Thursday, June 09, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell asks "Did Palin violate laws on her bus tour?"

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In case anybody is asking for my opinion, here it is: "Yes, I think she did indeed violate the law. However she is ALWAYS violating the law so that should come as no surprise to anybody."


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Did she break the law when she ran RAM over with the bus?

    RAM... come toward the light... we can save your soul.

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Plus someone already trademarked "One Nation" for a political PAC. Now they're fighting with her too. She is a walking cluster f#*k.

  3. Ratfish9:16 AM

    To find out what other laws Palin violated and/or lies she told, Washington Post needs your help:

    Help analyze the Palin emails

    Over 24,000 e-mail messages to and from former Alaska governor Sarah Palin
    during her tenure as Alaska's governor will be released Friday.

    That's a lot of email for us to review so we're looking for some help from
    Fix readers to analyze, contextualize, and research those emails right
    alongside Post reporters over the days following the release.

    We are limiting this to just 100 spots for people who will work
    collaboratively in small teams to surface the most important information
    from the emails. 

  4. Boy does he nail it.

  5. Anonymous9:24 AM

    OT (apologies) I was just reading an article about Rep. Giffords and her recovery. In the middle of it all a strange and horrible thought occurred, what if Mrs. Palin isn't interested in Arizona Senate (as she stated) and isn't running for President. What if she has plans to run against Rep. Giffords in 2012? Given Mrs. Palin's need for revenge against any and all who cross her, could her home be the first step in making Rep. Giffords pay for calling her out for the gun sites, for getting shot and causing so much bad publicity for her (I really don't think Mrs. Palin is above blaming someone for getting shot), and finally for the fall out from the blood libel video. Mrs. Palin states over and over that she doesn't believe in coincidences, so perhaps her choosing to live in the 8th district is on purpose.

  6. Anonymous9:32 AM

    If LOD goes after her on this, as others are as well, then what do we think happens if and when babygate unravels? Or the emails reveal something really smelly? She must be shitting in her boots.

  7. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I'm really curious as to why Chuck Heath is able to NOT roll his eyes listening to his daughter basically slaughter American History. My own daughter had him for a sub many, many times during his subbing career and he seemed very much into history.

  8. Anonymous9:40 AM

    All right, this is childish and petty BUT... did the great fashion plate who is Sarah Palin forget to pack anything other than that boring pink TLC (plug,plug) tee shirt? I believe she wore it with a pencil skirt, also, too. So smart in every way. Just saying...

  9. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Here's another Palin story re: Az property

  10. ibwilliamsi10:02 AM

    I thought that Stephen Colbert's "legal advisor" stated the other day on air that PAC funds can be used for most anything - including a vacation - if you have not yet declared. She holds off on declaring because until she does she can spend the money however she pleases - buying AZ houses and going on vacations the rest of us can't afford - and does not have to make a report. Did he mis-state that or did I mis-hear that?

    Re: Weinergate - I can see where a kid might like to take photos of him or herself, it's the ego. But the photos of Weiner in that bit were obviously taken of him just casually sitting around the house. Who does that? Somehow I've lived my entire adult life without ever feeling the need to turn a camera on myself.

  11. Anonymous10:03 AM

    anon at 9:24
    SP is not living in Gabby's district.

  12. Anonymous10:07 AM

    We keep hearing about Chuck the teacher.Was he ever a full time teacher?Or was he always a substitute.I ask because in many areas substitutes were able to not be certified due to a shortage.I would assume that Alaska was one of those places.This might explain a lot.Sarah often uses the idea that her dad was a teacher to pump up her own education credentials somehow.But if Chuck was just some history buff who was able to substitute instead of a certified teacher that would be different.

  13. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Plus someone already trademarked "One Nation" for a political PAC. Now they're fighting with her too. She is a walking cluster f#*k.

    9:13 AM

    Annnnnddd Sarah "Cluster F#ck" Palin wants to be president?

    I don't think so.

  14. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Plus someone already trademarked "One Nation" for a political PAC. Now they're fighting with her too. She is a walking cluster f#*k.

    9:13 AM

    Annnnnddd Sarah "Cluster F#ck" Palin wants to be president?

    I don't think so.

  15. Anonymous10:17 AM

    "I'll keep doing it until a judge tells me I can't". The noose is tightening, Your Heinous.

