Sunday, June 05, 2011

Palin: "I know my American history!" Okay this is just sad.

The woman can simply NEVER admit a mistake. Never!

(H/T to The Political Carnival.)


  1. Anonymous7:01 AM

    what a fucking idiot!

  2. CharlotteB7:04 AM

    oh my goodness. Just SO embarrassing to women everywhere.

  3. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Takes out one foot, inserts the other and repeat. Please some one get this women a straight jacket. PLEEEEEZZZZZZZZZEEEEEEEEEEEZEEEEZEZE!!

  4. Anonymous7:07 AM

    It is never good when a candidate has to explain that he or she knows his or her American history. That being said, Mrs. Palin's explanation makes it clear to me that she knows nothing of Revolutionary history.

    The average third grader knows more about the American Revolution than this woman does.

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    And again the msm is letter her get away with this nonsense. Gotcha question!

  6. It's always those "gotcha questions" that trip up poor, pathetic Sarah.

  7. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Keep it up Sarah, the rest of the country is laughing at you. Even if the facts you gave were 100% correct,which they were not, you still failed horribly to actually explain the history.

  8. Dis Gusted7:14 AM

    LMAO if she KNOWS her history. Apparently, her thoughts can't make it from her brain to her lips.

  9. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Given that all questions are "gotcha" questions in Palin's universe, is there any connection between the Alaskan state emails coming out about now, and Palin moving to Arizona a month ago? Quitting the State?

  10. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Hi Gryph,
    Not sure if you read Jason Linkins Sunday spot on HuffPo or not but he did a pretty good & funny write on Palin's Sunday Fox appearance.


  11. Anonymous7:14 AM

    She refutes everything except babygate.

  12. Anonymous7:15 AM

    IQ = 80

  13. Wallace just let her triple down on stupid without correcting her??!!

  14. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Sarah's lack of knowledge is astounding; she is the poster girl for ignorance. She cannot rewrite history just to suit herself. The whole family is totally eat up with stupid; it is pathetic in this day and time that she and her kids thrive on being the uneducated grifters and biggest liars from Alaska.

    Alaska, it's time to kick some Palin ass and help your country.

  15. Anonymous7:17 AM

    What?! No star of David pendant? And take a look at that puny little flag pin. Why bother? Go away Sarah!

  16. CharlotteB7:17 AM

    Just listened to it again, and I notice she mentions "private militia" (0:43 or so) which, considering what's going on with crazy militia groups inside the US, is truly scary. She really is creeping me out.

  17. She lied seven times during that tape.

    It is my assertion that she does know she failed on her American History.

    This, too, will be revisited many times in the future with new lies, nothing changes with $arah Palin.

  18. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Her bumpits falling !! Her bumpits falling!!

  19. Gotcha question? Didn't someone ask her what she did that day? Not, explain Paul Revere's contribution to the revolution (which might be a gotcha question to a five-year-old).

  20. Anonymous7:21 AM

    As Keith Olbermann says, "That woman is an idiot!" The people living in the British colony of Massachusetts were British subjects. Some were loyal to the Crown and some of the patriots disliked the way that they were being treated.

    Revere did not warn the British that they're "not gonna take away our arms." He warned the patriots of Lexington and Concord to hide and protect their arms, and to be ready for the British who were marching toward them. There were three riders, to make sure that one of them would deliver the message.

    Even when Sarah had a chance to google the information, she still can't get it right. My advice to Sarah is to get back on the bus, go back to the North End of Boston, and listen to that lecture again, and sit there until she can get the two sides sorted out. There were no "Americans" to warn. in 1775, the people in Massachusetts were subjects of the British Crown who were growing increasingly angry at the way that British soldiers were pushing them around, and being regulated by a Parliament in which they had no voice.

    Actually, not everyone in the colony were British subjects. There were also Native Americans whose ancestors lived there long before the Mayflower showed up. There were also slaves who belonged to their owners, and who were not even treated like people. But, I don't think that Sarah was talking about them.

  21. Anonymous7:21 AM

    OT: Is Mrs. Palin divorced from Toad? Is the first dude now available?

  22. Anonymous7:22 AM

    oh my lord. that MUST go viral. Even Chris Wallace is laughing his ass off. This woman is an idiot. Keith Olbermann cannot get on the air fast enough.

  23. Anonymous7:23 AM

    What she actually said was:

    "Holy SHIT! You mean I know my American history?"

    I read the summary, I can no more hear her talk than I can listen to Michelle Bachmann. They are both capable of giving me seizures, sort of like Kramer on Seinfeld when he heard Mary Hart's voice.

    The other side of things though is that she's safe at Fox, if she wasn't she wouldn't have gotten soft balled like this. I wonder if Chris Wallace can look in the mirror after this segment and believe he actually agreed with her take on Paul Revere. Makes me wonder what these people have to give up to get where they get? Not like I had any respect for him before this but now he's in a negative respect mode

  24. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Watching FNS live.

    Squirm, sarah, squirm.

    Lie, sarah, lie.

    Way to fatten up that sacrificial calf, Chris.

    Oh, sarah, did you know there is software that can give your exact latitude and longitude? Also, too, it can actually show images of who is using your computer! Wow!

    You should wear makeup 24/7.

  25. Anonymous7:28 AM

    wow.... just wow....

    She really doesn't know what she doesn't know. To be so dumb that you don't know that you are dumb -- that's just incredible.

  26. Anonymous7:28 AM

    She is wrong even as she rattles on in her recap. Holy cow !! Yes this is just sad!

  27. Anonymous7:31 AM

    SPEECHLESS. Is it not completely obvious that she just had a googlehistory lesson? Why will she NOT SHUT UP?

  28. Anonymous7:33 AM

    She did n't (that's how she said didn't) mess up, eh? Chris should have shown the tape so she could see how ridiculous and drugged out she looked when she rattled off her little Paul Revere revisionist history lesson. Does she even listen to herself?!
    Over on Forbes, ED Kain tries to show how stupid Palin looked and you have half of the commenters standing up for her. Sad commentary on what this country has become with all of the stupids banding together. What happened to the time when education was valued? Why does Palin open her big mouth and just spouts anything that comes into her pea brain if she doesn't know something about a certain subject? Just shut up, will ya' Sarah?

