Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Barack Obama, the "baby whisperer," strikes again. Updated with a new picture.

It is part of every child's survival instinct to know who they can trust enough to let their guard down.

I wish EVERY American understood what this child naturally understands.

You can see more pictures of President Obama's visit to Iowa by visiting the Obama Diary.

Oh hell, let me leave you with just one more.

Something about the emotion on that woman's face touches me.

Update: Okay so since so many of you requested it, here is the picture of Sarah Palin demonstrating her child comforting abilities.

By the way, who in the hell autographs babies?


  1. Anonymous6:06 AM

    He is so gentle with those babies, he has a good kind heart. President Obama, yes we can and yes we will.

  2. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Love those pictures!

    FYI - our local Fox station here in Minneapolis just showed the line at the Mall of America for the Palins' "book" signing.

    ......crickets ....... there is NO one in line. There are lots and lots of ropes set up to accommodate a huge amount of people, but very few people there - in the 10s rather than hundreds or thousands. There were two very close-up interviews with people in line (perhaps to hide the fact that there are no CROWDS there). Interesting. [please delete this if you are already doing a post on the Mall of America signing - thanks!]


  3. Maybe you could add the footage from last week where Michelle handed him a crying baby and as soon as he took her, the baby stopped crying!

  4. Anonymous6:21 AM


  5. But, but, but, but ... Glenn Beck told me that President Obama hated White people !!!

  6. Anonymous6:31 AM

    You never cease to amaze me. You are right on the money once again. This is a man with a beautiful soul and we are blessed to have him as our President. This is the kind of imagery Obama 2012 needs to incorporate as it draws the unbelievably graphic comparisons between the President and the GOP for all the nation to see and digest.

  7. Nancy In New York6:35 AM

    Remember McCain's baby pics during the 2008 campaign? Gramps horrified some of those tots!
    I remember one where the baby was arching her back in terror just trying to get away from him.
    And I don't think many babies were to thrilled with Her Rogueness either.

    Babies ALWAYS know who is good and who is not.
    Dogs too.

  8. TruthSeeker6:37 AM

    This young lad recognizes & trusts. We are SO fortunate to have such a good person as Barack Obama as the President of the United States.

    I can't help but stand up a little straighter, reach a little higher and live by my truest standards, knowing that that is what President Obama does every day.

  9. Anonymous6:48 AM

    a few thousand people, at least, beg to disagree...from their graves

  10. Anonymous6:50 AM


  11. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Twenty years from now, that little boy is going to see those pictures and realize he was closer to the President than 99.9% of the American people ever will be...and he slept right through the whole thing!

    Politicians are very good at fooling adults, but babies are much harder to fool. They recognize when someone is not genuinely caring. Obviously, President Obama has the 'right stuff' when it comes to calming the little ones!

  12. Eunice7:03 AM

    That's one of his Kenyan black magic witch doctoring skills. He uses that to keep the white Christian babies quiet until the kettle is boiling. These pagan Muslim communistic freedom hating baby killing bastards hate families, but they love tender white Christian babies, preferably in a spicy chipotle sauce.

  13. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I looked through the photos and got teary-eyed. I love that man. In contrast, I look at photos of Palin and weep with fear!

  14. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Sarah Palin doesn't even have this effect on her own children. Such a sorry excuse for a mother she is!

  15. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Hey CrabbyPatty! Thanks for the info. on the lack of lines at MOA. I can't find the video link anywhere. Do you have the link or did they scrub it already?

  16. Anonymous7:20 AM

    This picture of Bristol is hilarious. What a tool!

  17. This picture is a keeper. Someone should do a comparison of pictures of him with children and Sarah with children. (Actually there's no comparison.)

  18. Pat in MA7:25 AM

    We MUST have four more years of this wonderful man and his calm, warm, leadership, I have faith that we'll get through these crazy times and we should soak up every moment, because... 'don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone'

    Crabby Patty - thanks for the update from MN... no crowds, huh? Good on Minnesota, now just get rid of that crazy Bachmann and then we're talkin' :)

  19. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I used to live in Bettendorf, IA and have dined at Ross's (good food!). I sure wish I could have been there yesterday.

