Monday, June 06, 2011

Henry Blodgett over at the Business Insider requests your help.

From the Business Insider:

Last week, an anonymous commenter on a blog called The Immoral Minority claimed to know beyond any doubt that Sarah Palin faked the pregnancy of her son Trig and lied to the country about it (see comment from "Anonymous" posted at 4:32pm).

The commenter said that s/he is a medical worker in the state of Alaska and knows for a fact that Sarah Palin did not give birth to her son Trig, as Palin has always claimed.

This posting followed a resurgence of interest in the Sarah Palin-Trig "baby-hoax" question spawned by the publication in mid-April of a paper by Professor Bradford Scharlott of Northern Kentucky University, which argued that the Palin pregnancy was a fraud.

The comment on Immoral Minority could obviously be a complete fabrication. But it is a good reminder that there are at least a handful of people in this country who can provide an answer to this question once and for all (and who aren't members of the Palin family).

Importantly, establishing the truth about this question is more important than Sarah Palin and "politics." If Alaska governor and Vice-President candidate Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy, she defrauded the entire country. If she didn't, she (and we) deserve to not have any more time wasted discussing the question. Whether or not Palin runs for president in 2012, therefore, Americans deserve to know the truth here, and we will be grateful to anyone who can help us establish it.

Henry Blodgett has posted a number of ways to contact him anonymously, and my advice to you if you are one of the people who have been saying they have information that can finally put this whole thing to rest is to go for it.

I have said all along that it is NOT important that I be the one to break this story, only THAT it be broken in a way that the MSM simply cannot ignore any longer.

I have some hope that Fred's upcoming babygate book might accomplish that, but it would be just as sweet in my mind if that happened over at the Business Insider. Fred's book will still have other very interesting  things to reveal that should make it a fascinating book to read.

So head on over to Business Insider and take a look.  If you have some REAL information that might finally reveal this most treacherous of lies, then perhaps this is the day that you demonstrate YOUR patriotism and shut this woman down for good!


  1. Anonymous3:36 PM

    The past 3 years have not be kind to Sarah Palin. She looks like an almost 50 year old now. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but she used to look years younger. Too many Red Bulls, too many secrets, and too much hate have made there mark.

  2. Anonymous3:37 PM


  3. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Business Insider has the kind of legal connections to protect whistle blowers. Come on, anonymous reader. Be a hero. Spill the beans already!

  4. Anonymous3:44 PM

    More seriously, Schaeffer reminds us of something I stress in THE ROGUE: to the evangelical right, Sarah is not merely a politician who espouses their views on social issues, she is “the new Queen Esther,” who will “take back” America. They remain convinced that “God had chosen her to confound the wise!” as Schaeffer writes.

    The extreme Dominionist religious right is the ninety percent of the Palin iceberg we don’t see, as she dazzles secular media in black leather.

    Let’s hope our ship of state is not the next Titanic.

  5. Anonymous3:48 PM

    24,199 pages of Palin e-mails to be released Friday morning

    ...The long-delayed release of public records in Alaska, 24,199 pages of emails sent between former Gov. Sarah Palin (and her husband) and state officials, will happen in Juneau at 9 a.m. Friday, the Alaska governor's office announced Monday.

    News organizations and citizens requested the emails under the state public records law back in 2008, when the relatively unknown Palin burst onto the national scene, and when it became known that she and her staff were using personal Yahoo accounts to conduct state business outside the usual reach of public records requests.

    The records to be released include emails that went between the Yahoo accounts of Palin or her husband, Todd Palin, and about 50 top state officials. When one side of those email discussions passed through the state mail computers, it became a public record. (A legal challenge now in the state Supreme Court addresses the broader question of whether all the governor's emails about state business, even if conducted between Yahoo accounts without passing through state computers, should also be considered a public record.)

  6. Anonymous3:48 PM

    "Most treacherous of lies"????? Really?

    How do you figure THAT?

  7. London Bridges3:48 PM

    I assume one of the most convincing ways to prove a negative would be to have first hand knowledge of a tubal litigation. Are there non-reversible tubals. Of course, what 44 year old would have one reversed?

  8. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Good story and you can tell because the bots went crazy and have been bombing the comments section. Henry is pretty good about dumping them but I'm guessing they are still there in force, "thumbs down" on everything I've posted so far and I'm sure they are flagging everything they can. It appears Henry has the final say because most of the comments still up are not defending Sara

    Go on over and thrown your two cents in if you have time

  9. Anonymous3:49 PM

    June 6, 2011 at 8:33 pm

    I believe completely that Sarah believes she’s meant to be president, etc. I believe she supports all the Dominionist plans for America, etc.

    However, I get the sense that Sarah herself does not have a belief in God (or in anything really). It is almost as though her narcissism compels her to believe she can and should be president. And all these other people believe it also, but they keep going on about someone called “God.” Sarah doesn’t care why they support her, just that they do.

