stop blaming him for something that is clearly WAY beyond his control.

    It's like people suddenly thinking we are talking about a normal situation.

    This is about Sarah Palin and her goon squad. This is probably the only way for Levi to fight back - in the court of public opinion, laughing all the way to the bank. As for that cute little boy, he will learn the truth eventually and decide about Levi for himself. Has happened in many other families.

  65. teutonic1310:28 AM

    Is Bristol hiding and gobbling in the bushes?

    Looks like he is about to have an "O"ment in that particular pic.

    Off topic-

    What a coup for Obama! Instead of releasing pictures that make us look like Sarah's trophy hunters- he instead opts to serve up a series of Osama- Home Videos- depicting said satan- as a narcissistic self consumed global terrorist- watching himself on the TV.

    "Hey look at me... me me me... I'm the baddest terrorist in the whole damn town..."

    We don't have to show his rack to the whole wide world- he just did that all by himself.

    Nothing says "we got him" more succinctly then that!

    Another meteor narrowly averted.

  66. Anonymous10:36 AM

    @Sunshine 1970

    Is this the never-seen picture everyone is buzzing about?

    Photo: Future civic leaders meet with Palin
    Posted: Wednesday, March 12, 2008

    IMO there is absolutely NO WAY she is 8 mos. pregnant here! Clearly NO WAY! Better take a screen shot before it disappears.....

  67. Anonymous10:46 AM

    This is so amateur that I'm thinking Levi himself or together with a buddy is writing the "book". Worst idea ever!

  68. dominicastar10:48 AM

    That's it!

    The troll on here convinced me to definitely get this book. Sarah is scared if Levi. Why?

  69. Betsy S10:50 AM

    Gryphen, fess up. This is a fraud.

  70. dominicastar10:55 AM

    That's it!

    The troll on here convinced me to definitely get this book. Sarah is scared if Levi. Why?

  71. lilly-lily11:00 AM

    oh come on. I don't believe this is the cover.

  72. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Future Civic Leader link: (if the other one cuts off) March 12, 2008

  73. London Bridges11:03 AM

    The cover picture is fine. The worst picture was the one of Sarah at the Repugnant Convention where she is cupping Levi's face with one of her claws, looking at him like she was a buyer at a livestock auction.

  74. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Well IÄŗl be damned. He did it again. Levi is mocking the chit out of the Palins. Ewwww, look at me, I´m so scared!

  75. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Levi certainly knows how to make sarah and her flying monkeys miserable.

    I do believe he has a gift for it.

    WTH, Iįøæ buying the book.

  76. Anonymous11:23 AM

    You guys crack me up! The photo of Levi for his book is all about 'deer in the headlights' - eyes reflection - reacting to the light....get it?

    There are so many negative comments about this segment today...suspect many trolls coming out.

    Don't know why people would feel Levi to be a horrid young man...he's not. The Palins played him and played him good. To include Bristol, who has learned from her idiotic mother.

    I will purchase this book and wish Levi every success with it and his life.

    He is a far better person than Bristol ever thought of being. He backed off making public appearances or comments months ago and the B has done nothing but expose herself more.

    I like Levi!!!!!

  77. Anonymous11:24 AM

    This cover says to me that this whole book is a spoof. If there IS anything damning in the book (which I doubt), he isn't a credible source anyway.

  78. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Why does Blogger comment seem to cut off about 85% of the links that people try to post? I can't tell you the number of times the links come through as incomplete once they are put into the comment box.

    Also, are you going to explain why you removed the picture and post from this morning? There were a lot of us that saw it and I feel an explanation is needed for why you took it down. If you needed to verify the date, I understand. But to take it down with no explanation seems fishy.

