Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Even after years, and years of brain washing at the Palin compound Bristol accidentally breaks the rules by telling the truth, and Sarah tries to distract attention from it by claiming that celebrities are seeking the death of her children. WTF?

I LOVE that this is on Fox News.

Look at Palin's face when she learns that Bristol let the cat out of the bag and told the media that she had "definitely" made her decision about running in 2012 (At the 2:06 mark). You can see her smile tighten up and her face start to get that pissed off look that she tries so hard to hide from the "Lamestream media."  (By the way if you go back to earlier in the video you can see Palin completely ignoring RAM and acting like she has simply ceased to exist.)

Bristol may have really fucked up her mother's plans with that statement of hers.

Palin has extended her political prick tease out much longer than virtually ANY other potential candidate could have managed, it, but if her supporters believe that she has already made her decision and simply does not deem them important enough to share that information, she might see the fastest exodus of support since John Edward's girlfriend gave birth to his love child while his wife was losing her battle with cancer.

So what is a Grizzled Mama to do when somebody pulls back the royal curtain and let's the peons see that the Queen is bull of Moose poop?

The same thing that Sarah Palin ALWAYS does, she throws out the only ace she owns, the "victim card."

After the movie, as throngs of supporters and reporters clamored for attention, THR asked her: "In the first 10 minutes where all the celebrities are trashing you, how do you respond to something like that?" Palin said she hadn't seen or heard much of the TV and radio footage before seeing it in the movie, which bleeped some of the dirtier language, though it was easy to determine what the entertainers were saying, including lots of profane references to the female anatomy.

"This is the first that I've seen much of that. It kind of takes you back," she told THR. "It makes you want to reach out to some of these folks and say, What's your problem? And what was the problem? And what is the problem?

"What would make a celebrity, like you saw on screen, so hate someone that they'd seek their destruction, their death, the death of their children? What would make someone be so full of hate and, I guess, a sense of being threatened that they would want to see that person destroyed?"

Only Sarah Palin would view comedians making fun of her, or saying critical things about the numerous gaffes she has made, as seeking her "destruction," or her "death," or the "death of her children!"  That is insane!

I also believe that these tactics are no longer as effective as they once were. 

Even the Palin-bots must have their limits, and from what we have seen lately, with their response to her quitting the bus tour, barely contained frustration over the the eternal tease about running, and the lackluster turnout for Bristol's book, and Palin's movie, I believe we are witnessing a tipping point.

And once THOSE rats have fled the sinking ship, it will not make one bit of difference how many pro-Palin movies she has commissioned, the spotlight on her will quickly dim until it simply blinks off one day.


  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    That's it. David Letterman, Barbara Bush, etc. all have issued death threats against her children. I hope the police have been notified, along with the FBI.

    It's a conspiracy, I tell you. A conspiracy against her!! You heard it here first!!

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    She has set herself up for sure, for failure if she doesn't run now. They have too much invested. They were far more forgiving before about her choosing to bow out- for the sake of family, of course. She is in a corner. She'll have to run, or become obsolete.

    Hey Quitter, you'll have to answer actual questions if you run, like what is the War Powers Resolution? What is the 15th Amendment? The 16th?

  3. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I think Sarah is ready for a complete psych breakdown. Death of her children? Because people don't treat her like the pied piper or because they don't agree with her political views? She is crazy and her family really needs to seek help for her.

  4. Warrior8911:47 AM

    It's really too bad that there was no follow up question: Who threatened to kill your children, and when?

    I see she's upgraded (?) from threats of gang rape to threats of death towards her poor children. Her crazy knows no boundaries, does it?

    Sadly, I think her trusty bots believe that shit.

  5. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Isn't this the woman that held rallies in 2008 and let her followers scream out "Kill Him" about then presidential candidate Obama. As they did so Sarah gleefully smiled and never tried to stop them, a word or phrase from her is all it would have taken. That said I think these off the tangent remarks start in her chemically imbalanced brain because that is how SHE feels about others.

  6. padoreva11:56 AM

    She is just dripping sweat in that clip. Love it that Palin is now having hot flashes. Hard to continue to play the sexy political starlet when menopause kicks in.

    Also too her ever-present herpes lip sore. Stress much?

  7. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Now THAT, Sarah honey, was a "gotcha question." "What do you read?" not so much; "Your daughter said you've already decided"--yep, back under the bus for you, Bristol.

  8. FEDUP!!!12:01 PM

    "What would make a celebrity, like you saw on screen, so hate someone that they'd seek their destruction, their death, the death of their children? What would make someone be so full of hate and, I guess, a sense of being threatened that they would want to see that person destroyed?"

    YEAH, $ARAH! WHAT WOULD MAKE SOMEONE HATE OUR PRESIDENT SO MUCH??? Because YOU are the one who spews all this hatred and venom!

  9. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Looking forward to the off-topic fairy tale of the day from the trolls. Not one of them will back up Sarah's claims that celebrities are trying to kill her children or that "she definitely knows" [if she will run for president] was taken out of context.

  10. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Sorry, Bristol, you goofed! No more Kyle Massey reality show for you, no more help hiding the next pregnancy!

  11. imnofred12:09 PM

    I have to claim bullshit when Sarah says that she hasn't seen the movie. She said that to add to the effect of victim-hood. Claiming that celebrities are wishing the death of her family is a total lie, just like about anything else she says.

  12. Anonymous12:09 PM

    When Granny was doing her hate rallies, I felt threatened and I'm not even a minority. I felt like a verbal terrorist had been given a public forum to try to incite violence. Granny playing the victim card doesn't wash with me for a second, the woman is pure evil.

  13. Ratfish12:11 PM

    So Matt Damon compares Palin to a "really bad Disney movie."

    And Palin says: "What would make a hate someone that they'd seek their destruction, their death, the death of their children?"

    She is either sick, or has never seen a Disney movie- good or bad.

    But is was ok for her to put crosshairs on a number of members of Congress.

    Ps. Free Trig!

    Free RAM!

  14. Anonymous12:13 PM

    you go bristol the pistol, way to pull the trigger!

  15. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I agree Gryphen, the tipping point is finally here. She is taking on water, no life boats left. Up coming books and more truth from others will finish it off. I would suggest that those that have info they have been holding on to, for the right time, get it out now before no one cares and it will be worthless.

  16. Anonymous12:21 PM

    hum, victim card. whine whine whine. I've NEVER seen anyone whine so much. I thought she had Jury Duty?
    She lies so much she doesn't know how to be honest.
    No more than a box of rocks for brains.

  17. How could mom NOT have known what Bristol said? I totally think it was a bone thrown to the restless bots.

  18. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Poor ole Sarah - a victim once again. She doesn't seem to realize that she has gone too far this time. In her attempt to keep everyone in the USA guessing as to what she is going to do re seeking to be POTUS, she mas milked it for all it's worth and lots of people are onto her.

    So Bristol went ahead and said Palin had already made her decision? If only to be a fly on the wall in a room with just the 2 of them! The mom & daughter book signing is today, so maybe Bristol can tell us more - thst is, if good ole Mom allows her to even say a word while there.

  19. Virginia Voter12:22 PM

    Wow, so Sarah shows up at a movie premier about her time as Governor in tight jeans, a tacky bedazzled belt with a huge cross buckle, ill fitting wrinkled shirt, and a rats nest on her presidential. You think she could have at least brushed her wig out for the big event.

    She's sweating like she's menopausal or tweaked out, can't figure out which. Hot flashes are certainly not the stuff of most of her fans' wet dreams, are they.

    Sorry, Sarah, it's OVA, we all know you're not running. Bristol told us so.

  20. Anonymous12:22 PM

    You said Mercedes has a computer problem and could not operate her website. You thought you may have a remedy for that.
    What's the latest and the truth?
    Does she have more photos that she just "found"?
    Is she being threatened and that's why she is quiet?
    Did the McCain goons miss a few pics she had stashed somewhere?

  21. Anonymous12:22 PM

    The MSM and other Republicans are being irresponsible not to acknowledge and investigate her very evident mental illness.

    She has never been questioned on the lack of education of her children, why doesn't she attend church, the disapperance of Trig, why she has no interest in DS issues, why her family disappeared on the family vacation, no questions except is she going to run over and over again.

    The MSM and the Republican party accept all the BS she throws out with absolutely no questions. It is a disgrace.


  22. It's getting depressing that we're the only group of people who consistently call this skank out for what she is. Yeah, on occasion some of the crowd at MSNBC or KO do but there is no mass disemination of the reams of evidence that we have.
    There really needs to be an atomic bombshell. Or Hydrogen. Or Neutron. Not a fly swatter. I'm having a sad.

  23. Anonymous12:24 PM

    If I recall, some of the 'Hollywood' people at the beginning of the film were supposed to be Matt Damon (who I think she took on in the media or FB or Twitter when it happened); Rosie O'Donnell; David Letterman.

    Palin texted Brisket calling her 'Honey'. That would never happen in our lifetimes!!!