    She is willing to say and do the things that seem to please her Dominionist supporters, but it is as though she is imitating them and going through the motions. I think the whole concept of “God” and living for a “God” that is greater than yourself and sacrificing your own plans and desires for “God” makes no sense to her at all, but she has found that pretending otherwise is a way to fame and wealth and power.

    I think at her core, she is empty. There is nothing there. No Sarah. It would explain her rage.

  10. Anonymous3:52 PM

    ...If Sarah is divorcing Todd, you can bet she will be the victim. You can also bet that she will announce it to divert the media from something negative being reported about her; like the e-mails about to be released. I have to give Sarah credit, she is very good at diverting the media from the real story and putting the media on whatever story she has concocted. Frank Bailey’s book would have received much more attention had the Queen not taken the campaign tour up the East Coast. And since everyone knew when the book would be released, I don’t think it a coincidence that the campaign tour began when it did.

    As to Sarah thinking she is Queen Esther, I have no doubt of that. And there is also no doubt that the evangelical right would like nothing better than to have a redo of the Inquisition and take another shot at the heretic population (they would kill us to save us; kind of like the Republicans killing Medicare to save it). I don’t see Americans going for the Inquisition, but I would not give up my right to a gun just in case. And that Sarah, is one reason why we have the second amendment.

    My grandmother on my mother’s side was a member of the evangelical right. She was all do as I say and not as I do. She was also holier than thou, but her cup, like Sarah’s, was not clean on the inside. My grandmother is long gone, but she would have loved Sarah Palin in the same manner that she loved all the charlatans of her day (Billy Graham was her favorite – and son Franklin has taken the charlatan game to a whole new level).

    I will close my lengthy comment by taking bets (not for money of course) with you Joe and all the excellent commenters on this blog. Will Sarah concoct another story when the e-mails from her time as Governor are released this week to divert the media from the e-mail story? My money is on yes she will. Will the media be diverted? My money is on yes they will. Will she announce her divorce from Todd? My money is on no; she will save that gem for when Joe’s book is released. What diversion will Sarah use this time?

  11. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Palin will keep milking that phone call from John McCain until the day she dies. Palin is an opportunistic parasite and is feeding off unconscious Americans for her source of narcissistic supply. Stupid, unconscious Americans are all too willing to give her their projections and loving attention. Palin is the hook for their negative parent projections and her "followers" get addicted to her and give their power away to the toxic Palin. It really is that sick, this whole Palin phenomenon.

  12. Anonymous3:58 PM

    If I reveal my mom's secrets can you help me get my independence from that biotch? There's no way I'm getting home schooled, it would just be me and Trig in that house.

  13. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Good luck with that, BI. I mean that sincerely but I'm not holding my breath.

    My guess is that somebody involved in opposition research has -- or may have had for some time -- the smoking gun and they are waiting, either for legal or tactical reasons, to reveal it.

    The flurry of anonymous "in the know" activity in the past few days has at least brought the issue to the forefront again. As others have pointed out, it would be incredibly easy for Palin herself to prove the rumors false but she has declined to do so. I've even considered that she "ginned up" the rumor mill for publicity. Who knows? Truth is stranger than fiction.

  14. Anonymous4:13 PM

    3:58 nice try but we know Trig is long gone. You might get some free time if you tell us where he got shipped off or back to when SP was done making money off him

  15. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Dang! If this story makes it to the MSM it will make the Weiner story look like Sunday School mischief!!!!

  16. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Can someone please repost the text of the annonymous Friday afternoon poster? I missed it and don't have access to a full screen and regular keyboard.

  17. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I think the "flurry" of activity comes more from the MSM letting things slip through, look at what happened at the "Statute" of Liberty, the way she butchered the tweet, the misinformation about the statue, and then the stupid comments about Ellis Island and George Washington the farmer. Somehow those mostly got a pass. Would she have gotten off scot free if she hadn't treated the press like shit? Or was it Toad leaving? Something else coming up the press decided suddenly to open the window they normally keep nailed shut. The Alaska and other bloggers have helped, more people are starting to ask questions and I think it's directly related to people figuring out she might just try to run. She is going to get smacked down hard. Even the come here/go away from Fox is a signal to her to mind the store and stay within the guidelines given by Roger. She won't be able to resist. When the emails come out, when Michelle goes to announce I predict Sara will find herself needing to be in Clear Lake, just down the road from Waterloo

  18. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Another key to Babygate is how much spontaneous Sarah hates the bloggers (sorry Gryph). Sarah would not hesitate a minute let alone almost three years if she had one shred of evidence to prove everyone wrong. For God's sake, she changes her hairstyle because someone cut it down in the comments section of some blog or another. 3+ blogs and some respected journalists asking for proof? She wouldn't hesitate to seek and destroy with hospital bracelets & birthing class video. But she can't. At this point she can't even provide a fake birth certificate, because when it does come out she'd be really screwed. Hi Sarah! Liar!

