Thursday, June 02, 2011

I am no expert on pregnancy, but is it common for women to get pregnant in their shoulders like Sarah Palin apparently did?

(H/T to Brad Scharlott for the image.)
Laura Novak conducts yet another very interesting interview with Professor Scharlott over on her blog.

This link will take you the most interesting clip, where Mrs. Palin talks about “huntin’ and fishin’” and her big family. The interviewer at one point interjects: “And you have four?” meaning, children. And Palin replies, “I have a bunch of kids” before rapidly changing the subject. Was this because she wasn’t sure how many she would have in the following days, or because she wasn’t yet prepared to tell the world about a fifth? “A bunch of kids.” How maternal.

It’s not just that Palin was supposedly 7 months pregnant during this interview. It’s her behavior, posture, and her stunning announcement the next day that still mystify, dumbfound and disturb so many followers of this fairy tale.

Throughout her entire Newsweek interview, which was at least 10 minutes (judging from several YouTube clips), she remained in that forward-leaning position with her legs crossed.

LN: What an amazing woman.

BS: Amazing indeed. How late into your own pregnancy, Laura, could you comfortably assume that position and hold it several minutes?

LN: Are you kidding? I still can’t, and my baby’s now 16 and rides a BMX bike.

Now for many of us THIS is well covered ground, that we are now seeing revisited by new eyes. However the last part of Laura's answer directed my focus to something that I have not given a great deal of thought to in the past.

As many of you know I have interviewed a number of people who worked with, or around, Palin before, during, and after her "pregnancy." In one of those interviews the person mentioned that not only did Palin not appear pregnant DURING her month and a half long pregnancy, she also did not appear to have just given birth AFTER Trig was born.

Now here you will have to forgive me because I am JUST a man, so until I read Laura's somewhat tongue in cheek answer above I did not give that as much thought as I should have.

So I went back through my notes to check, and was reminded that not only did Sarah Palin not have any of the pain or discomfort you would expect during her pregnancy, she also did not seem to have ANY sign of having just given birth in the days and weeks afterward. 

Now granted these people would have been interacting with Palin in a professional setting where she might not have felt comfortable talking about her soreness, or appearing weak or needy in front of staff, so I wondered how she might have acted in the privacy of her home, when she was just letting it all hang out.

But WHO would have seen her in her home only a few weeks or days after giving birth?

Oh yeah, that's right!

So I gave my friend Mercede a call.

As it turned out Sadie and her mother were stuck in traffic here in Anchorage, and so I was able to ask both of them whether or not Sarah demonstrated ANY signs of having given birth on May 3 2008, only twenty days after Trig arrived, and the day that they both went over to Palin's house to see the new baby and to celebrate Levi's birthday.

To the question of whether she appeared sore, or had trouble moving around or sitting, they both said "No, she appeared fine."

To the question of whether or not they could have discerned that she had just given birth by her appearance, they both replied "No." "In fact," added Sherry, "she did not look like she had given birth at all!"

I then started trying to think like a woman, and asked if Palin complained about any soreness in her breasts, or whether or not they appeared milk laden or uncomfortable. Again the response was "No, not at all."

Sadie did point out that she was in a sweatshirt, so it would have been hard to see if she was swollen, but that she certainly "did not act as if she were uncomfortable."

I thanked them for their time and hung up the phone. (By the way you should be hearing more from Mercede herself later on today.)

You know the difference between pretending to be pregnant on a television show, and doing the same thing in real life, is that in a movie or television show when the director yells cut you can take off the fake baby bump and have a cigarette. But in real life you have to be prepared to play your scene 24 hours a day, for as long as the "pregnancy" (And the appropriate amount of time after the pregnancy), lasts.  Clearly Palin was just not that good of an actress.

Which is WHY we see her bending forward when she should have been seven months pregnant, and WHY her belly changed size and shape so often in that month and a half span of time, and WHY she acted afterward as if it simply did not happen.  Because, and stay with me on this part, it DID NOT HAPPEN!

Now look, one of the arguments against the idea that Palin pulled off this fake pregnancy has always been, "that's crazy NOBODY would do such a thing! Especially while in the public eye!" Which on the face of it seems like a reasonable argument, but not when it comes to Sarah Palin.

Just ask yourself about all of the crazy Palin lies that you know about.  This is a woman who has lied and said that NONE of the ethics complaints filed against her ever had merit, that the U.S. federal debt had grown more under Obama than “all those other presidents combined," repeatedly lied that she quit her job as Governor because under the laws of the state, her family was going to be bankrupt by litigation and public records requests, and apparently supported her daughter's lie that her very obvious facial surgery was really due to a dental procedure to align her teeth. (And those are only the tip of the iceberg.)

So you see what WE all might consider a lie too outlandish to tell by ANYONE, is really just business as usual for Sarah Palin and her family.  And until somebody REALLY calls them out on their lies, there is NO reason for Sister Sarah to change her tactics. None.

(By the way if you want to get an idea of just how often Palin lies, all you need to do is buy "The Lies of Sarah Palin" by Geoffrey Dunn.)


  1. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Padded shoulders? She's a liar and a fraud. Why doesn't the media ask her questions? They are not doing their job...

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM

    A nursing mother would NOT be wearing a sweatshirt. Nursing mothers wear clothes that give them ability to quickly and comfortably access ( for lack of a better term) their breasts to be able to sit and nurse their babies.
    Just another thing I noticed.

  3. Anonymous9:06 AM

    She goes around the world telling God and country that babies are a 'joy' but the moment anyone also too pregnant at the same time Sarah finally announced how far along she 'was' tried to commiserate with her about the less-than-ideal physical changes and discomfort a normal human being experiences with pregnancy, she shut them down and out.

    She wanted nothing to do with sharing the 'joy' of this pregnancy because she was NOT pregnant. She was pulling off a high-stakes rouse in the public eye. Talk about audacity, and as usual, she did not have what it takes to pull it off during and after.

  4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:06 AM

    Full disclosure: I have never given birth, but have friends who did. Their discomfort after labor lasted weeks, and they were not able to drop their "baby weight" immediately--it took lots of work and time. None of my "mom" friends could have attempted this pose within a short couple of weeks after having their kids. Also, SP looks almost as slim as teenage Mercede in this pic.

    Or, to paraphrase the late, great 60s-70s writer Erma Bombeck: "It looks as if she carried her fetus in a shopping bag."

    PS: Padded shoulders=fake belly straps, for sure.

  5. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Sarah is so clearly mentally ill that the question of "who would ever fake a pregnancy" doesn't even seem relevant. Sarah Palin most obviously did fake a one-month pregnancy in 2008 and she has gotten away with it (so far). Most annoying is how POORLY she did at acting/walking/looking like a pregnant person and PEOPLE (I'm talking to you Frank) still declare it to be so. The most telling for me is the smug Elan Frank "yep, I am so pulling this off with a square pillow up my shirt" interview.

  6. I love it. I'm so glad you, Laura Novak and the other blogs keep up the pressure on Palin. At some point she'll make a huge error and everything will come spilling out.

    (well, at least I hope so...)

    I also can't wait for author Fred's book to come out on Babygate. The summer is gonna be a long one..

  7. Anonymous9:13 AM

    LOL, in the way that Sarah prepared for her one and only VP Debate and that Bristol 'studied' her lines for "The Secret Life" in one car ride, Sarah prepared for this faux pregnancy.

    That is, with little research, little attention to detail, just hit the verbal platitudes of creating life and 'birth' the baby for a photo-op.

    No postpartum effort whatsoever, she gave the month long miracle early term pregnancy her trademarked half-assed effort.

  8. I know9:17 AM

    Know this.

    Sarah Palin did not give birth to Trig and was not pregnant back then. Fact.

    That's why Palin has never made the story go away like any normal mother would. Any normal mother has a mountain of evidence in their possession. Sarah has nothing. Nothing at all.

    Palin simply cannot prove something that never happened.

  9. Anonymous9:21 AM

    G, I love you, but why did it take you 3 yrs to ask these questions of Mercede and her mom???

  10. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Yup - ya gotta watch out for those post partum clues too ya know!

  11. Anonymous9:25 AM

    For the gazillionith time:
    NO ONE who is breast feeding a newborn wears an over the head sweatshirt.
    You wear a button down or a zippered top or a light cotton t shirt. She would at the very least need to get one arm out of that thing every two hours and scrunch it all up and try not to smother the baby with that shirt. and opened up nursing bra.
    Nope nope lie lie lie. If she was taking the damn thing off every two hours, then explain the perfectly qoiffed (sp) hair updo?? This is not a postpartum nursing mother.

  12. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Anyone who would be so crazy as to take a "family vacation" in a shrink-wrapped decorated RV would be crazy enough to fake a pregnancy!

  13. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I am not an expert on plastic surgery, but the smile of the half term governor while faking her pregnancy seems so different to me than the smile she is now exhibiting on the family vacation. Does anyone else agree? If so is the difference from plastic surgery, a dramatic forced smile attempting to look sexy, or a result of drugs? Any thoughts?


  14. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Take the newseek interview video, label it "6+ pound baby just 43 days later", and trot it around to your OB/GYN friends. You'll enjoy the laughter.

    Then do a survey, ask every pregnant woman you see if they can sit, cross their legs at knees EFFORTLESSLY and lean forward. Some women can still do it quite late in their pregnancy... 1st trimester, maybe, 2nd trimester, probably not. 3rd trimester?


  15. I gave birth six months ago. It was a quick labor lasting 4 hours (sucks for a firsttime mom because they didn't have time to give me any painkilles!). I stayed in the hospital for the mandatory 48hrs and was released 15lbs lighter than when I came in.
    There's all kinds of pain that come with postpartum. I never believed anyone about the "your boobs will be hot rocks," and I was not prepared for that level of pain. I did not yell or scream during natural childbirth, but when my husband hugged me goodnight, I yelped and begged him not to touch me. It HURTS. You can't just ignore it, and you certainly do want the weight of a sweater on them.
    ADDITIONALLY: postpartum, you spend a LOT of time in the bathroom. You are given pads and a squirt bottle and it takes longer than normal to use the restroom. They have numbing solution to put "down there," but even if you dn't tear, our pelvic bones are sore as hell and it hurts to sit, to get up, to walk. You can't cover up that grimacing.
    As for the shoulders... I KNEW there was something odd about those pictures!! For eyars I've been looking at them andI felt like such an idiot when I realized she suddenl had man shoulders. Maybe she thought it was a clever way to make it look like she was bulker?

  16. Anonymous9:42 AM


    I have a Blackberry and when I go to Immoral Minority I can only see 1/2 the page because the whole column of links on the right side is in front and I can't shift it.

    When I go to the comments page I can see the whole page.

    Sarah Palin, you have two Blackberries, can you help me?


  17. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I am presently reading Dunn's book, it is great.

  18. FrostyAK9:50 AM

    When a nutjob like the Wicked Witch of Wasilla thinks they are ordained by Dog to be famous, there is NOTHING they won't do to fulfill the prophesy in their minds. That includes, lying, cheating, stealing and sometimes even killing.

  19. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Off the subject, how come we never see Sarah, Todd or their kids or Track with Todd's parents or relatives?

    Why is that Sarah?

    They can't stand you either?

    Or are you uncomfortable with them? You know, that phobia thingy you have?

  20. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Here in Florida, we are once again stunned by the amazing volume and details of the lie of Casey Anthony. Sarah is the only one I could think of who could stand toe to toe with Casey in a lie-off.

  21. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I'm laughing and smiling at Anon9:13am comment about Granny's "trademarked half-assed effort".

    One give-away to me is that she did not even bother to buy some cute maternity tops, just some big droopy scarves. How lazy and cheap is that?

  22. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I remember seeing a prego pic of Sarah where her ass was really huge.

  23. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Did you notice in the Newsweek interview where they note to SP that "you're a crack shot, right?" and she says that she is quite proud of that. I didn't realize that pregnancy causes a decline in shooting ability (i.e., ask the caribou how good a shot she is).

  24. Anonymous10:13 AM

    There is NO lie

    either too big or too small

    to be told by Sarah and

    believed to be true by her ilk

    without reason or prejudice.

    The lie will then be repeated

    time and time again

    by all of her ilk

    because the gospel of Sarah

    is the only truth that exists.

