Thursday, June 02, 2011

CNN's Jeanne Moos shows video that nails Piper Palin's behavior during this "family vacation."

And as you can see that second exit from the hotel shows up in this montage, and is the ONLY portion which demonstrates Piper looking happy about the press.

(H/T to CNN)

Update: It looks like Piper is not the ONLY family member giving Sister Sarah sleepless nights:

But the White House hopeful is seemingly taking precautions ahead of her rumoured 2012 Presidential bid and has reportedly pulled her daughter Willow out of school.

The 47-year-old politician will home school the 16-year-old in a bid to keep her out of the spotlight, it has been claimed.

According to the National Enquirer, the former Alaska governor wants to keep any scandal involving her daughter to a minimum.

Willow hit the headlines in the past six months for making homophobic slurs and being caught speeding.

A source told the publication: 'Willow is a wild girl and Sarah fears any sort of screw-up on Willow's part could blow her campaign, so she has her under lockdown at their Wasilla home.'

'Sarah isn't doing this for Willow - she is doing it to protect her public image. The last thing she needs is another teenage daughter winding up pregnant', the insider added.

Willow is counting down the days until she can get away from her mom's supervision,' the insider shared. 'Her older sister Bristol has promised her that the minute she turns 18, she can move in with her.'

Of course those of you who visit here regularly already knew some of this information.


  1. "Roll up the windows!"

    "Shut up MOM!"

    "Can we go home now?!?"

    "When do I get to go to the pool?!?"

    "Mom, where's DAD?????"

    (Ok I *may* have made some of those up)

  2. I have to imagine the poor kid was told she was going on vacation, like the rest of palin's fans.

    She will be fooled no longer.

    I also imagine that palin does not know the meaning of the word 'quality'. If this is what she calls family time, God help that poor family.

  3. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Palin's bus 'vandalized' while parked at Fox...,0,6781618.story

  4. Anonymous5:43 AM

    And so it begins.....

    Ha,Sarah! Your own kid hates your media whoring. Some mother YOU are!

  5. Anonymous5:51 AM

    That video is pathetic, and shows what a piss-poor mother Quitler is. Expect not so good news about Piper in 1, 2, 3 years.

    And she needs to shit or get off the public pot--why are taxpayers paying for this "private citizen"'s "security" anyway?

  6. Anonymous5:51 AM

    I feel for poor Piper, she has no idea what a real family or a real vacation is all about

    From WashingtonPost:
    Palin skipped the slave quarters during a 45-minute tour of Mount Vernon, George Washington’s pastoral estate on the Potomac River. She spent 30 minutes studying the nation’s founding documents at the National Archives, less than an hour touring Independence Hall in Philadelphia, and only 20 minutes at Fort McHenry — not enough time even to enter the five-sided redoubt at the mouth of Baltimore Harbor.

  7. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Ah Piper. I wonder just what they threatened or bribed her with to get her to comply in that one shot where she's being "nice" to the press.

  8. Anonymous5:55 AM

    She is a child. She may have been coerced into being friendly this other time, but if she is in any way normal she will be unlikely to sustain it. She has shown herself to be unhappy on this tour.

    Sarah Palin may have decided that she darn well better get Piper to accept the press, as she plans to use her as sidekick for as long as possible. Sad.

    I think it's unfortunate that people have such a great need to be right, however. I still think this was simply another attempt to get her daughter to behave, not a grand conspiracy. The fact that CNN uses tape of the better interaction isn't a surprise, the entire world has been watching the negative interactions for days. We all know about those.

  9. Molly, I can imagine that you hit it on the nail with those. Wow. Piper has become a bit unruly and disrespectful, hasn't she? And who can blame her?

  10. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Why are you targeting this girl?

  11. laprofesora5:56 AM

    Uh-oh, Jeanne Moos is gonna be a hater now, pickin' on poor little Piper who's supposed to be off limits even though her mother drags her in front of the cameras every chance she gets.

    In all seriousness, I was thinking that Paylin presents herself and her family as a package deal. If you elect Paylin to office, you get the whole fam damily (not a typo). And who wants those kids as part of the package? Brystil and Willer are rude, homophobic, smart mouths, and now sweet Piper is turning into a little shrew. Paylin's family will hurt, not help her chances. Y'see, Scarah, family is a good thing, if it's a GOOD family, not a screwed up one.

  12. Anonymous5:59 AM

    This is why I LOVE Piper!!!! She's hilarious.

  13. Anonymous6:01 AM

    If my daughter talked to my mother like that, a knot would be jerked in her tail so fast her head would spin! Unbelievably rude and disrespectful. Sarah and Todd create the beasts and they get to reap the delightful benefits of living with them!

  14. Anonymous6:01 AM

    What Palin has done to her daughter is horrendous. The poor kid really thought she was going on a vacation. This will be her legacy from "One Nation."

    Nicolle Wallace was right. Palin will ultimately destroy herself.

  15. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Bristol is going to become jealous of Piper getting the attention. How long will it be before Piper gets a chin extension?


  16. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Note: she can't even get all her kids & husband to come along on a "family vacation," nor to stick around! Track & Trig didn't even bother at all & the rest of 'em left. She cannot even get them all to pose together in a group shot these days! What a terrible mother Sarah Palin is. Her family, esp. Piper, clearly does not want her to "run." Where's Todd? Who is going to drive "the family RV" home?

  17. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I think this is now my favorite video and PIper is now my favorite kid ever. I used to think that video where Chelsea hits back at that rude woman for addressing her father's infidelity issues on her mom's campaign was good but this was awesome. PIper's one ballsy girl. Way to go Sarah!

  18. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Poor Piper. Her mom even lies to her by calling this a family vacation when it isn't. Imagine growing up with a mother who lies about EVERYTHING to others. Then she starts lying to you! This would screw up any kid!!

    Why do all of the adult family members around Sarah put up with her?? Anyone here know her family? I can't imagine. Do they all wait on her and revolve their lives around Sarah? It sure seems so. And where did Toad go? Had enough??

  19. Anonymous6:04 AM

    the kids knew what this trip was going to be like.

  20. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I can't help but really like that kid. Wanted to give her a hug and offer to let her watch TV on my couch for a new hours in peace and quiet.

    Makes me dislike Sarah even more. As if that was possible.

  21. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Comment to that update. Remember when I reported last year that Willow had chosen to be homeschooled with a friend? That was taken straight from Willow. Why wold you believe that dailymail story. When have they EVER been right?

  22. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Why doesn't this beg the question to the bots and "conservative christians" everywhere?:

    If Palin is AFRAID of her own kids embarassing her, then get the f home, stay home and be a mom. It's the most important thing she can do. She is not suited for any other role, but perhaps she can save her family. Pretty soon we'll here Tri-G is in a cage to keep him out of trouble, probably drugged up.