  79. Virginia Voter11:28 AM

    I'm with 9:09...this is the dude Bristol Palin. daughter of your queen, chose to spread her legs, accepted his sperm into her uterus, and made a baby with. Get, it, BRISTOL'S CHOICE. This is the dude she was engaged to, and Sarah was planning a White House WEDDING. This dude. Bristol summoned Levi, AT SARAH'S DEMAND, from sheep hunting, gave him a hgaircut and clothes paid for by the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE, and presented on stage in front of 40 million tee vee viewers as thier future son in law. It is entirely because of Sarah and Bristol's decisions that we even know his name.

    Make fun of him all you want, but he's the still that same dude. If he's gonna tell the truth, then I will pay to read it, if only so he outsells Sarah and Bristol. I think he has a story to tell, because like others have stated, the trolls wouldn't be here otherwise. They're scared.

  80. Anonymous11:35 AM

    You are correct. Levi is not a fool. He makes sarah look like a fool. He had sarah so beside herself she didn´t know what to do. All she has to do is think of Levi and her wig goes all cockeyed on her.

  81. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Sarah is powerless against Levi.

    Bristol shall be dispatched post-haste.

  82. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I don't understand everyone ragging on this, I think it's perfect.

    His story most likely is how his whole life has changed due to the Palins.

    Deer (maybe should have been moose) in the headlights is quite appropriate.

  83. Don't worry, Levi, she is a terrible shot!

  84. Wow. Hilarious. Hi, Bristol!

    which is NOT in his son's best interest - Bristol doesn't lie and trash him publicly. She politely comments on his absurd actions or says no comment BS, TOTAL BS

  85. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Looks like a comic book cover.

  86. This is so funny....where do all these palinbots come from?

    This book cover is brilliant. Will get media attention and that is what counts.

    Go Levi. As upset as they are here you must have some good stories.

  87. emrysa11:52 AM

    hahaha yeah it's a funny cover. conveys the idea of being mowed-down by the quitter. I doubt he's going to disclose any big news, but the cover is funny.

  88. Anonymous11:54 AM

    hahaha Sarah is NOT powerless against Levi. That is absurd.

  89. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I'm afraid I disagree with most of you. Levi is actually very handsome but they sure did their best not to show it in this photo. I feel very sorry for Levi, and the rest of his family. Screecy and her gang threw him into the national spotlight for which he was totally unprepared -and then kicked him to the curb. He has had very bad advice and bad handlers, but that is not his fault. Come on folks, have a heart.

  90. Anonymous11:59 AM

    8:49 AM - You're joking, right? "Bristol doesn't lie and trash him publicly. She politely comments on his absurd actions or says no comment"

    Saying it doesn't make it so. And that's not so.

  91. emrysa11:59 AM

    anon @ 9:46 am sez:

    "Looks like a D list horror movie poster."

    well, wouldn't living with the palins be like living in a d-list horror movie?

  92. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Instead of releasing pictures that make us look like Sarah's trophy hunters- he instead opts to serve up a series of Osama- Home Videos- depicting said satan- as a narcissistic self consumed global terrorist- watching himself on the TV.

    Reminds me of Sarah in her home studio in Wasilla.

  93. Gryphen explained about the Palin post he removed. If you don't read all the comments on the stories before this one then you missed it.

  94. You can't judge a book by its cover!

    Time will tell, so lets wait and see and quit pissing and dissing the book, eh trolls!

  95. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah is powerless against Levi.

    Bristol shall be dispatched post-haste.

    11:39 AM


    However it may take Brisket about a week to face Levi. Brisket is currently recovering from another one of her facial surgeries.

  96. Anonymous12:06 PM

    How long before Todd or Trig writes a book against Sarah?

  97. Anonymous12:09 PM

    What happened to Shailey Tripp?

    Did the Palins or SarahPac buy her silence?

  98. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Alaska, are we on schedule for the release of Palin's emails?

    You promised.

  99. DebinWI12:12 PM

    I like the title, but I hate the photo. They could just have had a regular photo of him with cross hairs over him. He looks goofy and it is hard to take him seriously like that.

    Please change the cover, Levi.

