Wednesday, June 22, 2011

In completely unforeseen shocker Sarah Palin quits her One Nation bus tour. What? Who could have predicted something like this?

Courtesy of Real Clear Politics:

When Palin launched her "One Nation" bus tour on Memorial Day amid a swirl of media attention and excitement from her fervent fan base, many political observers who had once dismissed her were reminded of the jolt that her candidacy could provide to what has thus far been a relatively sleepy GOP nominating fight.

As Palin toured historical sites along the East Coast, she was clearly reveling in the tangible excitement she'd ginned up: She even eagerly answered questions -- from the denizens of the "lamestream" media -- ranging from matters of political process to an array of issues facing the nation.

In an apparent repudiation to those who dismissed her trip as a mere publicity stunt, Palin's openness with reporters about her intentions to visit Iowa and South Carolina -- in addition to her highly scrutinized stop in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire -- lent credence to her repeated assertions that she was indeed seriously considering a White House bid.

Though Palin and her staff never announced a timeline for the remaining legs of her trip, aides had drafted preliminary itineraries that would have taken her through the Midwest and Southeast at some point this month. But those travel blueprints are now in limbo, RCP has learned, as Palin and her family have reverted to the friendly confines of summertime Alaska, where the skies are currently alight for over 19 hours a day and the Bristol Bay salmon fishing season is nearing its peak.

As Palin enjoys her sojourn to the 49th state, she has not reconnected with key early-state figures like Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, and she may have jeopardized whatever political momentum she gained from her recent reemergence in the 2012 discussion. Her political action committee's website still greets visitors with a stale banner, announcing the nationwide bus tour beginning "[t]his Sunday, May 29th."

More than a few of Palin's core supporters have grown impatient and confused about her strategy, venting their frustration on Internet fan sites.

Okay quick who had "she will quit after the first week" in the "Immoral Minority guess when Sarah Palin disappoints her supporters yet again " office pool? 

So what do you think made Sarah quit this time?  Could it have been her embarrassing Paul Revere history screw up?  Or the fact that virtually her entire family deserted her less than halfway through the trip? (Except for poor Piper of course.) Or could it have been that she was made aware of just how she would be received in places like, oh let's say South Carolina?

Ouch! That has to sting.

So after being taken for yet ANOTHER ride by this batshit crazy woman, only this time a bus ride, how are her supporters feeling today?



  1. effin' loser. quitter. media whore. child abuser. history mangler. phony angler. phony hunter. lip smacker. and tongue sticker.

  2. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I think Snowdrift Snookie was afraid she would melt in the South Carolina summer heat.

  3. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I truly think that she is becoming too unstable to perform for her masters for more than a week at a time. And I would NOT be surprised if we learned that in the cases where she has seemingly "disappeared" that she is retreating to a "spa" (wink wink) and yes by "spa" I mean a mental health facility.

  4. Snark much Gryphen? Lol. "What? Who could have predicted something like this?" Love it. QUITTER!

  5. Anonymous7:32 AM

    This again confirms my suspicion that she is bi-polar. She embarks on great adventures, but then quickly loses interest. I believe her medical condition is the big secret that is being covered up. The fact that McCain and the RNC picked a candidate who is mentally unstable would ruin their reputations if it was ever confirmed. I am not a medical professional, but have dealt with family members with this illness. Her dealings with her family ring all sorts of alarm bells for me.

  6. Wow, that girl's got talent. That was wonderfully funny and true.

  7. Anonymous7:39 AM

    She's melting, she's melting!

  8. Anonymous7:42 AM

    she reminds me of that over the top dude on jay leno, who looovves to do red carpet interviews, cant think of his name

  9. Anonymous7:43 AM

    The meth just wore off! Thanks to all of the people for their honesty, and oh btw $carah, people in other states feel the same way.

  10. Anonymous7:46 AM

    That dog should be pissing all over that grave marker.

  11. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Tell us what you really think!

  12. Anonymous7:47 AM


  13. Anonymous7:49 AM

    To sjk from the belly of the plane: SING IT GIRL!!!

  14. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Well, Willow has a job, Bristol has a son, Todd probably accompanied Willow, then returned to AZ for the events that unfolded there (ie roadtrip up to AK)

    I have a feeling the Bus tour never was a long term planned thing given Bristol's tour approaching and summer events.

  15. Anonymous7:50 AM

    That video from SC is hilarious! Has anyone checked in on TeamSarah and Sea of Pee today? Wondering how they are taking the news of Sarah quitting on them yet again. Heads will explode.

  16. Nancy in New York7:51 AM

    My guess for the midway quit (again) is because she's going to to be tutored by Piper's fifth grade teacher in basic American History.

  17. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Where's the tweet? Where's the tweet? She immediately tweeted when someone said she was announcing this week.

  18. ann_s7:53 AM

    I just feel she may be bi-polar and there are many many people taking advantage out of their own greed. I have dealt with someone like this who did amazing impossible things that she really was unqualified for when she was "having an episode"(books written, videos made......and on and on to promote herself) and then would crumble. Eventually she self-destructed after hurting many people and buying three houses in 4 days. Her lack of mores became escalated during these episodes to the point of danger to herself and others. Mind you, I had personal contact with this person for one week and all of these things happened.

  19. Anonymous7:55 AM

    maybe when she realized those 10's of people wanting to see her weren't enough to feed her ego daily Of course can you imagine the new questions...why did you allow your 16 yr old daughter to NOT live in Juneau with you? Why was your "christian" daughter trading sex for gifts from boys? ---BTW Brisket was there a different price tag of a "gift" for a Blow job and intercourse?
    Why did you and Tawd let your slutty drunken daughter run around without supervision.

  20. Anonymous7:59 AM

    It turned out that no one on Palin's staff got past the first three chapters in their American HIstory class in school. They didn't know about the Louisiana Purchase, The Oregon Trail, Tha Alamo or that California (not to mention Arizona, New Mexico and Texas) once belonged to Mexico.

    I also don't think that Sarah raised too much money, and the publicity she got was for all the wrong reasons. Way to go, Sarah, one more thing to add to the Quitter List of Things to Quit.

  21. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Rats! was planning on taking vacation to AZ and renting plane to take aerial photos of Sarah floating in the pool.

  22. "In an apparent repudiation to those who dismissed her trip as a mere publicity stunt..." Uh, excuse me. That is "reFudiation." How many colleges did YOU attend?

  23. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn8:05 AM

    But, wait...didn't she quit this dog and pony show alread...uh, no? She was going to make another triumphal tour with the Partridge Family Bus from Hell? Oh, right--we all know that Missus Commitment never goes back on her word, always sees things through to the end, and is all for Truth, Justice and The American Way. So the Bots will tell you as they scrounge for change under the sofa cushions to send to their Queen Bee.

    My prediction: the Bots' latest hopeful hallucination will be to insist that Sarah™ socked this leg of the trip to prepare for the big "announcement" they're all waiting for. Or to be with her family, since they mean "so much" to her, and she'll gear up to run in 2016. Meanwhile, she'll continue to preach the Palin Gospel to her herd of needy sheeple and keep raking in the "phat cheddar."

  24. Anonymous8:06 AM

    OMG - do you know how much it must have cost just for the design and execution for the "look at me" bus crap?

