Sunday, June 26, 2011

Professor Brad Scharlott and Laura Novak continue their fascinating conversation over on Laura's blog.

Courtesy of Laura's blog:

LN: But let’s get back to the question of harm. What is the harm, Palin supporters ask, even if she did fake the birth of Trig?

BS: I would say that a pathology of fear has enveloped much of Alaska, especially the Wasilla area, over this issue. You have to remember that Sarah Palin is demonstrably ruthless, unethical, and vengeful – it’s good to keep in mind her campaign to destroy the career of Mike Wooten, her former brother-in-law. Plus, in the space of four weeks in late 2008 and early 2009, fires in Wasilla damaged Palin’s church and caused the death of a former neonatal nurse, Dar Miller. The church fire was due to arson; the cause of the fire at Miller’s home was not determined. Some people speculated that adoption records perished in the church fire, but I can find no confirmation of that.

There’s no evidence linking the Palins to those fires. But several Alaskans have told me that Wasilla residents fear they may suffer similar fates if they cross the Palins. Certainly Alaskans have good reason to fear they may lose their jobs if they anger Sarah Palin, as safety commissioner Walter Monaghan did when he refused to fire Mike Wooten. She may not be in power now, but many of her loyal appointees are.

LN: And I might add here that I know first hand about people who talk, and then clam up, because they know that people are whispering about them. I know about people in government putting pressure on reporters not to report. About newspaper reporters who were talking to me one day, and then shutting down the conversation the next.

BS: And then there are stories of people who know too much or said the wrong thing about the Palins, who then suffered vandalism or worse, such as the documented case of a car window being shot out while children were inside – the apparent reason: an anti-Palin personalized license place.

I would further argue, Laura, that this pathology of fear has spawned a pathology of deceit. You recently noted how all the reporters, editors and columnists at the Alaska Daily News have seemingly been told to sing from the same hymnal concerning the fake birth question – contradicting earlier actions by ADN staff – even though the newspaper provides no documentary evidence to support the claim that Palin birthed Trig. And as I’ve noted before, former ADN reporter Wes Loy, who famously wrote that Palin “simply does not look pregnant,” for some reason decided to recant, despite evidence I provided that directly contradicts his alleged change of heart.

I am reminded of the fall of Saddam Hussein. After the liberation of Iraq, Iraqis came forward to say how terrible it had been to live in a society where saying anything negative about Saddam could have fatal consequences, and that therefore they were careful, even before their own children, to never to speak too freely. Alaska is not Iraq, of course, but I am sure there are people in Alaska who likewise are afraid to say what they know about the Palins and who dissemble in front of their children, lest loose lips lead to horrible consequences.

Considering what I know about Sarah Palin I have NO problem with the Professor comparing her to Saddam Hussein, if we are talking about the heavy handed way they treat their subordinates and the fear that Palin was instilled in a handful of people living in Wasilla. But I must reiterate that I have NO evidence that either Todd or Sarah did anybody any physical harm.

Cause them to be fired, or damage their reputations? Yes. Cause them to lose their lives or suffer significant injury? No.

Having made that one point, I direct you to click the link and read the rest of this interesting back and forth conversation.  You might even see a name or two that you recognize.


  1. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Why is it,do you suppose, that I sometimes imagine the following lines from deep w/in the sarastorm:

    "Never give a sucker an even break, and I never will".

    Ohhh... I've been reading the pess again..

    Nevermind...gotta go shower...

  2. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Gryphen linked to an excellent article, which has those pictures of Levi, with frosted hair, holding a baby (Trig?) Levi also is wearing what looks like a wedding band, on the finger where he later tattooed Bristol's name. The story that he told to Vanity Fair was that he was hunting during the summer and lost his ring as the reason for the Bristol Tattoo on his ring finger. Trig was supposed to be born in April 2008, and the hunting and ring loss would have happened a few months later. By the time he showed up at the Republican Convention at the end of August, he had the tattoo.

    Why would Levi (and Bristol) get married when they didn't even announce their pregnancy with Tripp until Levi's birthday a few weeks later in May. The picture of Levi holding the baby looks as if he is posing with new borne (or just arrived) Trig Palin, official birth date April 18, 2008, but he could have been born earlier. It is strange for a young guy, who had bragged in four-letter language that he didn't want kids to show up at a hospital to hold his girl friend's mother's new baby. The fact that he posed with Trig several times (the Triggy Bear pictures) makes it even more weird. Where are the pictures of Trig's sisters, Piper and Willow holding the baby that they just saw delivered? Where are the mother and father, Sarah and Todd? Those are the pictures that are usually taken with a new borne, especially when Willow has so much expertise in diagnosing Trig's Down syndrome the moment that he was born.

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    The bots comments over on Laura's blog are priceless and revealing. Of course Sarah doesn't hold a candle to the corruption of the mafia that lied to get Obama in Office! :-) They hate that man so much that they will lie and defend her to their death! I sure hope this movie will be be last hurrah! The Fundies are sure leaning toward Bachmmann to take over the WH AND the world! They'll prolly be over here soon to put you in your place! Don't you just love their blind allegiance.

  4. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Sounds like the so called 'journalists' at the ADN are a bunch of cowards.

  5. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Was it Syrin who said Sarah went after one of Todd's gf's tires with a knife slashing aal four in a fit of rage. Sarah (I'll sue you) Palin never went after the N.Q. over the Brad Hanson story either. Or the Tripp prostitution.

