Sunday, June 19, 2011

Chris Wallace tries to convince Jon Stewart that Fox is not a propaganda tool for the Republican party. Anybody want to bet on how that goes?

Jon Stewart to Chris Wallace: "You're insane!"


  1. Anonymous6:44 PM

    They keep inviting him on and sit there stupidly as he rips them from stem to stern. You'd think they'd learn but I suppose they go in and their fans write and tell them how badly they kick JS's butt.

    The fun part was the thread I picked it up from earlier today linked to the famous Crossfire, the one that probably single-handedly ended that show. Spent longer than I wanted to on them both but what a joy to listen to him tear these assholes apart. Poor Chris Wallace, since he let Palin off the hook whatever shred, scrimpy as it was, of respect or indifference to him is gone.

  2. Balzafiar6:50 PM

    I saw that earlier today. It was fun watching Wallace have his head handed to him. But Jon is nice enough about it; he's not mean-spirited at all, just really intelligent and well spoken.

  3. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I get so sick of watching the "host" of these stupid talk shows talking all over their guests. PUT A SOCK IN IT, CHRIS!! LET THE MAN ANSWER YOUR STUPID QUESTIONS!

  4. Anonymous7:09 PM

    chris wallace is a moron....or is it moran?

  5. Anonymous7:23 PM

    He runs circles around the clowns at Fox. Fox keeps thinking he is an uninformed, anything for laughs comedienne, but then try to put him in Edward Murrow's role to criticize him.

    The funny thing is that Stewart's show on Comedy Central has higher ratings than all the shows on Fox, other than O'Reilly, and Stewart is on at 10:00pm. Stewart and Colbert are teaching their viewers to be cynical and be informed viewers.

    Chris doesn't realize that Stewart uses the same ploy with O'Reilly and says that O'Reilly is the sane one at Fox. Does anyone get the sense that Chris Wallace would like to throw in the towel and agree with him?

  6. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Much as I love Jon Stewart, I just can't watch it. Chris Wallace is so swarmy he makes my skin crawl in the same way as when I hear the Mama Grizzly open her stupid mouth.

  7. Somewhere a couple of weeks ago, I think right after the Paul Revere gaffe, I read a great description of how Sarah’s brain works relating to the response she gave to the “gotcha” question. It described her thinking not in a whole sentence but more like a ping pong ball going from word to word. I haven’t been able to find that post again and am not sure it was here but does anyone remember it?

  8. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Bugs Bunny said it best, 'What a maroon!'

  9. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Chris Wallace is hopelessly outclassed in IQ, wit and oratory.

    nicer clothes, though

  10. Jeanette123, I remember that post. It marveled at the idiocy of anyone beginning a sentence with the words "He who" and took it from there.

    The scary thing was that the explanation made sense, if you start with the imbecilic frame of reference Palin uses when she tries to think/speak.

  11. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I guess Ailes made Chris Wallace do this interview to protect his little investment of the victim Sarah Palin and the "liberal" MSM calling on readers to pour over the Palin emails. (Of course Wallace said there was nothing of note discovered in the emails so I guess it must be true if it came from FOX)It was going well until Stewart felt like he had to make nice.
    Stewart shamed Keith Olbermann last year for his "Worst Persons" schtick and Keith gave it up for a while. Stewart shamed Ed Schultz for his "Psycho Talk" segment and he dropped it for a while. Ailes and the Fox propaganda network never can be shamed in to changing. It's all about the money. Beck was losing advertisers and $$ so Ailes dropped him.
    The best line of the interview, and Stewart was adamant about this: "The MOST uninformed viewers are Fox viewers!" Wallace was in awed disbeliefl wanted to move on to Comedy Network's programming.
    To work for Fox one must sell his/her soul and check all scruples at the door. No integrity whatsoever.
    P.S. The Nancy Pelosi media briefing was also a good example of the point of sensationalism in the MSM which Stewart was making. Wonder if the media will be calling for Boehner to resign this week? Doubt it.

  12. Chris Wallace hasn't a clue he's had a major overhaul of his nether regions by Jon Stewart. Oh, he's going to feel the pain when he sees the replay. Fox, on one hand puts Stewart on a pedestal along with Twain and Rogers (rightly so,) and then tries to tear him down for doing exactly as they did. Fox wants so much to portray Jon as a subversive who is using humor to undermine the ring wing. He just uses their own words and film clips to show their ridiculousness and they can't stand it. I just loved it when Jon mentioned that the networks all cut away from the Pelosi press conference as soon as she stated that there would be no discussion of Anthony Weiner. He's absolutely right that the MSM is lazy. Everyone who supports this blog knows that. If the MSM had done its job in 2008, the Palin Nightmare would have been over a long time ago.

  13. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Personally, I can't stand Chris Wallace. He's a Fox puppet at least Jon Stewart is his own man and a far more intelligent one also, too!

  14. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Why does he say that SP's email dump was inconsequential? They proved Palin a Barbie Doll, as even more of an idiot than we already knew her to be! I think that Jeremy Morlock's letter to Palin will be very consequential in a good way to him, and we see a governor who was obsessed like a teenager over her Blackberries and keeping score.

  15. Anonymous9:13 PM

    This was a set up by fox news. They know stewart is beating them in the ratings, so they bring stewart on with wallace to try and discredit stewart. When your beating the enemy you don't give them free ammo to shot back at you.I wish Jon would have said thanks but no thanks to their ambush.