  19. Anonymous4:30 PM

    3:36 She's so evil on the inside that it has changed her outside considerably since she came on the scene as the VP candidate w/McCain. She's lived a lie for so long - cannot imagine being inside her mind and brain. She's a farce, liar and cheat - unethical too.

  20. If the divorce rumors are true, then she is definitely not running. Or, she WILL run as a single mom and when she's ousted, she'll have yet one more cloak of victimhood to add to her already stuffed closet full of them. Between those and her skeletons, that must boast some serious square footage!

  21. Anonymous4:32 PM

    3:58 nice try but we know Trig is long gone. You might get some free time if you tell us where he got shipped off or back to when SP was done making money off him

    4:13 PM

    My thoughts exactly. IF Trig was still around, after our comments last week, she would have paraded him out for us all to see.

    When she posted the same "birthday" picture of him as she did last year, I knew that he was no longer around. What mother would do that? I am sorry...I forgot for a moment who I was talking about...the WME (worst mother EVER) to go along with her WGE designation.

  22. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Tubal ligations (not "litigations") can be reversible. There is a clinic near where I live that specializes in reversals.

  23. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Okay, this is really off topic, but I am totally blown away by the fact that Anthony Weiner has ADMITTED that he sent a picture of his penis to whomever the woman was. Don't these fucking idiots ever learn anything? My God, I can't believe they still think they are going to get away with this shit!

    End of rant. I feel better now...I think.

    I think...I need an Alaskan India Pale Ale. It is a sunny day in Juneau after all.

  24. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Over at Henry's some dude tried the argument that Sara has already shown the birth certificate and even better, the Amnio results supposedly done when she was 12-14 weeks. An astute commenter pointed out amnio's are dangerous if done too young and are typically not done until after 16 weeks. I'm curious why she decided to say she got the amnio in the first place? We had two kids, Amnio on the first only because mom had PIH. My son was uneventful so we didn't get amnio

    Back to Frank a second, if Sara was going to prenatal exams and tests how did she cover them up from her staff and scheduling people?

  25. Anonymous4:49 PM

    3:52 Maybe Palin will come up with a story of what happened to little Trig that will get all kinds of sympathy and then no one will pay any attention to the emails. Something terrible happened to the little chap and that is why she had to cut the "Educatin'-Amerikuns-about-our-History tour. We haven't seen the little guy since Palin posed with the girls in California (or was it Texas?) for the RayGun fest. It was when Bristol was still pregnant with her third child because she was still wearing the camouflagy scarfy thingy. You remember that picture don't all of you? Sarah was ridin' horses and gettin' all jiggy with it.
    What's one more lie? The MSM will never say or write anything negative about her - don't want to get on her bad side and then lose all that access to her and all. We wouldn't want that to happen now would we, Sarah?

  26. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Who is worse? Sarah or Casey Anthony?

  27. Anonymous4:51 PM

    OT-It looks like Bachmann is calling Palin's bluff. She hired Ed Rollins as campaign manager.

  28. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Gryphen, I did such a double take when I saw this on BI...and then again when I saw you & IM get top billing! This will no doubt get tons of traffic here and hopefully more eyes will be opened to the true danger of this contemptible screeching psychopath.

    Gryph, I know you took a big hit when, after Levi's vanity fair article you said "I can say now that I have known for a few months that Trig is not the child of Levi and Bristol"... I think many people surmised that you'd been misled purposely by a source.

    I am going to ask you to please let this comment through in the spirit with which I'm writing it...I am NOT bashing Sadie at all and feel like she is probably a huge victim in this. BUT I think a lot of people including myself think she was your "source". I believe she told you what she felt she HAD to say regardless of what she actually believed.

    Can you state for the record what your own theory is on when Trig(s) were born, who might be the biological parents, what Palin's ultimate goal was/is? I know you can't say "this is what happened and this is who it happened to".

    I just think so many of us who have followed you all this time would love to really see where you sat with all the different aspects of babygate. Thanks, Gryph.

  29. Sarah Palin is a very poor excuse of a mother. I'm sure she has had Trig committed to a home by now. She makes me SICK.

    And re: Weiner. I am furious with him as well. He has not only fucked up his political career but probably doomed the Dems chances of regaining the House in 2012. Pelosi has opened up an ethics investigation on him which will keep this filth in the news for the next year -- or longer. What in the hell was he thinking? And he is a newlywed for gawd's sakes.

  30. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Not all tubal ligations are reversible, actually. Some are certainly far more unlikely to be successfully reversed than others. It also seems weird that a physician would do a tubal reversal on a woman in her 40s with four kids since a woman that age tends to have lower fertility anyway.

