Sunday, June 05, 2011

First review of Palin movie "The Undefeated" is in. Might want to take that"Un" off of the title.

From the New York Post:

“It’s rated X,” the director of the new Sarah Palin movie informs me as I sit down for an early screening of the biopic “The Undefeated.” I don’t know how I feel about this information. But I’m the first movie critic to see the film, so I sit back uneasily and hope I don’t have to witness any shower scenes starring John McCain.

The two-hour Palin movie, which writer-director Stephen Bannon plans to show in Iowa in a “Field of Dreams”-style cornfield, is getting a lot of attention as the former Alaska governor tours the East Coast.

Bannon promised the blog Big Hollywood, “This will go off like an atomic bomb” in the Republican primary season. Palin herself, Bannon says, gave the movie a big thumbs-up, though she didn’t participate in the making of the $1 million film. She appears in it only in news clips and is heard in audiobook clips from her memoir “Going Rogue.”

While Palin draws an audience, backstage nothing is plugged in. She hasn’t hired the hacks and flacks pols need to run a campaign and has given no sign she is interested in giving up her Fox News contract.

These days Thomas Jefferson couldn’t get elected on name recognition alone, and while Palin may be her own breed, she knows that.

Moreover, “The Undefeated,” far from shaking up the race, is just a fan film from an outsider hitching a ride on her fame, hoping that attention from political reporters in the early primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina will provide a springboard for a national release.

This would-be “Fairbanks 9/11” certainly blazes with passion — hosannas of awe for Palin, brimstone of scorn for her detractors (especially Matt Damon, standup comics and anonymous commenters who say mean things on blogs).

But its tone is an excruciating combination of bombast and whining, it’s so outlandishly partisan that it makes Richard Nixon look like Abraham Lincoln and its febrile rush of images — not excluding earthquakes, car wrecks, volcanic eruption and attacking Rottweilers — reminded me of the brainwash movie Alex is forced to sit through in “A Clockwork Orange.” Except no one came along to refresh my pupils with eyedrops.

Not much of a surprise here.  Palin is essentially marketing herself to the same small group of zealous acolytes, the very ones who watched her crappy un-reality show, through a different medium in the hopes they will be inspired to dive under those sofa cushions one more time to find, and send her, just a little more of their hard earned money before she is forced to pull her version of a Donald Trump and pack up her traveling sideshow and head on back home to Arizona.

That's right, Arizona.  I don't think that Palin has ANY desire to return to Alaska.  And I have to say the feeling is mutual.

Update: By the way, the New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

The same Rupert Murdoch who owns Fox News.

If THIS is the kind of reception Palin's propaganda piece receives there, one can only imagine how poorly it will be received by other critics, who are NOT paid by the same guy who put Sarah Palin on their payroll.


  1. angela4:14 AM

    No surprise here.

    The Arizona Airhead's movie is just bot masterbation. But I'm sure Sarah can pay Michael Medved to give her a thumbs up on her crybaby epic, An Idiot's Journey----I mean Defeated in Spanx.

  2. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Gryphen, there is no point in getting exercised about the Palin "successes." I think it is pretty clear what is happening: she has a cadre of handlers that were scraped from the floor of the GOP cage and they are - very successfully I might add - marketing her to the intellectual bottom of this country, which is getting bigger and bigger. (But don't get me started on education.)

    They are very carefully using her as a money machine for themselves - and as a side effect - her, too, and there is nothing you can do with it. These people are smart and they know she could never withstand the shitstorm that would occur if she ever really ran for office. That's why they keep her communications under tight - and one-way - wraps, with an occasional ringer like the Revere quote, but they can handle that.

    No, it's about the money - and nothing else. And W.C Fields said it best: It is immoral for a sucker to keep his money.

    And their ain't a damned thing any of us can do about it.

  3. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Doesn't Murdoch own the Post? Tough review. I like it.

  4. LisaB25954:42 AM

    No surprises here. Movies like this always suck.

  5. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Sarah getting divorced, more on Bristol

  6. London Bridges4:47 AM

    The Idiot Queen guy could be a Romney Mormon - almost as scary as Sorry, Sarry, Scarah, Sarah.

  7. Delicious. I just read this and of course she will deny she has anything to do with this film.


    if it runs, it means no one cares about protecting her...

  8. Anonymous5:06 AM

    It sounds like alot of imagery to reinforce the narrative of attacks to destroy and make up mean things covering just about everyone including me!

    While a master manipulator, compulsive liar, opportunist seethes with vindictive rage deluded she and her dysfunctional family are entitled to do as they please lying, projecting, lying, defecating verbally on others then scream persecution when people say black is black... Tough nuts to Pathalogical personalities.