  16. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I actually started feeling sorry for Wallace, after awhile.

    You could FEEL him thinking, "Oh, man, I'm going to get in such shit for letting this guy get the upper hand, on me."

  17. Mike Wallace was such a great investigative reporter on 60 minutes. I hope he is ashamed of his son!

  18. Nikogriego9:58 PM

    "anything for laughs comedienne" 7:23 pm

    (it is "comedian", not "comedienne", because Jon Stewart is male.)

    "Chris Wallace is so swarmy" 7:27 pm

    ("swarmy" not a word. Probably really meant "smarmy.")

  19. Anonymous10:15 PM

  20. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Does the fact that John Stewart makes perfect sense and seems well-reasoned in his answers make me a "liberal" or just an intelligent person? The idea of mentioning South Park and showing the clip of a roast with the intention of humiliating The Daily Show seems so stupid. How do you explain satire to someone who just doesn't get it?

  21. Jon Stewart is too sharp the those Fox guys.

  22. Gasman12:12 AM

    Stewart just bitch slapped Wallace, but it won't make any difference at all. The fans of Stewart will be laughing their asses off at what a douchnozzle Wallace is, while the FauxNews brain dead cousin humpers will howl at how much of a liberal pussy queer Stewart is.

    However, few people can bring the hurt to FauxNews dickheads like Wallace better than Stewart.


  23. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Give Fox credit for one democratic action - they hire the (mentally) handicapped. Beck, Palin, O'Reilly and some of the others are truly "off balance" mentally. I do not watch any of them, just read about their crazy antics. Ailes must have some hidden sensor that weeds these crazy people out, then he hires them! Maybe they make him feel normal?

  24. OMG - how much do you love Jon Stewart?
    He doubles the IQ inside the FOX building the minute he walks in the door. Brilliant man. Not a single moment of "oh geez, what do I say to that?" - he is 100% comfortable with himself and his views.
    Not to mention, one of the sexiest men who ever lived.

  25. Chris Wallace needs to have Sarah Palin explain John Stewart to him.
    Then maybe Wallace will understand satire!

  26. Anonymous3:57 AM

    John Stewart ROCKS!

  27. Smarmy is the perfect word to describe Chris Wallace - ugh. He sits there looking so smug and self-righteous. Does he even understand that he is contradicting himself by the end? Hello, it's called Comedy Central for a reason - D'uh!

  28. laprofesora5:37 AM

    I thought it was interesting that Wallace questioned Stewart's network on their programming...duh, it's COMEDY Central! He tried to equate the two networks, which is hysterical since Fox is a big joke anyway. And he treated Stewart's show as if it were equivalent to the shows on Fox; Stewart's show is FAKE news...oh, wait, maybe they are the same...

  29. deebee6:06 AM

    Wallace et al at fox can deny "marching orders" because there is no smoking gun direct order from Ailes. However there is a "sealed envelope" with the marching order "You're Fired" ready to be delivered should any fox employee actually live up to their claim of "fair and balanced".

  30. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Here is the comment some of you were looking for...
    Anonymous said...

    When Palin starts a sentence, she has absolutely no idea where it is going. She begins with the word "He," and then her lone neuron fires and she adds the word "who." Who the fuck talks like that? I am fifty years old, and don't think I have ever started a sentence with "He who" in my entire life.

    Then, she needed a verb. What did "He who" do? With her brain bouncing around her empty head like a ping-pong ball in a clothes dryer - we have a winner: "warned!" Got it? "He who warned!" Subject (sort of) and verb! Now we're getting somewhere, and putting that communications degree to good use, also too.

    But warned is a transitive verb, and needs an object. So who or what did "He who" warn? Looooooong pause while she rummages around that sock drawer of a skull. Wasn't there something about the British way back then? Maybe he warned them? What the fuck, I could start clucking like a chicken and my followers would swear off eggs for a year. So yeah, "He who warned the British."

    Wait a minute, though. "He who" was a real American. Why would he warn the British about anything? Damn! Took a wrong turn on that verb. But let's keep going anyway. God opened this door so let's plow on through, right? If the British were the bad guys, what could a real American warn them about? Quick palm check - there's the word "guns" written there, so let's make it about guns. Okay you Limey motherfuckers, just try taking away our guns and our precious freedoms to let our children shoot themselves in our own homes.

    By this time, the Palin train is picking up steam and the words are actually coming together with some rhythm, even if they are complete bullshit. Uh-oh! There's a bend in the track ahead, so let's slow down a bit. Listen to the way she makes the word "town" have three syllables. But once she makes it back to the straightaway, she can just recycle a bunch of bullshit from the first half of the statement (arms, freedom, more arms).

    There's stupid; there's really stupid; and then there's Sarah Palin. But I'd have to say that there's a fourth level of stupid beyond that: if you're a Palin supporter, then you are absolutely the dumbest of the dumb.

  31. Good God, Jon Stewart is such a better human being than I am. I would have leapt across the desk a couple of times.

  32. Good God, Jon Stewart is such a better human being than I am. I would have leapt across the desk a couple of times.

  33. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Wallace has his smarmy idealogical-imprinted grin vs Jon Stewart and his compassionate-comedic brains. Thanks faux for the comparison. Wallace must have been wearing his Fox-DependsPants for this shit.


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