    If a woman that age were so desperate to get pregnant, I would think in vitro would be far more likely than a tubal since even with a tubal she could end up requiring in vitro.

  31. Anonymous5:08 PM

    John McCain and the rest of his campaign workers who KNOW the truth are just as guilty for fooling the entire country. They should ALL be ashamed of themselvews. This is an outrage, that one lying woman thinks she can pull the wool over everyone's eyes like this. What about all the paid speeches she has given, touting her "miracle baby"? People should demand their money back. What a despicable, unmitigated, unethical, unpricipled BITCH. The sooner she is exposed, the better.

  32. nora in California5:11 PM

    Lynne, I totally agree on Wiener. What a disappointment. Sending sexually explicit photos of himself to a stranger?? Do they not see what happens to their peers when they do this shit? Here we all are, trying to get someone who knows to give up the goods on Palin. We all know it's out there, it's just a matter of time before someone pipes up -- for the right reason, or for the right price. Anthony Wiener -- SERIOUSLY???

  33. F J Dandy5:11 PM

    3:58: go one believes you...sheesh.

  34. Anonymous5:17 PM

    and re: weener - why do these guys think that any woman is interested in looking at his naked chest or pants bulge...guys! FYI, women get together and LAUGH at guys who think their chest and bulge is hot! We talk about how middle school you are and we LAUGH!! (and now with tweeets, craigslist, texts, etc., we LOOK and LAUGH) Not hot, guys, not hot..just silly.

  35. Anonymous5:18 PM

    3:58--If I reveal my mom's secrets can you help me get my independence from that biotch? There's no way I'm getting home schooled, it would just be me and Trig in that house."

    Sure, Willow, we'd be happy to help. My boyfriend and I have an extra room here in LA, so you could be near Sis and all. Don't ever think there's no way out, Sweetie.

  36. Olivia5:21 PM

    I am also disgusted at Weinergate. What an idiot! He has been so good at calling out republican duplicity and hypocrisy and now his credibility is at risk. The other disgusting thing is that now that pig Brietbart has a win. The only consolation I can get from this is that unlike republican scandals there weren't young boys involved or tapping in an airport bathroom stall.

  37. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I hope whoever posted about those mysterious fires points the media to those events. Why did the poster say she thought of that poor deceased woman's face every time she thought about coming to tell the truth? Let them start investigating there.

  38. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I'm sad about Weiner. The guy could really make me laugh when he would get all in the Fox Lady's face. He was fearless and so funny. But I'll never understand why any guy takes pics of their "bulge". I don't get it. It's like they're equipped with a toy they are continually amazed by.

  39. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Sarah is not a representation of Queen Esther. She lies, and God....does NOT LIE. And, he does not reward those WHO LIE.

    Even the demons tremble at HIS NAME.

  40. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Vitter in a diaper still beats Weiner in a Fruit of the Loom ad.

  41. Lynne at 4:41 - I couldn't have said it better myself! WTF is WRONG with these guys??? At least, as Democrats, we are anti-stupid and when one of our own screws up, we admit it and think it's just as dumb as if a Rethug had done it.

  42. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Couple of medical points. My ex is an Ob/Gyn NP. She said that tubals can be reversed but it is extremely unusual esp for a woman over 40, often that is because a living child has died or they remarry, etc. And some are more easily reversed than others. However a woman with four children would seem to be an unlikely candidate and moreover, it would seem she might have mentioned that along the way since she brags about everything. Then again why would she every admit she had her tubes tied and then come up with a story about getting them reversed. We'll never know

    Second, Henry's site has a commenter who claims to to have been a resident in Alaska in 2007 who personally oversaw many of Sara's appointments and prenatal procedures. That might come as a shock to many that here is a man who all of a sudden comes forward and tells us it is all as she claims. I asked him how, as a doctor, he could violate patient privilege like that and I suspect he might benefit from some other medical and legal people to remind him there are laws against revealing patient information like that. I suspect he's just some dude/ette with some knowledge of medical terminology but it might be interesting to see who else can weigh in. BTW, thanks to all who went there from here. Until Gryphen posted this the bots were overwhelming the place. Now the balance has shifted and their unbelievably and often vicious remarks are being flagged and deleted. Some very sick folks, couple even making the equivalent of threats, like death type. Whew, the do protect their girl

  43. Anonymous6:00 PM

    In 3:36, Sarah actually looks younger than she did in 2005. Go look up those lake photos of the gamily. Her face shows age.

  44. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Remember when Madame Mayflower was busted for her high profile "escort" service? Most of her clients were senators, judges, and the power people. Mr. Weiner got caught.

  45. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Check ur e-mail..