  20. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Little guys name is Lucas!! I know his grandma who was as RED as there was until S'cerror went on the ticket with that point she fell in love with Barrack Obama and has not looked back... Grandma and Grandpa took Lucas to see the President yesterday and he got a bit fussy! We see what happened!

  21. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I recall the pic of Palin what appeared to be autographing a baby/baby's clothing. The baby was bent backwards, screaming.

    Gryphen should put that pic up!!

  22. Anonymous8:10 AM


    Here is link to Palin autographing baby.

    As I just posted in a comment minutes ago, the baby is bent backwards and screaming.

    You should add this pic to compare.

  23. There was a video on the news of him and his wife working the line. There was a small baby crying. Michelle held him but he didn't stop. Then the Mom took him and tried to quiet him down. Then Obama took him and he stopped. The look on Michelle's face was priceless. Obama broke out in a grin. Baby whisperer is right.

    And you can tell he loves holding babies.

  24. Here is our President last week with a crying baby...he is wonderful.

  25. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Gryphen - Reminds me -- the video of Bristle of the USA Today you posted earlier -- to just look at it on the screen without playing it -- it reminds me of:

    'I'm not a witch - I'm nothing you've heard - I'm you' NOT

    I seriously believe Brisket or her handler orchestrated this to appear like Christine O'Donnell's ad -- let's call it -- HUGE FAILURE!!!

  26. Sweet anny8:29 AM

    From the pees: Sarah is running I know for Sure!!!!!! Sarah will go to work for WE THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah does what she knows is right. Sarah Palin will give America back to WE THE PEOPLE just like she gave the state of Alaska back to the PEOPLE.......One thing we know for SURE we can TRUST SARAH PALIN....Just ask Trig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ummm...ya....Where IS TriG, btw?

  27. Sweet man, no doubt about it.

  28. Anonymous8:36 AM

    hehehe, thanks for the info

    Love the pic of lil' Lucas with our President.
    Children can see through fakers, let's see Lulu calm any child--even one of her grandkiddos.

  29. Something my kids said the other day out of the blue (no pun intended): my son said black people are cooler than white people, my daughter agreed and said she wished she were black. My youngest said no it would not be good because then stupid people would hate you for no reason at all.

  30. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I read here everyday, I rarely comment. The President's press conference just ended, and I find this charming post. Just... thank you.

  31. A. J. Billings8:54 AM

    Not only do babies distrust Sarah, but so does Todd.

    Notice that they never look at each other with affection, they don't hold hands, they rarely touch.

    That's a sad lonely life for Todd following around BigBoss Quittypants.
    HE's got to feel damn useless sometimes since she's bringing in all $ from the Bots for HER PAC,
    and he only gets an allowance.

    Todd, stand up for yourself, and just announce the divorce, move out, and write a book.

    You'd get a 10 million dollar advance, and you could buy a great hunting lodge with a big bar and poolroom, 10 new snow machines, and spend your time hunting, fishing, and hangin' out with your friends.

    The court would probably give you alimony for life, and at least partial custody too.


  32. Anonymous8:59 AM

    where was Barack when my grandkiddos were fussy ( snark) My goodness that man just has a way with babies.

  33. Anonymous9:05 AM

    It´s getting harder and harder for the Far Right to use President Obama to scare each other with.

  34. I love the picture of the President with the about 8-9 yo boy in the blue shirt. They are at eye level. The boy is so proud, standing tall. A day he'll never forget for sure.

    My all time favorite picture of the President with a child was taken in the WH. The President and his aide, Reggie (a big linebacker of a man) are sitting on their heels with their arms outstretched. Between them is a tiny Asian girl (President's niece) just taking her first steps. The faces are wonderful.