  100. Barney12312:18 PM

    The Palins used Levi and paraded him around as a prospective groom for Bristol (the pregnant pistol) cause they thought McCain would win and they had to cover their azzez cause they wanted to appear the perfect family.

    Well McCain loses so no need then to get Bristol married off, so Sarah calls off everything including the wedding and bloodies up Levi along the way cause that is just the way the Palins roll.

    Sarah gets Bristol some magazine photo shoots and gets Bristol to pretend they are getting married again so she can make some big bucks and then they start throwing everything at Levi again after he apologized. Sarah was after the apology all along and poor Levi never stood a chance when Sarah called out her flying monkeys and then Levi's Mother ended up in jail, all courtesy of Sarah the crazy witch.

    I also believe Tank and Rex were paid by Sarah to lead Levi around by the noose.

    I still am not sure that Levi is the daddy, the Palins are famous for switch-er-roo.

    Don't condemn Levi until you have walked a mile in his shoes.

    Respectfully submitted,


  101. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Book ordered!!! Good luck, Levi!

  102. Betsy S12:22 PM

    I'm with Anon 11:24.

  103. I'm fascinated by the Juneau Empire photo mystery, one appears with a March '08 story and the other with a July '09 story. She's wearing different shirts under the same blue jacket. The photos were blurry when enlarged but it looks like she may be wearing different eyeglasses. The hinges look different and the ones with the '08 story appear to have a wider temple (sidepiece going over the ear) and a frame above the glass.

    The photos are clearly from two different events. I hope the JE or the photographer can provide an accurate date for the possible '08 photo.

  104. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Somebody was pretty tone deaf to put cross-hair mark on that book jacket. Blood libel anyone?

  105. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Oh yeah, that civic leaders picture looks like an AP stock photo, it may not have been contemporaneous to the article. I don't see any teens.

    This is not a good book cover. It looks like a collection of redneck essays from Jeff Foxworthy. Thumbs down.

    I'll wait until you guys look at the book before I decide to buy one.

  106. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Levi and Bristol are made for each other. Stupid Valley trash.

  107. Anonymous12:34 PM

    You know, maybe Levi's getting advice from his pal Kathy Griffin. Maybe she's lending her incisive humor to the project, in which case this cover is perfect.

  108. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Levi is just an uneducated Valley redneck; same as the Palins. They belong together, although the Palins now think they are "better" than Levi because of their major "cash haul". They are all still the same people, and frankly, none of them are people the I would choose to hold in high esteem or "look up to". They've all "gone Hollywood", the Palins and the Johnstons. They are all intellectually low performers that must garner what cash they can from their extended 15 minutes of fame.

    They are all both victims of our celebrate culture, and our celebrity culture is victim of them.

  109. Do some of these negative commenters remember what it was like to be 18??? This poor unworldly kid was thrust into a maelstream that sucked him in and spit him out nearly as fast. It's not surprising that he surfaced dazed and confused.

    We at a safer distance are jolted and jostled around by the deceit and dirty tricks of the PaYlins; just imagine what it's been for this kid in their claws.

    Yes, the cover is unfortunate but imagine what it's been like for him to find a book deal and good representation with $P and her cadre of lawyers breathing down his neck, threatening his every move, holding visitation of his son hostage. $P reportedly dictated the terms of the custody agreement, namely that neither could talk about or disparage the family of the other. Anyone remember just how long it took Mama P and the baby Mama to break that agreement???? Just how long did it take for said baby ma to move their child hundreds of miles out of his visitation reach and then whine about how difficult it was for the child to have only one parent???

  110. Anonymous12:44 PM

    He is an admitted liar--he
    either lied about $P, or he
    lied about lying. Either way,
    he is a liar.

  111. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Beware of the concern trolls!

  112. Anonymous12:58 PM

    What's important is not the cover of the book but what's inside the book. Since he lived with the Palins for a while and had been dating Bristol, I'm sure he knows alot more than what he said in the Vanity Fair interview. I'll be buying his book. I know he's far more truthful than the Palins.