  29. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Fu*k her with this "gotcha" nonsense. I've had it "up to here" (!) with that excuse from her. Time for the press to REALLY start asking some "GOTCHA" questions, like "who the hell gave birth to Trig."

  30. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Please God! When will this long national nightmare end?

    Well, if the bears in Alaska didn't get her, maybe the snakes in Arizona will... or Joe's book

  31. Virginia Voter7:39 AM

    Sarah, you are drinking your own Kool Aid at the Pee Pond.

    She doubles down on the stupid, once again. My husband, who does not pay attention to SP at all, was shocked when he heard her this morning. He asked if she was mentally retarded.

    Katie Couric 2.0 Sarah. (We know you are more obsessed with this blog than any of us will ever confirmed by observers all over the country). Planes, trains, automobiles, and restaurants....we anonymous bloggers are spying on you EVERYWHERE. You can run, but you can't hide from us.

    Ha, ha, ha. I look forward to your fairy tale troll comments later today Grandma Lulu.

  32. Dis Gusted7:39 AM

    go back to the North End of Boston, and listen to that lecture again, and sit there until she can get the two sides sorted out.


    she can't listen AGAIN, as she never listened the first time. She distracted the entire group by signing autographs on her daughter's back. The tour guide had to wait for her to stop talking before he could continue the tour.

  33. Anonymous7:39 AM

    "Her American history"? Can't wait to hear about "Her American economics". Man, I would hate to live in that head of hers.

  34. WakeUpAmerica7:42 AM

    Oh a "do over" for Princess Palin. But of course! BTW, what was the "gotcha" question? Are you f---ing kidding me? What a whiner-baby!! I call bullshit on her excuse. She knows her American history as well as Michelle Bachmann. What idiots!

    Sarah, stop being the terminal victim or sit down and STFU! Your victim schtick is way old, kind of like you.
    Good grief! How can anyone support or defend thi idiot? She's dumber than a sack of hammers.

  35. Anonymous7:43 AM

    These are some great comments from Politico:

    In 1775 the British had been there for seven years? Palin blew her history lesson in more ways than one.... My goodness--the British had been there since 1620. So she not only doesn't know her Paul Revere history, she doesn't know her Mayflower and Plymouth Rock history.

    Her excuse for everyone of her idiocies is that it was a "gotcha question." But it wasn't. The question was simple and direct: "What do you know about Paul Revere?" Palin's response: "He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin' sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed." The only shot fired was the one fired by Palin as she shot herself in the foot. Here is the real story -- from The Paul Revere House: On the evening of April 18, 1775, Paul Revere was sent for by Dr. Joseph Warren and instructed to ride to Lexington, Massachusetts, to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British troops were marching to arrest them. After being rowed across the Charles River to Charlestown by two associates, Paul Revere borrowed a horse from his friend Deacon John Larkin. While in Charlestown, he verified that the local “Sons of Liberty” committee had seen his pre-arranged signals. (Two lanterns had been hung briefly in the bell-tower of Christ Church in Boston, indicating that troops would row “by sea” across the Charles River to Cambridge, rather than marching “by land” out Boston Neck. Revere had arranged for these signals the previous weekend, as he was afraid that he might be prevented from leaving Boston). On the way to Lexington, Revere “alarmed” the country-side, stopping at each house, and arrived in Lexington about midnight. As he approached the house where Adams and Hancock were staying, a sentry asked that he not make so much noise. “Noise!” cried Revere, “You’ll have noise enough before long. The regulars are coming out!” After delivering his message, Revere was joined by a second rider, William Dawes, who had been sent on the same errand by a different route. Deciding on their own to continue on to Concord, Massachusetts, where weapons and supplies were hidden, Revere and Dawes were joined by a third rider, Dr. Samuel Prescott. Soon after, all three were arrested by a British patrol. Prescott escaped almost immediately, and Dawes soon after. Revere was held for some time and then released. Left without a horse, Revere returned to Lexington in time to witness part of the battle on the Lexington Green.

    "This is one of the key stories of the American Revolution, as much legend as history at this point. Nobody references Paul Revere being waylaid by British soldiers and warning them that the Americans were coming. If you answer a question about Paul Revere you talk about his ride, you recite Longfellow. You don’t babble incoherently about warning the British unless you happen to be a half-term former governor of Alaska who simply can’t be bothered to learn a little bit of American history." ---- Well said IMO!

    What is the use of promoting "Americana" if you don't learn anything from the trip? The federal employees and volunteers at the National Park Service and elsewhere tear their hair out -- as it is, they fight misconceptions that people have when they visit. At least they hope that when people leave they are better informed. But not Sarah Palin.

  36. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Reading supportive/defensive comments on articles written about SP, I prevent myself from getting dismayed. The same was true in 2008 during the campaign. I think the majority of sane people are busy with life- working in their communities, supporting their families, going to school, creating industries, have talents put to good use- so they don't have "time" or wherewithall to indulge in "commenting". The good thing is they vote. PO won by a landslide because of SP on McCain's ticket. I bet most of the SP supporters are unemployed, retired and/or without a "life"".

  37. Anonymous7:49 AM

    The people "interviewing" Sarah Palin are extracting as much cash from the viewers and clicks as they can. Her drivel is tolerated because people make money off of her.

    Sarah Palin is mentally unstable. She does not comprehend that most people can see the extent of her instability. That is sad. BUT, until she removes herself from contention for being a candidate, she remains a highly saleable commondity.

    There is literally no blunder Sarah Palin can make that would cause the media to expose her as mentally unstable and unfit for office. Even babygate is safe, because she is a cash cow for the media.

    Right now, I'm just hoping that she will eventually become so incoherent that an "interview" will become physically impossible. Even then with clever editting, the media will be able to string together enough segments to meake it appear passable.

    The media is the problem here. Mike Wallace and the non-fox media need to be told that soft-balling Palin is unacceptable.