  46. OK. The media, especially Breitbart got the goods on Weiner who deserves to be publicly ridiculed as he is a complete asshat. But why does the MSM let Sarah Palin get away with all that she has gotten away with? Not just the stoopid rewrite of the Paul Revere ride, but the ethics violations; vendetta against her former brother-in-law; babygate; lousy parenting record; gleeful spending of PAC money; phony historical trip; etc. There is a double standard and she has used her sometimes double C cups to mesmerize the school boys in the press. (I'm beginning to think all males have not matured past twelve years old.) What in the world has she got that gives her a free pass with the MSM?

  47. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Sadie was Gryphen's source, yes.

    3:58 is being a douche bag

    Trig is not "gone". He is a Palin.

  48. Unfortunately, I do not have any inside information to share, but I did go over to Business Insider, expressed my thanks and support and today sent him to Laura Novak's latest post about the ears (in which she referenced your blog a long time ago concerning the ears of baby Trig). Anyone out there who is willing to keep this story front and center is heroic. Gryphen, the more I re-read the earlier entries about Trig, his birth, the appearance at the RNC, the ears, the pictures (especially Triggy Bear ones) the more I am convinced there has been more than one baby.

  49. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I wished media would be all over Sarah and Todd scandles like they are on Weiner. I mean, Sarah twitted "Statute of liberty", and media never reported it.

    About Todd's hooker scandle. Zero media coverage

  50. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I sincerely hope that the simplest way of explaining this hoax is not the default position. You first broke the startling revelation in your Feb 2010 post A Tale of Two Babies by Sarah Palin.

    Two babies explains the need to destroy records in the church fire, unfortunately may explain the horrible and mysterious death of Dar Miller and it certainly could explain the absolute inability of any Palin to come clean with the story.

    Occam's Razor - the granny was covering for the teen daughter who was ill prepared to be a mom - can be understood and could have invoked empathy even from those who do not adhere to the fundie/GOP political persuasion.

    The simple solution is suspect in this hoax.

  51. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Like most scandals, it is not the lie itself that is most damaging, but the cover-up.

    Granny could have 'fessed up years ago, but NO, she doubles down on her lies. As always, she is her own worst enemy.

    I wonder if Granny has "come clean" with R. Mansour?? I bet not.

  52. Anonymous6:30 PM

    5:39: It's like they're equipped with a toy they are continually amazed by.


    Ain't that the truth!

  53. Anonymous6:31 PM

    OK, found! Just....WOW!

  54. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I'm also disappointed that Weiner was that foolish. There must be some kind of syndrome that makes politicians think they'll never get caught. He shouldn't have lied, but honestly, I can't blame him. The scorching he's going to get from Jon Stewart tonight will be painful enough, as if having to stand there and confess his sexy conversations with women even before his marriage isn't awful enough.

    Really, I could not care less what anybody does with their private parts and Twitter accounts, even politicians, as long as they're not also pushing some kind of legislation trying to outlaw whatever they engaged in (foot-tapping by Craig for example), or using campaign funds or public resources to pay off their staffers (Ensign), or trying to tell women what to do with their bodies, or, in the case of Gingrich, impeaching the president while carrying on his own slimeball affair.

    That kind of hypocrisy is at the heart of whatever is going on with Palin, who campaigned on being a holier-than-thou, anti-abortion Grizzly Mama, who parades her "happy" family around as PR, and who makes money off her choice to give birth while hoping to stop other women from making their own choices. Otherwise I really don't care who or what came out of her womb (or didn't, as the case may be).

    What I really want this minute is for someone to take down Breitbart. He's a disgusting, vile joke of a "journalist" who publicly lies and damages people in the service of his ideology. Turnabout is fair play with him. Man, I want some go-getter to start digging through his trash and see what turns up.

    Sorry for the rant, but today I'm really angry that our public discourse is being driven by the likes of Breitbart and Sarah Palin. Driven ever downward into stupidity and nastiness, I mean.

  55. Anonymous6:38 PM

    At 3:49 who quoted Nefer -- that comment perfectly puts into words everything I've felt about Palin's 'Christianity.' Basically, she goes along to get along and that's about it.

    I'm sure if you asked her to recite a passage from the Bible, there's no telling what kind of 'Paul Revere and his bells'-esque nonsense she'd spout -- and her daft supporters would twist themselves into knots trying to point out where her latest brain vomit appears in the Good Book.

  56. Anonymous6:40 PM

    You all should check out the post at Stone Kettle Station. Here is part of it--really well done.