  16. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Ha, just a few min ago on MSNBC, it was announced that Sarah Palin's emails were to be released tomorrow and that everyone is hopeful that they will contain 'answers'. Also it was reported that Michael Isikoff is in Juneau!

  17. Anonymous10:32 AM

    The FLYING MONKEYS are going crazy over at the Washington Post!

  18. Anonymous10:37 AM

    The monitors can't keep up at WP, they are posting so fast that they might crash the site.

  19. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I don't know how her supporters don't feel duped when she is blowing their donations on a vacation, and she probably used some PAC money for the Arizona mansion.

    It is intended to support conservative candidates and conservative causes. Not the Palin family summer vacation.

    Hell, I don't give my own family members money for vacation. Talk about wasteful spending. She is the queen of wasting the hard earned money of her donors.

    I can bet not one of them expected their donations to go to vacation

    What suckers!

  20. Anonymous10:37 AM

    From Syrin's twitter:

    Heading to Wasilla this morning was a film crew.. Hmm! On a big black truck was the licence that said FILMDOGSyrin From Wasilla

    Does this have anything to do with out Wasilla Queen of the North?

  21. Virginia Voter10:41 AM

    I disagree with Lawrence O'Donnell on one key point. Sarah Palin is ignorant to the point of ignorance ABOUY the extent of her ignorance. She doesn't even know what she doesn't know....she is completely un- self aware, much like a 2 year old child. Sarah is proud of her ignorance, and thinks she knows everything she needs to know already. Sarah is not ignorant of just history, but of basic facts.

    The question that gave us the Paul Revere moment was just a general question about what she saw that day, and what did she learn. Obviously NOTHING. This is why I stand by my assertion that she is mentally challenged or learning disabled, combine with being mentally ill.

  22. Just want to add this: isn't it nice that finally the links to other stories being given by writers on this blog are from MSM publications and not just other blogs? I love that some MSM outlets are now covering the problems of this person. It helps to keep the heat on her to have more and more people writing about her and more and more people reading about her. It just puts a big smile on my face.

  23. I certainly hope Her Heinous has violated laws.

    More importantly, I wish the ED-law enforcement would get up and actually hold her accountable.

  24. I did fax (and email) Rep. Earl Blumenauer (who wrote the letter asking if she received special handling and utilized public employees (guards, police officers) on her family vacation) a letter of support yesterday with a copy to the Department of Interior under whose auspices our national parks and landmarks come.

  25. Anon 9:24: Sarah does not live in Ms. Gifford's district. Ms. Gifford has a very liberal district centered around Tucson in the southern part of the state. I'm not quite sure which district Scottsdale is in, it might be Jeff Flake's district.

  26. Anonymous10:58 AM

    We are so unlike the Palins! We do not name our family vacations nor advertise ourselves.

  27. Anonymous10:58 AM

    That's my bus!

    I can write whatever I want on it!

    You can take my bus when you pry it from my cold dead hands!

    Just kiddin' here's my bus keys.

  28. I think it is time for the public to investigate the PAC law. Is it really one legal, tax-free slush fund? If so, we need to start complaining to our Congress critters.

  29. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Chuck is just a slobbery old guy, without a degree, that got to substitute teach because a degree is not required. He doesnt know squat except about his daughter's cooter, when Trig was born, and his grandkids' underpants. Oh yes, he jumped his wife and they had to get married. This was waaay before it was acceptable to do this sort of thing.

  30. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Another interesting post at Laura Novak's blog.

    "While preparing to converse with Brad Scharlott about the so-called “Gusty photos” I did what any reporter would do. I attempted to reach the subjects of the photo and ask their side of the story."

  31. Anonymous11:01 AM

    We are not the only ones noticing that Sarah spends SarahPAC money mainly on her own expenses. Is the PAC paying for nannies? Cosmetic surgery? According to this blog, only 1/9 of contributions to SarahPAC have been given to candidates. The rest is a black hole of Sarah's vacations and personal expenses.

    Can we get the IRS in on this? She would have to declare personal expenses paid by the PAC as income, wouldn't she?

    I am outraged. The grifter is using her PAC as her own personal slush fund and no one in the MSM is calling her out on it!

  32. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Just like the trailer park retard Sarah is, she gave Piper the keys to the bus and told her to hide it.

  33. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Sarah Palin...


