Thursday, June 09, 2011

GOP to Palin: "Thanks, but no thanks!" Update!

From Slate:

Taken after the Palin bus tour started rolling, it (A new CBS News poll) asked Republicans whether Palin should run. By a 20-point margin (54 percent to 34 percent), Republicans said she should not run. Among Tea Party supporters, where Palin has her strongest following, she is also waved off against a run. Half say she should not run; 38 percent say she should. That isn't so much a referendum on her bus tour as it is a sign that the entire months-long Palin flirtation with the presidency is not creating an appetite.

The biggest challenge to a Palin candidacy has always been that her image within her own party has been getting worse. (If she can't improve among her friends, she isn't going to improve in the wider circle of voters). Some 36 percent of Republican voters have an unfavorable view of her, compared with the 37 percent that have a favorable view. Her favorability rating has declined since April.

Why? Some of the reluctance may be that voters don't think Palin is qualified. Almost two of five Republicans say this in a recent Washington Post poll. Interviews suggest some who really like Palin think she'll never get a fair shake from the media, making the presidential race a distracting nightmare. Others cite her poll numbers in the general electorate, where her unfavorable numbers are at toxic heights.

What is becoming clearer, and clearer as time goes on, is that Palin is perfectly capable of fooling the low hanging fruit who believe she is ordained by God to be our President,  but she can no longer fool the real political insiders, journalists, and Republican hierarchy into allowing her anywhere near the GOP ticket.

Right now the GOP may be afraid to say that on the record, for fear of losing support from her crazed followers too early, but ultimately she will come up against a triple padlocked door that she cannot simply "barge right through."

They were caught with their flies open, their hands down their pants, and drool hanging off of their bottom lip the last time. But this time when they see her, their pants are buttoned up tight, and their hands are as far from their junk as possible.  She will NOT be using that winky, blinky, look at me but don't touch, bullshit to fool them again.

After all this is a woman who is too ignorant to even purchase a house in Arizona without getting ripped off.

“If fundamental property principles still matter in this country, Sarah Palin may have legal issues that could affect the ownership of her home,” he said in the statement. “Through no fault of her own, Sarah Palin has become a victim like thousands of others across the country that have the same problem with their chain of title.”

Is that REALLY the type of person that anybody is going to trust to deal with the complex, and possibly overwhelming problems facing this country?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

She has always been a joke.  But now the joke is on the people who still send their hard earned money to SarahPAC, in the desperate hope that everything they are learning about her cannot possibly be true, and NOT on the entire Republican party. Of course, as we all know, there are still plenty of jokes within in the Republican party. (Hi Michele Bachmann!)

(BTW I have submitted my name to help the Washington Post go through the Palin e-mails tomorrow, and every other day after that.  Here's hoping I get chosen to help, because I would dearly LOVE to be the one to find the really devastating e-mail that puts the final nail in this woman's political coffin.)

Update: It looks like the Washington Post is asking for ALL of our help.

UPDATE: We have had a strong response to our crowdsourcing call-out on the Palin e-mails. We've reconsidered our approach and now would like to invite comments and annotations from any interested readers.

Here’s how to participate:Over 24,000 e-mail messages to and from Sarah Palin during her tenure as Alaska's governor will be released Friday . We’ll be posting them here, and are inviting you to comment on the most interesting or most noteworthy sections. Please include page numbers and, where possible, a direct excerpt. We'll share your comments with our reporters and may use facts or related material you suggest to annotate the documents displayed on The Post site. We may contact you for further details, by way of your registered e-mail with the Post, unless you specify otherwise in the comments.


  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I hope you get picked!

  2. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Thank you so much for volunteering to go through the e-mails! I really appreciate it. I hope you get picked as well.

    Yeah, the GOP is done with her. She was their "2 bit Madonna/Whore" in 2008 but now, she's been cast aside in favor of fresher faces, fresher meat. Hooray!

  3. I hope you're chosen, Gryph. Queen Sarah's worst nightmare!

  4. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Does anyone know why she had the grumpy face again?

  5. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Go, Gryphen go! Since some of the people chosen will no doubt be biased toward making Sarah look good, and they might conveniently "overlook" incriminating emails, we need a rational person to go in there and really examine these messages closely.

  6. Did her air compresser break down? Those boobs are flat in that picture.

  7. I have concerns with the crowd-sourcing, and hope they build-in some checks and balances so that you don't have C4P bots messing things up.

    You are the perfect choice, good luck Gryphen!

  8. Anonymous12:59 PM

    G, you know what to look for, hope you get picked.

  9. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Good for you Gryphen, good for you!