    I'm curious as to who the Bozo is sticking his ear into 'listen in'. I'm surprized she didn't 'SWAT him' and tell him it's none of his business what she's saying. That would be more typical of Palin's actions!!!

  24. Anonymous12:26 PM

    It was good to see Mrs. Palin sweating bullets - and it had nothing to do with the high temps and humidity in Pella.

    Bristol told the truth... the decision has been made. Mrs. Palin isn't running. The longer she prolongs her announcement, the more money she makes. The palinbots are going to be mighty angry when they realize they have been taken for such a long, pointless ride. I can't wait to hear her excuses for why she has decided not to run.

  25. Anonymous12:29 PM

    That woman is walking talking points bumper sticker. Does she say anything new, except for Freedom, Constitution, soldiers, blah blah blah.

  26. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I've been wearing glasses since 8th grade. I'd say that Granny LuLu is copying me!

    Too bad I didn't trademark "wearing glasses", though, so I can't sue her.

  27. Anonymous12:30 PM

    It isn't as though one of them put a bullseye over them....... or threatened to reload!

  28. Anonymous12:33 PM

    What? Death threats? Weren't the rape charges enough to ignite the supporters anger? That voice of hers could shatter glass, I swear. "It takes you back" did she mean "aback"? It galls me that they still call her "governor" She QUIT.

  29. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I noticed her garish, red belt buckle with the big white cross on it. Yep, she's working the "sex appeal" factor for all she's worth...

    Alas, three minutes of my life are gone, watching BigBoss Quitty pimp herself out. When asked a direct question, she blathers on and on..

    I hope Bill Mahr picks up her comment about how he and the other comedians and actors seek "the death of her children".

  30. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Gryphen, what do you think the deal with RAM is? Do you think she was there with Sarah or there to watch the movie like her other fans. Sarah's outfit is so wrong.

  31. laprofesora12:39 PM

    Well, there you have it: she can't run because people are threatening to kill her children.

    She takes batshit crazy to a whole new level.

  32. Anonymous12:40 PM

    She has the mind of a child. She reminds me of Taylor Swift & her song "Mean" in which she berates people who've been mean to her. The people who were mean to her were critics who said she can't sing. But they'll totally never have as much as she has, or be as good as she is, or live in big cities the way she does, and the mean people are alone, and..just..mean. You know, because mean people suck. In Sarah's case, it is jealousy of her being a Good Christian, who didn't about her last kid, even though he is retarded, and she debated it. Mean people also can't see the beauty of Bristol's new face.

  33. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Did $arah'$ parents go around saying everyone wanted to rape her when she was a teen and she's just following tradition like out of wedlock sex and pregnancy?

  34. Anonymous12:42 PM

    imnofred 12:09 said...
    I have to claim bullshit when Sarah says that she hasn't seen the movie.

    I agree in that it is documented that Palin had seen a rough cut version of the film and these 'Hollywood' snippets would have been included. The rough cut film may have run longer and pieces removed, but I highly doubt new shit was added with the exception of possibly the fake bus tour.

  35. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I don't know Gryph, Was over reading a bot blog from before, during and after her gala yesterday and they sure weren't counting her out. Game ON! They were sure throwing out some nasty threats to the "trolls" and Obots! They truly believe she is running and is going to beat Obama! It was a sick bunch of puppies! They still believe in her to take back this nation in God's name. I think it was called

  36. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Death of her Children?

    I guess the Psycho Bitch from Wasilla still haven't learned anything from the Tuscon massacre.

  37. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Are there ANY reporters with access to Ms. Fraud willing to ask ONE follow-up question to her bullshit accusations of death threats to her kids?
    What a pathetic excuse for journalists they are! They should return their college degrees and slink away in shame.
    Fucking pathetic ass kissers...all of them.

  38. The fact that she's put the kibash on Bristol's comments mean she's not running.

    If she has decided to run, she'd gladly state that she's decided, but it's not time to announce. That makes sense. But to acknowledge that she's decided not to run and still string these people along the way she is doing is to admit she's milking them.

    She's not running.

  39. I can't wait to hear her excuses for why she has decided not to run. 12:26 PM


    100% guarantee that the "reason" will include "the LSM" and "family" and nebulous "threats" from unnamed (but "librul") parties.

  40. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Bannon: "She's married to a blue-collar guy when the film starts."

    Does this mean Sarah is no longer married to Todd? Hmmm? Slip of the tongue?

  41. Anonymous12:57 PM

    After soliciting $100 donations for that stupid movie, how can she not run? What does she say to these truly ignorant people after taking their money then saying no a couple of weeks later?

  42. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Oct 13/08: Palin mouthpiece response to Matt Damon:

    Maria Comella, a spokeswoman for Palin, called the comments "name-calling."

    "It's not surprising that the Barack Obama and his celebrity supporters continue to tear down Governor Palin with little more than blatant name-calling," she said. "It's clear they're threatened by a candidate who actually has a record of achieving reform and change, while Barack Obama just talks about it."

    No - Palin knew nothing - Bullshit -- she has two Crackberries that have grown roots to her hands. We clearly see that she can't put them down, even to hold her own kid.

    Palin: 0
    IM Poster: 1

    Hey Sarah -- Checkmate!

  43. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Well, we HAVE seen at least one crazy dipshit become so obsessed with one Palin kid it makes ME scared for them all.

    Gryphen, do you remember all that violent language against her in 08? And you STILL think tea partiers are the ones who promote violence. Typical lefty who can't admit the truth.

  44. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Ok, who has ever uttered statements or jokes that will the death of her or her children?

    She needs to back that up with specific references. Has anyone seen the film? Does some comedian/enne do that in it? Are they just using exaggerated language?

    I can't imagine she'd be THAT incredibly stupid to say that if there isn't something she can point to. I want to hear from the person/people she's talking about, then.

  45. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Anon 12:26 said:

    "Bristol told the truth... the decision has been made. Mrs. Palin isn't running. The longer she prolongs her announcement, the more money she makes. The palinbots are going to be mighty angry when they realize they have been taken for such a long, pointless ride. I can't wait to hear her excuses for why she has decided not to run."

    *Sigh* Now that Palin has seen comment on her favorite blog, IM, she will HAVE to go and run for President--JUST TO PROVE US WRONG!!! Oh darn.

  46. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I was just at the mall of America and at 2pm there were only 12 people in line. At 3pm there were only 15. It doesn't start until 6pm, but it looks like a dud. I took pictures of the huge empty rope maze. I couldn't stay, though I would love to see their faces.

  47. Anonymous1:03 PM

    What brainwashing do you speak of? Loving unconditionally? instilling pride and work ethic that resulted in Bristol enjoying hard work? Instilling a belief that someone (God) is always there even when things look bleak?

    Is that what you mean? Because that would be what you obviously don't get, the truth.

  48. Kill the mic maybe, kill the lights, kill the bus engine. She's projecting psychotic paranoia again. We just want her to sit down, shut up, and go away.

  49. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Sarah would love to run, but she doesn't have the money or the backing. The Koch Bros. did not invite her to their shindig in Aspen this weekend, but her buddy Gov. Rick Perry was. The Religious Right has dumped her, even Franklin Graham said she wasn't running. The reason she won't announce is she's still hoping money backers will materialize, and she's not about to spend her own money on a campaign. 5 million a month from p-bots won't cut it, it's expensive to run even "unconventionally". So she's pissed because Bristol leaked that she made up her mind to run, but didn't inform Bristol that the money wasn't there to do so. The p-bots are getting sick of the prick tease, she hasn't been forthcoming with them, yet they're expected to organize "boots on the ground" when she's still telling them she hasn't made up her mind. It's all about the money, and she's not about to quit FOX and bleed herself broke. Hillary was left with tens of millions debt from her campaign, and Sarah has no where near the financial resources of the Clintons. So keep grifting and teasing Sarah, but your bots are waking up!

  50. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Anon 1:00

    Research and provide proof as I have no recall of any death threats from the left.

    Sorry Toots -- You're troll card has just been pulled.

  51. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Is she setting the stage for a graceful bow out of the race? Death threats to her kids might get her off the hook with her fans. I bet that's exactly what we see within the next 30 days.

  52. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Hey, anon fairybot at 1:00, Sarah has the most to fear from her biggest (obsessed) fans. The ones who seem to know what she and her family are up to in their private lives. The ones who become online friends with her children. The ones who claim to know her personally based on one or two brief meetings. People like YOU, fairybot dipshit.

  53. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Of those 15 people in line, how many were paid to be there?

  54. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I have yet to see any proof at all that Bristol enjoys hard work. Did she ever finish the college course(s) she was supposedly taking when she lived in that condo? She obviously didn't work hard on DWTS until she absolutely had to.

  55. Anonymous1:17 PM


    Sarcastic comment, right?

  56. Re: 1:03.

    Hey, the p-bot trolls have finally arrived. Where have you been, guys? We've missed you. I've always been able to count on getting some good laughs no later than 10 a.m. (CT).

    What happened? The Sea O' Pee late getting your scripts to you today? (Recognizing that you do have some NEW material today - finally. Thank goodness; the old stuff was getting pretty lame.)