  113. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I now think the other books due out before Levi's are going to make this book a bomb. There's NOTHING Levi knows that wont be covered in at least one other one. I sincerely doubt Levi knows any details about Trig. He can come out and say he saw Sarah not pregnant, but many people have done that. Plus he wasn't around her much then (wasnt she in Juneau a lot?)

    Still not holding my breath. Levi is the one to be feared the least. Esp with Bristols book coming out first.

  114. Team Levi. Still.

    Mrs. Family Values and her family restricted access to his son--unforgivable--and used their celebrity to attack him, still a teen, repeatedly on national TV.

    During a trial, attorneys bring out pieces of evidence, but don't paint the whole picture with them till closing arguments. Levi may not have the whole picture, but if his book will at least tell what he knows, we can put it with what we already know and get a more complete picture.

  115. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Firedoglake has live book review/chat with Geoffrey Dunn re: his new book on THE LIES OF SARAH PALIN.

    Started at 2pm Pacific time:

  116. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I have mixed feelings about Levi. Bristol took Tripp out of state without permission, and Levi is probably still on the hook for child support despite the fat that Bristol makes much more money than he does. He does not appear to have to have done anything to fight for his child. Bristol argued that if Levi had custody, he would exploit Tripp. That is exactly what Bristol has done, calling Tripp a mistake and hard work. (Note to Bristol, especially on this Mothers Day weekend: Having a kid is hard work, married or single, young or not so young. You're still too immature to be a good parent.) I wish that Levi would fight harder and take more responsibility for his kid.

    Unfortunately, Levi comes off looking like the lovable country bumpkin, all aw-shucks and golly-gee. He's a young kid who got thrust into the spotlight and then dumped when he was no longer useful. (If McCain would have won, would Bristol have married him for appearance sake? A White House fairy tale wedding? He really dodged a bullet).

    I am sorry for both Bristol and Levi, who have limited education and aren't very mature. They have followed the TV model of make money from the reality shows of their lives. There is no real sense of accomplishment, of having any talent or ability. At least Levi is cute while Bristol has mangled her looks. It's too bad that we value that cheap kind of celebrity without asking for those public figures to have some talent, intelligence or ability.

  117. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I think some people are scared %*#less about this book...

    I bet Levi's buddy Cathy had a few ideas about that cover, herself.

    It sort of has her sense of humor all over it, no?

    Look out Palins! Levi's turn to cash in and it ain't going to be pretty.

    Don't people see this timing is probably because it's quite clear she can't do a viable run, all the way, anyway? He doesn't have to watch out for the scary people who were backing her anymore. Yay for us!

    The richer Levi can get the better, imo.

  118. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I meant Kathy, sorry.

  119. Anonymous1:28 PM

    It's a bad title, a bad cover, and an unflattering photo of a good looking young man.

    But as a several times published author I can tell you that the author often has no choice in the book's title, and even less choice about the book's cover. Some ad exec in a back room has decided to spin Levi's story this way -- and thus the title and the cover photo that so well reflects the title. If I was him I'd be screaming like hell to my agent about it.

    His publisher is Touchstone, which is an imprint of Simon & Schuster. I don't know if it would do any good, but direct your cover comments to them. Occasionally a cover will get changed if the publisher gets a lot of flack about it.

    There is "contact us" link under "Help" at the bottom of this page:

  120. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Troll @ 8:26 - just sitting around, waiting for the notice that Gryphen's put something up - you have to vomit out whatever comes out of your head no matter the content and you come up with Levi not being attractive?

    He is hot.

    True, he didn't work out extra hard to have a body befitting a Playgirl spread, or try and graduate, (let's face it, we all played a role in getting him fired from his not-so-deserving apprenticeship) or fight hard for his kid, but he is conventionally handsome.

    He seems to have a sincere and well-meaning heart. Not malicious like the people he got stuck with through blood - so if he grows into his manhood, he'll be a catch.