    We’re all against her, the media, the internet, the voters, the universe, some random person in the crowd. This form of thinking is a habit with people like Palin. It’s the result of a creationist worldview. Creationism not only colors what you think, it colors how you think. The symptoms are a manifestation of defective reasoning ability, a cognitive malfunction, a chronic intellectual misfire. People who can dismiss the entire body of modern science to embrace the creationist worldview display an aggressive willingness to rationalize all kinds of nonsense and cling to those false constructs despite all evidence to the country. From holocaust denial, to climate change denial, to birtherism, and truthiness, to irrational hatred and bigotry, to politics … to revision of well documented and established American history. So much so, that they will consider themselves greater experts (I know my history) than actual historians, scientists, and researchers. Any contradiction or correction or criticism from actual experts is dismissed as “elitism.” She doesn’t make mistakes, the media does, the viewers do, people who laugh at her do, people who disagree with her do, but she does not make mistakes. Ever. Palin is a creationist, and it shows. It shows in every action she takes and every insecure word she speaks. Before her nomination as John McCain’s running mate, she managed to keep her mental aberrations more or less in check. As my friend and fellow writer, Eric, at Standing on the Shoulders of Giant Midgets, said, she was a small person on a small stage. But her nomination and subsequent unearned popularity has removed any restraints she once might have had and given unfettered rein to her narcissism. She has become the Charlie Sheen of American politics.

    posted by Jim Wright at 5:46 PM on Jun 6, 2011

    Also, Too, good job with getting out the word, Gryphen. Looks like more people are taking you seriously. This has been one crazy $paylin week. Keep up the outstanding work.

  57. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Here's our friend David Weigel ranting about Anthony Weiner sexting and how it's the crime of the century and what a big hero Breitbart is, but oh, babygate, nothing here to see, because I called Mat-Su and whoever the hell answered the phone, told me, of course, Trig was born here.

    What a fucking idiot.

    By the way, this is my favorite line: "Had a blogger not grabbed the photo quickly, it would have disappeared from the Internet and Weiner would have been safe with his lies."

    Wonder what would have happened if some bloggers hadn't grabbed those pics of flat-bellied Sarah before they disappeared.

  58. Anonymous6:43 PM

    HIPAA: Acronym that stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

    meet Henry Blodgett.

    Henry meet HIPAA.

  59. Anonymous6:44 PM

    There are too many people getting in the game for the game to end without the truth being known. All we are asking for is the truth.

    Anyone who knows the truth should step forward. The law will protect you - just be sure to consult with a lawyer before you step forward.


  60. Anonymous6:47 PM

    "When she posted the same "birthday" picture of him as she did last year, I knew that he was no longer around."

    I thought the same thing... maybe he was left at Reagan's ranch.

    And tubal can sometimes be reversed IF the woman asks to have it done. Sarah claims that Trig was a mistake so certainly she wouldn't have had a tubal reversed if she's had one.

  61. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I had REALLY hoped that that particular comment was going to have legs. Now I hope that it leads to breaking this story out in the open.

  62. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Henry Blodgett is not bound by HIPPA. If somebody who is bound by it sends him information anonymously, he can do whatever he wants with the info.

  63. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I just left a comment regarding your Feb 2010 post, A Tale of Two Babies. Just found Laura Novak's new column. Did you all see Laura's post today? Fantastic bit of investigative journalism on the ear deformity.

  64. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Can't wait for the montage where we'll see that Sarah lied to everyone over and over.

  65. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Whomever has any information might be worried about the legal implications of he or she coming forward. And contacting a lawyer might get expensive.

    I am quite sure that Gloria Allred would take the case at no cost to the client. Look her up; she is only a google away.

  66. Anonymous7:09 PM

    For me, the post re: the Creationist origin of all of Sarah's problems is a bit much.

    Tying all Creationists to holocaust denial is also a bit much (way, way too much, actually).

    I am not a Creationist, but really.

    I do think some people just have a problem with fundamentalist Christians.

    Her character flaws and psychological problems go way beyond her touted religious sympathies.

  67. Anonymous7:10 PM

    dont forget to notice this "plunder" from the fundie rw.
    Republicans Seek To End Healthcare For 1.3 Million Disabled Vets
    June 6, 2011

  68. Anon 3:49 There was a "heads up" on Palingate and a bunch of folks went over and "helped" out.

  69. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Sarah Palin will go on FOX to defend what she said about Revere even though she got it wrong but mums the word when it comes to Todd having sex with Shailey Tripp. Shailey produced emails from Todd and mums the word from Sarah. Shailey even described their relationship as well as saying Sarah was not pregnant when Shailey gave her a massage. I would of thought Sarah and Todd would talk to a marriage counselor but instead Sarah goes on a family vacation with only one member of the family and Todd shows up for the family vacation photop and went on his merry way.


  70. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I must be the only non-Palinbot who thinks she did birth Trig. I think she looked plump & dumpy before she announced, and looked pregnant. I've always believed she was ashamed of this pregnancy, and planned on a late-term abortion if McCain lost the nomination. Maybe even hoped she'd miscarry during that flight from Texas, so she could have the "glory" of not aborting her little retarded angel, but still not be saddled with him the rest of her life.