  10. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I don't mean to pee in your lemonade, but I honestly don't believe anything of substance will be found in those emails. The ones they AREN'T releasing are the dangerous ones. :-/

  11. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Hey, where'd the 'girls' go? ;)

  12. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Grumpy face=a request for her attention from one of her 'beloved' family members. Either that, or a newsman asked her what she thought about the weather and she was trying to decide if it was another 'gotcha.'

  13. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I signed up as well...along with a million others! Wonder how they'll keep the trolls out...I'd think that there would be multiple people working on the same emails, just for verificcation.

  14. Anonymous1:10 PM

    That low hanging fruit that Palin has been pickin' is the GOP target audience. It is necessary to have these folks yelling about the Democratic nominee in 2012. These people are needed to perform for the media and declare that everything is the Democratic Party's fault. Town Hall 'death panels' confrontations were a previous example of this group's efforts.

    These people are needed to ask for things that they don't understand (tax breaks for billionaires, more pollution, more outsourcing thievery) but that the Republican Party is hired to deliver.

    That's the problem for Sarah. She and the Real GOP both need the same group of bozos and the their money. Neither is very good at sharing. Sarah will have to quit again, or she will suffer a major fall from grace.

    It will have to be done carefully to avoid alienating these sorry tools, but smarter minds than Sarah's have been working on it snce before the 2008 election. Meanwhile Sarah's been going to Taco Bell (and Applebee's according to some who visit here) and throwing cans at her refrigerator.

  15. Loose Era1:13 PM

    @1250 - 'cuz she was so excited to put on the hat and leather that she forgot to put on her boobs.

  16. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Good luck, Gryphen, hope you get chosen!

  17. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I have a "friend" who often makes the SAME face (the sourpuss pouty face) - my friend makes the face whenever she does not get her own way, or when she feels others do not pity her enough.
    Like a four year old.
    Which is the emotional age these narcissists.
    It is emotionally draining to deal with people like sarah - I feel for her family and her former aides.
    No matter how attractive or engaging sarah may be, RUN away - she will suck the life and joy from you. Ask Frank Bailey, Meg, RAM, and hundreds of other people who tried to help her.

  18. $arah says there is nothing to see so there MUST be SOMETHING!

  19. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Thanks for the link to the potential fraudulent mortgage problem.

    Does this mean she may lose that home and/or her down payment?(Surely she didn't pay in full - b/c that would keep her from being able to deduct interest payments.)

  20. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I love that pic. I also volunteered to go through the emails. I mentioned the Immoral Minority in my submission! Here's hoping.

  21. Anonymous1:22 PM

    "She will NOT be using that winky, blinky, look at me but don't touch, bullshit to fool them again."

    Don't forget the padded push-up bra, short skirt, and heels. Boy I wish I had more hours in the day to say more. The good news is that there are some people, like you, who are so dedicated, persistent, AND intelligent to stay on her case. I would like to believe that the American public would come through and keep Sarah out of any more leadership positions but after the Bush years, I just can't do that. Here's a big THANKS for all your hard work!

  22. Anonymous1:23 PM

    There's that lamestream media again...going after poor, poor Sarah by using her own words against her. Whah!!

  23. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Love ya, Gryphen, but you don't strengthen your case by picking on Sarah about the title issue. As the article says, it happens to many people. Presumably with a house that pricey, she bought title insurance to protect her interest, as well as the mandatory title insurance that protects the lender, assuming she has a mortgage.

    Did you really expect her to do her own title search? C'mon that's ridiculous. She's a moron for so many reasons, but this issue isn't one of them.

    Don't ever make me stick up for her again. I feel so icky.

  24. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Good luck Gryphen. You most certainly know what key words to search on.

  25. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Once she was in the National Enquirer, she was toast. She is nothing but a joke, and the GOP knows it.

    They court her now so that the pressure is off the REAL candiates. Later, as the election gets closer, they will drop her like the used up hose-bag she is.

  26. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Does anyone know why she had the grumpy face again?

    12:50 PM

    Why the grumpy Sarah Palin look?

    Sarah was told she could not ride her shrink wrapped bus through the parade and had to settle on riding bitch on a motorcycle with her g-string riding up and cutting her arse.

  27. Anonymous1:31 PM

    "BTW I have submitted my name to help the Washington Post go through the Palin e-mails tomorrow, and every other day after that."

    VERY glad to hear that.:-) I was hoping you would. People who really KNOW what to look for should be on this panel of 100, along with some REAL journalists.

  28. hedgewytch1:39 PM

    Another picture of Palin with the fish faced frown.