  23. But however will she make any money? I suppose she could write a tell-all.....Willow...there is at least 5 million for the truth.

    To those trolls who think Piper is hilarious and ballsy, she is having a terrible childhood, terrible vacation and is acting out as any real kid would. Palin has no business dragging this kid everywhere with her.

  24. Facebook Lurker6:11 AM

    Gryph. Remember, I witnessed things firsthand through Willow's facebook account. She and Marissa were excited about being homeschooled. Go back and refresh your memory.

  25. Anonymous6:11 AM

    An escape route for Willow, very good.

    Trig still parked somewhere with nanny, very good.

    Todd, Bristol, Track invisible, very good.

    Piper, well, she's getting invaluable acting lessons.

  26. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Where is Trig? What about Willow?

  27. Anonymous6:12 AM

    People who know them personally comment on here a lot. they are called bots because their posts are positive. And can't have anything positive in Sarahworld. Would destroy the liberal image of her.

  28. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Poor Piper. Her mom even lies to her by calling this a family vacation when it isn't. Imagine growing up with a mother who lies about EVERYTHING to others. Then she starts lying to you! This would screw up any kid!!

    Why do all of the adult family members around Sarah put up with her?? Anyone here know her family? I can't imagine. Do they all wait on her and revolve their lives around Sarah? It sure seems so. And where did Toad go? Had enough??

    6:04 AM

    I think the phenomenon going on here is dealing with a mentally ill person by family who have little resources in such dealings, or who beleive mental illness is a weakness, or who have just learned to handle Sarah's illness over the years in this way. Let her have and do whatever the hell she wants. It is a sign of lack of education or embarassment by the illness, but they really , when you get down t it, have done a stellar job in keeping things going. It's a really f'ed up situation, but it is fooling a heck of alot of people.
    How sad though that the parents and the husband never got her the help she really needs, becasue they have really continued this illness into the next generation. Not only do some of the kids have Sarah's shitty genes, they have her environment as well. TOXIC combo.

  29. Anonymous6:17 AM

    The family vacation from hell, one by one the drop out, or didn't show at all. Now Brisket and Toad have split leaving Piper with Mom and Grandparents. Leaving us a great impression of your tight family there Sara

  30. Anonymous6:22 AM

    It's been established that Sarah Palin's daughter is struggling on this trip and that Sarah and Todd Palin are not doing a good job helping her deal with the situation they have chosen to place her in. Please shift the focus back on Sarah Palin now.
    Just because Sarah Palin is going to continue to place her child in an unforgiving spotlight, doesn't mean that everyone else has to follow.

  31. Anonymous6:25 AM

    where's Trig?????

  32. wakeUpAmerica6:31 AM

    So the "family" vacation is down to Sarah, Chuckie, Sally, and Piper. All the rest have bailed. I wonder how much longer this fiasco will last. What a disaster! Every day brings a new skill set of moronic behavior from the Tundra Turd. I feel sorry for Piper. She probably thought that she would finally get some "quality" time from her mommy instead of the much touted "quantity" time that truly sucks with the media whore. Sarah Palin, worst mother in the world.

  33. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Poor Piper :(

    All you bots can defend Sarah all you want but her parenting has been on full display on this "vacation" and it's not good. Would ANY of you ever really do that to your child? Even putting in her in those situations? Don't you, or her see just how dangerous this is?

    If ANYTHING happens to Piper on this publicity tour, Sarah should be brought up on charges. What a horrible mother that woman is!

  34. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Can't Palin see what a joke her tour is? An hour here, 20 minutes there- "rill" tourists interested in American history don't cover the whole Eastern Seaboard in less than a week. Her tour reminds me of those cheesy group tours to Europe: "see 7 countries in 7 days." Of course, Palin thinks she has foreign policy credibility because she has spent a day in India, a day in Israel, etc. Kristol, Will and her other critics are correct. She has no idea how much she doesn't know.

  35. imnofred6:38 AM

    I find it truly disgusting that Sarah uses Piper as a prop. There are times that it seems quite clear that she doesn't want to be there but is being forced to by her mother.
    Sarah is taking away Piper's childhood and thrusting her into the spotlight for her own personal gain. Not to mention poor Trig who has basically been abandoned by her since he is of no political value any more.


    Everybody with half a brain knows what you are up to. This "vacation" is no more than a first step in a Presidential campaign. You won't formally announce because you are a COWARD and are afraid to leave the safety net of Fox News. BTW, I saw some of the clips of you trying do discuss policy with Greta and you cannot even answer simple questions coherently in a friendly venue. I'm sure that you think you can run a campaign on FaceBook, Twitter, and Fox News but voters are going to want to know what your ideas for the county are instead of sound bytes and talking points.

    Show us you are NOT a coward. Announce a run. Participate in debates. Do interviews.

    I forgot, once a coward, always a coward.

  36. Where in the hell are Trig and Bristol's kid? Looks like neglect to me!

  37. Anonymous6:39 AM

    to 6:14. or you have no idea what you're talking about.

  38. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Denial about mental illness occurs everywhere, irrespective of socio-economic factors or educational/sophistication ones.

    Sarah puts on a good show, as do so many with her type of illness, and it can confuse many people. She appears high functioning when the cameras are on. I recall reports of her collapsing into depression after the '08 run.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Sarah has a dual diagnosis going on, with some sort of chemical dependency helping her make it through - for the moment.

  39. Anonymous6:40 AM

    But of course, Palin will cry that CNN and the lamestream media are attacking her kids. It's perfectly okay for her to use them as political props, but don't anyone dare call them on their rude behavior. Seriously, if you're not a current palin-bot, is any of this going to change your mind about what an awful, horrible human being she is?

    And Anon @6:17

    "The family vacation from hell, one by one the drop out..." Kind of like "Survivor - Palin," eh? Only in this case, everyone WANTS to get voted off to get away from this nutcase.

  40. Anonymous6:41 AM

    The way she rudely talks to her grandmother at the end was the worst. Unfortunately, they all looked like they were quite accustomed to her behavior.

  41. Beldar Weiner Conehead6:41 AM

    "The 47-year-old politician will home school the 16-year-old in a bid to keep her out of trouble.".

    Wow... Where to begin? She'd be the first home-schooling parent in the White House since Mary Todd Lincoln. When you add up her special skills and talents you can see why low information dummies are attracted to her:
    Partial governor, mini-mayor, tour bus coordinator, energy expertrix, special needs advocatarian, constitutional hystery teacher, parenting role model, feisty enemy of evil journalism, moose skinner, patient karibou killer, fashist fashionista, literary icon, hockey puck mom, uterine ninja, the list goes on and on and on and on...

