Monday, June 27, 2011

The Nostradamus of political predictions handicaps the "wild cards" in the potential GOP lineup. Not good news for Palin.

Courtesy of FiveThirtyEight:

Sarah Palin, 30-to-1 odds against (3.2 percent chance of winning nomination)

Ms. Palin’s numbers aren’t bad — she generally polls somewhere in the teens when she is included in a survey, and she led one poll as recently as two weeks ago. The numbers are down from where they had been before her comments about the shootings in Tucson in which Representative Gabrielle Giffords, Democrat of Arizona, was wounded, but are not off appreciably from a couple of months ago, and may even have improved by a percentage point or two.

Still, I consider Ms. Palin to be a long shot to win the nomination for three reasons.

First, we don’t have any real idea as to whether she is going to run.

Second, if she does run, it’s not clear how much effort she’ll be willing to put into her candidacy. Her fly-by-night approach — most recently evidenced by her unwillingness to stick to a schedule on her “One Nation” bus tour — is not compatible with the attitude that winning campaigns have taken.
Nor is it clear that Ms. Palin can count on running a “viral” campaign, with the media hanging on her every tweet. The share of media bandwidth that she earns has declined significantly, and although there would surely be an uptick if she were actually to start a campaign, she’ll have to compete against other candidates who draw their fair share of attention, from Ms. Bachmann to Newt Gingrich, as well as those with more traditional credentials. (The downside to the so-called 24/7 media cycle is that you can become old news in a hurry.)

And third, even if Ms. Palin’s campaign goes relatively well, there are a lot of Republicans who will want to see to it that she isn’t their nominee. She currently runs almost 20 percentage points behind President Obama. This cannot be attributed to a lack of name recognition since she might be the best-known politician in America aside from Mr. Obama himself; instead, it’s because almost 60 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of her.

There have been some “extreme” nominees before, like George McGovern and Barry Goldwater; that precedent is why I think that Ms. Bachmann is a plausible candidate. But no candidate has been nominated with unfavorable numbers as high as Ms. Palin’s. If someone like Ms. Bachmann is on the verge of winning the nomination, I expect you’ll see some efforts to prevent that — but these would be constrained at some point by fears about inflicting collateral damage upon the party (like harming turnout among base voters who will be critical to Republican efforts to win control of Congress). Ms. Palin, however, may be regarded as such an unmitigated disaster that you could see a floor fight at the convention, or threats by either Ms. Palin or a moderate candidate to run as an independent.

The upshot is that Ms. Palin will have a high bar to clear. It probably will not suffice for her to win a narrow plurality of delegates (as someone like Mitt Romney could get away with), or even necessarily a clear plurality (the threshold that I suspect that Ms. Bachmann would need to reach) — rather, she might need an outright majority. That could require her to run a nose-to-the-grindstone, 50-state campaign — exactly the kind that Ms. Palin seems the least interested in.

I am actually in the "Palin won't run" camp right now (Though, like Palin, I reserve the right to change my mind if her Bi-polar disorder changes up and she becomes optimistic about her chances.), so I am only interested in these numbers as a reinforcement of my belief that Palin is really NO political threat to the President, or even to the ultimate GOP front runner.

She is simply a shiny distraction from a field of less than compelling Republican candidates, that the media likes to focus on occasionally to keep from nodding off before the 2012 election.

I still think she is a potentially dangerous individual when it comes to agitating the most unhinged members of the right wing radical fundamentalists, so she bears watching for that reason, but she will never be a serious political candidate for anything ever again in my opinion.

I mean really, a 3.2 chance of winning?  I think refrigerator mold has a better shot at the nomination than that.


  1. Anonymous7:18 AM

    The GOP picked the crazy fridge without dents. Sarah has been replaced by batshitcrazy Bachmann for one reason and one reason only---Michelle didn't quit her elected position.

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I agree with 538 - she's not running. I mean, c'mon, she is way too lazy, slow-witted and stupid to be able to answer tough questions posed by anyone other than boyfriend Sean Hannity.

    No, granny grifter, just like Donald Trump, is simply milking the media (AND us) for all the attention she can get.