    Starting NOW. Mike Wallace, you are a money-grubbing discrace to your profession. You get no views and no clicks from me without an abject apology and a sincere attempt to present Sarah Palin as she really is.

  38. sendlawyersgunsandmoney7:50 AM

    What the F*** is with the Tammy Faye Bakker look? And when did she graduate from the George W Bush School of I'm-Never-Wrong?

  39. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Kind of awkward, isn't it. The Sons of Liberty were a lot like today's AIP, speaking out against what they perceived to be an oppressive government. Paul Revere was literally a Tea Partier, having dressed up as a Native American to toss British tea imports into Boston Harbor. The British Army WAS going to Concord to "take away our guns", i.e. an arsenal that had been accumulated by the SoL. Paul Revere rode out to warn his brother Tea Partiers about it. The Second Amendment affirming a well-regulated militia's right to keep and bear arms (against an oppressive central government, not so much for personal protection) came out of the SoL experience and others like them. If the British Army had succeeded in repressing the rebellion, today we would be loyal subjects of Her Majesty, looking back to mock Paul Revere and his Tea Partiers. We would also have universal health care, and the bobbies wouldn't carry guns.

  40. She's on a frickin' tour of American historical sites, had just been on the walk in Boston that includes the Revere House, she's telling everybody that she's out there to educate US about our great history, and then she has the incredibly ironic gall to call it a gotcha question? Forget her mangling of history. Chris should have gone after her for the gotcha comment.

  41. Anonymous7:56 AM

    A woment that faked a pregnancy (while a highly visibile state governor) has no difficulty faking both history and outrage at being "misunderstood".

    Sarah Palin is a sociopath.

  42. Anonymous7:58 AM

    She knows her American History as well as she knows what the Vice President does. Is it too early to start drinking?

  43. Anonymous7:58 AM

    If she were my mother, I'd run away from home. She is a lying idiot without a moral compass.

  44. Anonymous7:58 AM

    So Todd doesn't want to pretend they are married any more?

  45. Anonymous8:00 AM

    5 days. She couldn't even go 5 days without having a gotcha moment.

  46. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Her eyes were all crazy during that "explanation" of how she WAS right.

    Jeebus. Can't even admit she got something like that mixed up - imagine her dealing with other countries' leaders!

  47. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Another "gotcha" question for Mrs. Todd Palin ... The Belmont Stakes are next Saturday; are you bringing out your false boobs again?

  48. Anonymous8:21 AM

    She doesn't have a clue of what the Paul Revere Ride was about!

    I guess we are lucky she didn't tell us he was selling pots and pans! (revere cookware sets)

    Once again, wearing her biggest push-up bra, The Screeching Mouth from hell, Sarah P. proves the veracity of an ancient word of wisdom.


    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than
    sincere ignorance and consciencious stupidity."
    Martin Luther King,

  49. Anonymous8:23 AM

    If Sarah had said Paul Revere road his Arctic Cat snow machine to warn the patriots...

    Chris would have replied, "and we are all thankful he did not run out of gas"

    Too bad Sarah... you blew your chance to get another kickback from Arctic Cat.

  50. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Sarah, doncha know that the content of your spiel on Paul Revere was much less important than your inability to communicate it? You place yourself in the position of educator and then lecture us in such a muddled way that we have to twist ourselves into pretzels to interpret it? Your people think that if they can justify WHAT you said, they won't be so crushed by HOW you said it, that being as a drunk pageant participant might have. We know you have no shame, but maybe a little grace, a la Michelle Bachmann and her Concord gaffe? With a bit of humor and self-deprecation, you could say something like, "I blew that one, didn't I. Here's what I've learned from my mistake..." But no, Sarah Palin and grace do not go together any better than Sarah Palin and intelligence or Sarah Palin and humility.

  51. Anonymous8:29 AM

    OT, Yesterday a poster wrote about her flight with Sarah Palin on Friday. The poster gave a bit of information regarding seeing Sarah Palin having both her Blackberry and tablet computer linked to IM. Now what would cause this to happen? There was a long worded coment from an Anon source giving information specifically about when Trig was born and when Bristol gave birth. IMO, Sarah got a URGENT text on the Blackberry from someone who monitors IM. Blackberry screens are too small and Sarah whipped out her tablet to get a better view. Now if the information in the post was close to the truth, it makes sense would want to read it for herself. Thank you for your report oh you wonderful flier!!!!

  52. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I wonder if she runs for Prez if she'll have to disclose what meds she's on? They must be doozies. And what's all the chatter about Toad and Saree being splitsville? Can it finally, excruciatingly be coming out at last? Wasn't there something about her already saying in a deposition regarding her little hacker that she was divorced? Or is that another one of those gotcha questions?

  53. Randall8:30 AM


  54. Dinty8:30 AM

    She may indeed know her American history. The manner in which she communicates her thoughts may be the problem.

    Therein lies the rub. If she's unable to communicate a simple concept such as Paul Revere's midnight ride (not to be confused with the wild ride!) she has a major liability in her inability to communicate clearly.

    This inability to communicate clearly has manifested itself time and time again in her career where she says something and has to "explain" it a few days later. This isn't something Obama has to do, and it is decidedly un-Reagan-like.

  55. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Hi, Chuckie.
    Did you know every major militia group is being monitored by the Feds? And have you seen your daughter without makeup recently? She looks 470-years-old.
    Kinda' awkward, isn´t it?

  56. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I like how Wallace implied she's since googled Paul Revere to find the right answer. "We both know now."

  57. Ripley8:35 AM

    One word for Palin: Sedition

    Her activities are seditious. Not the Paul Revere thing. Her attacks against our president and government have gone too far lately.

    Pass it on. Where the hell is the CIA?

  58. emrysa8:36 AM

    it is funny that the quitter refers to everything as a "gotcha" question. that excuse has worn very thin and she's too stupid to even know it.

    note to the quitter: if everything is a gotcha question, then nothing is a gotcha question. wrap your feeble mind around that one. but by all means, keep crying wolf!

  59. Randall8:36 AM

    "A gotcha question" is any to which Sarah hasn't had time to write the answer on her hand.

