Monday, June 20, 2011

The softer side of President Obama.

You know he has a lot of practice calming down babies thanks to his experience working with the Republicans.

I love the look on Michele's face by the way.


  1. Anonymous2:16 AM

    That was adorable!

  2. MC30312:46 AM

    That is priceless! Love that. Thank you, Gryphen, for posting this. Can you imagine dubya doing that? Hell, the baby would have exploded from the stoopid! heheh

  3. Anonymous3:14 AM

    That's adorable! Thanks for posting Gryphen. Big smile on my face to start the day.

    R in NC

  4. Nan C3:27 AM

    The look on his face is priceless, too. We don't get to see it very well, but there is sure a smug feel to his face when he glances over at Michelle.

    What a fun clip!

  5. Anonymous3:46 AM

    I love our President! I love how he just swoops her up in his arms and reassuringly says "come on baby, come on" and she just calms right down. It's good to know that he's at the helm; his calm demeanor is just what this country needs, especially with the GOP knee-jerk reactionary default they have.

  6. Anonymous3:50 AM

    That's precious. I was trying to picture the Paylins calming down a baby...and can't!

  7. Anonymous3:50 AM

    President Obama has "the healing touch" - that specialness that special people have.

  8. Anonymous4:00 AM

    What a great President we have. I love the look on Michelle's face, too!!.

  9. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Very cute.

  10. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Fox News Headline -- Obama tries to steal white baby.

  11. Anonymous4:10 AM

    OT but

    Check out the picture of Sarah's movie maker on palingates.

  12. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Catch Pres O's face at the end - like an "I got this!"

    I watched it 3 times it was so cute.

  13. Anonymous4:21 AM

    What an amazing, tender moment! That's our "prez."

  14. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Another clue that he is a loving and involved dad: Look at how he holds the baby like it is second nature. He has spent many nights rocking the girls, I'm sure.


  15. Anonymous5:02 AM

    That is a well practiced Daddy!!! I love the hold the baby to the shoulder and bounce... he knew just what to do!!!

  16. laprofesora5:09 AM

    That made me tear up! I just love our President. He is completely genuine, even babies know it. Great video to start my day, thanks, Gryph!

  17. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Love it ! Thanks for posting this, G.

  18. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Love it!

  19. Virginia Voter5:27 AM

    He, he...President Obama just shoots Michelle a look, like, "I got this".

    Very cute...babies know when they are in safe hands.

  20. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Papa's Day and our grand and glorious Prez:

  21. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Here is a photo him holding the baby:

  22. Pennyspruce6:10 AM

    I loved the clip. Watched it over and over. Now how will Fox "News" twist this? Black Militant Michelle Obama/White Children..

  23. Anonymous6:12 AM

    What always amazes me is that I have seen more pictures of Obama tenderly cradling someone else's kids than I have seen of Palin cradling her own.

  24. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Guess Which Book On Amazon?

    unfit for office(86)
    narcissistic personality disorder
    bad mother(36)
    pathological liar(25)
    brain dead(10)


  25. wakeUpAmerica6:24 AM

    That is hilarious. Love your comment about sissy-pants rethuglicans.

  26. Chenagrll6:29 AM

    Had seen it before, but needed a lift. Wonderful moment. Love, also, the look on his face.

  27. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Sarah Palin and the ‘Forbidden Boyfriend’

    ...She has time on her side. In Reagan years, it’s still 1957 for her. She should step out of the spotlight, and spend time reading the great works of her movement — Rusher, Buckley, Chambers, Friedman, Hayek, Johnson, Solzhenitsyn, Sowell, etc. — and grapple with how to apply those principles to the Internet age. She should host a syndicated daytime TV talk show that mixes politics and pop culture and earn the trust of the American people over the next decade. That would allow her to overcome the awkwardness and syntax issues that seem to plague her from time to time. If she did that, she could become a powerful force, a sort of hybrid of Oprah and Reagan.

  28. Anonymous7:13 AM

    LOVE IT!!!

  29. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Meanwhile, Sarah Palin gets all the parenting kudos, despite the fact that we've seen her do little actual parenting.

  30. Anonymous7:30 AM

    LOL! (And put THAT in perspective to what babies did when they were given to gwb [sic]...)

  31. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Too sweet!

  32. FEDUP!!!7:39 AM

    That was sooo precious!

    Thanks for the positive start of my day, Gryphen!
    It is widely know fact that babies instinctively feel the intentions of people. (This does not mean that Michelle has/had bad intentions!I feel sorry for Michelle, but... That is life!)

  33. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Priceless! That was genuine. He exudes confidence and class, as does Michelle. I'm so glad Obama is our president!

  34. You should contrast a still of this cuddle with the picture of Palin signing her name on a screaming baby.

  35. Children love Obama. After the 2008 election, our local public library had posters of him at children's eye-level, and kids (of all colors) would race up with glee, saying "Obamaaaaaa." It was very sweet.

  36. hedgewytch8:52 AM

    That is a REAL, unscripted moment, that certain very-fake and incapable of a genuine moment kinda politician, would kill to have.

    And it also tells me a lot about the Obama's relationship and their abilities to relate to children.

  37. Anonymous10:34 AM


  38. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Love the way he looks at Michelle..very cute!

  39. Love this clip! Not only does it show that he obviously has some experience with babies, but I love the interaction between he and Michelle. They are such a fun, loving couple - it is so easy to see that they enjoy each other's company. It's just nice. :)

  40. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Can you imagine George Bush succeeding at something like that?

    Nope, not in a million years.

  41. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Compare this to how Sarah Palin holds Trig, not even helping his little neck, and he's supposedly "hers." Pres. Obama treats a stranger's baby better than Palin treats her own--she even hands him off to little Piper!

  42. Anonymous12:02 PM


    I love our President!

  43. Anonymous12:47 PM

    So sweet. I could watch this a hundred times. Actually, maybe I will, it makes me feel a lot better. There are so many depressing things going on, and this reminds me the first couple are sane and good people, doing their best.

  44. Anonymous1:26 PM

    What a great video! Love the expressions on both their faces. You can tell they are truly a loving couple and that they genuinely love kids.

    You might be able to fool old folks with tea bags hanging from their hats, but babies know when the people holding them really like them and make them feel safe.

    Thanks, Gryphen, for the smile this video brought to my day.

  45. Anonymous2:45 PM

    It is a indication that he has few negative vibes.

    I am not enchanted with him these days but I will store the baby's instinct for security in his arms away for future reference.

    I do like the playing between Obama and Michele, it looks "healthy."

  46. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Proof positive he knows how to nurture and soothe a crying child. What a fantastic moment caught on video.
    I see unconditional love, I see a healthy relationship with his wife. I see a man not afraid to show compassion.
    The bond is clear, just like Sarah has with her crying blackberries.

  47. Anonymous10:20 PM

    They are such a cute couple and I love how easily he handled that baby.

    I'm so appreciative of him being our president. Wonderful family!


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