Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Just how much did Palin's pathetic publicity/political bus tour cost American taxpayers?

I don't even want to KNOW what she is trying to get that lobster to do!
From ABC News:

Sarah Palin is set to tour national monuments around the country this summer, and one congressman wants to know how that will affect everyone else.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) sent a letter to the National Park Service today asking how federal resources were used for the northeast leg of Palin’s “One Nation Tour,” which traveled from Washington, D.C. to New Hampshire last week. His concern: press accounts of the tour “which provided personal and political benefits to former Gov. Palin, suggest that National Park Service resources were made available to an extent beyond that which an average American family would receive.”

“I opened my paper this morning to hear about cutbacks in state parks around this country,” Blumenauer told ABC News. “We have a serious backlog of maintenance in the National Park Service. And it looks like Sarah Palin’s little political cavalcade gets this amazing VIP treatment – I’m scratching my head. If it’s a private family vacation, what in the world are we doing getting people in with preferential early admission and having an entourage of public employees? It looks like a political stunt, and Palin Inc. ought to pay for it.”

Palin was surrounded by park rangers and, at times, police officers during her tour stops. Last Wednesday, she and her family were accompanied by approximately 10 authorities as they toured the Statue of Liberty.

I think this is an obvious question for our Representatives to ask.

I mean let's face it, this woman hijacked the park service resources for herself, while stepping all over the other tourists who had the misfortune of planning their vacations at the very same time that Snowdrift Snooki was making her desperate grab for the media spotlight.

Considering that this is a woman who is ALWAYS talking about cutting "unnecessary" services in the public sector, SHE should have to pay for the extra manpower that was needed to protect her family, reroute traffic around her road rage inducing convoy, and provide VIP treatment for her and her  family while viewing various historical sites.

Anybody disagree?


  1. London Bridges5:35 AM

    After all, she ain't got no stinkin' title!

  2. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Ddram on she is never made accountable

  3. Anonymous5:37 AM

    She will just say the big mean government is just picking on a little ole hockey mOm from wasilla just trying to show her family Americas freedoms

  4. Anonymous5:41 AM

    I absolutely agree. That display she made was ridiculous. As ridiculous as saying it was just a family vacation while she traveled in a huge tour bus with the frigging Constitution on it and courted the cameras. It was such a great family vacation her family did and wanted to ditch her. For a Teabagging granny such as she is, she should gladly pay the additional costs these states did and will incur for her publicity parade.

  5. Anonymous5:41 AM

    She's AIP & trying to bleed America dry. She is disgusting!

  6. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Boy, we could have some "caption this photo" fun here, right?

    I mean, what IS she doing?! It looks like she's TRYING her damnedest to get that poor crustacean to pop her water bra. "Oh noooo, I'm leeeeekin', I better go hook up to the breast pump!!!! Because I'm a young hawt mama, you know. Really, I AM!!!"

    I seriously feel like America is one giant rabbit hole these days...all because of SP and her children of the corn followers. Who on earth would think they are entitled to thousands of dollars in law enforcement services on a quote unquote FAMILY VACATION?!

  7. Ratfish5:42 AM

    Big Government= If you or I got special treatment by taxpayer-funded federal employees while on vacation.

    Small government= If the Palin/Heath Klan has special treatment by taxpayer-funded federal employees while on vacation.

  8. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Absolutely – she should have to pay – of course, you know that SarahPac will pick-up the bill. Just another example of her extreme hypocrisy “It’s ok for me because I am “SOMEBODY”, but you poor suckers who keep feeding the myth, well YOU don’t deserve anything”.

  9. I agree 100%; should we write letters of support to Rep. Earl Blumenauer?

  10. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Looks like the lobster might hook on to all that padding in the sad.

  11. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I asked the question last night on another site and was shouted down. The best one was the Angeline and Brad get VIP treatment like Sara does so ALL VIP's get special treatment from the Parks service, I'd like to see that in real life.

    The second best was that before he was President Obama got VIP treatment and should have reimbursed the government for the Security he got, of course they forgot he was an actual candidate for President and all serious contenders for the Presidential races, Palin included get Secret Service protection once its clear they are viable

    The last, probably written by Snooki herself, said Michelle Obame costs us taxpayers money when she takes vacation and flies around the world. That one was good - FLOTUS on missions around the world or even on her own time is still the FLOTUS. Sara is a private citizen, just like the rest of us. Get in line with the rest of us Sara.

    She and her minions seem intent to crown her queen

    Pay up for the services you got Sara, or at least have your PAC send the money, I know you don't pay for anything out of your own pocket, that money probably has to go to keep certain mouths in AK shut forever

  12. Anonymous5:51 AM

    I'm glad someone brought this up. She has NO business using Nat'l Parks employees as her private security. She can go back to hiring her anti-american militia friends (if there are any NOT in jail) as her security.

  13. Anonymous5:58 AM

    SPAZ should cover the cost of her trip. that's simple enough.

  14. Anonymous6:01 AM

    She seems to make a habit of charging taxpayers for family travel.

  15. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I've said that before her bus was out of the starting gate as to whether or not she'll get "serviced" and she did.