  60. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Hey Sarah what kind of horse did Paul Revere ride through town in?

    A Ford Mustang or was it a Ford Bronco?

  61. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Just so you all know, the latest Palin lovefest on HuffPo states that she is a former ONE TERM Governor of AK. Hey, who over there is being compensated to rewrite history? (PS to the 'Bots: "compensated" means "paid.")

  62. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Every time I see the media gives this moron credibility I have to ask, what the hell is wrong with our country?

    Bill Maher is right, America is a Stupid Country.

  63. Quiet18:39 AM

    I think a 5th grader needs to challenge SP to a debate about American History! : )

  64. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn8:39 AM

    HuffPo comment above was mine, sorry for not hitting the "name" button!

  65. hedgewytch8:40 AM

    A hahaha! Now the question is a "shout out gotcha kinda question".

    Oh me, oh my!

    Oh you poor ignorant grifter!

  66. Anonymous8:40 AM

    She is absolutely correct. Who ever he warned would most likely, at that point in time would have been British Citizen.
    The only Americans were Indians.
    Gee we lefties are stupid. And Sarah is soooooo smart.

    Except like Angle, not realizing that Hispanics are largely Indians, not Spanish, who are descended from Asians so, Yes, they look a little Asian: Sarah is so stupid that she doesn't realize that she was actually correct as to Nationality.

    However, in being technically correct, she also just claimed Revere was a traitor who warned those Brits who were loyal to the crown, and were therefore enemies of the soon to be new nation, that the King's armies were on the way so that the sympathizers could support the Red Coats.

    See how smart Sarah is?

  67. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Sara Palin: Revisionist.

    No, Sarah, much as you'd like to insert the 2nd amendment, it wasn't even around yet and bears no relevance in this story.

    Few, very few, church bells on the 12 mile route of the "warning ride" until many years later. Church bells were expensive and we had few, if any foundries in the colonies.

    Sara, they sell neat little two syllable word books for children at all these historical sites.

    Buy a few.

  68. lwtjb8:43 AM

    She looks more deranged than ever.

  69. Anonymous8:44 AM

    So Paul Revere was riding around on a horse and ringing bells?

    Speaking of ¨bells¨...

    That ¨gotcha question¨ rang sarah´s bell, for sure. And ¨once that bell´s been rung it can´t be unrung.¨


  70. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I hate to say it but the US is going to hell in a handbasket when the most popular shows on teevee are "unreality" reality shows and everyday there is another stupid news article about Pathetic Palin. It makes me want to barf.


  71. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Alright, alright, I found SP's history textbook from 6th grade! It's called "Then Some Other Stuff Happened" Edited by Bill Lawrence. Scholastic Books, copyright 1970. It's on Amazon.

    Here's how the real Paul Revere ride went down.

    Page 27: One of the men for the Sons of Liberty to ride to other towns to get the other towns not to let the tea be sold there either was Paul Revere. But the ride that made Paul Revere famious came later. It wasn't as famious though as some people make it. He had to have the help of Longfellow on it.

    The ride started out when Paul was a small boy. Something different came into the Revere family. It was a horse. All the children got to feed and keep care of it. The horse was the fastest horse they was back then.

    Paul Revere started his famious ride in Lexington, which is in Philadelphia, and paddled by canew to Boston. He was waiting on the other side of town for his massage when he saw the lights come on in the lighthouse. He jumped on his horse -- the fastest horse they was back then -- and rode all through the streets yelling "Too warm! Too warm! The Red Colts is coming!"

    Paul was well known by the British so he had to make the ride with a reward on top of his head.

    He died when shot in the back of the head. Most people don't know that two other men made the ride too. Longfellow should really has said, "The midnight ride of Paul Revere and William Dawson -- finished by Dr. William Prescott." But it didn't fit in the poem.

  72. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Will some 8th grader please invite Sarah to a history quiz.

  73. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Yup Sarah knows her history!

    You f-ing ignorant retard, tell me again your version of the "Statute" of Liberty?

  74. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Interestingly (and sadly on my part), I was prompted to google *Paul Revere* to see if I could figure out what the F she could remotely be referring to (yup, she got me too! LOL) She must have a special APP that rewrites stuff and swears by whatever spews out of her mouth. How's that for power??

    Sadly too that she also used the tour guides as props instead of actually learning something on her graffiti scrawling- oops I mean autographing rockstar tour.

    She gives me a migraine. EVERY time.

  75. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Ripley, are you seriously suggesting the CIA should go after Sarah Palin for running her stupid mouth against Obama?

    If so then you need a lesson in history (and government!) as much as Palin does.

  76. wakeUpAmerica8:59 AM

    She is a false boob. Stoopid and nothing real about her. Well except that she is a real lying, hateful, dumbass bitch.

    I mean wow, just wow! That was the lamest, stoopidest, most dumbass pack of excuses ever. She out-did herself. Gotcha question, my ass.

  77. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Well, if she doesn't run for President, she should be a lock for Miss South Carolina.

  78. Since when could it be said that Paul Revere was a courier? He was a silversmith. And why didn't Wallace ask her to explain about the 'guns and bells'? I'm so completely and thoroughly disgusted at the media.

  79. ZOIKS!!!! Nice try Sarah!!! And what was that "Gotcha!" question, anyway? "Hey, Sarah, what did you see here today?"?!! I KNOW how tough those questions are!
    No matter how you try to spin THAT one, Sarah, you can never take away the VISUAL of just how HARD those gears were working as you fumbled to unearth that 3rd grade history from that vacuous noggin of yours! Your body language as you tried to sidestep away from that "Gotcha!" question tells all!

  80. Anonymous9:07 AM

    WHERE IS TRIG?????

  81. Beldar Speechless Conehead9:09 AM

    With the firm belief that if you can't say something nice about someone, say nothing at all, I have this to say about the screechy wretch:


  82. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Wow....the burns. She should learn to keep her mouth shut. She only makes herself look worse.

  83. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Even her "clarification" was a fucking mess.