    I think Trig looks like she could be her child. Of course, I also think he looks like Levi. I doubt Levi & Sarah are the parents. Sarah Palin has to be the least sexy woman on the planet. I can't imagine her having sex with anyone. She looks like she'd bite a guy's balls off. Or stab him in the middle of the night. She is not a warm, cozy, sexy-type lady. She is a screechy-voiced nag.

  71. Anonymous 5:01, Sadie was ONE of my sources. I had a couple of sources that were all telling me that Trig was not Levi and Bristols' child, and in the time since then I have heard repeatedly that Bristol was frustrated over being saddled with him while SHE was pregnant with Tripp.

    In other words she did not demonstrate a maternal connection to him. In fact Levi was more affectionate (Don't read too much into that), and Piper ADORED him when he was small.

    In fact after the birth of Tripp, Piper became the main caretaker for Trig,according to numerous accounts.

    No I DON'T know who Trig's real parents are, nor am I truly convinced as to WHY Palin faked this pregnancy. If I could figure that out, it might help to reveal the truth about everything.

    I also believe that Trig is several months older than has been claimed, but do not have a definitive birth date.

    I do NOT believe that Mercede has lied to me about any of this, mostly because her mother has independently confirmed the same version of events, and Sherry is simply incapable of lying.

  72. Anonymous7:36 PM

    4:42: Sarah spent so little time in the Gov's office they wouldn't have noticed.

  73. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I must be the only non-Palinbot who thinks she did birth Trig. I think she looked plump & dumpy before she announced, and looked pregnant.
    7:26 PM

    You think a woman that cross her legs at the knees and lean well forward while seated just 43 days before the supposed birth of 6+ baby LOOKED pregnant.

    You must know some really amazing pregnant woman. Do you have video of them doing a gymnastic move similar to Palin's in the newsweek interview? Please post it.


  74. I just noticed on the second running of "The Last Word", Lawrence O'Donnell's MSNBC show, during the minutes that David Frum was contributing his opinion, that the chyron at the bottom of the page said "Sarah Palin's Wild Ride".

    Ha! They know...

  75. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Why does Sarah Palin wear a cross necklace one day and a Star of David necklace another day then goes on FOX and does not wear anything?

    I respect all religions but I feel that by switching necklaces is just patronizing your current audience. What happens if she ever goes to Harlem? Will she wear a giant gold chain with a big gold clenched fist?

  76. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Ok is anyone else just practically giddy?

    Babygate gets major MSM play today...
    Palin's almost literally unbelievable Paul Revere revisionist history is being looped on cable, news, and radio...

    And the EMAILS, oh the eeeeee-maaaails!

    I was SO down when it was announced they were going to keep 2500 emails under wraps. Of course I figured anything worth seeing was going to be in the bundle staying in Parnell's hope chest. But after seeing Stammerin' Sarah tell Faux Noiz the emails were going to be 'out of context'...I thought what the hell, she doesn't know what CONTEXT people will read them in! She is running SKEERED!

    I have already been told by one family member that it's "not normal" to delight so much in someone's "misfortune". But I am so sick of watching this botoxed blowhard promote racism and division, of disrespecting our PRESIDENT, and use her children to further an agenda of hatred and bitterness.

    So yes...I am soooo going to sit back and ENJOY this!

  77. Anonymous8:20 PM

    When is the Frank Bailey interview?

    Is it this week?

  78. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Gryphen, while I could be persuaded that anything is possible when it comes to Trig's birth parents (Track, Todd, Bristol, to name a few possibilities) I just want to say, Bristol resenting Trig and Bristol not showing maternal instinct toward Trig is not proof of anything as far as she is concerned.

    In fact, if she were the mother and if the circumstances of conception/pregnancy were in any way traumatic, this may have interfered with her ability to bond with or feel affection for him. She may honestly have wanted to get as far away from him as possible, who knows?

    Levi not being his father, I guess I can believe that. Bristol, though, I am not sure about.

    I still think he may be connected to Track or Todd somehow. He's biological family, that I feel sure about.

  79. Anonymous8:21 PM

    In response to Gryphen 7:30 PM:

    Trig is Todd's love child with a previous sex partner and Sarah had to pretend she was pregnant?

    That is why Sarah is not concerned about Todd and Shailey Tripp.

    Sarah has accepted that Todd is a whore and she needs to keep Todd to complete the happy but dysfunctional family appearance.

    Todd's part of the deal is to appear for photo ops and hold Sarah's purse. After he fulfills his commitments, Todd can take off on his own and do whatever but don't let anybody take a picture of him and his sex partner.

  80. Anonymous8:33 PM

    SP: "Mansour, there are too many questions about Trig! Can you contact my entire family and tell them we need a photo op with Trig asap. By the way can you pick up Trig at his foster family's home?"