    Where did Levi say the name Tripp came from?

  6. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Sarah Jr., that is a good one. Sarah and Bristol opened up a field day with their trademarks to come up with alternative names for them.

  7. ibwilliamsi7:25 PM

    Excellent article. Thanks for the link, Gryph.

  8. Ratfish7:27 PM

    "Alaska is not Iraq, of course."

    It's closer than you think. A friend from Wasilla who knows the Palins well told me when she was till governor that the way to understand her best is think of TRIBALLY as in Saddam Hussein (without the murder, etc.).

    Just like only the Takritis were favored by Hussein, similarly you were either part of the Palin/Heath Klan, or you were not.

    And if not, you might not have been murdered, but you, your career, and your reputation might be thrown under the bus or otherwise harmed in a petty, vengeful way.

  9. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Pella is going to get ransacked.

    Shelby Storm
    Pella, IA is about to get hit with a tsunami of media, pundits and Sarah Palin this coming week. I hope the weather is great because that small town looks very charming and picturesque from their web site. Hope Sarah spends some time with the folks there.

  10. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Wow, What a great picture for C4P to put up of Tammy Bruce who is being excitedly promoted as being in Pella.

    Dear Mr. chief of Police, note the gun in Tammy's hand. Really the policing force in Pella has no excuse not to be ignoring the big red flag waving. Someone is going to get hurt, especially when Sarah is a no show.

  11. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Interview with Bristol Palin:

  12. Anonymous10:21 PM

    You know, the ring Levi wore would make sense if Bristol were trying to get him to cease his running around. Very few men I know where rings. Levi had a wandering eye. I find nothing weird about it honestly.

  13. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Bachmann Steals Sarah’s Thunder: Sarah Quits Again & Lets Her Take It

    It’s tough to catch lightning in a bottle.

    Equally tough to recapture the sound of thunder once someone else has spirited it away.

    Sarah Palin’s endless, erratic dithering about her 2012 intentions has created a vacuum on the evangelical right that Michelle Bachmann has been quick to fill.

    Who was all over the Sunday talk shows today? Bachmann. Suddenly, the press is all about her.

    Just look at this.

    Through her fear of engagement with America’s opinion-makers, and movers and shakers, Sarah has painted herself into a corner at which fewer and fewer people even bother to glance.

    Bachmann has effortlessly slid into the groove that Sarah once occupied.

    Suddenly, it’s Bachmann who is the “serious” female candidate for the GOP nomination.

    Suddenly–or not so suddenly–Sarah has been shoved to the sidelines, from which her shrill cries can barely be heard.

    I start the last chapter of THE ROGUE by writing:

    The time has come to strike the tent.

    That may seem like a strange thing to say in the last chapter of a book about the star performer of the circus. But no matter how much my book sales might benefit from a Palin presidential campaign in 2012, I sincerely hope that the whole extravaganza, which has been unblushingly underwritten by a mainstream media willing to gamble the nation’a future in exchange for the cheap thrill of watching a clown in high heels on a flying trapeze, is nearing the end of its run.
    Someone who knows Sarah better than I do told me recently that the only thing that would propel her into the 2012 race would be a credible Michelle Bachmann candidacy. Because Sarah couldn’t bear to yield the limelight to another woman.

    Yet it’s happened. I’d always thought Sarah would run for president because to not do so would destroy her credibility even among the cretins who would have supported her.

    But she just didn’t have the guts, or the commitment, to do so. She’s always been a phony and a bully.

    Because of John McCain’s desperate and deeply unpatriotic inanity, she got in over her head in 2008.

    She’s been treading water ever since. Now she’s about to sink out of sight.

    To switch the metaphor back to the circus, she’s skulked away from the center ring, conceding it to Bachmann without a fight.

    A venal, lying, avaricious quitter she always was, and a venal, lying and avaricious quitter she’ll always be.

    Goodbye, Sarah, “The Oft-Defeated.” We knew ye all too well.

  14. Anonymous4:49 AM

    That interview with Bristol, what a perfect example of a neglectful parent who has no control over her child. Bristol is a worthless piece of flesh.

  15. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Some day, she will say, "I adopted that baby as a favor to his birth family, and I swore before God that Trig would never know he was adopted. And I was willing to say and do the most ridiculous things to claim that I'd given birth to him. But, now thanks to all the haters, Trig will know he was adopted. Thanks a lot, haters." Double victim points!!

  16. emrysa6:18 AM

    @ 5:28:

    if she adopted the kid and then shut up about it, then you might be right about the 'double victim points.' but she didn't shut up. she went around getting paid huge money to tell the story of a birth that didn't happen, of being able to hide it because of her tight abs, about what an easy pregnancy it was, about her doc visits, sonograms, flying after her water broke, etc - nope, she's in way too deep with this one. the only people who will feel any sympathy are the low iq-ers who already support her. everyone else will be disgusted.

  17. Sarah Palin is a Nazi. Plain and simple.

  18. Hey, Anonymous at 5:28 am.

    You just wrote Sarah's speech! We'll know for sure she reads this board when she uses that adoption excuse, word for word, when she's finally exposed for the lying bitch she is.

    I would be careful if I were you. You channeled Sarah way too well. If you start to feel a craving for Taco Bell crunchwraps and Starbucks, time to find an exorcist.


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