    And don't think it's not on her mind every day, that SHOULD she decide to run, she would be confronted with the many truths about her family and what a terrible parent she is. And the truth would hurt, wouldn't it, $carah?

  3. The bots will turn violent if she doesn't run. One will try to do something to prove his love for her.

    hope the Secret Service is keeping tabs on the worst of them right now

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I can't help but think that my chances are higher than 3.2 and I have NO name recognition!!!

  5. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Can you believe this guy at the C4P.
    He had about ten posts begging people to go to Pella, and now he's saying don't go.

    Wonder who in Pella he pissed off?

  6. Nancy In New York7:27 AM

    Like an uncontrollable tic, she won't be able to control it. She will run. Whether she jumps in several weeks from now or months down the road, who knows? But she is running. Her mammoth ego and depth of self delusion simply will not allow her not to run. No matter what the odds against her are. Of course she'll quit mid way and blame the media for it. And although LO was right about Trump, Gingrich etc., he doesn't realize that the rules simply don't apply to Palin. She'll circumvent the Fox news gig by simply saying that a run was 'under consideration' and not definitive until God just recently told her to run.

    Remember this is the woman who REFUSED to speak to the media after Couric dared ask her what she read. And this is also the woman who proudly refused to answer questions in her one and
    only vice presidential debate. She believes that her mission is from God, and she's not taking orders from anyone except the voices she hears in her head.

    (btw, another great pic Gryphen, it captures the true essence of Granny Grifter)

  7. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Palin is losing more and more interest across the nation, which I think is wonderful. Watched a poll this morning on national news and for once they didn't even have her name included!! Yea!

  8. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Katherine Harris has given her support so the grifter only needs the help of Diebold and the Supreme Court to cinch the win.
    It's happened before.

  9. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I want to see Sarah run. There is no way the Republicans will go with her, so they'll have to move against her. When they do that, they will alienate her crazy base, who will sulk the same way Hillary fanatics sulked (don't get me wrong--the Palinbots are way crazier than the PUMAS). So we will get to watch all Sarah's skeletons come tumbling out of the closet AND enjoy the spectacle of the Republicans tearing each other apart. What's not to like about this scenario?

    Please, please run, Sarah! God has chosen you for a mission! As the first female POTUS, you will be forever rich famous; if you don't run, you'll be just a humorous footnote caught up in endless lawsuits.

  10. Anonymous8:00 AM

    How much did Candie's pay Bristol to say she was for no sex before marriage after she had already had lots of sex before marriage?

    Her GMA just blew up in her mutilated face today and her mothers also too. How is it Sarah is going to spin she did not know Bristol was on birth control while she was screwing Levi?

  11. Anonymous8:03 AM

    LMAO, the final straw as a music video? Not that Levi kinda, maybe, might have knocked up some other girl?

    "The final straw was him flying to Hollywood for what he told me was to see some hunting show but come to find out it was that music video mocking my family," she says. "He's just obsessed with the limelight and I got played."

  12. Anonymous8:04 AM

    The difference between Michele B. and SP now is evident. Michele Bachmann, as out there as she is, has a serious thoughtful tone when she speaks. She doesn't talk out of breath and raise her voice in anger while answering questions. She knows how to act like a lady, and respects the media; she knows she needs them and knows a good relationship with media earns her trust from her voters. People need to know they can trust the media. If they can't, they are angry voters. I think MB knows the key to winning is not to attract angry voters. (even though she is kinda flaky)

    SP shows no tact, or respect for anyone; she gloats about how she's above the law.of politics. No one tells her what to do. She's more concerned about how she's perceived as the rogue, the rebel, the leather-wearing high school girl looking for a fight. That doesn't register as a serious candidate. She's a caricature that she conceived in her mind. Her need to run would be out of some mental/emotional need to show mommy and daddy that she can win at that game. It's a game to her.

    And people are starting to see that SP is stingy with her money. MB has no problem spending for her campaign. SP doesn't seem willing to spend her PAC on a campaign.