    My 6 yr old came up to me and said "Mommy why are you making that face?" and I said, "I'm trying to see if I can make my face that way and when such a face would ever be used. What do you think?" He replied, "Never!"

    Then we spent the next 5 minutes cracking each other up making fish faces.

  29. Rooting for you to get picked! Go Gryphen. Let me know if you need some money for coffee or a 6-pack to help with the task. What do you know about the news crews headed up to AK tonight?

  30. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Uncle G, you should really put a pic of the Great Gazoo up next to hers. They're practically twins.

  31. Anonymous2:00 PM

    The flying monkeys paid by Sarah are taking over the Washington Post and saying they are going to post the address of Chris and where his kids go to school. They are really stirring up the hate against Chris cause he wrote the article.

    Another example of Sarah and her paid bots threatening others and trying to cause harm to others. Sarah is toxic and her followers have rabies. Seriously, who would support someone like Sarah that threatens their freedom and freedom of speech.

    Is Sarah another Hitler?

  32. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I don't think she would run as a a Republican, but don't count her out running as an independent. She could skip those blasted primaries entirely and skip straight to the final debates with the nominees from the major parties. I think she knows she can't win but would love to play the publicity election stunt and be the spoiler.

    Regarding the link to the Globe article; if she paid cash for the house in Arizona, she probably wasn't required to get title insurance. The insurance is required to protect the bank, not the buyer.

  33. Gryph:

    Two items:

    1) Jay Newton Small (Time magazine political reporter) tweets today:
    6.9.2011 12:07 pm PDT
    At a screening of the forthcoming Palin movie which, I hear, is currently rated NC17 because of all the pundit swearing @rickklein via Twitter for BlackBerry®
    6.9.2011 12:08 pm PDT
    Quote of the day from a Palin blogger on all the GOP pundits trashing Palin on Fox: it's gotten so bad we're watching MSNBC 4 fair coverage via Twitter for BlackBerry® Retweeted by 5 people

    2) will post Palin e-mails in a searchable database:
    .@MotherJones, @Msnbc, & @ProPublica will post an online, searchable database of the Palin emails. Watch this space for deets. #palinemail

  34. Anonymous2:14 PM

    **fingers crossed for you G!** I'll chip in for coffee and/or six pack for you too

    Hope Sarah tries to fight the whole trademark infringement thing (One Nation) - she'll lose!

  35. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Sarah where are the "girls" in the motorcycle mama photos???? Must have forgotten them in the hotel room..

  36. WakeUpAmerica2:15 PM

    Isn't that the same act of stupidity that the Tundra Turd committed as mayor of Wasilly? As I recall, she caused a huge debt to be incurred by the city because she didn't make sure the city had title to the land BEFORE building the sports complex. Can't cure stupid, but where the hell are those damn death panels when you need to clean the gene pool?

  37. WakeUpAmerica2:15 PM

    Isn't that the same act of stupidity that the Tundra Turd committed as mayor of Wasilly? As I recall, she caused a huge debt to be incurred by the city because she didn't make sure the city had title to the land BEFORE building the sports complex. Can't cure stupid, but where the hell are those damn death panels when you need to clean the gene pool?

  38. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I wonder if SarahPAC donations will start to drop off now that the GOP has deemed her not viable as a candidate? I know the true bots would die for her, and give till they are bled dry, but there will be some who might stop donating. Any way of tracking this?

    If this happens, won't Sarah panic if the gravy train dries up? Would like to know what is going on now in the Palin household. Wherever that may be.

  39. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Sara's boobs - what is up with them? They seem to grow and shrink faster than her gut when she was "pregnant"

    Have any comparative shots? I think the first time she bulked up was at the Belmont when she looked like she was a D cup or better. Then the next time she was back to regular. She had at least three sizes on the trip.

    Wonder if that would be a gotcha question for her?

  40. Ratfish2:19 PM

    Speaking of "Thanks but no thanks," casn some Palin bot please explain why Palin does not mention that she said those words to Congress regarding the bridge to Nowhere? She said it at Dayton when McCain unveiled her, and repeated it at the convention and thereafter.

    For some reason, it's not mentioned in her book, or her speeches.

    Could it be because it was a total LIE?

  41. Olivia2:28 PM

    Her boobs kind of get inflated and deflated like her pregnancy belly. She had to deflate them while wearing the hot leather jacket or she would have ended up with swoobs.

  42. ...they would have picked her, had she done as told and worn her water bra for the entire Grifter Tour....but as you can tell in this picture, once again she failed to follow orders...

  43. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Road Runner painted a fake door on side of mountain .. and Sarah just going to barge right through it.