    Should Sarah's new words

    contradict her words of the past,

    her people have a new truth

    to spread to all nations

    until further notice

    is communicated by Sarah.

  25. lilly lily10:19 AM

    Palin doesn't lie, she tells what she sees as beneficial to her Alternative Truths, crossing her fingers that no one calls her on them.

    The problem with her is everything and anything is a lie with her. She can't help herself. It is pathological.

  26. Virginia Voter10:21 AM

    Correction, Sarah claims Trig was born on April 18, so really those pictures were taken only 16 days after said birth, no?

    Here's the giveaway, Sarahs boobs. They never, ever got bigger.Look at her pictures from before, during, and after the pregnancy, they are the same. Most women go up at least a cup size, some even 2 or 3. And of course we've all seen the Spongebaby Squarepillow , so there's that.

  27. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Ob-gyns and pregnancy books recommend that women do not cross their legs at the knees because doing so can hamper blood flow through the body including the fetus. The photos of Palin crossing her legs reminded me of how much effort it took for me to remember not to cross my legs when I became pregnant. By the third trimester, I had developed the habit of deliberately crossing my ankles so I wouldn't cross my legs at the knee. I am Palin's size and could have crossed my legs up to childbirth.

    I can draw 2 conclusions, either she wasn't pregnant or she didn't care about circulation to the child. Well, perhaps there is a third possibility- she didn't bother to educate herself about pregnancy.

    As for the shoulders, women don't gain weight in their shoulders. She looks like she's wearing bad 1980s fashion with the oversized shoulder pads. I see why the GOP had to dress her.

  28. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Yes you can look larger in the upper area due to swelling, what seems strange is in the photo you have posted she doesn't have the excess after birth weight?
    It takes sometime to get back to normal,there is allot of water retention. only when she is pregnant her face seems a little fatter??? but I will say the whole story is weird??? especially her labor story?? traveling that late with a high risk pregnancy is not recommended by a doctor?? I had a healthy pregnancy's and was told not to travel after 6 months. If she is not lying then KBJ was negligent as a OBGYN plain and simple!!!

  29. Anonymous10:25 AM

    To anon at 8:57, that is the major problem with our so called press they ask$arah Palin questions but NEVER demand an ANSWER from her!! Real answers anyway. They just let her babble on with that word salad.

    I saw on MSNBC yesterday morning the grilling and relentless "answer the question" (re: twitter photo)that Anthony Weiner got from the press but they never ever do that with $arah Palin.

  30. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Yes you can look larger in the upper area due to swelling, what seems strange is in the photo you have posted she doesn't have the excess after birth weight?
    It takes sometime to get back to normal,there is allot of water retention. only when she is pregnant her face seems a little fatter??? but I will say the whole story is weird??? especially her labor story?? traveling that late with a high risk pregnancy is not recommended by a doctor?? I had a healthy pregnancy's and was told not to travel after 6 months. If she is not lying then KBJ was negligent as a OBGYN plain and simple!!!

  31. Anonymous10:28 AM

    In that video clip, she says of her early days in politics that she was young, in her 20s, and ya know, "I had babies then." In the past tense, she "had" babies, as in "I don't now."

  32. Hey, Marz, Laura and I were going to focus on a different topic for the interview, but as I was doing research with the photos, it struck me: the shoulders are a giveaway that she is wearing something big. So I looked for narrow shoulders vs huge shoulders photos, and the current conversation is result.

    The flier Gryphen put at the top of his piece was a byproduct of that. I teach a class in digital publishing - in fact, a have summer class on that right now - and I teach students how to design and create fliers, brochures, etc. So these fliers I am making are sort of fun for me, and they give me a chance to use my teaching skills in an applied, public-service-oriented way.

  33. betsy s10:32 AM

    The jacket looks like a 3X woman's jacket and is just huge on her. Why didn't she ever buy any maternity outfits? BTW the picture of the new baby in Frank's book doesn't look anything like the baby in the hall held by SP's parents. Just saying.

  34. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Why does palin get away with bashing everybody on healthcare when she gets free government healthcare because of todds todds todds heritage!

  35. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Two other reasons why I don't believe Sarah gave birth to Trig:
    1. No hospital pictures (other than with Chuckles and Sally). Most mothers have at least one picture of themselves sitting in their hospital beds holding their new bundles of joy. Sarah, who loves children so much(I'm being sarcastic) would be so excited about showing off her new baby, she would want lots of pics.
    2. I have never heard of ANYONE who saw or talked to Sarah during her supposed hospital stay. This seems odd to me. My sister is a nurse in a large hospital. She would never divulge patient's private info, but she has mentioned several times that she has taken care of someone "famous" or one of our govt. officials. One would think that someone, a nurse, an orderly, or a candystriper would have told someone they took care of Gov. Palin and her new baby.

  36. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Caught this interesting comment over on Mudflats:

    "Sourdough Mullet says:
    June 2, 2011 at 9:31 AM
    I was reading “Blind Allegiance” last night, and got to Chapter 26, where Sarah calls Frank Bailey on August 16 2008, (SPOILER ALERT! – I’m gonna reveal some info here) and she was “sobbing, trying to catch her breath…so upset she couldn’t speak”. The big news, as it turns out was that Oh, my Gawd, “Bristol was pregnant!”
    Now…that struck me as highly unlikely, because there’s something VERY unusual about that passage. I still have, in my yahoo inbox, and email from an old friend in Wasilla that is dated March 31, 2008. It says “Hey, did you know Sarah Palin’s going to be a Grandma?” The sender, who is not “in the Palin camp”, also told me that Levi was the father, and that Bristol had been attending school at West High in Anchorage. On March 31st. (Now, if you do the math, a delivery date of Dec 29th does indeed make this one looooong pregnancy, but that’s speculation for another blogsite, as I know AKM does not condone pregnancy conspiracy theories). But somehow, I managed to find out at least 3rd hand that Bristol was pregnant (barely, if this is a baby born on Dec 29th) on March 31st, but Sarah is “devastated and speechless” on August 16th, 4 1/2 months later, when she presumably has JUST found out?? Something is very wrong here. In the book, Sarah is quoted as saying “only Kris Perry, Sharon Leighow, and Sarah” had known about the pregnancy. I guess she’s either REALLY deaf, dumb and blind to the fact that all of Wasilla and much of other parts of Alaska were already talking about it, or she was lying, yet again. After reading the book, I’m betting on the latter. There are so many instances revealed in this book where Sarah Palin is caught being manipulative and deceitful, in order to further her own sneaky agenda. I imagine this is just one more."

  37. Anonymous10:39 AM

    padded shoulders....

    I sure wish I knew how she got rid of the baby cottage cheese flab in the belly in 24 hours... 30 years later I am still fighting it and I only had 2 she tells us she has had 5!

  38. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Alaska, someday I'll forgive you for this fraud you've helped perpetrate against the rest of America.


  39. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Think about this: three days after giving birth, Sarah rode in her car 40 minutes, from Wasilla to Anchorage, to show up with her "newborn" at her office. There is a video clip of her bouncing into the office, smiling, rested, typically coiffed, slim in black pants and a red jacket. Then she would have had to ride in the car another 40 minutes to get home.

    I don't care how "easy" a birth is, if it's a vaginal birth, that area is sore, pure and simple (a friend of mine described it as "like shitting a watermelon"). Three days later birth, sitting for any extended period is an agony, and when you walk, you don't bounce. And you don't fit back into your slim, high-waisted black pants, either.

    Not only that, but three days after birth your milk is coming in and your breasts are swollen and sore. Watch that video of Sarah bouncing into her office with Toad and Trig, and you'll see there's nary a sign of any increase in the size of the "girls."

  40. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I just have to weigh in on this. When I was pregnant I was thrilled and wanted to share it with everyone! And so did all my friends who were expecting. We wore our baby bellies with anticipated joy! For all the talk Ms. Palin does regarding the joys of mothering and giving birth to Trig, she sure exhibited some truly odd and negative behavior while pregnant. She went on the offensive about Neanderthals who might think a woman not up to the task of governing immediately after announcing her pregnancy. And before anyone suggested such a scenario. This was a typical Palin move — get out there with an offensive remark to move the conversation the way she can control it. It is the sign of a very competitive and controlling woman. My point is she went the wrong way on this subject. Pregnancy and children are quite celebrated in the celebrity/political world. Why would anyone in this day call her on having a baby and a job? Women do this everyday! I also believe she tried to abort him through poor pregnancy weight gain and the wild ride was a last chance effort to deliver a stillborn child. Nobody I know would put a beloved baby in that situation. I gained 24-25 pounds with each of my kids, am extremely fit and 5' 6" and 135 pounds. It was absolutely obvious I was pregnant at 7 months each time.

  41. Anonymous10:49 AM

    But why did she do it?
    Either it was Bristol's baby, or she wanted the (very temporary) advantage of having a special needs makes no sense, since she'd be saddled with this child forever.

    I can't believe that she'd do it for politics -- it had to have been a Bristol (or Track?) baby.

  42. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I cannot believe that Sarah's large stomach in the Gusty pics disappeared all by itself over the weekend after Trig was allegedly born. Where is the bulgy post-partim belly that makes moms look like they're about five months pregnant? Especially moms that have already had multiple full-term deliveries and are over forty years old to boot! Human skin looses its elasticity with age and most definetly does not just pop back into place after baby number five!

  43. What I remember most after giving birth, & which lasted for weeks was the profound fatigue.

    My son was a great newborn, he slept through the night, so it wasn't as if I was up all night with him.

    I was tired. Bone tired.

    Even a mother who does not nurse, her boobs are swollen & sore; and they don't recover overnight, even if she is given medication to stop milk production.

    Women who take up to a month or 6 weeks after giving birth from returning to work, do it not only to bond with the baby, but because of the recovery and changes in her body.

  44. Anonymous10:55 AM

    And, no, having had two children, I'm certain that there's no way in the world that Sarah Palin was authentically pregnant in 2008. A baby isn't disguised just because a mother is "fit" -- look at Carla Bruni. Look at the pictures of Jackie Kennedy months before her babies were born. No scarf disguises the changes in a woman's body.
    And Palin is such a narcissist that she'd never have kept it a secret! She'd want all the attention she could get from the moment she was obviously pregnant -- sometime in the fall of 2007.

  45. Anonymous10:57 AM

    No, my shoulders remained the same size when I was pregnant. In fact, I looked the same from the back. It was only when I turned around you could see I was pregnant. She looks like she's wearing a jacket from the 80's. BIG shoulder pads to make her look bigger. To play devils advocate, I suppose she could have read that using shoulder pads can create an illusion to whittle the waist down. No sense in trying any logic to explain her, though.

  46. LisaB259511:03 AM

    I've given birth 3 times. I can honestly say I've got a pretty high tolerance for discomfort. Thanks to my MIL living with us, I went back to work two weeks after my last was born.

    But that's me. Sarah just doesn't seem the type to "suffer in silence," does she? Something tells me that "if Sarah ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"

    I too question the sweatshirt. It's a bad choice for breastfeeders. I never bought Sarah breastfed the baby to begin with, even if she did birth him. Surely *someone* saw her breastfeeding that child? Someone? *crickets chirping*

    That's what I thought.

  47. Virginia Voter11:20 AM

    10:38...That was a big red flag for me when I read Blind Allegiance. Bailey describes the sobbing phone call by Sarah on August 18 that Bristol was pregnant as like she just found out! It was so weird, especially since Bristol has given numerous interviews about telling her parents she was pregnant in May of 08.

    Gryphen, if you get to interview Bailey, I'd love to find out more about that phone call and the subsequent dinner at the Palins where Sarah tells him that because of Trig she wouldn't run for reelection.

  48. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Thinking back to possibly trying to go out in public, let alone to work three days after giving birth to my first:
    When I sneezed I peed myself. Totally peed myself. The sphincter muscle was exhausted from nearly three hours of pushing and lack of differentiation of just "what" you are pushing "dowen there" .
    Thanks kimberly clark co. for the mattress size pads you need to wear after giving birth.
    Palin is full of shit.

  49. Anonymous11:26 AM

    There's another video of Sarah filmed 3 days after "birth" jauntily popping into her office holding Trig (well, I think she took him out of Todd's arms when she saw the camera).