  84. How could it be a gotcha question when she had just visited a historical landmark that highlights Revere's place in American history?

  85. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Sadly, I just listened to the utter stupidity spewing through the lips of quite possibly the "dumbest" so-called politician in U-S history. The fact that she was elected Governor by Alaskans is a travesty on the Alaskan Public Schools education ability. What are you not teaching children there? Why is it that so-called grown-ups there cannot see through an openly stupid individual? As an American, I AM TRULY ashamed of my fellow Alaskan Americans.

    Are you just members of the United State of Alaska? Is that what you think U S of A means? How dare you continue to allow this "fucking idiot" to remain on the national scene. To those of you who will not speak out against this low-life grifter, it makes you just as guilty of hating this country as youir A-I-P compatriots. You are afraid of one woman and her family...ONE WOMAN AND HER FAMILY!! You boast that you are a state of at least 600-thousand people, yet you are afraid of telling the truth about ONE WOMAN AND HER FAMILY!!

    You are indeed Alaskans, but you are not Americans. You are pathetic! God help you if something goes very wrong in this country because of her, and you true Alaskans, not Americans, refuse to speak out against this crackpot. God help you!

    PS: This note is intended for all the non-American Alaskans, and is not intended to put the guilty label on those of you that are not afraid of this piece of shit bully! Still, it's hard to believe that a state of 600-thousand human beings, is afraid of ONE WOMAN AND HER FAMILY!!

  86. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Anybody who had a narcissisit for a mother knows what I know. She is never wrong. Any attention is good attention. There's always an excuse. The entire universe is about ME. SP would never have faked a pregnancy for any other reason than to further her own agenda. (ie. looking like a ProChoice hero) She is addicted to attention and will garner it at all costs, even making stupid statements. My own mom is 82 and she is no less selfish than the day I was born. The only time she got more interested in my sister and I was when we stopped talking to her for a year (no attention). For a year she became a Model Mom, and within days of our speaking, she was her old self again. SP may thinnk she's moved to AZ to get away from IM, but I'd bet my life, she's glued to it every minute.

  87. A mistake??? I think NOT! This hideous woman is NOT smarter than a 5th grader!! Yikes, if she gets the nomination and has to debate President Obama, look out conservatives, you will be the laughing stock of the world!

  88. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Poor Sarah, they're all "gotcha questions" to her, any of them, all of them. It's much better when she's caught off-guard, to just use the "I'll get back to ya" line of approach.

    Now she just spends all of her time re-doing what she said the day before. She has to have followup interviews to "refudiate" what she said in previous interviews. She must have trouble keeping straight whether an interview is a "real interview" whereby she is asked to answer new questions, or whether it's a "cleanup interview" where she has to fix crap she said earlier.

    Sarah Palin, the Revisionist Candidate, always changin' her story until she gets it right, which she eventually NEVER does. She's like a big ole' snake eaten' its' tail!

  89. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Hey Sarah, the "Statute" of Liberty fiasco.

    Was that another gotcha question?

    Wait one minute! Nobody even asked Sarah a question about the "Statute" of Liberty!

    Sarah did that on her own!

    WTF, Sarah is asking herself "Gotcha Questions"?

  90. Too late, dumbass---and the only gotcha was YOU attempting to tell us what you knew, which, it turned out, was NADA.

    You got yourSELF, idiot.

  91. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Okay, fine, Sarah. Have it your way:
    Paul Revere rode through the night to warn the British forces that the patriots were keeping their arms and were not giving them up.

    He faced a firing squad at dawn for treason and counter-espionage. He was actually British, which is why they like RevereWare.

    Sarah Palin is Governor of Alaska. Sean Parnell is a state manager/CEO.

    Sarah has moved to Arizona to help take it back from the Mexicans. And Jan Brewer is married to Pancho Villa.

    Let's be done.

  92. Anonymous9:29 AM

    In the Shoot Yourself in the Foot Contest, I wonder who wins the prize:
    Newt: Go ask Tiffany's why I have a half million dollar debt
    Sara: Paul Revere warned to British not to take away our guns

  93. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Here's what you say next, Sarah.
    You are saying these things on purpose to get the American people to explore and learn about historical events. You have every detail memorized and can recite anything about anything, but you're just saying this to generate interest, so people will use Google and go on exploratory fact-checking journeys to learn about America.

    Brava! Sarah, brava!

  94. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Sarah Palin's digging that hole even deeper and wider. If she makes the fatal political mistake of running for POTUS, all these gaffes, tweets, and Facebook postings will come back as anti-Palin campaign ads with Sarah Palin doing all the work for the GOP and the DNC.

    Bravo, Mrs. Palin. The only things you won't quit are talking non-sense and grifting.

    Good to know that you can stick to some things, you fraud!

  95. RAM!!!

  96. Anonymous9:37 AM

    7:21 - thank you for comments. Sarah would do well to read them - but then, of course, it might make her sound intelligent --- oh, wait, she couldn't repeat what you said because she can't even read well and it wouldn't fit on her hand.

    Goodness, Sarah is not only ignorant, she is willfully so - could only babble what she memorize and even got that all scrambled. She doesn't even try to cheat well.

  97. Anonymous9:38 AM

    sarah says: "I can pass any American History test you give me; just let me have the questions in advance, and let me write crib notes on my hand. I'll answer the questions. Any of 'em. All of 'em".

  98. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Has anyone noticed the flaming on her right side-by the cross she's wearing? The other day when it was a Star-of-David, I hadn't noticed this condition...?

  99. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Little known fact: a while ago, Sarah wanted to become a contestant on "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" but producers refused to dumb it down to early infancy level, which is developmentally where Sarah is stuck. :)

  100. Anonymous9:39 AM

    It's hard to remember that Sarah Palin's major in college was communication and journalism. The whole point of that field of study is to be able to collect information, process it and state it in a clear, direct manner so that the readers, viewers, or listeners know what happened. It means being able to convey clear, easy to understand facts in a coherent way.

    Sarah has just heard the Paul Revere House presentation when she gave her first garbled version of history. Now, she had several days for a rewrite, and she still can't get it right.