  44. Anonymous2:40 PM

    God, she has an ugly puss!

  45. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Today at the local Starbucks there were a bunch of senior citizens (90% likely to GOP in this neck of the woods) laughing about the Revere stuff.

    I really wanted to pull up a chair and give them a real education about Bible Spice, but just couldn't bring myself to do it. If there had been one single person at that table of 6 who had been going on about her beauty & awesomeness I would have, but I think it's safe to say that they were not impressed by her.

    It was music to my ears. I don't get enough of that around here.


  46. Anonymous2:45 PM

    A title is not insurance for a bank - it's insurance for the homeowner. A bad title means the homeowner may not own the property because they may have paid money to someone for it who did not have the right to sell it.

    A bank of course requires title insurance for a mortgage, as does any thinking person buying property. Never, ever buy property without title insurance.

  47. Anonymous2:47 PM

    also, sorry, I forgot after the title business. Sarah Jones did a great piece on Piper and the lemonaide stand

    Payme makes me sick. Just sick.

  48. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Sarah Palin.... real estate problems? Again?

    Damn! Can't that ignorant woman do anything right?

    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!

    As mayor of Wasilla, that dumbshit approved and had a ice hockey rink built on property belonging to someone else. That town is now in debt up to its eyeballs because of Sarah Palin's ice hockey rink fiasco.

    Now she got took on her property in Arizona? What else is new?

    Hard to imagine Sarah Palin wants to be POTUS?

  49. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Sarah Palin is not worried about real estate problems or trademark problems because all she has to do is send SarahPac the bill.

    By the way Sarah fans, SarahPac wants you to send more money, the Palins want to continue their family vacation.

  50. Anonymous2:50 PM

    OT but is anything about her OT these days?

    Over at Laura's blog there is an excellent post regarding Gusty. One of the commenters points out that the Gusty photo is odd because it may be the only one of her "pregnant" that she's not wearing the scarf she used for months to conceal her pregnancy. It's as if she didn't want anyone to know she was pregnant - see a photo shot seven days earlier with a scarf and flat belly - then just as suddenly she's bigger than a house and not bothering to conceal it. Very interesting catch eh?

  51. Anonymous2:51 PM

    To anon @ 2:05:

    I agree completely. IF she runs, it will be as an independent because that would be the easy way out.

    As for title insurance, you're right that the required insurance protects the lender; however, there are also separate optional policies available that protect the buyer.

  52. Anonymous2:54 PM

    The good news is that the money her fans donate to Sarah isn't going to Rick, Newt, Mitt, Tim, the other Rick and Michele. Giving to Sarah is just supporting her expensive life style. I don't know when they will figure it out; maybe when they cant' pay the rent and they watch Sarah buy another home in Hollywood.

    As for Sarah's problem with the title, this isn't her first time in botching a real estate deal. As I remember, she didn't get clear title for the land when they started building the Sports Complex.

  53. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Here's another mystery about Granny LuLu's boobs: if they are so big naturally, how can she stand running? Running is hard on the boobs of a lot of B and C ladies; even C ladies sometimes need to wear two running bras. If Granny LuLu is as much of a runner as she likes to say she is, the Ds must be fakes.

  54. Anonymous2:55 PM

    2:05 As to the title insurance on the purchase of the house in AZ - if she was smart and closed through a title company OR an attorney - she could/would have obtained what is called an 'owner's' title insurance policy. A preliminary report would have been provided the closing agency/attorney to verify what was of record against the property so they could clear it (by paying things off, or getting exceptions cleared) in order for the title company to issue a clear policy to the buyer(s).

    I think they paid cash for the property. If there were liens against the property which reflected funds due, the money paid for the purchase would have gone to the payoffs.

    There is a fee for the owner's title insurance which more than likely would have been based on the sales/purchase price.

  55. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I wouldn't worry about bots being chosen to review emails. I'm sure that the same emails will be seen by many eyes; that's the only way to make sure nothing was missed.

  56. I too have all my fingers and toes crossed that you will be selected to assist in the project to decipher her word salad menus. Best of luck to you.

  57. Anonymous3:07 PM

    this LLC paid, er, placed a bet, for twice what that place was worth.
    in market value.

  58. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Gryphen: How about a betting pool -- What will be the biggest scandal to be revealed from the emails...

    My guess: She uses the N word and other racists terms.

  59. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Be sure to be on the lookout for references to a puppy!!! Particularly around April...2008...

  60. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Gryphen -- I hope you are on the A-team! You have such a depth of knowledge on this topic that you can spot a lead a mile away. Keep us posted.