    Any time a person lies compulsively, lies intentionally terrorizing people making up fictional terror tails, lies to have anyone jarrassed, threatened possibly murdered I will be a voice in a crowd that speaks up.

    This movie sounds less about a political career and more the persecution of Palin the GOP handed her bent on hiding a teen pregnancy for their alleged poster family of Christian values. Brilliant idea to hide a fetus with another baby, genius to pick a family with two HS dropouts too to pass off as the model of USA hockey mom awesome family. F'ing genius the spouse have no higher education.
    More wisdom of repubs: dress and clean them up to appear what you want theasses to think they are. Next write a clever speech of numerous blatant lies...applaud and give accolades for a nonexistent pipeline then get behind her with talking points Sexism Attacking Destroying.
    There was little there of truth or fact. People exposed that.

    In reflection, the GOP deserves and by justice, God, karma they shall reap what they have sown.

    This is a fork in the road. Either they do the right/moral thing or get behind Palin to CYA.

  9. More insight:

    It takes a morally bankrupt personality willing to act out a fictional narrative, agree to allow one's offspring be lied about, give a rousing speech claiming blatant lies easily fact checked. Palin fit the casting for she was an unknown.

    When they discovered Palin was not only ignorant but did not care and is unstable, conniving, opportunist (clothing), low class, unfit, unqualified, reckless, akor ethics charges, lied to them they hid her and went into cover up mode.

    Perhaps we can appeal to morally conscious people to come forward and of course Tina Fey:)

  10. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Iowa is the perfect place for this film, they all seem to be palinbots in Iowa. Check this out:


    A new poll shows only 26 percent of Republicans in Iowa believe President Obama was born in the United States. The survey taken by Public Policy Polling indicates a massive 48 percent of GOP voters in the Hawkeye State don't think Obama was born in the U.S., with another 26 percent saying they were unsure.

    That means about 3 in 4 Republican voters in the important caucus state doubt the commander in chief is being truthful about his claim that he was born in Hawaii.


    Also, Iowa State Senator Kent Sorenson has introduced a bill in the Iowa Senate that would require candidates for President to provide a birth certificate, according to a new item at the Iowa Independent.


    Yes, Iowa is perfect for palin - why doesn't she buy a house there ??

  11. Anonymous5:37 AM

    If he plans to show this farce in an Iowa cornfield (what, they have to bring their own lawn chairs and popcorn to throw at the screen?) I hope God can conjure up a nice thunderstorm the same evening. Better yet, a HUGE storm a half hour before show time. Wanna bet Palin does not appear for the grass carpet event?

  12. Anonymous5:43 AM

    I am suspicious of the Iowa polls. Then Senator Obama won Iowa in the caucus. How could there be that many "birthers" in that state?

  13. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Take it easy on Iowa please! True, we have some nuts, but remember that Iowa voted for President Obama, and we were legalized same-sex marriage a few years ago. We have the oldest mosque - the Mother Mosque - in the United States.

    We're not just corn and conservatives. Lots of open-minded progressives live here too.

  14. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Who is a better liar... Sarah or Casey Anthony?

    Which is more narcissistic?

    Which has less soul or morals?

    Which is the better mother?

  15. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Anonymous @5:27:
    While I agree with your sentiment, 48% of republicans does not equal "they all seem to be palinbots in Iowa" There are a lot of sensible, educated Democrats in Iowa.

  16. Dis Gusted5:58 AM

    Sarah getting divorced, more on Bristol

    4:44 AM

    can you get divorced when you're already divorced? Rumors were they got divorced in 2009. were they ever really married?

    When she ran for Mayor, she made her opponent show his marriage certificate. Has anyone ever seen her's?

  17. Anonymous5:59 AM

    I don't understand Palin's movie title "Undefeated"?

    It is like the San Diego Padres claiming they were "Undefeated" in 2011 with their record of 26 Wins and 33 Losses?

    Palin's Win / Loss record is a lot worse!

    Just don't get it?

  18. Anonymous6:05 AM

    You tellin' me the Palin inbreds will be sittin' in some cornfield in Iowa watching Palin's movie projected on a cow while they drink moonshine and play banjos?

  19. Anonymous6:08 AM


  20. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Well, I guess Murdoch is playing good-cop/bad-cop, and maybe he hopes (knows?) that his viewers/readers are not smart enough to know that he owns both.