    We also seem to be missing Sarah's ghost-writer-in-chief, who has been AWOL for a little while now. At least RAM could find strange literary references to blood libel as a way of excusing the use of that terrible term. Where is a screen play writer when you need a rewrite?

    As for Sarah, it's an F in American History. Get back on the bus, and return to Boston's North End and take the test over.

  101. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Dear Sarah, Paul Revere is actually an illegal Frenchman using a fake name to get into America. His name is actually "Rivoire".

    A decade later, Paul Revere was fired from the militia, accused of disobedience and cowardice, following the biggest American Navy defeat in history, until Pearl Harbor.

  102. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I don't think SP can put herself in another's shoes. She can't read a historical account and understand it if it doesn't relate to her narrowminded insular bubble.

    Colonial days before the establishment of the Republic had different agendas and some players still were loyal to the british King. I'd have to go back and refresh and read my history, so I could not start to tell a story to a band of reporters, I would embarass myself.

    She, however, shecharges right in and turns the story into a present-day-the enemies-in-our-nation-who-would-take-our-god-given-arms-from-us; she'll take any story and turn it into her grudge that she holds today with the present administration.

    All this because she can never admit a fault.

  103. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Remember when Palin was running for Governor and was commented to Andrew Halcro during a debate something to the effect of why did he bother with all those notecards and facts when that's not how one gets elected.

    She's doing the same thing again, thinking that a political race is nothing more than a popularity contest, rather than a knowledge and policy contest.

    That might have worked for her here in AK with our small population and the fact that we had just seen the tail end of a very unpopular Governor, but I don't think that it will work for her in the ultimate political contest.

  104. Anonymous9:42 AM

    John McCain, you've created a whole passel of bad karma for yourself, partner. You aren't going to make up for the Palin debacle for many, many lifetimes.

    You know you screwed-up but aren't man enough to admit it. Maybe if you can apologize to the country before you pass, you might just earn a few points in your favor --- but that is only if there is a some kind of cosmic forgiveness bigger than any human heart can manage.

    John McCain, own up to the misery you've inflicted on this country in your desperate attempt to gain votes. Save yourself a shred of dignity now - apologize for flinging Sarah and her scraggly, ignorant, a-reality-show-is-too-classy-for-them family.

  105. Anonymous9:43 AM

  106. Anon at 7:01 you took the words right out of my mouth, can't improve on it.

  107. Anonymous9:48 AM

    What? sarah did not announce on Fox News Sunday? The opportunity was all but handed to her, gift wrapped and tied with ribbons. It´s as if Fox is slowly exposing sarah to her bots. All the Heavenly ¨signs¨ that sarah claimed to be waiting for are here. They have been here for a while. Even Democrats are saying sarah can beat President Obama. Democrats! And still no announcement. Her tease is growing tiresome and transparent with each denial.

    Her victim card is played out, ¨blood libel¨ being the death blow.

    Her attempt to make reliable media darling Piper as stand-in victim failed.

    She had no choice but to talk policy today or look like a scared mouse with lipstick.

    Next up she will have no choice but to talk policy without being given the questions in advance or risk becoming an irrelevant sideshow.

    sarah is being forced to tap dance for America.

    Or else she gets another one of those humiliating public spankings.

  108. Anonymous9:51 AM

    7:26 Please don't post pics of Granny without makeup! My eyes are still hurting from those thigh pics in Hawaii.

  109. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Someone should ask the teachers at the elementary school she attended ,
    if Palin's warped version is what they are teaching the kids about American history.

    Palin looked overly tanned in the clip I saw .
    Did she bring the tanning bed on the bus ?
    Some woman reporter said yesterday that that Palin showed up every day
    in " tv ready make up."
    Palin probably brought along a
    professional make up artist
    and hairdresser
    on the " half a family " vacation.
    Wallace did a Hannity Van Sustern and lobbed bubble wand questions at Palin.
    Unlike when he interviews Michelle Bachmann
    and he hammers her
    with tough questions.
    It must be in her FOX News contract
    that she can only be asked
    preschool level questions.
    Grade school questions are obviously too tough.

  110. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Anon 7:21 - yes the rumour is that "the Toad" is now available!

    Would you like to be introduced ?


  111. WakeUpAmerica9:57 AM

    Sarah, was that the Liberty Bell that Paul Revere rang? Oops I guess that's another one of those flippin' gotcha questions.BWAAHAAHAA

  112. Anonymous10:02 AM

    The Palinbots are screwing with Paul Revere's wikipedia page now.

    Trying to make history match your idiot queen. What a fucking shame.


  113. Anonymous10:03 AM

    FDL Book Salon: Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years
    Author: Jeanne Devon
    Sunday, June 5, 2011 2:00 pm Pacific time
    This explosive, up-close view of Sarah Palin comes from an inner-circle confidant who shares surprising information about how Sarah dealt with staff and perceived “enemies,” and the discrepancy between what she said and what she did.

    Chat with Jeanne Devon “Mudflats” about Blind Allegiance.

    Sorry I don't know where the link is to the live chat today.

    Anybody know?

  114. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I contend the bus trip was not for the kids but because Sarah has never visited the historical sites. Shame she didn't spent some time listening to the guides and less time adjusting her bra and playing to the press.

  115. Gasman10:07 AM

    Palin is a congenital moron. She is easily the least informed person on the national stage. Even when confronted with incontrovertible evidence that she just stepped on a rake - and quite publicly - she is so incredibly vain that she tries to pretend that the giant rake handle shaped imprint on her face isn't really there.

    Sarah dear, are you so stupid that you think we can't even replay your idiotic remarks about Paul Revere and hear for ourselves just how ignorant you really are? You are such a simpering moron that you don't have any idea just how stupid you actually appear to the rest of us. You are an embarrassment to humanity. Every hamster that I have ever seen is your intellectual superior. You are an imbecile. You have less chance of becoming POTUS than the hamsters.

    Pack your bags bitch. It is WAY past time to go.

  116. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I think we need to ask for a 5th grader to challenge $arah to a debate on American history.