  13. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I live in a very conservative, semi-rural Indiana town off of I-74, halfway between Cinci and Indy that starts with a B. My husband is a member of the local community country club and every member is an ultra conservative, excepting he and a couple of other sane individuals. I loathe the place and until they had golf only memberships (due to a downturn of full members) I would not speak of him joining the place.
    That said, he went to a local event they had, played golf and casually brought up the 2012 election. To a man (it was a men's event) they said Palin is a JOKE and FRAUD. These guys all make upwards of $250K + up into the 8 and 9 digit ranges. Not a one of them had anything nice to say about her even when hubby joked about the MILF thing. One of them said he'd rather do his 70 year old MIL than her. Also, every single one of these bozos voted for McShame!
    So much for name recognition. The ultra conservative elites have moved on and THEY are the ones who decide who wins the nominations, not the teabagging dregs.

  14. Times sure change. Goldwater would hardly be considered extreme in this Republican crowd. He'd be downright fuddy, duddy. Actually I hope Sarah goes the "religion " gig. She can do the least harm there. She'll be overshadowed by bigger egos than hers who will allow her to continue making "speeches", preaching to the choir, and generally fleecing the faithful. I can move to more important issues.

  15. Dinty8:09 AM

    I think Palin's waiting for the field to form (and underwhelm all those who wish to vote Republican) prior to entering the race.

    If that is her intention, she'd be well-advised to lay low, quit the stunts like the bus tour and movie and just wait.

    Of course we all know she can't be advised (at least by anybody who knows what they are doing because they won't kiss her ass) so she'll continue to destroy brand Palin and be divisive and dumb.

  16. Anonymous @ 7:26 AM said...
    Can you believe this guy at the C4P. He had about ten posts begging people to go to Pella, and now he's saying don't go. Wonder who in Pella he pissed off?

    Ian Lazaran surely inhabits the same Wonderland fantasy world Sarah Palin inhabits. Call him "the Mad Hatter".

    Some of his C4P screedes these past few months read like fiction.

  17. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Yup, she's not running. Too cowardly, as I've said all along. She's nothing but a puffed-up poisonous ego, and she knows it. She knows she's not good enough, and never has been. Remember when Levi said that she came home from the 2008 campaign, screaming "We're not good enough for them! We'll never be good enough for them!" It's the only true thing she's ever said.

  18. I believe that Palin will not run. She is just too lazy. All she wants is crowd adulation and attention. She will continue to "tease" her followers to get attention until the last possible minute. There is still plenty of time to grift money for her PAC. She does not want to give up her travels and celebrity to run a disciplined campaign. Heck, she couldn't even stay on the stump for more than a week on her Tour de Farce. She only had to "campaign" for ten weeks in 2008 and she couldn't even stay on message and went rogue half way through.

    She will ride this wave as long as she can and then use some even phonier new excuse to drop out. By then, she'll either have a new book, movie or reality show lined up. FOX will eventually dump her as she's toxic - even for them.

  19. Anonymous8:37 AM

    C4P is engaging in preemptive damage control. They have been literally begging sarah´s supporters to show up in Pella to prove sarah´s relevancy. It has dawned on them the illusion is over. They know if all of sarah´s c4p supporters showed up it would be humiliating for sarah and c4p.

    Here´s a fact: For the January 22, 2009, March for Life rally in Washington (before she quit), a similar call to show up en masse for sarah was put out. About twelve people out of ¨70,000 supporters¨ showed up. It was hilarious. They couldn´t even enlist any of the tens of thousands of other prolifers in the rally to join them.

    Ain´t that right, sarah?

    And tell them real reason you aren´t running, you greedy hussy.

  20. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I'm looking forward to the mass bot head explosions when it finally sinks in that she's been stealing their money this whole time with no intent to run. I agree I think they will turn violent as these are not rational people. I don't know if the secret service can do anything to protect her since she's just a regular citizen now.

    To paraphrase Senator Franken: Sarah, you're NOT good enough, you're NOT smart enough and goshdarnit, people DON'T like you!!

  21. AJ Billings9:07 AM

    and looks like someone step on someone tooeeeeezzz!!