    One Palinbot on HuffPos had the gall to say that us Taxpayers aren't footing her bills. And I pointed out ALL the Federal Park Rangers, etc. who are in charge of our Historical cites were surrounding her like she was somebody special. She's not.

    I also pointed out that it was pretty obvious that she & her group had to have jumped the lines in front of the other "tourists" because I've been to the Liberty Bell 3Xs with my kids and the line was never short. The same goes for Liberty Island.

    So yeah, I too would like to know how much her personal publicity tour cost us Taxpayers!


  16. Anonymous6:05 AM

    She keeps saying how she's just a private citizen. Let her act like one. She should have to pay for the extras. We all know she could have toured most places without attracting a crowd. Skip the shrink wrapped bus, website, and asking for donations for her PAC and no one would have noticed, including the msm.

  17. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Lobster to Sarah, "what big tits you have today"

    Sarah, "Yes these are my Belmont twins, thank you for noticing"

    Lobster, "now, will you please take your filthy claw off me"

  18. Anonymous6:06 AM

    These are EXACTLY the type of questions that should be asked of Sarah. She may have played some of the press for fools as she led them successfully in her game of cat and mouse but I don't want to be paying for her family trip with tax dollars, or any other of my dollars for that matter.

    I'm glad to see that Michelle Bachmann has started in on Sarah head-on. If Sarah is going to act like a candidate, she needs to start being scrutinized as one, announcement or not. Let's hope the rest of the GOP candidates don't let Michelle do all the work for them because they don't want to turn off the Palinbots.

  19. Anonymous6:09 AM

    The half term governor's boobs sure are big in the photo. How did that happen?


  20. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Palin, who is not a politician or diplomat received uniformed police escort at Rolling Thunder.

    Was that Federal officers or local DC police officers?

    Who paid for this service and how much did it cost the taxpayers?

    Right now city mayors and state governors are in a bind making budget cuts which is putting a strain on emergency services, our youth's education and our senior programs.

    Why are paying for Millionaire Sarah Palin's security and special treatment?

  21. Anonymous6:09 AM

    The half term governor's boobs sure are big in the photo. How did that happen?


  22. Nancy in New York6:10 AM

    Hell yes, she should pay. She's grifted enough money from her devoted drones, I want her to stay the hell away from my tax dollars.

    And about that photo. She looks like she's considering putting the lobster on her ticket as VP. At least then we'll know who the smart one is.

  23. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Looks to me like she's trying to scare Piper with the lobster. And Gramps is holding onto Piper's shoulders so she can't move out of range.
    They people are all mentally ill.

  24. laprofesora6:12 AM

    Kind of O/T, but what about her bosom in that picture? Where did that come from? I would love to see some comparison photos, like when she was flat chested at Rolling Thunder then showed up here in full bloom. Her bra size seems to fluctuate with her medication levels.

    PS She should definitely ante up for her own security. Oh, what am I talking? She'd just get her 'bots to pay for it anyway.

  25. Anonymous6:12 AM

    See she's got her wedding ring on again. No huge cross or Star of David. Maybe her ring will protect her since Todd isn't there. Where's Trig?

  26. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I think since she is a privite citizen she should pay for privite security. She now is a multi millionaire and now can well afford,or stay at home. No taxpayer money. We can not afford it. While I'm on the subject of our country being so broke, and congress and our leaders are in the upper pay class why shouldn't they suffer like the rest of us. No perks any ,cut their salaries, cut all the benefits for them. Let them go back to the privite sector if they don't like it ,just like they want us to cut back on minamin wage and salaries. and no benefits anymore lets see just how they handle it. I'm getting sick of all of them, they are no longer working for the people, and corporations are global, they just take us for all the money they can get off of our country no jobs just more and more money for them,less and less for us.

  27. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Cheapskate Sarah Palin is known for receiving service at restaurants and being a terrible tipper. Why would America expect her heiny to pay for her police escorts, park ranger tours and extra security for creepy Grandpa Chuckie Heath, pregnant before marriage Sally Heath, "Diva You Ruined My Vacation" Piper and Willow and the rest of the Wasilla Hill Billies?

  28. Virginia Voter6:23 AM

    I commented on this last week! Not only did the teabagging Granny use tapayer funded Park Police as her personal security , but you gotta wonder how many local police in NYC, DC, and Boston did Sarah use?

    Sarah's only title is Fox News Analyst. Would Hannity or O Reilly get this many free perks on a family vacation???
    Shit, even Kate Gosselin, hires her own security guard,

  29. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Why are paying for Millionaire Sarah Palin's father's and mother's security and special treatment?

    The Heaths are not important... Pay your own way!

  30. Anonymous6:29 AM

    The mentally ill diva Sarah Palin never takes responsibility and always runs over anyone and everyone to further her agenda which is "It's always Me, Me, Me".

  31. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Sarah: "I just have to get my name out there and let people see the real Sarah Palin. I'm such a super-star that I can breeze in anytime and dominate the race."


    After bus tour:
    Headline at Politico, today:

    "Barack Obama leads Sarah Palin by 17 points"

    "Palin's the only Republican who loses a majority of Americans in a match-up with the president; even Pawlenty and Huntsman keep Obama under 50 percent."