    But her bouncy manner, slim pants (and chest) in that video were at least as telling as the photo currently posted where she is wearing running shorts and sweatshirt and perkily bending over Mercede.

    Maybe someone can find that link and post it.

  50. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Granny LuLu is wearing the same jacket in both sets of pictures, and it looks like a large-size jacket rather than a maternity jacket. I put the shoulders thing in the "neither here nor there" category with respect to her pregnancy.

    The real question is, did she wear any other outfits before she started stealing clothes from the RNC? And if she only had one outfit, then wouldn't the leaking amniotic fluid have posed particular problems on her flight home from Dallas? I mean, how would she be able to change her clothes after the bloody show if she only had one outfit?

  51. Anonymous11:34 AM

    @ 10:38:
    That was my comment over at the Mudflats. I also want to make this postscript, as I received more than just that one email from my friend in Wasilla.
    Another March 31st email stated that Levi had already moved on to another girlfriend, and that the parents had been "keeping them (Levi and Bristol) apart", although this person couldn't figure out why, since Levi couldn't get Bristol pregnant again ("yet, anyway!").
    On August 26, 2008, I got another email saying (in regards to the grandbaby) "It's almost here!" There was no baby reported to be born anywhere near that date. Although the comment could possibly be construed as referring to the VP announcement, I never got that impression, as this person had only ever discussed the baby news, never alluding to any other topic.
    On Sept 1, 2008, this person emailed again, telling me they heard CNN announcing that Bristol was "5 months pregnant", but that they knew that the truth was that she was almost 7 months pregnant. Why the misinformation? What would be the point?
    And if Bristol's baby had a normal gestation of 260 days, and was born on December 29, as reported, is it really possible that I heard the pregnancy rumor 3rd or 4th-hand, on March 31st, when she would have been only 6 or 7 days pregnant? Something about this story never added up to me.

  52. Punkinbugg11:36 AM

    OK. I've said it before: I know that I have seen a video of the news conference on 4/21/08. It shows her marching at full speed into the conference room with Todd following, carrying the baby.

    She doesn't gingerly waddle like a woman who had just given birth, and may have stitches "down there". There was no swelling around her hands or face, like you'd see on anybody who was on a recent IV. NOTHING. Zip. Nada.

    Days after I saw the video, I was at the doctor's office, when in walked a couple with a tiny baby. She tiptoed -- slowly -- up to the window while proud Papa held the baby carrier. The receptionist asked, "How old is the baby?" and the mother replied, "7 days". THAT'S WHEN it clicked. She was just as small and even younger than Sarah Palin. Her body was swollen and she was SORE.

    Does anybody else remember seeing this video, or am I just "making things up?"

    Would KTUU or KTVA have it on archive?

  53. Anonymous11:37 AM

    "“....sobbing, trying to catch her breath…so upset she couldn’t speak”. The big news, as it turns out was that Oh, my Gawd, “Bristol was pregnant!”
    Now…that struck me as highly unlikely,..."

    It could be that she was upset that Bristol was pregnant, AGAIN and wasn't going to be able to cover it up.

  54. Anonymous11:43 AM

    When I was 7 months pregnant I couldn't lean over to tie my shoes let alone put on or wear zip up knee high boots!

  55. 10:38

    I noticed that too, and I think now that the August 2008 tear-inducing news was the news that Bristol was pregnant AGAIN, so soon after Sarah had JUST taken care of covering up the first pregnancy.

    Poor Sarah!! All that work for naught, and now she has to keep the "retarded one" (her words, not mine, per Levi--who I believe about that)

  56. Bill @9:29 AM

    I see what you see. Although the surgery has altered her appearance, I think it has more to do with her inner landscape than plastic surgery. I see an ever 'evolving' psychopath. Drugs could be in the mixture.

  57. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Oh oh c4peepee has a throw Roger airs under the bus article what is going on?

  58. Love your blog Gryphen, but I'm not feeling the whole phony pregnancy thing. Too many people to depend on to keep a secret of that magnitude.

  59. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Ellis Island: Sarah Palin's Understanding of Immigration & The Dream Act is Hopelessly Rudimentary

  60. Anonymous11:55 AM

    @ 10:41 AM

    Do you have a link to that video?

  61. Anonymous11:56 AM

    New day @ the View:
    Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Sarah Palin 'Manipulating' Media Away From Mitt Romney

  62. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I am almost to the point, Gryphen, to where if this country is so DAMN dumb to give this FRAUD a voice in anything then REAP the benefits of an IDIOT as your leader.

    That's what she's counting on. Reality TV has taken precedence over brains, even in politics.

    Just leave God out of it, okay, Your Heinous? I know who you are.

  63. Anonymous11:58 AM

    The bitch is a user and a hypocrite

  64. Gryphen, I am an international board certified lactation consultant. I knew Palin's pregnancy and birth tale was bogus based solely upon the complete lack of evidence concerning breastfeeding.

    Although she spoke often of a breast pump, in ALL her 2008 campaign travels there is never any footage of one being carried- by her or anyone else. I am familiar with every major market brand of pump plus many of the more obscure brands sold in the UK. I have gone over the photos and footage with a very careful eye- she never carried a breast pump.

    And trust me when I say this, do not let yourself get separated from your pump when you have a sixteen week old infant who is apparently in the midst of the most intense baby growth spurt ever...if the baby in these photos with the Johnstons on Levi's birthday and the moosebaby at the RNC 12-13 weeks later are alleged to be the same child.

    You just DON'T. Period.

    Ask any nursing mother who is wearing a $1600 suit fresh from Neiman' far away she would get from her pump. I guaran-damn-tee you the answer would be "NOT far".

    However, I did notice one interesting item- in many of the photos where Bristol or Willow is feeding the baby, they are using Medela bottles. Which come with Medela breast pumps. So SOMEONE on that trip was pumping milk for that infant. Medela bottles are expensive and you would not buy them to use with formula. As usual, I think Palin is appropriating someone else's truth. In this case the most obvious choice would be one of her daughters.

    For ANY nursing moms out there, present or long were you able to go without pumping or nursing your baby in the first six months? How many of you think you could have done hours-long interviews and appearances without leaking everywhere?

    That's what I thought.

    And while Sarah never once needed to be excused on the campaign trail or in her office before the campaign, apologetically saying "I'll just be a few minutes" and slinging her pump bag over her shoulder...I do recall hearing Sarah and Todd mention that "our oldest daughter and the baby are on the bus" during campaign stops.

    Again I state the obvious, especially in conjunction with Bristol's ridiculously padded to keep from leaking bosom--


  65. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Obviously in this world there're many fraud$ of varying degree, but $carah takes the proverbial cake.
    $he's the grand poobah of lying, grifting, thieving, criminal fraud$.
    Minimally $he ought'a be under a doctors care in an institution, that, or better yet, in jail.

  66. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Palin will also do an interview with Sean Hannity on his Fox News show, to air Friday.

  67. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Sarah Palin Quotes Presented By Teenage Girls

  68. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Off topic, I haven't even read this post yet but if anyone is watching MSNBC, the flying monkeys apparently attacked Martin Bashir! He was forced to address them today at the conclusion of his show, where he said his comments that her road tour were to "build her brand" has drawn a massive response from Palin supporters accusing him of being an illegal immigrant and that they are going to report him. OMG these people are completely crazy.

    You watch, they are going to end up committing some crime in her name.

  69. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I am going to make a suggestion that anyone (almost anyone) can follow in order to duplicate that picture of Sarah bent way over, at 7 months pregnancy.

    All you have to do is find a friend who is carrying about 20 or 30 pounds too many in front, as in a beer belly. Don't insult your friend. I sure that he or she wants to lose weight. But, ask that friend to sit down, and then mimic the picture of Palin. They won't be able to do it, because they will have to bend over 20 or 30 pounds of stuff, belly, fat. They may finally bend over, but they won't be comfortable.

    I'll give you another assignment. Sarah Palin flew for 8 hours to Texas and again for 8 hours back to Alaska hours before giving birth. No flight attendant noticed that she was in labor, leaking fluid, or that she was pregnant.

    Those airplane seats are hard and unforgiving. You cannot sink back in them like a easy chair. When a person (like the one I described above, with a big beer belly) sits in a hard chair like that, it pushes all of the weight forward. The flight attendant might have to offer a belt extension. They do seat belt checks at take off, landing and in choppy weather. And no one noticed Sarah's belly? Check out the fat people the next time you fly and you'll see how uncomfortable they are. As uncomfortable as a guy with a beer belly, trying to bend over like Sarah did in that picture.

    A note about nursing: Sarah said that she was pumping, and that requires being on a schedule. And, yes, close to pumping time, the breasts are swollen and distended. Any emotion can produce a slight flow of milk. And, Sarah didn't seem to display that discomfort either. She is really tough!

  70. Anonymous12:10 PM

    10:24--"It takes sometime to get back to normal,there is allot of water retention. only when she is pregnant her face seems a little fatter??? but I will say the whole story is weird??? especially her labor story?? traveling that late with a high risk pregnancy is not recommended by a doctor?? "

    It can take months, even years to get back to pre-preg shape. Just look at celebs: J Lopez probably didn't get back to pre-preg for a couple of years. J Garner seemed hefty around her shoulders for months and months after her second baby. Leah Remini has never looked the same. Debra Messing either. Look, we know Palin didn't have the baby. It is up to us to make sure the rest of the world knows it too before the 2012 election.

  71. Would it have been possible for these women to bend forward at 28-29 weeks?

    At 30 weeks:

    At 31 weeks:

  72. Anonymous12:11 PM

    How maternal; "I have a bunch of kids" she says dismissively.
    Most people have :
    a bunch of rubber bands
    a bunch of paper bags
    a bunch of celery
    a bunch of junk in their garage
    a bunch of dandelions in their yard
    a bunch errands to run on saturday......
    But we usually say lovingly "I have two children" .."i have 4 children"
    Why did she even bother to breed??OH i know!! I know!! Pick me!!Pick me!!!
    She was lazy in the birth control dept. Big surprise, Sarah lazy.

  73. One more thing after you give birth.
    The more babies you have, the worse cramping you have after.
    I could not believe how bad my cramps were after my fourth and fifth children!!
    Especially after the fifth! I was curled up with a heating pad. I could not even stand up straight!
    $arah did not give birth to Tri-G.
    I know it's all circumstantial, but there are TOO many things that go not add up!
    Even if she were on pain killers, they'd have to be pretty strong ones. Not just cramps, but six years between babies would make you very sore.
    As far as her breasts filling with milk, you would notice, even with a sweatshirt on. Her boobs would have looked bigger than when she went to the races with Todd.
    $arah is a liar. I only hope that the rumoured Babygate Book coming out has people using their names for the record. I hope it proves beyond a reasonable doubt that $arah lied!!

  74. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Gryphen, what do you think of these questions about babygate??

  75. Beldar Mal Mot Conehead12:15 PM

    Yeah, Gryphen, youre right: there aint no such as a thing as pregnant shoulders. Maybe she was confusing that with a real life condition called... um... pregnant paws?

  76. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Here is a fantastic article about Sarah Palin on Andrew Halcro's blog.
    How do we get this in the hands of the mainstream media to publish or refer to? I am so sick and tired of them not adequately covering her.
    Please help. Forward this article to the media. Andrew Halcro is a Republican...

  77. Anon 10:38 - The version from Levi is that he and Bristol got engaged when they found out she was pregnant and they shared the news with the Palins around May 5. This makes sense considering the photo we've seen of Levi wearing a ring and holding Trig in the Palin kitchen on May 3 (?).

    Narcissists love to give people the impression that they're telling them a secret. It makes the secret-holder feel special and draws them in. She let Frank think she'd just found out Bristol was pregnant but that's unlikely. Sarah may have been crying for another reason...perhaps, the prospect of getting the VP nomination while worrying about Troopergate and Bristol's pregnancy sent her into a meltdown. It's fascinating that Frank still believes her on some matters even though he knows her tricks.

  78. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Can you post a photo of the baby pictured in Bailey's book? The one that everyone is saying doesn't look like Trig but is supposed to be Trig?

  79. Anonymous12:25 PM

    To the Blackberry User...