  61. ibwilliamsi3:17 PM

    Gryphen, do you know whether the emails will be read multiple times by multiple readers? Rumor has it that the 'bots are lining up to screen out anything that might be less than flattering about their queen.

  62. Anonymous3:18 PM

    This is my second most favorite picture of Granny- there is "the pout" face again!!

    Better yet her posture and conspicuous lack of bosom help make her look like the emotional five year old she is.

    In the "Classic Pout" picture, she had been dressed and groomed by professionals; this "Bike Pout" picture is pure Granny Palin - untouched by brush or iron.

    No doubt she was just told that:
    1. her garish bus would not be in the parade, and
    2. she would not be on the lead bike.

    Just as in a past Memorial Day celebration she expected to show up at the last second, and be given a prominent place of honor.

    Re: Arizona house legal problems. Wait, isn't she still paying Van Flein $10,000 a month to look over her various contracts? Doesn't he have a real estate person on staff?

    I hope you get picked to look over the emails.

    My expectation is that her lap dogs have had plenty of time to pull out the most legally shady stuff, but you will still be reading a lot of mis-spelled, babyish, self-pitying drivel.

  63. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Gryphen. I think you would be an excellent choice!


  64. Anonymous3:24 PM

    ive wondered all along just who paid and bought that house.
    LLC via who's money?
    if this was a 'cash deal' im betting these anti-gov hillbillies 'did it their way'.
    paperwork? what paperwork?
    dont need no stinkin gov paperwork.

    wallst/ they gotta deal with her.

  65. Anonymous3:31 PM

    anon@ 2:54 speculating on Sarah s boobs. I know fake boobs. I used to have some, and my silhouette looked very similar to Mrs. Palin's. Her boobs look like implants to me instead of a super add 2 sizes bra or wearing the chicken cutlets that enhance a woman's bust size. The reason they look like implants is because they spill out toward the sides. A padded bra would not do that, nor would the breast insert pads. Sarah is a small woman. IF she has implants that large, and I'm thinking they must be 450 cc each, her chest area would not be large enough to accommodate them. Hence the boobs stick out on the sides. I suppose she could have bought a d size bra and stuffed it with several silicone inserts. I am curious to see if she appears flat in future photos. If she does, then her boobs are the result of padding.

  66. Anonymous3:32 PM

    she got plundered by BAC.

    cant make this shit up.

  67. Anonymous3:36 PM

    maybe its not BAC....seems like jpmchase.

  68. I really do not think scarah will panic when (not IF, but WHEN) the donations to her PAC dry up.
    She milked it big time, and had a great run.
    I DO think that DWTS and TLC (it is reported they DO want her to sign up for another reality show)will bring her millions more bucks.
    Sad state of our society, but they never seem to tire of her juvenile antics.

  69. WAPO withdraws offer and will let everyone comb and comment

  70. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Good luck with the Post job. I'm a realist and I think that those emails are going to be so heavily redacted that there won't be any new information that will be the final nail. I wish it weren't so but it seems like that's always the way it goes for this broad and her shadow governor husband. What does everybody think the reason the emails have been slow to being released? Parnel probably let the Palins go through all of them and redact the juicy parts that would actually indict them for any wrong doing.
    We'll see how serious the Post is about finding any wrong doing by the Palins by letting you, a person who knows these corrupt bastards better than anyone else, view the Palin emails.
    BTW, thank you for keeping after this woman. She is dangerous to all of us and our way of life. Get rid of her soon, please.

  71. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Good luck on being chosen to help scan and scuttle.

    One would think that having people who know the cast of characters and the context of the emails would be highly helpful to both full and deep understanding of the purpose of each email but also of the "voices" used by different writers, much less what they heck they are talking about.

  72. ibwilliamsi3:53 PM

    I don't know how the GOP can possibly toss her aside without admitting that they didn't know anything about her when she was chosen as John McCain's running mate, thereby forcing McCain to justify his choice. Or will they play the "she has fundamentally changed since 2008" card?

  73. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Honestly, Palin needs to be taken down. If not for anything else than to disband her gang of thugs at C4P.

  74. Anonymous4:18 PM

    So OT, but I just noticed something while looking at some of the emails on Crivella West (that were released a year and a half ago). LOL, Todd Palin tends to leave off periods at the end of his emails, just like the Palin Fairy Tale Troll!

    As an example, this is in response to an admin letting him know that the health insurance co. was seeking Trig's birth certificate: "I called, thanks"

  75. Gryphen they would be fools not to choose you due to your insight about Alaska, but they do tend to make some odd decsions at times.

  76. Anonymous4:31 PM

    You mean SP is, for once, a REAL victim?