  34. A news crew is in AK? Gryphen, can you tell us more? I really want to de-cork that bottle of champagne!

  35. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I am astounded by the explanation regarding VIP treatment in USPS. I worked as an interpreter naturalist for seven years and never did we give VIP tours. And, I gave tours to US senators and media regularly. The only time something like this would happen is when a private contractor or tour bus company did their own tour. Sometimes they would hire park service employees on their spare time, but they would not wear their park service uniform. Clearly, the park service made special arrangements for her. Bad, bad, bad idea.

  36. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Fox News Presents: Our Next President!

  37. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Ratfish @9:16

    Why find the good dirt and then give it to the WaPost?

    Just send it right here attn: G.

    The real finds might be obscure things that slipped past the censors.

    Regular readers here know what to look for.

  38. Anonymous11:16 AM

    O/T Dependable Renegade is reporting that Newt Gingrich aides are resigning - en masse!! Maybe they will sign on with Palin, IF they are really desperate.

  39. Anonymous11:16 AM



    Leave the toilet, faucets, sink and everything else! I'm advising you not to strip the bus before I come and get it!


  40. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Yous gotta find another place to live.

    Put the wheels back on the bus and take it off of the jack stands.

    I'm coming for it.

  41. fromthediagonal11:25 AM

    Anon @ 9:24 You may be right, though the mere thought of Palin entering into a race against Congress Woman Gifford makes me nauseous.
    May she retain that last vestige of humanity.

  42. I'm hoping that Weiner tells all of them to fuck off and digs his heels in. Weiner's actions are impossible to defend to a lynch mob. Pivot, and make the conversation about the Repugs. The Democrats simply need to take a scalp on the other side and then let's discuss what needs to be done and be done with it. Andrew Breitbart is the GUY walking around with a jpeg file showing another man's dick on his iPhone to members of the media. Talk about Andy-boy and his alignment with the GOP and especially the Tea Party. He's the fuckin' Repug poster boy right now. Make sure everybody knows ALL ABOUT ANDY and his little troupe of merry asshole pranksters. Make it hurt to support Breitfart. Fight, don't fold.

    Dems, get together and get your talking points ready and tell America that you're not going to let this kind of crap that the Republicans want to pursue keep y'all from doing work for this country. Remind Boehner, "Where are the jobs, Mr Speaker?"
    Pound away at Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor on the Medicare elimination issue. Don't let the Repugs take charge of the conversation. Grow a fucking spine. Remind folks of the hypocrisy of C Street, Newt Gingrich, Larry Craig, Foley, Ensign, etc.
    And then grow a pair like Clinton had and dig into your files of questionable behavior of Repug members and inflict some pain. Make em squeal like a pig. That is the only message that the Repugs understand. Be consistent, stay on message, and stay on the offensive. This prevent defense crap is going to allow the Repugs to rally their low-info troops and gain momentum.

    Go after Tom Coburn NOW. Lindsey Graham now, also. Take charge of the message. Weiner might have to be less vocal for a short time, but he'll still be elected by 20 points plus. None of this matters in 6 months if you change the subject.

    It does no good to be cynical and try to appear above the fray. This is politics, and u don't give ground without taking a few heads off. Make the republicans apologize for supporting Andrew Breitbart's scummy work. Seriously. Take control of the conversation.

    Don't worry about the middle right now. Attack from the flanks. Or, just be a bunch of pussies and give the Repugs free reign so they can make next years general election a nail-biter that should be a landslide with the Repug's strategic missteps on the Budget.

    Just sayin'.


  43. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Hey Alaskans, Mother Jones is comin to copy the emails.....they may need help.

  44. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Palin needs her ass handed to her!

  45. OT, Gingrich's entire campaign staff has resigned...

  46. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Has anyone ever noticed a correlation between whether it's a low or high tide day (in terms of breast size) and Palin's really, really dumb statements?

  47. Anonymous11:45 AM


    Hmm.. How about we have a fundraiser to get Gryphen a hard copy of those emails? I for one would donate to that cause!

  48. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Looking for something to do this weekend? Now everyone can do their part in investigating Sarah. From the NYT:

    "Help Us Investigate the Sarah Palin E-Mail Records"

  49. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I would love to know how much PAC money was funnelled in to sarah's LLC to pay cash for her Arizona "headquarters"

  50. Anonymous11:52 AM

    BTW- There is a troll commenting non-stop over at the NYT article I just sent the link for.