    I have the same problem but I use an Iphone. If I show the entire page, then I can't read the text. So I have to enlarge it and then zoom in just on the text... I am sorry I am not familiar with Blackberry.

    Some blogs have mobile formatting like Malia Litmans. I do not know if blogger offers this but it would be easy for Gryphen to add if they do. Maybe he could look to see if there is a mobile formatting option in the control panel for blogger?

    I love my Iphone because I can enlarge the text of a frame with my fingers. I don't know if you can do that with Blackberry. The only thing I still have big problems with are Disqus blogs. I cannot comment on them with the Iphone but I can read....

    With more and more people reading on mobiles, it would be good for Immoral Minority to offer this option...

  80. emrysa12:28 PM

    @ bill 9:29 am:

    what you are seeing is a shitload of botox or juvederm in between her upper lip and nose. that is why her smile looks different. she looks weird but I'm sure she doesn't think so.

    the quitter finding out brisdull was preggo in mid-august is certainly very interesting. another wrench. now I am wondering about the johnstons again.

    thanks for the post gryphen I'll head on over there later if I can to check it out - that graphic is f-ing perfect!

  81. WakeUpAmerica12:30 PM

    Is t common for a 7 1/2 months pregnant woman to stride rapidly through an icey and snow covered Juneau in 4" heels? You betcha! I call bullshit right there.

  82. Anonymous12:34 PM

    WHERE DID TRIG COME FROM if Sarah did not deliver him?

    Everybody asks this question over and over again?

    What is the OBVIOUS ANSWER-the first thing that comes to your mind? the post 10:38 AM. Read it again very slowly and carefully

    BINGO - there is your answer.

    The answer to WHY Sarah faked a pregnancy is obvious and always has been. She isn't the first mom of a teen to do this and she won't be the last. The very sad thing is that people would have understood if she had just been honest. Now , she has been lying about it way too long and if she comes clean it will make her look very bad.

    But, Sarah may be forced to tell the truth sooner than she thinks. Hint. Hint. So Sarah, be ready. Have a good explanation ready - more lies to cover the lies that covered the lies, ya know ?

  83. Anonymous12:39 PM

    ANON 11:37


    That is just my opinion. We all have to remember what Levi or Bristol/Levi told Mercedes. Bristol WANTED TO HAVE A BABY and had talked about it since she was 15. She was determined to have a baby. If a psychologist analyzed this strong desire at the age of 15, what would he say about the family or upbringing of this girl?

  84. Gryph, you're preaching to the choir. We've all long ago decided Sarah didn't give birth to Trig.

  85. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Shepard Smith: Palin's Bus Tour Is Not News

    LOL Shepard smith is also waiting for Palin emails, which is the news!

  86. Anonymous12:43 PM

    The answer to WHY Sarah faked a pregnancy is obvious and always has been. She isn't the first mom of a teen to do this and she won't be the last. The very sad thing is that people would have understood if she had just been honest. Now , she has been lying about it way too long and if she comes clean it will make her look very bad.

    But, Sarah may be forced to tell the truth sooner than she thinks. Hint. Hint. So Sarah, be ready. Have a good explanation ready - more lies to cover the lies that covered the lies, ya know ?

    12:34 PM
    I don't agree. If Sarah really wanted to cover for her teen, then Sarah would have avoided the probing that any vice-president candidate gets. Sarah did NOT make a serious attempt to fake the pregnancy and did NOT try to maintain the cover up.

    She didn't blink.

  87. Anonymous12:45 PM

    P.P.S. to my post at 11:34; I see that I made a typo. Normal gestation is 40 weeks, or 280 days, not 260, as I posted. In any case, Bristol gave birth on Dec 29th, 273 days after I heard about the pregnancy. So word was still out about 7 days after the "Not-So Abstinaculate Conception" ??

  88. In the ibook version of Baileys book, page 1007, I see Levi in that face, totally.

    and Sarah is holding a Trig that looks like he has a damaged ear

  89. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Check out the article on conservatives 4 Palin (the PEEE-BOTS)
    about Fox and Roger Ailes.

    It is HYSTERICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  90. IBCLC: Wow, that puts a different light on things, doesn't it? How often does a woman keep breast feeding after she is pregnant again? There were some rumors that it was Willow. Has anyone paid any attention to Willow? All the attention was on Bristol. Nursing sure would explain the heavily padded breasts that have been previously mentioned.

  91. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Aug. 16, 2008 sobbing about Bristol's pregnancy to Frank Bailey.

    Hmmm, so did Palin call the McCain vet team and mention this little fact on Aug. 16th? Are we supposed to believe that McCain's team was TOLD about a teen pregnancy and STILL picked Sarah Palin. And even more, are we supposed to believe that McCain's team WAITED to haul Levi out of the Alaskan back country.

    Ya know, Frank Bailey's "blind allegiance" sure did need a whole big lot of help from the McCain camp to keep ol' Frank "blind" and, well, frankly stupid as all get out.

    Frank's story is as full of holes as the Titanic.

  92. Anonymous1:11 PM

    By the third trimester, I had developed the habit of deliberately crossing my ankles so I wouldn't cross my legs at the knee. I am Palin's size and could have crossed my legs up to childbirth.

    10:22 AM
    Thank you. I didn't know that about the blood flow.

    Please, can you remember if you felt you could cross your legs at the knees effortlessly AND then LEAN forward, approximately 43 days before birth of a 6+ pound baby?

  93. Todd Palin Spits on US Veterans, America and the Flag!

    1995: Todd Palin changed his voter registration to AIP. Except for an interruption of a few months, he would remain registered as an AIP member until 2002, when he changed his registration to undeclared.

    AIP is a fringe political party, one that advocates the secession of Alaska from the Union.

    "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions”, AIP founder, Joe Vogler. "The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. And I won't be buried under their damn flag. “

    Vogler was killed before he could give a blistering Anti-United States speech at the UN. His speech was sponsored by the Government of Iran.
    Salon reports:
    Vogler's greatest moment of glory was to be his 1993 appearance before the United Nations to denounce United States "tyranny" before the entire world and to demand Alaska's freedom. The Alaska secessionist had persuaded the government of Iran to sponsor his anti-American harangue.

    During the 1990s, when Mark Chryson directed the AIP, Sarah Palin lent her support to Chryson's crusade to alter the Alaska Constitution's language to better facilitate the formation of anti-government militias. "It took over 10 years to get that language written in," Chryson said. "But Sarah was there supporting it."

    "Every time I showed up her door was open," said Chryson. "And that policy continued when she became governor."

    Todd Palin would remain registered as an AIP member until 2002.
    In the Palin administration, Todd appears to have had an unusually strong role, the extent of which remains unclear. He is not on the state payroll and was never elected -- but the First Dude has crossed over from the standard-issue supportive political spouse to something far more influential, weighing in on policy and political matters in ways that few observers seem to understand. His apparent influence in his wife's administration -- some in Alaska have referred to him as the "shadow governor" -- has raised questions about whether a Sarah Palin vice-presidency would hand the same type of backstage power to Todd, and what that might mean in the running of the U.S. government.

  94. TwoBlueJays1:21 PM

    IBCLC, thank you for your comments. I gave birth six weeks ago to my third child and am exclusively pumping breastmilk for her. My schedule is pumping every 2-4 hours, around the clock. You can't miss a single session or you risk engorgement, serious pain, plugged ducts, and worst case, mastitis. I remember seeing those same Medela bottles on the table during the VP campaign, seeing Bristol with the baby, seeing her huge "bolstered" front, and thinking good grief that girl is nursing...or pumping. And if she was pumping during such a public time, she'd need to be making frequent trips to that bus to pump, or else she'd be leaking and in a lot of pain. At the time I was pretty surprised, as I couldn't see ANY teenage girl putting in the effort required to pump breastmilk, or to breastfeed, for that matter, and on top of everything, putting in the time and effort to breastfeed a Down Syndrome infant who likely had feeding issues.

    I'm also 45 and this is my third child. Anyone who saw me from five months to delivery would have been able to see very clearly that I was pregnant. There was no hiding my belly. I also had a pronounced pregnant mama waddle, and had to have help getting up from chairs. People who saw me coming got the hell out of my way! When I saw the Frank video, the "walking through the snow" video, the photos on Audrey's site, I could not believe that anyone who has ever been pregnant would fall for the deception. She just WASN'T pregnant.

  95. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I want to know how this woman actually managed to do her job while trying to nurse a 3 day old. Wait, a 3 day old DS baby! They are well known for having problems nursing. Here is what I did every 2 hours the first few WEEKS after giving birth--I nursed. That's all I did. There is no way she went back to work nursing. Todd and Chuckles can't help with nursing or pumping. Surely someone would have noticed her needing privacy every 2 hours!!!


  96. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Enough of this crap.

    You look like clowns.


  97. Hot Dang!! I guess I should consider myself lucky since my shoulders were the only areas I DID NOT chub up during my own gestational state of being.

  98. @Marz 9:35AM

    Thanks for your post. You just gave me a deja vu all over again with your "Boobs feeling like Hot Rocks" comment. I guess it's not really MY deja vu, since it wasn't MY boobs. Instead they were my wife's.

    Alice was a real slim-but-athletic, petite gal with a nice but proportional figure. Which is not to say that she had particularly small breasts, because they were nice and natural… and quite perky. But they were just a teeny, tiny bit on the smaller side of the scale. Not that there's anything wrong with that, nope, nothing wrong with that at all. Thinking back, I believe she was somewhere around a nice pair of A's or small set of B's. To be honest, I didn't even know what cup sizes were back then. Then, soon after our son was born...BOOM!!!

    Or maybe I should say BOOBS!!! I told her, "Thank you very much, but what the hell just happened?! It was like I'd gone to bed with MaryAnn and woke up with Ginger. I don't want to exaggerate here, but hell, there's no need to. I think she went up to like a DD, maybe even an E! How was I supposed to know what they were? She wouldn't let me get near them.
    Anyway, it’s hard to measure them precisely when you can’t even touch ‘em! I was like, “Uh, honey, u sure I can't at least set one of them on my head and see how much it weighs? I promise I won’t touch. And I promise I won’t try to put my face between them for a few seconds, either. Please?”

    She said no. And I quickly understood just how painful it was for her when she used my first, middle and last name along with the words butcher knife, Anthony Weiner and Lorena Bobbit in the same sentence if I even looked like I was gonna reach out and touch one of ‘em. Or something close to that.

    Of course, she did feel a little guilty (after I had pouted a day or two) later for scaring the absolute shit out of me with that butcher knife. No, she didn't feel bad enough to let me touch one of those bad-boys. Being a guy, though, I still had to press my luck and ask. Hell, yes, of course I asked again to feel at least one of ‘em. I begged. I cajoled. I pleaded. Crying didn’t help either. Alice did tell me she loved me and how much it meant for me to be there with her for the couple of months I worked from my office at home after our son was born. Then she told me again just how tender her breasts were. When I sent the signal that I might think I could overcome her objection, I was duly apprised of the fact that the me-bobbit-knife-weiner statute was still being enforced.

    But, like I said, she was the sweetest gal ever, so she was at least a good sport and did let me take a few digital pictures of her when she came out of the jacuzzi bathtub after a bubble bath.

    But I'll save that story for the book.


  99. Anonymous1:41 PM

    The lactation specialist may be able to provide more info about increase in breast size. I have known of a AA going to full A, B to full C, D going to E. I think the larger the breasts size pre pregnancy the more noticeable the increase.

    It does not matter how fit any female is for she will have a pronounced belly after delivery. The uterus does not return to the size of a pear in a few days. But then...maybe Palin had a miracle chosen as Esther.:)

  100. Dis Gusted1:42 PM

    when you look at the post partum pictures of SP after she had Piper, you can see she was still as big as a house a month after her birth.

    I never believed she pregnant and there is no proof she was ever pregnant with TriG. She IS A LIAR!

  101. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I am not trying to be gross here, but please. No woman would feel comfortable in those little shorts 3 weeks after giving birth. Most women would still be bleeding at that point and have to wear pads.

  102. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I agree her shoulders are larger when the alleged fetus morphed to late 3rd trimester after the pregnancy was announced.