    Breaking News: Hell has frozen over and donkeys CAN fly.

  77. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I am drooling Gryphen waiting for you to report to us on the e-mails. You know better than anyone on how to sift through the junk e mails and find us the good stuff, I just can't wait.

  78. imnofred4:39 PM

    As much as it pains me to say this, but unless a blatant violation of the law comes out in the e-mails, that nothing will change. Those who love her will defend her and the rest of us will still see her for the piece of shit that she really is.

    She cannot be shamed into going away or even from running for President. Babygate breaking might not even do that.

    That being said, it will be fun to see her on Fox News doing damage control if something juicy comes to the surface.

  79. Anonymous4:39 PM


    Once again small things - the insurance co is asking for a copy of Trig's BC? They didn't supply it? Why?

    I wonder what that must look like, the actual date?

    And if the kid (s) aren't her's then they would not want to be submitting information that could get into the public domain, like insurance fraud for medical bills.

    Interesting. That's more of what I expect to come from these emails. Small clues.

  80. Anonymous4:42 PM

    NY times needs people with eye for juicy details Palin emails.

  81. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I hope someone in the FOIA office will do America a favor and just dump the unredacted e-mails into Wikileaks. But no matter what Sarah Payme does, Blind Allegiance already has damaging e-mails and with the recent federal trial, those e-mails will come to the forefront again. So if these released e-mails are heavily redacted, people will know that Parnell and his people are in on some serious corruption on behalf of their Queen. I have to ask them, is it worth it to sell your soul for this woman?

  82. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Sarah: You need to bring out the "Girls" (you know, your fake breasts) more if you want to increase your Sarah PAC earnings.

    Do this ASAP because you'll soon be paying out most of what SarahPAC has brought in to pay for those lawsuits being filed.

  83. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I wonder if the set of emails to be released Friday will include any of the same emails that were already released last year (the Todd Palin E-Mails)? That would reduce the number of new emails by a few thousand.

    My guess is that there will be since Todd was in on the government email pool during that time.

  84. Anonymous4:48 PM

    @4:18 - Interesting! Please share any more forensic linguistic data that you find. I am not an expert, but I do think I could correctly match up the characteristics of our "primary" Palin Fairy Tale Troll at this point, as s/he has posted so much on so many different anti-Palin blogs. S/he is "quite exposed" in terms of writing style, level, and quirky (or unrefined) characteristics.

  85. Anonymous5:07 PM

    anon @ 3:31 - On sarah's fake boobs - I agree, "arm boobs" where they spread out towards the outside of the ribcage are a dead giveaway. You can also make the breasts appear flatter by wearing a bra minimizer, it holds the breasts flatter on the ribcage and makes them appear smaller. She also appears to have had a breast lift, after 5..I mean 4 kids(because I can't count in Trig) she would have had some sag. Breastfeeding would have added more so.

  86. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I hope you get PICKED!!!!!!

    I filled out a form too... If I get picked and you don't wanna come to Seattle and help me?

  87. Oh God, just got home and read your update ... now I wish I had done what I have been meaning to do for over a year and that is to organize notes I have taken and copies of the other emails I felt were pertinent and so and so forth ... I have lots but they are scattered. Oh well, I will participate to the best of my ability. Thanks Gryphen. Namaste.

  88. To ibwilliamssi commenting down below: yes, I too don't just want to take Palin down and out .. the GOP is very much responsible for this travesty and I would love to see them held responsible, especially John McCain!

  89. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Now, to be fair, now how much of her face is tissue and how much botox? When she talks out of the side of her mouth, it usually means a recent injection.

    I think she and Graham will run off together. Or, possibly Graham's wife will do the sensible thing that a wife would do when someone like Sarah comes into their territory.

  90. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Those psychos at C4P are so delusional. "There will be nothing in these emails for anyone to fear."

    How would they know? Funny how they have already made their minds up! Blind loyalty gets you nowhere. So embarrassing.

  91. Ratfish5:37 PM

    ADN has a story on the release.

    "But there may not be any surprises to Palin in the emails. Once the state reviewed the records, it gave Palin's attorneys an opportunity to see if they had any privacy concerns with what was being released. No emails were withheld or redacted as a result of that, said Linda Perez, the administrative director for Gov. Sean Parnell who has been coordinating the release."

    That's because Lind Perez, who led the coverup for Palin on the email request back in 2008, as well as the coverups on per diem and family travel, had already decided that 2400 emails were to be kept secret (including for "privacy reasons" that are not in the disclosure law) and had at least figuratively already - and very liberally- used her Sharpie to redact anything she thought might be embarrassing.

