Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Keith Olbermann delivered Letterman's Top Ten List last night.


  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Top Ten Most Pukey Lying Things in Bristol Palin's book

    Palin's friends gave her a baby shower at the shooting range "because they knew she loved the second amendment"

    P U K E

  2. Anonymous8:05 PM

    That was great. Those two on the same stage is the best.

  3. Anonymous8:12 PM

    How much did the bots pay for Sarah and Bristol to trademark their names?

  4. Hey Griff? Do you ever check your email?

  5. Anonymous12:16 AM

    I seriously love how people feel they are justified reviewing a book they obviously have no read. Bristol absolutely OWNS her mistakes and EVERYTHING in the book adds up to make the situation today. Including things her friends have confirmed about the players involved. What she facebooked about last summer back sup those events in the book.

    When all is said and done, this will only be a he said. she said. It could never be anything else. It won't stop Bristol was enjoying her book tour though. Her tale of repenting is done. The book is charming. Just read.

  6. Anonymous12:31 AM

    People accuse bots of gaming the system with "fake reviews" when all the negative press comes from NOT reading the actual book but believing media accounts.

    Even Joe was lead down that road. The book is not trashy. It's her perspective, something we haven't seen until now. I REALLY hope people save some of the hypocrisy for Levi when he writes his "trashy" tomb. He actually has good reason to lie - MONEY.

  7. Anonymous1:07 AM


    The book is an easy read, a page turner. It pulls you in from the beginning. She's upfront about her parental deceptions, which is a reoccurring theme. I think with an open mind everyone can relate, as everyone lies to parents at least once in their life. She paints a vivid portrait of her early life in Alaska, with personal stories and funny anecdotes. She doesn't sugarcoat sibling spats but defends them as well. Track is her idolized, protective older brother, Willow is her beautiful, but slightly vain sister (look for the SPA comment that was editted out haha). PIper is the cutest kid who never fails to make people smile, and Trig is their beloved brother who doesn't deserve the hate directed at him (and I can tell you there are plenty of people who direct hate at him. Most of relatively young)

    Sarah is a "cool" mom (her friends do think this), Todd is an intimidating dad whom she cried to about Levi multiple times throughout the last 3 years. She corroborates truth about Sadie selling Tripps first pictures which I've heard from multiple people and that she didn't allow anyone to have cameras in her hospital room.

    She says herself, Willow and Todd were in the room with Trig was born. She also says they were at first confused and angry that the pregnancy was hidden from them. From the beginning she states she loves babies and cherished her baby sister and cousins.

    Her Juneau stories are hilarious, as are the dilllingham ones from 07.

    Honestly, teens can learn from reading this book, regardless of accuracy. The events laid out do make sense historically. Bristol is indeed a normal girl who couldn't hide her problems from the world, who comes from a tight family. She vividly paints last summer and explains her demeanor in SPA. Given that I know she's a "new woman" with a new lease on life, I believe her. The maturation process has done Bristol well.

    About the campaign, she doesn't trash the McCains. She does comment on the differences between her family and them (thats where the luxury comes in) but she doesnt' badmouth them. She corroborates Meghan's book actually. Meghan portrayed HERSELF as whiney and spoiled. Bristol does say Meghan was nice though. ALso, she was weirded out a woman would offer godparentage upon first meeting her. Nothing else remotely negative was spoken about the campaign except the horrible rumors, mainly concerning Trig. She often spoke of her gratitude that Levi was there and at other events.

    The book is a good progression, kind of rushed at the end. She discusses her office job and making it on her own. She discusses the paps outside her condo that got vicious at one point.

    She always falls back on family and admits her maternal relationship has grown substantially. But we've seen this.

  8. Anonymous6:44 AM

    It usually costs around $10,000 for a simple trademark, but this clusterfuck of trying to trademark one's actual name while you're a quasi-political celebrity and her wannabe celebrity daughter likely cost Sarah's followers a minimum of $50,000, probably more, because the case is so unusual.

  9. Anonymous7:05 AM

    That was great. Love Keith. I'm glad he's back to point out Palin is an idiot.

  10. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Keith and Dave both rock!

    Thanks, two commenters, for the wonderful book review and insights!
    But I'm not buying any of it.

    Wish she'd give full custody to Levi then pull a Carrie Prejean. Then I'd respect her for making at least two good choices.


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