    Fiscal conservative my ass!

    Think about that you bots! She is wasting your money as fast as you can give it to her.

    I think your delusion is coming to an end.

  25. Anonymous8:07 AM


    Bristol's tour? You mean her book "tour"? She's booked at the MOA in MN and somewhere in AZ. You call that a tour?

    And she was cagey about continuing the "tour", making noise about IA and SC for two... then Toad bailed, any reason ever given for that? Anyone actually seen Toad lately? Then Brisket left, Willow never showed, Track is off somewhere and the babies? Where are the babies? Especially Trig. Where is Trig Sara or Bristol. Whichever one of you is the mother needs to step up and be a mother to that baby.

  26. Anonymous8:07 AM

    My theories:

    1) She wasn't getting enough donations to keep from having to actually pay for some of the family vacation out of her own pocket.

    2) She was miffed that no more than a hundred or so people were showing up to see her even with advance notice.

    3) She's a quitter.

  27. Where's the shot of the dog lifting his leg on the tombstone?

  28. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    That dog should be pissing all over that grave marker.

    7:46 AM

    He's worried if he hikes his leg to pee that he and his penis will be accused of rape.

  29. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Maybe she needed a new influx of cash from her admirers?

    They all thought it was a sign that she was going to run so they ran to their banks as fast as they could to send it to her.

    Pretty sad when you think about it;)

  30. angela8:16 AM

    C'mon Gryphen,
    Sarah is like one of those zombies that lose an arm, leg and head but keeps on dragging their mutilated corpse through the countryside because there's a check to be picked up, . . . errrr a body part to be reconnected by a witch doctor she keeps locked up in her tacky clothes closet.

    Anyway, isn't she gearing up to terrify the poor Sudanese people?

  31. Anonymous8:16 AM

    That video is awesome. Must be hard to be a bot. Wake up every day with a new Sarah Snafu to defend.

    They better not be going to their Doctors looking for free healthcare to treat their carpal tunnel!

  32. Boy oh Piper going to be ever-so-pissed-off! Now her second part of her psuedo vacation is RUINED!

  33. Anonymous8:21 AM

    7:50:"Well, Willow has a job, Bristol has a son, Todd probably accompanied Willow, then returned to AZ for the events that unfolded there (ie roadtrip up to AK)

    I have a feeling the Bus tour never was a long term planned thing given Bristol's tour approaching and summer events."

    Much obliged for your explanation!! Not.

  34. Anonymous8:25 AM

    As more rats leave the sinking S.S.Palin, her bots are frantically posting night and day to keep funds rolling into SarahPac. They are simply pathetic and follow her like the Jim Jones' cult members followed him. I couldn't believe the number of them commenting on the Real Clear Politics site.

    LOL at the fact that they sent out a mass mailing pushing the Undefeated video prior to the theater release if someone gives $100.00 to her PAC. Any takers? Can you imagine how much fun an early release of various snippets would be on websites?

  35. Anonymous8:25 AM

    All of the above. Add in that PAC money is being looked at by the legal eagles.

  36. Anonymous8:27 AM

    One might assume Sarah has fallen into the bipolar depressive state and is curled up in a catatonic state watching reruns of bridal shows and eating Crunch Wrap Supremes.

  37. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Yikes! The "drunken, slutty daughter" meme is ALL OVER the interwebs today, even front page Google news! Lock up your daughters and keep them away from ANY Palin influence! I think the Massey brothers might want to re-consider having Bristol promote their charity. Camp Palin is becoming a media joke.

  38. Anonymous8:29 AM

    We watched as members of sarah´s nuclear family quit their ¨family vacation.¨

    Now sarah herself has quit her ¨family vacation.¨

    sarah´s secret political weapon, the padded bra, so effective in middle school, failed.

  39. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Over at Real Clear Politics, it was funny to see the Bachmann and Palin supporters get into it. The cat fight has just begun and Bachmann starts her campaign on Monday. The Palinbots are calling Bachmann a bible thumping loony who hides in bushes. Agreed, but how in the world is this any different than the Wacko from Wasilla?

  40. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Forgot to add, QUITTER!!

    Maybe they ran out of PAC money. Might be why they are offering the movie dvd for only a $100. Bargain! Special price to you loyal fans only!!


  41. Anonymous8:31 AM


  42. Warrior898:32 AM

    Oh, I'm sure she'll pop up here in Iowa when her crazy twin makes her official presidential announcement. She's just reloading, don't you know?

  43. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I agree completely with Anonymous @ 7:32 a.m

    her family, especially Chuck the dad really rings the bells. His past comments on his kid's underwear, and sex appeal are wayyyy out there.

    Granny PAYlin is always mouthing off about rape. Her insane comment about peeping into Piper's bedroom was the confirmation that something was likely going.

    Granny Palin Grifter, if you (or your kids) are reading this, go get some professional mental help. You need it more than most.

  44. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Does she have to settle the lawsuit with the owner of the One Nation pac before she can take her bus back on the road?

  45. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I guess her acolytes met her fundraising expectations during the SarahPac Bus Tour, so she didn't feel the need to continue the farce.

  46. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Are Sara's faithful waiting for her still unknown BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! like the tinfoil hatters were waiting for the Rapture? Could that be what the Rapture is? Sara is going to ascend to the heavens?

    She's too good for us mortals anyway

  47. Anonymous8:39 AM

    OMG! Betsy rocked that Sarah Palin video!! She did a great job mocking the Palinbots!! Just Priceless!!

  48. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Maybe the "One Nation" theme orginal copywright owner's lawyer asked her to remove the bus wrap; a new one would have cost her thousands and she wasn't up to it. And on top of that, she felt the sting of some dissenters in the crowds. Or maybe it dawned on her that, like "Clark Griswold's" family "Vacation", that it was time to just go home because no one was buying it.

    The Paul Revere saga also would have stung her thin skin and with news that possibly her AZ home seller's authenticity is questionable, she (only human, yes, bots, only human) could only take so she quit.

    One more possibility - maybe she's expecting some disreputable news to soon come out of her family's closet.

  49. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Great video!!!!

    I can not recall where I saw this info, but Sarah and her PAC were being taken to task for trademark violation/infringement for the use of "One Nation" and the possible penalty in addition to a fine could be forfeiture of the bus.

    So maybe no more bus tours.

    Cathy Colorado

  50. Anonymous8:42 AM

    3,060,648 Youtube views of the Paul Revere gaffe in just 3 short weeks:

    How many of her advisors quit after this display of mental instability? And how scary was it when she found out how fascinated people were with this? She probably has been sedated for weeks now.

  51. Someone told her that Iowa was not one of the thirteen colonies, so like Emily Latela, she said, "oh, never mind."

  52. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    7:50:"Well, Willow has a job, Bristol has a son, Todd probably accompanied Willow, then returned to AZ for the events that unfolded there (ie roadtrip up to AK)

    Is Willow working in Tawds prostitution business, or demo-ing houses?

  53. Fairy tale troll, Bristle's tour is a two-stop tour. MOA and a mall in Phoenix. woohoo. MOA is where that guy threw tomatoes at Sarah. Perhaps something similar will happen to Bristle.