  117. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I hope LSM focus on :Palin emails redacted by same people who worked for her

  118. Nancy in New York10:18 AM

    Sarah Bin Palin considers "What color is the sky?" a "gotcha" question.

    She is an embarrassment to her family, her friends, people (women in particular), this nation and the entire world.

    She is one big fucking idiot.

    There. All better now.

  119. Who thought asking a republican, who was also a VP candidate, a question about American history was a 'gotcha question'?

    She will never admit to a mistake.
    She is a liar, a blatant liar.

    Remember, this was a woman who had just taken the tour and was suppose to learn about Paul revere. She was too busy signing autographs to listen.
    She did not know the answer to that question. She knew she screwed up and figured a way to lie about it and learn about what really happened.

    At least she didn't say they were after the tea in the harbor!

  120. Anonymous10:22 AM

    8:29 AM:

    What!!! I didn't see this! Please, Gryphen, some of us read your blog but don't track the comments. What was this about?????

  121. FrostyAK10:24 AM

    Is she smarter than a 5th grader? HELL no!

    IMO, not even smarter than a first grader...

  122. DaleinSanAngelo10:26 AM

    I learned a long time ago that it is useless argue with teenagers and drunks. Now I am adding Palinbots to that list.

  123. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Anonymous said...

    She refutes everything except babygate.

    7:14 AM

    How true... Excellent catch!

  124. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Doubles down on stupid.

  125. Anonymous10:35 AM

    ...would never have faked a pregnancy for any other reason than to further her own agenda. (ie. looking like a ProChoice hero)...

    9:17 AM
    EXACTLY right. And that fact is key to understanding babygate. Sarah Palin sole goal is to forward her own ends. There is zero possibility that SP faked a pregnancy to "help" someone.

    A teen daughter's pregnancy is not a show-stopper for a veep candidate (as Sarah Palin has proved). So trying to hide such a pregnancy is/was pointless.

  126. Maybe we should give her a pass on this interview, the ink on her palm smeared


  127. @8:37 AM
    Anonymous said...
    Hey Sarah what kind of horse did Paul Revere ride through town in?

    A Ford Mustang or was it a Ford Bronco?


    Perhaps a Ford Maverick???

  128. F J Dandy10:41 AM

    just. watched. the. idiots. no more!
    the pandering is sickening, and she is an embarrassment to all Americans.
    (Gotcha? My bahooki!)

  129. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Obviously Sarah's been learning American history from Mike Huckabee's new revisionist history video series.

  130. Anonymous10:45 AM

    "Here's what you say next, Sarah.
    You are saying these things on purpose to get the American people to explore and learn about historical events. You have every detail memorized and can recite anything about anything, but you're just saying this to generate interest, so people will use Google and go on exploratory fact-checking journeys to learn about America.

    Brava! Sarah, brava!"

    9:30 AM

    Most Americans have been to school, and have already learned about American history. We don't need a fraud, and a know-nothing like $arah Palin lecturing us.

  131. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I was buying some marked down silver jewelry at T.J. Maxx and the pen wouldn't write. The clerk wrote on his palm, and I said "Just like Sarah Palin" and we both had a big laugh.

    the pen then worked fine on the invoice slip.

    She is a psychopatholic liar and a psycho. We now it, isn't it time the press took notice?

    Everything is a gotcha question to her. Dumb bitch.

  132. Palin Fans Trying to Edit Wikipedia Paul Revere Page
    Right wing alternate history
    Charles Johnson

    Man, you’ve gotta almost admire the sheer blind dedication of Sarah Palin’s wingnut acolytes.

    Now they’re trying like crazy to edit the Wikipedia page for “Paul Revere” to make it match Palin’s botched version of history. Here’s the Revision history of Paul Revere; check out the edits that are being reversed.

    Also see the discussion page for an entertaining exchange between Wikipedia editors and a would-be revisionist.

    Palin Fans Trying to Edit Wikipedia Paul Revere Page

  133. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I watched that Paul Revere fiasco and am so sorry I did because I keep replaying in my mind her saying "and ringin' those bells." It's making me sick! From here forward I'm going to stick to transcripts only, just can't take anymore of this total bullshit from that loser. I think I've reached the saturation point, even taking into account the entertainment factor. It isn't entertainment anymore, it's just pure crazy making which is one of the things all narcissists have in common.

  134. Anonymous10:57 AM

    @7:15 am. below 70.

  135. Anonymous11:05 AM

    This woman is a straight-up fraud. NOBODY who graduates with a degree in journalism would use the word "persons" ... she is absolutely dumb as a post and such a "legend in her own mind" as to believe she can rewrite history. Sarah is a poser!

    I do think the MSM ought to just stop following her. But, unfortunately, it is so fun to watch the train wreck. She and her family believe they are relevant politically when everyone else knows they are tabloid trash.

  136. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Why is it that one unfortunate incident can ruin the career of anthony weiner but no matter how much dirt comes out on this bitch nothing so far has brought her down.

  137. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I think I'd rather be waterboarded then tied to a chair and have to listen to her and Michelle B talk their shit at me. I don't think I'd last an hour before I told them whatever they wanted to know. Listening to Sara Palin, more effective than waterboarding. She can always get a gig at Gitmo

  138. WakeUpAmerica11:10 AM

    Chris Wallace: You were the half term quitter governor of what state?

    Sarah Palin: Now, Chris, you know that's just another one of those gotcha questions. Shame on you. But if you will give me a minute, I will Google it and get back to ya.

  139. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Has anyone written to the parks services to tell them they need to redo the Statue of Liberty to Statute of Liberty, rewrite the history of Ellis Island, the folks at Mount Vernon to inform them how Washington worked those darn fields from dawn to dusk and fired those idiots at the Paul Revere house for getting his story all wrong all these years. I am personally feeling very damaged at the horseshit history I was taught and I thank GOD that Sara Palin has come along and served notice to all of us that we don't know shit about American history. I am thinking it's time to give her her due and award her an honorary doctorate in history from Harvard for revealing the truth.