  57. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Glen Beck claimed he and his family were victimized recently at a movie in NYC. He and Palin are working from the same playbook.

  58. Bristol's ready to make a change - overturn the status quo. Will Sarah be the one to set her off by being pissed at her faux pas? (fingers crossed she's not so brainwashed that she'll never break free)

  59. Anonymous1:21 PM

    1:03 Hi Granny Lou! I see you're hammering at that Blackberry those ril Amerikun valews, like griftin' money and shucksin' yer way through Iowa?

  60. Anonymous1:22 PM

    It's hilarious they thought people might have considered camping out for a spot in line.

  61. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Poor Victim Palin -- Come closer Bitch so I can Bitchslap ya!!!

    She who has thrown bombs out that people like Letterman and McGinniss are pedophiles.

    Well let's call it --

    Todd's a PIMP. He pimps out for $$$ and favors. Todd arranged for many to engage with whores.

    Toad the Pimp!!!! Jet's just photoshop him into an O'Keefe outfit and there you have it.

    Chuckles is a child molester. His students feared him. Wonder why

  62. GBIllinois1:23 PM

    Inspired by Mitch @ 12:24

    I have been lurking here for ages and only began to comment about 2 weeks ago. First I want to say to Gryphen and the IM community as a whole that you folks have done a great service to the country by documenting the real story of Sarah Palin.
    I first came here with an open mind about Sarah Palin. I had never heard of her before her selection as McCain's VP candidate. Reading what you as a group have uncovered has convinced me that this woman is one crazy assed bitch. Thank you so much.
    Mitch at 12:24 wonders when the MSM will finally investigate SP.
    I am an old 60's hippie. Back in the day I actually did some anti-war organizing. As my blueprint I used a book by Abbie Hoffman titled "Revolution for the Hell of It". The biggest lesson I learned from Abbie was that the media (any media) are really lazy at heart, and if you can present to them a story that is basically already written they will always run with it. This is where you guys are at with this story. You have already done the investigating. You already know the story. What is needed most of all now is for someone to put it all together in a form that is in effect a written news story and then present it to a few print or television journalists. It sounds too simple, but that is exactly what I thought back in 1970, and the truth is I never once failed to get my story reported somewhere.
    I have seen it said here many times that there is a Pulitzer for the person who breaks this story. Believe me, every serious journalist in the country knows that too. What they don't know is what you all do, the whole sordid story of Sarah Palin.
    I would suggest that someone here begin an archive, perhaps at a new web site where ALL the pictures, ALL the documented stories, and ALL the theories can be stored and discussed. I also believe one way to make things perfectly clear to anyone unfamiliar with the truth about SP would be a series of time lines. I would say one for each of the principals in the story. This is a visual way of presenting the evidence and making it possible to cross-reference the many inconsistencies in the various stories told over time.
    For us to sit here and hope that a Joe McGinnis or Andrew Sullivan will take this story mainstream is wishful thinking IMO. We need to do it ourselves. I am willing to volunteer to do my part. Anyone else?

  63. emrysa1:24 PM

    anon @ 1:00 pm sez:

    "Gryphen, do you remember all that violent language against her in 08?"

    provide links to the "violent language" to back up your claim, otherwise, you're just full of shit and trying to rewrite history.

  64. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Looks like RAM is back on the job. Hey Becky!!

  65. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Anon 1:03

    I hope you can put the pics at the Mall online and provide a link here or email them to Grypehn.

    That would be great!!

    It sounds like Palin's last book tour -- a Dude!!

  66. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Huh 1:03 pm? Bristol does not have the vaguest idea of "hard work." Hard work for someone in her life situation would be having a job, going to college, taking care of her child, and making enough time for the child's father to have a chance to know his child - all at once.

    Dancing, sort of, on DWTS while making way too much money and speaking a couple of times for the Candies Foundation on teen pregnancy while making way too much money do not equal "hard work." Producing a book that someone else has written and playing the celebrity author on tv and getting way too much money do not "hard work."

    The whole Palin family simply exasperates me. I just wish they would all settle down and live real lives and stay away from the tv cameras.

  67. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Sort of OT but has anyone been monitoring the facebook page of Craig Christy? He is the father of Shawn Christy who says that Sarah had a sexting affair with him and that is why she was made to resign. And that Chuck Heath wrote a letter and mailed it from Pennsylvannia to Palins, in Shawn's name, threatening Willow and that is why Alaska judges continued the restraining order on the Christy's.

    If this is true, then I don't think she will be running for President.

  68. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Hey, wait!! Somebody looked at me--that's a threat!!

    Hey, Wait!! Somebody didn't look at me--that's a threat!!

  69. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Why are you so surprised that a crazy person said something crazy?

  70. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Okay, I'm confused. Someone explain to me how a person who purports to have a "servant's heart" has to put SO much "thought" into making a "life changing", "earth shaking decision" like... SERVING HER COUNTRY?

    What happened to "you can't blink"?

    It's hilarious to see $arah caught in her own web of bullshit. Soon, Jon Stewart will be putting together montages of old/new Palin arguing with herself like the ones he used to make of Bush...

  71. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Sorry I can't run for president because I have to home school my ignorant dumbass daughter. I have to keep my eye on her to make sure she does not go camping with the hockey team.

    HEY! Get your ass upstairs and leave Bristol's wine coolers alone!

  72. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Have you ever seen such a whining middle age woman yelling victim, victim and lying thru her teeth about everything?

  73. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Wasn't there some troll on Monday who kept saying she was going to announce in Iowa and how stupid we would all look?

  74. Anonymous1:34 PM

    The woman is just certifiable.

  75. Anonymous1:37 PM

    "Well, we HAVE seen at least one crazy dipshit become so obsessed with one Palin kid it makes ME scared for them all.

    Gryphen, do you remember all that violent language against her in 08? And you STILL think tea partiers are the ones who promote violence. Typical lefty who can't admit the truth."

    @1:00 PM

    Shut up, bot.

    So what do you think about the REAL violent threats against the president and his family from the tea baggers? What do you think about the tea bagger the secret service arrested for carrying a protest sign that said, "Kill Obama, Michelle, and the stupid kids, too!"? What do yo think about the tea baggers, who carry guns to political rallies, and stomp on people's heads? What do you think about the tea bagger who was convicted for trying to fire-bomb Nancy Pelosi's house? What do you think about $arah Palin's cross-hairs on Gabriel Giffords? Tea baggers DO promote violence, and so does $arah Palin.

    $arah Palin is a crazy dipshit who is obsessed with the POTUS, and bloggers! It's scary that are morons like you who think someone so mentally unstable is fit to be president.

    No one is after $arah Palin's stupid kids. They aren't worth anything. The Palins aren't the First Family. And never will be.

    YOU can't handle the truth. Typical, right-wing hypocrite.

  76. "What would make a celebrity, like you saw on screen, so hate someone that they'd seek their destruction, their death, the death of their children? What would make someone be so full of hate and, I guess, a sense of being threatened that they would want to see that person destroyed?"....S.Palin
    Sarah, I believe you just described yourself, when it comes to the President, or ANYONE who crosses YOU!!!!! Project much?

  77. Anonymous1:40 PM

    >>Loving unconditionally?

    It is IMPOSSIBLE, as in not in the realm of possibilities, that a NARCISSIST like Sarah can ever 'love unconditionally' anyone outside of her self. ALL conditions are dependent on Sarah or hell is paid in some emotional form, so I call BS on that one.

    >>instilling pride and work ethic that resulted in Bristol enjoying hard work?

    If GRIFTING, LYING, MISREPRESNTING, and spreading your legs is 'hard work' then by golly you're right! However, some of us have a very different relationship with HARD WORK. And what Bristol is up to ain't hard work.

    Can you follow that, Bristol?

  78. Anonymous1:40 PM

    @1:00pm : "Gryphen, do you remember all that violent language against her in 08? And you STILL think tea partiers are the ones who promote violence. Typical lefty who can't admit the truth."

    WHat violent language? I've never heard ANYONE say anything other than she's a moron. The only reports of "threats" against Palin and her family have come from palin. Yet she doesn't seem to have gotten the police or FBI in on it. I wonder why that is? Hmmm?

    Typical righty living in a paranoid conspiratiorial fantasy world where anyone with a different opinion is out to murder their family.

  79. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Such bullshit. This guy is a fucking idiot. He's looking for a story about a modern day politician who is able to overcome adversity and he chooses Palin whose father is not rich and she marries a blue collar worker? I guess Barack Obama's story pales in comparison. What a joke these folks are.

  80. Anonymous1:42 PM

    "What brainwashing do you speak of? Loving unconditionally? instilling pride and work ethic that resulted in Bristol enjoying hard work? Instilling a belief that someone (God) is always there even when things look bleak?

    Is that what you mean? Because that would be what you obviously don't get, the truth."