  54. carrieoki8:49 AM

    My pet theory is that Palin or one of her peeps read in several places on the Internet that the IRS would be made aware that her use of the tour/bus provided with SarahPAC funds could be construed as income.

  55. Anonymous8:51 AM

    BETSY - YOU ROCK! Wow. I LOVE that video and all the folks she got on camera!

  56. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I think that Sarah's biggest life dream was to meet with Donald Trump. She felt she "arrived" and no other feat can compare.

    Also, I think I read where Michele Bachmann referred to her husband as "first dude". So MB is usurping Sarah's spot and Sarah's plotting revenge.

  57. Anonymous8:58 AM

    She even eagerly answered questions -- from the denizens of the "lamestream" media -- ranging from matters of political process to an array of issues facing the nation. to an array of issues facing the nation.

    OMG indeed! What substantive questions has Sarah Palin ever answered?? What substantive answers has she ever given? None and none! How our pathetic media lies!! They are just begging her to run by teeing her up as a credible candidate. How sad that journalism has fallen so far.

  58. Ratfish9:00 AM

    She had to get Bristol a supply of wine coolers for her summer camping trips.

    And don't worry- the bus tour will resume- this time to promote Bristol's book. The new bus wrap will feature pictures of Bristol en flagrant with Levi in the tent, andgiving the McCains "the big middle finger" behind their backs.

  59. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Agree with 7:32 am.

  60. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I wonder if the QUITTER will quit her trip to Sudan next month.

    UN says 73,000 flee Sudan border state fighting

  61. Anonymous9:10 AM

    "Does anybody - ANYBODY like Sarah Palin??" and the black dude standing in back of her motions "NO!"

    One of the funniest SP video's I have seen yet! Thanks, Gryphen! I will add it to my list of clips I watch when I want to smile.

  62. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I watched that whole video, that girl did a fantastic job. Thanks for sharing that.

  63. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Sarah thought that she could pull a campaign off all on her own. Her scattered organizational skills left her floundering at the gate. For example, her "One Nation" blog encouraged people to send their pix of how they spent Memorial Day and included a couple pictures of her sister w/ kids but there was no follow-through with postings of pictures that her fans must have sent in (or else no one sent any, which is not a good sign, either. I mean, if Sarah cared, her past record shows that she would have at least made up some pictures to make it look like she had some fans.) She was way in over her head and has showed no good reasons to be taken seriously, ever really, although some critics thought she had potential. The fact is, she didn't and that has become obvious on the national stage, even though she was able to cash in on people's hopes very effectively.

  64. Calli Pygian9:20 AM

    That is just too freakin' funny. That girl is precious, LOL. Hope she continues in comedy, I think she'll do well.

    As usual, thanks, Gryphen!

  65. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Gryphen, I don't think I've giggled this much reading the comments of any post in a long time. There is pure glee in the air.......LOL The witch is dead, the witch is dead.......well dying anyway. Politically speaking that is :)

  66. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Palin could win an Emmy

    2. TLC submitted it into "best reality program". Palin has repeatedly and passionately claimed it's not a reality show, but instead, a documentary -- a distinction she rapped Karl Rove for failing to make when he questioned whether starring in a reality show would affect her gravitas.

    When pressed, Rove threw Palin a bone on the categorization, but wouldn't back off his original criticism.

    "She took offense at the characterization of her reality show. I'll accept that it's a travelogue heralding Alaska through the experiences of family.

    My point was this: I'm an analyst for Fox. I'm called upon to analyze how people are positioning themselves to run for President, and I said I didn't see how this television show on Discovery Channel helped position her to run for President."

    It now seems Rove was probably right -- TLC did view this as a reality show; not a documentary.

    Is its categorization a big deal? No. But Palin certainly made a huge one out of it.

  67. Enjay in E MT9:24 AM

    What a waste of Bus Wrap & Gas!

    IF she decides to 'vacation' again while visiting the lower 48 states - specifically those PRIMARY states - am sure (other than Piper) she'll be doing it with her parents or alone.

    Also, if she decides to enter the race - she will probably be doing THAT alone too. Do believe her family has had ENOUGH!

  68. Anonymous9:24 AM

    RATFISH! We need a photo of that bus. LOL

  69. Just looking through these comments and am wondering how her children will ever forgive her for the way the world looks at them. She has done unbearable damage to her entire family. All she had to do was be nice and so much of this would have been avoided. Very very sick.

  70. Anonymous9:27 AM

    OMG!!! This whole post with the Betsy video & the photo at the end ... is so unflippinbelievably funny that my sides are killing me from laughing.

    A++ Gyph


  71. Gasman9:30 AM


    This doesn't change my mind about her running, but it certainly does illustrate my opinion about her "shoot from the hip now, think never" style of strategic planning.

    She has no fucking idea what she is doing, but that won't stop her.

    "Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"

    You go girl!

  72. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Prb had to quit cause she is being sued for the slogan on her bus and tour. Quittypants strikes again!

  73. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The reality is Sarah could care less if Piper was in misery or anything else that should have caused her to shut down her freak show on wheels.

    The main reason, if not the only reason is she Q U I T is her abuse of PAC funds was exposed. No way granny grifter would pay to put gas in that rv out of her own pocket.

    If I were a warrior I would be beyond pissed off right now at reading that Sarah is holed up in Alaska in her houseS or at her cabinS or sitting on the lake enjoying some iced tea while her mansion sits vacant I paod for...although I would never be one of those retards to have given her a penny let alone 2012 of them.

  74. FEDUP!!!9:34 AM

    SJK: You forgot CON, Grifter, tax Cheater, Bully. (All with capital letters!)

  75. hedgewytch9:37 AM

    Of course she quit; first there's that whole "One Nation" copyright infringement thingy on the bus decor, then she didn't get the indulgement and fawning that she expected - OMG she even got asked QUESTIONS that she was expected to ANSWER - CORRECTLY (Palin didn't realize there might be a quiz on her vacation), the Park Service might be sending her a large bill for their services, and she got a few police officers shaking their fingers at her drivers for the way they were driving through tourist-laden towns.

    If it looks like its gonna cost Palin time, money and praise, she'll drop it like a hot rock. And she did.

  76. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Sorry if someone else has already mentioned that Bristol will be on GMA on Monday to start her book tour, and if you go to and look up her book, you can search inside it by clicking the "search inside" link on the left side and pretty much read most of the crap being spewed there.
    Also, there are many pictures at the end.

    Actually, I find it sad that a girl would publish this stuff about herself and why would she?
    There are other things people do to make money to support themselves,like get a real job!

  77. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Very funny video!

    OT: Gryph, Can you tell me how Shailey Tripp can start a blog and practically yell at the top of her lungs that Todd Palin and powerful men are involved in prostitution in AK and absolutely no one in the media is willing to investigate? The misstatements of the APD alone make it a case to be investigated either by media or law enforcement (state or fed).

  78. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Woooooo.... ha ha ha ..... what a dumb shit...... Palin's house of cards is collapsing.

    I would like to take credit and say I told you so, but I can't.
    9/10ths of America predicated that Sarah's family vacation is going to be a failure, LOL LOL LOL

    Isn't there anything that the Palin family does that is considered successful?