  121. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Argh, did a True Crime novelist land this ghostwriting gig? This could have been done classy, I chalk this up to Dumb & Dumber Rex and Tank.

    Coming too soon to a Dollar Bin near you.

  122. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Anon @ 8:41 - The Johnston's are good, defenseless people with limited means. They've been outmatched and misguided from the outset.

    They were up against a malicious demigod and a supporting cast of family and supporters that would do everything to make the Johnston's appear more like the trash that the Heath's and Palin's are no better than.

    I would break bread with the Johnston's over the Heath/Palin's any day, even with the drug addiction and nudity involved. They are class compared to Sarah and Bristol Palin.

  123. Absolutely can't wait for Geoffrey Dunn's book, it is going to blow the top off of La Palin and her dirty deeds.

  124. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Looks like a cheesy sci-fi/horror movie poster circa 1950th.. this poor child is so misguided. He doesn't know any better, and those managing him are just as stupid. Or.. are they purposely, for some reason, involved in making certain that he fails?

  125. Wow, this sure brought out the trolls, didn't it!

  126. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Sarah Palin is actually afraid of everyone not just Levi Johnston.

    Sarah fears exposure by those who know the truth of her crimes and tales. But Sarah is fully of aware that all the people she used and discarded on the long climb from the Wasilla PTA are potential truth tellers. Even Sarah is smart enough to realize that bribes and fear won't keep the lid on forever.

    There's potential in Levi's book. The odd remark or random incident might be meaningless to Levi or the ghost writer(s). But "curious" people have been collecting facts for some years now. The jig-saw puzzle is only missing a few pieces.

    Go for it, Levi.

  127. Anonymous2:38 PM

    is it a comic book?

  128. Anonymous2:39 PM

    The cover does look a little ridiculous and amateurish.

    However, the book is being released by a division of Simon and Schuster and because Levi's life isn't all that interesting,I have high hopes that they wouldn't have bought the manuscript if he didn't have some revealing things to reveal about Sarah.

  129. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Just saw the juneau empire photo from 3/12/08. No baby there. No way. No how.

  130. They should have made this a contest on IM.

    Levi Johnston: caught with his pants down and 'tripped' up with the Palins. Could have had a provocative cover.

  131. Anonymous2:57 PM

    The book cover is ridiculous and tasteless.

    I like Levi and I hope he gets his act together. Starting with finding a new attorney and a new PR firm.

  132. Looks like the trolls are taking the bait that Gryphen has set out for them yet again.

    Gryphen, dang, you are getting better and better at getting those little trolls to come out of hiding. Got your slingshot handy?

    I been reading over at FDL hosting Dunn and his book about Lou Sarah, very interesting questions and Dunn's answers are very enlightening. That book is going to rock some foundations and the windows are going to shatter.

  133. Anon 2:41, I concur no way in hell. Who would have thunk a governor would even attempt something like this? This woman is one fucked up individual.

  134. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Hey, why isn't Becky scolding Levi for describing that circle thingie on his book cover as a gunsight? It is obviously just crosshairs like you'd see on a map.

    Don't disappoint us, Becky. We've come to expect half-witted overreaction from you. Tweet some victimization bullshit. Oh, and it would be nice to refresh our memories about "blood libel". So if you could include that term, that would be great.

  135. @anon12:09. Shailey is also working on a book and occasionally blogging, though she says she has been sick. She seems honest and sincere:

  136. TruthSeeker3:15 PM

    Anonymous @ 12:44 pm said ...

    "He is an admitted liar--he
    either lied about $P, or he
    lied about lying. Either way,
    he is a liar."

    Levi's word will always be more believable than any words uttered by the Palins and Heaths. Palins and Heaths have absolutley no credibility whatsoever.

  137. Wow. It looks like three-quarters of the comments here are Palinbots and Flying Monkeys. The hate towards the Johnstons obviously still festers in the world of the Palins.

    It amazes me that THEY are the ones who bandy around the term "haters" so much, when that's all they do is cut people down and harass them.