  103. Anonymous1:46 PM

    No matter what kind of birth Sarah claimed to have had, women are sore after delivery. And forgive me, guys, there are some messy details that you may not want to hear about. For nine months, the uterus up tissue and blood vessels, and when the baby is born, the tissue has to be expelled. If the mother is nursing, natural hormones help nature remove the tissue faster, but there is easily a week to 10 days of discomfort, being sore, needing to change a bulky pad often. Other people commented that just going to the bathroom took a little longer, sponging delicate areas that needed healing. All of this explains why civilized countries give the mother maternity leave, both to bond with the child and to heal. I can't imagine returning to work three days after giving birth. And, bringing a 3 day old premature baby (with a hole in his heart and jaundice) to an office filled with people and germs makes as much sense as flying for 8 hours while in labor and leaking fluid. If Sarah's story is true, she is truly the most reckless mother.

    I'm glad to hear from the Lactation Coach because any mother who was nursing and/or pumping regularly wears a nursing bra and a blouse or shirt which opens in the front. And, yes, the breasts swell and fill with milk, and Sarah Palin (whose breasts didn't appear to enlarge during pregnancy) also didn't show enlarged breasts when she claimed to be nursing.

  104. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Does Frank Bailey believe Sarah Palin deceived the McCain team about Bristol's pregnancy? Or does he believe that the McCain team was stupid enough to select a woman for VEEP candidate with the twin problems of rumors of a faked pregnancy and a genuinely pregnant teen.

    Was there any story too outlandish for Frank embrace?

  105. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I still have, in my yahoo inbox, and email from an old friend in Wasilla that is dated March 31, 2008. It says “Hey, did you know Sarah Palin’s going to be a Grandma?”

    ROARING with laughter - Tripp was allegedly born on December 28th - that means the blessed family knew about the impending birth within a week of conception! oopsie!!!!

  106. Dis Gusted1:51 PM

    She went on the offensive about Neanderthals who might think a woman not up to the task of governing immediately after announcing her pregnancy.


    Stupid Palin is SOOOO ignorant she did not know about the MA Governor that had twins while serving. She never quit either.

  107. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I can't believe that she'd do it for politics -- it had to have been a Bristol (or Track?) baby.


    guessing it was a case of incest IF TriG is related at all. IMO Trig was just borrowed from rent-a-baby for political gain.

  108. Dis Gusted1:53 PM

    I cannot believe that Sarah's large stomach in the Gusty pics disappeared all by itself over the weekend after Trig was allegedly born.


    actually it disappeared before the wild ride home.

  109. Dis Gusted1:57 PM

    On August 26, 2008, I got another email saying (in regards to the grandbaby) "It's almost here!" There was no baby reported to be born anywhere near that date.


    remember Sue Williams? She said Bristol was in her 3rd trimester in early summer of 2008. Everyone figured she got the dates wrong and she stopped posting.

  110. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I believe Frank Bailey when he says that he Sarah called him on August 18th of 2008 in something of a panic because she had just learned that Bristol was pregnant. The problem is that 2 weeks later when Bristol was introduced to the nation she was enormous.What did she look like around the house just 2 weeks prior to the convention ? Is Sarah blind ? Is Bristol the second most amazing shape shifter in the family ? Gaining weight on Dancing With The Stars was pretty impressive. Or was Bristol padded to the nth degree at the convention? Something doesn't add up.

  111. Dis Gusted2:07 PM

    thinking that Tripp was born MUCH earlier than stated. He was a giant baby on the interview when he was allegedly only 2 months old. I know babies. We had 10 - one set of twins.

    Sarah never looked or acted pregnant. Bristol did, but not in late 2008. She looked like she had tissues in the pockets of her sweatshirt.

    At the RNC she looked like she borrowed mom's empathy belly and stuffed towels in her bra.

    I don't know when either baby was born nor do I know who the fathers are, but one thing I DO know. SARAH LIES - she lies about EVERYTHING. She can't help herself, she's insane. When her medical records are released (one reason I truly believe she will never officially run for president) they will show she's been institutionalized more than once for mental depression. They may also show she had 5 children, but the first one was born before Track.

  112. Anonymous2:10 PM

    The following was taken from an article from the Huffington Post written in 2008:-

    'Palin was attending a conference in Dallas when her water broke.

    Gov. Palin's opted to board a jet from Dallas in April while about to deliver a child. Gov. Palin, who was eight months pregnant, says she felt a few contractions shortly before she was to give a keynote speech to an energy summit of governors in Dallas. But she says she went ahead with it after her doctor in Alaska advised her to put her feet up to rest. "I was not going to miss that speech," she says.

    She rushed so quickly from the podium afterwards that Texas Gov. Rick Perry nervously asked if she was about to deliver the baby then. She made it to the airport, and gave birth hours after landing in Anchorage to Trig, who is diagnosed with Down Syndrome. "Maybe they shouldn't have let me fly, but I wasn't showing much so they didn't know," she says.'

    Sarah said she wasn't showing much.... WTF... If she thinks she wasn't showing much in that April 13th. picture with her hands clasped over that huge baby bump, she really is insane. There's no way airline personnel could miss seeing that.

  113. Anonymous2:11 PM

    New Hampshire welcomes Sarah today "Idiot Queen"

  114. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I just did something I have never done before. I clicked on c4p because someone said they were throwing Roger Ailes under the bus and I just decided to check for myself.

    Wow, that place is batshit crazy just like Gryphen says all the time. They think Sarah should quit Fox because Fox acts like Sarah isn't running for Prez.

    The comments are even more funny.

  115. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Something about Sarah's "bus tour", as it is now being called instead of a family vacation, that strikes me as odd is that, on Monday, Sarah is in barracuda mode about the media with this:

    It’s interesting when (for the 100th time) reporters shout out, “Why are you traveling to historical sites? What are you trying to accomplish?” I repeat my answer, “It’s so important for Americans to learn about our past so we can clearly see our way forward in challenging times; so, we’re bringing attention to our great nation’s foundation.” When that answer isn’t what the reporters want to hear, we’ve asked them if they’ve ever visited these sites like the National Archives, Gettysburg, etc. When they confirm that they haven’t, it’s good to say, “Well, there you go. You’ll learn a lot about America today.” (They usually don’t want to hear that either!)

    But the next day, 3 family members depart from what is still very early into the trip and a glassy-eyed Sarah says that the media has been wonderful and brings them flowers in a weird gesture. I imagine that Sarah's mood swings drastically on a regular basis as she tries to stay on top of life's dramas that threaten exposure. Was she trying to butter up the press in anticipation of more potentially damaging info that we may soon hear about?

  116. Anonymous2:17 PM

    1:57 PM.... remember Sue Williams? She said Bristol was in her 3rd trimester in early summer of 2008. Everyone figured she got the dates wrong and she stopped posting.

    I really do think the Tripp pregnancy was a sham on the dates. Too many things don't add up. Remember when Brisket was on that talk show and they talked about the Prom and she said she couldn't go because she was pregnant? And then people from Wasilla piped in to say that prom is in April there?
    I she was barely pregnant, then it would not have been a problem and according to the official story they didn't tell the family until May -- these people lie about absolutely everything!!!

    I also thought that Tripp looked very large in that interview on the Today show. Much larger than a baby that would have been born when they said. I think the baby that Sarah handed her in the Greta interview was a borrowed baby. She did not look like she was holding her own child.

  117. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I have five children and I remember the number of children I have and what hospital they were born in.

    Pregnant women do not grow big shoulders. Those big shoulders are most likely the result of the fake pregnacy get up that Mrs. Palin was wearing for a month. Pregnant women cannot cross their legs very comfortably. It's a big chore to tie your shoes because you cannot reach down; you have to put your leg up to get to your foot.

    I have seen the photos and I have to say that if someone can prove to me that she was pregnant in March of 2008, I;ll sign my house over to them. No way Mrs. Palin was pregnant in March of 2008. Never happened.

    This cat cannot stay in the bag forever. Secrets do not remain secrets forever. More than two people know this secret and one day we all will. Sarah can count on that.

  118. Anonymous2:22 PM

    "guessing it was a case of incest IF TriG is related at all."

    Which means DNA might not be proof of who the parents are.

  119. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Anon @ 1:28: The only one who looks like a clown here is you. In my book (and after seeing all the evidence) anyone who believes $P gave birth is a full on Bozo.

  120. Anonymous2:27 PM

    @1:28: Well, then, you're okay with the judgment of a woman of advanced maternal age, history of miscarriages, known special-needs child, in active labor, getting on an airplane for a trans-continental flight?

    Who is the clown?

  121. Enjay in E MT2:31 PM

    Step back & look with new eyes.

    It was rumor'd Bristol was pregnant in 2007. (Long absence from school/changing schools/ living with Aunt, etc.) We have seen the first family photo where she appears to have a bump-
    e-mails confirmed this was mid-September. At some point that fall, Bristol goes to NYC and is in the crowd wearing bulky clothing.

    Can we assume Trig was born before the March "I'm Pregnant"? Perhaps Trig was born @ 7-1/2 mos, only in Jan-early Feb. Being a DS premie, heart problem, feeding issues; remains sequestered w/Bristol till mid-April. If not DS-possible another family member would have adopted him but that falls thru.

    So Sarah "becomes" pregnant in early March, does the wild ride and says Trig was born 04/18/08
    Back at work with NO visual symptoms of of post-preg. (IV marks/ bloating/ moving gently, etc) And 4 months later Bristol is a very pregnant on the National State.

    Possible ?

  122. Anonymous2:31 PM

    If Tripp was born near a due date of Dec 28, then conception would not have happened until April 7.

  123. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Well, Gryphen, does Mercede know FOR SURE that Tripp was born on December 28?

  124. To Cory about Todd:

    I don't know how he could even pass a security check. Seriously, his background in anti-Fed government is scary and questionable.

  125. Anonymous2:50 PM


    "Sarah would have avoided the probing that any vice-president candidate gets."


    She DID! What planet are you FROM????

  126. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Looks like a linebacker!

    As for the other issues. There are many of us here who have given birth so you're going to get a variety of birth experiences and stories. Some women regain their pre-pregnancy shape pretty quickly depending on their fitness, age, size of baby and genetics. Others may never get it back...lots of reasons why. Some women are pretty back to normal within a couple of weeks and are right back to work, others are miserable for quite a while.

    My second child was born when I was 36. He weighed just under 9 pounds at birth and was two weeks early so he would have been a bruiser! I had a completely natural childbirth and a short labor of 5 hours but needed an episiotomy because of his size. I was pretty damn sore for a week but pain free by 3 weeks. I was also a nursing mother which aids in healing as well as weight loss and the uterus returning to normal size faster. I gained a total of 25 pounds with this pregnancy and was back to my original weight within probably 5-6 weeks and back into my regular clothes. We are all different. Nursing moms will tell you that nursing takes huge amounts of calories and your energy levels are sapped. I went back to work when my son was 5 months, still nursing full time and working full time and by the time I got off work each day I was exhausted! Once I stopped nursing (he was a year old) my energy level returned to pre-pregnancy levels almost instantly.

    I don't find it necessarily implausible that she could return to work so quickly after giving birth as I know many women who have. That fact doesn't add to the implausibility that she gave birth to Trig. I maintain that the Gusty photo is proof positive for me that she DIDN'T give birth. There is no way she could have boarded a plane in that condition and had the flight crew state that they didn't know she was pregnant. The padded shoulders just add credence to the theory that she was wearing an empathy belly.

    The babygate book cant come soon enough.


  127. Anonymous2:59 PM

    @ "Anonymous 1:28:

    Sarah...? Is that you?
    You'd better get back on that bus with get your hands on Piper, I hear she's getting bored with her "Mommy Dearest and Me" Vacation and is starting to log onto the Blogs.
    Sigh.... even Rebecca's not around to play "Concern Troll" anymore....

  128. Anonymous3:01 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    I am not trying to be gross here, but please. No woman would feel comfortable in those little shorts 3 weeks after giving birth. Most women would still be bleeding at that point and have to wear pads.

    1:43 PM"

    Ha! Started to mention this, then looked through the post to see if anyone had. Great minds. ;-) I can't believe a woman would use tampons & risk a pelvic infection just to wear her shortest shorts.