    People in Wasilla would like to tell that family to get their asses out of town. They've done enough damage to our finances. Our town is up to its eyeballs in debt because of Sarah Palin's lack of management skills. We had to put up with her retarded kids terrorizing our town which they were never held accountable for their actions. Now Todd may be running a prostitution ring in our state.

    Leave us alone!

  79. Anonymous9:41 AM

    OTOH, doesn't she intend to soon take a trip to Sudan and help those unfortunate, starving people? And cuddle up with Lady Thatcher?

    Oh, never mind...

  80. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Anon @ 8:31

    You took all the words right out of my mouth!

    Oh hey, there's one left-

    QUITTER :)

  81. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I'm going to miss Sarah's classes on America history. It was like watching a train wreck in real time.

  82. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Can't run. Won't run. Got her eyes done.

  83. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I've thought for quite a while that SP had some mental illness. But today (and I'm not quite sure exactly what it was) I'm seeing a picture of a pathetic person with limited control over her actions being used by some (with power), and worshiped by others.
    I suspect that all the attention she has garnered has made her illness worse.
    This doesnt' mean that I don't find her actions dangerous to some, and harmful to the democratic process. Probably the best antidote is sunshine - for which Gryphen and others (but not including all those who you think might be included) have worked valiantly.
    But I can no longer revel in seeing her demise - although I wish it to come quickly. I feel like I am watching something very tragic. Tragic for Sarah, her family, her community, and our nation. And while I don't think it will end in her physical death, like a Shakespearean tragedy it will end with harm to many others along with her political demise. And while I do not revel in her demise, I might be pleased to see the political demise of those with power, and without illness, who enabled and encouraged SP.

  84. Anonymous9:47 AM

    The Palin summer vacation is officially over because Willow approached Sarah and asked if she could skip the next leg of the family trip and wanted to know if she could go camping with her friend's family. Willow also asked Sarah for some birth control pills to help her with her cramps.

    Damn it Bristol, you screwed it up for the rest of the girls in your family!

  85. Ratfish9:50 AM

    Massachusetts State Police DNA Tests Confirm Missing Woman Run Over By Palin Bus

    BOSTON- In a stunning development this afternoon, Massachusetts State Police announced that human material found embedded in the tire treads of the Palin "One Nation" bus has been identified as that of a missing Palin aide.

    State Police spokesman David Procopio said: "The DNA tests confirm within 99.9999% reliability that the human material found on the tire treads were the remains of Rebecca A. Mansour." Ms. Mansour, also known as RAM, is a close Palin aide who disappeared after tweeting negative comments about the Palin children in May.

    State Police spokesman Procopio said that State Police stopped the bus shortly after the bus crossed the state line from New Hampshire because the bus had been driving erratically. He said: "A State Trooper saw the bus swerve suddenly to the right, and then quickly recover. However, the bus appeared to be wobbly. The Trooper stopped the bus, and upon closer examination, it appeared that the front axle had been been bent due to a high impact with an unknown object. The bus was then hauled off to the State Crime Lab for a closer examination."

    Procopio said that warrants have been issued for all persons who were believed to be on the bus, including Sarah and Todd Palin, Palin's parents Chuck and Sally Heath, and Palin's daughter, Palin. He said, "We will extradite from either Alaska or Arizona- we will get 'em all." Procopio said that the suspects would be held at the state jail in Revere.

  86. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Anon 7:32 here again. Here are a couple alarm bells that to me suggest bi-polar. Husband alerts staff what type of mood she is in for the day; youngest daughter is kept close to mom because youngest daughter comforts and stabilizes mom; family covers for broken commitments by blaming other parties. The way her staff is/was enamored of her. A bipolar person on an upswing can be charismatic and have dazzling plans that sweep normally logical people away. But something always happens and bipolar person turns with a vicious attack on those closest to her. Its frightening to see how much power she wields and how people who should be speaking up about her erratic behavior are still covering their asses.

  87. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Sarah can't face the public after having to rip the shrink wrap off the family bus because of trademark infringement.

    If she were to reappear with another shrink wrap slogan on her bus it would be a field day for bloggers to rip into Sarah again..... and again.... and again.

    Sarah is the gift that keeps on giving.

  88. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I'm shocked that she quit the bus tour. Shocked. But there were big decisions to make - you know how it is if you're an experienced executive. There was the "cease & desist using 'One Nation' or we'll own your damn bus" thingy, and there was the bell-ringer thing where anal-retentive people all over the world laughed at her because she got some stoopid details mixed up, and the Piper being unhappy on the 'vacation', then there was the publicity about the bus speeding and almost running over people. Oh yeah and then there was the report that her house in AZ might be an illegal sale. All "gotcha" situations cooked up by the lib-rul lamestream media. The whole political scene is just ... well, it's unflippinbelievable. :)

  89. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Granted, I live in a blue state, but I have yet to meet single person, not one, that would vote for Sarah Palin. But I know lots of people that really hate her.

  90. Ahhh..Gryphen you're being to hard on her...

    All $arah is doing is trying to demonstrate, to solidify in peoples minds that she really IS a quitter.

    She is so disappointed that so many of her followers do not believe it that she is on a campaign to PROVE it, once and for all!

  91. Anonymous9:56 AM

    "Let's just say Track was an 'abstinence only' advocate when it came to his sisters, and he was ready to enforce that philosophy with his fists," Bristol writes

    He WAS an abstinence only, not any more? What happened, is Bristol's whoring around too much fight time out of his busy schedule fcking around himself, cutting bus lines, selling his grammy's Oxycotin?

    I am way curious to know if Track WAS an advocate for his sisters does that mean to say Willow was also screwing around. How old would Willow have been, because right there Bristol says sisters and unless Track has another (Like Todd's love child or a sib by Menard) she can only be talking about Willow.

  92. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Hey Gryphen I think you need some bonding time with nature. Go over to that campground across the lake from Palin's house. With all the natural light near 24/7 you should be able to get a good look at Todd dumping Sarah's...things into the water.

  93. Anonymous9:59 AM

    You have to wonder if someone slapped her upside the head and reminded her that even though SaraPAC paid for all the expenses she was calling it a vacation which means she has to declare it as income and can't deduct it as a business expense. Whoops! Once again, mouth in front of thought.

  94. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Interesting to compare bots today here versus yesterday about Brisket. Hardly a peep here today

  95. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Headline on CNN

    Bristol Palin's "Stolen" virginity

    I simply could NOT click on to that article.

    She is full of moosechit, you betcha.

  96. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Say it ain't so, I was saving the rotten tomatoes just for the quitter.

  97. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The bots at C4P are starting to eat each other.

    Probably in hierarchical order based on IQ, her fans are starting to say things like: "I want to donate to a candidate, not a PAC" and then are immediately beset by scurrying ratlike creatures screeching ridiculous things like: "after all Sarah's done for you? You're pathetic."

    (I wonder what exactly Sarah HAS done for any of them? Anyone have any ideas?)

    Others are suggesting that if you can't afford $100, support Sarah by going to see her movie for $12. I don't think they understand what "limited release" means. 99% of the bots would have to spend a LOT more than $100 in gas to find a theater playing Undefeated...

  98. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Jesus the first real threat from a warrior against Sarah. Times are a changing. She better stay in Alaska or announce right quick to settle the loonies down.