  51. Anonymous11:58 AM

    "At the moment, Eustis's lawyers and SarahPAC's are engaged. But by the time all is said and done, it's entirely possible that one Kelly Eustis will be the proud new owner of a full-size, luxury tour bus, preloaded with his PAC's name emblazoned on the side, in letters four feet high."

  52. Ratfish said: To find out what other laws Palin violated and/or lies she told, Washington Post needs your help:

    Too funny. The flying monkeys are totally flaming the comments over there, but (they think) they are in stealth mode. I.e., nearly every comment begins with some form of "I am not a Palin supporter, but ... " and then they trash the Post for it's "unconscionable attack upon a private citizen" somehow totally missing the point that these are a GOVERNOR's emails. LOL.

  53. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Fox News Presents: Our Next President!
    11:11 AM

    It's good netiquette to warn people that you're about to post something NSFW.

  54. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Giffords is a rep from a district in Tucson. Palin can't run for her seat unless she lives there.

    Now, if Giffords runs for a Senate seat, that's a statewide seat.

  55. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Sarah, you'd sure look awfully purty with an orange junpsuit on with numbers on it. They'd feed you and give you a bed to sleep in and give you meds for what ails you.

  56. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Sarah, hope you get whats coming to you, we are laughing.

  57. Anonymous12:19 PM

    OT - but in case you missed this article, be sure to look at it.

    Two history professors give Sarah an "F" on the Paul Revere word salad and blast her for her incurious ignorance.

    They also provide a lot of real info about the famous "ride>"

  58. I agree with Virginia Voter that Sarah is totally ignorant about her ignorance. It's part of her personality disorder/mental illness. I'm sure her advisors are trying to get through to her, but I think she wants to beat Obama even more than she wants more money. She never looks past the competition to the job. She JUST wants to beat Obama and get the big title prize. She is mentally and emotionally incapable of looking past that goal.

  59. Anonymous12:28 PM

    She "violates" my sensibilities every time she flaps her stupid mouth.

  60. Anonymous12:31 PM

    11:25 am. I agree. Weiner should not resign. Vitter was guilty of a lot more as well as others who are still there. It would be interesting to see what Breibart is hiding, don't you think?

  61. Anonymous12:35 PM

    When a normal family with a bus or rv goes on vacation, they tow a secondary vehicle in back and they drive the vehicles by themselves.

    Sarah Palin not only had a bus/rv with a paid driver, she had a secondary suv vehicle following the bus with another paid driver. On top of that, the elitist had a tertiary suv vehicle following the bus and the 1st suv and the third vehicle had another driver.

    That means Sarah Palin had at least 3 drivers and 3 vehicles to take Sarah, Piper, G'pa Creepy Chuckie and G'ma Sally around town (Bristol, Willow and Todd flew home).

    They all had to fly on airplanes to get to the bus and to get home. They also had to hire limo services to get to and back from the airport. Don't forget Todd, Bristol and Willow had to fly and used a limo services as well.

    How much did this family vacation cost Sarah Palin's followers?

    Don't forget, Sarah's followers also paid for room and board for the family as well as the drivers. Oops, I forget they also had to pay for fuel for all the vehicles used. They also had to pay the company who employed the drivers. Annndd somebody has to pay the SarahPac employees who organized this trip... Guess who paid for them?

    Sarah! That was one expensive family trip and Piper's memory of the whole fiasco is "Mommy let's go home, pleaassee!"


  62. Anonymous12:36 PM

    G-Man - Please post - the Washington Post is looking for volunteers to help go through Palin emails..

  63. Gasman12:36 PM

    O/T, but HuffPo is reporting that there has been a mass exodus from Gingrich's staff. NOBODY loses that many high level staffers unless some major scandal is about to break.

    Could wife #4 be on the way?

  64. Anonymous12:40 PM

    @ Buzz - As a female, I support Weiner and hold he holds his ground. Until Vitter and Clarence Thomas resigns, he needs to hold his ground

  65. What is it with the long, slow, flirty blinking she does when she is lying? Or clueless?

  66. So, Palin is having trouble with the deed to her PacMansion? Wasn't there a similar problem when the tribute-to-dead-lovers hockey palace was built in Wasilla? One that cost the taxpayers large?

    She must think that all she needs to do is sing "this land is my land" and it's hers. Another ride on the Palin Magical Thinking Tour.