    @1:03 PM

    What hard work? What work ethic? $arah Palin quit her governor's job to become a rich celebrity, and was charged with ethics violations, and is a scam artist. Bri$tol's following in her footsteps. Bri$tol, and the rest of the Palin brats have been brainwashed to believe that they are entitled, and to always claim victimhood...And of course, that is O.K. to LIE!

  81. Anonymous said...
    What brainwashing do you speak of? Loving unconditionally? instilling pride and work ethic that resulted in Bristol enjoying hard work? Instilling a belief that someone (God) is always there even when things look bleak?
    Is that what you mean? Because that would be what you obviously don't get, the truth.
    1:03 PM
    You are completely, utterly delusional, and you clearly do not care at all about Bristol.

    a) If Bristol had enjoyed being loved unconditionally as she was growing up, she wouldn't have been sneaking out repeatedly as a young teen to drink and have sex.

    b) If Bristol had been loved unconditionally while growing up, she wouldn't have felt the need to completely change the face that she sees every morning in the mirror into someone else's face. She would rather look at a stranger's face than her own? That is evidence of some serious psychological issues.

    c) If Bristol had been loved unconditionally while growing up, she wouldn't be following in mommy dearest's footsteps by taking advantage of every time a microphone is in her face to criticize, mock, put down, and disparage another person; people who have never done the same thing to her. That is a lot of simmering rage leaking out.

    d) There is no evidence that Bristol (or her mother) enjoys hard work. Bristol shows no evidence of any interest in getting an education (lots of hard work in that), or in doing the hard work necessary for any successful career. She would be nowhere if not for being an unwed teen shoved onto the national stage.

    Bristol is not tough, brave, confident, ballsy, happy or any of the other delusional terms you bots throw around to describe her. If she were, she would be quietly living her life, educating herself, raising her son in a stable, settled environment, and she would not need bright lights, faux celebrity, or extreme plastic surgery to feel worthwhile about herself.

    If you cared the tiniest bit about her, you would be concerned for her. But like her own mother, you do not care about Bristol.

  82. Anonymous1:44 PM

    1:03 pm Bristol enjoying hard work?

    What hard work, laying on her back with a guy in sex and making babies.

    Laying on the floor grinding her hips as Mark gets her the bulge on dwts?

    Working a few months part time as a receptionist/file clerk in a doctor's office?

    If it wasn't for John McCain, nobody would even know Bristol or Sarah. Bristol has made her money as favors to Sarah by Sarah's connections as a candidate for vp.

    Bristol has nannies to take care of her kids. Was it hard work when Bristol got plastic surgery on her face and turned her into Octomom?

  83. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Sounds to me like Letterman, Daman et. al. are victims of "blood libel".

  84. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Sarah saying celebrities want to kill her kids is a lie and is not going to get Bristol any favors as she so desperately wants to be Bristol-Hollywood.

    The whole family is insane, stupid trailer park trash. You cannot buy class as proven by this trashy lying family.

  85. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Sarah and Todd had a private viewing of this film in their Arizona mansion theater room.

  86. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Who threatened death to her children?

  87. Anonymous1:50 PM

    @1:32, actually there were many trolls who said that she would be announcing yesterday and that we would all have the sads about it today. Wha happen?!

  88. Anonymous1:50 PM

    But the creator already said she saw the movie.

  89. Anonymous1:51 PM

    RE: anonymous at 1:26
    Link to Craig Christy facebook wall!/profile.php?id=100001670534857&sk=wall

    Can't make this stuff up...

  90. Anonymous1:56 PM

    The emails proved that she reads everything written about her who is she trying to fool.

  91. Anonymous1:57 PM

    1:00 pm Threats against Palin in 08

    What threats? You are ignorant, Sarah was the one calling people terrorists and putting crosshairs on elected officials.

    Sarah Palin

    Crosshairs on elected officials

    Arizona shootings - deaths

    Gabby Giffords almost assassinated

    Sarah Palin - Blood Libel

    Reload Sarah

    Now who was threatening who? Sarah Palin was the one stirring up the hate and racism, you ignorant Palin supporter. Is this Rebecca Mansour, Ivy Frye or one of the Palins posting this utter lie?

    Don't come on here posting your stupidity cause we know who the instigator was and that was Sarah Palin.

  92. How funny Bannon saying they checked out so many locations for the 'worldwide' debut of his film, one that would truly represent America. So, windmills and a 96% white populace represents America??? lol I'm betting paylin will now claim The Netherlands as further evidence of her worldly travels.

  93. Anonymous1:57 PM

    @1:00 PM

    "Well, we HAVE seen at least one crazy dipshit become so obsessed with one Palin kid it makes ME scared for them all.

    Gryphen, do you remember all that violent language against her in 08? And you STILL think tea partiers are the ones who promote violence. Typical lefty who can't admit the truth."

    Back in in 2008, $arah Palin was the one making national headlines for her incitement of angry mobs, and saying nothing when people in these mobs would yell threats like, "Kill him!" about then candidate Obama.

  94. Anonymous1:58 PM

    While googling I saw a funny headline from Huffpo:

    Bristol Palin's 'Memoir' Can Be Found in the Magazine Rack at Checkout

  95. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I see Sarah wore her big girl bra under her Reagan denim in Pella. (Notice the belt buckle too? She's really trying to channel the Reagan and Bush cowboy look aint she?)

  96. Anonymous2:01 PM

    She just doesn't "get it" at all.
    She really is a dim bulb.

  97. Anonymous2:02 PM

    ....and if Brisket's dime-store novel should go to grocery stores they should put it between the instant mashed potatoes and the wolf tail sausages.

  98. Anonymous2:02 PM

    "Gryphen, do you remember all that violent language against her in 08? And you STILL think tea partiers are the ones who promote violence. Typical lefty who can't admit the truth."

    @1:00 PM

    Yet, in 2008, it was $arah Palin who was warned by the secret service to knock it off. The bitch refused, of course. Threats against the Obamas spiked after she came along.

  99. To GBIllinois who wrote:

    Reading what you as a group have uncovered has convinced me that this woman is one crazy assed bitch. Thank you so much.

    HA! That is awesome! I'm positive posts like yours reinforce why Gryph does this (okay, it IS fun too, right? =)

    Anyway, glad to hear from you!

  100. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Wow. She is beyond the pale. How can anyone defend her? Now that menopause seems to be kicking in on her, she's going to really start freaking out more and more. She's melting, she's melting! Someone throw a bucket of water on her!

  101. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I'm actually debinwi but on my phone without a computer. I was the one who was at mall of America and I just emailed two pics to gryph. I hope he gets them okay. I wish I could have stayed longer but had to go. It won't let me sign as me - sorry for annon.

  102. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Sarah "crosshairs" Palin will never be president and she is not running. I hope she has good security because I fear her supporters will not take the news well. They are violent irrational people and will turn on her in a second. Mass bot head explosions in 3...2...1...

  103. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Isn't this the woman that held rallies in 2008 and let her followers scream out "Kill Him" about then presidential candidate Obama.

    No, an urban myth perpetuated by "Progressives".

    Secret Service investigated and found someone yelled "Tell them!" as in 'Keep showing people the truth.'

  104. Dis Gusted2:06 PM

    Well, we HAVE seen at least one crazy dipshit become so obsessed with one Palin kid it makes ME scared for them all.


    who? are you talking about Christy? Because everything Palin has said has been proven untrue in that case.

    I wouldn't doubt that after Bristol's gaffe, mommy dearest ordered a hit on her. Then she can claim victim mode again and gain popularity and pity votes. Think she's not crazy enough to do that? This is a woman who faked a pregnancy for political gain. She's crazy enough.

  105. Anonymous2:06 PM

    It looks like Ram is back in the fold, really close together in this video and Sarah was actually kind of nodding to her.

    Ram is mean and nasty but she is Sarah's brain and definitely the more intelligent one.

  106. Anonymous2:06 PM

    >>Loving unconditionally?

    It is IMPOSSIBLE, as in not in the realm of possibilities, that a NARCISSIST like Sarah can ever 'love unconditionally' anyone outside of her self. ALL conditions are dependent on Sarah or hell is paid in some emotional form, so I call BS on that one.

    >>instilling pride and work ethic that resulted in Bristol enjoying hard work?

    If GRIFTING, LYING, MISREPRESNTING, and spreading your legs is 'hard work' then by golly you're right! However, some of us have a very different relationship with HARD WORK. And what Bristol is up to ain't hard work.

    Can you follow that, Bristol?

  107. FINALLY the bag-of-pee crowd has sprung a leak in their vat-o-parts they can't undo... AND, it came from a Swag-Hag sibling !!!


    Even Bean-Brained-Bachmann and her alternate reality freak show can't top that.. When you own family gives you up - YOUR DONE...

  108. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Q: Gov Paylynn, why do we never see Twig any more:

    A: I'm a momma grizzly and after all those death threats against my darling gift from gawd, I'm makin' sure he's safe and kept away from those nasty haters.

    And some will fall for it and fall in love with her again. Just not so many.