    Let's send a clear message to the ESTABLISHMENT and even Sarah: The base will stay home if other than Palin is the GOP nominee!!

    If Sarah becomes just a cheerleader for any of these losers she will pay the price for bretraying US.

    Trump is ready to make Obama a two terms president if Sarah is not the nominee!! You listen????

  99. Anonymous10:05 AM

    re: Bristol's book. Why would anyone want to write about how they lost their virginity? Why did she smear Cindy and Meghan McCain? Bristol is so terribly classless and clueless. Who is advising her???

  100. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Lucy@9:46 AM

    I agree with you.

  101. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Awww look they are going over to flood Amazon now.

    Guys'n Gals! It seems the wacko-slimes at Pgates and Co. has decided to attack the Amazon pages for Bristols new book.

    Could some of our All American Troopers for Palin here, bookmark that page, and spend some time to counter the non-functioning-brain-slimes that seem to want to make the book having less stars than it deserves? Perhaps your own good and decent reviews?

    Bristol's book at Amazon ->


  102. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Besty is in my hometown, ha ha. There's hope for SC.

  103. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Geoffrey Dunn's excellent biography of Palin
    "The Lies of Sarah Palin " documents
    the repeated pattern of Palin abandoning commitments and
    failing to show up at scheduled
    campaign events , meetings , forums, etc.
    She did this so often as an elected official in Wasilla
    and later as a half term Governor
    that she was known
    as " No Show Palin ."
    Page 78 " The Lies Of Sarah Palin "

    " The question " Where's Sarah ? " became a catchphrase during the campaign."
    Page 78

    " she missed enough campaign events to be tagged
    ' No Show Sarah ' by her opponents " page 123.

    Newt Gingrich may have broken FEC laws with his PACs to the point he may be facing legal consequences.
    Perhaps it may be dawning on Palin
    that a national PAC has much
    more stringent rules
    and regs than those of loosey goosey Alaska .
    She could skirt Alaska laws with impunity
    -it's not so easy on a national level.
    See John Edward's mug shot...

    Or , it could be that the prostitution ring
    allegations surrounding Todd may be more than allegations.
    And they're all going back into the bunker.

  104. Har.... Har.... Har.....

    Momma Monkey gets a spear thru the heart in South Carolina which is constantly competing with Tulsa to see how many churches they can have per city block...

    Kinda reminds me of an old Queen tune "Another one bites the dust".....

  105. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Of course she quit the bus tour, quitting is about all she has ever actually been qualified for....

  106. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Thanking Aunt Heather for taking her in.

    Thanking mom and dad for tough love.

    WTF thanking the dead boy. Does she think his family won't tell anyway?

  107. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Bristol: Take whatever money you receive from your reality show or book and make a life for yourself far away from your family. Your mother has said you were a good student so take my advice: Make school your job right now. Sign up for classes and for eight hours every day be on campus. Attend your classes and then for the rest of the eight hours go to the library and study. You will never regret earning a degree. Good luck.

  108. Anonymous10:14 AM

    From c4p:

    Junior Gomez [Moderator] 8 minutes ago
    Let's send a clear message to the ESTABLISHMENT and even Sarah: The base will stay home if other than Palin is the GOP nominee!!

    If Sarah becomes just a cheerleader for any of these losers she will pay the price for bretraying US.

    Trump is ready to make Obama a two terms president if Sarah is not the nominee!! You listen????

    Can you say they are worried? :)

  109. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Even "bad news" keeps Sarah front and center in the 24-hour news cycle.

  110. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Bristol, the loser pistol, is trying for the victim tour.

    Like a Virgin is her name for her next book.

  111. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Quitting again!

  112. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Sarah Palin said she would have to look at the lay of the land to decide whether or not she is going to run for president.

    Well it looks like Sarah has seen the lay of the land and it is her daughter Bristol.

    Sarah is not going to run for POTUS.

  113. GeorgiaMountainMan,

    I SWEAR I was just looking at cabin rentals in Blairsville!

  114. Virginia Voter10:24 AM

    If you cannot find one Palinbot on the street in Charleston, SC , it's safe to say Sarah Palin is 100% unelectable .

    And yes, she is bipolar , or at the very least manic depressive .

  115. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Temper tantrum?

    Drug run? Like she needed a refill?

  116. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Pusillanimous Palin parks and packs it in, miffed that the mainstream media has mostly moved on. The dimwit diva's departure demonstrates the dull dilletante doesn't deserve distinction. Her Facebook fame fading fast as her flesh flops, Fox will fire the feebleminded fool and her trivial twitters will taper to a trifle in no time.

  117. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I think we all knew she would not continue the "bus tour" for long. I do think she is bi-polar and that her manic phases are getting harder to manage and she crashes and burns pretty quickly now. Harder and harder to get her out of her WalMart jammies and into her bump-its and jackets.

    The money thing is also probably a factor. No doubt she envisioned people sending vast sums of money to support her "tour." I think that someone had to tell her that they weren't raking in enough to keep things going with all of the expenses. Unless she wanted to actually stay in the RV (like a normal family vacation in an RV would involve) rather than staying at 4/5 star hotels along the way.... yeah, right.

    The old "any publicity is good publicity" rule has proven once again to be false when it comes to political support. While the media might follow you around and make you "popular," that does not translate to votes, respect, or even admiration.

    I think in the back of her mind she thought that the book tour and bus tour could converge at various places. But that is obviously not happening now. And I don't think the publisher will see it as a worthwhile investment.

    I have no doubt that Bristle is going to regret this book. It is pretty obvious that she was advised to do this by Mommy's people. She will have to live with the snide little "wine coolers" and "tent" jokes for many years to come. She is young, but her parents should have known better. Just another example of SP using her children to get attention and them paying the price.

  118. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Anyone catch Chapter 11 of Bristol's book.

    Already Ben there.

    Is that title for Ben Barber, the one who called Bristol a fame seeking whore?

    Chapter 12, Home Is Where The UHaul is should be enough to start a PFD fraud investigation. Not to mention it is a horrible way of life to a little boy.

  119. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I hope @8:01 was snark. Sometimes I can't tell anymore when people are using satire.
    BTW the correct word IS repudiate so excuse me Mountain Man if you were being facetious.

  120. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I personally think this is just another trap that the media has fallen into with Palin. I imagine she will release a statement on FOX News saying the tour never intended to keep going to South Carolina or Iowa and this is just the Lamestream media saying more lies about her and her family, her poor, poor family. Maybe that is why she never release a schedule that way she could quit early. There will probably be a jab in there about how gas prices are so high under Obama as well. Don't get me wrong I don't think she is smart but I think she is very crafty.

  121. Anonymous10:29 AM

    She's lived there all her life and she couldn't have predicted that the days were going to be long and mild before she ordered the custom tour bus? Why does she think everyone is as dumb as her excuses are? Of course the bots who hang on her every word are but to everyone else, a lame excuse means that you don't have your act together.

  122. LOL! Betsy, you are my new favourite Internet Palin Gal. That was fabulous!

  123. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Damn Bristol is saying in publication Lanesia is the mother of Levi's baby. Or fronting. Hope that girl sues the shit out of Bristol.

    BTW, yes, yes chapter 11 is about Ben Barber and now we know why his interview with the DailyBeast was scrubbed, don;t we.