    The question is, if she's so gosh darn wonderful, why does strike a significant percentage of Americans as being so dreadfully awful? (or is she awfully dreadful?)

  42. Is it too much to suggest that Sarah forego the media game, and the political game and tend to her family? At this point, I'm not sure whether they are better off with or without her, but something positive needs to happen for all the kids. This is a disaster. I'd love to see CPS get involved, but its not going to happen.

  43. Anonymous6:42 AM

    To say Piper has a terrible childhood is crazy. Vacation, yes. Childhood, you have no basis for that.

  44. Anonymous6:43 AM

    5:55am No attacks, simply the reality of Piper in her own words and deeds. Similar to Sarah, if you just let them roll, they usually reveal their truth.

    If Obama's children behaved in such a manner, the right wing pundits would have it on a 24-7 news cycle.

  45. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Granny LuLu's family issues wouldn't bother me so much if she didn't brag about how family comes first and family is so important and how she would be a great president because she's such a great mother. Yeah. One who risked her child's life by getting on an airplane while in active labor. Right?

  46. Anonymous6:44 AM

    BTW taken from

    What is the seat belt law in New York State?

    New York State law requires all front seat passengers to wear seat belts. Children under the age of 16 must wear seat belts when they are in the front seat or the back seat. Children under the age of four must ride in safety seats. See the information above about safety restraint systems required for children until their 8th birthday.

    The penalty for a seat belt or car seat violation is a fine of up $50. If the violation is for a person under the age of 16, the driver receives a maximum fine of $100 and three driver violation points upon conviction

    Sarah and Piper are sitting in a front seat together with no seat belt in Manhattan on that bus! As a New Yorker I am offended! First she uses MY tax dollars for her security on this little vacation, then she can't even obey the law! If a NYer had done what she did, it WOULD be a charge of child neglect!

    How does this harpy get away with it?

  47. Anonymous6:44 AM

    6:25am. Great question. Let's keep asking it.

    Family vacation with no immediate family, except for Piper.

  48. Virginia Voter6:46 AM

    I agree with 6:14, Sarah is mentally ill, Todd knows it, the older kids know it, and so do Chuck and Sally. Piper probably doesn't. I was Pipers age when my mother was diagnosed manic depressive , and a few years later bipolar. I see the same shit happening with the Palins, and it is sad. My father had my mother hospitalized and got her help, the right doctors and medications. Over the years, my mother had incidents and she regressed, but we always knew how to get her back on track sp she could lead a productive life. Apparently Todd can't be bothered.

    Piper is a product of her shitty dysfunctional upbringing. She's probably had it the worst out of all of them. Thank God Trig is taken care of by a full time nanny

  49. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Hey, Willow, this note is for you. If you find a lawyer who will handle your case for you, you can become an emancipated minor.

    Of course you will need to make money to pay that expensive lawyer. Going against your own parents isn't going to be cheap. However, National Enquirer might be willing to pay your bills in return for your story. I bet that you have lots of stories that are worth millions. (I would like to encourage you to write a book, but I've seen your FaceBook posts, so that's not going to be a plan).

    You don't have to get pregnant, break into a house or bump a reporter to get attention. Seriously, get a good lawyer and think about becoming an emancipated minor. And, be sure to tell us all of the details.

  50. Anonymous6:54 AM

    In addition to all the reasons that Palin can't be president, here are some more:
    1. She had no idea how expensive gas was, and she might have to cut her trip short- bad planning
    2. She can't control her own family. If Willow can't obey Sarah, Sarah will not be able to negotiate with any other country or political leader
    3. Palin's knowledge of anything is still tissue paper thin. She thinks that the "Statute" of Liberty is a warning not to make the mistakes that other countries made
    4. If you push against the media, eventually, they WILL push back against you.

  51. This is the beginning of the end of her road trip. She is educating the country on how dysfunctional her family is. I would bet money that it ends very soon - within days. She will use some phony excuse, like the high cost of gas that she hinted at earlier. And why isn't Piper in school? Still another couple of weeks left. And you can bet that child is not getting home schooled.

  52. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Piper pushed microphones out of the way, kept interrupting her mother and tapping her on the shoulder, blocked a reporter, pushed another reporter. At some point, the Palins really do have to tell Piper that if she hits people, some day, some one is going to take a poke at her. Not an adult, another kid maybe, but Pipers sense of entitlement is matched only by her mother's over-sized ego. This is another problem child in the making.

  53. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Yep! Taking Willow out of school away from her friends and locking her up in a house with depressed Nana Palin will definitely straighten her out!

    That, or she is now the primary caretaker of Trig. Way to go Willow!

  54. Anonymous7:11 AM

    "Why are you targeting this girl?"

    5:55 AM

    No one is "targeting" her. If $arah Palin doesn't want people to notice her children's bad behavior, and her bad parenting, perhaps she should keep her children out of the spotlight.

  55. Anonymous7:13 AM

    "This is why I LOVE Piper!!!! She's hilarious."

    5:59 AM

    She's a brat.

  56. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Anon @ 6:39 I Am sorry Lou Sarah but u r mentally I'll and need help.

  57. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Too bad this kid does not have a father around to teach her some manners. Where IS Brad Hansen these days? This little BRAT is going to make the older two look "normal" pretty soon. How many 10 year old girls would feel comfortable squeezing into the front of a grown man like this? I can noit think of any. If I were a male reporter, I would refuse to follow this group, for fear of being slapped with a sexual harrassment claim.

  58. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Sarah Palin's "Family Life"
    1) Husband who goes to masseuse for "Happy Endings" and who runs de facto prostitution ring - CHECK
    2) Son involved in serious vandalism related to school busses, now forced into a quickie marriage due to out of wedlock pregnancy, doesn't go to college (early 20's) - CHECK
    3) Daughter who was pregnant at least once out of wedlock, mutilates her face horribly with plastic surgery, doesn't go to college (early 20's) - CHECK
    4) Daughter #2 involved in serious vandalism, taken out of school, will not go to college (teen) - CHECK
    5) Daughter #3 caught on film with anti-social behavior repeatedly in one week alone (10)- CHECK
    6) Toddler Special Needs son left out of family trip, never seen getting treatment - CHECK

    Oh yeah. Sarah Palin is totally a family values, Christian. Too bad Jerry Springer is retiring.

  59. lwtjb7:20 AM

    You know someone personally by way of their Facebook account???? REALLY??

  60. Anonymous7:22 AM

    "I think this is now my favorite video and PIper is now my favorite kid ever. I used to think that video where Chelsea hits back at that rude woman for addressing her father's infidelity issues on her mom's campaign was good but this was awesome. PIper's one ballsy girl. Way to go Sarah!"

