Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Conan O'Brien on Sarah Palin's Paul Revere kerfuffle.


  1. abo gato3:20 AM

    That was a thing of beauty!


  2. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Sarah got Paul Revere's ride right.
    She knows her American history
    She has a college degree
    She didn't try to have her brother-in-law tired
    She quit for Alaska's benefit
    She had a "miscarriage" not abortion
    She is Christian
    She knew Africa was not a country
    She is well read

  3. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Palin claims the reporter asked her another "gotcha" question....

    "So, what have you seen so far today and what are you going to take away from your visit?"

  4. Anonymous3:52 AM

    As Ed Rollins said yesterday, if she's not running, she doesn't matter - except for
    SNL material....and as they clip shows, they don't even need to add anything...

  5. Anonymous4:19 AM

    OK Gryphen.......did I hear you say a few posts back that you might be interviewing Bailey? I sure hope so, but I forgot and am too lazy to look back. I just finished the book last night and I am so conflicted in how I feel about him and what he did. I have lots of questions and I am sure other do too. Are you going to allow us to pass some of those questions on to you? My biggest question is what is his take on her most recent gaffes and how does he think she is handling them and what her current state of mind might be. Finishing the book left me empty and angry and even more dumbfounded on how this women is the topic of our day and in part I hold Bailey responsible, but at the same time I am thankful for his book.

  6. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Katie Couric was on Leno on Monday night.

    She was of course asked about Palin. Her end statement say the media covered her too much.

    Couric's gem was saying Trump was acting like a jackass.

    But the surprise line was from Leno in that he gave Palin (both Sarah and Bristol) a free pass when they appeared. When Couric said that maybe a Trump/Palin ticket - Leno called it Hairhead vs Airhead (Ouch - from Leno).
    Leno/network email box must have filled up quickly with the hate and threats!!

  7. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Another must see..The Sarah Palin History channel...apart from supplying material to Late Night Comedians and SNL, she's not relevant..

  8. Anonymous5:47 AM


    I just have to say, Weiner may have done wrong, but the Dems are showing they are totally fucking weak by running away like they've never lied or done things. They're throwing Weiner to the wolves yet the Republicans show strength when something happens to one of they own and circle the wagon to protect.

    Today I am TOTALLY DISGUSTED WITH THE DEMOCRATS. Showing weakness in something that has no appearance to do with policy, makes me question why I support Dems - the party of weakness.

  9. The truly sad thing is that the listener cannot immediately tell the difference between this and a real Palin commentary.

  10. Anonymous5:48 AM

    I still think Colbert did it best.

  11. Anonymous5:51 AM

    You can't expect Leno to crap on the right wing audience he has so last nights comments were surprising.

    Couric was polite about Palin. I'm sure she has had more than her share of death threats from the SP mafia.

    Still in all she was bemused by the furor her question caused and she made a good point, she was just interested in what reading had helped Sara form her opinions.

    Hint to Katie - she doesn't read. Even her own books. I've watched several times as Sara has tried to throw in a quote or to say she read something in the WSJ. I read the WSJ more than she does, which is rarely. My guess she reads People, Star, Enquirer and Globe. And then only if there's a story about her.

  12. Anonymous5:57 AM


    Sure wish you would include a link to these videos you put up in your stories. The security on my computer rarely allows me to view them directly on your page.

  13. Anonymous6:11 AM

    The 'gotcha' question didn't even mention Paul Revere. She volunteered all that when asked about her flippin day.
    She gives gotcha answers because she won't crack a book, listen to advisors, or even admit to herself that she has much to learn.

  14. Anonymous6:18 AM

    How Kewl - The First Lady will be appearing on an episode of iCarly -- with a 'positive' message about military families. Somethng we can't say about 'others' we know!!

    You can already see the hate being spewed which reveals the truth - the 'cult' is showing their true selves that they show the hate towards the military families. Their ad nauseam rant about supporting the troops is FAKE.

  15. Well, she was just asking for that.

    I hope she is hiding in Arizona, throwing cans and sticking her finger down her throat to counter all those stress induced crunchwrap binges.

    Oh, yeah, Sarah speaks real well English and her history knows good, also too.

    The problem with being a media whore is you're also a target.

    Did you see the one that made fun of her claiming it was a "gotcha" question? How did you spend your day and is there anything you'd like to tell us about it. Real gotcha question there.

  16. Anonymous7:48 AM


    When is she going to learn to speak like an adult instead of some fucking teenager.

  17. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Perfect!!! Thanks for making my day a little brighter, Gryphen.

  18. I'd worry less about Sarah Palin's use of park Ranger's, and be more concerned about the massive amount of tax dollars being wasted on the lavish Obama vacations!! Obama took 13 vacations in his first term, which spanned all or part of 83 days (That's 16 weeks)! His annual vacations to Hawaii alone have cost taxpayers at least $20 million during his first term. In 2011 alone, Michelle Obama may have cost taxpayers $10 million on vacations herself. Obama's fantasy golf outing this year cost local law enforcement in Florida a reported $78, 205. So lets focus on the massive amounts of tax dollars that our King and Queen are spending on themselves, with no care about all of the unemployed in this country!!


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