  124. Anonymous10:33 AM

    She has accomplished her goal--getting lots of attention, since FOX wouldn't pay her so much if she weren't in the limelight--so it makes sense that she quit. She did exactly the same as Governor of Alaska. Sarah Palin's only goal is enriching Sarah Palin and she has accomplished that goal. She's not smart, but she's crafty. Although I suppose if you devote your entire existence to selfishness it eventually gets pretty easy.

  125. Anonymous10:34 AM

    The $100 donation to the
    VanityPac for Undefeated is pretty funny to me. Did all the people who donated for autopen signed copies of Stupid's hagiography #1 ever get their books? I recall their being some issue about that.

  126. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I feel 100% sure that the ex-Dude is now the ex-husband. Todd, Todd, Todd is a free man without the harpy witch screeching all the time.

    Also feel sure that his appearances are just part of the agreement to help her grift some more money.

  127. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Palin Resigns

  128. Anonymous10:38 AM

    And now folks... it's time for a resounding chorus....

    Ready? Deep breath everyone! Let 'em hear it in the next county!


    Ding Dong! The Witch is dead.
    Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!
    Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.
    Wake up - sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
    Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead. She's gone where the goblins go,
    Below - below - below.
    Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.
    Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
    Let them know
    The Wicked Witch is dead!

  129. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Gryphen -

    In all seriousness, would someone please look into where Trig is. When is the last time he's been documented anywhere in public?

    I am becoming very concerned.


  130. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Sara needed some money, her Palin's Alaska series is a flop and her book isn't selling - she needed money so she came up with this tour to get donations to pay the lawyers for her legal troubles about to make headlines. She has been using her PAC and campaign donation money for personal use - its time to pay the piper. So she has to go where its most difficult to serve her notice - the furthermost region of America.

    She "quit" halfway to return to Alaska? My god, the irony.

  131. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Now THIS illiteration overdrive!

    Powerful, popular, pulchritudinous feminist fashionista Gov. Sarah Palin will smack down sexists, maul misogynists, demolish doubters, & punish pusillanimous pundits during her rollicking, rambunctious, rip-roaring ride to the Presidency in 2012. Nattering nabobs & jejune journolisters will cower covertly in their fuliginous, fetid burrows, sip their anisette, & listen to Morrissey while the sunlight gleams on the burnished greaves of Sarah Boadicea's armor as she storms the bastions & battlements of Establishment power.

  132. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Sarah "Falin" Palin. The Half Term Quitter with The Litter on Twitter

  133. Anonymous10:44 AM

    The Park Service finally sent her a bill for the extra security. And she needed to go somewhere to let off all the smoke she blew up her own ass. She'll be back, more half-baked than ever.

  134. Anonymous10:46 AM

    The novelty was over after the Revere gaff and the cameras were turned off. With no attention from the MSM, Princess Snowpants packed up the herd and headed home. The entire pageant was paid for by her PAC so it doesn't matter to her if she quits and loses money along the way.

    That and that history-facty thingy was getting in the way of her talking points.

  135. Anonymous10:49 AM

    At c4peepee I wonder how many people they have signed up to brow beat people who waver in the least about donating to sarahpac. Check it out.

  136. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Denial is rampant by the bots!

    'Reported by whoooo? Scott Conroy? The same jerk who hung out with Shoeshiner Walshe, & harassed the Palin children on the streets of Juneau? Yeah, he is a really credible "source" for the lamestream; especially since he hasn't spoken to Gov. Palin or any member of her staff.'

  137. Anonymous10:50 AM

    My respect for South Carolina just went up a notch.

    Now S.C. is at a 2.

  138. Anonymous10:55 AM

    There is no 2016 for Palin. All of her hype has been about her being the Next Big Thing for Republicans. That was running out of gas already (though her tour revived it a little). If she doesn't run, she's over. This is her only chance.

  139. Anonymous10:55 AM

    This cracked me up..for some reason for her it's always halfway through and always somebody else's fault. I wonder how many other things she half-ass's? Sex? 'Sorry Tawd..that lamestream media gave me a headache'.

  140. LOL.....Sh­e QUIT......­..AGAIN...­....She can't take the pressures of running a state that has a population that is only ~~698 THOUSAND~~­citizens! That is far less than 16 US cities and equal to even Memphis or itty bitty Charlotte NC!

    1. New York, New York - 8,214,426
    2. Los Angeles, California - 3,849,378
    3. Chicago, Illinois - 2,833,321
    4. Houston, Texas - 2,144,491
    5. Phoenix, Arizona - 1,512,986
    6. Philadelph­ia, Pennsylvan­ia - 1,448,394
    7. San Antonio, Texas - 1,296,682
    8. San Diego, California - 1,256,951
    9. Dallas, Texas - 1,232,940
    10. San Jose, California - 929,936
    11. Detroit, Michigan - 871,121
    12. Jacksonvil­le, Florida - 794,555
    13. Indianapol­is, Indiana - 785,597
    14. San Francisco, California - 744,041
    15. Columbus, Ohio - 733,203
    16. Austin, Texas - 709,893
    17. Memphis, Tennessee - 670,902
    18. Fort Worth, Texas - 653,320
    19. Baltimore, Maryland - 631,366
    20. Charlotte, North Carolina - 630,478

    The Mayor of DC has more infrastructure to be responsible for than Palin had as Governor.

    Certainly no time to waste on bridges to nowhere.

    State ranking;

    Alaska 48 626,932
    Vermont 49 608,827
    District of Columbia 50 572,059
    Wyoming 51 493,782

    NOW she can't handle the "pressure" of her own lousy bus tour and her faithful supporters think that she is fit for POTUS.....­.and many want to see her announce to run..... amazing!

  141. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Check this out....

    Malia's blog - subject Bristol - read the comment by 12eagle, about Bristol and some dude out on a boat. Gryphen might know about this but I had never read it.

  142. Anonymous11:09 AM

    OT: Any word on the other shoe to drop on the Shailey Tripp vs Todd Palin running a prostitution ring? The news sounded promising a couple of weeks ago when it came out but I guess like everything else that happens in Alaska concerning all things Palin it just gets swept under the rug. Too bad.

  143. Anonymous11:13 AM

    curiouser said...

    Where's the shot of the dog lifting his leg on the tombstone?
    8:08 AM

    Take a look at the collar of the dog - that's why no leg liftin'.


  144. wakeUpAmerica11:14 AM

    I'm thinking that she got bitch slapped over that tradmark infringement brouhaha over the use of "One Nation." I wonder if they took her bus. Have you seen it, Gryphen?

  145. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Bravo @10:28! Award for the best alliteration on pusilanimous pus pocket Palin!

  146. wakeUpAmerica11:19 AM

    I'm thinking that she got bitch slapped over that tradmark infringement brouhaha over the use of "One Nation." I wonder if they took her bus. Have you seen it, Gryphen?

  147. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Gasman said...

    "Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"
    9:30 AM

    Ten-to-one, $SP will think that's the truth about WW2. Us smarty-parts know that's Bluto from Animal House (and he was on a roll no less - at least according to Eric & Boon!).