    Grumpy C4P bots!!!
    The Pee'ers are NOT happy little campers today folks.

    check out this verbatim quote from C4P bot

    QUote from JLAdevelop
    "Burned out from buzz kill. In April I was charged up and ready to go after the Game On Wisconsin speech. Then Sarah was quiet for a month. In late May the bus tour started and again the base was fired up and then quiet for nearly another month. Now the movie attendance announced and we once again became fired up and encouraged people to attend. At some point people will tire of the uncertainty around whether she will run. I think she needs to let her supporters know something more concrete than she is 50/50 or waiting to see who joins the race. Sorry for expressing my disappointment and discouragement"

    And even better, this little gem REALLY rips the dress off the prom queen and exposes nAked truth:

    Quote from Jules, 6/27 at 11:23 am

    What's wrong with you, Ian? Are you getting direction from Team Palin?
    If Sarah Palin does not want our support, she just needs to come out and say it...and we will leave her alone for good.
    What's this? Telling her supporters not to show up? I find it DISRESPECTFUL.

    Look, if she does not want to run, is too scared to run and just wants publicity, she just needs to tell us so that we stop wasting our time."

    end of quotes:

    Look Lou Sarah, if you don't start a campaign and declare by August , you're bots may turn their inner skinhead in your direction, and trash you publicly..

    You might even cause another Bailey
    type to leave the fold and write yet ANOTHER book, or release naughty pictures.

  22. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Sarah's gig has always been the big tease. She's dragging her bots around by their wallets and having a grand old time. Watching Bristol explain that what is said at the breakfast table stays at the breakfast table was so very Sarah. I'm thinking it wouldn't be hard to keep weight off in that family if one had to listen to what is said at their breakfast table. Heck...I may just give up breakfast thinking about it.

  23. Sweet anny9:38 AM

    "Never look down on a sucker's stake
    They all pay the bills.
    Never give a sucker an even break.
    And I never will." Love, Sarah.

    (Apolgies to Mark Knopfler's
    "Sucker Row"

  24. It is a free-for-all at the peezoo. They are at each other's throats! Arguing about the "Do NOT Go To Pella!" post.
    "GO! Bring your own hot dogs from 7-11!"
    Some are noticing that there is NO organization, no game plan. "There is NO campaign! She is not a candidate!"

    OK - THEN they are furious if she is not included in a poll of declared candidates!

    Here was my FAVORITE comment, although many of them cracked me up.
    This one mentions THE reason NOT to go (that you cannot see the movie, cannot get fed, and cannot meet Sarah are of no consequence):

    "having been at some public gatherings where it became an issue - the question of sanitation facilities - if they are preparing for the opera house show and following bbq there may not be many or even any portapotties (depending on where the bbq is) - makeshift arrangements may leave a bad odor (literally)"


    OK, one more:

    "This was complete amateur night. At this stage of the game, O4P would have trouble organizing a hot dog cookout. I hope to God Palin hires some professional staff, because Singleton is having a really hard time trying to do everything himself.

    And he is apparently getting no help from Team Palin, which is sort of a shame.

    "You're getting hot dogs! You're not getting hot dogs!" Christ. I'm glad we're not at the stage where we're expected to stage a balloon drop yet."

  25. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Sarah and Bristol are both so full of beans!

  26. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Well said, Nancy in New York. Even if Granny jumps in the race for just a single day she can proudly boast that she was "a presidential candidate" as the men in white jackets escort her to a padded room.

  27. Anonymous10:47 AM

    She is apparently contacting GOP operatives in Iowa for a "mingling" after the screening of her movie. She had a clambake in NH... And of course, both thrown together at the last minute. Does she need some type of a political meeting to justify her PAC funds paying for her private jet?

  28. Anonymous10:48 AM


    Batshit Bachmann!

  29. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Can any one of you commenting see Sarah let Bachman steal her thunder?

    I can see Sarah getting in just to make sure Bachman doesn't.

  30. Anonymous11:01 AM the pretend Palin campaign no longer fun for C4P? Reality bites.

  31. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Is she now deemed toxic enough to be ignored for a potential VP candidacy as well?

  32. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Do the media even read what they write? Politico writes:

    "Sarah Palin's camp is reaching out to activists and operatives in Iowa about setting up meetings while she's in the state"

    but later in the article they write:

    "(Laudner) later clarified that Palin's team was talking about a group of people attending a post-film mingling session, and not one-on-one get-togethers."