    That was successful. Sarah is probably scheming how to make her next attempt better. How many times will it take? Do you think there will be a point when she realizes that the more we get to "know" her, the more her numbers go down. In 5 days she did a lot more damage to herself than good. Of course, she believes that it's not her that's the problem, it's just that people don't know her. She's convinced that if we got to know her better, we would ALL just adore her (and be manipulated by her).

  32. Anonymous6:30 AM

    How much do you wanna bet SarahPac is paying for air conditioning at Palin's mansion which was running while Sarah was on vacation?

    Let SarahPac pay for America's park ranger and police protection services the Wasilla Billies received!?

  33. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Absolutely agree. Especially in light of how she has presented herself as a heroic defender of the taxpayer. Take into consideration her reason for quitting governor - she said that money being spent on government lawyers to defend her against those “frivolous ethics violations” could be “going to things that are very important, like troopers and roads and teachers and fish research.”

    What a joke!!! How can she not see the resources that were being used for her traveling circus?

    Same thing regarding the upcoming Sudan trip. She will be using valuable resources that could go a very long way to help those people. She'll be drinking bottled water while they continue to drink their polluted water. Just for a photo op or two. It is so disgusting I can hardly stand it.

  34. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Yeah, Earl!

  35. Olivia6:32 AM

    But, but, she is on a mission from God. Isn't that constitutionally protected? Freedom of speech and religion? How dare they suggest that she curb her freedoms?
    @Bill, her boobs are big because she wants people to talk about them. When her boobs are big, it is important to look around and try to figure out what she doesn't want you to look at.

  36. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I disagree...

    Where was your outrage when Oprah filmed her show in the National parks this season? She had federal employees eating out of her hand. Was this also a waste of tax dollars or was it acceptable because it was Oprah and not Palin?

  37. Personally, I'd rather they just close all the parks when they see her coming, and give everybody else a raincheck. But that would still ruin the vacations of the regular tourists. Can't they just drop her off in the Dakota badlands or deep in the Canyonlands?
    I definitely think that lawmakers and citizens should question the resources that are always needed whenever that woman is making an ass of herself again.

  38. Anonymous6:36 AM

    If Governor Butterball paid for his state's helicopter ride to his son's baseball game, then the Grifting Quitter Ex Governor can pay for the city, state and national park services her family received!

  39. Daisydem said...
    I agree 100%; should we write letters of support to Rep. Earl Blumenauer?

    Yes. and YES!

    He's my Congressman,and he certainly doesn't deserve the personal insults, hate mail and death threats that are sure to come from Palin's neanderthal followers.

    (I loved the reference to "children of the corn" by Anon @ 5:42)

  40. Anonymous6:43 AM

    No more special treatment or security at public airports.

    Let her stand in line like the rest of us!

    Pat her down in public view like the rest of us!

    That would of not sit well with Sarah if they patted her down at the airport and found out she had a suspicious package strapped to her belly!

    LOL... That would of ended Palin's fake Wild Ride!

  41. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I know what she's thinking: "Grip the nipple, lobster...grip it...the First Dude isn't giving it up and I have needs, don'tcha know!"

  42. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Indeed the Palin family infamous for reality tv, self proclaimed hockey family, unemployed Todd with his Wasilla housewife' need to be held accountable for their words declaring a historical family vacation. The lying con artist Palins can con Sarah PAC to foot the security bills. She denied it was political nor a campaign trial.

    Epic fail on history lessons.

  43. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Hmm... I see the elusive "big boobs" came out to play in Boston. Looks like her pants were trying to cover them, as her waistband is practically right under them. Lookin good, Sarah! Very professional hairstyle as well! ;)

  44. Anonymous6:51 AM

    If Palin's boobs are that big at the airports, have Sarah remove them for a closer examination by the airport security.

    Who knows, Sarah could be carrying bombs for terrorists.

  45. @Bill -- would the males under her spell (including the MSM) have paid any attention to a short, fat, flat-chested, flat-haired grandmother?

    Her boobs get TV ratings up. Among other things. She is a cheap & toxic tease who's using the Presidential election (or "contest" as Fox News calls it) like a strip club pole, winking to those sad men in the front row who keep stuffing money into her pants in lieu of...

    She is cunning and understands that Americas are suckers for celebrity and have no interest in facts or issues.

    America is entertaining itself to death as they are
    fed a constant diet of fear by the media. She's only a symptom and making America a laughing stock.

    We (myself included) are addicted to watching her bat shit behavior and are as much of the problem as she is.

  46. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I disagree...

    Where was your outrage when Oprah filmed her show in the National parks this season? She had federal employees eating out of her hand. Was this also a waste of tax dollars or was it acceptable because it was Oprah and not Palin?

    6:35 AM

    LOL, Oprah is not complaining about big government and unnecessary expenses while having SarahPac pay for her family vacation and mansion light bills.

  47. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I just finished Bailey's book; Sarah and Todd played him like a fiddle and it sure took him a long time to see the light.

    I read Dunn's book first and then read Bailey's next; all I can say is too much damn Sarah Palin. I don't know if I will be able to read Joe's book in September cause I am sick of Sarah.

