Monday, June 27, 2011

Chris Wallace to Michele Bachmann: "Are you a flake?" Can I answer that?

Oooh, I do NOT think that Bachmann enjoyed that question!

"Well I think that would be insulting, to say something like that."

Really? Because Wallace JUST said something like that.  So if she were to be insulted you would think THIS would be the time. I don't believe she is completely connected to reality.

(H/T to Political Carnival.)


  1. Anonymous2:33 AM

    So, she DOES know what "insulting" means? I was starting to wonder after all the vile comments she has made about our President. Have any of these 23 foster children she "raised" ever come forward to testify what a great (absentee) momma she was? Why hasn't Wallace ever asked Palin "Are you REALLY the birth mother of Trig?"

  2. Anonymous2:38 AM

    There is a family photo floating around of her with her adult kids and she is sitting on her husband's lap looking like a ventriloquist's dummy!! Creepy, wow, Chuckles Heath kind of creepy. Bet $carah wishes she had thought of that, before Toad seperated himself from her. I am sure if she pays him, he would do it.

  3. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Did Chris Wallace ask Sarah Palin the same question? If not, then he should have done so.

  4. angela3:04 AM

    It would be pushing the threshold of reality to expect Bachmann to be insulted by anything thrown at her by FAUX. As the network is plainly just a GOP publicity sight.

    All conservative candidates are warned there will be at least one question out of a thousand whereby they won't be licked like a newborn kitten. Of course, they are allowed to answer the question by actually not answering it, seeming drugged, clueless, deaf or just blaming it on the president.

    Regular FAUX viewers won't know the difference.

  5. comeonpeople3:10 AM

    What the heck?
    He can ask MB if she is a flake but not ask Palin if she is a FAKE. It's one less letter so I know he can pronounce it.

  6. Chenagrrl3:29 AM

    Where does the GOP find these women?

    Let's see, she's a practicing tax lawyer, mother of five, stepmother to 23 and had time to stalk gay-rights rallies.

    Was she sole practitioner or part of a group? How long, how much experience?

    Where are the five kids? (If you're gonna flaunt 'em, you better introduce them.)

    What was her role in raising (her claim) the 23 foster kids?

    What was up with the stalking? She sounds like Alfonse D'Amato and Rudy Giuliani when they hid in the trunk of a cruiser and popped out during a drug bust. Weirdos!

  7. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Harold Ford just said on Morning Joe that he did not know that Bachmann was a lawyer until he heard her tell Chris Wallace. If Ford, a former Congressman and a paid political commentator, does not know that a leading Presidential contender is a lawyer with her degee from Oral Roberts Law School it should be no surprise that the majority of our voters have no clue how they vote.

    Bachmann's flakeness, her crazy religious beliefs, and the fact she was educated at Oral Roberts University should be shouted from the roof tops because we will not hear it from the MSM.


  8. Anonymous3:53 AM

    That is a Jon Stewart "Moment of Zen" if I have ever seen one...

  9. Anonymous4:28 AM

    sorry gryphen, but Chris Wallace has his reality in his name, and he has no good reason to ask such a rude and "sensational" question of Ms. Bachmann. She may be a flake, but he has no business asking her on t.v. if she is one. how professional is that?

  10. Anonymous4:30 AM

    you have to admit, would douchebag wallace ask trump or kucinich (whom i love) if they are flakes? both of whom could be easily described that way. i think this was a kind of sexist or rather demeaning because she is a woman and he wouldnt ask that question of a man kind of question. there are many questions he could have asked her. like how much money did she get paid to foster those kids and isnt that socialism? and is her husband a closeted homosexual? and does she really think jesus rode on dinosaurs? and whats up with all the pork she gets for her district? and if her virgin 15 yr old daughter was raped in a tent by her boyfriend after getting drunk would she want her to write a book about it or press charges? are you a flake is a dumbass question.

  11. Anonymous4:56 AM

    I am encouraged that Chris Wallace just came right out and said that to her face. She is a flake.

  12. Nancy In New York5:13 AM

    The problem with Bachmann (besides the batshit crazy thing) is that she used to be a joke with the goppers until they became card carry teabaggers and flooded their party with the crazy loon crowd. (This started, by the way, because no one had the balls enough to say that Palin was unqualified to be VP). Now they're stuck with her running around thinking she should be president.

    Only problem is that she appeals exclusively to the extreme right wing of the nation and NO ONE else. She won't get one Independent to vote for her, let alone a democrat or a much hated liberal.
    And anyone with half a brain knows that you can't win a presidential election without the moderate/independent/other party voters backing you.

    So Run like the wind Crazy Eyes, it's going to be almost as much fun to watch you crash and burn as it was watching the downfall of Her Rogueness.