  109. Dis Gusted2:08 PM

    Sort of OT but has anyone been monitoring the facebook page of Craig Christy? He is the father of Shawn Christy who says that Sarah had a sexting affair with him and that is why she was made to resign.


    not just sexting - she was encouraging the 19 year old boy to repeatedly write threatening letters to Obama in the spring of 2009. She should be in jail as a traitor and for contributing in death threats on the president.

  110. Anonymous2:09 PM

    What is she talking about? Is she insane? That thing about her kids; she would make up fake threats about her kids, when no celebrity ever made such statements or ever made threats? They may not like her and call her names, but she's stretching things way too far.

    I've never in my life heard of anyone who needs so much to be a victim that they project danger on their kids. This woman should be in a mental facility.

  111. Also to GBIllinois:

    I totally agree with the timelines, etc.

    I also want a place where we can go to continue the discussions, as they die here once G moves on to another post.

    I think the latest pics had this place exploding with people who had never commented before but just couldn't hold back any longer!

    You KNOW you're looking at something seriously weird but you can't quite put your finger on it.

    Anyway, what do you propose?

    Pick a Blogger site name and off we go?

  112. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I have never heard anyone threaten Sarah Palin. Sure, they call her an idiot, a hypocrite, etc..., but they are expressing their opinion.

    Sarah, however, seems to be a very hateful, petty and vindictive women. You really have to feel sorry for Sarah because hate will eat a person alive. That hate shows all over Sarah's face and makes her look very ugly.

  113. Anonymous2:10 PM

    All this high drama by Sarah and Bristol is getting very boring.

    Does Sarah have on Willow's or someone else's clothing here? Totally inappropriate for this setting and Sarah was making eyes at the one asking her questions and thrust her chest out a little bit too.

    Wonder what fee Todd gets paid by SarahPac to pretend to be her husband?

  114. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Yeah right you insufferable bitch. You are responsible for Rep. Giffords and the other ppl who were shot or killed.

    You stupid bitch. Cry me a fucking river skank.


  115. Anonymous2:11 PM

    What?? Her human shield and bodyguard Piper has been replaced by RAM? Good tactic Sarah LOL. RAM is enough to keep anyone away.

  116. from c4p open thread - OMG!

    "As all of you know, the reporting period for Q2 ends tomorrow. We need to get as much money as possible donated by then to show how strong of a candidate Sarah is. Early money brings more money. We all need to figure out how much we can possibly give.

    I'm sure even someone who's unemployed can afford at least $100. If you're working you should be able to afford much, much more. Many of you give to your local church. You could consider taking a month or two off of that and donating to Sarah instead. I'm sure your pastor will be fine with that. Most religious leaders would be happy with you doing that and hate the fact that they have to refrain from endorsing candidates.

    You may have some money tucked away for a rainy day. Well, it's raining! The leader of the best country on earth, OUR country, is now a Muslim Marxist. He will do everything he can to turn us into a nation of Godless Communists. We must stop him!! We all know Sarah is the only one who can do that.

    The legal limit is $5,000 per person. However, if you have other adults in your family you can donate in their name. There is no tomorrow!

    God has given us Sarah. Now it is time for us to do our earthly duties and get her elected. Show God what kind of faith we have in him. GET DONATING NOW!!!"

  117. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Was Greta there to see her girlfriend? I didn't see her in the crowd.

  118. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Found on Twitter in about 10 seconds:

    StandardsOfSwagHabibi Shakur

    BREAKING NEWS UPDATE FROM THE SOS BROADCASTING NETWORK! Kreayshawn has just surpassed Sarah Palin as the person I want to kill the most

    SoGorgeousChocSusie Carmichael

    Who else is dead? Pleeeease kill Sarah palin mighty twitter God

    doctormotokawiJoey C

    Somebody please kill Sara Palin. Thank you.

  119. Anonymous2:13 PM

    PS - Why is she so sweaty? Nice evening last night in Pella - 70's and low humidity. Not dripping sweat weather.

    Perhaps toting that ginormous crucifix covered belt buckle made her sweaty.

  120. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Has RAM ever made a personal appearance with Palin before? I can't remember it if she has. Did Sarah give RAM permission to be at her side as a slap-down to Bristol because Bristol had made the mistake of letting the cat out of the bag?

    I don't see anybody else sweating like Sarah is. That may be caused by a hot flash or is it caused by drugs? Methinks drugs.


  121. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Chris Titus of 'Titus':

    “You know what man? I am going to literally — if she gets elected president, I am going to hang out on the grassy knoll all the time, just loaded and ready — because you know what? It’s for my country. It’s for my country. If I got to sacrifice myself, it’s for my country.”

  122. nogravity2:17 PM

    1:22 PM
    GBIllinois said...
    Inspired by Mitch @ 12:24

    I have been lurking here for ages and only began to comment about 2 weeks ago. First I want to say to Gryphen ...
    For us to sit here and hope that a Joe McGinnis or Andrew Sullivan will take this story mainstream is wishful thinking IMO. We need to do it ourselves. I am willing to volunteer to do my part. Anyone else?

    I can provide a website.

  123. Anonymous2:17 PM

    BLOOMINGTON, Minn. -- A couple hundred people lined up in the Mall of America rotunda Wednesday for the launch of Bristol Palin's book tour. She is signing copies of her new memoir Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far.

    Some die-hard fans started lining up as the sun came up. "The doors opened at six. People were able to line up at five and I think there was only maybe 20 people. I was quite surprised," said Dan Triplett of St. Cloud.

    Bristol is joined by her mother, Sarah Palin. The former governor of Alaska will also be on hand to sign her books America By Heart and Going Rogue.

  124. Anonymous2:22 PM

    What, you can't see how "your life equals a bad disney movie" can be the same as "kill the babies"?

  125. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Another over-the-top monetary shakedown for Sarah over at C4P:-


    As all of you know, the reporting period for Q2 ends tomorrow. We need to get as much money as possible donated by then to show how strong of a candidate Sarah is. Early money brings more money. We all need to figure out how much we can possibly give.

    I'm sure even someone who's unemployed can afford at least $100. If you're working you should be able to afford much, much more. Many of you give to your local church. You could consider taking a month or two off of that and donating to Sarah instead. I'm sure your pastor will be fine with that. Most religious leaders would be happy with you doing that and hate the fact that they have to refrain from endorsing candidates.

    You may have some money tucked away for a rainy day. Well, it's raining! The leader of the best country on earth, OUR country, is now a Muslim Marxist. He will do everything he can to turn us into a nation of Godless Communists. We must stop him!! We all know Sarah is the only one who can do that.

    The legal limit is $5,000 per person. However, if you have other adults in your family you can donate in their name. There is no tomorrow!

    God has given us Sarah. Now it is time for us to do our earthly duties and get her elected. Show God what kind of faith we have in him. GET DONATING NOW!!!

    This has to be a spoof, right?

  126. Hey Bristol! Most people wear glasses because they NEED them. Just because your mother wears them to try to look smart, doesn't mean others wear them as a fashion statement! LOLOLOL

  127. GBIllinois2:24 PM

    Inspired by Mitch @ 12:24

    I have been lurking here for ages and only began to comment about 2 weeks ago. First I want to say to Gryphen and the IM community as a whole that you folks have done a great service to the country by documenting the real story of Sarah Palin.
    I first came here with an open mind about Sarah Palin. I had never heard of her before her selection as McCain's VP candidate. Reading what you as a group have uncovered has convinced me that this woman is one crazy assed bitch. Thank you so much.
    Mitch at 12:24 wonders when the MSM will finally investigate SP.
    I am an old 60's hippie. Back in the day I actually did some anti-war organizing. As my blueprint I used a book by Abbie Hoffman titled "Revolution for the Hell of It". The biggest lesson I learned from Abbie was that the media (any media) are really lazy at heart, and if you can present to them a story that is basically already written they will always run with it. This is where you guys are at with this story. You have already done the investigating. You already know the story. What is needed most of all now is for someone to put it all together in a form that is in effect a written news story and then present it to a few print or television journalists. It sounds too simple, but that is exactly what I thought back in 1970, and the truth is I never once failed to get my story reported somewhere.
    I have seen it said here many times that there is a Pulitzer for the person who breaks this story. Believe me, every serious journalist in the country knows that too. What they don't know is what you all do, the whole sordid story of Sarah Palin.
    I would suggest that someone here begin an archive, perhaps at a new web site where ALL the pictures, ALL the documented stories, and ALL the theories can be stored and discussed. I also believe one way to make things perfectly clear to anyone unfamiliar with the truth about SP would be a series of time lines. I would say one for each of the principals in the story. This is a visual way of presenting the evidence and making it possible to cross-reference the many inconsistencies in the various stories told over time.
    For us to sit here and hope that a Joe McGinnis or Andrew Sullivan will take this story mainstream is wishful thinking IMO. We need to do it ourselves. I am willing to volunteer to do my part. Anyone else?

  128. I would love it if some non-journalist asked Palin what she thought of the Volstead Act.
    There is no possible way Palin knows the name of the act that ushered in Prohibition, nor the ammendment it created.
    It would be fun and not too mean.