    Sooo, why leave the first part in if it's later found to be not true, other than to create interest in what is really not that much of a story? Come on guys, stop driving (and knowingly contriving) the news stories in an effort to drum up interest where interest is not due just to keep income flowing from stories about Sarah. Shame on you.

  33. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Has it been confirmed that Palin is attending the screening, even? I mean, you never know with her!

  34. AJ Billings12:28 PM

    If you want to understand the degree to which the Palinbots WORSHIP Granny, check this comment out. I nearly dropped my iced tea when I read it. It's beyond belief!!

    From MurphycatII June 26, 01:17 PM
    Sarah arrived and first walked the end of the line carrying Trig to shake hands, knowing the late arrivals had no chance to get in for the signing. Both events I witnessed went as smooth as silk, with wonderful memories to last a life time. Remember this is Sarah Palin we are talking about. Her supporters are the good people. This premiere in Pella will go down very similar. Show up and show your support. Clean up after yourself, be polite, don't tresspass on private property, wear good walking shoes, don't rely on food and water handouts, etc...
    YOU HAVE NOT LIVED until Sarah Palin gets out of a big black SUV and smiles and waves at you!-
    >>end quote

    WTF? Granny Snooki Paylin is now a teen idol? She's become like Ghandi or Jeebus?

    remember this IM'ers, they literally WORSHIP her presence, and apparently even a wave is enough to live for.

  35. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Here's the connection between Bachman's recent gaff and palin's movie.

    John Wayne.

    He did a movie called the 'undefeated' (a western). And, Bachmann confused the actor with John Wayne Gacey! (and later clarified it. sure).

  36. Loose Era1:02 PM

    The Great Alaskan BiPolar Bear. I'm telling you folks, that's it. She gets manic and does a -what, five day? - bus tour, then gets depressed and disappears for a month. she's done this over and over. it's why she does things spontaneously and why she never has a plan announced in advance. It's why she constantly says she'll do something and then does not. (speeches, appearances) It's why she quit, without notice, for reasons that were unclear but which did not at that time include the "bloggers made me do it" defense the clubforeplay folks deploy now.

    She cancelled, err postponed, err delayed her bus tour because she melted down after the paul revere ringin' those bells, statute of liberty, steppin' on mitt's toes fiasco.

    Then it's "I have jury duty" last week, but "I'll be in Iowa for the movie about ME that it is so critical too, also that everyone see," this week..she is totally dysfunctional and dishonest, which is why she will never run.

  37. Beldar "Margarine of Error" Coneheaf2:51 PM

    Ouch!!! The screechy wretch has a 3.2% chance of being president???? I'm pretty sure that in the same article Nate Silver give Jerome W. (the night doorman of Nate's apartment) a 3.0% chance!! And you needn't be a stats whiz to see that's only a hair less than Lulu's chances... In all fairness to the Dumb One, we should wait to see what her numbers look like AFTER the big Pella movie premiere. Her chances could.... double?

  38. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I wish you would quit diagnosing Sarah Palin as being "bipolar." I am the mother of two adult males living under the diagnosis of a mild "bipolar" disorder, and their behaviors are NOTHING like those of Sarah Palin. By referring to her as "bipolar," you are spreading disinformation and harming those who are truly bipolar.

  39. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Bucky Bever Palin Photo!!!!!

    Love It!

    Sarah's having a very bad month. Greta hasn't had her on since she wouldn't answer a hard question.
    RAM's photo is still on milk Cartons, Shailey Tripp won her case, A brit is doing a tell all movie, Mini Me's book is tanking, so Bucky Bever has to hold her strong, independent hand, and help her sell books, with bots jumping ship en masse.

    And now this. Sucks to be Sarah's fridge.

  40. Thank you anonymous @ 6:36. Like you, I object to the use of a clinical term for a serious medical condition (Bipolar disorder) to characterize the childish behavior of a lifelong grifter. It's an insult to people who suffer from a chronic illness, and not only spreads misinformation about a very misunderstood condition, it promotes stigma that I'm sure no one would allow to attach to cancer or heart patients.

    I encourage this blog to change its terminology. It's not funny, and it;s not polite. Bipolar is a serious medical condition from which people die, and it shouldn't be mocked.

    /end rant


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