  138. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Attractiveness is subjective. I personally think Levi looks like a nasty redneck. I don't find his family attractive either. His dad looks like my uncle who is not aging well and levi probably won't either.
    I don't find Sarah that hot, Todd is rough but good looking, Track is the spitting image of Chuck Jr - not ugly, not hot. Bristol is bland and generic before and after. Willow is pretty attractive with or without makeup. We are what we are to those who love us.

  139. Anonymous3:51 PM

    No publisher would have paid Levi .. UNLESS he has a good story to sell.

    Go Levi... rip Sarah a new ass.

  140. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Whether or not this cover is particularly flattering, Levi is a handsome young man.

    I completely agree, there are troll comments galore here, and comments pretending not to be troll comments which are really troll comments!

    Yikes. Lots of people must be very, very worried about what this kid is going to say. Even if he doesn't say it, it will still drive them nuts in anticipation and anxiety. Love it.

    Back off of Levi, everybody. It wasn't his personal responsibility to bring Sarah Palin down, and his paternity/custody problems are none of our business. Unless one is on the inside of that situation, one isn't qualified to comment on that.

  141. Anonymous4:10 PM

    He best credit a ghost writer, esp if the book turns out to be somewhat literate and cohesive.

    I would gladly have ghosted Levi's book. I've done some ghosting; for the working writer, ghosting an article here and there can help pay a bill or two.

    After the Vanity Fair article I saw a really good angle for a Levi Johnston autobiography to take. Kid grows up in a small town in Alaska, what's that kind of life like? What kind of dreams does he have? How does growing up Alaskan shape his worldview? Then, Alaska kid meets and falls in love with the eldest daughter of an Alaska politico and this puts him in a front seat to history. Small-town Alaska meets the big world, and what does that do? I thought this would have made a really interesting book.

    I wrote up a page pitch, I sent it to Levi's attorney. I never heard back, and I imagine it got thrown away with a "Pffft, whatever." I didn't feel like it was a setback, I didn't even feel disappointed.

  142. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Anon @ 9:21 - You wrote it best, what a lot of us feel. This poor kid was the biggest victim of the McCain Palin machine. He's got nothing to show for it.

  143. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I have always suspected that Sarah bedded Levi. The secrets that family must hold.

  144. meena4:41 PM

    Levi Johnston Gets Two New Tattoos For 21st Birthday

  145. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Just got home and read through this post. I started laughing at all the trolls..especially the ones who pretend they are not. Great job of pushing their buttons, gryphen!

    I loved the one who told us about Track looking like Chuck Jr. Sure he does..if that was Menard's nickname too. Anyone who looks at those side by side of Track and Menard can see the family resemblance! I figured that was from Willow, since she had nice things to say about herself.

    Funny, too, how they think Levi can't have anything worthwhile to say, but they don't mention the book that Brisdull is having someone write for her.

    I wish that Levi had gotten better advice the last couple of years. I think that his attorney and Tank are in Sarah's pay. They have not done Levi any favors.

  146. Anonymous5:03 PM

    A few points I'd like to make:

    First, to the person who says Bristol doesn't talk trash about Levi but he DOES talk trash about her??!!

    I think all one could say to THAT is...Bristol, shouldn't you be taking care of your kidS instead of sockpuppeting your time away over at Uncle Gryphen's???

    Bristol & Sarah are the ones mocking Levi for doing "porn" (when Bristol's "abstinence" promoter Candie's really DOES produce softcore porn) and speaking up freely and often about how they keep Tripp from Levi because Levi "exploits" Tripp in the media. Bristol has the nerve to say this less than 48 hours before accepting a six figure deal to pose with Tripp on the cover of a TABLOID.

    Next- Rex and Tank. I feel Levi sticks with them because he feels he doesn't have anyone else. They obviously exploit him as badly as Sarah did at the RNC.
    Has Rex had ANY other paying jobs this year besides repping Levi? I doubt it.