  129. Anonymous3:04 PM

    9:42 am Blackberry help...when you're on the IM site click the blackberry button (it looks like a paw print) the scroll up until you see column view. Click on that and you'll be able to see everything :)

  130. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Anonymous @12:09:

    I've never been pregnant. But I am a bigger girl (size 14-16), and you are right. I can bend over the way Sarah did in the video, BARELY, but the bit of extra weight on my stomach gets in the way. There is no way anyone with a bigger stomach, the way a woman in her 3rd trimester would, could bend that way.

  131. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Enough of this crap.

    You look like clowns.


    1:28 PM

    Clowns that know that Sarah Palin was not pregnant with Trig. Clowns that want to know where he came from. Clowns that know that Trig was a pretty important prop during McCain's campaign. Clowns that would not trust Sarah Palin to tell the truth about anything if she lied about such an important life event.

  132. FEDUP!!!3:31 PM

    Totally O/T, but have you seen this post here:

    Does that mean that we all can open our own PACs and keep the $$$ for ourselves???

  133. Elizabeth: Gryphen may be preaching to the choir so far as his "regulars" are concerned, but lately he has had great success being linked to by heavyweights like Andrew Sullivan, who has a million+ readers. So these babygate posts of his are terribly important.

    Great post, BTW, Gryph. Thanks again.

  134. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I've mentioned before,and I am sure many other women will bear me out.

    Women gain a lot of weight during pregnancy, not for themselves but for the fetus and the nursing baby to come.

    In the first 5 or so months of the baby's life, for women who nourish their baby primarily or solely (and around the world that is still the most common state of affairs) with breast milk, the mother will need approximately 80K kilocalories of energy to keep their baby well nourished. (it is an old truism that mothers loose a tooth for every baby, because they sacrifice so much of their body's calcium that they can suffer bone softening.)

    Plus, the fetus, in its final weeks porks up big time because it needs the stored energy to deal witht the righors of, basically giving up the world's most luxerous bed and breakfast, and suddently living on the streets.
    I think it is something like 50K kilocalories that are consumed by the kiddo in the month to 6 weeks before delivery, most of which goes into gaining size.

    Sooooo, yes women should be "fat" and pudgy both before and after delivery. It is the way the machinery was designed, and for good reason - the life and health of the child.

  135. Amy in Juneau4:29 PM

    She's a pathological liar and did not give birth to Trig! Love Dunn's book so far; half way through and just tipping on babygate. :)

  136. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Shitfire, I've held my tongue long enough. I'm going to share a few details I have been keeping under my hat because I thought even if I posted "Anonymous", it could still be traced back to me. I have done a bit of research and decided it's worth the risk if these little tidbits of information aid in the investigation for any bloggers, authors, et al.

    First of all, I am NOT part of the Palin family. I work in the healthcare field and that is how I know what I'm about to share. Please respect my severe anxiety and trepidation about posting and do not ask where I work, my exact position, or other questions whose answers would only serve to immediately identify me.

    This is what I know- you can take it or leave it, believe it or write it off. I'm only sharing at this point because I simply cannot believe this ridiculous farce is still...well, a ridiculous farce.

    1. Trig was born two months earlier than stated by the Palins. He was NOT born at Mat Su. Keep in mind the only way I could state certainly where he was NOT to know where he WAS born.

    2. Trig was not hurriedly released from hospital care, necessitating what is often called "the wild ride". I believe (this is just my perception, not a "fact") Sarah Palin planned the Wild Ride well in advance as it served two purposes: she didn't have to worry about trying to look pregnant in formal attire at the evening function that night in Texas, and it allowed her the perfect cover story here in Alaska- everyone wakes up and voila, the governor's had her baby.

    3. Trig that was born AS Trig (meaning the "first" Trig) did indeed have an ear deformity. In my professional opinion, it is highly unlikely the infant presented at the Republican National Convention was the "original" Trig.

    4. Cathy Baldwin Johnson WAS present at the delivery of Trig in February 2008. Sarah Palin was NOT present.

    5. Tripp Johnston was also NOT born at Mat Su.

    6. Tripp Johnston was not born until five weeks after his announced birth.

    7. IF Mercede and Levi Johnston visited Bristol and an infant at Mat Su in was 100% staged. I do not feel this was the case- I (again, this is just my opinion) feel the Johnstons were strong-armed by the Palins. I believe Mercede and Levi both signed nondisclosure agreements and possibly took payoffs.

    Comment too long for blogger, will post remainder in next comment.

  137. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I am 100% certain Mercede nor Levi could have been present at Tripp Johnston's birth in "December"...because Tripp Johnston was **NOT** born on any day in December.

    I can state with certainty that Dr. Cathy Baldwin Johnson was initially duped into this hoax and then blackmailed to continue it. She remains conflicted and torn about whom she is best serving by keeping quiet.

    I can state with certainty that Dar Miller, the sweet and lovely woman who perished in a suspicious house fire in 2008 was ASKED to assist in caring for Trig. I do not know whether she ever considered or accepted the job. I cannot stand to think that her death was the result of a purposeful act. However, I find it extremely suspicious that any attempt to access records or evidence of the house fire (which should be public record if the case was ruled accidental death and closed) are met with what I can only describe as inappropriately aggressive stonewalling.

    I can state with absolute certainty that virtually the only thing completely destroyed beyond repair in the arson fire at the church was several file cabinets filled with files related to births, adoptions, and foster care placements. Considering these were metal file cabinets, the arsonist must have opened the drawers and poured or placed an accelerant IN them.

    As with the fire that claimed Dar Miller's life, any attempt to obtain evidentiary reports or investigative statements on this incident are met with complete and volatile obfuscation.

    Lastly, I know it to be medically impossible for Sarah Palin to have become pregnant after 2002. The procedure she had made it impossible for a reversal to be performed. I have seen several pages relating to these medical records including an anesthesiologist's report and a perfusionist's stand-by report. (indicating his services were not needed)

    I find it frustratingly impossible that so few people recognize something is wrong with this narrative as the Palins tell it. Why "out" Bristol rather than just showing Trig's birth certificate? I of course know Sarah can't show what she does not have, but why don't MORE people recognize this?

    The above statements are the sum total of what I know. Please do not tell me it's my "duty" to Alaska or America to "go public". As much as I would like to say "screw it" and purge my soul to Gryphen...the image of Dar Miller's sweet smile makes itself seen in my head. And I's too awful to even consider...but WHAT IF...what IF that is what happens to people who "know too much" about the pregnancies and babies claimed by the Palin family? WHAT if?

    So I apologize for not being "public"...and I know there will certainly be many of you who don't believe me. I don't fault you for it, after all the red herrings Sarah herself has pitched out. But to ease my own burden, I'm putting this out hopes an author or researcher can put it together with what THEY know...and perhaps shut down this disgusting lie machine Sarah Palin...once and for all.

    One final detail I neglected to mention- Frank KNOWS the absolute truth. He pulled many strings and made many inquiries near the time of Trig's ACTUAL birth. I of course can't day exactly what he knows, but I know he's 100% aware that Sarah Palin did NOT give birth to anything in April of 2008...except for a hundred pound LIE.

  138. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Did you notice in the Newsweek interview where they note to SP that "you're a crack shot, right?" and she says that she is quite proud of that. I didn't realize that pregnancy causes a decline in shooting ability (i.e., ask the caribou how good a shot she is).

    10:09 AM

    Sarah Palin is a chronic liar... amazing!

    Levi said she did not know how to shoot.

    There's a video, Sarah Palin's Alaska, that shows she can't shoot.

    Can she ever tell the truth?

  139. Holy sh*
    if any of that is true, anon wow. Now it's time to begin to prove this with hard evidence....

  140. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Anon 10:28AM - Don't lose that email!!

    Sharon TN

  141. Anonymous5:04 PM

    thank you SO much, anon 4:32. May the day hurry when the truth comes out.

  142. Anonymous5:09 PM

    We all know Sarah is an exhibitionist. She whips her tongue in and out of her mouth in a sexual way, she winks at men and sometimes speaks in a babyish girly manner. Sarah also stuffed her bra and went to the Belmont Race Track and proudly displayed her new breast in her white tight t-shirt.

    With that said, If Sarah had milk in her breast and they were enlarged, wouldn't ya think she would of proudly displayed her enlarged breasts?

  143. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous @12:09:

    I've never been pregnant. But I am a bigger girl (size 14-16), and you are right. I can bend over the way Sarah did in the video, BARELY, but the bit of extra weight on my stomach gets in the way. There is no way anyone with a bigger stomach, the way a woman in her 3rd trimester would, could bend that way.
    3:13 PM

    Men with big guts have problems bending over or crossing their legs, they have to hold their breath to bend over. Can't imagine a woman carrying a baby and bending over or crossing her legs late in her pregnancy. You would worry about hurting the baby.

  144. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    9:42 am Blackberry help...when you're on the IM site click the blackberry button (it looks like a paw print) the scroll up until you see column view. Click on that and you'll be able to see everything :)
    3:04 PM

    Thank you for responding, but I don't see a paw print?????

    Where is it?

  145. GoingBrogue5:16 PM

    Sunshine...I'm not saying I disbelieve anon...but I definitely won't be holding my breath for "hard evidence". As it is now, this person is likely putting their job on the line. For them to steal medical records and post them on a blog...I'm pretty sure that'd be a one way ticket to the pen. Right?

    While it comes across as "big" me this is really nothing new. We have said for years that Trig was born earlier than reported, that something was "off" about Tripp's reported birth date(s) and weight(s), Bristol saying Levi was there for the birth and then Sarah saying "he wasn't even AT his own son's BIRTH!" when things turned sour between Levi and the Palins...and all the other inconsistent statements and actions.

    And as unpleasant as it is, many of us have speculated about nurse Dar Miller's untimely death and the odd circumstances surrounding it.

    Hell, that's what the Internet is for. We have bounced these theories around this "room" of Gryphen's for well over 2 years while I'm glad anon wad able to get some stuff off his or her chest, I really don't see anything in that long ass post except for stuff we have covered nine ways to "flippin'" sunday.

    Trig born in early 08
    Tripp born in early 09
    Sarah has a two-bull
    Etc etc etc. We've been thru it ALL before!

  146. Anonymous5:20 PM

    @Anon 4:32:
    Thank you for your courage. I know how hard it is, I was scared to death to post some info that I knew about Palin over a year ago on this blog. It is frightening to think that a post could possibly be traced back to you. I had my own reasons for my reluctance, but finally made the decision to post it, and I'm glad I did. I just hope that all readers here will respect your decision, and understand the reason for your reluctance.
    That said, I do hope that you find a way to safely share the information that you have with a trustworthy source. It is a huge burden to carry that kind of information around, especially when Palin continues this charade, to the detriment of our country. Thank you again for your post.

  147. Anonymous5:22 PM


  148. betsy s5:40 PM

    4:32 Best comment ever in three years of reading this site.

  149. Anonymous5:42 PM

    To the person who came forward. Wow!!!
    I wish you could go on the record but I get it.

    I am furious about the Frank Bailey part, if this is true. I have to say if, and I'm afraid the whole story will never be known unless people like you, Frank and Dr CBJ come forward on the record. But Frank- if he knows, then all of his writing about repenting in front of God is crap. If he knows and Dr CBJ too, they will not only look terrible but how can they live withselves. It upsets me greatly.

    I do think things are a bit different now that Sarah isn't governor. I understand your fear but if murder involved you could get the FBI involved and bypass lcoal government.
    Please think about it. Do you want this insane psychopath even getting close to be president?

    If Mercedes and Levi were paid off, I'm sure I'm not the the only furious one.

    So do you think the Trif now shown is not the Trig from back then? Who are the parents???

  150. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Anonymous 4:32, I have been commenting with you these past few days on the issue of Trig and the points you have raised regarding his lack of therapies, etc. I just wanted to say that I respect why you must remain anonymous (I worked in a hospital but in marketing) and that I appreciate your pointing people/bloggers/curious authors in the direction of the truth. I truly will pray for Trig and imagine that knowing all that you do about this situation and the tragic neglect of Trig has been distressing. I hope you feel a bit more peace having shared what you have these past few days.