  21. Ripley6:16 AM

    @ 5:58 Dis Gusted: we all know that Palin accuses other people of her own discretions. My bet is that she was born in Canada, did not ever get any sort of degree, had at least one abortion, and very likely is either divorced already or was never properly married. Anyone ever seen ONE photo of the bride and her beloved on their wedding day? So, they eloped... does that mean they became invisible?

    She's a pathological liar. And a narcissist to boot. A deadly combination.

  22. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Good call for Todd to get his half of the marriage settlement while there is some.

  23. Anonymous6:20 AM

    "Undefudiated" is going to be a block buster...

    It may win an Oscar for best comedy.

    How much of the ticket proceeds will go to Sarah?

  24. Anonymous6:21 AM

    "Undefeated?" Then what happened in 2008? Oh, bots, please spare me the
    "She wasn't on the top of the ticket," lame excuse. She was defeated along with Senator John (I sold my soul to the GOP) McCain.

    Undefeated sounds like unwatchable to me.

  25. Anonymous6:22 AM

    5:27 AM

    Actually, in a head-to-head, Obama is leading Romney in the polls in Iowa by nine points, which means one of two things: Either the person hailed as the leading candidate for Iowa is less popular than everyone thinks OR the GOP are in for some serious trouble in America's heartland. They NEED Iowa if they're going to take back the White House. (Don't listen to bullshit from pundits that put WI, MI and MN in the toss-up category just because the GOP made some gains there. Low Dem turnout put those states in play. We'll, barring any terrible, unforeseeable scandal, keep those states blue).

    My own feeling is that both are true. Romney is this election's Hilary Clinton, and he'll probably end up losing the nomination. But that the GOP is going to have a problem in the heartland, especially with Paul Ryan's budget hanging around their necks.

  26. Anonymous6:22 AM

    The McCain campaign could not believe how totally ignorant Sarah was and the Katie Couric interview was a disaster for them. They tried to hide her away and teach her but it failed.

    They put her in a hotel to start working with her but she shut down, no eating, no drinking her beloved soft drinks and she was not sleeping. The room was dark, stuffy and smelled of greasy food. McCain was notified and he said to bring her to Arizona where they could work with her.

    She became a total disaster for the McCain team and refused to even work with some of them.

  27. Beldar Undiefeeted Conehead6:22 AM

    Wait! You mean the movie isnt good??? Wow... That's a shocker.... (eye roll)

    The screechy wretch may never live in Alaska fulltime again but it's very unlikely she will spend the summer in 110F Phoenix either. Wouldn't be surprising to see her waddle back to her rolling cuckoo's nest and just aimlessly roam the one nation comically scrambling American history, overnighting in WalMart parking lots and collecting donations in a bucket, also, too.

  28. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I read news articles about the quitter every day and when reading the comments, it seems at least 9 out of 10 are negative in regard to SP. Where are all the supporters??

    In the meantime I've finally come to grips with the fact she isn't going to go away. She is entertainment similar to the entertainment you expect to see going to a circus.

    I live in Iowa and am wondering who in their right mind would sacrifice their corn crop/field to host the movie fiasco.

  29. Anonymous6:25 AM

    "anonymous commenters who say mean things on blogs"

    It is nice to get recognition. We are doing this country, and the world, a huge favor by keeping her a laughingstock.

  30. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I believe The Undefeated was defeated in 2008.

  31. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Yeah, you go get 'em Sarah. You show them how presidential you can taking down...Matt Damon (while being so wimpy as not allowing him to present his point of view...)

    I remember this "attack" on Sarah, but I don't seem to remember Ms. Quittypants saying anything publicly about Mr. Damon in 2008. Is it possible that she's also been steaming mad about that for three years? Gryphen, is Matt Damon on the official list of enemies???

  32. Anonymous6:27 AM

    "London Bridges said...
    The Idiot Queen guy could be a Romney Mormon - almost as scary as Sorry, Sarry, Scarah, Sarah.

    4:47 AM"

    I saw his facebook page, I don't remember where I found it. It was mostly private, but no political party was listed, IIRC.

  33. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Doubling down on the stupid:

  34. Anonymous6:32 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Who is a better liar... Sarah or Casey Anthony?

    Which is more narcissistic?

    Which has less soul or morals?

    Which is the better mother?

    5:53 AM"

    How many people have they killed? Casey has killed one, that we know of. Sarah's words cost the lives of 6 people is Tucson.