    I feel like I need to get out in the sun and cleanse my body and soul. Sarah and Todd are corrupt and horrible people. I hope God has a plan for them and it is to scatter them to the winds.

  48. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Consider ourselves lucky.

    Just imagine if the Trailer Park Queen was POTUS, she would triple our current deficit with travel and parties alone.

  49. Anonymous7:04 AM


    An air pump.
    Did she lift the small copies of the constitution she was signing? Who paid for them? This certainly is not the first time $p has used extra security at tax payer expense, and I hope this matter will be investigated, and not swept under the rug, as all her other scams have been. Old nasty is always talking out of both sides of her mouth.

  50. Anonymous7:04 AM

    "I don't even want to KNOW what she is trying to get that lobster to do!"

    This is why I keep coming back here for more, Gryphen! Because I was thinking the exact same thing before I read your caption! Love it!

  51. Anonymous7:04 AM

    When Sarah walked from the beauty salon back to her hotel room (when she was giving a speech in California) she required four big burly body guards.

    As a private citizen, she should pay for her own security. She can well afford it.

    Most people do not go on a family vacation in a huge painted bus which breaks traffic laws and causes traffic problems. The fact that Todd and Willow left makes us wonder how much of a real family vacation that was. As for a learning tour, we know that Sarah flunked American History, you betcha.

  52. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I know what she's thinking: "Grip the nipple, lobster...grip it...the First Dude isn't giving it up and I have needs, don'tcha know!"

    6:44 AM

    "HELL NO Sarah, I'm not pinching your frozen nipples! I'm not cracking my claws on your shit! Everything about you is frozen including your vajayjay.

    -My regards, the Lobster,
    my friends calls me Red.

  53. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Is Bristol going to Sudan with her? It sure beats staying home taking care of all her kids, doesn't it? Is Bristol going along, rather than stay home with all her kids? Maybe she could give dance lessons, let the Sudanese see HOW TO GAIN WEIGHT Palin style??

  54. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Piper looks exhausted, bags under her eyes. Is she cringing from the lobster, or Chuckles?

  55. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Big bad wolf to Sarah: Ohhh what big boobs you have!

    Sarah replies: The better to mesmerize you with

    Ohhh what a big bus you have!

    The better to con you with

    Ohhhh what a big family you have

    The better to hide from you with

  56. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Oprah pays for the police and security, you clown. Like all celebrity functions, the production pays for the police. Learn a little before you comment. Sarah is acting like she used to be President.

    Comparing her to FLOTUS is surreal. FLOTUS is going to be protected like we protect every presidential spouse during and after service. Sarah Palin isn't president, she isn't the wife of a president, she isn't a national treasure and she never will be anything but a scourge on this country. Of course, if you bots want to save us money, stop drumming up racist hate aimed at her and security costs might go down a bit.

  57. Anonymous7:13 AM

    This actually gives her a brilliant opportunity to prove she's not one of the "elites" she's always complaining about.

    She could publicly open her personal wallet and pay for the extra bullshit rather than let the already hurting taxpayers whose social programs are being stripped away foot the bill for her non-title, real American family vacation.

    ...In a brightly painted, personally signed, stars, stripes and constitution festooned bus.

    SO. Do you think she'll take the opportunity, or just let us all pay for the bullshit and attack the messenger? Anyone taking bets?

  58. Anonymous7:14 AM

    6:35AM, maybe you should know what you're talking about before you "disagree".

    Oprah contacted the national park service well in ADVANCE of her trip (instead of playing a juvenile catch me if you can game trying to make people guess where she was going) and made sure to let them know she would be bringing PRIVATE security to watch gear, vehicles, etc. She said she knew her presence there might necessitate extra staff or man-hours and she wanted to be sure she paid out of pocket, IN advance. When she was told the estimated cost was going to be $15,800 in standby staff and overtime, she had a check for almost DOUBLE that amount- $30,000, sent out that very day. When they told her she needn't have sent nearly so much, she advised they should pay the standby staff triple or quadruple overtime to utilize the extra funds.

    Can you imagine SARAH paying EXTRA for anything? She CHARGED Alaskans a fee for her to sleep in her own bed at night! She stiffs hairdressers, waitstaff, and bellhops. She is a grifter and CON ARTIST through and through.

    That's one of many differences between Oprah and other successful millionaires versus SARAH "Oh, me! I left my wallet in my other empathy belly!" PALIN-- Sarah has ZERO class, credibility, or consideration for others.

  59. Anonymous7:15 AM

    @6:35 who said: "I disagree...

    Where was your outrage when Oprah filmed her show in the National parks this season? She had federal employees eating out of her hand. Was this also a waste of tax dollars or was it acceptable because it was Oprah and not Palin?"

    THANK YOU for making the obvious connection between Oprah and Sarah Palin. Both entertainers, neither hold office. Good for you for putting two and two together!

  60. Anonymous7:15 AM

    "I disagree...

    Where was your outrage when Oprah filmed her show in the National parks this season? She had federal employees eating out of her hand. Was this also a waste of tax dollars or was it acceptable because it was Oprah and not Palin?"

    6:35 AM

    Because $arah Palin has no title, does nothing, and has called herself a private citizen, dipshit.