  151. Thank you, Anon. I understand fully your refusal to identify yourself. I believe that you have given us a lot of verification of what most of us already know. You are doing a public service. Perhaps the truth of your friend's death will come out if the whole Palin lie is exposed. God bless you and protect you.

  152. @Anon 4:32

    WOW!! Great post!!

    Any idea who the parents are??

  153. Anonymous6:29 PM

    In the past, people tried to link the untimely death of Curtis Menard in the airplane accident and the fire that killed Dar Miller to the Palin family. It seems too far fetched until you realize the close ties Todd had to extremists such as the AIP and their leadership. These are the same people arrested in Alaska for trying to carry out a plot to kill judges, law enforcement officers and their families. Is it really that far-fetched?

  154. Anonymous6:41 PM

    @4:32 - Thank you.

  155. Anonymous6:46 PM


    Sarah, let the Potty Face girl go home!

  156. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Anonymous 6:09, I don't think it's the same person commenting about Trig's therapy and then today's "burst dam" post.

    I'm hopeful more and more of these insiders will pipe up with what they know...and then one day (soon I hope!) the right person will see the posts from all the "inside" people and together with what they know, have that "AHA!" moment.

    And then we'll all have the champagne we have been holding and we will drunkenly sing "ding dong, the witch is done!" well into the night... So bravo to all who are brave enough to speak up!

  157. Anonymous6:49 PM

    4:32 Thank you for the posting. I have had psychic visions since childhood. When I first saw this woman, I told my girlfriend Sarah has had an abortion or two and was not the mother of Trig. Several of the things you mentioned I have had visions regarding. Thanks for being brave.

  158. Anonymous6:50 PM

    This story is not about Trig. It is about a cover-up that Sarah created and it needs to be told.

  159. Anonymous6:59 PM

    @ 6:29: Regarding the AIP Party and what they are capable of: I know a couple of people who worked w/ Mark Chryson, head of the AIP. They were scared to death that he would "go postal" one day at their place of employment. He carried an arsenal of weapons in the trunk of his car, and was fond of showing them off to people (you know, the old "little weenie, big guns" thing...) Anyway, they thought he was completely unhinged, and totally convinced of his "righteous indignation" at the Govt and his enemies. So no, I wouldn't anything past these folks and their followers.

  160. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I get a very strong "truthiness" vibe from Nurse Shitfire. (or insurance worker Shitfire, whatever)

    But I'm thinking Mercedes and Levi will if anything issue brash denials and Mercedes will parrot the usual party line- I only have ONE beautiful nephew!

    I agree with nurse shitfire's opinion on the Johnstons being possibly paid off pawns. Remember they seemed to kinda go their own way...and then quicker than you can say Empathy Belly...mommy Sherry's in jail and therefore Mercedes and Levi learn to fall in line quick.

    I'm honestly curious to see what Levi is going to put in his book. Will he be brave, and man up? Or will it be more "I was there when Sarah had Trig" nonsense?

  161. Anonymous7:07 PM


    Since the babygate book is in the works at this moment perhaps you can work with anon at 4:32. What he/she says certainly corroborates much of what we have surmised over the past 2 1/2 years.

    She's digging her own grave with this inane bus tour but I want to truth about babygate more than anything to come out. There are a lot of people who need some vindication and the truth is the reward for the persistence.



  162. Anonymous7:12 PM

    @5:14 Blackberry's the button on the phone between the black scroll button and the green button (the one you would push to see all the icons).

  163. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Dear Anon at 4:32 pm,

    Thank you. Much of what you say has been contemplated for some time now. Would you consider contacting Joe McGinnis? He may be able to help further the truth outing.

    Thank you sincerely.

  164. To Anon @ 4:32


    I have felt for a long time that CBJ was duped by Sarah into playing along with the fake pregnancy and CBJ reluctantly complied, but never really stated anything that was terribly damning. I am sure Sarah forged the letter used by the McCain campaign as purportedly from CBJ the night before the election.

    The following are the only seemingly direct quotes of Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson:
    “Palin did not ask for a medical OK to fly, the doctor said” - from ADN article
    Baldwin said AFTERWARDS, “I don’t think it was unreasonable for her to continue to fly back”...”this was going to be Palin’s last flight anyway....” “things were already settling down when she talked to me, “ Baldwin Johnson said.

    Trig Paxson Van Palin turned out to be a gold mine for Sarah Palin, politically and monetarily. People have killed to protect their gold mines. Dar Miller lived within 1 mile from the Palin residence.

  165. Gasparilla7:25 PM

    @ anon 4;32

    Thank you for your amazing courage!

    One question you may or may not want to/be able address is: did the original Trig have Down Syndrome?

    Stay safe!

  166. Anonymous7:33 PM

    If Bristol claimed a PFD for Tripp by saying that he was born in 2008, that's a crime that is punishable by forfeiture of ALL FUTURE PFDs. No wonder she moved from Alaska. The Palins only stay where they're paid to stay.

  167. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Anon @ 4:32: Thank you for your courage in speaking up. I'm confident the truth will eventually prevail.

  168. Anonymous7:56 PM

    To the anon poster, Thanks for being brave and validating what most of us believed for a long time. I appreciate your concern for your own safety.

    I can't help but wonder what happened to the original Trig? Was he DS, FAS or both? Did he survive, or could he have been replaced with a photogenic "stand in"? If he had FAS, was he replaced with a DS child? Could that be what was hidden in the adoption records?

    You can always disguise your answer as another poster. We certainly don't want anyone to figure out who you are. And, we appreciate your sharing the information. Please stay in touch.

  169. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Wow, thank you anon 4:32.

  170. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Anon@432. Wow. Thank you for that. Wow. Fwiw, it was Palin outing her daughter's secret so publicly, rather than simply showing a d@mn birth certificate, that convinced me beyond all shadow of doubt that 1) there was a real story behind Babygate, and 2) Sarah Palin is a completely despicable human being. I was stunned that any mother, no matter how ruthlessly ambitious, would do that, but also, like you, more stunned that it didn't raise enormous red flags in everyone's minds. On what planet can that be considered acceptable?
    (Wow. Thank you.)

  171. re 4:32 "dam burst" post:

    Who gave birth to Trig?

    Something which seems to me to be strongly implied by the narrative arc here, and yet is not explicitly stated - the person who gave birth to Trig is Bristol, who went on to have Tripp, giving birth to him at a later date than announced.

    Does our informant KNOW that Bristol is Trig's birth mother, as our informant KNOWS that CBJ was at the birth, and just forgot to state it explicitly?

    Or is the identity of the birth mother something she does NOT know? LO at 6:26 PM asks "Any idea who the parents are??" Even Trig's mother may not know who Trig's father is, but the account by the 4:32 informant does not actually say who gave birth to Trig - although it was apparently someone with a strong connection to Sarah, since Frank Bailey is stated to have pulled many strings at the time of Trig's actual birth.

    I'm sure we'd all like clarification of this point.

  172. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Gryphen, can you address the comments made by Sourdough Mullet at 10:38 and below? This has been my theory ever since I saw the way DWTS padded Bristol's bust to disguise her growing belly. It reminded me of that weird bolster bust she had at the Republican Convention. A lot of people think she was padded to make her look more pregnant than she actually was, but I think she was padded to make her belly look SMALLER, just as was done on DWTS.

    I think Bristol had Tripp in October. The pictures we saw of her afterwards look as if she had kleenexes stuffed into the front pocket of her sweatshirt. As someone said, remember Sue WIlliams who told us long ago that Bristol was farther along than the Palins were claiming?

    If Trig were born in December 07, premature, it would be completely possible for Bristol to have fallen pregnant just a month later. And the thing about this theory is, it explains WHY Sarah faked the pregnancy. She might have been able to survive her daughter's first pregnancy if it became known, but there is no way in hell she could have survived if it became known that Bristol got pregnant TWICE before she turned 18.

    As for why they pretended she was farther along than she really was, perhaps it's because they didn't want to have to announce the delivery during the campaign. That would have been far more embarrassing than just saying, "I have a pregnant daughter who is planning to get married."

    It's my belief

  173. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Anon 4:32, thank you.

    I must admit to being very curious about the CBJ blackmail angle. If it is true, I'm very sorry that Mat-Su Valley residents have been robbed of her services.

  174. Anonymous8:35 PM

    anon at 4:32.

    Appreciate you speaking up. Can you tell us, can you foresee any circumstances in which you would come forward? In any way--an interview, press conference, approaching authorities with documents? If you are a medical colleague of Dr. CBJ, is your friendship/loyalty to her part of your reluctance, or is it purely out of fear for your life? And why have you posted here now? Are you planning to post anywhere else? Please come back. Melly

  175. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Thank you all so much for the amazing reception to my massive mind-fart. I really did just feel like I would burst if I didn't get some things in the open.

    For the people who asked "who are the parents"...due to my job, there are certain medical specificities which I don't feel comfortable speaking about. What I feel VERY free to speak of: anyone who is NOT the parents. And I know at this point nobody even needs to hear it...but Sarah Palin did not give birth to ANY child in 2008. I have seen hard copies of documents which leave absolutely NO room to even consider that Sarah was pregnant at any time after 2002.

    For the person who asked about Trig's state at birth:
    I can tell you with absolute certainty that Trig was NOT diagnosed with Down syndrome pre-natally. Period. In fact his condition wasn't known for a few weeks due to his startling prematurity. At the time of his birth, they were told that he could be blind, deaf, have cerebral palsy, and a host of other issues. I believe once his survival wasn't so precarious, he was tested more definitively for a number of syndromes.

    I cannot say whether babies were switched or swapped...although I certainly have my suspicions...but the "original" Trig did have Down syndrome. I know when it was time for Trig's birth certificate to be issued...there was a skirmish over whose name(s) would be on it. Wish I could elaborate more but I just don't know enough of the details firsthand.

    ProChoiceGrandma, I have always meant to tell you how your amazing levelheaded and logical commentary is so refreshing and I just love it. .

    I have lost many hours of sleep over Dar. I just always come back to "please God, it just CAN'T be". But like you, I also have to recognize that, as you say, people have done much worse...for much smaller "goldmines".

    For the person asking if I'd contact Joe McGuinnis and share what I know. Short answer? No, I won't. He has not provided a "black and white" stance on what he believes about Trig's parentage and birth. He has dropped some clues, yes...but not the booming declaration I've hoped for.

    Truthfully, if I was going to "spill"... It would be to Gryphen. But I simply don't feel confident about that yet.

    ProChoiceGrandma: one more thing...Dr. Baldwin Johnson has never claimed authorship of the cobbled together election-eve letter. That is really all I can say, but it's enough to make the point, I think.

  176. Anonymous8:47 PM

    4:32--"Trig that was born AS Trig (meaning the "first" Trig) did indeed have an ear deformity. In my professional opinion, it is highly unlikely the infant presented at the Republican National Convention was the "original" Trig."

    You say Trig was born in Feb 2008. This would mean that Ruffles--Triggy Bear--in Mercede's/Levi's arms in Palin's kitchen, which was said to be Levi's birthday in early May 2008, is already 2-3 months old in the picture. He looks so a premature baby only a few weeks old or less. Was he severely premature or sick at birth?

  177. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Anon4:32- If you are for real, take a few days to think about any additional comments. Don't get sucked into revealing something you don't intend to. Everyone wants it all and they want it now. That's not something you have to satisfy.
    Thank you.

  178. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Dear Shitfire (Anon 4.32), All I had to do was read Dar Miller's obituary in the ADN and how she lived her life. I got chills. I knew that the fire that killed her was a crime. Thank you for speaking up. I've waited three years to read a comment like yours. For me, it has the ring of truth. Stay safe.

  179. Anonymous8:53 PM

    It's too bad about Dr CBJ, I imagine this has effected her entire life. As a physician, I understand the importance of patient confidentiality and how this poses a serious moral dilemma. My understanding is that this doctor had an excellent reputation and was very active, but now she is not as active. Anonymous 4:32 is in a similar spot morally and it sounds professionally.
    I truly feel for these two people. I bet they want to do the " "right" thing and let the world know of this insidious deception. Yet they have real professional boundaries plus fear of retaliation. What a terrible position to be in.
    No one else can really tell you what to do. I do think you are safe posting here anonymously. Besides that you will just have to let your heart and mind guide you. And Godbif you are religious. I'm so sorry you were put in this position and I will pray for you and the doctor.