  148. Barns/yarns11:22 AM

    Malia's blog

    Comment by 12 eagle

    Ask any boy in Wasilla or Juneau and they will tell you that Bristol has never been "off limits". I think its about time for Dylan Kolvig to speak up about what happened with Bristol in March of '07 on his dad's boat the M/V Pacifica and why it sank (or was scuttled) in the Juneau Harbor. Seems the Coast Guard can't even figure that one out.

  149. Anonymous11:22 AM

    That's just word salad for "I quit, again".

    I wonder if there's a market on eBay or craig's list for a tour bus with the Constitution shrink-wrapped around it?

  150. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Maybe that Cease and Desist letter finally arrived...and someone read it aloud to her...and then explained what it means...

    Or, she was ticked that Jon Huntsman has a video on his website that has a bonafide photo of himself with none other than Ronald Reagan (has to tick her off at least a little).

    Or, she had to go home to iron things out with Bristol who just found out what was going to be included in the book that SP had written for her.

    Or, Todd has needs and she didn't want him resorting to his old ways.

  151. OMG. Have you got a son? Keep him away those Palin girls.

    BTW: did she say Willow found or saw the 8 pregnancy tests? And was there a reference to Sarah about having her pregnancy test lying about and Willow saw it?

    How sanitary is their house?

  152. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Sorry for the spelling error:
    'pusillanimous pus pocket Palin' and also add presumptive, petulant pinhead

  153. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Virginia Voter wrote: "And yes, she is bipolar, or at the very least manic depressive."

    They're actually the same thing. Manic depression is an older term that's been superseded by bipolar disorder within the past twenty years.

  154. London Bridges11:31 AM

    Sarah's plan all along was to sell the bus on eBay. Rest room includes Sarah's unwashed thongs. and Todd's silkies. Sarah PAC paid for the bus but Sarah will say she sold it to save "Mericon's money. Of course, while buying the bus was a "legit" expense, Sarah will conveniently pocket all the proceeds from the bus eBay sale.

    Can't pocket a huge bus, ya know!

  155. I was yucking it up at the comments and then I read annie's post about the terrible damage SP has done to her family. Annie's right. All she had to do was be nice, but for Sarah Palin, that's impossible.

  156. Anonymous11:36 AM

    After Her Paul Revere Debacle Sarah Palin Quits Again

    She did it again. Sarah Palin quit – halfway through. This time it was her highly touted One Nation “pay attention to me!” bus tour.

    Yes, the magical mystery tour is over. And the Beatles tour had more hits.

    And you can guess where she went. She took her toys and went home to Alaska. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out, Sarah! I’m sure she’ll get the love there that she didn’t get in the Lower 48. Right?

    Apparently, not enough people were paying attention to Grifterella. Reaching a point of diminishing returns – and that is what truly motivates Palin is returns – she just quit, never having reached such key primary states as Iowa and South Carolina. If her eventual destination was Alaska, she sure took the long way around.

    Of course, she will probably portray the whole thing as planned, an interrupted vacation, or she will martyr herself, the victim of a gotcha media she refused to talk to. So I guess there are two constants in Sarah Palin’s life: quitting and self-victimization.

  157. Anonymous11:36 AM


    Sarah is the problem, not the victim. She created her own mental illness by choices she made allowing herself get to this point.

  158. Bristol's Old Chin11:41 AM

    That video is HILARIOUS!

  159. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Who takes a pregnancy test and just leaves it laying around? This isn't tv.

  160. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Looks like the first and only leg of her brilliant idea for a bus tour didn't go as well as she thought it would. Guess it's officially a FAIL.

  161. SusieQ11:55 AM

    Maybe she spent all the SarahPAC money.

    Or maybe she came home to figure out how to manipulate the whole Britol book thing to her advantage.

    Who can figure out a mind like hers?

  162. Anonymous11:56 AM

    What happened to the baby Bristol had after dwts?

  163. Gasman11:59 AM

    "The square wheels on the bus go
    thud, thud, thud.
    Thud, thud, thud.
    Thud, thud, thud.
    The square wheels on the bus go
    thud, thud, thud.
    All around the country
    (Well, actually only one tiny portion of the East Coast.)"

  164. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Looks like SarahPac is not getting any returns from Sarah on that investment. How long will they keep throwing good money after bad? Long enough to keep it out of the hands of a Repub that is running. Even if they are paying for Sarah's luxurious high life and lawyer fees, it may be very beneficial to helping President Obama win again in '12. I'm good with that.

  165. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I have bipolar disorder, and just like when Britney Spears had her meltdown, I hate the things I'm reading about bipolar disorder because of Sarah Palin. I am not a bitch. I do not turn on people close to me or throw them under the bus. I do spend too much time in my Wal-mart pajamas eating fast food, but I don't watch reality TV and I am not a pathological liar. I have manic episodes that entail grandiose plans and spending too much money, and I do tend to quit things halfway through, but I would not run for an elected position and then quit. I know my limitations, and I take my medication.

    SP has more than just bipolar disorder going on, if she has that. I am almost positive there's a history of sexual abuse, and she also seems to have narcissistic and/or borderline personality disorder. But please, don't lump all of us crazies into the same boat as her! My brain chemistry is f**ked, but that doesn't mean I'm an evil bitch.

  166. Anonymous12:30 PM

    The longer she thought about it the madder she got. If Franklin Graham gets to fly in his own private plane why should she have to ride around in a bus!

  167. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Sarah must be freaking out she cannot control the heinous comments about her new book on Amazon.

  168. Anonymous12:37 PM

    "If Franklin Graham gets to fly in his own private plane why should she have to ride around in a bus!"

    Did you see the Globe item about Sarah in love with Frankie? I betcha Frankie called that one in to let her know he is still expecting some form of payment for all he has done for her.

  169. OT - Amazon has a 'Look Inside' feature for Bristol's book which includes lots of photos. The photos changed, however, while I was browsing. Among the disappearing photos was one of Bristol and Willow at the hospital when Piper was born and there were also a few of Levi. Seeing the hospital photo made me wonder if the Palins missed another opportunity to stop rumors by not including a snapshot of the family at the hospital the day Trig was 'born'.

    The acknowledgements are also included. Notably absent from Bristol's list is Ivy Frye.

  170. Anonymous12:45 PM

    The idiot is tweeting again about Bristol's book.

    SarahPalinUSA Sarah Palin
    10 minutes ago
    Sarah Palin
    SarahPalinUSA Sarah Palin
    ...narrative. Spot on! (& she's courageous to write what she wrote, warning about decisions/consequences in encouraging way, esp for teens!)
    11 minutes ago
    Sarah Palin
    SarahPalinUSA Sarah Palin
    Bristol's Book: Shocking; Refreshing; Honest; INSPIRING! Perfect. Plus 'Not Afraid of Life' gives insight into how media can drive false....
    12 minutes ago

  171. Anonymous12:57 PM

    the trip to sudan is cancelled too. thats a good thing in my opinion.

  172. Anonymous12:57 PM

    She has also canceled the Sudan trip

  173. There was something, a Todd-related something. We may never know.

  174. Anonymous1:00 PM

    << 11:36 AM: Sarah is the problem, not the victim. She created her own mental illness by choices she made allowing herself get to this point.>>

    Perhaps you are right. Please share what you know about how she created her own mental illness? I've not known her that long.