  61. Anonymous7:16 AM

    But nobody should be as scared as Sarah Palin.

  62. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Palin: Hey reporter, make sure you get a shot of my wedding ring.

  63. Anonymous7:23 AM

    @6:35am and anyone else who wants to make comparisons with other "celebrities" that may have gotten VIP treatment:

    Palin is the one attacking "big spending" and "government waste". She's the one who likes to call out "DC Elites" for abusing the American taxpayer. SHE'S the one harping on self reliance and conservative values, and not stealing from taxpayers.

    There is NO REASON we should not expect her to walk the walk, regardless of what anyone else gets.

    She's either a pretentious lying hypocrite or she's not. If she thinks for a second that she in any way, presidential candidate or otherwise, has ANY standing to tell anyone else how things should be, then it's completely reasonable to expect her to PROVE IT, not just SPEW IT.

    Your move, $arah...

  64. Anonymous7:23 AM

    @ Anon 6:35

    I imagine the National Park Oprah visited was allowed ample time to prepare for her arrival and knowing Oprah, and how brilliantly smart she is, especially when compared to Palin, had factored that expense into her production costs as it was associated with an actual show and didn't involve any publicity stunts that required public servants to put everything else on hold to accommodate her visit. Did you see the paparazzi chasing down Oprah on this trip endangering the lives of innocent civilians as they did with Palin? Palin is a one woman freak show, an anti-Christ television star, and the sooner you admit it, the happier we will all be!

  65. Anonymous7:26 AM

    She is sayih "Is the water ready! I love seeing the rabbit, I mean lobster, boil live!"

  66. Anonymous7:27 AM


    Palin thinks she is royalty.

    Your 15 seconds is up biotch.

  67. Anonymous7:27 AM

    $arah Palin is t American monument of hypocrisy. She should start charging people to visit her...oh, wait, she already does.

  68. Anonymous7:30 AM

    We should all e mail Parks Services and ask that we all get that kind of treatment.Hey Sarah still mooching off the government,a rill amerikun!

  69. Anonymous7:31 AM

    @ Anon 6:35

    Oh, and another thing that MUST be considered is how much GOOD Oprah creates in this world with the God-given gift she has been blessed with. There is no question that Oprah is a much more Godly woman than pseudo-Christian Sarah Palin, as is evident in her generosity and compassion, two things Sarah Palin knows NOTHING about. Oprah talks the talk, and walks the walk, and that is why she gets a pass and stupid ass Sarah Palin doesn't. Capice?

  70. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Is Palin's AZ home in the path of any of the fires?

  71. Ratfish7:37 AM

    To: Sarah Palin and other Palin/Heath Klan Members
    From: The American People
    Subject: Waste of Public Funds

    Since when do you think you deserve special treatment at taxpayer expense when you are on a family vacation? Perhaps if you hadn't wrapped a bus with advertisements for yourself you could have visited all the historical sights you wanted and blended in with other Americans without costing taxpayers a dime.

    I bet if some "liberal" or member of the media was given the same treatment you got you'd be screeching like the banshee you often are.

    Keep up the hypocrisy.

    ps. Did we say we can't wait for the emails on friday?

  72. Anonymous7:42 AM

    You government exists to extract money from you to spend on people who are self-appointed elites.

    National Park Service bowing before Sarah Palin is peanuts compared with the gold-plated pension and health coverage enjoyed by that very congressperson bleating about Sarah Palin's "celebrity" status.

    Sarha does NOT deserve my tax dollar for her priviledged vacation/campaign tour.

    But the whining congressperson deserves it even less.

  73. Anonymous7:43 AM


    Lobster: fake tits

    Sarah: even this lobster can tell

  74. grammy977:45 AM

    Gryphen, why does creepy Chuck always have his hands on some female? Or at least, when he doesn't have his hands hidden in his armpits, they're on some female.

  75. I personally took care of my children's education and made sure they learned their history lesson while in school.

    My family does not need the Twitter/ Quitter Queen to show me how wonderful America is. I already know, and I'm a liberal
    It is pure arrogance to think I need to know history.
    Especially from a person who never bothered to learn it before she spoke.

    Her ability to lie shows every time she opens her mouth.

  76. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Oprah gives cars to her entire audience, builds schools, gives college scholarships to students feeds the poor to name a few.

    Sarah loads bags full of convention clothes and hides it in the belly of the plane, makes a reality / political movie about herself and collects state fees for doing that, charges the state per diem to live at home while they gave her a mansion to live in, buys a bus and leases it to SarahPac, has SarahPac pay for her family vacation, lol goes to charity gift suites and her family robs them blind to name a few.

    One spreads love, the other spews hate and put crosshairs on people which resulted in deaths and injuries.

    One goes to foreign countries bringing aid to actually make life better for families while the other one shows up for a few hours for a photo op.

    There is a big difference.

  77. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Just a cheap whore who expects others to pay...for anything, for everything.

  78. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Thank God for Rep. E. Blumenauer, who is one of the few to step out and call it out. It's hypocritical of her to hammer time and time again her accusations towards the president on his spending, and big government invading private citizen's lives.