  129. Anonymous2:31 PM

    It's 5:30. I wasn't going to go but now I am thinking about driving over to MOA to see how many silly people are in line.

  130. Anonymous2:34 PM

    The person who owns politicon is a crazy nut job. I put 3 or 4 posts there and was banned. All I said was " I don't think she running" and I also wrote she looked tired.
    They consider those very benign comments as a threat and deemed it necessary to ban me. If that's all it takes the bots to be upset they would never last in an election. What A bunch of big babies those bots are

  131. Anonymous2:36 PM

    OK! I don't have to waste gas and drive over there. KARE11 has a report online:

    It says a couple hundred are in line. B appears to be in a white, large t-shirt; Sarey in black.

  132. Anonymous2:38 PM

    "the spotlight on her will quickly dim until it simply blinks off one day. "

    That day cannot come quickly enough.

  133. Anonymous2:40 PM


    Here is an ACTUAL comment on C4P today:

    25 minutes ago, someone posted this comment over there:

    "As all of you know, the reporting period for Q2 ends tomorrow. We need to get as much money as possible donated by then to show how strong of a candidate Sarah is. Early money brings more money. We all need to figure out how much we can possibly give.

    I'm sure even someone who's unemployed can afford at least $100. If you're working you should be able to afford much, much more. Many of you give to your local church. You could consider taking a month or two off of that and donating to Sarah instead. I'm sure your pastor will be fine with that. Most religious leaders would be happy with you doing that and hate the fact that they have to refrain from endorsing candidates.

    You may have some money tucked away for a rainy day. Well, it's raining! The leader of the best country on earth, OUR country, is now a Muslim Marxist. He will do everything he can to turn us into a nation of Godless Communists. We must stop him!! We all know Sarah is the only one who can do that.

    The legal limit is $5,000 per person. However, if you have other adults in your family you can donate in their name. There is no tomorrow!

    God has given us Sarah. Now it is time for us to do our earthly duties and get her elected. Show God what kind of faith we have in him. GET DONATING NOW!!!"

    end of comment.

    Does anyone here besides me get the feeling that this commenter is really NOT a Sarah supporter?? Hahaha! Brilliant!! Give till it hurts, bots!

  134. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Sarah is a professional victim. She is always under attack. Chris Matthews explains that the idea behind this kind of thinking is that America loves an underdog, and by playing the victim card, Sarah is framing herself as the underdog.

    The problem is that Sarah is not an underdog. She gets far too much attention for absolutely no reason at all. She loves the attention. She feeds on it. The problem with claiming that people are always out to get you or your children is that if you say it often enough and nothing happens, people will start to think that there isn't much of a threat. Remember the story about the boy who cried "Wolf!"

  135. Anonymous2:45 PM

    God this woman is a dumb creep.

  136. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Having a mother with NPD is biggest threat of all to the Palin children.

  137. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Griff Jenkins reminds of the guy who hangs out a lot at public pools and playgrounds with his iphone.

  138. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Sarah,Sarah,Sarah, I know you read IM everyday so please tell us why you are "dithering" about whether or not your will run?

    Are you jerking Roger Ailes around just to collect more FauxNoise money? OR are you jerking Palinbots around just to get all of their money? Real Rogue-y Barracudas don't dither. Come-on Mama Grizzly.


  139. Anonymous2:57 PM

    "Gryphen, do you remember all that violent language against her in 08? And you STILL think tea partiers are the ones who promote violence. Typical lefty who can't admit the truth."

    GMAFB, the repubaggers are the ones who did all the violence (also see the phony townhall meetings), said all the racist things, held racist kkk rallies, printed racist silly sayings, told to carry guns and actually encouraged killing people (until it finally happened.)


    Have a nice day.


  140. jadez2:58 PM

    geez..what this woman does is when she says someone is trying to kill her kids she is really saying..."bristol i could kill you!"....for what ever,,,


  141. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Here is another gem from a commenter on C4P just 15 minutes ago:

    "Its official: Foxnews polling is WORSE than PPP when it comes to Palin...They are doing ALL THEY CAN to dismiss Sarah Palin, even COOKING their polls.
    Can you believe they have Perry AND Giuliani ahead of Palin? When is the last time Sarah got more than 10% on a foxnews poll? At least they were decent enough to put Bachmann 4th lol!

    Sarah Palin MUST resign from foxnews and threat them just like she treats the LSM...Only Greta should get her interviews.

    Sorry foxnews but Sarah Palin WILL RUN and WILL WIN not only the nomination but the presidency...Cooking polls won't discourage her or her supporters.

    I am going to stop watching foxnews from now on..."

    end of comment

    Translation (of a disgruntled Sarah-lover): Wah! wah! I'm never speaking to mean old Fox news ever again!

    Time for me to get out of this cesspool.

  142. Rationalist2:59 PM

    Eeeeeee. That look is terrifying. I'd get a chin implant if my mom turned that cold and angry when I did something wrong too.

    Palin literally folds up right then. She's doing her fake-y patriotic "I understand why this great veteran feels this way (though I won't stop teasing just yet)," and as soon as it's clear what Bristol said, it's like those paintings in the Haunted Mansion where the pretty woman's face flickers with the face of Medusa.

    Honestly: poor Bristol. She never had a chance.

  143. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Was she sweating (was it that hot?) or had she been sprayed down a la soap opera boy toy style?

  144. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Looks like the book signing was a flop, too. Only a couple hundred people showed up (half of which were probably the media). The biggest mall in the world, and that's all they could get?

  145. Anonymous3:17 PM

    There is something very sick and wrong about wearing a gaudy crucifix belt buckle on your hip-huggers. That cross stands for pain and sacrifice, you horrific woman, not cheap sleaze and flash.

    These rightwingers won't be happy until they've perverted everything good and decent in this world.

  146. G. Billinois @ 1:23

    Greetings! In addition to IM, are you familiar with Palin's Deceptions and Palingates? If I understand what you are suggesting, I think this work has already been done.

  147. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Can you imagine the uproar from the sanctimonious religious right if Michelle Obama wore a sparkly crucifix belt buckle???? The same damn fools that will throw their money at Sarah Palin once she finally takes up the career she was meant for: a televangelist huckster.

  148. Enjay in E MT3:24 PM

    Dear $arah –
    For thirty months now you’ve sowed the seeds of hatred across the United States. Every speech questioned citizens about being a real American or living in real America. Inferred candidate Obama was a Muslim who palled around with terrorists, listened to questionable church sermons and maybe wasn’t even born in the US. When people yelled out ‘kill him’ or ‘terrorist’ – you said nothing. When Gabby Giffords said there are unintended consequences – you did nothing, and when she was shot – you whined it wasn’t your fault.

    As a Christian you should be familure with King James Version, Galatians VI: Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap

  149. Anonymous3:26 PM

    OT. They just showed a clip on WCCO (Twin Cities news station)from the start of the Palins' book signing at the Mall of America. I had recorded the newscast so was able to pause it on the shot of the crowd waiting in line. I actually counted the people in the line. There were only 65!!!!

    The funny thing is that all the news station kept saying things such as "large crowds".

  150. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Some die-hard fans started lining up as the sun came up. "The doors opened at six. People were able to line up at five and I think there was only maybe 20 people. I was quite surprised," said Dan Triplett of St. Cloud.

  151. Anonymous3:28 PM

    "Chuckles is a child molester. His students feared him. Wonder why

    1:22 PM"

    How much do you wanna bet that chuckles doesn't have any teaching credentials? I bet he was just a substitute teach or an aide.


    But he does have some kind of certificate in rat catching.

  152. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Sarah better be careful with her words.
    She said her daughters were threatened with rape and low and behold Bristol is retroactively raped.

    She wished Gifford and others to be targets and low, it was so.

    Now Sarah says people want to murder her children.

    And you know she believes God is her servant and door opener, so from Sarah's mouth to God's ear. Let it be so.

    Dang that pit she bull is stew-ped.

  153. Anonymous3:31 PM

    @2:40 & Ella@2:11 -- I've been saying for months that I think C4P-Brain has morphed into a parody site.

  154. Anonymous3:32 PM

    So by a few minutes before signing books started how many is that in line, 22? LMAO!!!

  155. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Ceeper's are now blaming Fox for Palin's low poll ratings. Nitwits.

  156. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I'm sure even someone who's unemployed can afford at least $100. If you're working you should be able to afford much, much more. Many of you give to your local church. You could consider taking a month or two off of that and donating to Sarah instead. I'm sure your pastor will be fine with that.


  157. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Thanks for the links to the KARE clip about the MOA book signing today.
    I've seen longer lines to get into Hooters on the top floor. LOL!

  158. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Isn't this the woman that held rallies in 2008 and let her followers scream out "Kill Him" about then presidential candidate Obama.
    11:51 AM

    Kind of reminded me of the Bible, those words did. You know the ones the paid crowd yelled a couple days before a certain crucifixion.

    Sarah loves her bible similes,she just ignored the bit about her playing the role of Pilate and Obama playing the role of Jesus.