    Last- Simon & Schuster is a major, respected US publisher. I doubt they would have purchased Levi's book unless there was a "there" there, as Simple Sarah would say.

    Remember...Geoffrey Dunn may be the most gifted researcher ever. Joe McG may have had a closer proximity than most Palin writers. Bailey may have emails that Sarah never intended to see the light of day.

    BUT LEVI...LIVED WITH SARAH IN HER HOME. He helped raise and feed her children while she was flying 20 thousand miles during the last trimester of her "pregnancy".

    Levi knows where the bodies (and dented appliances) are buried. Bristol tempted him with the mirage of a Happy Family and Levi didn't know it was just a ploy by Sarah to get him to go on the record and say that the Palins were the Cleavers incarnate. The very moment that was done, Bristol dumped him and started a concentrated campaign to keep Tripp from his father.

    Levi is a good hearted young man. The Palins, Tank and Rex...and who knows who else...have used this poor boy over and over.

    Levi, I'll buy your book. Count on it. I just hope and pray the money goes in YOUR pocket and not in Rex's silk lined one.

  147. Anonymous5:48 PM

    That is the dumbest book cover I have ever seen. Levi says, "Hey, I would buy a book with that cover." Case closed. Jeez, Louise, we are in the age in which stupidity sells. Ay yi yi, Palin-age, Trump-age. Back to the dinosaurs, or something like that.

  148. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Ha, Ha, just saw that Levi has inked himself up again with Tripp's name on his upper arm. Way to go Levi, show us all what an "upstanding citizen" you are and how we are supposed to believe anything that an inked-up, tattooed dirt bag has to say. Really, Levi, if you want people to respect you stop it with the Valley dirt bag routine and spend your money on something more worthwhile than tattoos, although you yourself say that you are "Proud Valley Trash" just like the Palins, so I guess we can't expect too much from you.

  149. Anonymous5:51 PM

    It looks like the poster for a summer slasher movie...not to give anyone ideas...

  150. emrysa6:10 PM

    most of the people dissing this cover are bullshit trolls. it's a great cover. look at all the serious books coming out about the quitter this year... I think levi has a niche with this one. he's a dumb kid who was caught in her crosshairs. what do people want? a somber, serious looking levi on the cover? please.

  151. Anon 4:47 - "I loved the one who told us about Track looking like Chuck Jr. Sure he does..if that was Menard's nickname too. Anyone who looks at those side by side of Track and Menard can see the family resemblance!"

    I've looked at side-by-sides of Track with Curt, Track with Todd, and Track with Chuck, Jr.. I guess I'm one of your brainless, sightless none entities. Sure, there's a photo of a young Track that looks a lot like young Larry Menard. But, to me, the older teen and young adult Track looks as much like Todd or Chuck, Jr.. Anyway, I can't fathom how you can cite photographic resemblance as proof positive.

    Maybe Track is related to Curt Menard. Maybe not. You may not realize that your snide certainty of the relationship can come across as quite unseemly and off-putting.

  152. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Ahh the aroma of eau di Troll!
    The Palin/Johnston Custody Agreement Terms have already been broken by Sarah in her two books, and by Bristol in interviews where she chuckles about him running for mayor "When he doesn't have a high school diploma/ GED"
    Bristol's been "chipping away" at a college education between her many intances of coming home from work exhausted and having to bathe Tripp. She has a consultation firm, DWTS, Candies Foundation duties, and many speaking engagements, authoring her memoir, packing up and moving to Arizona all buy her little pioneering self, slipping off to get plastic surgery, club fish and shoot skeet with ma and pa palin, is she doing all this for free while "chipping away" at that college degree?
    I slogged through both Palin books, that also had hypocritical titles and cover photos, I think I can handle reading his side of the story as well. Don't judge a book by it's cover.
    Whatever he makes goes to supporting Tripp, so how can it be a "bad thing".
    Yeah, his claim to fame was his sperm reached Bristol's eggs before anyone else's, and he posed in some artfully done, hockey jock themed, semi nude photos, he was polished up and exploited, just like all the palin kids, for the greater honor and glory of Sarah.