  35. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Gryphen - Reminds me -- the video of Bristle of the USA Today you posted earlier -- to just look at it on the screen without playing it -- it reminds me of:

    'I'm not a witch - I'm nothing you've heard - I'm you' NOT

    I seriously believe Brisket or her handler orchestrated this to appear like Christine O'Donnell's ad -- let's call it -- HUGE FAILURE!!!

    8:21 AM


    What it did was put a spotlight on and draw attention to that BIG - HUGE ass chin of hers.

  36. Anonymous9:33 AM

    That is so sweet. I think US is blessed with a kind-hearted decent good president. What touching photos!

  37. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I wouldn't let my children be in the same room with a Heath or a Palin. Or a Bachmann.

  38. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Eunice @ 7:03 -
    "but they love tender white Christian babies, preferably in a spicy chipotle sauce."

    I would think that they would go for a nice mild barbecue sauce instead. Don't want the sauce to overwhelm the main course!

  39. WakeUpAmerica9:53 AM

    You should put up a comparison with how Tundra Turd holds a baby, maybe one with Trig leaning away from her in horror.

  40. Anonymous10:13 AM

    ROTFFLAUGHING at the author who added this to his post when PalinBOTS descended on him calling names.

    At this point it seems really cut and dry that if you like Sarah Palin and believe in her personal political philosophy that you are dumb.

    I’m sorry, I just don’t see it any other way. She is very loud and brassy and obnoxious with very little intellectual grounding for anything that she says.

    You’re welcome to believe in and support her, it just means you’re dumb, that’s all. Don’t worry, lots of people are dumb!

  41. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Just to show that babies are smarter than we think, remember THIS pic? (sorry about the absurdly long url),r:2,s:0

  42. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I so love our President! We are a very, very fortunate country to have him!

    Especially love the fact that a poll was recently done in Alaska and it put our President up against Sarah Palin and he beat the hell out of her! I'll wager that really pissed her off! Too bad, sister Sarah! Move to Arizona PLEASE!

  43. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Totally OT, but Gryph, will you please explain your current thinking on "Trig was Tripp before he was Trig.". What can you tell us? Thanks & keep up the great work!!

  44. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I am married to a man like Barack Obama. Babies, small children and animals (I am not equating them) all take to him like nobody I know. They instinctively trust him and relax around him. They are drawn to him, as they know he "gets" them.

    I am lucky ;-).

    And WE are lucky to have someone like that for our President.

  45. Anonymous11:16 AM

    OT: interesting series of postings on Craig Cristy's facebook page (father of Shawn Cristy, the kid Palin put a restraining order on)

  46. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Beautiful photo.

  47. Those are touching photos showing the tenderness and care our President extends to all of us.

    I can't help contrasting the pic of little Lucas with scenes from SP's Alaska. On one occasion, Trig was toddling across the floor and Sarah walked toward him, holding her arms out. Trig made a 90 degree turn and ran to Willow, who was lying on the sofa. Also, when Sarah tried to kiss Tripp as he sat in his high chair, he leaned away and turned his head as far from her as possible.

    Other posters are correct, that children and dogs can sense what's in a person's heart. (Cats probably can too, but some of them don't seem to care. JMO Nothing against cats.)

  48. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I get a good feeling just looking at these photos. He genuinely cares about people. And obviously, he has no need for rigid rules about who's allowed to see him or restrictions on photos. He looks thrilled to be mingling with people, and he treats them all--from babies to seniors--with obvious respect, enthusiasm, and kindness.

  49. Anonymous11:46 AM

    When you look at the picture of President Obama tenderly holding that beautiful, sleeping child on his shoulder, then you move down to the Sarahpac (male wannabe') photo of her dressed in cami's and holding a gun, the disparity between their personalities regarding love and hate is so visible it is blinding.

    While so many do not realize it, we are so fortunate to have this man as our president, especially considering what the Rs ran in '08 and the fools that are out there now for 2012.

    Hail to the Chief!!!