    As one might say, the inmates are (still) in charge of the (executive branch) asylum in Juneau,

  92. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Gryphen said:

    "But this time when they see her, their pants are buttoned up tight, and their hands are as far from their junk as possible."

    Funny! But I think it is WORSE than that - look at the picture of all of the men at the lake on the day she QUIT - they have their hands folded in front of their "junk." Their body language suggests they are protecting their balls - knowing she is a ball-breaker.

  93. Anonymous5:47 PM

    The fact that the monstrosity of a house in AZ may have fatal title problems is hilarious - who better to be victim of title fraud than the ultimate "victim"? Looks like she just can't do ANYthing right.

    Wonder how that will turn out...

    As for the emails, we won't learn a thing - they have had nearly 3 years to sterilize them. Only a court case to get the rest of them unredacted will tell what we need to know.

  94. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I have to say I don't think there will be much in the e-mails either... after much redaction... already almost 10 pm on the East Coast and have we had any eleventh-hour tweets from the Quitter Queen regarding threats, stalkers, etc, like we usually do when something is about to happen that she doesn't like?

  95. Anonymous5:50 PM

    4:45 PM

    I was hoping someone would do that, too!!!

    I was also thinking, Gee, it would be nice if some benevolent medical official from AK dumped her REAL medical records onto wikileaks...

  96. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Is there a way to go after the emails being held back by Parnell/Perez? I suggest going after them as that is probably what would/could bring down Palin OR show the worst side of her or Todd.

  97. Anonymous6:01 PM

    The boob was riding behind a real hot blonde biker babe, Sarah had to hold on to her torso for dear life, why on earth wear a bra that would interfere with her girl's mojo?

    The email floodgates are about to open, I hope there's at least a few kernels that will help us connect the dots.
    It's gonna be an interesting couple of weeks for Sarah. The boobs will be fully inflated

    Got your popcorn ready?

  98. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Key word search (Hypothetically -I realize they're printed):


    North Slope

    Oil Spill

    Todd Palin

    Department of Law

  99. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I don't have much hope for the emails either. They will show Sarah to be an ignorant, vindictive person and that Todd ran the state to the best of his inability. The money quote "I'm only wearing this fat suit for a month - find me a baby!" will be hidden behind Sharpie ink. But I am still excited! Gryph anyone interested in flying to Alaska to pick up pounds of paper already knows your name - I have no doubt.

  100. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Keyword search (hypothetically - I realize they're printed) -


    North Slope

    Oil Spill

    Todd Palin

    Department of Law

  101. Anonymous6:22 PM


    At the risk of offending I swear I saw a short clip of fairly long distance video of Sara greeting some people on a stage, was it during her book signings?, anyway, one of the guys who came on stage had a small, er large problem, sort of like the problem Weiner had in his first tweet that was outed. Anyone else recall that or did anyone capture that video, not for me but I was drinking some wine that night so I might just have been punked by some guy using video games and bad lighting. Still, I've read enough about her since she came on the scene to know that probably 90% of the men who vote for her think of having sex with her, and maybe 25% of the women too

  102. Anonymous6:24 PM


    happy e-mail eve

    even better than being a WaPo gopher, you can read and live blog!

  103. Anonymous6:29 PM

    LOL! Queue the snark from Quitter Queen..

  104. Anonymous6:35 PM

    We need to see the ones that are redacted. you damn well know that is where the "juice" is.

    Capt Zero saw to it since I am sure he has some stuff to hide.
    What a fuckin sham.

    Margarita Mixxe

  105. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Axelrod slams Sarah Palin

    June 7, 2011

    Axelrod: Palin Reflects ‘Why We Can’t Abandon Education’

    CHICAGO (CBS) – Top Obama adviser David Axelrod on Tuesday said Republican superstar Sarah Palin is “a good reflection of why we can’t abandon education.”

    Axelrod was weighing in on Palin’s recent gaffe on Paul Revere, in which she claimed Revere had set off in part to warn the British “that they weren’t going to be takin’ away our arms.”

    “I think it’s a good reflection of why we can’t abandon education,” Axelrod said. “We need good education so everybody knows their history lessons.”

    Rest of article here:

  106. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I'd bet my house that there won't be ONE email about her having a prenatal appointment.

  107. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Man are they asking for a Palin-bot fest!

  108. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Sorry if someone has already mentioned it here but we should have an IM thread just for posting the "greatest hit" email stuff!

    After all the agony she has inflicted on this country, on our morale, on our commander in chief...on beautiful, amazing Gabby Giffords...