  67. London Bridges1:18 PM

    The Rebublicans realize that they are scum. They have a job to do: make the rich richer. The Dems think they have to appear to be moral.

    What is worse than Weiner's Wiener? Taking contributions from the health care industry, the Koch Brothers, the defense industry, the banking industry, the telecommunications industries, wall street, etc. and then voting to give them what they want and sucking their proverbial appendages.

    Sadly both sides of the aisle are bought, paid for and sold.

  68. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I think that Gingrich staffers might have been aware of Newt's secret vacation.

    Newt Gingrich is flitting around the Mediterranean with his wife Callista just weeks after announcing he's running for president--a clue that perhaps he's not the most serious candidate...Politico's Ben Smith first reported the Gingrich siting Monday, a week since the Republican's last public appearance. Gingrich's spokesman emailed Smith to say, "αριθ. Σχ?λιο"--Greek for "no comment."

  69. Anonymous3:01 PM

    12:40 PM

    I am a a female and I think Weiner should stay, too. I don't give a hoot what he did, as long as he didn't break any laws. Ensign was allowed to stay in office for, what, another year and a half after his affair came out AND HE is guilty of bribery. And so is Coburn. Coburn is a crook for his part in it, too.

    Personally, if I were Weiner's aide, I'd have told him to issue this statement:

    "Yes, those pictures were of me, and I apologize to my wife, to my constituents, and to the women who received these pictures...But I'M not the one trying to cut Medicare, and maybe that's a little more important right now than one man's lack of good judgement in personal matters."

    Also, John McCain and Boehner allegedly had affairs with LOBBYISTS...and no one seems to care about that. Newt Gingrich got an INTEREST-FREE LOAN from Tiffany's while his wife was involved in legislative matters having to do with mining, and no one cares about that. And Sarah Palin...well, what the hell DIDN'T she do...

  70. Anonymous3:03 PM

    "I'll keep doing it until a judge tells me I can't". The noose is tightening, Your Heinous.

  71. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Oh, and to continue the list of trangressions (now I have apologize for the all-caps but this one drives me batty):

    MIKE HUCKABEE SPENT MORE THAN $300,000 IN ARKANSAS EMERGENCY FUNDS TO ERASE THE AND DESTROY THE COMPUTER HARDWARE IN THE GOVERNOR'S MANSION. This happened before he ran for president, while he was in second place, allllll those months, and it was mentioned not once -- NOT ONCE -- the entire political campaign. NOt ONCE! And he was supposed to be a frontrunner for VP. HE DESTROYED STATE PROPERTY AND STATE RECORDS! He should be in jail. REally, doesn't this make you wonder what was on those hardrives that he had to do that? It's one reason I lost respect for Jon Stewart -- this is the exact kind of thing that Jon Stewart mocks, yet there was never any mention of this on his show, and Huckabee has come to his show and mentioned it not at all. This is a Nixonian bit of BS.

    SARAH: Bet yer jealous ya didnt thinka doing this yerself, huh?

  72. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Elizabeth @ 11:00 AM said...

    I think it is time for the public to investigate the PAC law. Is it really one legal, tax-free slush fund? If so, we need to start complaining to our Congress critters.

    No, we need to open up our OWN PACs and grift all we can from any idiot that is willing to be grifted from!

  73. Anonymous6:48 PM

    What Jeff Said 11:25 am is exactly how I feel.

    This scum Andrew Breitbart has gone unchallenged for far too long. We can't allow this to derail our efforts. The jerk has the hubris to state Mrs Weiner is making up the Pregnancy story for sympathy. YES, he WENT THERE!.
    He "accidentally" left the jpeg open on his phone, and two talk radio commies now have a copy of it. Whose lie hurts more people?

    Weiner did lie, but that's what politicians do. I'm going to add something that no one is saying out loud.

    This matter is between him and his wife and his God. He's Jewish and doesn't have the "I have accepted JC as my personal saviour" get out of jail free card the Republicans sooooo love to hear. Doesn't mean he can't redeem himself and work hard for what matters most.

    This is what makes me want to toss my cookies when I see Sarah aligning herself with Franklin Graham. Why is she wearing a star of David? After the blood libel statement, she's basically burned any hope with jewish voters, she's not Jewish, She's not Christian, so why wear those symbols?


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