  35. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I am probably one of the worst people about Iowa, after all I think they conspired to send us Michelle Bachmann. But to be fair there are some large pockets of good dems down there and much of the ultra right wingnuts tend to be out on the middle of no where. Sadly they do get a great deal of press. Staging the opening of her film in a farm field is going to be great. For one thing most of the people who are running the show that is about to be presented take their image of Iowa from Fields of Dreams and The Bridges of Madison County. Yep, it's beautiful there when it's not raining or storming or hot and humid. That's much of the summer. Crops, gardens grow best when they get a lot of water followed by a lot of sun and heat. It's a crap shoot that you can get two or three days of clear, mild temps and certainly if you plan an outdoor event weeks in advance there's no guarantee the night it shows won't be a weather related problem. I can hardly wait for that to happen. I suspect too, they'll not have a tremendous crowd unless they play it out in the western part of the state, I can't see it drawing huge rabid crowds in Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Des Moines or even Ames. I also wonder how they intend to screen out the people coming to jeer and turn it into a Rocky Horror Picture Show. Are they going to have thugs in the audience to remove the unruly? Good luck, Iowans may be the butt of our jokes in MN, just as we are the butt of theirs but overall they are like siblings so we bicker but we are welded to each other in proximity and shared misery of lousy winters and gorgeous and often wild summers. I'd open the film in South Carolina and forget Iowa.

  36. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Well, here she defends her knowledge of history:

  37. Anonymous6:46 AM

    The news from the Globe is disturbing. Now, she'll trot the beard out at every function, to 'prove' they are still a 'couple', when in fact, both are dating different folks.

  38. Anonymous6:50 AM

    And now the Palinbots at c4peepee are trying to portray Paul Revere as a traitor by warning the british. This woman has no shame. And by the way, all of us in Iowa are not Palinbots, just the opposite.

  39. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I couldn't watch it, but maybe you can G-Man, she's a liar, as well as a fraud..

  40. Anonymous6:57 AM

    a President Palin would? The bish is running..

  41. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Sarah and Todd divorcing? Not likely, since they are already DIVORCED. Todd is not putting up with her shit forever; he might have a temper but he likes to get out and live a little.

    All Sarah does is sit around and obscess about President Obama. She is totally besotted with him just like some women are totally in love with a certain male actor that they can never have.

    Sarah has the sparkles for President Obama, she can't get enough of him and is constantly drooling over him.

  42. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Anonymous said...
    " Anonymous said...
    Who is a better liar... Sarah or Casey Anthony?

    Which is more narcissistic?

    Which has less soul or morals?

    Which is the better mother?

    5:53 AM"

    How many people have they killed? Casey has killed one, that we know of. Sarah's words cost the lives of 6 people is Tucson.

    6:32 AM


    Agreed. And don't forget the "mysterious" fires and plane accidents in Alaska that have killed people that crossed palin.

  43. Anonymous7:17 AM

    How many people have they killed? Casey has killed one, that we know of. Sarah's words cost the lives of 6 people is Tucson.

    6:32 AM

    there is plenty of suspicion re: Curtis Menard Jr. and
    Dar Miller

    plus she's ruined the lives of many others - Trooper Wooten ring a bell? Ever wonder where Diana Palin got her meth? The Christies....

  44. Sycophantic piece of garbage. That one loser already tried it w. that steaming pile, "How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was TARGETED" (though I loathe bringing ANY publicity to that trash)...

  45. Anonymous7:24 AM

    She asked this guy to make some videos after she saw some teabagger speal he did,so what do you expect.Time for Bailey and others to refudiate this woman.

  46. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Hilarious photo. You go, boy!

    This is actually what people should do to counter the propaganda. It takes one brave woman in Homer to bring out the nasty in Sarah. And it takes one brave guy in NY to hold a sign, be completely normal, not overreact, and let that woman make a fool of herself. One guy pointing to the emperor who has no clothes.

  47. Anonymous7:32 AM

    i have no t.v. and slow dial-up internet, so i am not as familiar with the moving Palin as the rest of you are.
    however, one thing strikes me in the world of Palin: she is nothing!
    the media sells us a lie, and make her look like something, when she is nothing. sure, she entertains, and is "unflappable" (how many of us could take what she endures?), but beyond that, i see nothing presidential in her.
    she is NOT presidential material, and nothing the media says can make her so.
    as to this film, just the little bit i was shown from Hannity is a joke!

  48. Anonymous7:45 AM

    From Politico:

    "Palin: Non-candidacy 'liberating'

    "I love my freedom," the former governor of Alaska says on her bus tour."

    It's even more liberating to ditch the husband and a couple kids after 2 days.

  49. wakeUpAmerica7:47 AM

    Is that an undoctored picture? Did that guy with the sign actually come face-to-face with the (low) IQ?

  50. emrysa7:54 AM

    hahahaa, you know, this propaganda film is going to tank. I bet it becomes cult comedy like reefer madness.

    great work quitter! you've once again shown that you're f-ing insane. keep it up.