    I do not feel bad AT all saying I've taken the day off work tomorrow and am sending the kids to my mom's this that I may devote ALL my resources to unearthing Sarah's secrets.

    What was it she said about not retreating?

    See ya'll tomorrow!

  109. Anonymous7:04 PM

    OT. Loving Katie Couric's new home. Not bad for a multi-dimensional story teller, huh Sarah? hahaha

  110. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I'm going to sign up, and when I win, I'm going to send my Login to Gryphen!

  111. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Hey Sare~

    You know it's countdown to Friday, right? And since you've been spinnin' like crazy as of late, might I offer a suggestion?

    The only "shiny object" that will somewhat deflect the storm that's comin' atcha is for you to climb into the FoxBox and give Greta an exclusive on the "Truth about Trig."


  112. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Dear Anon. @ 6:22- you are correct!
    I remember it, also, too!

    sort of short, with a plaid sports coat-? oh, shucks, aren't they all?

    -Wild Tortoise

  113. Haha Team Sarah has sent out an email encouraging it's members to submit their names as media volunteers!

  114. Ratfish7:30 PM

    Linda Perez told the ADN that "Palin and top aides were known to communicate using private email accounts. Perez said Palin gave the state a CD with emails from her Yahoo account, and other employees were asked to review their private accounts for emails related to state business and to send those to their state accounts."

    So state officials did not have access to the secret private account Palin set up to conduct state business.

    Ya think Palin voluntarily gave up any inappropriate/unethical and/or embarrassing email? Do ya?

    Talking about the foxes guarding the hen house!

  115. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Last time I dealt with someone with such a pouting look my grandson was given a timeout.

  116. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Yeah sarah, "why the long face?"


  117. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Good Keywords to use when searching the soon to be released Paylin emails for emails of interest:

    editor (Frank Bailey)

  118. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Wild Tortoise

    Thanks for confirming that about the dude in the plaid sportcoat. It was hilarious at the time but after I woke up in the morning I kind of swore off single malt for a few days because I knew it couldn't be real.

    Her bff's are all pretty much the same aren't they now. Wonder why he will pull the lever for her? He's used to pulling his own lever over her.

    What a fool

  119. @4:18- What I found interesting was the difference between Todd Palin's e-mails before SP was Gov. (grammatical & spelling errors Galore), and his e-mails when she was Gov.

    It seems as if someone else, obviously better educated, was writing Todd's e-mails.

    I wonder if it was one of the people ON STAFF in the Gov's office. Obviously, he was not an elected official. Did he dictate and this PAID official transcribed for him? That would be unethical, possibly illegal.

    The difference between the quality of e-mails is quite drastic.

  120. The "chain of title" issue is a big one, and one that is being generally ignored. It comes from the securitization of mortgages. As the banks chopped and diced and made fancy "financial instruments", in many cases they did not adequately keep track of who "owned" the mortgage, and thus the title. We are seeing in the foreclosures banks that can't provide the documentation of title. You don't have to foreclose on a mortgage to have this problem. If you pay off your mortgage, make sure that the financial entity which passes the title to you has the right to do so. I worked for a Title Company so I understand the basics, and I very much worry that we may find in the near future that we have thousands of properties that don't have clear title, and without a clear title you can't sell the property. If you buy any property, get title insurance on it. It could save you your investment in your house.

  121. Beldar Gristly Conehead5:24 AM

    Gryphen, why are you so quick to dismiss the screechy wretch? Don't you realize she's just begun the Wan Nation bus tour?? Tho the ostensible reason for the tour is to educate the real American people there of the great freedom and heritage of rights and also that gift of the commitment and awesome American troops both here and also, in addition to there in the traditional celebration of the values and of other historical sites from our great nation's past but also the great present and not to forget the great future. But the tour will also give her the opportunity to introduce herself to people who may have formed their opinion of her through lies and distortions of the lamestream media. Just give her a chance!

    Please remember, also, too: the more you know about the screechy wretch, the less you have to learn!!!

  122. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Out of 10,000 emails, 4,000 of them are tasteless, racists, e-mail forwarded jokes.

  123. Anonymous5:52 AM

    I hope Frank Bailey is willing to compare his saved emails to what is released by "the state", to see how much of the emails were modified.

    My husband says an automated comparison script could be written to compare each email, matching on a unique message id which is normally included with the email headers. This could produce a report showing the differences. Such a script would not be difficult given a volunteer developer with the appropriate skill level. In fact, such scripts probably already exist and it would just be a matter of identify the right tools.

  124. Anonymous10:30 AM

    5:52, the state is only releasing hard copies of the emails. I highly doubt they will include the headers.


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