  140. Anonymous11:13 AM

    7:21 a.m. thank you so much for posting. My family lived in Mass. during the Revolutionary War and were Loyalists. They ended up in Canada. The lame, lame backtracking Palin is doing is a disservice to all those who lived during that time. They were serious people who would undoubtedly be sickened to see this decline in education.

  141. To her credit - she may be too dumb to know she's too dumb.

  142. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Sarah Palin Uses A Teleprompter to Blast Obama on Fox News Sunday

  143. Anonymous11:29 AM

    8:29, please provide the link.

  144. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Where was this post 8:29 is referring to? Gryphen, would you please send us a link? Fascinating!

  145. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Sarah, you are despised by the American people. And that you will never change.

  146. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Wonder how she feels about the new Florida law that prohibits doctors from discussing gun safety with parents? States' rights? Nope...bowing down to the NRA.

  147. Anonymous1:45 PM

    im starting to think that she has deeper mental issues that i ever thought before...

    i hate her and dont care one bit...

    BUT its getting downright SAD to watch her...

    i love it :)

    even my republican friends who worship the ground she walk on are silent. they are coming to the realization that she just sucks soooo many balls...

    im being cool though. im not rubbing their face it in or anything...again....SAD.

  148. Anonymous2:24 PM

    If SNL, Bill Mahar or Jon Stewart need to find 3 minutes of comedy gold (displaying Fax and Palin's shared character flaws), this video is it. The interview probably needed to wash with tomato juice and terpentine to remove the stink after he realized his complicinty..

  149. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Hi Sarah!!
    Those gothca questions will get you all the time. Paul Revere wasn't a courrier, he was the leader of the band "Paul Revere and the Raiders", who rode on horses warning the british that the americans had Militias who were recruited by an ad in "soldiers of fortune", and also, too, shoring up the message with warning shots, like the one Michele Bachman already pointed out so eloquently, and bells, to show that he rilly meant it. He was also one of the horsemen of the apocolype noted in the statute of liberty, who handed out bibles to the Native Americans, and taught them to scalp people instead of water boarding. But the point is mute because the brit's courriers were the headless horseman and a pidgeon.

    Get your facts straight before engaging your mouth.

    Fair use policy, this was written by Christine O'Donnel, a witch from Delaware who once dated a guy who took her to a satanic altar with blood "and stuff" on it.

  150. TruthSeeker2:47 PM

    For those interested in 8:29 am's comments on a poster writing about Sarah Palin and flight:

    See Gryphen's prior blog "Bill Mahar, and his panel, have a field day with the carnage that resulted from Sarash Palin's bus tour".

    The original poster is at 2:15 pm

  151. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Bill Maher is right when he said anyone can be President in this "dumb, fucking country"...just look at the playing field and we know Sarah's gonna run. I, for one, don't want a moron sitting in the WH.

  152. This may be the final straw to her ambitions.

    She is being laughed at across the internet. No one is buying anything she says. She is only relevant in her own mind and on Fox News. The only ones defending her are her 'bots and panty sniffers. And I suspect this last blatant celebration of ignorance has lost a few more of them.

    Sarah Palin: Too stupid to be President.

    I can see the bumper stickers now.

  153. "He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed."

    by Larry McAwful, Cranky Yankee of New England.

    Listen, my children and you shall hear...
    Well, just what it is, it's not quite clear.
    On the nineteenth of April in seventy-five,
    Who'd Revere warn on his horseback drive?

    From Concord to Boston to Lexington,
    The British were warned 'bout touching our guns?
    A Tea Party Patriot, armed to the teeth!
    ...At least in the words of Palin, S. Heath.

    The lanterns were lit, no doubt says she,
    In the Old North Church—for liberty!
    One if by land, two if by sea,
    Three if by air, four if by Wii.

    Good golly gosh, I'm sure I don't know
    Just what's the point of her traveling show.
    One thing is clear: you're going to be failin'
    If you learn your hist'ry from Sarah Heath Palin.

  154. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Please someone, adjust this woman's medication. And, keeps her away from small children!

  155. meena4:09 PM

    This is the "analyst" to whom Roger Ailes is paying a million dollars a year -- and he wants us to treat Fox News as a serious journalistic institution.

  156. Anonymous4:15 PM

    And what's worst, Wallace is agreeing with her -- and acting like he has now been educated as to the accuracy and wisdom of her words.

  157. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Gryphen, I'm posting a link to an article about the Palin split up:

    The writer wanted to know who gets custody of the bus...LOL!

  158. Anonymous5:40 PM

    The way Palin describes the British
    " taking our arms " makes it appear that she thought they were running
    around amputating limbs.

    The transcript of Palin's mangling a simple part of American history
    is awful enough.
    The coup de grace is the video.
    It's hilarious and jaw dropping at the same time.
    Jon Stewart and SNL could not
    have done a better job.
    She then doubles down on the gobbedly gook
    and Wallace agrees with her !
    Both videos should seriously end any
    further fantasies ,
    even from her most devoted bots ,
    that Palin is remotely qualified
    to be President.
    It's the most graphic representation of Palin's abject imbecility
    I have ever seen.
    It beats refudiate and squirmish and
    even the two palm writing
    Democrats can save millions in election advertising by just running those clips 24 /7.

  159. Cariocinha6:26 PM

    I went onto Palin's Facebook page to see if there would be a "change in tides" from these ultra-Americans wishing to uphold their "American values and morals". Go on there and watch what happens if someone even counsels Palin to simply admit she "might have been tired and misspoke". Like vultures to the new carcass in their determination to destroy anyone who wishes to infuse rationality to the movement.

  160. berndoubt2:50 AM

    Palin follower trying to change wikipedia to reflect her version of history:

  161. Anonymous11:09 AM

    The actual “gotcha question” was rather benign: “What have you seen so far today, and what are you going to take away from your visit?”

  162. Anonymous11:20 AM


    U are in news :)

    "Last week, an anonymous commenter on a blog called The Immoral Minority claimed to know beyond any doubt that Sarah Palin faked the pregnancy of her son Trig and lied to the country about it (see comment from "Anonymous" posted at 4:32pm)."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.