  50. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I am so grateful that we have President Obama to lead our country.

  51. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Beautiful photo.. thanks for the post..

  52. Anonymous1:58 PM

    The man has soul.

  53. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Yes, we should reelect Obama, things have gone so well.

    We got Bin Laden!

    The economy, jobs, banks, gas prices. Egypt, Libya, gay marriage, debt/deficits?

    Hey, we got Bin Laden!

  54. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Gryph, please put up the picture of Sarah Palin autographing a live baby! The baby is arching its back to get away and looks to be screaming. Pretty, pretty please post this next to the one of Obama with a peaceful, sleeping child.

  55. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Jude @ 11:35-
    "children and dogs can sense what's in a person's heart. (Cats probably can too, but some of them don't seem to care. "

    Actually, in my experience, cats tend to go right for the person in the room who dislikes them the most. They are rather contrary little things!

  56. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Gryphen asked "who autographs babies?"

    The answer Gryphen, is a person who considers babies just another prop.

  57. Anonymous3:55 PM

    And unlike Duhbya the wastrel brat child. Obama won't feel the need to wipe away the fact that he has touched a commoner.

    You notice that Duhbya's one effort to try to show himself worthy as a world leader and compassionate man, sans military industrial complex, is a "one of" effort.

    Hate it when those brown common people rub off on my hand.

    W McBeth: "Out, damned spot! out, I say! What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?...What! will these hands ne’er be clean? No more o’ that, my [LSM], no more o’ that: you mar all with this starting. {Away wi' the damn'ed cameras. Away, I say]...Here’s the smell of [humanity] still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this [lily white] hand. Oh! oh! oh!"

  58. She probably autographed all the various Tri-G's to keep track of them!

  59. Beldar Stitch Conehead4:40 PM

    The pictures of our president with his people is just... well... just really, really nice. We've waited a long to have a leader worthy of being held in such high personal esteem.

    But the picture of the Screechy Wretch? Dunno how to say this, Gryphen.... Look more closely at the pic... I don't think that's a pen in her talons... I'm pretty sure that's an X-Acto knife..

    I mean... C'mon!!! Who performs "street surgery" on a baby???

  60. Anonymous5:04 PM

    That's one smart toddler in that photo! (Back away from the crazy lady!) Years from now she'll remember how HER Mother pimped her out unfortunately, all for the sake of meeting Scarah. I wouldn't let that witch anywhere near my kids....

  61. Anonymous5:52 PM

    yup, hardly a line at all

    i did see tripp-le he was screaming his head off

  62. Anonymous8:56 PM

    That last photo says it all.

    I had the distict pleasure of meeting The President during a public tour of the White House, and I've seen the effect this man has on people, he genuinely connects in a meaningful way. He makes you feel comfortable and actively listens to your concerns. Though I've never seen him with children, I'm certain your observation is true, kids intuitively know and trust genuine people.

    Compare that to any photo of Sarah with Trigg during the book tours. The kid froze, stiffened up, and wouldn't make eye contact with her.
    Proof positive that men can nurture and love a child just as well or better than some women.

    Four more years!

  63. Dayum, she's got some fugly ears!

    Sarah and the mother of that child should be ashamed. That's child abuse if I ever saw it.

  64. Calli Pygian8:26 AM

    My knee jerk response to her was uncontrollably stimulated again,that being a venomously spat, "Stupid bitch". I just cannot help myself.

    B.O. will be the best grampa.

  65. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Who autographs babies? The same moron who is arrogant enough to autograph an American flag, wrap a flag around her running shorts clad body for a magazine cover (and then claim the magazine is sexist for showing the photo!) and who thinks she is smarter than anyone in the room, no matter what room she is lying in. Yes, that moron, who wants to be moron in chief so we can all sink to her level Meanwhile, we have a President who is smart, caring, and loves babies, AFTER they're born, unlike anyone in the GOP.
    And @Eunice, you are one sick and jealous woman.

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