    But Sarah thinks she's exempt from all that crap she's dishing? She expects federal park employees and tax monies to help her along her "campaign" tour, free for her, on the backs of taxpaying citizens. Not fair.

    She says she's worried about the U.S. economy and POTUS ruining the country, while she stiffs taxpayers to do her pageant tour.

    And her little spontaneous sudden appearances in coffee shops and lobster pounds with a gaggle of reporters, cameramen swarming small businesses, disrupting the even flow of tourist business is appalling too. She'd roll over and step on the toes of every decent symbol of what America is all about if it meant elevating herself.

  79. Anon 6:35 Just because someone else does it, doesn't make it right. I don't know the details of the Oprah visit. Was she doing a show on the Parks and their needs? Then I can see the Park Service personnel giving her extra help. As for Brad and Angelina, they can provide their own security. We the taxpayer should not be giving celebrities special benefits on our dime. Our dimes are needed elsewhere.

  80. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I find it funny when someone tries to compare Sarah with Oprah in this instance. Oprah doesn't pick the administration apart with flying accusations, and facebook rants, and Fox News spew about too high spending in the face of a depressed economy.

    Sarah does. Then she forgets what she said once the cameras are off and travels with OPM, and rill hard-working americans taxes..

  81. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Did she autograph copies of the Constitution?

    I consider that the same as defacing those who sign/autograph currency and flags.

  82. Anonymous8:10 AM

    "Palin Inc." is apt. As has been pointed out, if this was a regular family vacation, she could easily have acted like a normal tourist, stood in line and paid the usual fees without all the fanfare. It would have been so out of character, no one would have known it was her. There is no doubt she is lacking a servant's heart. How can the bots not see through this obnoxious grifter?

  83. Anonymous said...

    Palin, who is not a politician or diplomat received uniformed police escort at Rolling Thunder.

    Perhaps it should be renamed "Rolling Plunder".

  84. Anonymous said...
    I disagree...
    Where was your outrage when Oprah filmed her show in the National parks this season? She had federal employees eating out of her hand. Was this also a waste of tax dollars or was it acceptable because it was Oprah and not Palin?
    6:35 AM
    This is a legitimate question. However, if you think about it for a few moments, there are sizable differences between the two events.

    If Oprah's film company went through all the proper channels and received all the proper permits so that the park Service was able to ensure that park resources were properly distributed and not diverted uexpectedly to the detriment of the park and its visitors, that is a consideration.

    Perhaps Oprah's company was billed for expenses and paid them?

    Or, what resources does the park service have to provide and/or subsidize educational opportunities for the people of the US? Was this such an endeavor? Perhaps it was considered a proper use of park resources.

    Feel free to investigate all of these aspects of the Oprah/national park episode(s).

    In the case of Palin, she insisted several times that it was just a little ol' family vacation, as well as prattling away to the CNN interviewer that she was just an American, with no title, blah, blah, blah.

    While conducting herself the entire time as someone who felt she was entitled to more than ordinary Americans can expect.

    Huge, huge differences between the two. Find a better example.

  85. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Glad I wrote my personal rep, and congressmen yesterday. I hope everyone else does. Let's add fuel to the fire!

  86. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Why does she get to take her family on a free vacation on sarahpac ? Does she have to pay taxes On that money?

  87. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Gryphen, is 7:09 a 13 yr.old boy?

    Come on, people!

  88. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Think progress had an excellent article about this

  89. Anonymous said... "I disagree...
    Where was your outrage when Oprah filmed her show in the National parks this season? She had federal employees eating out of her hand. Was this also a waste of tax dollars or was it acceptable because it was Oprah and not Palin?
    6:35 AM"

    Of course you'd disagree, and compound your error by comparing apples to oranges.

    Oprah and her best friend Gayle King were INVITED to Yosemite by a 22-year National Park Ranger specifically to highlight the beauty and accessability for the experienced and inexperienced visitor.

    They actually CAMPED in a pop-up trailer, and did CHORES, and fished and rode mules on the trails.

    It was a surprise visit to one specific national park, not a guess-whether-we'll-show-up-or-not-so-you-better-be-prepared random mood-related visit to any park along the way.

    Did Palin or any of her family do the things Oprah and Gayle did? No, not since "Sarah Palin's Alaska", which featured some pretty expensive activities like helicoptering to climb a glacier, flying 2 planes to a remote island to cut down a tree, chartering a fishing boat to club halibut...

    ...for which Palin was paid about $2,000,000.

  90. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Question about Palin and airport security. As Governor, was she able to by-pass the walk-thru scanners? Other-wise if she was wearing her fake belly "Strap-On" (Sarah with a strap-on? Ram don't get too excited now. Hahahaha) wouldn't she be exposed right there and then? The other possibility is that she had it packed in her suitcase for her flights and then put it on for public show only.

  91. Anonymous8:36 AM

    "You government exists to extract money from you to spend on people who are self-appointed elites.

    National Park Service bowing before Sarah Palin is peanuts compared with the gold-plated pension and health coverage enjoyed by that very congressperson bleating about Sarah Palin's "celebrity" status.

    Sarha does NOT deserve my tax dollar for her priviledged vacation/campaign tour.