    But then the semi-literate Sarah doesn't know what a simile is. And I seriously doubt she is actually that "up" on the New Testament.

  159. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Mall of America book signing:
    approx. 300 showed up.

    Not exactly the crowd Sarah Lou wanted, do ya think?

  160. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Anonymous padoreva said...
    She is just dripping sweat in that clip. Love it that Palin is now having hot flashes.
    Also too her ever-present herpes lip sore. Stress much?
    11:56 AM

    Far northerners sweat in 70 deg weather the same way I sweat in 100 deg 80% humidity when I am running. But then I am a live long Texan.
    However then I am freezing at anything below 65 indoors and 40 out doors.

    She will love Arizona in August. You Betcha.

  161. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Poll: Are Celebrities Really Trying to Kill Sarah Palin’s Children Or Is She Crazy?

    Do Matt Damon, David Letterman, Madonna, Howard Stern, Bill Maher, Louis C.K. and other celebrities want to kill Sarah Palin and her children? She thinks so.

    The Hollywood Reporter interviewed Sarah Palin at the premiere of the “documentary” on her, entitled “The Undefeated”. The reporter asked her how she responded to seeing the opening montage of nasty jokes made about her.

    Then the celebrity montage begins: Damon likens Palin to a “really bad Disney movie” and says she’s “really scary”; Letterman attacks her, and the discourse descends in to the filthy from there. Maher insults her on his TV show, Madonna screams obscenities about her while on stage, and comedians use graphic, severely bleeped language to describe Palin and the intensity with which they ‘hate her.’

    Ms Palin responded:

    “What would make a celebrity, like you saw on screen, so hate someone that they’d seek their destruction, their death, the death of their children? What would make someone be so full of hate and, I guess, a sense of being threatened that they would want to see that person destroyed?”

  162. Anonymous3:49 PM

    LOL. Here is a clip from the local news station regarding the book signing.

  163. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I'd love to see her expression but I can't STAND to look at her (even for 2:06 minutes)! She is the devil in disguise. My mom always said that "pretty is as pretty does" and palin doesn't do ANYTHING that's pretty!

  164. Anonymous3:55 PM

    The Director: "She's working on a commercial fishing boat, which she co-owns..."

    Come again? Sarah Palin "co-owns" a FISHING BOAT?

  165. Anonymous3:57 PM

    The funniest thing about the book signing was that EVEN with Sarah there, there was no crowd of any size. She is toast, stick a fork in the bitch.

  166. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Scroll down to the second video on this page to see what a flop this book signing was. LOL!

  167. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Never mind the question of considering "hundreds of locations" for the movie premiere. WHY IOWA?

    Why not Kansas? North Carolina? Alaska?

    Why Iowa?

  168. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Gryphen, there are at least two comments on this thread threatening violence against Sarah that you need to delete post haste. I suspect they are put there by a Palinbot as "proof" of threats against the Palins. I suggest forwarding them to the FBI, who will be able to trace them back to their source and deal with this person.

  169. Dinty4:08 PM

    I've read comments from posters in various online forums threatening Sarah Palin, usually jokingly, but it's still inappropriate. I don't think I've ever heard anyone threaten her kids.

    Typically the threats are the stupid kind of talk that makes you shake your head and go "what an idiot" or "I wish that guy was not on my side, he's making us look bad".

    The thing is, President Obama gets threats like this all the time, sometimes even encouraged by political candidates (anybody remember Sharon "2nd ammendment solutions" Angle?). Just a year ago you had guys with guns hanging off their waists at rallies with pictures of Obama as Hitler or the Joker. That sort of stuff.

    The difference is, I have yet to hear Obama even address it. I know he takes it seriously - as does the Secret Service. But I have yet to hear him even mention it, yet it seems Sarah Palin can't shut up about it, and frankly the stuff I've heard directed at her is far more tame.

    Here's what you can do to support our side: don't threaten anybody - ever. There's no benefit to that sort of talk, it just makes us look bad and adds to an already over-rhetorical political climate.

  170. Anonymous4:08 PM


    Book signing was a flop

    reports say 250 to 300 total-a dozen or 2 showed up early

    on top of her "premier" where 300 people were given tickets free along with a ticket for a free BBQ.Total around 1000,and that was including the 1000 for the free BBQ

  171. I see that Michelle Bachmann has taken a page from Palin's playbook. She said that some are hoping for a mud wrestling match between her and Palin, but that's not going to happen. Yeah, she went there. Wants to stir up all those old fart GOPers to put that mental picture in their addled brains and they'll then take out their checkbooks, hoping for just that to happen. So, now we have Cock Teaser 2.0 on the campaign trail.

  172. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Anon 1:32 There were many posts Monday that Sarah would announce her candidacy. I doubt there will be follow up posts sharing how disappointed supporters were. Bristol and Sarah have a way of giving the middle finger to their base.

  173. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Are Celebrites Really Trying to Kill Sarah Palin's Children or Is She Crazy?

    Selection Votes
    Of course, Lamstream Media baby!!! 1% 4

    No, Sarah Palin is projecting....again 19% 60

    No, Sarah Palin is crazy. 68% 221
    Sarah who? 12% 39

    324 votes total free polls

  174. Anonymous4:17 PM

    "...a vast difference from two years ago."

    More people watching the freak show than standing in line at the MOA!

  175. Wavingcrosser/Lynn4:23 PM

    Sarah uses fabricated threats against her children and implied, veiled or direct (limp, impotent, perverted) sexual references to thwart her critics when she feels under attack. This is an obvious pattern easily dispelled by the facts. Sarah is long on accusation and short on proof. Suggesting her children are at risk provides cover for her & is code for her flying monkeys to release an all out assault toward the perceived threat. (David Letterman, Joe McGinniss, Gryphen, Audrey from Palin’s Deceptions, numerous political adversaries.)IMO Sarah is narcissistic and a religious zealot. She is not particularly well educated and lacks depth and curiousity. She is only interested in the adolation and attention she receives in running but lacks the ability and self discipline to govern which takes much more work and pays a whole lot less. I doubt she will ever be able to get out of a high school mean girl mentality which is even apparent in all of her children’s attitudes toward criticism. Everyone is referred to as haters or jealous of their newly acquired success and wealth. Do we have such a short memory of the hateful attacks Sarah waged during the 2008 campaign. She set a new lower bar for civil dialogue you see taken as the new normal everyday in this country even against the President. She can’t get over the fact she lost and attacks Obama at every opportunity. I am amazed that any rational voter could consider Sarah as having the necessary qualifications to be the leader of the free world. Sarah Palin is deranged and dangerous.

  176. Dis Gusted4:25 PM

    The funny thing is that all the news station kept saying things such as "large crowds".


    the news stations got their written blurbs weeks in advance. No deviations from the script allowed.

  177. griffin, just want to say.. it's awesome to check your blog to read about the true sp. i've started reading c o pee and i now have a true under standing of cognitive dissonance. as you said, this is turning out to be a great summer. i've got loads of popcorn.

  178. Anonymous4:32 PM


    Comment at c4p:

    As all of you know, the reporting period for Q2 ends tomorrow. We need to get as much money as possible donated by then to show how strong of a candidate Sarah is. Early money brings more money. We all need to figure out how much we can possibly give.

    I'm sure even someone who's unemployed can afford at least $100. If you're working you should be able to afford much, much more. Many of you give to your local church. You could consider taking a month or two off of that and donating to Sarah instead. I'm sure your pastor will be fine with that. Most religious leaders would be happy with you doing that and hate the fact that they have to refrain from endorsing candidates.

    You may have some money tucked away for a rainy day. Well, it's raining! The leader of the best country on earth, OUR country, is now a Muslim Marxist. He will do everything he can to turn us into a nation of Godless Communists. We must stop him!! We all know Sarah is the only one who can do that.

    The legal limit is $5,000 per person. However, if you have other adults in your family you can donate in their name. There is no tomorrow!

    God has given us Sarah. Now it is time for us to do our earthly duties and get her elected. Show God what kind of faith we have in him. GET DONATING NOW!!!

  179. Anonymous4:37 PM

    "I have yet to see any proof at all that Bristol enjoys hard work. Did she ever finish the college course(s) she was supposedly taking when she lived in that condo? She obviously didn't work hard on DWTS until she absolutely had to.

    1:17 PM"

    The dummy hasn't graduated high school.

    And you are right about bustol not doing any hard work (really any work at all) she didn't work at having sex either. She just laid there pretending to be passed out on kool-aid. HA!

    The drunk willow wouldn't have passed out.


  180. London Bridges4:38 PM

    Someone should file and be granted legal guardianship of every member of the Palin family. They all have regularly demonstrated that they are a danger to themselves and America.

  181. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Bwahhhahahaaaha, did you see towards the beginning of the clip, her sitting in a meeting?? Her posture and tapping of the pencil, the body language just screams, "I don't want to be here because I know nothing that is going on"!! Scarah, your ship is sinking and quit w/the death threats, they are no longer believable, you can only call wolf so many times. Everyone has your number now!! You're a joke of a wanna be politician!!