  81. Anonymous8:42 PM


    Sometimes really explicit images sent to a person on chat or via email are pretty hot and stimulating, especially if you are currently engaged in lusting after that person but are separated by miles of distance. Mutually satisfying oneself on video chat with another person can be really awesome too.

    However, that being said, I'd certainly not recommend that anyone holding elected office or with public notoriety engage in any sort of electronic dalliance that could come back to bite them in the ass.

    For the rest of us "non public servants", as far as I'm concerned anything goes! You perhaps just have not met the right internet sex partner yet.

  82. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Please, whomever you are, be brave and speak up. Doing the right thing isn't always easy, but it's always right.

    I'm kind of saddened by Weiner's confession, he is a staunch supporter of progressive ideals, he's always stood up and spoke out for what's right for the common working class people. Yeah, he was thinking with the wrong head, but the women involved aren't exactly the epitomy of morality and good taste either. Who flirts and exchanges photos with a married man, then complains that HE has "issues".

    I'm not excusing his behavior at all, but he's someone whose political style I've admired. He doesn't take the far right's bs, he throws it back in their faces and stands his ground. If he resigns, I hope people will fight hard to get another democrat to hold his place, because he has the guts to run again when all this blows over. At least he didn't use his wife as a prop and play the "I have sinned" game. He did stupid things, but others who stand on family values have done much worse and are still in office.

    What saddens me even more, is Breitbart's need to make this his badge of honor, after all he's done to destroy other's reputations

  83. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I have not really examined the time line of photos.But I have seen that Palin was a little puffy or plump in the beginning of Feb or the end of Jan .Is there any chance that she was pregnant and was so reckless during her unannounced pregnancy,attempting to instigate a "fundie abortion",that she thought she had achieved that and he was born very premature and left in a hospital somewhere,with the hopes he would not make it? Then,when he did,she had to suddenly announce a pregnancy that was already over early? It sounds crazy,I know,but no way was she pregnant like a hippo for the "Gusty" photo and then her pregnancy was not noticeable a few weeks later.

    or maybe I need to have another glass of wine

  84. Anonymous10:01 PM

    OT, but re Weiner, I clearly believe he was set up by right wingers, who got attractive young women to follow him on Twitter. It's no coincidence that Megan whatshername is giving interviews to Hannity.

    That's how you bring people down. You know their weaknesses -- here, I think it was well known in Washington that Weiner had a sex problem -- and then you exploit their weaknesses.

    Weiner should resign just because he's an idiot. But make no mistake about it, he was set up.

    This Megan woman in Texas claims she is just an upstanding single mom and Army veteran. And she just happened to decide to follow Weiner because she was impressed with how he stood up for 9-11 first responders. And she just happened to exchange hundreds of explicit messages with Weiner, but she's just a hardworking decent single mom. If some married man starting sexting me, there would be one message before I cut him off. Unless, of course, I was a Republican operative.

  85. Anonymous10:31 PM

    "... then goes on FOX and does not wear anything?" eyes...that visual has blinded me. Just kidding, but the even the thought of her being ***** makes me want to vomit.

  86. Gasman12:19 AM

    I swear if I won the lottery that I would offer a $10,000,000 tax free bounty for any nurse or doctor who worked at Mat-Su with direct knowledge that Palin did not give birth to Trig as she claims. I'd also agree to pay all of their legal fees.

    At some point SOMEBODY will spill the beans. That person stands to make a killing from the National Enquirer or some other enterprising entity. If I manage to get that Power Ball fortune, count my $10 mil toward the pot. Screw the anonymity. Go for the cash.

    I wonder who will cash in first?

  87. Anonymous12:43 AM

    (OT) but Oh So presidential:

    "All we know for sure is that she has the best reality show on TV; it’s a reality show without a set. It's wherever she goes, the reality show is. That is compelling," Jim Pinkerton of the New America Foundation on Fox News.

  88. Anonymous2:05 AM

    10:01, yep they pulled a Monica on Weiner. They dangled Monica in front of a very easy to arouse Clinton the same way they dangled Megan in front of Weiner's computer screen. That's how the right rolls. If you can't get them from their own stupidity, make them act that way by temptation.

  89. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Sherry is simply incapable of lying.

    7:30 PM

    Really Gryphen? Please consider your credibility here. Unless her brain is damaged and there is a neoroscience based reason why you say this, the comment seems ridiculous. With all due respect. You are getting alot of trffic here. Anyone in the Palin saga is quite capable of lying.

  90. Anonymous8:01 PM

    "What happens if she ever goes to Harlem? Will she wear a giant gold chain with a big gold clenched fist?

    8:00 PM"

    You're fucking kidding right? Not funny dichead.

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