  180. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Thank you Anon @ 4:32. I think we all understand your not being willing to go any further than you have.

    Thank you.

  181. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I never scrutinized the post partum angle as closely as this, and it brought back some really great memories of my birth experiences. I was over the moon, happy and content through my second and thrird pregnancies, my first I was scared, paranoid that something would go wrong, young and naieve.
    I'm very protective of my "personal space", but always felt complemented when someone asked to rub my belly or wished me luck with my baby.
    I think this plays a big role into why Sarah felt the need, after having "a bunch" of kids, to hide the fake pregnancy. Even a clown could tell the difference between a real pregnant belly and an empathy suit. I just can't see any reason, other than a lie, that a Christian pro life mother of a bunch of kids would want to hide a pregnancy.
    For the Record, I worked for a woman boss who was ahead of her time. She allowed flex time, she provided a special room just for nursing mothers, she gave the fathers the same paid time off as the mothers, she was a blast to work for, and though she never had kids, she'd make a wonderful mother.
    There's no way That woman gave birth to Trig. I just wish the sphincter she calls her mouth was as tight as her "abs", I'm sick of hearing her lies.


    Thu, 02 Jun 2011 21:40:16

    Imo, the anon poster is either CBJ herself (unlikely) or a fake. The poster states definitively that CBJ is being blackmailed. If CBJ is being blackmailed, do you really think she's going to tell anyone? [END OF QUOTE FROM LAURA NOVAK'S BLOG]

    Hidto makes an excellent point. Too bad - I'd hoped we had someone who knew who would say what they knew, if not how they knew or who they were. Not this time, apparently. There's a song by Utopia, the band including Todd Rundgren, called "Shinola":

    Everyone's talking
    but few of them know
    The rest are pretending -
    they put on a show
    And if there's a secret,
    I guess this is it
    Truth isn't easy -
    the easy part's shit

  183. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I think there may be far bigger and more powerful players than some AIP folks involved here, if there was foul play.

    I believe Sarah Palin was identified long ago as a perfect puppet candidate for Big Oil, the NRA, you name it. Simply for the GOP, even.

    Remember the CIA-like computer scrubbing that took place when she was nominated.

    These people don't mess around.

  184. Anon 4:32 I join the rest in saluting your bravery. I appreciate the risk you have taken. You indicate two Trigs which, of course, we had surmised because of the damaged ear. To me, more important than parentage is which Trig do we see now, and what happened to the other one?

  185. Punkinbugg9:14 PM

    OH MY. Hang on, S***fire, you just put a bunch of pj'd detectives into overdrive tonight.

    If I were you, I'd arrange an anonymous, Deep Throat interview with Gryphen, say in the parking garage next to the Captain Cook Hotel, and spill your guts... or the Fleecy Ones (like myself) will hound you for days.

  186. Anonymous9:18 PM

    It is unfortunate someone can't get DNA from all the principles and figure out who the little guy belongs to. I'm sure the CSI's would dig into it and get us an answer really fast.

  187. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Anon @ 4:32: Thanks for responding to the additional questions. One other thing I want to mention is that there's safety in numbers. Mercede now seems willing to talk, although that remains to be seen. "Wholy Mary" at Laura Novak's blog tonight seems willing to talk. Levi might be willing to talk. Shailey Tripp is willing to talk.

    If enough of you talk, at the same time, the truth comes out, and you are all safe, especially if you involve the FBI. Clearly (from the Shailey Tripp story), Anchorage PD is not a good place to turn.

  188. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Mistah Charley, I disagree. I'll repost here what I posted at Laura's blog:

    "Imo, the anon poster is either CBJ herself (unlikely) or a fake. The poster states Definitively that CBJ is being blackmailed. If CBJ is being blackmailed, do you really think she's going to tell anyone?"

    I disagree. I've worked closely with high-level people, and you see things. You know things. CBJ would have been upset. She would have received phone calls that could be overheard, or received e-mails that could be seen by subordinates. There could have been loud confrontations in her office or at the hospital. Nothing is ever truly "secret."

  189. 4:32's follow-up post at 8:45, plus the excellent response to the issue of "who would know if CBJ was being blackmailed", leads me moderate my initial skepticism and conclude that we have a knowledgeable and truthful witness here. It looks like we're getting somewhere, but it's even a less nice neighborhood than we suspected.


    [and yes, I intend this last word to remind some of Dan Rather, who lost his job, but not his life, as a result of his digging around - Karl Rove arranged for him to find some poisoned meat]

  190. For those who are asking for a response to the post from Anonymous 4:32, I don't have one yet.

    Some of what is mentioned falls right into line with what I know to be true, what I have heard to be true, or what I believe to be true. But then some of what is mentioned is very hard to swallow, and does not fit with what I believe to be true.

    However if this person is serious about wanting to help, my e-mail is

    There is NO reason this person cannot e-mail me. NOBODY who has contacted me has EVER been outed, unless they did it themselves someplace other than this blog.

    So if they contact me, I will verify their story, and we can proceed from there.

    If they cannot do that, there is really nothing more I can do.

  191. Anon 4:32 - "First of all, I am NOT part of the Palin family. I work in the healthcare field and that is how I know what I'm about to share."

    How likely is it that any one person is able to confirm every aspect of the Trig mystery? How likely is it that the story includes almost every disconnected speculation that's been raised, including Dar Miller, the church fire, Palin tubal, CBJ blackmail, Johnston pay-off? And this person also discredits Frank Bailey and is unhappy with Joe McGinniss because he doesn't have information to prove a babygate hoax...which this person says they could provide.

    This is a unified conspiracy theorists dream. It seems more likely this comes from someone very familiar with babygate blog comment sections than from a first-hand witness. Skepticism is a good thing.

  192. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Mercede has posted and threatens to tell more Palin truth. Bristol has a book coming out in 3 weeks, the mystery author has a book coming out in mid-August (estimate), Joe McGinnis has a book coming out Sept 20th, Levi has a book coming out Sept 27th.

    Tonight, my hero is anon 432.

  193. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Anon 4:32: One thing you might consider is talking to an attorney. They usually give you a free consultation, and given the enormity of this situation, might agree to represent you for free.

    My understanding is that fraud is not covered under HIPAA. You could be considered a whistleblower, and may have protection under those laws in disclosing what you know. The attorney is bound by confidentiality laws and cannot divulge your secrets. He/she can request records or be instrumental in getting an investigation going.

  194. Anonymous11:56 PM

    I am a mother of three. I was 27 when I gave birth to my youngest child. I couldn't bend over at all. Once I left the hospital I had massive cramps while breast feeding. I couldn't get out of bed for almost a week. I felt like I had been hit by a semi. How in the world could she go back to work right after that and without a belly at all? You don't go back to skinny right after the baby is born. Doesn't happen. I was eighteen when my first child was born and it took at least two months to get back into shape.

  195. Anonymous12:17 AM

    I feel everybody should stop referring to Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson of Wasilla Alaska as Dr. CBJ.

    If we want the story to get out about Sarah Palin's fake birth and this doctor played a part in it, then we should let the world know what her real name is.


  196. If SP was in discomfort considering her egocentric behavior anyone around her would know about it. She would also use it as an excuse to not show up somewhere.

  197. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Anon 4:32, thank you.

    I must admit to being very curious about the CBJ blackmail angle. If it is true, I'm very sorry that Mat-Su Valley residents have been robbed of her services.

    8:15 PM

    Oh please. CBJ, as an educated professional, need to go to the fucking authorities. She has SO MUCH in her favor, so much ammunition, that she would be believed. The fact the CBJ let this go on so long is her own damn fault. She has a moral and ethical obligation to show that PAlin is crazy and unsuitable for public office. Come on CBJ. I have been a really harsh critic of yours throughout this entire fiasco. If you are being blackmailed, DO SOMETHING. Go to your professional organizations, get a great lawyer..hell I'll help pay for said lawyer. Just clear your name, come clean and get on with your life and let us get on with ours, without the threat of a Palin presidency. Please, do it for the U-DUB, do it for your future, your country. The time is NOW.

  198. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Gryphen, I am "4:32".

    I fail to see how you could "verify my story" unless I give you all the information about where I work, what I do...and you can see the position that puts me in.

    While it may be true none of your people have ever been "outed"...I have seen what there is to see: Shailey went ON the record with a personal, firsthand account AND a document on which Sarah herself had checked "NOT PREGNANT". I was so grateful to her (and you) I thought, finally...the world can't ignore THIS!

    Except mostly, the world did ignore it. Shailey was left with little more than constantly questioned motives.

    I just don't know that I as the sole financial provider for my little family am ready to do that. Do I wish I was braver, that I had a deeper well of "patriotism" from which to draw?

    Yes, I do.

    Continued in next comment

  199. Anonymous3:48 AM

    But I really don't think it's fair that people like Mercede can string everyone along for years, flat out denying things she KNOWS are true...while private citizens like me are left to pick up the pieces of a deception I had no part of.

    Up to this point, I have excused Levi and Mercede both- young kids, up against a powerful, soulless entity...but now they are writing supposed tell-alls and posing in Playboy...and that tells me these "kids" are old enough to start telling some hard truths.

    Gryphen, I'm sorry if some of what I posted doesn't fall in line with what you know. I certainly admit that I am not perfect and can be wrong...but I did try to specifically note where it was just my opinion as opposed to black and white fact.

    The only thing I'm "iffy" on-- I do concede there might HAVE been a big "dog & baby show" at Mat Su, staged specifically for Mercede and friends of Bristol. But then again- why no photos of this blessed event? Mercede could easily clarify the Levi was there/Levi missed the birth of his own son issue- but as with so many other things...she hasn't.

    Frank just blew the ultimate chance to really "come clean before God"...
    Jeanne, Shannyn, & the "Baby issue? WHAT baby issue? I dun see no baby issue!" posse all know the truth and THEY will not speak up.

    I guess I'm torn between wanting to stand up to all of these people and show them one CAN tell the truth and still come out the other side relatively unscathed.

    The other part of me thinks "why me? My little voice against all these others, plus the near certain loss of my job if I were ever "outed"...(Gryphen, I am not saying you would do it. But I know for a fact one of your blogging "contemporaries" revels in unmasking insiders and putting them on display. You know this is the truth, Gryphen, and you cannot blame my caution)

    I guess what I'm saying is this: for the moment I stand by my original statement...I put what I have out there and if anyone finds any of it useful on a research basis...great. If certain people call foul on me and don't believe me...good for them. Healthy skepticism never hurt anyone. It's no skin off my nose either way.

    If Mercede or Levi or CBJ wants to speak up WITH ME, it's a whole different ballgame. But to put everything on the line when so far as I can see it will not make a difference? I just don't know. I see someone pointed out that nothing I said is even new or revelatory. You all have pinned Trig's birth as earlier than stated, Tripp's birth date as being hinky, apparently know about Sarah's tubal...

    I'm sorry, but until someone who can corroborate what I say (and there are several who can, at least in part) I can't even justify the slightest risk.

    Levi. Mercede. Cathy. Molly. You all are among those who know some or all of the truth here. If you stand up, and tell the truth...I and others will be much more apt to take the risk involved in taking on the goon squad a/k/a Sarah Palin & co.

    I think I am going to take a little break from reading and posting, as it's so hard to NOT spill every detail I know and answer every question put forth by others.

    For now I will close with saying: I do believe Gryphen will go down in history as one of the greatest defenders of truth and justice this country has ever seen. While I can't be much more than a fence-sitter at this time, I stand in awe of you and your dogged willingness to hunt the truth.

  200. Anonymous3:51 AM

    ProChoiceGrandma: one more thing...Dr. Baldwin Johnson has never claimed authorship of the cobbled together election-eve letter. That is really all I can say, but it's enough to make the point, I think.

    8:45 PM

    AAhhh. Anon your killing me. The CBJ as a AAFP physican of the year, needs to admit that her name has been FORGED on records!!!! She will have the entire AAFP becking her up. There own standards, available to anyone Online, state that medical records can't be tampered with. Her name is on a document and is ascribed to her and she didn't authorize or write it. Come on CBJ. Fix this!!!


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