    6:04 AM

    You're seriously comparing Chelsea Clinton, and Piper Palin? The difference is Chelsea Clinton was addressing a reporter's asinine question, whereas Piper Palin was just being a rude little brat. The reporter was not being rude to Palin, nor did she seem threatened by him. Chelsea Clinton also wasn't a 10-year old body-checking an adult!

  61. And of course, the more you try to force a child (young woman in this case) to obey by "locking them down" literally or figuratively, the more likely they are to rebel even more once they break the chains and escape. I have seen this in my own family: two males cousins about my age now (my aunt and uncle were so strict, so very strict on them that it hurt me as a child to be around them) - both have a problem with alcohol and/or drugs; multiple marriages, children out of wedlock (and other family members adopting those to raise) lost jobs, wrecked cars, welfare ... wrecked lives. It is so sad. Now Palin and family may be able to continue grifting money and keep some of this from happening, but will they pay for therapy? Will they insist any of their children get a college education? Does any child in that family want a career or are they pursuing their dream - grifting?

  62. Anonymous7:25 AM

    "the kids knew what this trip was going to be like."

    6:04 AM

    They did? Then maybe need to suck it up, and stop acting like spoiled brats.

  63. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I noticed something very interesting. Palin has always said that the Statue of Liberty was a warning. A warning to other countries, a warning to not make the mistakes of other countries, etc. Now in this latest video she finally mentions that it is a show of friendship between two countries. This is after her trip to the statue. Oh my word, did she actually learn something by listening to the guides. Can you tell me that in her entire school career she never knew that. She knows it now and she will create a revisionist history being that friendship is what she has always said it was about. Kind of like her stance on the Bridge to Nowhere.

  64. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Someone questioned "Why are you targeting this girl?" UMMM...First of all this girl is not being targeted. There isn't a bulls eye or surveyor symbol on a photo of Piper! Sarah Palin decided thrust her daughter back into the spotlight forcing her to play her part in front of the camera so now she is fair game for public scrutiny. Sarah can't have it both ways, if she's going to use her family as props for her political shenanigans then they are going to be the subject of discussion. Most politicians don't drag their kids into this stuff, only Sarah seems to think this is good parenting!

  65. F J Dandy7:29 AM

    Have I missed something here? Is school Alaska out for the summer? Quittypants never considers what good for her children...she is the ultimate narcissist.
    (I wonder what the child has been promised to go along with the show.)

  66. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Gryphen, the first time I saw Piper, she was very young on a stage with her family giving the finger to a boy younger than herself!! Could you find that photo and print it again, please? This brat has been the bad seed from early on. She no doubt learned THAT behaviour at home.

  67. Someone asks above: why are we targeting Piper? COME ON! IDIOT! WHY ARE WE TARGETING HER? BECAUSE SHE IS OUT THERE IN FRONT STUPID! THAT IS WHERE SARAH PUT HER. THAT IS WHERE SARAH ALWAYS PUTS HER, THEN IGNORES HER, THEN SAYS TO THE PRESS, LEAVE HER ALONE! Come to think of it, is this why? Sarah thinks she won't be the target of an assassin's bullet if Piper is there? Well, Sarah, I have got news for you. You are putting your child in danger as evidenced by a nine year old lovely, innocent girl losing her life when Gabby Giffords was shot partly as a result of your crosshairs. You B: who might have you in the crosshairs and bratty little Piper accidentally gets in the way? Hmm?

  68. Anonymous7:33 AM

    "People who know them personally comment on here a lot. they are called bots because their posts are positive. And can't have anything positive in Sarahworld. Would destroy the liberal image of her."

    6:12 AM

    I believe that most of the bots are the Palin's themselves, leaving stupid comments like this:

    "$arah and Trig, and Piper, and all the rest of the family went to Arby's last night, and everyone was so happy!"

    Like we give a shit.

  69. Anonymous7:39 AM

    "to 6:14. or you have no idea what you're talking about."

    6:39 AM

    Neither do you $arah. You are one of the most ignorant people I have ever seen. Please go away.

  70. Sarah Palin looks uncomfortable and then goes into her sound bites. She is miserable on this trip but is having a hard time"quitting" it.So fake, and everyone knows it. Embarrassing.

  71. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I really can emphasize with Piper, stuck on the worst vacation ever. When I was about her age my dad had this brilliant idea of doing genealogical research during a trip to Pennsylvania where our ancestors landed. We spent more time in libraries and cemetaries then we did visiting landmarks and swimming. The only landmarks we saw were Gettysburg and Niagra Falls. Then a few years later we had to go to Canada to research my mom's side of the family. Even my mom admitted later doing that was a mistake but my dad was too self centered to care. Also on our family vacations my dad's mother went with us 90% of the time and she was a total crab ass bitch. If we didn't invite her she would actually pout. As a result I never had a decent family vacation when I was growing up and I worry Piper will suffer the same fate.

  72. Anonymous7:41 AM

    So I'm thinking that Palin will hold off on an "exploratory committee," or whatever else Fox bases its decisions on, until her contract is up for renewal in March 2012. Then she'll quit Fox and declare. Trump will also be free of his TV obligations, in July 2012. I'd love for them to jump in an fracture the Repub race. Then Barack will cakewalk through the election no matter what shape the economy is in.

  73. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Homeschooling? Palin? What a joke. She thinks all girls need to know is how to get pregnant, then milk her situation for all it is worth. Pissy Piper is a great example of Palin's teachings, bratty aggresive, dislikeable "diva", which is what her former schoolmates call her/

  74. I do feel so sorry for this kid. Yeah, she's a disrespectful Paylun brat in the default. But that's the fault of "mom" and "dad". Poor kid thinks she's on a "family vacation". Imagine what it's like being this short kid constantly SURROUNED by big, yelling, persuing adults...and all you want to do is get on with having some family fun on your "vacation" with REAL NY PIZZA.

    It's disgusting what those "parents" are doing to their kids. Say goodbye to any semblance of a normal life, little girl.


    (not to be confused with Free Willie!)

  76. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I just figured out WHY Piper has to go with $carah everywhere - NOBODY will babysit her since she is such a mouthy BRAT. Even Chuckles and Sally decided to go on this "trip" so they would not have to be home with her and the other young ones. Trig and Tripp are nowhere to be seen. Whoever is taking care of them must have flatly REFUSED to try to rein in Pissy Piper.

  77. Doesn't it make you laugh, "Family vacation" with one member out of six in the close family ties along with Sarah?

  78. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Way to go palinbots. Praise Piper for ¨body checking¨ strangers, behavior that will get her arrested for assault and battery when she becomes an adult. Encourage sarah to continue showing the world how she ignores her youngest daughter. Remain silent about Piper´s father, who refuses to come to the aid of his child.

    Behold the proud smile of Piper´s grandfather as he watches Piper´s mother. Note, too, the approving smile of Piper´s grandmother as she watches Piper´s mother.