    I think he'll add some interesting kernels of fact to what's already been said.

  153. 10catsinMD7:42 PM

    Sorry folks. I love that picture. It makes me laugh so much. I will have to buy at least three or four copies of the book to give out as presents.

  154. Levi's book is moving fast on the Amazon bestsellers list. He's outselling Bristol in spite of hers being available longer, having adorable Tripp on the cover, and having bots to beef up the sales.

    Levi - 11,990
    Bristol - 78,110

    My bet is the Palins/Heaths/SarahPAC will buy truckloads of Bristol's book.

  155. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Right, everyone calm down...this is a spoof. A serious cover would have been far more deserving of our ridicule. This was the way to go, Levi!

    Levi doesn't need to be taken seriously or gain respect, especially. I doubt he'll continue on any political path. He just needs to share some interesting pieces of information and he will have succeeded.

    Dumb like a fox.

  156. Anonymous8:49 PM

    When you think about it, it is more than edgy to be bringing up the crosshairs image again.

    Like I said, dumb like a fox.


  157. Anonymous8:58 PM

    I think the cover is fresh and bold and rightfully depicts the crazy, cartoonish nightmare the Palin association brought him. Were it not for Sarah's greedy ambition, this boy would have continued a simple, anonymous life. Loosen up folks.

  158. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I don't feel that Levi has credibility problems at all.

    I always saw him as a straight shooter, few words type.

    It was painfully obvious to me that Palin had used the threat of not seeing his son (or being allowed to get back with Bristol) to get him to retract the things he had said about her. I was glad he had the guts to retract the retraction, even though many would criticize him for it. Hope he continues telling the truth.

  159. Anonymous10:12 PM

    @5:50 pm - If you think Levi is a tattooed dirtbag for tattooing his baby son's name....please do tell us what you think about Bristol's Snookie-Kardashian facial plastic surgery. Please do tell.

  160. Anonymous10:41 PM

    I've seen Levi and Mercede use the threat of exposing S. Palin as leverage for family issues. Am thinking this is another one of those times. That said, would be most pleasantly surprised if this were a tell all.
    Please, Levi, do tell all. For your country. We would suffer greatly if that crazy woman got into public office.

  161. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Hey palinbot trolls, you don't have to buy Levi's book so quit stressing out. But, you should definitely donate to SarahPac. Sarah really really wants your money therefore you should give it to her. Here's the link:

  162. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I'm buying it! Team Levi!

  163. The only thing I like about this cover is that it tells it like it is - Sarah Palin's crosshairs ARE NOT surveying symbols ferchrisszke. If you are near here and vulnerable to manipulation, watch out, you are a target with little or no chance. So for that, I think the title is good.

    The graphic design is just godawful, but if the information is solid enough and interesting enough perhaps it will have a second printing and a redesigned cover. Stranger things have happened.

  164. Anonymous8:27 AM

    "Anonymous said...

    I have always suspected that Sarah bedded Levi. The secrets that family must hold.
    4:26 PM"

    I think he is Trig's father
    with Sarah. Trig looks exactly
    like Sarah Palin, and he looks
    exactly like Levi, and we all
    know Bristol can't be Trig's
    mother because she was pregnant
    with Tripp when Trig was born.

    I believe SP gave birth to
    Trig, she looked dumpy as
    hell during her supposed
    pregnancy, so I buy that she
    was pregnant. Unhappily pregnant.

  165. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Gryphen, this book deal was brokered by a man named Sterling Lord. He is a BIG deal. Please do a post on him and you will see that Levi will definitely have some interesting things to say in this book - despite the fact that Tank and Rex are involved.

  166. Levi's only hope of making any money from this book is to tell all and I mean all.

    Including anything and everything he knows about Trig's birth.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.