    But the whining congressperson deserves it even less."

    7:42 AM

    I guess you forgot that $arah Palin was an half-term governor who lived off the government dole? I bet $arah Palin is now richer than many members of congress, including the "whining congressperson." $arah Palin is a millionaire elitist who sponges off the backs of stupid bots like you.

  92. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Except for the idiot media that runs after her, there should be no police/security involved. If she wants protection, she should pay for it a 'rill americun....this was a family vacation, right? American taxpayers screwed again by Palin...and she doesn't even hold an office!! Omg..think of what would happen if she did! On second thought...that's too damn scary.

  93. Anonymous8:43 AM


    "THANK YOU for making the obvious connection between Oprah and Sarah Palin. Both entertainers, neither hold office. Good for you for putting two and two together!"

    No. There is no obvious connection, you moron. But nice try, anyway.

    What 7:14 AM said:

    "Oprah contacted the national park service well in ADVANCE of her trip (instead of playing a juvenile catch me if you can game trying to make people guess where she was going) and made sure to let them know she would be bringing PRIVATE security to watch gear, vehicles, etc. She said she knew her presence there might necessitate extra staff or man-hours and she wanted to be sure she paid out of pocket, IN advance. When she was told the estimated cost was going to be $15,800 in standby staff and overtime, she had a check for almost DOUBLE that amount- $30,000, sent out that very day. When they told her she needn't have sent nearly so much, she advised they should pay the standby staff triple or quadruple overtime to utilize the extra funds."

  94. Anonymous8:50 AM

    At her first book signing in Plano, TX there were police EVERYWHERE, as if this affluent, largely white community were a dangerous ghetto.

    One or two cops would have been plenty for this small crowd of well-dressed white people clutching their Starbucks coffee.

    I'm sure Granny's people called the local police and told them some sad story of dire threats against her.

    Contemptible woman.

  95. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Sarah knows HER history. It's just the same as our history. It's more like Shakespeare's rogue vocabulary, make it up as you go along.

    How many people carry and pass out copies of the constitution on their family vacations?

  96. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Hahaha! 6:05 am

    You are the best!

  97. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Gryphen you might want to update this story.

    You'll love this:

    Sea of Pee says investigating this would be a waste of public resources for "doing their job".

    Doncha love it? They are there to serve Granny Teabagger personally! And if you ask for an investigation, THAT'S the waste of public resources.

    Some backwards logic for you.

  98. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Wait the hell a minute ?? If I were visiting the Capitol with my family and suddenly we fell deathly ill, The Park police would have to hold up traffic so medical personel could arrive on scene and administer first responder aid and transport, I'm pretty damn sure I'd receive a bill for their time spent on me, So send that wench a bill if she doesn't pay it take it from her massive tax refund !! Don't Conservatives call people who receive refunds leeches ??

  99. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Sarah Palin is a national traitor:

  100. Anonymous9:50 AM


    Would you like some lobster to go with your ummm Crabs?

  101. Beldar Batguano Conehead10:14 AM

    Yes, Gryphen, I agree: the screechy wretch should pay for the additional resources she is inappropriately diverting from scarce national park resources.

    Ok, so I get that some people disagree with our president's agenda. I don't always agree with him. And I think it's in our interest to have a vigorous 'loyal opposition' critical of the party in power. Hell, we would be much better off today if Democrats had pushed back on the Moron In Chief between 2001 and 2009. But they didn't.

    So I get the pushback against Obama. What I don't get is promoting an even stoopider version of Shrub with a vagina. I thought Reagan was an awful president but I couldn't imagine myself thinking "Hey, how about replacing him with my retarded cousin Eloise?"

    I want a leader who is SMARTER than 99% of the country! Obama is routinely referred to as "the smartest person in the room". The screechy wretch isn't even the smartest when she's alone in the bathroom!

    C'mon, conservatives, if you're going to try to run the country again someday, can't you at least try to get smart people to do the job?

    (a darker view would suggest that despite accusing Obama of wanting to destroy the country, maybe some Repugs have a national death wish? What else could explain the enthusiasm for giving the nuclear launch codes to the loopy Quitter O'Wassila?)

  102. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Anon 9:13

    Thanks for the link. Very interesting read.

    Wouldn't it be grand if the gov was wiretapped all Palin's calls and that of her cult 'workers' that surround her. Wouldn't it be grand to catch her/they talking to those she/they shouldn't be.

    I'd feel sorry for those that would actually have to listen to 'her' calls but what better patriot thing could you do for the country!!

  103. She is trying to keeep that lobster from popping a leak in her waterbra.

  104. Anonymous10:29 AM

    $arah Palin is a millionaire elitist who sponges off the backs of stupid bots like you.

    8:36 AM
    ha ha, you did NOT read and understand my comment.

    You pay into social security. Congress (and their staff) do not. That is because they are elite and you are a mere taxpayer.

    Sarah Palin undoubtedly received unwarranted service from the historical site staff she visited. And undoubtedly that sort of expenditure for perceived elites should be stopped ASAP.

    I was merely pointing out the the congressperson is a hypocrite. I would just love to see the tab for his junkets, his earmarks, his comfy benefits and all the other perks congress bestows upon themselves. The federal and state budgets have so many ways to hide money, it's criminal.