    And cheer loudly as PiperÅ› mother leads her youngest daughter straight into harm´s way.

  79. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Gee, I never knew "home schooling" meant locking the kid in the house while the rest of the family tours the east coast. :)

  80. Anonymous8:01 AM

    She has the same flowers -- yea, the same variety but not the exact same two.

    In hotel lobbies, there are vase upon vase of flowers available for Palin to snuff a few more in her 'bait and switch' of the video for appearance of Piper being a smiling child.

    If any of us tried to 'lift' the flowers, if staff or security available, they would stop us, but it being Palin, the venue would only be too accommodating for Palin to do so in that they would fear bad publicity.

    |But - Karma is a bitch in that the uploaded video in a previous post by Gryphen, catches the frame of Piper with a total pissy look on her face. So, in the end, it didn't improve the situation.

  81. Anonymous8:02 AM

    If Sarah really wanted a family vacation (which Piper is obviously desperate for), she would have rented a nondescript minivan or an SUV, reminded the media that this is a family vacation and she wouldn't be answering any questions or paying them any mind, politely asked the media not to disturb her or any other tourists along the way, actually see the sights for more than 10 or 20 minutes, and avoid any other media whores (like Donald Trump).

    Bring along a body guard if you must, but don't make a complete spectacle of yourself. You're riding in a huge bus with your name and other tacky graphics on it's sides. You run full speed TOWARDS reporters instead of away from them. You suck up every instant of the spotlight. You obviously are neglecting the needs and wants of your family (on your so-called family vacation).

    Nobody (except the most brain dead palinbots and, sadly, Piper) believe this is a family vacation.

  82. Anonymous8:03 AM

    The only thing the Screech is running for is the bank.

  83. Anonymous8:04 AM

    To say that Palin's bus was vandalized. Give me a break.

    The anonomous person was totally respectful of Palin's property in that the signs were only taped on the side.

    If it had been a Palin Cult member - they would have spray painted it. They show no respect for anything except Palin's panties -- their drug of choice to sniff!!

  84. Calli Pygian8:11 AM

    Sarah isn't doing this for Willow - she is doing it to protect her public image. The last thing she needs is another teenage daughter winding up pregnant', the insider added...

    Why not? Sarah's mom was knocked up before marriage, just like Sarah.
    Oh, and also,too, her daughter Bristol

  85. Anonymous8:12 AM


    Last day of school in the Mat-Su Valley was last Wednesday May 25.

  86. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Why is everyone defending this awful child? She is a brat, plain and simple. Sure, it's her mother's fault but she is a demanding, spoiled girl. I would be completely embarrassed and mortified if she were my child. On another note, I thought I had read here--or maybe somewhere else--that Willow had been suspended from school and that's why she was being homeschooled. Question--since no one is home, who is doing the schooling? And, isn't Willow on this Magical History Tour, and not at home?

  87. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Piper has not 'just become' unruly or disrespectful.

    How quickly many people have forgotten and dismissed all the video evidence of the many speaking engagements and the whistle stops on the book tours where Piper had those pissy looks and attitude. This is not new.

    These pissy looks and attitude have been ongoing since even the Presidential campaign.

    You can even see the same looks and attitude prior to Palin's entrance on the national stage as there is video and pic evidence when Palin was only known in AK.

    This has been Piper for years. She has been the Scarah 'mini me' for years. It runs in the family.

    Remember Willow's bitchy looks from behind Palin at the book signing at the base in AK where Kim Chapman attended.

    None of this is new to the Palin girls. They are out and out little bitch Palin's believing themselves 'above' everyone else.

    They all need a reality check and the ladder knocked out from under them.

  88. LisaB25958:14 AM

    Poor kid.

    I'd like to officially invite Piper on a REAL family vacation. We're towing the camper from God's Country (Texas) to God's Other Country (Wisconsin) this July. We're gonna hit Door County, the Dells, see the Brewers play, and visit Peshtigo (bigger fire than Chicago's!)
    Our camper is not nearly as big as a bus; it's a pop up, but it's a very nice pop up. You'll have to get yourself here and home though. (I bet the PAC can help with that. Paying for vacations seems to be their specialty.)

    I promise no media stops, just camping and having fun. Just contact Gryphen if you're interested.

  89. Anonymous8:14 AM

    People who are using the word brat are blaming the victim.

    I held my daughter responsible for her behavior when she was Piper's age, of course, but I had to take responsibility if I was not providing her with nurturing structure in which she could thrive. No kid is perfect, no adult is perfect.

    Piper Palin seems unhappy, bottom line. That is not her fault, at her age.

    If people insist on targeting this particular member of the Palin family, don't be surprised at the backlash. Track, Bristol and Willow are other matters, entirely. Piper still should have the benefit of the doubt here, bad behavior or not.

    People are taking their frustrations re: Sarah out on this kid, at this point. Enough already. The coverage of Piper's antics are punishment enough for Sarah.

  90. Anonymous8:14 AM

    President Palin's Statute of the Union Address was cut short last night... when Piper came to the podium and told Sarah, "shut up mom, let's go"

  91. Did the Palins take a vacation with their children like regular people or did they agree to use political action funds to turn their own RV into a rolling billboard to attract attention and have this publicized including donation requests?

    Name one person who shrink wraps their person vehicle movie star or political contender it is a family vacation or educational? Meghan McCain was old enough to be on her dad's campaign tour.

    I am outraged to witness a young child unnecessarily subjected by her parents and grandparents this opportunistic staged bullshit contradictory publicity manipulated tour by a probable pathologic mother using people and abusing their trust especially an innocent child.

    Social services or even the public schools need to be shamed also.

  92. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Perhaps Piper is a brat, but I feel sorry for her. The child is 10. She lives with a mother who is mentally ill. Piper has been placed in the position of Sarah's Caretaker. That's a lot of responsibility for a young child. She may love her mother dearly but hate her at the same time. She clearly hates the media, but now is being told to be nice to them. She will be one fucked up kid when she's older.

  93. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I agree with other commenters who believe Sarah is exhibiting symptoms of a mental illness disorder. Some of the faces she makes like the grimace and the sticking out of her tongue reflect signs of tardive dyskinesia. If she hasn't sought treatment for her abnormal behaviors, she should.

  94. Anonymous8:47 AM


    Anonymous said...
    to 6:14. or you have no idea what you're talking about.

    6:39 AM

    No ,sadly, I think I have hit the nail squarely on the head.
    Get some help Sarah.

  95. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Hey, the more people see her kids, the less they like Sarah because of her poor parenting skills.

    She's ruined the lives of her children. I wonder what karma justice is being dispensed when you are born to a mother like her.