  175. Anonymous1:02 PM

    The Bimbo is in Limbo

    The bus tour is in Limbo. It is unclear if it is related to the trademark suit, embarrassment over Bristol’s new book,or simply the need to be close to home while readjustment of medications. Maybe she just thought the bus needed a face lift. There are so many unanswered questions.

    Where is the Bus? What happened to the driver? Did Sarah just quit the bus tour while announcing that she wasn’t a quitter? Did Trig get into trouble with the law? Is Todd expecting another child? Is Sarah making sure that all records of Bristol’s Birth Control Prescription are redacted? Is she looking for Paul Revere in Alaska? Is she throwing a dinner party with her North Korean allies?

    Does her lawn just need mowing? Is she preparing another press release for the Anchorage police? Is she really in Texas listening to Ted Neugent with Rick Perry? Is she meeting with God for final instructions for her campaign? Is Britta, Track’s new wife, due to deliver?

    Is she meeting with state officials to get a tax credit for her new film the Undefeated?

  176. Anonymous1:04 PM

    She didn't quit her bus tour. Why are you promoting false information.
    The article didn't say it was canceled at all.

  177. Anonymous1:04 PM

    @11:36 AM - I forgot to add - I agree - Sarah is a problem. That doesn't rule out Sarah being a victim also, although I don't know enough - she just looks mentally ill to me. Perhaps you know more about her history.

  178. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:05 PM

    Hey, OT, but I was dipping my toe in the shallow end of the c4pee puddle, and apparently, their Dear Leader canceled her trip to Sudan with "scheduling issues." Check the Washington Post. Hmmmm.....!

  179. Anonymous1:14 PM

    There's always t shirt sales at the county fair they can use their newly registered pictures.

  180. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Are they going to be able to get tracks inlays to go along with the premie story when his baby is born?

  181. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:17 PM

  182. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Sarah is announcing on July 4th weekend.

    You heard it here first.

  183. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I'm sure that according to The Deluded at C4P, it's all going according to Sarah's plan and it's working.

    HA HA!

  184. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Borderline personalities can exhibit bipolar qualities. I don't think of her as bipolar, for one thing that can be dealt with, at least modestly with medication. Borderline Personality is not really treatable, you just suck it up and try to love them. Eventually, if they aren't blood, you walk away. They are exhausting.

  185. Ratfish1:24 PM

    Palin cancels planned trip to Sudan

    She found out she couldn't drive her bus there the whole Palin/Heath Klan

    Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin has canceled a planned trip next month to war-ravaged Sudan, one of the most unstable nations in the world and the focus of passionate advocacy within the U.S. evangelical community.

    Palin scrapped her plans to visit the North African country for scheduling reasons, several sources close to Palin said. She was planning to travel with Franklin Graham, the son of evangelical leader Billy Graham, as well as Fox News personality Greta Van Susteren to the July 9 independence ceremony of South Sudan, the sources said.

    The decision comes at a time when speculation is mounting about whether Palin will run for president. Palin’s weeks-long silence since the end of her “One Nation” bus tour along the East Coast has prompted a raft of questions about whether there will be a second or third leg, as advisers initially said there would be, through the Midwest and South.

  186. Anonymous1:32 PM

    >>SP has more than just bipolar disorder going on, if she has that. I am almost positive there's a history of sexual abuse, and she also seems to have narcissistic and/or borderline personality disorder. But please, don't lump all of us crazies into the same boat as her! My brain chemistry is f**ked, but that doesn't mean I'm an evil bitch.

    Bless your heart for making this post today. I agree that bipolar ia getting a bad name with Sarah. I too agree that she is clearly suffering from so much more and yes, it most likely stems from early sexual abuse. This sort of mental 'break' happens when a little girl is 'introduced' to sex by a significantly older man, father, uncle, teacher or whatever, and in order to justify, and contain the guilt and bad feelings the personality goes through a sort of split in order to survive. I don't feel the least bit sorry for Sarah Palin, but my heart goes out to the little girl that once existed.

    Bipolar or manic depressive imbalances are some of the hardest to not only diagnose, but also to treat since regular antidepressants do not help, in fact they cause more damage.

    It's a very difficult thing to manage and to live with and I want to let you know, as the poster of your defense of Bipolar imbalances, that I hear you!

    I wish you all the acknowledgement I can in this cyber venue to hang in there and keep posting and educating people about this. There are many souls who deal with all sorts of depression, and they will hear you too.

  187. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Michelle Bachmann is announcing her candidacy in a few days. Granny better get out her Sharpie markers and start scribbling over that troublesome "One Nation" slogan if she wants to get to Iowa in time.

    If the Sharpies won't cover it, just duct-tape some bedsheets on that badboy and write Hellbus II: The Wrath of Dumb on the side.

  188. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I wonder how the gang at C for P would feel if they found that Todd and Sarah are divorced and have been for a little while.

    Anyone have the heart to tell them? I am banned and all I did was post a question 6 months ago they did not like.

  189. Anonymous1:41 PM

    anon at 12:10
    I don't think Sarah has bipolar either I think she has a personality disorder or disorders, but part of those is also having manic espisodes.

  190. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Alaskans don't want her back up here. The Palins have made our state look horrid to the rest of the nation. And, the follow-up governor (to her) isn't helping matters either. What a fare these Republicans!

  191. "When Palin launched her "One Nation" bus tour on Memorial Day amid a swirl of media attention and excitement from her fervent fan base,"

    I SWEAR....when I 1st glanced over this post I thought it said "amid a swirl of media attention and excrement". (must be the Florida heat)

    and BTW...I LOVE BETSY!!!!

  192. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Y'all! That's Bobby Cremins in the middle of the video. You know, longtime Georgia Tech basketball coach, current College of Charleston basketball coach. Which is why he's talking basketball.

    Yes, I live in South Carolina. That's why I know these things. Also, downtown Charleston isn't the place to go to find crazed Tea Partiers. They vote republican in national elections but democratic in local elections. They're somewhat reasonable. Now, Greenville SC might be a different story..

  193. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Maybe $arah is going on the 2 stop sex book tour with Bristol, the lying virgin.

  194. Randall2:31 PM

    Sarah is edging closer and closer to the point where she sits alone in a room...
    Hasn't washed her makeup off in weeks - she just applies more...
    Her emaciated body reeks...
    No one dares to come in - they leave food at the door but its seldom touched...
    Sarah tweets, and then reads her own tweets online...
    She updates her facebook page and then reads it, and "likes herself" again...
    She maintains the Conservatives 4 Palin website because no one else hangs around anymore...
    Even bloggers like Griffin have long since lost interest in her...
    She writes long, rambling nonsense screeds on her blog - which no one reads - except Sarah...
    And then she writes the comments...
    In her house, in her mind ...she's a hero, the object of admiration and adoration...
    Outside, mothers steer their young children across the street and warn them to stay away from the crazy-lady's house...

  195. Anonymous2:59 PM

    @1:17 - Sarah is announcing on the Fourth of July that she is not running. Thanks for playing.

  196. I LOVE Betsy! How adorable is she!!!???

  197. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Good one, 10:50 AM!

  198. Dis Gusted3:16 PM

    Is Britta, Track’s new wife, due to deliver?


    Bristol's DWTS baby? They've been playing house for awhile now...


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