  13. Anonymous5:43 AM

    I'm insulted she gets to put these accolades on her resume. She's got a little bit more credibility (smarts) than our Sarah Palin - but I'm just as equally insulted these flakes thinks they can lead our country.

    Okay, she keeps upping her Foster Parent status, she's RAISED 23 children. Fostering can be as quick as 24 hours to several years - but RAISED 23 vulnerable children?

    Matt Tiabbi, Rolling Stone, whoever, try again, investigate Michele Bachmann's claim of being a homemaking tax lawy supermom, older and brighter than Sarah Palin.

  14. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Actually, I think the question was theater/pre-emptive, just like when he asked Palin about her Paul Revere screw up.

    In both cases, yeah he "asked the question", and in both cases he sat back, smiled and nodded with approval as they cheaply dodged it. He in no way challenged their answer, allowing them to look like they'd debunked the question. Wallace is literally a tool.

    I mean, in Palin's case, he actually claimed to have "Googled it", and since he didn't rebut her STILL WRONG answer, it shows that the whole thing was staged to allow Palin to "address the issue" and appear to come out on top.

    The same thing was done here with Bachmann. Now, if Wallace had followed up his question with examples of the crazy stuff she's said, that would be different.

    But he didn't.

  15. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Chris Wallace On Michele Bachmann’s ‘Flake’ Question: ‘I Messed Up, I’m Sorry’

    Chris Wallace is back again commenting on one of his interviews, but this time he is also apologizing. Earlier today he interviewed Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann and rather bluntly asked her “are you a flake?” It’s a question that Wallace now admits he regrets.

  16. Why didn't he address that question to the WGE? She would have screeched out an appropriately foul response.

  17. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Great. We can expect to see a Michele Bachmann ad this week that begins with "I'm not a flake. I'm you!"

  18. Anonymous6:29 AM

    G -
    You are right she is not connected to reality - but that question was designed to insult and belittle her.
    Would he ask the same of Palin - God forbid!!
    Pat Padrnos

  19. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Anonymous 4:28

    With a good portion of people who follow politics believing Bachmann is a flake why shouldn't Wallace give her the opportunity to "refutiate" it? In her own manner she is one of the nastiest attack dogs on the right.


  20. Ferry Fey6:52 AM

    I think she is creepy and appalling, but asking her if she is a flake is demeaning, unprofessional, and not in the least bit useful.

  21. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I am assuming that after Palin declares her candidacy she will be asked the same question.

  22. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Faux Nooze=Fake Controversy.

    Polls ( and maybe some former campaign workers) say 'she looks like a flake to me!'

    The Bachmann Campaign Immunization Program has to get it in gear.

    Faux Nooze asks 'R U a Flake?'.

    Faux candidate says: 'I R Not a Flake!'.

    Faux Nooze apologizes for asking hard questions( promises to stick to the prearranged talking points going forward).

    Faux Nooze begins reporting ' The recent reports that the candidate is a flake are wrong. It is an insult to the candidate to ask if she is a flake.'

    See previous episode of 'Turd Blossom and the Vietnam War hero presidential campaign' ( The Kerry and his 'fake' Purple Heart vs. Stateside Dubya episode).

    p.s. What is with the talking about themselves in third person? Shades of the vaguely bearded one?

  23. Anonymous8:33 AM

    In recent news articles, I've noticed that Michele Bachmann often deflects awkward questions with answers like that. Unlike Palin, she at least answers the reporters -- but she does it with replies that often sound very strange (like this one does).

  24. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Mr. Bachmann, heterosexual:

  25. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I thought the very same things as Anonymous at 3:01. Why didn't Chris Wallace conduct the same type of interview with Sarah Palin as he did with Michele Bachman? Honestly, Bachmann is a far superior candidate than the half term half wit. But I won't vote for either.

    For Chris to ask whether Bachmann is a flake, was a big surprise. But when he decided, after interviewing Palin that she was presidential material, was even more shocking.

  26. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Folks, we're talking about Fox News here. God Forbid Keith asked the same exact question, and the results would be totally different, apology or not.

    Fox operates in it's own parallell universe. They can't ask Palin the same question, because she's a paid pot stirrer, and again, apology or not, the results would be totally different.

    She needs to be more forthright with her background, she's always got an answer to conveniently fit every question. The farm belongs to her father in law, and she didn't benefit, she raised and launched into the world multiple foster children, when they were ready, of course. She has a titanium spine, yet gets her panties in a wad over gay rights and a stupid question that happens to pertain to her.

    She makes gaffes, then self corrects them afterward. Does anyone want her anywhere near the nuclear button in the white house?

    "I pushed the button by mistake, sorry I just blew up Great Britain, but it was an honest mistake, it looked just like Staple's "Easy button", and I needed to order some paper for the fax machine..."

    I concurr totally with Bill's comment above.


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