    Keep it up Sarah. Drag those kids around everywhere. Let them act out.
    You are helping progressives get elected in 2012.

    No one likes a sassy child, but even fewer like parents that have made kids that way. You have neglected your children and it shows. Boy, does it show.

    Keep 'em close, Sarah. Your kids prove how worthless you are.

  96. I have zero respect for Sarah and Todd as parents. Children deserve to have their privacy and dignity respected, regardless of the ambitions of their parents.

    It was exceedingly unwise and exploitive for the Palins to put their children on a reality TV show (just ask Kelly Osbourne if spending one's teen years on reality TV is a good idea). And yes, I have zero respect for the Gosselins, too.

    Now, on Sarah's ego trip, poor Piper is not being protected by her lousy parents and grandparents. It is painful to see the girl so mistreated, and shamed, in public, by the very people who should be protecting her from the glare of the spotlight.

    The Bushes and the Clintons vigorously protected their children from the media circus. Completely aside from politics, I admire them as parents. I have total disdain and contempt for the Palins as parents.

  97. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Fellow Posters,
    I Did medically fragile foster care for many yrs and adopted our son who's abuse story would bring tears to your eyes. But the emotional scars last much longer in any abuse case than the physical ones. Piper is STARVED for attention and not just on the road. She has a mother with a severe personality disorder who's life is all about "Sarah". She is a sullen, unhappy child who can never do enough to please her mother and gain her attention. this is why the 3 oldest Palin children were all deliquents.
    I feel so sorry for Piper , all she wants is love from her mother just like every child. It shouldn't be too much to ask, but it is an unobtainable "want" in the Palin family. PLease Sally or Molly, anyone in the this child, LOVE HER without her having to perform for her mother to get that love. Anyone can take over that "mother" role and give this depressed child what she needs, love.

    Little Rabbit

  98. Anonymous8:52 AM

    5:55 - no one is targeting Piper.

    Sarah is pushing her into people's faces every opportunity she gets.

    We are simply commenting on the obvious: Sarah is a shitty mother who doesn't care about her daughter.

    Mothers who care about their kids try to shelter them from these things. Most other politicians keep their kids out of the spotlight, allowing them privacy and as normal a childhood as possible.

    Not Sarah. Oh, no. She has to shove Piper out there as a shield, and then when Piper acts out, she can whine that people are picking her and her daughter. That act is getting old.

    Sarah is so self-absorbed, she doesn't care about protecting Piper - she only wants to use her and when that becomes untenable, she'll cast her into the background (or under the bus).

    Piper needs loving discipline, attention, and an education. She's not getting any if her behavior is any indication.

  99. Anonymous8:55 AM

    5:59 - I'd hate to see your kids if you think Piper's behavior is hilarious.

    There's nothing endearing about a whining little bully. There's nothing sweet or funny about a kid who interrupts her mother when her mother is talking. Piper is a kid who is crying out for love and attention.

    Piper's behavior is simply a tragic plea for help - nothing funny about that.

  100. Anonymous8:56 AM

    The video shows a lot of SALLY'S lack of parenting skills as well. There's she is, sitting next to her granddaughter, and not a look, word, or gesture to rein her in.

    Can you imagine Marion Robinson letting *her* granddaughters get away with any kind of back talk like that? Besides getting a knot jerked in her tail, Piper needed a shiny little red fanny to go along with it.

    Sarah might have a rep for throwing tantrums and assorted objects around, but she clearly hasn't mastered the Universal Wrath of Mom look that can quell misbehavior from across a crowded room. Maybe she should have taken Trig instead.

  101. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Sarah is still not wearing her wedding band. Wonder what is going on there.

  102. Anonymous8:59 AM

    6:04 - did we watch the same video?

    Ballsy girl - egads. She wasn't defending her mother so much as acting like a little creep.

    No child should behave like that in public (nor in private). Oh, she might have felt she was "protecting" her mother but for all the wrong reasons. Sarah didn't want protection - she was actively engaging with the reporters.

    It appeared that Piper wanted her mother to pay attention to her, not the reporters. So sad.

    Having a kid who behaves like a brat is not something to be proud of nor is it to be encouraged by anyone.

  103. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Hey, 6:12 - newsflash, even conservatives like well-behaved children and they admire mothers who raise them so as long as Sarah keeps dragging her kids out in the public, allowing them to misbehave while ignoring that misbehavior, Sarah will lose the respect (and money and votes) of conservatives as well.

    Good parenting is a universal positive. There is nothing partisan about disliking bad parenting.

    Comments here reflect almost solely on Sarah (and Todd): they are truly incompetent parents and poor role models for their children.

  104. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Has anyone made out what Sarah Palin says to Piper at the end?

  105. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I wonder if Piper got abducted by aliens from that backseat suv. You see her making ugly faces, looking unhappy and then she starts leaning forward looking more at the reporter and then Sarah starts doing the body block to hide Piper and then whoosh, the Piper has disappeared from the suv.

    Sarah and her reporter/photographers are making videos and editing out and then adding in some clips. Very strange since it's just "a family vacation".

    Sarah has neglected Piper so much that she has turned into a bratty child. Can you imagine Sarah being President and Piper interrupting national security meetings with lets go and being rude to diplomats and everyone else?

    This family is a fright.

  106. Anonymous9:12 AM

    It's painfully obvious that Piper is ashamed of her mother. She keeps trying to drag Sarah away from the cameras or stop the cameras and microphones coming to her mother.

    Sarah doesn't seem to care. How tragic for Piper. How she will handle her anger and disappointment and sense of abandonment (yes, you can feel abandoned by a parent even when you are right next to him or her) will be interesting to see over the next few years.

    Will Piper end up like Bristol or Willow or Track? Only time will tell, but Sarah will be the one to blame. (Well, Todd and Sarah - because he is empowering Sarah's poor mothering and proving that he is a poor father by his refusal to demand that she keep the kids out of the campaign).

  107. Just blew through "You Betcha!" by LeLand Gregory.
    If you had any doubts that SP might be a complete "mind mess", you won't when you finish the book.
    This borders on scarey. Not just that she is nuts, but the fact that the LSM lets it fly right on bye.
    Think I'll go back to LSD. Makes much more sense.

  108. Anonymous9:28 AM

    BOGUS!!! Sarah has taken things to a whole new level.

    I have taken my kids on lots of family trips. Family trips are planned around the whole family, taking their schedules and ages into consideration. Since Willow's work took higher priority than the trip and Sarah's adult children have their own lives, why wasn't the trip planned around Piper and Trig? Because it WASN'T about them. Clearly this is Sarah's trip not a family trip (and not about Trig, at all). A husband doesn't go home to take care of the family when you're on a family trip. What happened to Piper's Little League that some fairy tale troll told us Todd signed Piper for? I'd be pissed, too, if I was Piper and the rest of the family went home to have fun and left me to be Mom's security blanket with Grandma and Grandpa.