    That's not the opinion of a bot. It is the opinion of a clear thinking, researching, vocal, voter (that also does NOT resort to name calling).

    Have a very pleasant day. In honor of your insult, my contributions to this blog comment section will cease. Enjoy the company of those that tolerate your insults and your poor reading comprehension. You might improve eventually but I don't care to further to contribute to your education. You don't appear to be worth the effort.

  105. Anonymous10:33 AM

    The OPEd mentioned above is excellent I have said right along that palin is a trait to America.

  106. ibwilliamsi10:50 AM

    I LOVE Earl Blumenauer!

  107. Anonymous12:00 PM

    In the picture, it is a shame the lobster didn't bite Sarah on the boob and cause her water bra to leak.

  108. Gasman12:15 PM

    Why the hell should taxpayers be underwriting her Vanity Bus Tour of Obdurate Ignorance? She should reimburse us for diverting precious resources to cater to her Narcissistic whims. Additionally, she should pay a hefty penalty for subjecting us to her asinine buffoonery.

    Palin believes that her little tour now qualifies her as an expert in U.S. History. Just like her trip to Israel burnished her foreign policy credentials. With the coming trip to Sudan, she will be fully qualified to be POTUS - at least in her tiny little mind, she will.

    The ignobitch is absolutely running for POTUS, though probably not in the GOP. She will run as a teabagger or Neo-Know Nothing and assiduously try to avoid all debates, interviews, and primaries. She's gettin' all Mavericky rewritin' the rules on how one should run for the presidency.

    Of course, she will fail miserably, but boy howdy it will sure be fun watching her step on all those rakes.

    WHAM! She's started already.

    Palin is naught but a self absorbed feckless moron.

  109. Anon @ 10:29 said, "It is the opinion of a clear thinking, researching, vocal, voter (that also does NOT resort to name calling)."

    Then WTH do you call this from your previous comment?: "Sarha does NOT deserve my tax dollar for her priviledged vacation/campaign tour.

    But the whining congressperson deserves it even less."

    That's MY congressman, and I'll thank you not to insult him for DOING HIS JOB.

  110. Anonymous12:46 PM

    That old fool didn't think about what problems her unannounced junket will cost. She stole resources from people that could be used during actual emergencies.

    Granny is doing things her mavericky way...complete bullshit, lies, uncouthed, backward ass, without regard to other people. But her bots call her tough and doesn't back down. Yeah,right.

  111. Anonymous2:33 PM

    It's only fittin' that she reimburse the govt. for her special handling while on public land.
    M from MD

  112. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Water bras and cup sizes? Really? She gives you a cornucopia of gaffes and a history of shady behaviour and people waste time commenting about her rack. Get serious.

  113. Anonymous3:38 PM

    From SarahPAC:
    "I wanted to say a special thank you to the men and women of the National Park Service and Foundations. America's most historic and naturally beautiful places are adoringly cared for by these public servants.  And they are absolutely some of the finest people you will ever meet.

    Thanks to all of you; our national treasures are in very good hands.

    - Sarah Palin"

    From the National Parks Service:

    "President Obama's FY12 budget request, if approved by Congress, would give the National Park Service a $2.9 billion budget, an increase of nearly $138 million above current funding levels."

    The article outlines the various cuts, costs, trials and tribulations of National Parks funding, but makes a point to thank Obama for his support.

    Thanks, Sarah, for the "special thank you" to President Obama's efforts to keep your "vacation" rewarding!

  114. @Anon 2:33

    I think it only fitting she reimburse ME for all the frigging time I've spent watching & reading about her crazy behaviour.

  115. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Amen! And where are the emails??

  116. Anonymous3:59 PM

    She has on falsies so it doesn't matter what the lobster might do, except to dream of yankin' the stuffin's out of them.

  117. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I have to say, I cannot stand Sarah Palin, and I think it's not too out-of-line to question why her chest magically inflates and deflates, but I really find sexual comments about her (like the one at 7:09) incredibly distasteful and sexist.

    I personally don't spend any time fantasizing about what Palin likes sexually or what kind of sex she's having with Todd, and I just think it would serve us better not to feed into her propoganda claims about the sexist treatment against her.

  118. As an Oregonian, I am always so proud of our Democratic Senators and Representatives. They are just common sense people, but I can't say the same for our R politicians.
    I sure hope some sort of reprisal is in store for the citizen from Alaska/Arizona for her arrogance and sense of entitlement.

  119. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I just love the comparison of Sarah Palin to Oprah Winfrey by one of her lapdogs. Pathetic commentary on what passes for "society" these days.

    If "shared sacrifice" Christy had to get shamed into having to pay for special treatment, I'm all for an investigation into Sarah's East Coast Family Vacation and the taxpayers part in her special treatment. Of course, Sarah's not capable of shame (note the inflated upper frontals in the photo), but should pay nonetheless.

    She should also have to pay for the investigation itself.

  120. Charlie Clokkie4:19 PM

    Sarah Palin makes me touch myself. Sarah Palin with topless with lobster nipple clamps will make me explode all over the computer


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