  51. wakeUpAmerica8:00 AM

    The "undefeated" was defeated in a beauty pageant, in the Lt. gov race, as a pick for Murky's senate seat, and as VP candidate. I think quitting the energy panel job and the gov job that she performed so poorly should also count as defeats. So the title "undefeated" is a complete misnomer, isn't it? In fact, "Sarah Palin, the undefeated" would be an oxymoron, would it not? What a complete joke. Somebody get this woman some legal meds.

    Sarah, here's your sign. BTW, you fool no one but your under-educated Palinbots.

  52. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Title of Sarah's new life -

    "Stewing in Arizona"

  53. the problem child8:06 AM

    I like anon @ 6:36's idea to turn this into the Rocky Horror Picture Show of political movies. People show up in bumpits & "leathers" or miniskirts (guys, too).

    Every time you see Todd, yell "It's a snowmobile." Every time there's a reading, yell "Going Rogue, you betcha!" "Mooseburgers" whenever she lies.

    Songs: "It's a bridge to nowhere, and you'll get there fast" "You're So Vain" and, of course, "Time Warp".

  54. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn8:33 AM

    In the Palinbot bubble:

    Up = Down
    Black = White*
    Defeated = Undefeated
    "Professor" Sarah = Einstein

    *I took some liberties here.

    Maybe this atomic bomb will decimate Moronica's political aspirations and lead her to an ideal career as a televangelist, but I wouldn't bank on it. Sheesh.

  55. Anyone read Cyril M. Kornbluth's
    "The Marching Morons"? Written
    in 1951, I'd say it pretty relevant
    to the queen Idiot and her followers.

  56. Anonymous9:19 AM

    "The Undefudiated" at 6:20 for the WIN.

  57. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I think Stephen Colbert described Sarah Palin the best:

  58. Anonymous9:41 AM

    7:04 Please tell us who the unlucky two people are?

  59. Anonymous9:50 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Who is a better liar... Sarah or Casey Anthony?

    Which is more narcissistic?

    Which has less soul or morals?

    Which is the better mother?

    5:53 AM"

    We have been left with the sinking suspicion that Casey may have drugged her child to enjoy a night of partying, and the poor kid died of an accidental overdose.

    As for Palin, I still remember anon 4:32 who left some amazing messages here. I'm not saying anything, but what ever happened to Ruffles, the skinny little baby who looked premature and had a ruffled ear.

    The mysterious comment said that the Trig we see today (or whenever we last saw him) is not the same kid as Ruffles. WHAT HAPPENED TO RUFFLES? (By the way, it's OK if he didn't make it because he was in such a frail condition.) It's not the "crime," it's the coverup.

  60. "While Palin draws an audience, backstage nothing is plugged in."

    Says it all, doesn't it? And the NY Post is hardly aimed at the "liberal elite." Thanks, Gryphen and commenters, for the entertainment.

  61. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Anon 6:36, I would like to see this propaganda piece open in SC for the last time there was a TP rally at the Statehouse, only 30 people showed up. hahahaha! But don't tell $aint $arah that, for her $hit stinks in SC just as well as any other place.

  62. Bannon is kidding himself if he thinks this movie is going to do ANYTHING to the primaries. The only people that will even think about seeing it are already firmly in Palin's corner. Nobody else would watch it or believe it. After hearing the description, are we really surprised that it's filled with lies, it's about SARAH? That's all she knows how to do is lie!

  63. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Sarah gives a movie that praises her a huge thumb up?

    Eh, thanks but no thanks, go sell it on e-bay. Who knows where that thumb has been? If it was anywhere near any orifice of her body, especially her mouth, it's huge because it full of pus and infected.

    Love that photo, Gryph!

    And to those comparing Sarah to Casey Anthony, my money's on Sarah. They both have the same pathology, but Sarah's been at it longer and raised it to an art, and the body count isn't completed yet. kkkkkkkk

  64. Anonymous6:41 PM

    "That's right, Arizona. I don't think that Palin has ANY desire to return to Alaska. And I have to say the feeling is mutual."


  65. DetroitSam7:55 PM

    "Sarah has the sparkles for President Obama, she can't get enough of him and is constantly drooling over him".

    This has been my belief from the begining.

  66. Maybe if they put "The Undefeated" on a double feature with "Atlas Shrugged" they can attract... oh, I dunno, maybe thousands of people.

    I assume this is going to be a straight-to-DVD release shipped along with one of her books? I mean, nobody honestly thinks anyone is going to pay $8.50+ to sit through this drek... right?


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