    And now they're going to a clam bake with some NH Republicans, even though this trip is not about politics or planned meetings with politicians. That ought to be a blast! Bet she can't wait for that.

    Sarah's at it again. This is FRAUD and a SCAM and a disgusting insult to the American people's inteligence! She's not smart but she's good at conniving, scheming, and manipulating to her advantage. She convinced FOX to play along after they called her into the office yesterday and she pretended that she might TRY to see them. The media (they deserve to be humiliated by Sarah if they keep taking her scoldings as they prove the almighty $ is more important than good reporting) and analysts are giving her a pass on what would be called a campaign for anyone else. Sarah PAC does too and that's what's most important to her. To the rest of us, the poll #'s show otherwise, that what counts to us is serious candidates that approach us and the position they are running for with substance and not theatrics.

    Have a heart for your family and make up your mind about running. It's one thing to tease the country, but now you're doing it to your family in front of the whole country. Send Piper home and start your campaign or end it and go home with her, the real one in AK, before she has a melt-down on the national stage. Stop trying to make the world revolve around you.

  109. With everyone on the bus but her (Willow) who is she being homeschooled by?

  110. Anonymous9:41 AM

    IDEA for Gryphen:

    Do you have any NYC readers who can go to the hotel where Sarah was staying to see if there is a bouquet in the lobby that matches the flowers Sarah purloined? Some pictures would be great. I suppose it's possible that there was a bouquet in her room and that's where she got them.

    Amy in Texas

  111. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Jesus christ...Palin is a sick fuck.

  112. Anonymous9:48 AM

    For all those feeling sorry for Piper, you neglect to think about the fact she shows no manners, respect and in fact displays all the characteristics of a bully.

    I raise the question to you -- even though we know she did miss school for lengths of time when Palin dragged her around the country on the Presidential campaign and her book tours -- Please answer the question for me as to how a kid like this would remain in school with these same characteristics. She wouldn't. She would have been either suspended or after a number of times, removed to homeschool as a school system would not tolerate the constant display of these characteristics.

    People have to quit compartmentalizing things. This is not a one off for Piper. On the national stage, we have seen these actions play out from the onset of the Presidential campaign. Her moodiness, her pissy faces, her disrespect.

    Therefore, think about this -- for Piper to have remained in the school system, she 'does' know manners, how to act respectfully of people and to not act out in the appearance of bullying and even the pissy faces as teachers do correct kids for that too.

    So you can't tell me to feel sorry for a kid acting out as a total brat in that she has to have the skills to act properly in public in order to remain the school system but chooses not to.

  113. F J Dandy9:52 AM

    I'm thinking Toad went back home to get the baby (except he's not so much of a baby now)...time for Quittypants to drag around her 'sympathy prop' as the 10 year old female prop is not going along with the scam.

  114. Anonymous10:04 AM

    @ 6:14 said:

    "I think the phenomenon going on here is dealing with a mentally ill person by family who have little resources in such dealings, or who beleive mental illness is a weakness, or who have just learned to handle Sarah's illness over the years in this way. Let her have and do whatever the hell she wants. It is a sign of lack of education or embarassment by the illness, but they really , when you get down t it, have done a stellar job in keeping things going. It's a really f'ed up situation, but it is fooling a heck of alot of people.
    How sad though that the parents and the husband never got her the help she really needs, becasue they have really continued this illness into the next generation. Not only do some of the kids have Sarah's shitty genes, they have her environment as well. TOXIC combo."

    I think how they deal with Sarah's mental illness is that they all have to take turns with her. I'm serious. Looks like Piper and Sarah's parents drew the short straws this time.

  115. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Wait, what?... Willer will be home-skooled by the genius herself? Her mom? By Sarah?
    Well, well...hmmm.
    Uh, that's it. I got nothin'. That's the punchline.

  116. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Wow. Worst. Mom. Ever.

    Let the poor girl go home. She is being trampled by reporters, ignored by mom, dad is nowhere to be seen. What the heck is Palin think...oh, right.

  117. lilly lily10:44 AM

    Piper is whiney,

    BUT she doesn't seem to realize that the reporters have their jobs and interviewing a very obviously anxious to please the press Sarah, Her mother is rushing towards them, aiming to charm. Desperate in fact. And Piper wants her mothers attention, and wants to do things that SHE would find interesting. She is disrespectful of her grandmother, of her mother, of the reporters, and is possibly a bully in school, when she does attend.

    To a degree she has always been a very over indulged child whose mother uses her for a shield and a crutch. This for years. Palin counts on Piper softening people like stupid reporters up. And most of us have a soft spot for kids. Unless they are bratty. And Piper has become a brat.

    How could she be nice kid at this stage? It isn't in the cards, unless she is kept out of the limelight, leads a normal life for the next few years.

    Do you see that? I don't.

    Curtis Menard warned Sarah just befor his tragic death to pay attention to her children. That was when Piper was an infant.

  118. Anonymous11:02 AM

    As a person who was raised by a mother with NPD, I do sometimes feel badly that Toad doesn't do more to protect his kids. My dad chose and continues to choose to love and protect my mother over his own children. But then with the Palin's, it is quite possible that 3 out of 5 kids aren't even Toad' no wonder he abdicates responsibility in shielding them from their mentally ill mama.

  119. I know some of you think she's a brat and she may be but good for her for calling out her dumbass mother on this bullshit. Media whores need to be called out. While all this is entertaining for some of us I wish they'd turn the cameras off and ignore this foolish woman for the sake of her kids and our country as a whole.

  120. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Anonymous said...
    to 6:14. or you have no idea what you're talking about.

    6:39 AM

    This was always my mentally ill mother's classic response when calling her on her shit.

  121. Anonymous11:11 AM

    TPMMuckraker has this sovereign citizen report.

    A 'sovereign citizen' in Pensacola, Florida allegedly opened fire at a seafood market after learning that they had run out of crawfish.

    42 year-old Larry Wayne Kelly allegedly fired upon the L&T Seafood Market with an AK-47 from the window of his pickup truck, after he was told they had sold out of crawfish on Sunday.

    Luckily the store was closed when 11fornone plot was launched.

    Employees found 11 bullet holes in the front of the store the next morning.

    Fortunately no law enforcement officers were injured while making the arrest.

    When law enforcement tracked him down and tried to arrest him on foot, Kelly allegedly attempted to hit them with his car. According to the Sheriffs Department, four loaded guns were found in Kelly's car, including a 12-gauge shotgun, a pistol, and a revolver.

    Also found:

    The book "The Sociopath Next Door" was also found. Kelly told law enforcement that he is a sovereign citizen (someone who believes that almost all forms of government in the U.S. are illegitimate), and that he doesn't have to follow the law.