  182. Anonymous4:47 PM

    The Des Moines Register has video footage of SP talking to the crowd at her movie. Warning: very screechy. Also, she just regurgitates all of her same talking points. Nothing new. If a drinking game, you could be buzzed or drunk by the end. Hey Sarah, read The Federalist Papers you ignorant stupid dumbass.

  183. Anonymous4:50 PM

    granny lou put on your man pants on and stop your fucking blubbering.

  184. FloridaDem4:55 PM

    Anon 1:09 was spot on. I've said that too, that it's expensive to run a campaign and look at the hole it put the Clintons in. Secondly, I've always said also that she couldn't run without the permission and consent of GOP insiders. I think she was fun for a while for them, and now they've moved on. We'll see.

    In regards to the poster with the Abby Hoffman thing, and the timeline/website idea, I've always thought that was a good idea, to gather everything together from the 4 or 5 main websites which cover Palin, and concisely put it together. Although some information may be proprietary. The main project though, is to build a literal timeline, on a spreadsheet, with dates and columns, and in each column the separate pieces of information (shailey events, mercede's, levi's, the ADN reporters, the emails, the facebook posts, etc., etc., all lined up chronologically so that you can see what was going on, what conflicts and what fits. This would be a massive undertaking. Ultimately, though, it would have to be done. I've heard comments from other posters everywhere asking...ok when did this happen? What date did Sarah do this? When was Todd on the slope? Stuff like that, and then you're trying to put it together in your mind. It should be on paper for easy reference and comparison. Where were they, what were they doing when, what events were happening around them, what people were around them when.

  185. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Bristol did not screw anything up. We are talking about Palins who will lie they did not say what they said falsely accusing others. The first card played is they take things out of context. Then it is OMG Hollywood wants them murdered.

    I would love to hear the story from McCain staffers when they got a look at Palin's clothing she brought for the campaign. The I love God belt has me shaking my head. How about red white and blue stripe pants, a star top accessorized with the Jesus loves me belt. The star of David can go on her purse full of s'mores. This woman is a joke.

  186. Anonymous5:07 PM

    ""...a vast difference from two years ago."

    More people watching the freak show than standing in line at the MOA!

    4:17 PM"

    HAHAHAHA not even granny lou can pull a crowd. Glad this is finally happening.

    Take heed msm chasing granny is done only for your benefit not for us cause as you can see they don't give a flying fuck about that insufferable skank.


  187. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Hi MR G

    do you have an email address I can sendpictures to?

    I went to the 'mall' book signing tonight and took a bunch of photos of the crazy folks. I had all kinds of signs but there was so much security, at least a mall cop every 15' on four levels and wouldn't you know, one was my mom's cousin. he said they were told to expect thousands. alas for them no so much! however he did say the mall pays for his police presence. and he SWORE he would not tell any family we were there!
    do you have an email address I can send them to you so you can post them? I have wheel chair folks, nuns and this sweet granny all marveling at her
    I dragged my mom along, she was mortified. please dont publish this, Ive been following you for a coupel years now, you are my break from insanity atwork

  188. Anonymous5:17 PM

    How DARE you flippin' whine Mrs. Palin! HOW DARE YOU?!!!! Someone calls you the cunning bitch that you are and YOU spin it into death threats??????? You feign being "shocked". Bull Shite you are full of it and you know it and that's why you call it the LSM because you play them like a fiddle. You are nothing but a flippin' LAZY QUITTER and LIAR. Two women are at the bottom of my list today. YOU and CASEY ANTHONY!

    November 8, 2008:
    The Republican vice presidential candidate attracted criticism for accusing Mr Obama of "palling around with terrorists", citing his association with the sixties radical William Ayers.

    The attacks provoked a near lynch mob atmosphere at her rallies, with supporters yelling "terrorist" and "kill him" until the McCain campaign ordered her to tone down the rhetoric.

    But it has now emerged that her demagogic tone may have encouraged white supremacists to go even further.

    The Secret Service warned the Obama family in mid October that they had seen a dramatic increase in the number of threats against the Democratic candidate, coinciding with Mrs Palin's attacks.

    Michelle Obama, the future First Lady, was so upset that she turned to her friend and campaign adviser Valerie Jarrett and said: "Why would they try to make people hate us?"

  189. At C4P they say it was 1500 because some crappy Indiana website reported that but I bet they reported the ExPECTED crowd.

    sad that no on is allowed to post any truth over there

    I will feel bad for palin and family when she is finally humiliated, but I will NOT feel bad for her idiot bots.

  190. Anonymous5:24 PM

    debinwi 2:04

    Thanks for taking one for the team. Can't wait to see the pics when Gryhen posts them.

    Now go enjoy a shower with disinfectent!!!!

  191. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Hey Sarah what comes around goes around. You have called for Obama to be killed remember. Not that I believe for one minute that anyone has threatened you or your kids. You need mental help. Your bots are the ones that will turn against you because you have lead them on so long and swindled them out of their money.

  192. Anonymous5:34 PM

    "Crystal Sage said...
    I see that Michelle Bachmann has taken a page from Palin's playbook. She said that some are hoping for a mud wrestling match between her and Palin, but that's not going to happen. Yeah, she went there. Wants to stir up all those old fart GOPers to put that mental picture in their addled brains and they'll then take out their checkbooks, hoping for just that to happen. So, now we have Cock Teaser 2.0 on the campaign trail.

    4:11 PM"

    That dizzy woman called herself and palin "girls." GTFOH you old bat.
    If they were to mud wrestle all we would hear are old bones cracking.


  193. Anonymous5:45 PM

    The link provided by Anon 2:17

    Take a look at a pic of Brisket. Scroll down and you will see a video with pics underneath. The pics change ( there are about 4). Look at the chipmunk cheeks on Brisket. She looks different and in fact worse, everytime we see a pic of her

  194. Anonymous5:50 PM

    The 200-300 at the book signing including people who were "trying to get a glimpse"-- which means they were including all the people at the mall who were just walking by the freak side show.

  195. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I briefly read over at the Sea of Pee yesterday and thought to myself....I think many of the posters there are making a parody of her site and I absolutely loved it! Well done anti-bots! The joke is on Sarah and she knows it. Sarah, I know this probably confuses you so don't worry your wigged out head about it.

  196. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Anon 5:13

    Look on the homepage of the blog. At the upper left, you will see a box that says 'About me'.

    Click at the bottom of that box "View complete profile'.

    On the page that comes up you will see Contact: email. Click email and you're off to the races.

    Looking forward to seeing the pics with Gryphen posts them.

  197. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Once when young I was standing on a ladder cleaning the house gutter and dropped a pebble on my sister and it fell off her shoulder. It was a large pebble but not a "rock" by any means. I certainly didn't angrily throw it at her but I was annoyed with her incessant verbal taunting me while I was trying to complete my chore. My pebble (tossed in underhand fashion) was a warning to her after asking her repeatedly to go away and she would not.

    I looked her right in the eye as the pebble fell and bounced off her shoulder in slow motion. Our eyes locked. After 10-15 seconds of our stare-down I saw a light bulb go off in her brain along with an evil gleam in her eye. That's when she decided to scream as loud as she could (while still looking at me), "Mama, MAMA, Colleen threw a rock at me. It hit me and she hurt me!". Then she started wailing and screaming even louder vigorously rubbing her shoulder to make sure it turned red. By the time my mother came out to see what was going on my sister had worked up actual tears and slobbering how badly I hurt her. My mother fell for her dramatic stunt. Guess who got a spanking and guess who was hiding around the corner pointing at me with her hand over her silently laughing open mouth?

    I will never forget that moment when our eyes locked both in awareness of the conscious decision my sister made to commit a lying act of wickedness against me. Never did I trust my sister after that...EVER.

    Like victim Sarah lives to do…like Sarah who learned everything she knows on the basketball court….my sister also took an opportunity to spin, contort, lie and slam, proclaim and blame as loudly and dramatically as she possibly could - all for the purpose of making her a victim, getting mother's attention and see me punished. The only difference between the two is that this talent comes so naturally to Palin - she lives to do that 24/7, it's her forte'…. while fortunately my sister's lightbulb only goes off like that every now and then. She doesn't lie as often as Palin. Still don't trust either one of them.


  198. emrysa6:22 PM

    I see that the commenter who claimed that there was violent language being used against the quitter in 2008 still hasn't posted any LINKS to back up it's claim.

  199. Anonymous6:33 PM

    emrysa 6:22

    That doesn't surprise me. The trolls pop in post and run. They're mindless critters that do that at a number of sites -- many posting the same think -- copy and paste as they're devoid of intelligence to think for themselves and write something new!!

  200. Anonymous6:54 PM

    "Many of you give to your local church. You could consider taking a month or two off of that and donating to Sarah instead. I'm sure your pastor will be fine with that. Most religious leaders would be happy with you doing that and hate the fact that they have to refrain from endorsing candidates."

    Wow, so now c4p is urging bots to divert their tithing money to Sarah's wallets??? Frauds, all of 'em.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.