  122. Anonymous11:14 AM

    @10:04 said:

    "I think how they deal with Sarah's mental illness is that they all have to take turns with her. I'm serious. Looks like Piper and Sarah's parents drew the short straws this time."

    And if she somehow wins the presdiency, then the family can just go an a rill vacation while they leave Sarah at the White House.! They are SOOO looking forward to this.

  123. At anon 6:42am, I've personally seen Piper on school field trips where she looked incredibly sad to me. So I'd say this is a fairly valid representation of how the poor girl feels on a regular basis.

  124. Wonder what Sarah says to Piper after "Roll up the windows!"

    Looked mean.

  125. You know, Piper is showing remarkable restraint in my opinion. She is a little girl and is obviously fed up with this whole thing. Can't say I blame her one bit.

    Piper is really acting her age, and is not being a brat or a diva. She's being a typical kid who's had enough and is no longer able to hide it. I feel very, very sorry for this little girl. Her childhood is being used as a prop for her mother's political gain.

  126. Anonymous12:24 PM

    What disturbs me the most about Piper body checking the journalist is the fact that she felt the need to do it in the first place and Palin just stood there.

    As a mother I would be the one protecting my child from being too close to a strange man, not the other way around...

    Its sick

  127. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I rest my case about those who describe Piper as "hilarious" and "ballsy" as delusional up is down. They also believe this orchestrated patriot branding 'chase me' tour is a family vacation and educational.

    I can agree it has had educational value to learn who and what family to not elect to any governing position.

    Greetings to others who had the misfortune born to or encountering the mentally ill self absorbed and/or that portrayed everything and people in polar extremes.

    This political and political action advertised and sponsored tour is NOT a family vacation. Even last summers family adventures were paid for by a production company.

    The parents releasing lies in preemptive strikes for their children is so the parents look good using even behavioral problems to spin how F'ing perfect and special they are. Smoke and mirrors (lies claiming things are the opposite).

  128. Anonymous1:44 PM


    Welcome to the midwest. I hope you enjoy your time in Wisconsin this summer as much as we do. I'm a FIB (Friggin Illinois Bastard) but I spend my summers up in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Love it!

    If you need a DNR campground that's very pretty, try Kettle Moraine Southern Unit near Whitewater Lake. Hot showers are not in that campground, they are at other area but if you don't mind driving 15 mins. to hot showers, you will love the beautiful seclusion of the Whitewater Lake campground. Site 763 is nice if you don't have a pet along with you.

  129. Track - vandalised school buses.

    Bristol - unwed teen mom.

    Willow - vandalised property.

    Piper - rude, petulant in public (no delinquent behaviour....yet)

    One child acting up = black sheep of the family. We all have those. 2 kids acting up = bad luck, misfortune. All four kids acting up? Disturbing pattern indicating bad parenting.

  130. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Piper is probably used to not attending school by now & dosen't miss it. With all the $$$ the Palins have made, none of the family will ever need to work - they'll all latch on to some kind of LLC like Bristol
    has. One reason Sarah's parents & sisters make themselves permemantly
    on-call to babysit & as (prop)travel
    companions for her is - I'm only
    guessing) the money & gifts she
    likely bestows on them for their services. Otherwise, her sisters'
    husbands would not allow themselves to be used by her. Sally doesn't appear to have any personality or input about anything. Odd bunch.

    Sharon TN

  131. Is everybody ready to PUKE?!?!?!
    At "the Bunker Hill monument, Palin used Piper's back to sign autographs for starstruck schoolchildren." Here's the vid:

  132. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I think Piper body checked the reporters under orders of Palin so she could fall and blame it on the Lamestream media for hurting her child. Typical basketball move for catching a foul.

  133. hedgewytch6:01 PM

    Wasilla rumour has it that Willow wasn't just taken out of school on a whim of Sarah's, it was pretty much either you voluntarily take her out, or we'll expel her due to her complete disrespect for the teachers and disrupting class.

  134. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I recall watching a show on KTOO a few years back where the former first ladies went to a luncheon hosted by the first gentlemen at the Governor's Mansion.

    The two youngest Palin girls were there (Track and Bristol were absent for some reason? I think I know why, but that's just rumor) and I distinctly remember thinking that the youngest really needed a sound spanking. If I had behaved like that at any kind of function, let alone one with dignitaries, my parents would have corrected me immediately and there would have been consequences later to ensure that I wouldn't pull that kind of nonsense again.

    Instead, the parents allowed the her to continue the inappropriate behavior. Finally Bella Hammond discretely let Piper know that her behavior was inappropriate. Piper modified her behavior a bit after a few words from Bella. Though I never knew her, Bella Hammond always struck me as a wonderful woman.

    This was the spring or early summer of 2008, and let's just say I saw the writing on the wall. I have little confidence in Sarah and Todd's parenting skills.

    These kids don't seem to have been taught any manners or respect and I doubt their parents ever disciplined them. Worse yet, their parents didn't seem to even acknowledge their children's behavior.

    I don't know if it was a lack of situational awareness, lack of parenting skills, lack of class or that the parents were so self absorbed that they only focused on themselves and not their children, but Piper was obviously a child out of control at seven or eight years old. Things don't seem to have changed much.

    I tried finding it on youtube to refresh my memory, but couldn't find it. It's likely been scurried away since it didn't show the Palins in a very good light.

    Does anyone else recall seeing this and thinking the same thing or was it just me?

  135. Anonymous6:42 PM


    That isn't much of a stretch of the imagination. Those kids have no manners or respect for anyone. I'm surprised it hasn't gotten them beat to the deck by some kid who really is tough and not going to take that kind of crap from them.

    Track may have learned this in the military. Some bad ass killer who doesn't really care if he goes to the brig or not likely set him straight.

  136. Anonymous7:02 PM

    It is so funny that the bots praise Piper for shielding her mother from the big, bad press. Sarah runs to the press and now is making sure they know were they are going. In that interview in the car (where it really looked as though her drugs had kicked in) Palin was drooling (almost literally with that tongue action going on) over how wonderful the press is.

    Piper is trying to get between her mother and the press she pants for or she is trying to get her mother away from the press or she is trying to get the window closed so press can't get to her mother from that direction.

  137. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Ha Ha Ha, Willow "homeschooled" is that what they call mono now?

    Who's home to "home school" Willow? And sister Bristol gives her incentive to hang in there, the minute she turns 18, she can move in with her.

    Anyone else thinking this isn't a bright idea?

    I hope Willow learns to read and write, of all the palin posse, She's the only one with the cajones to stand up to Sarah and expose her lies. Sarah's met her match! She'll just have to grit her teeth and bear it.


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